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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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What a fabulous gala! There must have been 16 -- maybe even 17 -- guests.

Remember when GH events used to actually be big events that you actually looked forward to. Now the only thing good about these events is seeing what the cast is wearing, and even that's a disappointment these days.

Edited by MissE
  • Love 7

While still not having all the facts that Liz knew about his identity long before he thought. So we'll agree to disagree.


Well, if that's the standard, then pretty much every relationship in the history of soaps has been rape-y.  


Remember when GH events used to actually be big events that you actually looked forward to. Now the only thing good about these events is seeing what the cast is wearing, and even that's a disappointment these days.


I can't blame the citizens of Port Charles if they've finally decided to stop showing up to big events, for fear of being shot, held hostage, or forced to listen to Carly or Sonny ranting and raving about some betrayal or another. 

  • Love 6

If they aren't going to spend the money to have a real gala—and it doesn't have to be all that much—they shouldn't write events like this one. I get they wanted some RL charity to push, but it was as embarrassing as Nik and Spencer at Shriners Hospital. Both felt really forced to me.

And honestly, nothing is even happening. Other than the boring Julexis proposal, its just been a bunch of filler. Big events are supposed to be big things on soaps.

  • Love 3

The way I see it is, if the genders were reversed, I don't think anyone would even second guess Liz was being raped again, because she would not have all the information available to make an informed choice. Ergo, rape.


So I just don't see how the topic is so "out there" because it was a guy as a victim.

I get what you're trying to say.


Let's go back to 2013 and Lulu and Dante. I forget if Lulu actually had amnesia or not, but lets say that she did. She had no idea who she was. Whether she was married, etc. I forget if already knew about Rocco then, but let's say that they did. 


Now let's imagine that Milo comes in and established a relationship with her.  Somehow Lulu is somewhere where no one knows her. They can't tell her about who she is, and that she is happily married and has a baby. Because that's exactly the situation Jason and Sam were in. Milo knows though.


Milo likes Lulu, so he romances her, and they sleep together. He knows she has a husband and baby. But he's going after what he wants and he doesn't tell her that she is married and mother to a newborn.


Milo knows that were he to tell her the truth, she wouldn't sleep with him. She'd go home and find her husband.  And that's where the lie and pretense comes in.  And he knows that she has absolutely no idea that the situation is different than it is, meaning that she positively believes that he is as clueless as she is about her marital status, her name, her life.   He has actively led to her believe that with lie after lie after lie.  That's what makes it reprehensible.

  • Love 20

… Monica kissing Carly's ass *whatthefuckever*, …


… I couldn't hear the Jason/Sam scenes near the end thanks to Mumbles McMumbleson and Barely Talks Above a Whisper. 


I've fanwanked that Monica is being gracious to Carly because a) that's what people with class do, b) she enjoys knowing that Carly is laboring under the delusion that they're actually friendly, and c) she's too smart to gouge out Carly's eyeballs in an area with witnesses.


And, Thank You! Could KeMo have put any less energy into those scenes? If I were Jason, I'd be thinking "This chick couldn't have cared about me that much -- she can't even stay awake while she talks to me."

Edited by rur
  • Love 3

Damn, this episode was bad. Like the worst in awhile, which is truly saying something with this shit show.


Valerie: treasurer (she's always wanted to do something in finance if she couldn't be a policewoman)


This is my favorite thing ever!


The way I see it is, if the genders were reversed, I don't think anyone would even second guess Liz was being raped again, because she would not have all the information available to make an informed choice. Ergo, rape.


Bingo. And maybe I won't go as far as rape, but like TeeVee329 said, if Liz was a man and Jason was a woman I don't think there's anyway that it wouldn't be looked at as least a really disgusting thing to do. Francie, good comparison with the Lulu/Milo thing. I'm pretty sure that when that was first going on there was a lot of talk about how if Milo slept with her then that would be akin to rape. 


The Ava/Paul stuff was disgusting. Just I was dry heaving over it. Every couple on this show right now is so gross. It's really sad.


Laura's hair cracked me up every time I saw it. And good thing or else I probably would've broke my tv in rage. Fucking Liz. Laura coddling her like she's some innocent little 5 year old was disgusting. This bitch is a grown ass woman and she needs to start accepting the consequences of her actions.


Why why WHYYYYYYYYY is Kristina just another member of the "Sonny is a town hero and the greatest father of all time!" club? It makes no fucking sense to me. I hate it. Now, that being said, the selfie scene was adorable as hell. DAMMIT!


I don't remember anything else.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 4

TeVee, describes exactly what I meant by the rape issue. If say Ric did to Liz what she did to Jason then I think It would be an issue for people.

Has Mr. Lansing gotten to react to Jake being Jason and/or Liz knowing about it at all, even off-screen via Molly or Alexis?

ETA: I'm still pissed that Ron blew up LiRic and ruined Liz all for the douchey hitman.

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 5

Has Mr. Lansing gotten to react to Jake being Jason and/or Like knowing about it at all, even off-screen via Molly or Alexis?


Rick Hearst and his sexy glasses disappeared awhile ago.


I hate the character, but its stupid that they brought him back and don't use him. Unless Rick has outside stuff going on, that I don't know about.

  • Love 2

That decision was one of the few character motivations that actually made sense to me.

Nik believed that Jason would get his memory back at some point and Liz would get hurt. He was trying to prevent that. He also offered, on several occasions, to tell the truth or to find a way for the truth to come out without implicating her and Liz turned him down


Nik figured since Ric was out of the picture, he may as well go full throttle and get rid of Jason and have another chance with Liz.  The very thought of romantic Niz makes me ill!

  • Love 1

Of course it doesn't, but Liz was drunk today, and like she told Laura, she's hurting and wants others to hurt too. Its not right, but that's a pretty typical reaction. I think she feels like everyone else who lied is just skating, while she's taking all the blame, and so far that's true.


I keep wishing Liz would reference her nurses ball speech about the town hypocrites.

  • Love 2

I do think Sam should be angry at Nikolas. But *shrugs* Liez is the person who I blame the most for this mess. Its so gross that she would have sex with someone elses  husband and tell them ILY while lying to them for months on end. I still think what she did was border line rape.


Just like Sam did with Sonny (his pregnant mistress at the time!), Ric, Lucky, and Silas.  


Liz and Jake Doe were already in love long before Nik opened up his big fat mouth!

I do think Sam should be angry at Nikolas. But *shrugs* Liez is the person who I blame the most for this mess. Its so gross that she would have sex with someone elses  husband and tell them ILY while lying to them for months on end. I still think what she did was border line rape.


There was nothing wrong with Jake/Jason's d*ck and he seemed to enjoy each and every sexual counter with Liz!

  • Love 1

Then I hope she tells him to shove it considering all the hideous things he's done to her, and others in this town that are a million times worse.

The vast majority of Ric's "hideous things" were done to Sonny & Carly, which, I mean they both deserved it and a million times more. Ric would have been doing the world a favor by taking Mor-dawg and killing Carly.

  • Love 3

Shallow Alert -- I thought LW looked horrible. Her hair was awful - half up, half down, a piece here, a piece there. She has such beautiful thick hair, why not show it? And that dress did her no favors; there was too much material and the criss cross in the front was very lumpy and the whole thing looked so heavy and uncomfortable. IMO, for a nice looking girl, she has no sex appeal at all. 

  • Love 1

I do think Sam should be angry at Nikolas. But *shrugs* Liez is the person who I blame the most for this mess. Its so gross that she would have sex with someone elses  husband and tell them ILY while lying to them for months on end. I still think what she did was border line rape.


Sam still has yet to come across Nikolas since knowing for sure that he knew.  It better be coming soon.  I love that she walked away from Liz and Laura today, but that asshole deserves a reaction from her.


Just like Sam did with Sonny (his pregnant mistress at the time!), Ric, Lucky, and Silas.  



Sonny, Ric, and Lucky were all willing participants who knew they were married.  Not the same thing.  And Silas never told her he was married, so not sure why he is on the list.


Liz being drunk is not an excuse for her asshole behavior today.  As far as I am concerned the only thing the alcohol did was cause her to actually show a tiny bit of her true colors in front of the dick she is panting after.  Her asshole behavior is nothing new.

  • Love 14

The vast majority of Ric's "hideous things" were done to Sonny & Carly, which, I mean they both deserved it and a million times more. Ric would have been doing the world a favor by taking Mor-dawg and killing Carly.

Ric drugged Liz, made her overdose on birth control pills and basically made her have a stroke. Then there was almost killing her again in the hospital because she knew about Carly. Not to mention cheating on her with Faith, the woman that made her have a miscarriage. Ric has done a lot of shit to Liz, and I have always hated how the writers made her forgive him over and over again.


As far as I'm concerned, Ric doesn't get to say shit to Liz.

Edited by MissE
  • Love 4

Damn, this episode was bad. Like the worst in awhile, which is truly saying something with this shit show.



This is my favorite thing ever!



The Ava/Paul stuff was disgusting. Just I was dry heaving over it. 


Ava and Paul are so trashy. Why do they keep doing this? Why are they out here acting like this? Is this supposed to be entertaining? I just want them to be stabbed repeatedly.


Ric drugged Liz, made her overdose on birth control pills and basically made her have a stroke. Then there was almost killing her again in the hospital because she knew about Carly.


Too bad he didn't succeed in killing Lizard Liez.

  • Love 3

If they aren't going to spend the money to have a real gala—and it doesn't have to be all that much—they shouldn't write events like this one. I get they wanted some RL charity to push, but it was as embarrassing as Nik and Spencer at Shriners Hospital. Both felt really forced to me.


Oh, I wouldn't go that far, but it was like everyone was in the room for two seconds and that was it. 


But this is how we know Ron is really gone, because if he were still here he would have driven in on a giant train or something.

  • Love 1

Nik should at least be taking the same amount of blame as her. Sam is his family, and he's the one who started this lie to begin with. Its going to be ridiculous if Liz is the only one that takes the blame here while Nik just skates on by. 

Yes, this was my point earlier. The lie didn't start so that Liz could keep Jason to herself; it started because Nikolas wanted to take over ELQ. Protecting Liz's "family"/happiness and Sam's current "family" of Danny, Patrick, and Emma are excuses Nikolas tossed out in an effort to get Laura to keep her mouth shut. His shield for months now has been "protecting these families/protecting Liz's and Sam's happiness." He told Liz he could arrange for the truth to come out if she wanted, but he wasn't pushing for it/enthusiastic about encouraging her to come clean. That's why he shut Laura down when she was pushing him right before the wedding to get Liz to tell the truth. He had no interest in the truth being outed because he had selfish reasons for Jason to not re-claim his own identity. 

  • Love 5

The Scorpio/Drake scenes were done in a blink of an eye. Just too short for such a legacy of characters. Makes me wonder if more scenes were filmed and then edited out.

What I found weird (or not weird... because I know exactly what they're doing in this retconned story) is the complete lack of acknowledgement so far to the Victor/Jason part of Robin's story. It's like the show refuses to touch that Patrick thought Jason was "more important" than him, Emma, his dead Shamwow son and THAT is why he wanted to end the marriage. The last straw was Robin telling him Jason was dead but still wanting to "work." But the original issue was still Jason. But, again, I know why they're not going there now. Because Patrick could never, ever disrespect Sammy's true love.

  • Love 1

So TIIC get Tristan Rogers, Finola Hughes, Jason Thompson and Sebastian Roche on a set together, and this is what they give them?


When is someone at ABC going to get their shit together, fire Frank Valentini and the two new head writers, and hire competent people to replace them?  It should not be that difficult, especially when you have a wonderful writer seemingly lobbying for the job.  This whole situation is so baffling and frustrating.

  • Love 12

So this is Christmas week, a meaningful spiritual holiday for many, and a special time of celebrating and wonder for children...and the Show is serving up a nauseating series of violent scenes against Robin and her closest relatives, fearful and horrified, complete with a selfie of Robin's supposed corpse? There are no words.


Random thoughts while wandering  the Gala with my glass of virtual champagne:                            


Ava's frilly undergarments made a semi-public reappearance as a gift to Paul as he prepared to launch his keynote speech at the "Nutcracker Gala". No pun intended? I'm just sayin'.


Why couldn't the Show provide Monica's Judge boyfriend as her escort to the Gala? Then include a juicy scene where Maxie is expected to get a glamor shot of the couple for Crimson.


How can Liz have such a developed bustline and protruding shoulderblades at the same time? And why is she still wearing Jason's engagement ring?


With three grown daughters in tow, will Alexis wear white at her wedding to Julian?


Does Santa (disguised Carlos) plan to put Sabrina in his bag of goodies and smuggle her out of the premises?

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd

Ric drugged Liz, made her overdose on birth control pills and basically made her have a stroke. Then there was almost killing her again in the hospital because she knew about Carly. Not to mention cheating on her with Faith, the woman that made her have a miscarriage. Ric has done a lot of shit to Liz, and I have always hated how the writers made her forgive him over and over again.


As far as I'm concerned, Ric doesn't get to say shit to Liz.

I don't remember Ric trying to kill Liz in the hospital, and I'm pretty sure Ric was blackmailed into having sex with Faith.

Nik figured since Ric was out of the picture, he may as well go full throttle and get rid of Jason and have another chance with Liz.

I remember Liz accusing him of lying about Jake's identity to get her back but there's been no indication since the Nurses Ball that he was interested in getting her back. And by "get rid of" do you mean telling Liz that Jake was actually Jason Morgan? Because telling the truth only gets rid of him as an option for Liz because he married someone else - Nik had nothing to do with that.

Liz and Jake Doe were already in love long before Nik opened up his big fat mouth!

Liz was dating RIc until the day she found out Jake was Jason. I'm not denying that there were feeling there - but if they'd been in love, they could've been together. Liz just had to choose Jake...and she didn't. She chose Ric and then she chose Jason.

Yes, this was my point earlier. The lie didn't start so that Liz could keep Jason to herself; it started because Nikolas wanted to take over ELQ. Protecting Liz's "family"/happiness and Sam's current "family" of Danny, Patrick, and Emma are excuses Nikolas tossed out in an effort to get Laura to keep her mouth shut. His shield for months now has been "protecting these families/protecting Liz's and Sam's happiness." He told Liz he could arrange for the truth to come out if she wanted, but he wasn't pushing for it/enthusiastic about encouraging her to come clean. That's why he shut Laura down when she was pushing him right before the wedding to get Liz to tell the truth. He had no interest in the truth being outed because he had selfish reasons for Jason to not re-claim his own identity.

Which is why I want to see Sam burn down Wyndemere and for Alexis to help Sam steal Cassadine Industries out from under Nik. I'd also like for Hayden to kick him in the balls while wearing stilettos. I want him to hurt in as many ways as possible until he stops smugging all over the f*ing place and becomes semi-human again

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 8
Liz and Jake Doe were already in love long before Nik opened up his big fat mouth!




I wouldn't say it was "love" myself, which is partly why Liz realized she couldn't dare open her mouth and tell Jason the truth about who he was, because she knew she wouldn't be able to "keep him" like some pet.


Jason wasn't breaking a sweat trying to find out who he was, but if he found out that a woman he'd been having visions and dreams about and was getting to know as a "friend" was really his grieving wife, and that the little dead eyed boy who kept hanging onto him for dear life whenever they came across each other was in fact his kid and not just because he dreamed it, Liz was not going to win against that and she knew it, especially since she didn't have formally dead Jake to bring up every other second yet either.



Sonny, Ric, and Lucky were all willing participants who knew they were married.  Not the same thing.  And Silas never told her he was married, so not sure why he is on the list.




Well said.


Sam is no innocent princess, she's done some terrible things, but actively and intentionally keeping an amnesic sufferer away from his family, from his wife and child as he basically lives side by side with them completely unaware, because she thinks it's her "time to shine" and be his forever "bae"? Not one of those things.

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 16

I know I watched today's show, but I could not for the life of me remember anything that happened until I read your posts. That is ... not a ringing endorsement for the show, especially considering that this was supposed to be a Friday episode.

As for rape: rape by definition requires a lack of consent, either because consent is withheld or explicitly denied, or because the victim is not able to give consent. To me, Jake didn't have his memories but there was no indication that he was not able to make decisions for himself; his competency hasn't been questioned (although whether it *should* have been is a different issue altogether...). I think Liz is guilty of deception and fraud and maybe even coercion through that fraud, and it was a shitty, horrible, morally repugnant thing to do, but I don't think her sex with Jake was non-consensual. Even though *if* he knew he was Jason, he might have made a different choice, in the moment he was a willful participant; Liz certainly took advantage of his amnesia, but I don't see that in the same light as someone taking advantage of, for example, a person who is very drunk or who has a disability that has delayed or halted their mental and emotional development. As far as we were shown, Jake was a fully functioning, appropriately mature adult human, able to give or deny consent. Still, Liz was so gross in this whole storyline. I understand that viewpoints differ on this very sensitive topic, though.

Otherwise, I'm bored with everything happening right now. Give me more Johnny!!

  • Love 2

I don't remember Ric trying to kill Liz in the hospital, and I'm pretty sure Ric was blackmailed into having sex with Faith.

He did try to kill her. He was going to smother her because she knew about Carly. They played it as some big act of love because he didn't. It was gross.

Also, he willingly slept with Faith.

As for Liz keeping Jason away from Danny and Sam, and him not choosing her if he knew 7 months ago, I think he still would have chosen her. He chose her after he knew he was Jason, and he hasn't exactly been seeking out Sam and Danny. Which is why I find his outrage, that Liz hurt them, laughable right now.

Edited by MissE

When Jason thought he was married to Hayden, he left Liez to be with his wife. So I'm gonna assume he would've done the same if he'd found out at the NB that Sam was his wife. They could've decided together that too much had happened and he could've very well chosen Liez AFTER he was given a choice. But the bottom line is, he wasn't because Liez said HERSELF that if he knew he would leave her. SHE took away his choice and again, if situations were reversed and this was Ric doing it to Liez there would be screams of rape so loud they'd hear it on top of the Himalayans.

I am so very sick of Liez POV on this story. I'm sick of looking at Becky's face because I want someone to punch it repeatedly for making me sit through this disgusting story. I'm sick of fans on social media claiming this is some stupid Jiz love story and what Liez did was perfectly fine. Let's ask a male rape victim if they agree.

  • Love 13

When Jason thought he was married to Hayden, he left Liez to be with his wife. So I'm gonna assume he would've done the same if he'd found out at the NB that Sam was his wife. They could've decided together that too much had happened and he could've very well chosen Liez AFTER he was given a choice. But the bottom line is, he wasn't because Liez said HERSELF that if he knew he would leave her. SHE took away his choice and again, if situations were reversed and this was Ric doing it to Liez there would be screams of rape so loud they'd hear it on top of the Himalayans.

I am so very sick of Liez POV on this story. I'm sick of looking at Becky's face because I want someone to punch it repeatedly for making me sit through this disgusting story. I'm sick of fans on social media claiming this is some stupid Jiz love story and what Liez did was perfectly fine. Let's ask a male rape victim if they agree.

Jake went to Hayden because Liz basically made him. He wanted to stay with Liz.

Also wanting someone to punch Becky in the face because of this story is slightly disturbing. Becky is a real person, and she's not responsible for this story. She's just doing her job.

  • Love 8

There probably would've been a difference between a woman that he felt no connection to (because she was actually a complete stranger) and the woman and child that he'd been having dreams and memories of - before and during his relationship with Liz. But we'll never know because Liz wasn't willing to take that chance

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 7

There probablyW would've been a difference between a woman that he felt no connection to (because she was actually a complete stranger) and the woman and child that he'd been having dreams and memories of - before and during his relationship with Liz. But we'll never know because Liz wasn't willing to take that chance

Would there have been? He's known for over a month now and he hasn't exactly made an effort with or Danny. Has he even seen Danny since the day Jake had a play date with him?

  • Love 2

I hate the fucking show for reigniting this Sam and Liz shit. I didn't give a fuck years ago and I give less of a fuck now.

No wonder they lost 300,000+ people in the ratings recently.

At this point, I'd rather they put all the minutes of the Scorpio scenes together in one episide. I am tired of being subjected to the crap they are calling a storyline and a show. Properly edited it could be done as flashbacks up until the Scorpio escape from this shitfest.

  • Love 8
Damn, this episode was bad. Like the worst in awhile, which is truly saying something with this shit show.


Meanwhile, Nathan Varni was touting it as a huge, must see episode.


It makes me wonder if this show somehow didn't have Nathan's imprint on it. Don't get me wrong, I still think the position he holds is a very junior executive one, but he seems to be trying to prove himself, and I can see him bugging his boss, Vicki Dummer, for a longer leash when it comes to GH. I imagine her being so preoccupied with other things that she says "sure, fine," like a mother who is trying to get 15 things done and her kid keeps whining and asking if he can have another popsicle.


That show seemed so Varni because it was all over the place. Nearly every cast member was on, but still in their own bubble. It was an insignificant show. No trouble taken with the dialogue. It had more of the Jason clusterfuck. Franco being Franco. Carly and Nina placed on tiny pedastals. A few hospital vets thrown in. Paul and Ava and some lewdness. Oh, some obligatory Julexis ROMANCE. And 4 second of the Scorpios.


It played like Nathan's twitter timeline. Here's Jason! Sam! Liz! Nina! Franco! JULEXIS! Some old people you fans who may be outside our coveted demo keep yapping about! A black person! Two black people! We're diverse! PLEASE watch! PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Edited by Francie
  • Love 8

Friday: AUUUUUGGHHH!!! Show got interrupted!


Monday: AUUUUUUGHHHH! Show didn't get interrupted!


And the only reason Jerry (who I like) walked out alive is because Minions Du Jour had guns on Anna and Robert (who could have killed them easily, but Show needed an excuse....) BTW, if Jerry got killed, what loyalty to a dead boss do they have?


I did like Molly's under-the-radar approval to Julian.


Oh, Laura, you lied as badly as Nik and Liz, but byegones.


Please let Kristina take over her father's business.


Oh, that's not Dead!Robin; that's BadHairDay!Robin.

  • Love 3

Yeah I don't get the judgment for certain fans liking certain things. So what if certain fans like Liz and Jason? Luke and Laura is the biggest soap couple of all time and he without question raped her. I just want Liz free of this awful storyline.

It seems clear to me the story is jasam now. Hopefully they can sink or swim on their own without more manufactured angst on the form of character ruination.

And the way I read it was she wants to punch BH in the face for making her sit through this story. Maybe it was poorly worded,but I didn't see her saying she wanted a character on the show to punch Liz.

Edited by tallyrand
  • Love 3

Yeah I don't get the judgment for certain fans liking certain things. So what if certain fans like Liz and Jason? Luke and Laura is the biggest soap couple of all time and he without question raped her. I just want Liz free of this awful storyline.

It seems clear to me the story is jasam now. Hopefully they can sink or swim on their own without more manufactured angst on the form of character ruination.

And the way I read it was she wants to punch BH in the face for making her sit through this story. Maybe it was poorly worded,but I didn't see her saying she wanted a character on the show to punch Liz.

Totally agree! People like who they like.

Hopefully Liz can move on from Jasam now, and the writers will stop using her as angst for them.

And yeah, she clearly said she wanted someone to punch Becky in the face, not Liz, and that's not cool.

  • Love 2


Sam still has yet to come across Nikolas since knowing for sure that he knew.  It better be coming soon.

Seriously. I want her to remember that Nik had Jason's wedding ring (that Spencer tried to give to Emma) and managed to lie his way to explain why. (I don't remember the timing of that-- but I think it predates Liz finding out Jake's identity)


It's rage inducing (to me) that Nic knew long before anyone else in town and kept the secret going-- but aside from getting punched by Jason-- he's skated. (just like he skated over the disgusting Niz affair while Liz was publicly humiliated.)

  • Love 1

I'm going to go out on a limb and assume what badsamaritan meant is that every time Rebecca Herbst is on screen she's reminded of how much she wants someone to punch Lizard Liez in the face.

Thanks LeftPhalange. I assumed my hatred for the Jiz storyline was known by one and all so my hyperbole didn't really need an explanation. No, I don't want BH punched but I am sick of Liez bitchface and if I don't see the character for about 6 months, it's still 6 months too fucking soon.

  • Love 11
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