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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Her crying today?  I thought that was less about Dante and more about the sum loss - her relationship with Lulu, her friendship with Dillon, her worrying that this scandale will affect her police academy application, etc.


I mean, who does she have now?  Her mom's dead.


Totally agree with TeeVee on this one.  I saw Valerie as mourning the sum loss - all that emphasized in the few days before the tape was played - her friendships with Dante, Lulu and Dillon.  Her career.  I


I think, then, they would have had no flashbacks instead of one of her kissing Dante.


I thought it was significant that this specific flashback was the one used.   Ever since that kiss happened, I have seen it as the moment the tide turned for Valerie in this story - the moment when she had a glimmer of hope that, as Dante very soulfully said to her at that time, "that there was something between them."   IMO, that kiss was an emotionally turning point.  Just watching the scene again, I saw the look in Valerie's eyes totally change when Dante said the very important words that accompanied that kiss. 

Edited by Aurora2
Sorry folks but you're not actually father and daughter. This is creepy.




ghost!Silas was so rolling his eyes at them.


Honestly the way they keep trying to make Franco a person...I fail to understand all the effort. I get Roger is "Roger the Great" to these people, but come on - that whole bit with him screaming into his phone "Representative!" as if he was channeling that Nationwide insurance commercial because SERIAL KILLERS face that struggle just like the rest of us...it leaves me truly and fully speechless.


It's fuckary to the highest order.


Also who in the hell would willingly try and parent such a failed science experiment as Kiki anyhow. She's the throwaway model.



Yesterday I disagree with you that DZ didn't want to play the cheating?




For me it's more not that he doesn't want to play, it's what he's being made to play that he just seems to be trying to get through it where it's just very, very obvious. I just see a very unhappy actor and the longer things go on for the more and more he seems to give less and less of an effort to hide how he truly feels. And today,. yes, it just seemed to reach that breaking point where he would have paid good money to have been anywhere else but on that set having to deal with the cheating.


When that whole awfulness between Val and Lulu went down he was pretty much whispering in the most tired and fed up voice I've heard in a while, the way he said "She came over, uninvited" or something to that degree, it was just lifeless to me. 


And frankly I do think he's pissed at what they've done to this couple and he's doing the job but basically giving the writers the biggest middle finger he can every single time the camera lands on him or he opens his mouth to speak.

  • Love 6


Her mom's dead.





Valerie: So did you talk to Lulu, you know, clear the air?

Dante: Uh, when I asked Lulu about Dillon, she said he just came by to see Rocco.

Valerie: Oh. Then I misunderstood. See, that's what I get for only hearing half the conversation

Valerie: You can't just jump to the worst-case scenario.

Dante: Why not? It would explain the secret they're keeping from me.

Valerie: Lulu loves you too much to do that.

But that's what I mean by passive aggressive.  "You can't jump to the worst case scenario"????  She ran to tell him and fed him the worst case scenario.  when she could have kept her mouth shut since she didn't know what Lu and Dil were talking about.  Heck they could have been talking about the new Pizza Hut pan pizza.  Or how the orange gummy bears are the best.  


 It's like when Sonny boo hoos that he's bad for people just to have the other person be all, "no, you're a good father" blah blah blah.  



I used to carry a stapler in my purse. Intentionally.

I'm curious to know what you thought you'd need to staple so urgently that you couldn't wait til you got home or work!!

  • Love 2

Totally agree with TeeVee on this one.  I saw Valerie as mourning the sum loss - all that emphasized in the few days before the tape was played - her friendships with Dante, Lulu and Dillon.  Her career.  


Would she really be mourning a friendship with Lulu though? For months she's seen Lulu as a super mean wife who's been lying to poor Dante and actively (if passive aggressively) pursuing her husband. I don't buy it. 


I think mostly she is upset about not having Dante. I do buy that she might also be sad about Dillon and her work situation, but tbh her work situation was brought on mostly by her telling so many people about the ONS in the first place. 



I thought it was significant that this specific flashback was the one used.   Ever since that kiss happened, I have seen it as the moment the tide turned for Valerie in this story - the moment when she had a glimmer of hope that, as Dante very soulfully said to her at that time, "that there was something between them."   IMO, that kiss was an emotionally turning point.  Just watching the scene again, I saw the look in Valerie's eyes totally change when Dante said the very important words that accompanied that kiss.


Isn't this supporting the theory that she's crying over Dante if this is the specific flashback they showed before she broke down? The show seems to want to present her as a good person but honestly her major motivation from nearly the beginning was wanting her cousin's husband for herself. 

Would she really be mourning a friendship with Lulu though? For months she's seen Lulu as a super mean wife who's been lying to poor Dante and actively (if passive aggressively) pursuing her husband. I don't buy it.


I don't agree with this.  And more recently, they've definitely had scenes of Lulu and Valerie saying they're glad they squashed the early tension, were happy to have each other, blah blah blah.


Again, I don't see Valerie as a Stacy Morasco-esque, "I will have my sister/cousin's man no matter what" schemer.

her work situation was brought on mostly by her telling so many people about the ONS in the first place. 


Huh?  She's worried about her application because Dillon made the ONS public knowledge and she thinks that will reflect badly on her character.  And she told one person at work (Jordan), the exact same number of people Dante told (Nathan).

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 4

Huh?  She's worried about her application because Dillon made the ONS public knowledge and she thinks that will reflect badly on her character.  And she told one person at work (Jordan), the exact same number of people Dante told (Nathan).


But if she hadn't told Dillon in the first place, Dillon would have no ammunition in the first place, I think is what was meant.

Again, I don't see Valerie as a Stacy Morasco-esque, "I will have my sister/cousin's man no matter what" schemer.


I don't see her as Stacy Morasco evil either, but I think she is extremely passive aggressive and has been motivated subconsciously this whole time by her feelings for Dante. She may not have sat down and planned it all out, but she still positioned herself as Dante's confidant vs. lying Lulu, and she still made sure she was right there ready and willing when Dante was at his lowest point, AND she still makes sure to get in her little "but Lulu lied first!" digs whenever she gets a chance. (Btw, I don't mean to make it sound like I blame Valerie more than Dante - he's the one who cheated on his wife.)



But if she hadn't told Dillon in the first place, Dillon would have no ammunition in the first place, I think is what was meant.


Right, and also I feel like half her scenes the past few months were talking to someone about the ONS at the police station, like I'm not sure how she thought people weren't going to find out eventually. 

Edited by celest
  • Love 2

Oh, I thought celest meant Valerie telling people at work, my bad.


She clearly regrets confiding in Dillon.  It still burns me up how remorselessly Dillon turned on her and broke her confidence.

Right, and also I feel like half her scenes the past few months were talking to someone about the ONS at the police station, like I'm not sure how she thought people weren't going to find out eventually. 


Dante and Nathan were right there too, AFAIC.

  • Love 3

I don't agree with this.  And more recently, they've definitely had scenes of Lulu and Valerie saying they're glad they squashed the early tension, were happy to have each other, blah blah blah.


Again, I don't see Valerie as a Stacy Morasco-esque, "I will have my sister/cousin's man no matter what" schemer.


Huh?  She's worried about her application because Dillon made the ONS public knowledge and she thinks that will reflect badly on her character.  And she told one person at work (Jordan), the exact same number of people Dante told (Nathan).

Of course Valerie would say she was glad the tension was squashed between them, she slept with Lulu's husband and Lulu had no idea.


I think that Valerie is subtly manipulative.You can chalk it up to Spencer bloodlines that make Spencers think they are so awesome. She embroidered Dillon's role in broadcasting the information by making it seem that he not only callously broke her trust, but completely framed her making her even more of Dillon's victim, when she knows that Dillon wanted it to look like some innocent technical fail and an intern's unintentionally mistake. I think it was pretty stupid of Valerie to confide that she slept with Lulu's husband in someone that not only was her past lover, but still had feelings for her, but she won't be called out for that monumental lapse in judgement, which is why she made Dillon look like even more of a jerk to her to keep Dante on her side. Up until Sonny very recently, Nathan, a peer and his friend,  was the only person that Dante told. Valerie told their boss Jourdan, who could have written him up on sexual harassment charges or some sort of misconduct, thereby jeopardizing his career. It already slightly blindsided him when Jourdan told him that she knew about him and Valerie.


She clearly regrets confiding in Dillon.  It still burns me up how remorselessly Dillon turned on her and broke her confidence.

It burns me that this show threw Dillon under the bus when the new actor had only been in the role for a few months and still had overcome the shadow of Scott Clifton, in a clear attempt to cast Valerie as a victim.

Edited by Ambrosefolly
  • Love 3

Isn't this supporting the theory that she's crying over Dante if this is the specific flashback they showed before she broke down? The show seems to want to present her as a good person but honestly her major motivation from nearly the beginning was wanting her cousin's husband for herself. 


Not at all!!!   I see her as thinking back to this kiss as the moment which began the downward slide which led to the accumulation of the losses she is feeling right now.  

Right, and also I feel like half her scenes the past few months were talking to someone about the ONS at the police station, like I'm not sure how she thought people weren't going to find out eventually. 


Maybe getting a bit off track, but one question here - perhaps one with several answers:  Who brought up the ONS, directly or indirectly, in the workplace?  Valerie or someone else?

Dante and Nathan were right there too, AFAIC.



Also seems to me that Dante and Nathan initiated those conversations - except for the time Val threw Nathan's donut into the trash.  But I'll give her that because the scene made me laugh.  

It burns me that this show threw Dillon under the bus when the new actor had only been in the role for a few months in a clear attempt to cast Valerie as a victim.




I think the actor himself backed the bus over Dillon from the start because I think he's just horribly miscast in the role. Dillon's a Q, they are capable of pretty much anything for any selfish, nefarious reason so it was possible to sell him making such a move. But this version of Dillon, imo, was a failure from the word "go".


It doesn't help though that they've thrown him into the mix with Val and that whole mess, but I don't think it shines well on any of the players nor could it. It started from nothing but total and utter fuckary and can become nothing more or less at this point, imho.

  • Love 2

I think the actor himself backed the bus over Dillon from the start because I think he's just horribly miscast in the role. Dillon's a Q, they are capable of pretty much anything for any selfish, nefarious reason so it was possible to sell him making such a move. But this version of Dillon, imo, was a failure from the word "go".


It doesn't help though that they've thrown him into the mix with Val and that whole mess, but I don't think it shines well on any of the players nor could it. It started from nothing but total and utter fuckary and can become nothing more or less at this point, imho.

If he was miscast in the role, then the show should have recasted and/or give him better writing. Simple as that and not unheard of after a few months. Instead, they treated him as some expendable recurring character and turned him into a colossus jackass. And I think it is pretty simplistic to say "well he's a Q, thats just how they roll sometimes". The show has painted Nikolas with a similar brush with all the shit he is pulling and wonder if that is the reasoning the show used when they had Dante cheat on Lulu, because he is Sonny's son. Dillon is a distinct character with his own characterization that the audience watched for 4 years when Scott Clifton was in the role. As been stated several times on the board, the actor isn't talented or engaging enough to pull off this type of betrayal, which is even more reason to not write the Valerie/Dante reveal in that fashion. 

  • Love 2


Did Carly really trip over a root...? A root? Is that all the show can afford now? No more fake flying rocks to knock her out with?


Oh, I laughed, how I laughed when I saw this. I had to rewind and watch it again. The first time, I seriously howled with laughter. Love to see her face planting. Maybe she falls on top of a rock and knocks herself out. A girl can dream.


Oh I'm assuming Saint Franco, patron saint of SERIAL KILLERS, will be blamed for the accident and at least try and take the rap for Kiki.  They made a big point of saying it's Franco's car.


UGH. Just UGH. This show continues to be determined to sink to the lowest depths imaginable. And count me in that that end scene with her lying in his lap was just totally creepy.


Valerie, not your smartest move. You needed to not be all accusatory. Lulu kind of lost me though when she started channeling Sonny with her "you betrayed me, and you're a faithless whore". Val is someone who slept with a married man, her cousin's husband, in their bed. It still doesn't make her a whore. I'd probably say the opposite about a character I loathe, but I expect better coming from Lulu. At least this Lulu. JMB would have laid both Dante and Val the fuck out. I doubt it would have happened, Dante would know she could kick his ass.


Don't hate me, I didn't approve of the flashback, but it was so nice to see Dante clean-shaven. This growth he has covering his face? I'm over it.


Agree with the ladies looking lovely today. Olivia was severely delusional, but she looked amazing. Liked Val's braid too.


Can we not with this let's get Liz ready and proclaim how deserving she is, please?

Edited by tvgoddess
  • Love 4

I have to give Show credit- they at least bothered to give some sort of explanation about Carly's ability to get DNA results quickly. She floats the doc hotel rooms for his mistress times and so he owes her, he does DNA analysis for the cops and so has access to the criminal database, he has "all the newest technology." Is it flawless? No, but it makes more sense than 90% of what has just "happened" on this show lately.

Example: I'm supposed to believe Sonny knows how to text?

I think DZ has been playing this well, as a man who is exhausted with his own lies and realizes there's no way out of the mess he's created, and now feels like he's walking through molasses toward what he knows is the unavoidable implosion of his life. But I agree that this whole cheating story is out of character for the Dante we've known for however many years and that the writing has been really clunky.

  • Love 11
And I think it is pretty simplistic to say "well he's a Q, thats just how they roll sometimes"




My point was, simply, that Qs are capable of doing exactly what this Dillon did so I do not view his actions really as an issue in this case. However, with better writing their actions are better accepted and it can actually turn into something well thought out and pretty entertaining.


In this case, as I also stated, the writing is just terrible right now and it is affecting everyone in this, from Dante to Lulu to Maxie, to the rest of the slaggards. I do not see this as merely Dillon being wrecked and ruined for this story-line or for Val's sake, I think everyone is being butchered and bused over as it were.


And that this Dillon seems to be a poor actor it's just a train-wreck all the way around for this newly casted Q. A good actor might be able to do something with this mess, but this guy just can't, imho.


Yes the show should have immediately noticed that he's a poor fit and fixed it, but then again this show keeps pimping/pushing Franco, the Nina, Kiki, "Captain" Morgan, and Hayden, Liz continues to go around like a budding villianness from "Once Upon A Time", Sam and Patrick are playing extras on "Leave It to Beaver", and Jason is writing pillow notes for his lady love, fixing the obvious problems with the show right now is not apart of their agenda, clearly.

I always spell things out correctly in texts, "okay" included (I'm weird.) Seeing Sonny do the same makes me want to stop immediately. I'm so bored with the show (maybe even as much as DZ clearly is) that Sonny using an emoji could have been a real bright spot for me, though. My phone has barware (okay, various alcoholic drinks) emoji's, Sonny's must.

  • Love 6

Lulu took one suitcase?  Her daily eye makeup wouldn't fit in that suitcase


Was anything said about Rocco and who would be taking care of him? Seems to me that if Lulu assumed she would have the little boy, she would have to pack for his needs too. Where was Rocco during the reveal and when Lulu was getting her things?


And why hasn't Laura shown up to weigh in on these revoltin' developments in the Lante household? Maybe she is too pre-occupied with the pending nuptials of Liez and Jakeson, whom she knows to be Jason?





















I can't believe I am saying this, after the Jakeson is Jasus reveal, I hope Morgan tells Carly about Franco, the former serial killer that got her oldest son raped, threaten him over Kiki, the chick that ran her off the road and constantly came in between Morgan and Michael, and  she beats the shit out of Franco.


And last year's Hallo-Wedding*, she threatened to get revenge on Franco and she still hasn't gotten around to doing it.



* - I was going to type, "Re-Ron strikes again!", then I realized that Re-Ron was gone and the current writers were Re-Ronning Re-Ron!

Edited by yowsah1

SHUT YOUR DUMB STUPID ASS UP, VALERIE. I can't believe she had the audacity to put even 1% of the blame on Lulu. Lulu didn't force Dante to cheat. Lulu didn't force you to act like a sleazy trashbag. Dante could have acted like an adult and talked with his wife about his suspicions. Instead, he assumes the worst based on very circumstantial evidence and then runs off to have a revenge fuck. And of course Valerie had no problems throwing her morals out the window if it meant she finally got to fuck Dante. And How dare she tell Lulu to put aside her pride and talk to Dante. It hasn't even been 24 hours yet!  Lulu should have beat their asses. 

  • Love 7

My two cents for what they're worth:


I don't think the Dillon actor (who's real name escapes me) is bad, I just think he got thrown in to the deep end and didn't give him the chance to find himself.  Wasn't he brought in for Fluke/Tracy, taking over scenes that were supposed to be with Ned, but Wally K went over to DOOL.  So we have a Dillon recast jumping right into the Fluke story and then jumping from that to the Lante marital angst story to the dating Val but suddenly in love with Lulu story.  Some characters sit in limbo for months, but Dillon is given story after story and we haven't had a chance to breath.  

  • Love 5

I have to give Show credit- they at least bothered to give some sort of explanation about Carly's ability to get DNA results quickly. She floats the doc hotel rooms for his mistress times and so he owes her, he does DNA analysis for the cops and so has access to the criminal database, he has "all the newest technology." Is it flawless? No, but it makes more sense than 90% of what has just "happened" on this show lately.


I'll even give them credit if they threw that detail in not only to explain how quickly she was able to get this, but also throw back to it when we find out that Avery is really Morgan's (not a spoiler, just my speculation).  I've always believed Carly had a hand in that DNA test, so finding out she has a doc who owes her favors fits right into that theory.  

  • Love 9

Yeah, Kiki putting her tall leggy blonde self head onto Franco's lap is weird. Sorry folks but you're not actually father and daughter. This is creepy.


Was it me or did RoHo look squicked out when that happened? I really, truly thought Kiki (who should always dress like that because it fits her trainwreck self) was going to make a pass at Franco. It was so weird and slo mo ... I was scared.


I love LW. Love her as much as I hate Carly. I felt for her having to enact every single "Courtney in peril!" scene from the 00s in one single episode. (Remember when Courtney literally knocked herself out trying to escape a basement? Good times.) A car accident, an open hand bag, a tree root - nothing stops Carly. Because she is brave, bitches.


Liz looks lovely in her wedding dress of lies in the promos. Nice hair, too! I still can't bring myself to care about this story aside from wanting it to end. BM hasn't made me care about Jakeson. Liz is nutz. OMG Carly is deprived of her BFF - her hitman buddy who gives her the BEST life advice. Whatever, freaks, whatever.

  • Love 6

About the scissors in the car, many people put one in the glove box after this article made the rounds on Facebook and various parenting sites. (Long story short, a child got so tangled in a seat belt, she almost strangled to death before someone ran and got a scissors to cut her free.)



Also who in the hell would willingly try and parent such a failed science experiment as Kiki anyhow. She's the throwaway model.


And now I'm picturing Kiki as the Indominus Rex sibling the other I-Rex ate. If only.

So, Elizabeth will be beat to a pulp by the lovely citizens of Port Charles. Poor thing. I feel sorry for her because she's such a dainty little thing. She hasn't aged and still looks 16 (or ever how old she was when she started GH) and, now Carly and Sam will rake her over the coals. I guess Nicholas will save her which will probably make Hayden mad. It sounds like a threesome made in hell. LOL!!!!

Also, Kiki curling up in Franco's lap might have worked with Kristen Alderson because she's a tiny little thing. NuKiki isn't as tiny which made it look so weird, awkward & strange.

Edited by ByaNose
  • Love 2

OMG Carly is deprived of her BFF - her hitman buddy who gives her the BEST life advice. Whatever, freaks, whatever.



Its really hard to care about a back from the dead story where you hate everyone involved.  Especially when the show was better off when the back from the dead guy was gone. I don't care about Sonny or Carly getting their chief enabler back.  I don't  care that Michael is getting the man who played God with his life when he was a baby back and I don't care that Monica is getting her favorite child back. 

  • Love 11

Since when did Jake/Jason learn how to cook?


Jason: It's like a memory, a flash. There's a cartoon cow on the side of a carton and then...it's gone.


Liz:  There are fridges with milk in them all over the country. You could be remembering anything...or nothing at all.


Jason: Yeah, you're right. Maybe we should go out for pancakes.

  • Love 9

I don't think the Dillon actor (who's real name escapes me) is bad, I just think he got thrown in to the deep end and didn't give him the chance to find himself.


Not taking the time to establish this actor as Dillon - and establish when/why he is so in luvs with Lulu again - really hurt this story.  If they had let it play out over weeks or even months, with Dillon and Lulu renewing their friendship and spending time together, with Dillon's feelings developing into love as it went along, with Dante's jealously of their bond building over time, this story would have made a lot more sense.

  • Love 6

Was it me or did RoHo look squicked out when that happened? I really, truly thought Kiki (who should always dress like that because it fits her trainwreck self) was going to make a pass at Franco. It was so weird and slo mo ... I was scared.


I can't see past his hair to see his facial expressions anymore.

Jake's letter made me want to shoot him and he wasn't even on screen. Kill the doof, damnit.

Also, Kiki curling up in Franco's lap might have worked with Kristen Alderson because she's a tiny little thing. NuKiki isn't as tiny which made it look so weird, awkward & strange.


this Kiki is too hot to do that with any man who is not her lover, honestly. Is it fair to her? No, but there it is. Dunno why she just didn't lay her head on his shoulder. Weird choice.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 6

FV: "I give you guys more hospital scenes and more Qs (Jason and Dillon) and you still aren't satisfied!"



Just too damn impossible to please I guess. Poor Frank...he just doesn't know what else he can do! 



Jake's letter made me want to shoot him and he wasn't even on screen. Kill the doof, damnit.




Are you saying that Billy Abbott's love note didn't move you appropriately?? 

  • Love 6
Can we not with this let's get Liz ready and proclaim how deserving she is, please?


The show loves its anvils.


Jason: Yeah, you're right. Maybe we should go out for pancakes.


It cracked me up (and irritated me a bit) that Liz was basically blackmailed into making breakfast for everyone on her wedding day. The boyz couldn't have managed pancakes? She had them get the ingredients out anyway.

  • Love 3

Are you saying that Billy Abbott's love note didn't move you appropriately?? 


"grrr, make me some pancakes! I will give you a high-five!" He sounded like he was writing that to Aidan. I really wanted Lucky to show up at the window and cry the one single tear that the love of his life was getting married to Liz.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 8

"grrr, make me some pancakes! I will give you a high-five!" He sounded like he was writing that to Aidan.



*snorts* It was like a missing scene cut from ":Saved By the Bell". 


Who knows, maybe he commissioned Aidan to write it himself. Hey kids, whoever manages to score their new "Daddy" some flapjacks gets a ride on his motorcycle.

  • Love 2

Its really hard to care about a back from the dead story where you hate everyone involved.  Especially when the show was better off when the back from the dead guy was gone. I don't care about Sonny or Carly getting their chief enabler back.  I don't  care that Michael is getting the man who played God with his life when he was a baby back and I don't care that Monica is getting her favorite child back. 


Preach. I can't get too upset that this will "hurt Sam the most" because she'll have to choose between the guy who acts like he's in a coma when he's with her and the guy who acts like he's in a coma all the time. Between the guy who's suddenly giving her everything she's ever wanted since she was a wee girl and the guy who suddenly her BFF. Between the guy who forgot he has an ex-wife and the guy who forgot she is his wife. 


(I'll stop now but feel free to join in.)

  • Love 5

Preach. I can't get too upset that this will "hurt Sam the most" because she'll have to choose between the guy who acts like he's in a coma when he's with her and the guy who acts like he's in a coma all the time. Between the guy who's suddenly giving her everything she's ever wanted since she was a wee girl and the guy who suddenly her BFF. Between the guy who forgot he has an ex-wife and the guy who forgot she is his wife. 


(I'll stop now but feel free to join in.)




Sam needs to be single, it's the one thing really she's never been since she came on the show.


I can already see/hear how she'll go on and on about how she should have "known" the truth and her heart was telling her that Jason wasn't really dead and gone and those damn figurines were pretty much telegraphing that he was "right there" the whole time...it's going to be awful, just awful.


The only thing that I sort of want to see come from Sam's side is for her to take down Liz, because Kelly when she's engaged and fired up can be quite something, she just needs to tap into some of that former "Livvie/Olivia" fire from her PC days.


Though all they'll probably have is weepy Sam who weeps and then she and Jason will stare at each other while that tragic song of theirs plays and Liz is carted away to the nuthouse in the background while Patrick pretends to care as he books a new vacation spot on AirBnb.

  • Love 2
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