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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I'm already sick of Alexis gazing adoringly at Joolian, just because he accidentally impregnated a woman while drunk on New Year's Eve. 

I'd also like her to say, "I've already raised three children, and it's time for me.  I'm not going back to changing Pampers."  But no, babies are golden on this show.


How sad is it that I couldn't remember all three children...  There's Sam, who she didn't raise, Molly, with her high pitch screech and thank goodness we've forgotten her horrible novels, and....  and....   and....


Oh, yeah.  Kristina.


Another vote against Olivia's terminal pious hypocrisy.  Man, I like the actress, but the character just blows chunks.  You know, you aren't a good person because you go to church.  You're a good person because you don't murder people.  You are a good person because you are kind and thoughtful and consider the needs of others.  You are a good person because you don't lie and conceal important facts from someone entitled to know them (even slime like Julian).  You are not a good person for making apologies for SOME people that do, and sneer at the others doing the same things as the one you are defending.  You not a good person if you are judgmental and critical of people for not going to church or because they don't believe the in same things you do.  


Look in the mirror, Mama Linguini.  You are not a good person.  Who is going to save Leo from you?

Edited by Reo
  • Love 9

I think I mostly liked today. I enjoy Michael and Sabrina together; I think her vanilla-ness is a nice balance to the shitshow that has been Michael's entire life. I hate the WTD story, though, and my biggest fear is that she'll fess up soon and Michael will be all "I don't care about biology, I'll be a great dad - I'm just like Sonny!" Or possibly even worse, Michael reject her and the baby and we get scenes of Sonny "teaching" Michael that biology isn't everything. Intolerable.

I thought the Dillon stuff could have been interesting, but it has all spiraled downhill very quickly.

  • Love 6

I hate the WTD story, though, and my biggest fear is that she'll fess up soon and Michael will be all "I don't care about biology, I'll be a great dad - I'm just like Sonny!" Or possibly even worse, Michael reject her and the baby and we get scenes of Sonny "teaching" Michael that biology isn't everything.


Or Carlos shows up alive and Sonny decides to teach Michael the finer points of hanging people up on meathooks.


Just as an aside, I'm researching a possible future trip to Las Vegas, and got a brochure today with a map showing all the hotels on the Strip.  One of them is called the "SLS Hotel".


Guess what was the first thought that popped into my head.

  • Love 7

So, I guess Tony Geary's salary went to new sets for Alexis & Anna. That said, is Alexis new house just her old set? It looks the same to me. Maybe, it's just the doors with the blinds. Too bad I can't see a before & after of her house(s). When did Anna get the huge mansion? I was totally confused when Emma came down the huge staircase. It really did look very Another World. It didn't have an AMC or OLTL feel nor a CBS show. I'm happy Anna has a huge house and I'm sure Emma will move in once Patrick leaves.

Edited by ByaNose
  • Love 2

  If Ron was still at the helm, Sam and Lucas would have met Leo offscreen 

I assume them asking Julian about forgiving Olivia and his reply about "doing what's best" and not having hostility for their baby's sake is an anvil for Sam's story with Jakeson and the kids involved once the secret is out. (Also, the only thing Sam and Lucas have in common aside from dad and now baby brother is poor taste in men.)

A Monica sighting! That made my whole day! And Jane E. you looked and acted beautifully too. We want more please!


They all assumed the baby's last name would be "Quartermaine," and Michael didn't dispute that. Over at the Corinthii corner, of course, they all assumed it would be "Corinthos".


I can't stand Sabrina's simpering about the baby. She's sitting pretty for becoming part of a wealthy and powerful family either way, unless Carlos is the daddy.

  • Love 3

Which I think he is. Or why add in Carlos at all when it wasn't a possibility months ago?

Because finally I'll get what I want and JVP will play Carlos's long lost identical twin, who's a doctor? Or because Sabrina/Michael are a bit boring and needed the "spice"?

Or to tie in with the Magical Wonderful Return of Jasus, which explains why like every episode someone says Michael reminds them of Jasus, Patron Robot of taking children from their actual father?

  • Love 2


Um, wouldn't that be the place you'd mention your other dead son, the baby's grandfather?  Are we really just pretending AJ never existed?  And then she expresses her hopes that Sonny and Carly were happy about the news?  UGH.

Could it be because Monica knows that AJ is still alive....again? and she wants Sonny and Carly to be happy so that when AJ returns he can pull the rug out from under both of them? I know we have sworm of masks...but I would love for SK to return in a mask...as a new character...steal Carly from Sonny and then pull the mask off at the wedding of said new character and Carly, hi-five Monica and stick his tounge out at Jason.

  • Love 9

Anna has a new place so that Robin has someplace to stay when she get back.


Plus, the new place has a Batcave in the basement where Anna is actually working on finding Robin with Robert while misleading everyone in Port Charles by telling them she truly believes that Robin went to a conference in China. She doesn't want anyone to interfere with her plans to rescue her daughter.


Hey - a girl can dream lol.

  • Love 7

I hate the WTD story, though, and my biggest fear is that she'll fess up soon and Michael will be all "I don't care about biology, I'll be a great dad - I'm just like Sonny!" Or possibly even worse, Michael reject her and the baby and we get scenes of Sonny "teaching" Michael that biology isn't everything. Intolerable.


"The kid ain't yours, and everybody know. Your old man say you stupid, you be like, 'So? I love my baby mother, I never let her go.'" - DMX

  • Love 9

I think I mostly liked today. I enjoy Michael and Sabrina together; I think her vanilla-ness is a nice balance to the shitshow that has been Michael's entire life. I hate the WTD story, though, and my biggest fear is that she'll fess up soon and Michael will be all "I don't care about biology, I'll be a great dad - I'm just like Sonny!" Or possibly even worse, Michael reject her and the baby and we get scenes of Sonny "teaching" Michael that biology isn't everything. Intolerable.


Rage blackout. I just. Why? WHY? Why couldn't this story just be about Sabrina and Michael getting pregnant while they're not really in love and navigating that with Michael's fucked up family situation? There's enough drama in that, we don't need this other bullshit. This story is totally going to end up being about how Sonny is an amazing father and man and I just. I'm so angry.

  • Love 8

Why is there an animal head mounted on Anna's living room wall?


Why, when Anna walked out Paul, she didn't walk him to the front door, but just to the door of the living room? And her granddaughter was on the other side of that door! (Okay, supposedly she was upstairs, but that's still on the other side of that door).


Who puts their living room chairs behind their sofa?


I'm grateful Anna finally has a house. But that one is so random.  Whoever said they saw her in a modern style downtown townhouse with a spiral staircase, I concur. This place is too 80s/90s male billionaire. It's a Kiriakis or Dimera mansion. Or an Asa Buchanan mansion.  Or a Cortland or Chandler estate. It was just odd.  And not even a mention in the beginning.  Like Emma saying, "Gee, Grandma your new house is so much fun to play in."  Weird.


Paul is played by a good actor, and he plays well off of Finola.  He is a baddie, though, so I'm not excited about the idea of there being long-term plans for him. I'm open to changing my mind.


What was up with Paul taking Anna and Emma's picture? That's so going to get used later on.


And Paul mentioning that he'd love to be a grandfather when his son (Dillon) gets his act together. Hmmmm, no mention of Susan.  Even more possibility that she's really Hayden?  BTW, Anna knew Susan, or at least Susan's pivotal role in the Cartel's plan back in 1991.  If the show wanted to draw on its history, Anna should have asked Paul about her.  Maybe gotten a hand wave answer of "she's in Europe."  Anna could respond with a "there's a lot of that going around." And then the viewers would be reminded that Anna actually thinks of her daughter.

  • Love 1

I can't root Anna on to take down Paul until and unless she also answers for what she did to Carlos. As far as I'm concerned, right now, she and Paul in terms of blood on their hands, and covering it up, are pretty equal. Since Anna once took an oath to serve and protect, she's actually a little worse. One of the reasons I've disliked Anna over the years is the fact that she doesn't think she IS like the criminals she pursues. There's always been this sanctimonious vibe about her that has turned me off, and I can't take it seriously now that I've seen her shoot a man in cold blood. Sure, she's racked with guilt, but she SHOULD be, so...what?

And I know it would suck if she went to jail for a bit, because Sonny and Julian are free as birds. But I think one of the major reasons viewers have turned away from this show, is that it's been far too dark for too long. So many people literally getting away with murder. It's time that stopped, and if Anna has to be the first to step up and pay the piper, so be it. I think she has to pay in some way-because if she's truly a "hero", I can't take her seriously otherwise. Besides....it could be great material for Finola.

I do like JVP, but Carlos himself should not be alive. The audience saw him get shot literally in the heart by Anna. It would be too much to bring him back. And it would be a lazy cop out just to "redeem" Anna. When really, Carlos being alive doesn't redeem her any more than little Jake being alive "redeemed" Luke. She still aimed the gun and intended to kill. Carlos somehow surviving doesn't change her actions. I will take JVP as Carlos's look-a-like cousin, though.


Oh, yeah.  Kristina


Heh. I loathe Krustina the way some loathe Kiki and Dillon. Worthless, useless, empty character who should have died during the Keifer storyline. So many victims of abuse DO die at the hands of their abusers, because like Kristina, they cannot tell the truth and/or leave. I would not have minded it at all, because the story as written just painted victims of abuse in a negative light. I didn't feel sorry for Kristina. At all. And I should have.

Then they brought on that other actress and she became an even bigger twit. She can die/leave any day. I am so glad the writers don't seem to have any interest in developing her character.

It doesn't help that I think acting is not Lexi Ainsworth's true calling in life.

Edited by IWantCandy71
  • Love 1

I'm beginning to think that Olivia also had a ONS last NYE with Shaun. Of course we'll learn about this during a one-sided phone conversation between Liv and Shaun, giving us not one but TWO WTD storylines in the coming months/years. Leo is adorable, but put him between a baby picture of Julian and one of Shaun, and...no contest. JMO.

  • Love 5

I can't root Anna on to take down Paul until and unless she also answers for what she did to Carlos. As far as I'm concerned, right now, she and Paul in terms of blood on their hands, and covering it up, are pretty equal.

Anna killed Carlos when she was at an emotional low. Carlos just taunted her about going free for his crime, and Anna had a moment of heat and passion where she killed the man who killed the cat man she loved. And even though the man cat she loved was a part of the mob world, she knew he had been to hell and back having spent 30 years in a Turkish prison.

Meanwhile, Paul killed a man in straight up cold blood in other to further his nefarious moustache-twirling plot. He's more of a Fluke, who killed the people he needed to kill to cover up his crimes. He'd kill him again, in a heartbeat and without batting an eye, and he'd be annoyed with his victim for letting his blood seep under his shoes.

They are about as different as night and day, IMHO.

Plus Anna engages in the self-torture that Maurice claims that Sonny undergoes. Except that Anna does really beat herself up, while Sonny bemoans "Why do all these awful things have to happen to me?"

I'm beginning to think that Olivia also had a ONS last NYE with Shaun. Of course we'll learn about this during a one-sided phone conversation between Liv and Shaun, giving us not one but TWO WTD storylines in the coming months/years. Leo is adorable, but put him between a baby picture of Julian and one of Shaun, and...no contest. JMO.

I've seriously had the same thought too.

Edited by Francie
  • Love 8

Meanwhile, Paul killed a man in straight up cold blood in other to further his nefarious moustache-twirling plot. He's more of a Fluke, who killed the people he needed to kill to cover up his crimes.


I mean, it was Sloane so Paul deserves a medal or some kind of ticker tape parade.


But yup to your overall point that Paul killing Sloane is a lazy echo of Fluke, or even Julian when he was Derek Wells.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 7

Anna killed Carlos when she was at an emotional low. Carlos just taunted her about going free for his crime, and Anna had a moment of heat and passion where she killed the man who killed the cat man she loved. And even though the man cat she loved was a part of the mob world, she knew he had been to hell and back having spent 30 years in a Turkish prison.

Meanwhile, Paul killed a man in straight up cold blood in other to further his nefarious moustache-twirling plot. He's more of a Fluke, who killed the people he needed to kill to cover up his crimes. He'd kill him again, in a heartbeat and without batting an eye, and he'd be annoyed with his victim for letting his blood seep under his shoes.

They are about as different as night and day, IMHO.

Plus Anna engages in the self-torture that Maurice claims that Sonny undergoes. Except that Anna does really beat herself up, while Sonny bemoans "Why do all these awful things have to happen to me?"

I've seriously had the same thought too.


Except I've rewatched that scene with Anna shooting Carlos, and there wasn't any passion in it. She wasn't angry or distressed or crying or anything to the point where she couldn't or wouldn't think. In fact, she takes a moment to pause before she does it. It was not in the heat of passion at all. Just deadly cold.

And again....don't really give a crap about her distress. She SHOULD feel guilt. She isn't feeling so much though, that she is coming forward to confess. So eh to her supposed emotional angst. I do think eventually she'll confess, but it will be because she has to in order to get from under Paul's thumb. Then and only then. Which doesn't rate with me, it isn't something that should be applauded, that you only come forward to bring down someone that you THINK is worse than you.


I don't think one life, no matter how "good" or "bad" the person was, is worth more than another, nor do I think any character should ever get a pass. If Paul must pay, so must she, and anything else is nothing but hypocrisy and double standards.

  • Love 1

We'll have to agree to disagree whether Anna was overcome by emotion when killing Carlos. I thought Finola did a bang up job of showing someone cracking up without going "full crazy," which is often the default for actors.

Anna actually did immediately confess -- to Sloane. He was her adversary at the time, so it was the equivalent of turning herself in. While he was no longer the police commissioner, her spontaneous confession to him would have sealed her fate. She had no idea he would cover up the crime. They portrayed Anna as practically being a fugue state by that time, and just going along with what Sloane did. She has since covered her tracks and not made a full confession, but she has confessed.

Also, I'm not making the argument about good/bad, getting a pass, etc. But I am making the case that what Anna did and what Paul is doing (and what Julian and Fluke did) are not completely the same. Was it wrong, yes. Will they probably give her an 'out,' by having Carlos still be alive, yes. Can I argue that Anna doesn't deserve jail for what she did, no. But I would argue that her penalty should be less than someone like Paul's or Sonny's or Franco's or Julian's or Jason's.

Bottom line, I don't agree with your argument that if this show punished Anna but let Sonny, Franco, Ava, Julian, Fluke, Paul, etc. walk free that the viewers would be satisfied that finally someone is going down for a crime on GH. I think it would infuriate fans even more that characters like Matt (or Anna, if your wish came to fruition) are sent off but Sonny remains scot free. But that's just my take and perspective on it.

  • Love 10
That said, is Alexis new house just her old set?


It's pretty much the same set; they just rearranged a few things and spruced it up a bit.


I'd also like her to say, "I've already raised three children, and it's time for me. I'm not going back to changing Pampers." But no, babies are golden on this show.

So agree. I wish this show would mimic real life a bit more in this respect. I think people would relate to it more.


A woman who isn't infatuated with babies? Not on this fakakta show, or else that's the flashing neon sign that she's OMG TEH EVUL!!11!

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 1

I was thrilled to see Monica again.  Apparently they found the key to the basement they had her locked in the past year.  We should talk about the elephant in the room and that is that the writers have now, officially, moved on from AJ's death - or at least WHO killed him.  It seems to me that the Qs acknoweldge that AJ died but are glossing over who killed him.  I get the feeling the new writers basically want to say "Yes, AJ is dead, but Sonny didn't kill him.  That's how the characters will react from now on."  I'm done with complaining about the fact that the writers just erased that aspect of the full year of Michael's story.  Carly acknowledged that Michael hadn't talked to her in months, but not WHY he hadn't talked to her.  Throw in the fact that Monica could say Sonny's name in a sentence without choking, and it's official.  So frankly, I'm moving on also.  It's pointless to rail against something that the writers have now erased.


So having said all of that:  I was thrilled to see Michael firmly (and happily) ensconsed at the Q mansion, and is living there as his home.  Also, I LOVED the Quartermaine banter with Michael, Monica, and Tracey.  CD was good with JE and how exasperated she got Michael discussing the mob.  It was great.  I don't even care at this point as to whether Michael will rage against Sonny.  I'm just happy that he acknowledges his Q roots, loves his grandmother (and Tracy), and is actually involved in Q fighting.  I can accept the complete 180 turnaround to Michael/Sonny's story (although barely) as long as I get to see a lot more of Monica and Tracy with Michael at the Q mansion.  Heck, the new writers should lure Wally back since RC let him leave, and my joy would be complete. 


I really hate the character of Jake.  He is just SO different (and not in a good way) from Jason Morgan that I can't look at him at all and see Jason.  Also, why does he always feel the need to poke people when he's trying to make a point.  I'm sure it's a tick of BM's, but it's annoying, and it reduces everyoen he's talking to to a child.


Liz is slowly going off the deep end.  There is definitely a room at Shadybrook in her future.


I do like the chemistry between Nikolas and Hayden.  The actors work really well together, and so I like them being together, but I hate what the writers have done to Nikolas.  They better not allow him to go too over the edge as Dark Prince Cassadine.


YEAH for Diane being back.  God, I love her. 

Edited by Bishop
  • Love 3

We'll have to agree to disagree whether Anna was overcome by emotion when killing Carlos. I thought Finola did a bang up job of showing someone cracking up without going "full crazy," which is often the default for actors.

Anna actually did immediately confess -- to Sloane. He was her adversary at the time, so it was the equivalent of turning herself in. While he was no longer the police commissioner, her spontaneous confession to him would have sealed her fate. She had no idea he would cover up the crime. They portrayed Anna as practically being a fugue state by that time, and just going along with what Sloane did. She has since covered her tracks and not made a full confession, but she has confessed.

Also, I'm not making the argument about good/bad, getting a pass, etc. But I am making the case that what Anna did and what Paul is doing (and what Julian and Fluke did) are not completely the same. Was it wrong, yes. Will they probably give her an 'out,' by having Carlos still be alive, yes. Can I argue that Anna doesn't deserve jail for what she did, no. But I would argue that her penalty should be less than someone like Paul's or Sonny's or Franco's or Julian's or Jason's.

Bottom line, I don't agree with your argument that if this show punished Anna but let Sonny, Franco, Ava, Julian, Fluke, Paul, etc. walk free that the viewers would be satisfied that finally someone is going down for a crime on GH. I think it would infuriate fans even more that characters like Matt (or Anna, if your wish came to fruition) are sent off but Sonny remains scot free. But that's just my take and perspective on it.



I never said their punishment should be the same. I said both should go to jail. Obviously, if Paul doesn't have some great excuse, his "punishment" would send him offscreen/off the show, while Anna's punishment would be much lighter.

 We all know she'll skate, though. And people will applaud the fact that she'll skate. And nothing will change.


I really hate the character of Jake.  He is just SO different (and not in a good way) from Jason Morgan that I can't look at him at all and see Jason.  Also, why does he always feel the need to poke people when he's trying to make a point.  I'm sure it's a tick of BM's, but it's annoying, and it reduces everyoen he's talking to to a child.



I don't hate the character of Jake so much as, yep, he's just NOT JASON to me.  And the shoe-horning of traits and connections to make him Jason is irritating, at best.  I'm over the 'secret' but dreading the reveal in equal parts.  Because I could not, and can not, stand the Jason/Sam relationship and I don't want endless scenes where Sam monotones about how something inside her just knew Jason was alive and phoenix/dragon, blah blah blah, shooting stars, yadda yadda yadda, ride or die chick, etc etc etc.

  • Love 4

In a world where there are rarely consequences for killing someone (PC), I have no problem with someone like Anna, normally considered a heroine, offing the likes of Carlos, who murdered her long time love, or Faison, who tortured her and her loved ones for decades. No, she didn't kill Faison, but I would have wiped the prints off her gun if she had, then dumped his body in a vat of BBQ sauce outside The Floating Rib -- "the secret's in the sauce." Those who commit horrible crimes deserve what they get. I think of Charles Manson, and those two deviants who committed the home invasion/rapes/murders in Cheshire, CT, all of whom were removed from Death Row after a post-sentencing repeal of the death penalty. I may digress, but it serves my point. Would anyone be prosecuted for killing Helena? Doubtful. IMO, Anna gets a pass.

Edited by TheMediaHo
  • Love 4

Today's scorecard:


+20 points for Liz and Ric's small run-in.  I would have loved to have seen more between them, with Liz realizing that she's now playing in Ric's end of the pool re: Jake(son), but I've been asking for this moment for a while so I'll take it.


+50 points for Dante referring to Maxie's baby lie when he deemed her the last person who should talk about keeping secrets.  She got let off the hook way too easy for all that so that moment was more than a little delicious.


-30 points for Dillon...speaking.  He is really working my last nerve.  And why does he think being the bearer of the Dante/Valerie ONS news is going to make Lulu fall in love with him?  People shoot the messenger, Dil.


-80 points for...whatever the fuck that Kiki/Morgan/Darby nonsense was.  And look, I get what Morgan and Ava did to her was horrible, but Kiki is acting like butter wouldn't melt in her mouth considering what happened with and Michael while she was with Morgan.

  • Love 3
-30 points for Dillon...speaking.  He is really working my last nerve.  And why does he think being the bearer of the Dante/Valerie ONS news is going to make Lulu fall in love with him?  People shoot the messenger, Dil.


Shoot away, Lulu! Valerie yelling at Dillion was the most interesting she's been in a very long time.


LOL at Morgan threatening Ric. I really want Ric to swat him like a bug.


Can someone please fill in what happened in the last 35 minutes? In NYC the show cut away for a police officer's funeral. TIA.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 2


In a world where there are rarely consequences for killing someone (PC), I have no problem with someone like Anna, normally considered a heroine, offing the likes of Carlos, who murdered her long time love, or Faison, who tortured her and her loved ones for decades. No, she didn't kill Faison, but I would have wiped the prints off her gun if she had, then dumped his body in a vat of BBQ sauce outside The Floating Rib -- "the secret's in the sauce." Those who commit horrible crimes deserve what they get. I think of Charles Manson, and those two deviants who committed the home invasion/rapes/murders in Cheshire, CT, all of whom were removed from Death Row after a post-sentencing repeal of the death penalty. I may disgress, but it serves my point. Would anyone be prosecuted for killing Helena? Doubtful. IMO, Anna gets a pass.


of whom were removed from Death Row after a post-sentencing repeal of the death penalty. I may disgress, but it serves my point. Would anyone be prosecuted for killing Helena? Doubtful. IMO, Anna gets a pass.


Then Duke deserved what he got, as well. Make no mistake: Anna had sex with, married, and laid beside that man for years and years.

He wasn't any better or worse than the likes of the man that killed him. He was a mobster, and he wasn't your neighborhood friendly mobster, no matter how disgustingly 80's GH tried to romanticize him.  You can't tell me he didn't put his fair share of people in the ground. The idea that he was a good mobster who only killed bad mobsters is what's wrong with this show today.

And that's why I don't feel sorry for Anna. She bought into the idea that Duke was better than the others. He wasn't.


As far as Cesar torturing her family, she was a double agent at one point, who willingly worked for him, and was his lover also, I do believe. The moral of that is, oftentimes, the things we do come back to bite us in the butt.


Edited by IWantCandy71
  • Love 2

I don't hate the character of Jake so much as, yep, he's just NOT JASON to me.  And the shoe-horning of traits and connections to make him Jason is irritating, at best.  I'm over the 'secret' but dreading the reveal in equal parts.  Because I could not, and can not, stand the Jason/Sam relationship and I don't want endless scenes where Sam monotones about how something inside her just knew Jason was alive and phoenix/dragon, blah blah blah, shooting stars, yadda yadda yadda, ride or die chick, etc etc etc.

He's definitely not Jason Morgan.  Jake always looks intimidated (won't hold eye contact), talks through his teeth, and is way too goofy for me to take him seriously as a mob enforcer.  Everytime someone mentions that "You remind me of Jason," I want to throw something at my tv.  "NO HE DOESNT!"  Jake disappears into his scenes rather than commanding the scene the way I would expect an enforcer to command a scene.  I get that Jake doesn't remember who he is, but does memory loss also erase all your integral personality traits?  I mean, Jake is always making faces and doing things that I expect a college kid to be doing.  Eh, I don't think Jake/BM has chemistry with anyone frankly.


Spin needs to return to Portland ASAP. He is so annoying.

Awwww, I love Spin, and I liked Spin and Diane yesterday.  I hope Diane sticks around for a while (along with Monica and Kevin), but I won't hold my breath.


I cannot stop laughing at Sam and Patrick and the brats in the preview. The show is determined to try so hard with them. I can't wait for Patrick to fall off a cliff. That's not a spoiler, but it should be.

I like Sam and Patrick together a lot.  I don't like Sam and Jake at all, and I like Patrick as a character overall.  So I guess I don't agree. 

  • Love 1

+50 points for Dante referring to Maxie's baby lie when he deemed her the last person who should talk about keeping secrets.  She got let off the hook way too easy for all that so that moment was more than a little delicious.


ITA. I just wish he said "I'm not trying to be mean, Maxie, but maybe you can realize to mind your own business" instead of saying he shouldn't've said that. I also wish Nathan would just tell her to MIND HER OWN BUSINESS when she started up on it AGAIN.


Jason is right, Liz did look cute today. The house sign was cringe worthy though.


Is Darby supposed to be dressed as Mimi from Rent for Halloween?


-80 points for...whatever the fuck that Kiki/Morgan/Darby nonsense was.  And look, I get what Morgan and Ava did to her was horrible, but Kiki is acting like butter wouldn't melt in her mouth considering what happened with and Michael while she was with Morgan.


I can't believe I'm saying this but Morgan is too good for this chick. "Dar Dar Binks" was a good line though.

  • Love 3

Yesterday was the first time in a long time that I liked Diane. Maybe it's because she's rarely on these days.

And why are cooing babies the only thing that comes from unprotected sex / defective condoms on this show?   Robin fulfilled their STD concern quota?

I would love it if several people caught chlamydia or gonorrhea; Sonny would be Patient Zero, natch. They could even have a few people waiting in line at GH to be tested a la Grey's Anatomy in the first(?) season.

And why are cooing babies the only thing that comes from unprotected sex / defective condoms on this show?   Robin fulfilled their STD concern quota?


I can't remember the last time any US soap did an STD story. 


I do remember on OLTL, after Markko found out that his girlfriend Langston had been cheating on him with the odious manwhore Ford, he emphatically told Cristian and Layla he was getting tested ASAP.  Hee!

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 4

On today's General Hospital:


Ric is left out of the closet just long enough to discuss Avery's custody hearing.  He shows concern about Sonny's abilities, you know, as Sonny sits in the wheelchair after having been shot and having an embolism.   Carly gets her panties in a bunch because Sonny is the strongest and bestest in the world and should totally be Avery's father since he's the bestest father in the whole world.   


Kiki wants to apologize to Morgan but then when she sends Darby a text that she and Morgan are having sex.  When Morgan gets rightfully pissed, Kiki's all "bitch please I don't forgive you for cheating on me".  


Scott wants Ava to get character witnesses for the custody case but since Ava's a mob boss now, her options are limited.  Ava asks Kiki, who's all "bitch please I don't forgive you".  I like Ava and normally can't stand Kiki, but yeah, I'm with her on this one.  


Maxie wants to know people's secrets but Dante's all "hey remember that time you said you were pregnant with our baby and then weren't".  Again, moral high ground does not look good on someone who's ONS is standing on the other side of the room.


Lulu wants to know Dillon's secret but he claims he and Val are giving it another go.  Lulu apparently is going to have another baby, something she has not randomly mentioned to every person she's run into the past week so Dillon better not mess with her anymore.  


Liz and Jake find it hilarious how they can't fill out marriage forms since they don't know any of the answers.  Well, Liz knows but you know.  (this story would be SO much better if she didn't know.  Or if he wasn't Jason in the first place)

  • Love 5

Someone said in one of the other threads that Steve Burton couldn't act and Billy Miller can. I think both men can act, but Steve got lazy, and BM overacts. Constantly gritting his teeth, grunting, the "honeys", pointing, constantly going "yup" "yeah" "great" . . . meh. Couldn't they have found some middle ground between the two?

Maxie wants to know people's secrets but Dante's all "hey remember that time you said you were pregnant with our baby and then weren't".  Again, moral high ground does not look good on someone who's ONS is standing on the other side of the room.


He wasn't claiming moral high ground though. Just pointing out that maybe Maxie didn't have any room to do that.

  • Love 3
Lulu apparently is going to have another baby, something she has not randomly mentioned to every person she's run into the past week


It's the abortion all over again. (She had one, you know.)


And WOW, is Maxie annoying wanting to know the secret. I wish Nathan had threatened to break up with her if she didn't stop harassing him about it. He's allowed to have privacy. FFS. 


Dillion is equally annoying snarking at Dante. Keeping the secret and holding over Dante's head doesn't make him much better than Dante. If he's really Lulu's friend, he should tell her so she can decide what she wants to do.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 3

Then Duke deserved what he got, as well. Make no mistake: Anna had sex with, married, and laid beside that man for years and years.

He wasn't any better or worse than the likes of the man that killed him. He was a mobster, and he wasn't your neighborhood friendly mobster, no matter how disgustingly 80's GH tried to romanticize him. You can't tell me he didn't put his fair share of people in the ground. The idea that he was a good mobster who only killed bad mobsters is what's wrong with this show today.

And that's why I don't feel sorry for Anna. She bought into the idea that Duke was better than the others. He wasn't.

As far as Cesar torturing her family, she was a double agent at one point, who willingly worked for him, and was his lover also, I do believe. The moral of that is, oftentimes, the things we do come back to bite us in the butt.


  • Love 3

He wasn't claiming moral high ground though. Just pointing out that maybe Maxie didn't have any room to do that.


Like, at all.  Maxie should be thanking her lucky stars Lulu and Dante are even civil to her, let alone still besties with her.  She is being so annoying in this story and I'm not looking forward to her screeching at Dante, Nathan et. al when the secret comes out.

  • Love 5

Then Duke deserved what he got, as well. Make no mistake: Anna had sex with, married, and laid beside that man for years and years.

He wasn't any better or worse than the likes of the man that killed him. He was a mobster, and he wasn't your neighborhood friendly mobster, no matter how disgustingly 80's GH tried to romanticize him. You can't tell me he didn't put his fair share of people in the ground. The idea that he was a good mobster who only killed bad mobsters is what's wrong with this show today.

And that's why I don't feel sorry for Anna. She bought into the idea that Duke was better than the others. He wasn't.

Actually? He was. Most of his entire story was about getting out of the mob because he loved Anna & Robin. That matters, it matters even more on a soap where nobody else even makes the attempt.

RC ruined him - so he was just as much of a piece of garbage as everyone else in PC by the time RC was fired. But for the years and years that Anna loved him in the 80s, he worked to be worthy of that.

Also? The idea that Anna somehow earned Faison's creepy, rapey obsession with her is repulsive.

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 16

Maxie wants to know people's secrets but Dante's all "hey remember that time you said you were pregnant with our baby and then weren't".  Again, moral high ground does not look good on someone who's ONS is standing on the other side of the room.


I have to kind of agree here. Maxie definitely should be reminded of her misdeeds, especially with how she's currently acting, but meh at it coming from Dante after he fucked another woman and didn't tell Lulu. Like shut up Dante. (But also, shut up Maxie.)


Ava was awful with Kiki. How she can honestly stand there and act all smug about Kiki being a character witness and be pissed she won't is just mind-boggling. That's Sonny levels of awful tbh.


I really can not stand Jake/Jason. BM just doesn't work for me at all. And he always has this sorta air about him that he doesn't want to be there which is super annoying. 

  • Love 4

I have long maintianed that the mistake with Anna's character was ever making her a cop. She was a spy, a double agent in fact and even a PI. Both of those roles would act under a different code then that of a cop. Robert for some reason could easily make the tranistion but for Anna I have always felt it was different and should have remained different. I think of her excution of Carlos or her treatment of Fasion the same way I think of all the bad guys James Bond has put down. Anna the WSB agent has a licsence to kill. She does not use it wontonly, But in her state after seeing Duke killed she reverted to what she had always been at heart...a spy..not a cop...I would rather this story line play out in that matter...Anna coming to grips with who she has always been...a hero..yes...but a very different hero than Robert. As much as the Anna Luke romance was replusive...in the hands of a compenent writer a story line following the three view points of three very different heroic archtypes in Anna, Robert and Luke would be interesting...especially as all three came to grips with thier aging bodies and a changing world. Alas Good writers and GH do not seem to go hand in hand

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