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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Carly is a leech who's not gonna let Jason  go. How characteristic of Sonny to turn on her when it was his fault that Avery custody was lost. I wonder if Carly has ever heard that old fable about picking up and rescuing the snake--in the end, it turns on you and bites because after all it is a snake.

Carly thinks Jason is hers.  Literally, her possession.  The only times I could stand him the last couple years were the instances when Steve Burton played it like Carly was a burden to him.


Sonny never thinks he's at fault, so him blaming Carly/Ava/the dude who hasn't put wheelchair ramps at the courthouse is par for the course.  He believes all the smoke blown up his ass is true.

  • Love 3

Yeah, Patrick was super torn, that's why he made out with Robin and totally forgot Sabrina was in the room until the bitch started sobbing.


Now that was a reveal! *takes a drag off cigarette*

It's AMAZING to me that the writers are shitting on a scene that was probs one of the most emotional, beautiful moments this show has had in a LONG time.

Patrick never loved her the same! She was a mistake! Yes, writers!! Great choice!

  • Love 5

Oh, I'm great! It's always wonderful when your favorite character sacrificed her life to save a friend and then was held captive for over a year so Patrick, Emma and Anna weren't killed. And now Patrick says he didn't really love her when she came back and she was a mistake and he basically should have chose Sabrina!!! Yayayyaay!!!


I was shocked by that as well. I'm not a scrubs fan but if I was I would've been on that comment line strong! Twitter would've blew up! I can't believe they have him saying such dismissive things right now.

  • Love 2

It's AMAZING to me that the writers are shitting on a scene that was probs one of the most emotional, beautiful moments this show has had in a LONG time.

Patrick never loved her the same! She was a mistake! Yes, writers!! Great choice!

I am so happy JT is leaving because reading this crap has me wanting Robin to stabbed his ass in the heart vs simply punch him in the throat.

Why do these fuckers think a Robin fan would want to sit through this or want her to get back with a pathetic ass douchecanoe like this.

Take your child and run. KMc, after this, stay away until this shit is canceled. It won't be long. I feel the 3rd hour of GMA coming.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
  • Love 4

I am so happy JT is leaving because reading this crap has me wanting Robin to stabbed his ass in the heart vs simply punch him in the throat.

Why do these fuckers think a Robin fan would want to sit through this or want her to get back with a pathetic ass douchecanoe like this

Take your child and run. KMc, after this stay away until this shit is canceled. It won't be long. I feel the 3rd hour of GH coming.

Well, I NEVEEEEEEEEER want her with Patrick, so they accomplished that for me. I will rage if she still loves that douchebag when she comes back. If anyone should be having speeches about a person being a mistake, it's Robin. She should have divorced his ass years ago.

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And I actually though Patrick remembering and talking the day Robin came back from the dead would be a good way for the writing to rev back up Patrick and Robin, to have Patrick remember how it felt that day to see her again, that he had never ever loved Sabrina like he loved her, etc.


Why can't he be conflicted too, about any of this?  Obvious Liz isn't because she's a lunatic now, but I don't see why Patrick can't.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 3

The judge gave full custody to Ava, with supervised visits for Sonny an option in the future.

Sonny and Maxie should commiserate.


It's AMAZING to me that the writers are shitting on a scene that was probs one of the most emotional, beautiful moments this show has had in a LONG time.

Patrick never loved her the same! She was a mistake! Yes, writers!! Great choice!


How does one screw up something so basic as a Scrubs reunion?


Just cancel the show now. There's no hope for it.

  • Love 3

So show....are we really supposed to be on the edge of our seats over who will end up with who? Playing the Jasam song again, having most of Jake's flashes be of Sam, having Liz be a complete psycho....Gee.  I wonder what couple will make it through?  I am a JaSam fan, yes, but at least make it a little bit even.


I will say though, I loved the last scene.  That was extremely in character for Sam.  She is not going to go quietly into the night, but she is also not going to hassle and harp the guy (for now anyway, I guess I could eat my words later).   She has been through his memory loss before, and knows pushing him only makes it worse.  The motorcycle was a nice touch (and yes, definitely calculated).   I really hope it stays this way, and Sam doesn't beg for him to take her back. 

  • Love 11

Well...I basically keep up through here and the VERY (like every few months, if that) rare clip. So thanks for the vomit-inducing posts today.


Always good to know I invested in a couple for absolutely nada to show for it!  Patrick is dead. FV is probably cackling. I'm just so damned glad JT is getting the fuck out of there.

  • Love 2

Sonny and Maxie should commiserate.

How does one screw up something so basic as a Scrubs reunion?

Just cancel the show now. There's no hope for it.

Honestly, I don't think they were going to touch Scrubs or resolve Robin's imprisonment until JT said "deuces".

That's why all the Scorpio action is happening after sweeps.

Frank was out talking to the press the week if sweeps. KMc had only taped one episode in the press release.

I'm going to watch my Scorpios and say good riddance to this shit. I just...I can't.

  • Love 3

And I actually though Patrick remembering and talking the day Robin came back from the dead would be a good way for the writing to rev back up Patrick and Robin, to have Patrick remember how it felt that day to see her again, that he had never ever loved Sabrina like he loved her, etc.


Why can't he be conflicted too, about any of this?  Obvious Liz isn't because she's a lunatic now, but I don't see why Patrick can't.

Wouldn't that have been the logical thing to do? "I understand what you're going through, Sam. I'm gonna back off because I know what it's like to get your love back." But the writers turn it into, "I should have never chose Robin. It was a mistake. I was clinging to a memory. The love wasn't the same"? Like, REALLY? This is Patrick's exit. Shitting on a near-decade-old, extremely popular pairing that was the REASON he lasted on the show this long??

  • Love 9

Wouldn't that have been the logical thing to do? "I understand what you're going through, Sam. I'm gonna back off because I know what it's like to get your love back." But the writers turn it into, "I should have never chose Robin. It was a mistake. I was clinging to a memory. The love wasn't the same"? Like, REALLY? This is Patrick's exit. Shitting on a near-decade-old, extremely popular pairing that was the REASON he lasted on the show this long??


I really think Frank Valentini is pissed because JT is leaving. I really do. He's petty. And ABC can't be bothered as they want GH gone, so if FV shits on everything, eh.


So, so pissed.

  • Love 2

Wouldn't that have been the logical thing to do? "I understand what you're going through, Sam. I'm gonna back off because I know what it's like to get your love back." But the writers turn it into, "I should have never chose Robin. It was a mistake. I was clinging to a memory. The love wasn't the same"? Like, REALLY? This is Patrick's exit. Shitting on a near-decade-old, extremely popular pairing that was the REASON he lasted on the show this long??


Yeah, just acknowledging that he can understand how confused and overwhelmed she must feel and leaving it at that would have been better.  He should have been supporting Sam, not telling her how to act, even if he kept insisting that he wasn't.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 1


And this is supposed to be just amnesia, not brain damage

I am not sure. I wonder if, if we get good writing, they will play the idea that between being "dead", frozen and run over this is a new set of 'damage" to a brain that was actually already destroyed. I hate when I have to hear that Jason was in love with Sam or Liz or even Robin or SWNBN, his frontal lobes were blown in the car accident, his ability to deal in higher emotions was destroyed. Anything Jason Morgan felt was mimicked from people around him, he loved Robin because she loved him and he copied those emotions. Jason Morgan would have remained a much more interesting character if they had continued to play this. Taggert's anger Boy was a lot of fun. Now maybe between the freezing and car crash some how his lobes have been jarred and he can feel again, but if he does those feelings along with his memories will be more towards those he knew in the past, Robin, Monica, Tracy, Ned, even Dillion and Paul not those whose emotions he learned ot copy. Basically what he should "remember" is that he loves Monica and that Sam loves him, a stuble difference that in the hands of a good writer would be gold.


Oh wait...good writer...this is GH...I keep forgetting

  • Love 4

Frank was out talking to the press the week if sweeps. KMc had only taped one episode in the press release.


She had only filmed one episode at the time the news of her returning went public.


I think it has less to do with Patrick leaving than knowing that addressing the Robin mess would be an easy way of saying, "Wow, look at how awesome our new writers, you ask and they give!  Fall in love with GH!".

I really think Frank Valentini is pissed because JT is leaving. I really do. He's petty. And ABC can't be bothered as they want GH gone, so if FV shits on everything, eh.


So, so pissed.

It's pure pettiness. JT is leaving. They finally get KMc back. They can write a proper ending. End the foolishness. But no! They're going to have Patrick continue to shit on Robin while she continues to be a prisoner.

  • Love 1

It's pure pettiness. JT is leaving. They finally get KMc back. They can write a proper ending. End the foolishness. But no! They're going to have Patrick continue to shit on Robin while she continues to be a prisoner.


And then write a happy-ever-after for them that we are supposed to accept, because Patrick is a perfect husband and how was he supposed to know Robin was kidnapped and didn't leave him and Emma on purpose? Which, it worked out well for him no matter why she left, considering he went straight to playing house with Sam.

  • Love 1

I haven't watched all of today yet...are you all saying that Carly actually called Jason to come running because she has a problem?  Like he doesn't have enough heavy shit on his plate to deal with?  She really expects him to just set all that aside and come running to dry her tears and fix things for her and Sonny?  Run, Jason.  Run now. 


I did, however, see Jason saying that, from what he's heard about Jason, he's not sure he wants to be him.  Please don't let that ever change. 

  • Love 20

Sonny and Maxie should commiserate.





How does one screw up something so basic as a Scrubs reunion?


Just cancel the show now. There's no hope for it.


Do you mean commiserate, as in talk about the horrible injustice of someone knowing they aren't a fit parent-or "commiserate" as in she is the next Mrs.Sonny C?  Cause no. Maxie annoys me, but she doesn't annoy me that much.

Can Avery walk yet? Cause she should really walk her butt over to Child Welfare her own self. Ava won't notice until she needs Avery for something, and by then, she'll be adopted out.

  • Love 3

It's amazing. As much reason as this show gives me to hate Liz they manage to dig deep and make me hate Carly even more. So Jakeson just found out who he is but has no memories of being Jason but hold the fucking phone because Carly needs you, Jakeson. Get your priorities in order. Carly first.


And, of course, Sam would totally jump on Jason's dinky motorcycle and dump it on Liz's front porch without saying much of anything. Jason & Sam are star-crossed, bitches. Star-crossed. They don't get to have actual conversations about the elephant in the room. They're too tortured for that.


Meanwhile, said motorcycle got the biggest, most emotional response from BM since he started: "That's mine?!" 

  • Love 8

And, of course, Sam would totally jump on Jason's dinky motorcycle and dump it on Liz's front porch without saying much of anything. Jason & Sam are star-crossed, bitches. Star-crossed. They don't get to have actual conversations about the elephant in the room. They're too tortured for that.


I'm surprised she didn't whip out one of those stupid figurines.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 9

Meanwhile, said motorcycle got the biggest, most emotional response from BM since he started: "That's mine?!" 


You know what would be hilarious?  If Jason got on the bike and just rode out of town.  "I got this sweet Harley, see ya suckers!"

I'm surprised she didn't whip out one of those stupid figurines.


She doesn't have them anymore...she left them at Noodle Buddha.

Edited by mybabyaidan
  • Love 2
She doesn't have them anymore...she left them at Noodle Buddha.


Oops, totally forget.  Well she's probably on her way there now to get them back.

Oh, I already figure that somewhere down the line, when Jakeson suddenly remembers he's Jason, they'll both star-crossedly meet at Noodle Buddha to reclaim them.  And then we'll get eleventy convos about the dragon and the phoenix and freakin' destiny.

  • Love 4

I did love the last scene. That's my bad ass Samantha, roll up on the scene, do whachu do, then deuces. Such a contrast from that crazy ass bitch peeking out the window, looking like Annie from Misery. Don't let her psychotic behind have a hammer, Jason!

Liez said the boys are confused - that is on your trash ass head. Pull your big girl panties up, you brought this on yourself. Liez is a terrible mother. 5 kids' lives are messed up, and every dragging and every slap coming your way is well deserved I hope Sam slap yo ass to sleep.

  • Love 11

I understand her general motivation, but kissing someone and letting them touch you - not even going past that - is the act of someone who is either depraved or the ultimate con artist, or both, if you know that this person tried to kill you.



Don't all the women in this town have some kind of major hang up or issue with men? I actually think Hayden represents what has been a running theme on GH for most of these women for the past several decades: verbal abuse/threats/violence is ROMANCE.

Look at how Sam STILL wants Jason. Let's forget about the fact that he's a worthless thug. He threatened to KILL HER once. Over LIZZARD/his kid with Lizzard. And Sam STILL talks about how he was a "good person".

Carly married Sonny for the umpteenth time after all their crap.

All the women are written as accepting all kinds of flaws from the men, while the men aren't nearly as forgiving.

  • Love 2

Remember the joy...





Aw! It's the worst day of Patrick's life! Choosing Robin over Sobby!


Given that Patprick's "love" for Sabrina was the kind of love that seemed to disappear as soon as she left the room, fuck whatever the show is trying to sell now. Don't act like I'm not paying attention, writers, because I am. At this point, Patprick and Liez should be the ones to get married.

  • Love 3

Sonny is an abusive asshole. I dont even like Ava but I'm on her side.


Morgan didnt seem too concerned about his mother. He seems all about Kiki.


Yikes at Patrick saying getting back with Robin was a mistake.


I feel so bad for Sam. She is handling it pretty well. I loved her at the end, She is not pressuring Jason unlike a certain someone.I wish Sam would wear that dress forever. I love it.


Lizes is still being delusional about marrying Jason.

  • Love 5

Sonny never thinks he's at fault, so him blaming Carly/Ava/the dude who hasn't put wheelchair ramps at the courthouse is par for the course.  He believes all the smoke blown up his ass is true.


Did I hear correctly? Sonny LOST custody? Completely?


These things give me hope that the new writers aren't going to let Sonny be quite as wonderful as he has been in the past. It takes a long time to turn a big ship, so I'm still hoping for the best while I reminding myself that the Titanic tried to turn too late and was destroyed.  





It did amuse me how Kiki had to spell out she hit Carly with her car for Morgan. That's just the writers being plain mean now. I'd shit on Morgan for not giving a crap Kiki was drunk driving and hit his mom just because she was basically fine, but hey, given she'd probably react the same way about him, whatevs.


I saw that totally differently than you did. I thought Morgan starting staring at Kiki in a "meaningful" way right after Carly explained the accident. It got me wondering if he saw his mom by the side of the road but decided that covering Kiki's ass was more important. 

Edited by rur
  • Love 2

And then write a happy-ever-after for them that we are supposed to accept, because Patrick is a perfect husband and how was he supposed to know Robin was kidnapped and didn't leave him and Emma on purpose? Which, it worked out well for him no matter why she left, considering he went straight to playing house with Sam.

That is exactly what they are going to do. Ugh.  Robin better curse him out first.


From Nathan Varni's Facebook:

 Today was heartbreaking and totally untrue dialogue from Patrick about Robin. I don't understand why they have to decimate the memory of scrubs- a true supercouple. Sam can be with Patrick, but why make it like he never loved Robin?

Like · Reply · 13 mins


Nathan Varni We're not, keep watching it will all make sense in the next month

  • Love 1

Oh wow, one of Avery's piece of shit parents got sole custody of her. I don't give a fuck. If they aren't going to kill off Ava at least let her leave town with the damn baby so I don't have to hear about either one of them again.


Liez needs to be hit with 30 doses of STFU, 20 bitch slaps, and 18 horse tranquilizers. 

  • Love 5

Why can't he be conflicted too, about any of this?  Obvious Liz isn't because she's a lunatic now, but I don't see why Patrick can't



.Why can't they show him at least putting 2 and 2 together that if Jason is alive, maybe that means Robin will come home, if not for him , but for his daughter.  But they make him seem like all he is concerned about is getting more (not hot!) sex with Sam.


I did laugh when Sonny said to Carly  "What happened to your face?"  like she had a big pimple or something when she looked like she had been beaten up.

Edited by Blackie
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Sam isn't questioning Patrick about his comments on Robin? "Err, didn't you say she divorced you because she left to save Jason and then wouldn't come back?"


So Sam knows that Jason was alive a one point???  I don't remember that, but I don't really remember who knows what in this storyline anymore and really don't care about any of the people.... a sign of a good story right?

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