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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I have to kind of agree here. Maxie definitely should be reminded of her misdeeds, especially with how she's currently acting, but meh at it coming from Dante after he fucked another woman and didn't tell Lulu. Like shut up Dante. (But also, shut up Maxie.)


but he wasn't saying "hey you lied about the baby so you have no room to criticize others." He was saying, "hey you lied about the baby so maybe you can understand why Nathan is keeping a secret and back off."


But I understand Dante keeping it a secret actually. If my husband had a one night stand and didn't plan on repeating it and felt bad about it, I would rather not know myself. My main problem is he looks like an idiot not telling now that Dillon knows. Although they all look like idiots. If Maxie thinks Dante has a secret, what in the world does she think it is if not sex with Valerie? What else would he feel bad about? Same with Lulu, although I guess I can buy deep denial in her case. Olivia's ignorance I can buy, because she doesn't know about anything that happened.

  • Love 5

but he wasn't saying "hey you lied about the baby so you have no room to criticize others." He was saying, "hey you lied about the baby so maybe you can understand why Nathan is keeping a secret and back off."


I mean, I guess, but Dante is just awful to me right now. I can't with anything he's doing or saying. And I hate how DZ is playing it all. ETA: And really imo it doesn't matter that Dante had a point, he cheated on his wife with her cousin so like he should just have several seats. ETAA: But also let me make it clear how much Maxie is annoying me lately as well. Like she needs to stfu immediately. Also, her skirt is offensively ugly.


She's the female Sonny. They deserve each other. 


I used to really love Ava, but she just really enraged me today. She was just so Sonny. Ugh.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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Why would Liz want to change her name to Doe?  It's not Jake's legal name, he has no valid ID.  Even if he WASN'T actually Jason starring in the world's most badly kept secret, the average citizen and the government don't know who he is.  Doe is a designation, not a name, usually given to unknown corpses.  


Again, I can't believe they could be legally married.  Any lawyers here with opinions?  Of course this is GH, which only has a modest acquaintance with reality.

Edited by Reo
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After seeing Spinelli on the screen, I am appreciating the pairing of Nathan and Maxie.  Spinelli/Maxie was painful to watch.  Nathan and Maxie are much more fun to watch.  YMMV.


I mean I don't disagree, but like watching a beheading is more fun to watch than Maxie/Spinelli so. :)


This reminded me of how much I've grown to hate Maxie/Nathan and just Nathan in general. I feel like RP has such a smugness now that he's learned to speak without looking around for his cue cards. Like ok buddy you're still not Laurence Olivier so calm down.

  • Love 2

Liz gets a sign that says freaking Mr. and Mrs. Doe and her freaking home address and I'm supposed to believe this is in character? It's shameful what they've done to her character.



This ultimately was the most destructive part of Ron's writing. Characters acting so far from the norm that they become impossible to redeem. Couple this with the fact that Ron had tapped the DID/Brian Tumor trope so often that it is now not viable in the GH universe and we are left with several characters in bad positions


Mac/Patrick/Anna/Robert not looking for or missing Robin can be fixed strangely enough most easily. A good smack down by Robin and some mea culpas and there is an out for everyone


Paul suddenly becoming a murderer can be fixed if Susan (who may or may not be Hayden) is suddenly again in danger from the "Cartel" or some other Organization, it was clear that the old Paul while boring would kill to protect his child, so the development of a personality along with the desire to protect his loved ones works (maybe they even have Jenny and the child he and Jenny had together, or even Sly) 


Laura is harder but perhaps guilt over abandoning Nik can be played in, or even revulsion for what Jason Q had become. Laura is nothing if not occasionally self-righteous and allowing Jason to remain Jake may work if she feels that Jake is simply the kind of person Alan and Monica would rather Jason M had been


Nik is easy he is just finally becoming a Cassadine no further explanation is needed. He is evil in the genes and those around him will just need to deal with it.


Lucky is off screen and unless they recast we are not going to need to deal with this anytime soon so perhaps the less said the better


And then there is Liz. For whom it seems all hope is lost. We cannot go the DID breakdown route. I think maybe the only way to deal with this is to have Liz rush off after the reveal she races to Wyndemere and down to the catacombs. Chained to a wall is ....Liz. The first Liz smiles and says "Oh well that was fun while it lasted. They found out. I am going to release you now... and go away, you deal with the fall out."  She throws Liz the key to her chains and walks offs...as she reaches the top of the stairs she turns and smiles and says "Till next time Sister"


And we are then left with a clean slate Liz who know one believes or even thinks is sane trying to prove that Sarah or someone else had replaced her.

Edited by Fylaki
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Why would Liz want to change her name to Doe?  It's not Jake's legal name, he has no valid ID.  Even if he WASN'T actually Jason starring in the world's most badly kept secret, the average citizen and the government don't know who he is.  Doe is a designation, not a name, usually given to unknown corpses.  


Again, I can't believe they could be legally married.  Any lawyers here with opinions?  Of course this is GH, which only has a modest acquaintance with reality.


A week or so ago, I was watching and thinking "they won't actually have Liz take the last name Doe, will they?  Will the plan be for Jake to become Jake Weber?"  But, no, this show thinks that Liz becoming "Liz Doe" is something that would happen.  I can't. 

  • Love 9

Actually? He was. Most of his entire story was about getting out of the mob because he loved Anna & Robin. That matters, it matters even more on a soap where nobody else even makes the attempt.

RC ruined him - so he was just as much of a piece of garbage as everyone else in PC by the time RC was fired. But for the years and years that Anna loved him in the 80s, he worked to be worthy of that.

Also? The idea that Anna somehow earned Faison's creepy, rapey obsession with her is repulsive.



Actually, he wasn't. Just because we saw him trying to get out of the mob, doesn't mean he didn't kill plenty of people on the way up. But he was sorry, right? So it's okay.

Meh. If Alexis, Carly and Olivia are/were idiots for being in a relationship with a mobster, so is/was Anna.

I never said she "earned" Cesar's obsession with her. Just stated the fact that every decision we make has consequences. She chose to align herself with him.

The consequences of that was that he became obsessed with her.

They made a big to do about Julian getting Alexis a new house (even though they really could have "rebuilt" the old one) but no mention of Anna moving out of the hotel. I like her place though.

It dawned on me that the reason there was no mention of Anna's new house is that it's not the result of the writers, but rather came from Frank. I have no doubt that Finola negotiated for a home in her recent contract negotiations. And Frank agreed to it.

So I'm pretty sure that when the writers were writing those scenes with Anna, Emma, and Paul, they were setting them in Anna's hotel room.

Edited by Francie

Redemption is half the point of a soap character. Otherwise, all they are is the worst thing they've done and there's no one in PC worth watching or rooting for under that standard - including the Qs.

My biggest problem with RC's characters - aside from their general shittiness - was that he was incredibly lazy with redemption. There was never any striving by the characters for atonement or even an attempt to be better. His idea of redemption was external (a tumor, cancer, Ric being meeeeean to WE NEVER CARED). His characters didn't change or grow.

I can't hate Sonny as much as I should while Franco is wandering around PC smirking at people

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 6

Redemption is half the point of a soap character. Otherwise, all they are is the worst thing they've done and there's no one in PC worth watching or rooting for under that standard - including the Qs.

My biggest problem with RC's characters - aside from their general shittiness - was that he was incredibly lazy with redemption. There was never any striving by the characters for atonement or even an attempt to be better. His idea of redemption was external (a tumor, cancer, Ric being meeeeean to WE NEVER CARED).

Ron's other trick was to tear down the moral characters, like having Anna shooting Carlos, as a way of silencing critics of his sociopathic characters. I can just see his condescending tweets now to complaining fans now.

*I will never not be happy that Ron Carlivati was fired.

  • Love 5

A week or so ago, I was watching and thinking "they won't actually have Liz take the last name Doe, will they? Will the plan be for Jake to become Jake Weber?" But, no, this show thinks that Liz becoming "Liz Doe" is something that would happen. I can't.

Just say it like this, makes it even funnier. Liz....D'oh! (Complete with heel of your hand knocked to your forehead). I'll be here all night folks..... Edited by mybabyaidan
  • Love 10

Again, I can't believe they could be legally married. Any lawyers here with opinions? Of course this is GH, which only has a modest acquaintance with reality.

The bigger picture question is the fact that, in the real world, he probably wouldn't have stayed a John Doe for long. Because John Does with plastic surgery that make them unrecognizable don't exist. And unrecognizable John Does without identification at the time of an accident that causes them to have to get appearance-altering surgery are even more rare. And John Does without identification at the time of an accident that causes them to get appearance-altering surgery who are NOT listed amongst current missing persons, and instead have been presumed to be dead, are even less common. And John Does who were without identification at the time of an accident that requires them to get appearance-altering surgery and who are not missing persons and whose fingerprints have apparently been altered or erased, considering that they have been arrested and their fingerprints are in state and probably federal databases are the rarest of all.

And for those rare individuals who get into an accident while they have no identification on them and who then have to have appearance-altering surgery, and who are not on a listed Missing Persons database, they probably have long-term brain or cognitive damage that would cause them mental capacity issues. And thus they would not be able to enter into contracts, include those of a matrimonial nature.

But if such a person existed, his life would be so tied up in red tape for not having a social security number and trying to get a new one and thus be able to work, that he probably wouldn't be thinking about enterint into other types of legal obligations. I would imagine that any attorney would advise him to figure out who he is before he possibly embroiled himself into more red tape.

But, having said all that, if the person is mentally competent, he would have an equal protection issue if he was prevented from getting married on the grounds that he had amnesia.

  • Love 10
Liz gets a sign that says freaking Mr. and Mrs. Doe and her freaking home address


I like to think that when Liz went to get the sign, the guy behind the counter said, "Lady, you know that's just a sample, right? You put your real name there."


That final scene with close-ups of Spinelli and cuts to him pounding away on his keyboard was unintentional comedy gold.


To his credit, BA jokes about those scenes. 


Marriage is a contract and those require good faith and sanity - Liz isn't really working with either of those right now

Neither is Jakeson, tbh, though it's on a much smaller level than his nutty fiancée.

  • Love 9

I have to kind of agree here. Maxie definitely should be reminded of her misdeeds, especially with how she's currently acting, but meh at it coming from Dante after he fucked another woman and didn't tell Lulu. Like shut up Dante. (But also, shut up Maxie.)


Ava was awful with Kiki. How she can honestly stand there and act all smug about Kiki being a character witness and be pissed she won't is just mind-boggling. That's Sonny levels of awful tbh.


I really can not stand Jake/Jason. BM just doesn't work for me at all. And he always has this sorta air about him that he doesn't want to be there which is super annoying. 


This soo much. I just cannot stand Jake and BM's annoying acting choices that he makes during scenes. 


Liz gets a sign that says freaking Mr. and Mrs. Doe and her freaking home address and I'm supposed to believe this is in character? It's shameful what they've done to her character.


I almost died of laughter when I saw "Mr. and Mrs. Doe" thing. Oh, how far Liz has fallen. Yikes!

  • Love 2

It's official, I fucking hate Liz.


Even if Lucky never officially adopted Cameron, he raised Cam since he was little, he was a father in every way that counts.  They even had that nice scene after Lucky found out he was Aidan's father where they talked about how Cam wasn't his biologically, but that Lucky was honored that he got to be his daddy.  Yes, that's been diluted by Lucky's time off-canvas, but still.


That she completely denounced that bond and relationship all so she could cover up Little Psycho Jake's rant about Jake(son) being his daddy, that she was the one to suggest he adopt Cameron and Jake, disgusted me.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 10

What is this nonsense with Liz asking Jake to adopt 2 children that have a legal father? Lucky adopted Cameron eons ago and is Liz just going to dish these kids out like candy, having every husband adopt and take them? Having them adopted every marriage? She wanted Ric to be Cameron's original dad, then passed of Jake as Lucky's, Aiden was Nik's for a short term. Her kids are going to be so messed up.


Little Jake needs to go live at the Q mansion, take him in Tracy.  I loved her telling Ava that the baby should have been left with Michael. So true, that's when the show went so far downhill.


Dante went to the right person for cheating advice.


Patrick was a Doctor for Halloween? How original.


Kiki should have agreed to testify and then blast her mother on the stand. Ava was an idiot for thinking Kiki would testify and asking her in the first place.

  • Love 6

Jakeson and the boys' costumes were so lame. Anyone who checks the records will see that Liz's kids already have a father. I don't think if a father is alive, someone else can adopt his kids without him giving up his parental rights, and they haven't degraded Lucky that far.


Of course Sonny has no problem with Olivia lying about Leo—"the important thing is that he's alive"—but it's APPALLING that Ava wants custody of Avery. 


I hate Dillion's intern with every fiber of my being.


So Lulu's costume is stripper cop?

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 3

Wait: Did Franco and Nina move in with Kiki? At Silas's place?



Aren't Kiki and Nina both now independently wealthy? Why the fuck are they living together?


It's all so stupid. 


Silas' will is apparently in probate so Kiki - who of course has no job and actually lied about having a job to cover up for her new drinking hobby - has no moneys. 


Francs convinced Neens to buy Silas' apartment - the apartment where she "hilariously" tried to rape Silas and where they made out over a dead person they both kinda thought the other murdered - so Keeks had somewhere to live.

It's all so stupid. 


Silas' will is apparently in probate so Kiki - who of course has no job and actually lied about having a job to cover up for her new drinking hobby - has no moneys. 


Francs convinced Neens to buy Silas' apartment - the apartment where she "hilariously" tried to rape Silas and where they made out over a dead person they both kinda thought the other murdered - so Keeks had somewhere to live.


Why are any of them living there? He died on the floor! Like, they can, each of them, point to the exact spot where his butchered corpse was! They walk on it everyday! And Nina's mom killed Kiki's dad! And Nina and Kiki hate each other! (I don't care if they turn out to be related after all, that whole attempt at making them a rooted family on the canvas is so gross.)


Just get her a hotel room and get a place of your own and call it a day! OTOH, this would make it easy to kill them all in one fell swoop when Helena's stinger missiles go careening through Port Charles and take out a part of the building.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 7

On today's General HOspital....


Dante confides in Sonny, about the ONS.  Sonny tells him confess to Lulu.  


Dillon's assistant Andy sees the footage of Valerie confiding in Dillon and decides to leave the laptop open for anyone to see, which Lulu does, after she and Dillon make up.  


Liz wants Jake to adopt Cam and little Jake once they're married.  


Ava gets a message that Kiki won't testify for her and cries on Paul's shoulder then both kiss.  Paul promises to fix things for her.  


Maxie accidentally spills a drink on Spin's computer and oh no, maybe he won't be able to figure out who Jake is after all.  Except I think he will, in about a week's time.  



  • Love 1

By the way, so much for the new writers claiming unemployment in PC was going down.  Kiki and Morgan still don't have jobs, they even had Kiki troll the audience by lying about some finance gig because she's good with numbers (HAHAHAHA) which was actually a lie to disguise her drinking.  Jake(son) has no job now that Mikey's out at ELQ.  Maxie hasn't mentioned being a professional personal shopper in forever.  And I don't think Sabrina's working either.

Why are any of them living there? He died on the floor! Like, they can, each of them, point to the exact spot where his butchered corpse was! They walk on it everyday!


Seriously!  If they wanted to reuse the set as SERIAL KILLER/Nutty Loon/Moocher HQ, why not just have Nina buy a place in the same building and redress the set slightly?

  • Love 3

Sorry, but I have to give Sonny a bonus point for being irritated at Valerie for telling the secret to Dillon. Everyone except Maxie and Lulu just pat her like she did nothing wrong. I'm not looking for "die dirty whore", I'm looking for, "hey Valerie, can you please stop telling people about it when you said you wouldn't?"


And shut up, Dante, for your litany of her awesome qualities that she has yet to display on-screen. ugh Dante might be dead to me for a while after this. Not because of the litany but because of Sonny being all "you gotta approach this from a business perspective" and Dante not replying sarcastically "yeah uh great metaphor."


Tracy was the MVP of the episode. Thank God for Tracy. From telling Ava Michael should be with Avery to her disdain of Andy the intern to her scene with Maxie.


Nice to see Maxie with Sam and Patrick. 


Ugh, it looked like Jason and Spinelli rubbed each other's hair grease and then styled it with said grease. And I wanted to punch Jason and his red nose in the face. Why, why does he had a red nose to go with his football costume.

Sam was Maleficent, wasn't she? Gotta get that Disney synergy going.


LOL at Sonny, of all people, saying that Valerie doesn't have impulse control. She told one person about sleeping with Dante. Sonny's the one who murdered AJ because Ava urged him on.


Well, she told two, but your point still stands.


Sam was the evil queen from Snow-White, so close, but not quite. :)

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 4


Maxie hasn't mentioned being a professional personal shopper in forever.

Maxie's working as an actress on Dillon's film. Although I'm not sure how much that gig would pay, it has to be slightly more than what Kiki's making.  Morgan was Lulu's bartender until he started drinking the profits during the whole, 'is he bipolar, twenty minute story'.  Kiki, well I have no excuse for her.  Although I get a kick out of the fact that she sits around drinking wine all day when she has no money to buy said wine.  



Well, she told two, but your point still stands.

Which is only one more than Dante (who told Nathan) and Jordan doesn't count since she's been tossed in whatever closet that Ric, Laura and Monica are hanging out in.  Although, Ric and Jordan could be hot, so maybe I'd like to spend time together in a closet!!    And no, I don't know why I'm defending stupid Valerie.  

  • Love 1

I gotta count Jordan, mostly because she's their boss, and Dillon was an even worse choice since she knew he had feelings for Lulu.

I actually liked the scene though where Dante talked about getting Lulu to marry him. The writing was less generic and more specific to their history and DZ decided to wake up a bit for the scene.

Really? They thought Sam going as a wicked step-mother was a good idea?

She looked pretty good in it though when she took the hat off.

  • Love 1

I can't blame Kiki. If a crazy billionaire woman who's stuck in 1992 wanted to pay my room and board and free boozing, I would ride that train to the center of the earth.


They're great actors and villains but why am I supposed to care about murderess Ava or cartel boss Paul's feelings about the baby? This is a real waste of Richard Burgi, just turning him into Sonny's latest short-term adversary.


I am deeply amused that they finally got Anna out of that fucking hotel room which I raged about so many times, and that she now apparently has the old Chandler mansion from AMC LA. Why not?

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 8

Did Lucky adopt Cam when he was married to Liz the first time?  No.  Did Lucky adopt Cam when he was married to Liz the second time and before Jake was born?  No.  Lucky tried to take Cam and Jake when LnL2 divorced the second time and Diane whooped his butt because he never adopted Cam.  Cam was born in 2004 and Lucky has had plenty of time to adopt that boy even when he found out that Aiden is his son.  Lucky would rather spend his time crying, staring at pills on the floor or off helping orphans.  


Cam looked really happy at the thought of being adopted by "Jake Doe".  I think it is criminal that Cam went eleven years without being adopted by Lucky, versus what we saw with Michael/Sonny.  


I enjoyed all of the Halloween costumes!

  • Love 2

As I said earlier, I don't care if there ever a formal adoption, we saw Lucky and Cameron's relationship play out on screen, he was a father to him in all the ways that matter and for Liz to completely shit on that to lock down Jake(son) and divert Little Jake's questions is guh-ross.


And why exactly is Jason - the man who chose the mob over raising his son back in the day - being held up as this parenting paragon?

Edited by TeeVee329
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