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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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At this point I want Nathan to tell Maxie good luck with her life and walk away.  In the context of storytelling, I've never understand the appeal of watching one half of a potential couple treat the other like shit,  I always want the one getting shit on (whether it is a male or female character) to just walk away so the other person can figure out what an idiot they've been.  What is Nathan getting in exchange for the crap he's taken?  Where is the enjoyment in watching him take it?  It just makes me scream at my tv that Maxie is an idiot to mistreat someone who went way above and beyond to help her rectify her own stupid mistake with the custody hearing and it makes me scream that Nathan stands there and takes it from her.

  • Love 9

And after a certain point, not only is it meaningless and disgusting, it's boring.  I despise Sonny and all he stands for.  He is the true serial killer on this show.


Sonny is the true serial killer of this show. How many times are we suppose to buy*Sonny is a good man. he only kills the bad guys. Why exactly was AJ a bad guy again ?  OH yes,  the best one Sonny is a good father and loooves his kids. So far he has almost killed each and everyone of them by his own hand. Plus he is stupid . he thinks everyone else is bad and he is righteous .? I don't like Franco but I could if he grew another tumor and killed both Sonny and carly !

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At this point I want Nathan to tell Maxie good luck with her life and walk away.  In the context of storytelling, I've never understand the appeal of watching one half of a potential couple treat the other like shit,  I always want the one getting shit on (whether it is a male or female character) to just walk away so the other person can figure out what an idiot they've been.  What is Nathan getting in exchange for the crap he's taken?  Where is the enjoyment in watching him take it?  It just makes me scream at my tv that Maxie is an idiot to mistreat someone who went way above and beyond to help her rectify her own stupid mistake with the custody hearing and it makes me scream that Nathan stands there and takes it from her.


Knowing Ron, I'm assuming we're nearing the part of the story where Maxie realizes what Levi is all about and that she really wants Nathan, but Nathan will have already moved on (to Rosalie?  The long-rumored Anna Donely?) and then Maxie will pine for him.


Speaking of Nathan, when is Ron going to get around to the reveal about Nathan's father presumably being Victor Cassadine?

Edited by TeeVee329

Knowing Ron, I'm assuming we're nearing the part of the story where Maxie realizes what Levi is all about and that she really wants Nathan, but Nathan will have already moved on (to Rosalie?  The long-rumored Anna Donely?) and then Maxie will pine for him.


Which will be the part where I like Nathan/New Girl much better than Nathan/Maxie.

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The next time Carly starts in with the "I love my children more that anything and there is nothing I wouldn't do for them" spiel someone needs to sit her ass down and say...


"Yes Carly I know you think you love your children with your whole heart,  but you love yourself more.  A mother who loves her children with her whole heart would never have raised them in a mobster's home.  You endangered your children on a daily basis because you could not give up the money and power that came with being married to the mob.  Now you are endangering your daughter by living with a brain tumorless reformed serial killer because you are in love.  Carly you have never once put the welfare of your children ahead of yourself. You are horrible mother and an even worse human being."  Do your children a favor give custody of Joss to Jax and go away so they have a chance at a decent life."

  • Love 10

At this point I want Nathan to tell Maxie good luck with her life and walk away.  In the context of storytelling, I've never understand the appeal of watching one half of a potential couple treat the other like shit,  I always want the one getting shit on (whether it is a male or female character) to just walk away so the other person can figure out what an idiot they've been.  What is Nathan getting in exchange for the crap he's taken?  Where is the enjoyment in watching him take it?  It just makes me scream at my tv that Maxie is an idiot to mistreat someone who went way above and beyond to help her rectify her own stupid mistake with the custody hearing and it makes me scream that Nathan stands there and takes it from her.

You know what I would have really liked?  Back when Nathan was attempting to arrest Maxie, instead of her literally acting like a 4-year-old with the incessant squirming, stage it a bit better and have Nathan first handcuff the pole, and then have Maxie squirm definitely a bit (and not like kid with a tantrum) and Nathan handcuffs himself to the pole instead of Maxie (I know, a bit far-fetched, but bear with me, that's the one hurdle to get over).  I can see Nathan not wanting to treat Maxie, his roommate, as a typical perp and handling her as strongly as he ordinarily would or could.  It certainly couldn't play any worse than what we saw.


Then Maxie has to fish out the key from the pocket, and in trying to not be a female version of a letch, the she doesn't firmly hold onto the key and it goes down the drain.  It could be because he has something else innocuous in his pocket, but it grosses Maxie out .. whatever... there's way to do it to make it plausible.


 Now, I could see Nathan being too embarrassed to want to get help. He'll lose his job possibly and certainly would be a laughing stock. He can't move from the building.  And Maxie's a good person, so she sticks with him. Then we can see Maxie in clever, thinking-outside-the-box mode. Eventually, between all the fashion and beauty products she has a familiarity with, she retrieves the key and gets him out. After several hours.Then, instead of Maxie the idiot, Maxie the resourceful young lady tries to get him out.


And if there has to be a cute "awww, they're sleeping together, but not sleeping together moment," then they both fall asleep, exhausted. But, better still, the dialogue shows how a bond, and attraction, and mutual respect could develop.


But, of course on this show, women = dumb. But don't think men = smart. Nah, men = shirtless on this show.

Edited by Francie
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What I find funny about Carly and Sonny is where was Sonny when Carly was kidnapped?  One of the reasons why I hate Sonny is he treats the women folk like crap (I'll kill you if Olivia dies) but the women fall all over themselves for him.  Its nauseating.


If the writers wanted to play on the Sonny/Carly history then they should have had Sonny act like he could give a crap about her when she disappeared.



Hell, Sonny didn't even give a crap when the real Franco was tormenting Jason and Sam. He kept on telling Jason to take care of it and basically not bother him with the Franco nonsense.


Knowing Ron, I'm assuming we're nearing the part of the story where Maxie realizes what Levi is all about and that she really wants Nathan, but Nathan will have already moved on (to Rosalie?  The long-rumored Anna Donely?) and then Maxie will pine for him.


If only.  I'm afraid we are nearing the part of the story where Maxie ends up in danger from Levi and Nathan has to ride to her rescue.  At this point, she has been so horrible to Nathan that I don't want him to ride to her rescue.  I want him to let her deal with her mess.


I did enjoy Mac and Dante yesterday in their open and unapologetic dislike of Levi to his face.

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Soooo tired of all the "Forward progression...psych!" stalls in the storytelling.  Hey, Molly remembers what Rafe was telling her about being forced to cause the accident!  Nope, scratch that.  Hey, Nina's going to come clean to Silas!  Ha, of course she's not.  So dumb.


I don't understand how Tracy can blackmail Alice.  She doesn't have the power over whether Alice would get a heart or not.  So silly.


How the hell would Felix know that Britt is making a play for Nik again?  And OF COURSE Liz is jealous when the guy she keeps proclaiming she doesn't want is being pursued by someone else.  So annoying.


Bye, Rafe.  Tell Alison we said hi.

Edited by TeeVee329
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It's a good thing that Rafe didn't have to act during his goodbye scenes because that would have been painful.


It was a fairly okay sequence I thought, some believable acting, not even Kiki was that awful; I think what helped is that the people at Rafe's bedside were the main group of people who worked and befriended the actor so there were some real emotions in the goodbyes.


Morgan for the love of god it is possible to do manual labor with a shirt on. Those scenes with he and Kiki and the shoulder massaging...it just doesn't get more revolting than that.


The Nina is worthless.


The kiddie camp scenes are turning me into an even crabbier old woman than usual. My god, just make it stop, and why does that little actress playing Josslynn have such a...I want to say empty expression on her face, she really does look like an extra from "Children of the Corn".


I don't understand how Tracy can blackmail Alice.  She doesn't have the power over whether Alice would get a heart or not.  So silly.



The only way Tracy could have any control would be if she actually bought Alice a heart. And all of this for notLuke's sake? My brain is...so weary.

Edited by CPP83
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I HATE that Ron/the writers have Elizabeth looking at brain-dead Rafe and thinking of Jake. Jake was an adorable, innocent almost 4-year-old. The only thing he had in common with Rafe was being under age 18. On the positive side, she looks quite lovely in that summer top.


If Nikolas doesn't figure out soon that Britt and Spencer are pretty blatantly manipulating him, I'm going to question his brain function (again). Spencer needs to be grounded for awhile. Hell, I say go girl re: Elizabeth hitting Britt on the back with that ball. 


KeMo and HP did a great job with Rafe's exit storyline today. I absolutely believed Sam and Molly's heartbreak, esp. because Molly thinks her dad died without her getting a chance to say good-bye.  


I actually liked Morgan today. I get it, Michael's jealous, but really so much whatever re: Michael and Kiki. 


I'm just glad Rafe is dead, at least for now, for that I will rejoice. If they want to keep his death open ended, as they did Caleb's, fine, whatever, as long as he's gone for now. He and his stupid sparkly studs.


Oh, and STILL no Lucy re: Rafe?




Who? Just kidding, I guess Ron felt it was more important to show the Nina feeling sconflicted, as if, than have Lucy allowed a chance to say goodbye. Or knowing him he'll probably say Lucy already visited Rafe and everything, they just didn't show because of "time restraints". But of course we should have all assumed she came by, like duh, does he have to do everything for us?

Edited by CPP83
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Hell, Sonny didn't even give a crap when the real Franco was tormenting Jason and Sam. He kept on telling Jason to take care of it and basically not bother him with the Franco nonsense.


That's because Franco tormenting Jason and Sam (a) wasn't about Sonny and (b) made Jason have to think about someone other than Sonny. I was actually kind of amused with Sonny during that story because it was so obvious his main irritation was how much attention Jason had to give Franco, not that Franco was a deranged kiler who was terrorizing Sonny's closest friend.


Does drug use render all organs useless?


No. Rafe wasn't using that long (I guess; RON NEVER SHOWED US WHEN IT STARTED), so I imagine his corneas would be transplantable, probably his lungs, maybe his liver.


It was GH policy that prevented his heart from being used, though it was probably a good idea not to transplant a heart from someone who recently used heroin.

Edited by dubbel zout
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I keep kidding this show should be called "All My Sociopaths .... and their doormats."  And, after today,* Tracy officially belongs in both categories.


*And don't try to tell me the attempted patricide 30 years ago was the same thing. There's so much more going on in those series of scenes than a calculated quid pro quo. But, even still, Tracy had supposedly changed course as a character in the subsequent decades.

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Oh Molly, he definitely did deserve it.  


Rafe is finally dead, Sonny AND Freakco were off-screen, ME actually worked, Josslyn continues to be a total bitch, and we saw signs of the real Tracy.  So all in all a good episode.


That said, Keeks at the center of a love triangle is just laughable.  I could buy Cappy & Mikey fighting over Maxie, Sam, Liz, Britta, Epiphany, Anna, Liesl, Magda, Rosalie, but Keeks?  Witch, please.  And who the hell stands around in their sleeping clothes with your ex-husband/new boyfriend's brother, especially when he is shirtless?  Keeks, that's who.


KT looks great with the shorter hair.  

Edited by Tiger
Then why doesn't Carly have the same soul mate connection to Jax?


Because he isn't her soul mate. But that doesn't mean Carly and Jax don't still have a connection because of Joss. They seem on very good terms, with Joss getting to go to Australia for weeks on end. So he's still involved that way, which was my original point. Divorce doesn't usually mean parents have no contact with each other. They do, no matter how old the kids are.


You should not be dating/trying to get a girlfriend if you can't tie your own damn shoes.

I've worked nights in the hospital. Sleep is all I was concerned about when I got off. When you get off at 715 am & have to be back at 645pm sleep in priority. Maybe the nurses at GH due 8hr shifts.

BC's shorts fit him very nicely, very nicely.

HP continues to improve & impress me. I believe she's on recurring & I wouldn't be surprised if she left in the next 2-3 years.

Rafe's death scene was actually shot well.

Someone needs to tell KA that it's pretty sad when a 16 year old can act out her & produce real tears.

Are there now 3 whole hospital rooms outside of the exam room? I'm enjoying seeing so many scenes in the hospital.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
  • Love 5

Until last week did Kiki ever share any scenes with Rafe?


I recall exactly one scene, which was MONTHS after Kiki had been brought in where Silas introduced them and offered that Kiki would take Rafe out for dinner.  When they got to the restaurant, they split up so Rafe could moon over Molly and Kiki could have a dumb fight with Michael.

I recall exactly one scene, which was MONTHS after Kiki had been brought in where Silas introduced them and offered that Kiki would take Rafe out for dinner.  When they got to the restaurant, they split up so Rafe could moon over Molly and Kiki could have a dumb fight with Michael.



Which explains why she didn't cry during her scenes...I swear, even TJ had wet eyes in the background, but her eyes were as dry as the Sahara desert, it just...I mean come on, a single tear was too much to ask for? It just made her stand out like a sore thumb compared to the the actors, well more of one than usual.

The death of Rafe just irked me. If ever there was a bit of pathos that needed to handwaved as taking place offscreen, that was it. I just did not give a crap about any of it and there was nothing else in the episode that drew me in either. I was not interested in how well or how badly any of the cast who cared about his sorry ass acted out their pain. Eventually I wound up spending more time flipping over to Miller's Crossing on another channel, so now my husband and I are going to drive each other crazy by randomly asking "Are you givin' me the high hat?" for days on end. 

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I recall exactly one scene, which was MONTHS after Kiki had been brought in where Silas introduced them and offered that Kiki would take Rafe out for dinner.  When they got to the restaurant, they split up so Rafe could moon over Molly and Kiki could have a dumb fight with Michael.


Ah, when they teased us with the hope of Raf-iki, and then snatched it so cruelly away. I'm still mad about that!


Morgan definitely proved himself to be  Sonny's true son when he gave Kiki the throwing breakable drinking vessels lesson.



Hee! Good point.

Edited by ulkis

I'll admit, I shed a tear or two during the deadRafe scenes. I wasn't a huge fan of the actor playing the character, but I thought the character could of had some potential. Today was the most emotion I've seen ME have since joining GH. HP and KeMo really knocked it out of the park. 


I just can't with the summer camp crap. What a coincidence that while Joss was being a brat on GH today, the SyFy channel was showing Children of the Corn. 

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Wish they would have had a visit from Rafe's late Mother, Allison to  take him to the afterlife. PC always had this ghost/angel aspect (in addition to the vampires) that I really liked. Considering she was on GH not that long ago, it would have been nice.


All in all I think the death scene was handled well. (Gosh, I don't say THAT very often about this show these days!) Why they had to kill him in the first place I still don't get since there was no transplant. He was a legacy character from PC/GH. Thanks again, Ron*.(Why can't we have nice things??)


* edited to add this should have been in a sarcasm font. We really need a nice sarcasm font.

Edited by RedRockRosie
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Why they had to kill him in the first place I still don't get since there was no transplant. He was a legacy character from PC/GH. Thanks again, Ron*.(Why can't we have nice things??)


Jimmy Deschler's last days didn't have him being turned into a drug addict that ran people off the road and accidentally killed babies. I would have been perfectly happy if it was when he ruined Molly/TJ and Alexis/Julian night. Rafe could have been so embarrassed that he decided to go an all male boarding school that Allison's father went to and get a head start in the summer considering his erratic schooling. Silas and Sam could have mentioned in passing sending him off. 

  • Love 1

Triangles, baby switches, and deaths are the only kinds of drama this show does any more.  Rafe could have been a good character.  But since Ron C. couldn't figure out what to do with him and lost interest, Rafe became pointless.  Once that happened, RC did what he always does and killed the character off.  Here's hoping he soon loses interest in Nina, Levi, et al.


HP is a very good young actress.  I loved Molly, Sam, Alexis, and TJ today.  They made the show watchable.


Michelle Stafford is laughable horrible.  If there was a drinking game every time she held her head perfectly still while rolling her eyeballs around ... <obvious conclusion>.


Morgan for the love of god it is possible to do manual labor with a shirt on. Those scenes with he and Kiki and the shoulder massaging...it just doesn't get more revolting than that.


Except for Levi.  He's more revolting, IMO.  Still, I don't care for Kiki, or KA's acting, or KA's looks (which I know she can't help).

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I liked the bedside scene. I thought Silas dramatically walking over and shuting off the ventilator was a nice touch, but it squeeked me out a little that they acted like it took HOURS for him to die. Usually if a machine is keeping someone alive once it is off they died quickly. I didn't see the point in making it appear he suffered all that time laps before he died.

Newsflash to Sam a see through shirt and black bra aren't really appropiate deathbed attire.


So I'm still holding my theory that Rosalie is manipulating Nina. I noticed her blurt out "If you tell him then the plan is ruined" like she is vested in some plan. She seemed way too vested in talking Nina out of coming clean just for some cash.


Yeah to Nik getting in on the shirtless action! MEOW

I don't know how Britt can seriously think she is really going to come out ahead in the long run with Nik. I mean she is conspiring and taking ADVICE from a child. What specialist physician with no children would take a day off her REAL job to babysit a day camp? That was totally lame and irresponsible as a doctor.

Britt needs to go play in traffic and take Brad with her.


I like Morgan and Michael's brother bonding and don't want stupid Lauren messing it up. Michael needs to buy a clue he knows he shouldn't trust Tracy and Alice wanted to tell him something. Who even cares what it is he should just not let her near ELQ just to safe since it is all shady as hell.


My parting hope is Sonny will kill Franco and Alice can get his heart! Or Levi any day is a good day for Levi to DIAF.

Despair in the Afternoon has a hilar recap of today up: 




A delightful sample:


Meanwhile, Kiki is lamenting the fact that they all missed Rafe being on heroin. Yeah, that must have been hard to miss, given all the quality time you spent with him. Shut up, Kiki.
  • Love 3
Jimmy Deschler's last days didn't have him being turned into a drug addict that ran people off the road and accidentally killed babies. I would have been perfectly happy if it was when he ruined Molly/TJ and Alexis/Julian night. Rafe could have been so embarrassed that he decided to go an all male boarding school that Allison's father went to and get a head start in the summer considering his erratic schooling. Silas and Sam could have mentioned in passing sending him off.



This show doesn't let characters go with the chance of redemption off screen.  AJ was glaring proof of that.  He spent his last days going from being stumbling drunk every time he was on screen (which was pretty much twice a month until the end of February) to laying in a freaking coma.  


RC is terrible.  Bringing Rafe on and then killing him is as pointless as bringing AJ back from the dead just to kill him again.  Its just dumb.

Edited by ch1
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I posted earlier today that purple is really Britt's color, but with the haircut and the casual duds, she looked really cute today.  Again, I must say how happy I am that they're writing Britt's latest ride on the Niz triangle merry-go-round in a light-hearted way, even though it means more Spencer.  Plus, I thought Britt's googly eyes watching Nik put on the super tight Lila's Camp tee was funny.


Previews...I guess I was supposed to be all "Go Silas!" about him taking his man pain out on Dr. O, but mostly I noticed that Dr. O was rocking some loose flowing locks in the workplace.  Perhaps Victor Cassadine swung by for a romp in the on-call room?


So I'm still holding my theory that Rosalie is manipulating Nina. I noticed her blurt out "If you tell him then the plan is ruined" like she is vested in some plan. She seemed way too vested in talking Nina out of coming clean just for some cash.


If Rosalie is a genuine nurse, maybe she's worried about losing her license.  Or worried she (& WE NEVER CARED) could be considered accessories after the fact re: Shamwow's death or the latest car accident if anyone knows Nina knew about Rafe's drug use.


For a minute there I thought I'd accidentally tuned into The Hobbit:  The Desolation of Smaug when I saw Morgan cavorting with a small, semi-dressed Hobbit who I thought might be Bilbo Baggins' sister.  Then, of course, I realized it was Mrs. Potato Head aka Kiki.  Still, if this is going where I think it's going, Morgan will be crossing a line into cross-species intercourse.


Finally, a storyline worthy of Ron C.'s talent and Kristen Alderson's acting.


Oh, one more thing.  Ron C. has managed to make Tracy completely unrootable and Jane Eliot unwatchable.  But hell, why should she be the only one to escape?

Edited by boes
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If Rosalie is a genuine nurse, maybe she's worried about losing her license.  Or worried she (& WE NEVER CARED) could be considered accessories after the fact re: Shamwow's death or the latest car accident if anyone knows Nina knew about Rafe's drug use.


While I could agree with you it was not how she came across. Her demeanor was not one of fear but more calm manipulation. She was too reasonable about it like she was programing Nina.

But I doubt Ron would plan something that deep or subtle so I'm probably projecting.

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