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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Nathan and Dillon support her.


Dillon's the asshole who remorselessly publically humiliated her, I wouldn't call that support lol.


Dandesun is right that Valerie could have had any number of people if the writing hadn't isolated her so hard in Dante's world.  But my point was more we're not going to see any scenes like that with Valerie, not like we'll see Sonny, Olivia, etc. patting Dante on the head.  Or like we used to see Mac and Felicia and whoever else excuse whatever shit Maxie had just done.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Of course Val sent Dante an email instead of just texting him or writing thank you on a post it note. I like how she and Dante are trying to act like Lulu is doing something wrong here. I think she's allowed to overreact a little and jump to conclusions since she just found out y'all's stupid asses had nasty sex in her home. 


How many more times is bitch face Liez going to come at Sam crazy before Sam punches her in the face, throat, chest and stomach? 

  • Love 7

I think that's a good thing for Valerie that we won't see those scenes, because when I see scenes of people patting Dante on the head it makes me want him to be punched in the face instead.


That's what I mean.  We're only seeing her getting dumped on, not patted on that head, that's why I feel a teeny bit bad for her vs. Dante.

Of course Val sent Dante an email instead of just texting him or writing thank you on a post it note. I like how she and Dante are trying to act like Lulu is doing something wrong here. I think she's allowed to overreact a little and jump to conclusions since she just found out y'all's stupid asses had nasty sex in her home. 


Well, of course, it was all Lulu's fault that they had sex in the first place! What the hell is she going on about?! Lulu is so unreasonable. The sex was her fault, Dante being sad now is her fault, Valerie shouldn't have to apologize forever! GOD!


And remember! There are no bad guys in this story! Except for Lulu. Obviously.

  • Love 5

In other news, Carly must be slipping because I am SHOCKED she didn't burst into Sam's demanding to go on The Mob Peen Tour with her and Liz because, haven't you heard, Jason is her best friend foreva!


And did I hear Michael say something about Jason giving him his ELQ shares...or promising them to him once he got them from Nikolas...or something?

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In other news, Carly must be slipping because I am SHOCKED she didn't burst into Sam's demanding to go on The Mob Peen Tour with her and Liz because, haven't you heard, Jason is her best friend foreva!

I almost wish this would happen, then cut to Sonny, in a wheel chair, stuck in the mud in the backyard shouting "Hey... somebody.. anybody... a little help here?" *crickets*

  • Love 10

What, exactly, has he done to actually attempt to make up for his indiscretion?


What's bizarre is before the reveal I did think he was guilty and contrite. He was staying away from Valerie for the most part and trying to be there for Lulu. And he even said several times he knew if Lulu found out she could never forgive him. He knew it. And now he's all "that was months ago!" about it. Valerie and Dante were both looking more sympathetic pre-reveal. 

  • Love 4
It takes a lot of fucking audacity to be a couple who cheated, blame the wife, get outed at last and then continue to blame the wife for not taking it well.



This so much. I watched the scene today baffled that this somehow ended on Lulu looking like the unreasonable one. I've never seen someone admit to cheating after lying about it for months and then after barely one or two apologies later, decide that they're already over the apologizing. And yet he insist this is the woman he wants more than anything. Well okay then. 


In the WTD that no one cares about or wanted, I'm not really sure what the point of Sabrina's canceling the sonogram was. One, she wasn't even subtle about it, so Micheal knows she canceled it and not that the doctor canceled it or something came up, which should make him suspicous. But two, I thought she told Felix there is a possibility the child could be Michael's, meaning the possible conception date was close enough to when she slept with both him and Carlos. So why not just have the damn sonogram? Unless it was like a whole month difference and she thinks the sonogram will confirm the exact time of conception? Because otherwise that made no sense. 


Nice to see Sam show some overdue annoyance and spunk with Elizabeth today. And while the drink throwing in the promo looks great, I'm still waiting for the epic backhand from her that will wipe not just the smug but slap the batshit right out of Elizabeth, to come. Give me a holler when that happens. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 14
I wonder, if Liz gets in front of Hells, if she'll even remember to rail at Helena for what she did to her son, never mind Jason's peen.


This. She didn't even seem to lift one of her perfectly groomed eyebrows at the thought that Helena faked her son's death and held him captive for years, but now she's going to run off and be Jason's backup. Sam can take care of herself in dangerous situations, but Elizabeth is just going to be a distraction and need protecting.  

  • Love 5

She said yesterday she tried to get it switched. plot point-itis.


unless we see that scene I'm not going to believe her.


quote/How many more times is bitch face Liez going to come at Sam crazy before Sam punches her in the face, throat, chest and stomach?/quote


That would make sitting thru all this crap bearable.

  • Love 1

Maxie is a hypocrite, but Valerie (aside from Dante) is officially the worst, so whatever Maxie, punch her in the face.


This. I mean I mostly hate Maxie now and I was on Valerie's side until like last week, but Valerie needs to be cold clocked almost as much a Liz does.


She said yesterday she tried to get it switched. plot point-itis.


Yet when she got the call I'm pretty sure she was all, "no, it's fine," on the phone after (feigning) being putting off by it. So I'm not buying her bullshit. I used to really believe Valerie wasn't a manipulating bitch, but now I'm pretty sure she is. BS certainly plays her that way imo, even though going by her twitter I don't think she realizes she's playing her that way.


Can I just say pickles and peanut butter is actually really good. I've never had it on bread, but just pickles with peanut butter smeared on them is amazing.


I honestly don't even remember anything from this ep lol.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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That's what I mean.  We're only seeing her getting dumped on, not patted on that head, that's why I feel a teeny bit bad for her vs. Dante.


The thing that has me so done with Valerie is that, yeah, Lulu and Maxie have yelled at her a couple of times, but every single time, the show (and the actress' performance) are so smug and she ends up somehow coming at of it looking like she's this noble, put upon little innocent. I know that there were some who were worried that Valerie would be made to look bad to protect Dante because of the cheating, but it's like the show has gone in the exact opposite direction and Valerie is never truly called out for her behavior, without there being some kind of misunderstanding, like today with Maxie or with Nathan and that pregnancy test. We have scenes like that so Valerie can roll her eyes and declare how dare that person question her, this after she lied for months about sleeping with her cousin's husband. Of course Dillon is the one who purposely played that video, while Val was totes innocent and got to give Dillon a dressing down about how he could do that to poor Lulu. This coming from the woman who when faced with Lulu can't be bothered to come up with one sincere apology without throwing blame on Lulu or talking about what an idiot Lulu is for not immediately taking back her lying, cheating husband. This is on top of the fact that Dante can't seem to stay away from her or touching her or stop singing her praises even after his wife finds out they slept together.


And, Dante, ugh! My God! Today was a day that proved, unfortunately, that Dante takes too much after his father. His attitude with Lulu today is something I would totally expect from Sonny "Ugh, so I shot you in the head. I apologized what more do you want?" Corinthos. You would think Dante has spent months grovelling. But it's probably been barely a week, but apparently that's good enough. Yes, Lulu jumped to the wrong conclusion today. But newsflash, Sonny's son, she doesn't trust you because you SPENT MONTHS LYING TO HER. For months Lulu's looked like the biggest idiot because she never questioned Dante and every time she would get close to discovering the truth she'd swallow Dante's lie, or Valerie's, or Dillon's, so of course when presented with what she saw she thinks the worst. When you break a trust like that it doesn't get built back overnight and it is certainly not the fault of the hurt party because she hasn't forgiven you on your time table.


And it's so weird because like ulkis pointed out, before the truth was revealed Dante was very contrite and maintained some boundaries (for the most part) with Valerie, but now it's like he doesn't care. Apparently all those months of guilt is all he can stand. So when Lulu finds lipstick on his collar, he with all sincerity, acts like he has no idea how it got there. Think, moron, who were you inappropriately hugging twenty minutes beforehand. And when Lulu tells him today she caught him cuddling with her, he can't even muster an apology. Because while Lulu was wrong about them sleeping together, she was not wrong about Dante allowing Valerie to sleep on his shoulder.


The writers need to make up their mind about what is going on with Sabrina's pregnancy. A couple of weeks ago when Sabrina was talking to Felix it was definitely stated that it could be either Carlos' baby or Michael's, and when Felix suggested that a paternity test would clear things up, she seemed to agree. Now she's back to being freaked out about finding out the due date. Pick a lane people.


Ugh, shut up Patrick. I want to feel sorry for you in this situation and, technically, he's right. He makes a better catch for Sam than murderer Jason, but basically dismissing Sam's feelings for her husband, and acting like this should be a no brainer for her is ridiculous. He's been in her shoes and Sabrina and Robin gave him the opportunity to make his choice. He needs to let Sam do that.


Sam should have shut the door in Liz's face at the end. Then again maybe she's hoping there's danger and Liz catches a stray bullet. Then I would say she made the smart, good call to let Liz tag along.

Edited by FilmTVGeek80
  • Love 6

Do you think that both Liez and Sam may each get their man after all?


Picture it: Girls arrive on Cassadine Island and see Helena and Steve Burton having margaritas on the lanai. And they find out that current Jason's DNA is the same as Steve Burton's, yet he doesn't have any memories because-- current Jason is a CLONE of Steve Burton, but with a new face. Sam gets Steve Burton and Liez gets current Jason! Double wedding; case closed.


Only on a soap.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 7

I know nurse /=/ physical therapist, but I like seeing Pip give Sonny the business, so I'm willing to hand wave the glaring mistake. If the PT had been some day player/newbie, they'd have Sonny try to seduce her or threaten him. Ew.

Not going to lie, I would love to see Pip's reaction to Sonny buying her a pretty dress and asking her to come to the island.

Spinelli is like a third infatuated woman, adoring Jason and tearing up as he recounts how Jason saved his life, yadda yadda.

"Dat ass, tho'".

Spinelli: There are good parts of being Jason Morgan.

"Like having an ass that looks amazing, and recognizable, in jeans even after being frozen and then hit by a car".

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 3

Good god Spinelli should have just flung his arms open wide and declared "Daddy, you're home!" just so that he could completely make Jason feel 1000000000% uncomfortable and freaked out.


I was only able to watch maybe ten seconds of that awfulness before I had to shut it off, it was that stomach turning to me. Now I wonder if Jason will make it up to him when he finally remembers and takes him on his lap for a cuddle...I needed brain bleach and eye cleaner and short term memory remover...


I find myself very much wishing someone would just push Patrick off a parapet. I'm so over him I'm undone. He is everything I hate and despise, it's all about him and his "man pain" and "weepy man tears" and "it's never his fault", and his exit is taking way, waaayyyyyy too long for my liking.

  • Love 5

I find myself very much wishing someone would just push Patrick off a parapet. I'm so over him I'm undone. He is everything I hate and despise, it's all about him and his "man pain" and "weepy man tears" and "it's never his fault", and his exit is taking way, waaayyyyyy too long for my liking.

Seriously, what's his last airdate? Asking for a friend.

  • Love 3

Spinelli would give Jason a release any time he asked, we've all known that since like 2007.



Bleeerrrgggghhhhhhuuuuggghhhhhhyyyaaaaggggnnnnnnn...ew. That's my most eloquent way of putting my feelings.


If Spinelli finds out that this Jason actually is up for doing karaoke, in public of all places, he will be so crushed he missed out on jamming with his "man".


Oh and Jason really needs to stop calling other grown men "buddy". I don't care how much of his old self he remembers, that shit needs to stop yesterday.

  • Love 2

Don't you think I've tried



Try harder! Channel your inner Yoda! Save us all!


Can it be too much to ask that Helena has installed a kill switch inside of Robo Jake which is why she was all too happy to let the kid go once he was found on the island? And she's just waiting for a time when she mind controls him the same way she did Jason. Like father like son and all that.


The voices in his head telling him to kill kill kill! At least he'd be serving a purpose. Hell, he'd be performing a duty to his community.


Or better yet, can the SERIAL KILLER break out of jail wherein during a mad dash for freedom he runs Liz over with some type of vehicle or horse and buggy or dump truck or crane lift and then he dies in a spectacular shootout with police? And I am talking Zander level of bullets shot into his body, making sure he has no chance of survival.

  • Love 9


The thing that has me so done with Valerie is that, yeah, Lulu and Maxie have yelled at her a couple of times, but every single time, the show (and the actress' performance) are so smug and she ends up somehow coming at of it looking like she's this noble, put upon little innocent.

TOTALLY......and thats why I can not stand this character. Comes off as smug as hell, and not sorrowful at all.

Edited by godfreydaniels
  • Love 3

Is it me or would the whole Dante/Val thing have worked better if Valerie had been on screen for a year or so, not weeks

And yet another T-shirt slogan.  We need a thread with them all listed

I need to update it. But at my last count, these are your options.  Sizes available in Lulu, Small, Medium and Large for women; Sonny, Jax, and Fat AJ for men. Anyone who puts down "The guy who slept with Carly" gets all 3 sizes.


Here goes:


“General Hospital: Well, that was a waste of an hour”

“I can't with this story, y'all.”

“ RAGE BLACKOUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

(Give me an hour and I'll be fine.)”

“GH: Laws of nature need not apply. “

“General Hospital: Where the writers always go for the easy way out."


Limited use. No wearing at work, in church or around young children:

“Fucking please."

"Today was a big pile of shit”

“Why am I still watching this shit?"

“General Hospital:

Fuck this show”


Character specific:

“Shut up, Sonny (on front)

Shut up, Carly (on back)”

“ Franco is a boil on the butt of General Hospital."


“ Seasons change and time passes but Morgan* remains an idiot.”

*Can substitute with character of choice. May I recommend Kiki.


“ I like Ava. Sue me. “

“ There's always room on the barge!


And the official cast version:


 Let's get through this fucking day.

~Jane Elliot

Edited by Francie
  • Love 16

I don't want Liz to die but I have reached a point where I'm going to need someone to backhand her across the chops - HARD.

I'm fine with it being Monica or Tracy because I want Sam to make Nik's life hellish but SOMEONE needs to punch her right in the smug.

Man, I wish AJ was being brought back now - between Michael, Jakeson and Fuckedup!Liz there are relationships that I'd really to see explored

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 6

So Jason getting teary eyed (how very Jason of him...) over the thought of "hurting" two good women was so anvil of "plot point" heavy I think it gave me a concussion. Of course he thinks so now but just wait, dear viewer/s, until he finds out that Liz in fact "knew the truth all along"!.


I hate this show.


Also if they keep up this forced "battle" between Sam and Liz I think that it'd only be fitting if the song "The Boy Is Mine" plays in the background whenever they're together just so that the cheese factor can be cranked up to 11.

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