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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Patrick's mustache/beard looks like he took a sharpie, drew two perfectly straight lines coming out of his nose, added some black marker around his mouth, and then lightly scribbled in the rest.

This makes me think of the "Just for Men: Touch of grey dye for beards".

Thanks fof the laugh, Ulkis. Today had it's eye rolling inducing moments but overall it wasn't bad which is good by GH standards.

Edited by BestestAuntEver

I'm enjoying:

A.J. haunting Sonny.

Ned taunting FauxLuke.

Jordan better stay away from Julian and she also needs to keep her clothes on. #Julexis fan!

Those certainly were the highlights. Man, I miss having Ned around. It almost hurts to have glimpses like this of how good the show could be if the writer didn't have his head parked where the sun don't shine. And doesn't it look like this is the most fun Sean Kanan had during this entire run??

On a shallow note, every time Mr. Orange Glow Corinthos purses his lips together before spitting out his dialogue at AJ, he's reminding me of how my Great Aunt Loretta had to do the same thing before she'd bite into an ear of corn or her dentures would go flying. Just imagine poor Dullivia if she got hit in the head with Sonny's choppers instead of his barwear. Sonny is SUCH a sexaaay hawt thang - NOT.

Almost forgot - Olivia actually said something that made sense when she called Sonny on his crap. That will never happen again.

Edited by boes
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I'm enjoying:

A.J. haunting Sonny.

Ned taunting FauxLuke.

Jordan better stay away from Julian and she also needs to keep her clothes on. #Julexis fan!

If we could have at least one scene every day of AJ haunting Sonny, this would be such a better show. 

Glad Tracy's brain cells are kicking back in - thank you Ned.

Have to say that even though I've been a Julexis fan, I thought the scenes with Jordan and Julian were great. If any customers were approaching the gallery when Jordan left, they certainly got an eyeful.

Everything at the art gallery cracked me up today - is it approved police protocol to walk into a building in search of a suspect and start hollering his name? Wouldn't that, you know, tip him off?

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Yeah....Jordan's top looked like a maternity smock.  But damn if she and Julian aren't smokin'!  I want my Julexis and all but I'm up for a J&J hook-up.  That would be hot.....

TFIIC made a huge mistake letting SK go.  That was some good stuff with him fucking with Sonny's brain.  If they had given him more (hell...something) good to work with he and Tracy would make Edward Q proud and they could have decimated Sonny's alleged empire.

Question....since Sonny is a coffee importer *cough* and doesn't sell drugs what exactly is his trade?  Guns, women?

And as always....Carrrrlos.  Be still my beating heart (and hormones).

Question....since Sonny is a coffee importer *cough* and doesn't sell drugs what exactly is his trade?  Guns, women?


I think they have said guns in the past because that's oh so much better than drugs. Because Sonny is a "good man"  and drugs are bad. And selling guns has absolutely NOTHING to do with drugs. Drug dealers are NOT allowed in PC because Sonny is a "good man" and keeps them out. With his guns of goodness.

*sarcasm above*


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Sonny definitely is a gun runner. Back in the day, RH's Todd said something about shooting Sonny with one of the guns Sonny imported.

But don't forget the Cuban cigars that he brings in, too. Sonny also is in the protection racket, Coleman mentioned paying for protection when he was on the jury that sat during Sonny's murder trial for killing Claudia.

Does anyone know what happened to the Zacharria empire? Are Johnny's guys running it all by themselves?

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Things that make me go WTF and take me out of the story, as of today.

1. Scruffy cop's holster and pistol. I was an MP for a while in the service, and on patrol duty we had the biggest pistols (M9s) and these Uncle Mikes soft black fabric holsters that make the gun stick out and back when you sat, to the extent there were holes in all the seats on each side where the butt of the gun hit. However, his prop gun and the paddle holster and where he is putting it looks silly and he can't sit down with it there.

2. Britt's baby. There is simply no way Lulu gets the baby. Birth certificate? Britt. Whose womb did it come from? Britt. "Judge, issue us a new certificate, the baby come from one of the egg samples I left at GH, even though the baby came from Britt. Sorry, no."

3. Carlos isn't a stupid criminal, he has been through the system. Where is his lawyer?

4. Britt's teeth. Are those the actresses real teeth, or do they do an overlay for the character?

Edited by Happyshooter

Sonny definitely is a gun runner. Back in the day, RH's Todd said something about shooting Sonny with one of the guns Sonny imported.

But don't forget the Cuban cigars that he brings in, too. Sonny also is in the protection racket, Coleman mentioned paying for protection when he was on the jury that sat during Sonny's murder trial for killing Claudia.

Does anyone know what happened to the Zacharria empire? Are Johnny's guys running it all by themselves?

Great scene.  "You know how easy it is to buy a gun in this town?  Of course you do!"  God, did I love Todd when he first hit town.  

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OK boes....you made me do a spit-take on my screen.  I'm at work, had a customer in and as I laughed/choked she asked what I was doing and I told her reading about GH.  She used to watch but got burnt out with the Sonny overload.

I told her about TWoP shutting down and how we are going here.  Got us a new snark member!

Edited by OhioSongbird
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The important things I got from today's show.

1. I still think Fulu comes off as a loon.

2. JVP/Carrrrrlosk hair looked really pretty.

3. RC loves making the Q's any Q look like the fool

4. They are really going there with Sonny/Ava.

5. Still don't like Levi or the odd fake tan/bad makeup thing he has going on.

My favorite moment actually came from twitter when someone appropriately named (IMO) Sonny/Ava SonAva(Bitch).

Edited by BestestAuntEver

Did anyone else think that Jordan's top made her look like a high end salon stylist? No? Just me? Okay. Move along, nothing to see here.


Hmmmmm......I thought it made her look like she worked for Jiffy Lube.

Before or after she proved to Julian that she was't wearing a wire?


I think they have said guns in the past because that's oh so much better than drugs. Because Sonny is a "good man"  and drugs are bad. And selling guns has absolutely NOTHING to do with drugs. Drug dealers are NOT allowed in PC because Sonny is a "good man" and keeps them out. With his guns of goodness.

*sarcasm above*

But... but... they're to protect his family!


When Anna said, "but who sent Carlos, Ava or Julian?" I was like HELLO AVA. FUCKING AVA. BECAUSE CONNIE WROTE HER INITIALS IN BLOOD FOR GOD'S SAKE.

It's really astounding that literally no one has even considered the possibility that maybe Ava killed Connie.

Is there even one character who isn't miserable? Dante and Lulu were happy for 20 minutes and now they're right back to dealing with embryo fuckery.

OK boes....you made me do a spit-take on my screen.  I'm at work, had a customer in and as I laughed/choked she asked what I was doing and I told her reading about GH.  She used to watch but got burnt out with the Sonny overload.

I told her about TWoP shutting down and how we are going here.  Got us a new snark member!

Thanks, Songbird, I'm honored. Somehow, Michael "Sonny", "Pull My Finger" Corinthos just brings out the snark in me.

As long as Orange Glow continues on screen, snark will never die.

I'm not even going to ask if it's wrong to hate a kid because hating Spencer just feels too right to be wrong. Whatever twisted mind thinks this little shit and his neverending mouthiness is cute shouldn't be around ANY lifeforms.

Maybe Ron C.'s mom is writing this character from memory.

The show really stunk today. Lulu on another tear, Britt in that fake groveling place makes me wish Baby Ben (can't say Rocco, just can't) was being raised by wolves somewhere other than Port Charles. The last thing Lulu - or the show - needs is another baby.

And I know Ava has a lot of fans but I just can't. Her and Sonny is like watching Jessica Rabbit and Yosemite Sam mating.

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Question....since Sonny is a coffee importer *cough* and doesn't sell drugs what exactly is his trade?  Guns, women?

I am deeply disappointed that no one instantly answered gay porn or even gummy bears for this question. Am I that much of an old-timer? I barely even surface from lurking!


I'm not even going to ask if it's wrong to hate a kid because hating Spencer just feels too right to be wrong.

You watched through young Michael calling hits on the playground, right? Hating Michael was what got me through the Sonny, Carly, Jaysus years.

  • Love 2

I am deeply disappointed that no one instantly answered gay porn or even gummy bears for this question. Am I that much of an old-timer? I barely even surface from lurking!

You watched through young Michael calling hits on the playground, right? Hating Michael was what got me through the Sonny, Carly, Jaysus years.

Ah, yes, the SLS years that began so long ago and still break out every now and then.

Maybe Tracy knows it's not Luke but is playing it cool to find out what the hell is up.  She sure has been giving him the serious side eye.   Haven't seen today yet, but I'm thinking that she's sheltering ELQ's assets somewhere.  I loved the shots of Daddy's portrait in the background.  She is her father's daughter after all.

I know I will be sorry I asked, but since I only watch the show intermittently (as on days like today when I'm home from work), I need to know: why is there a Luke impostor on the show; what is he up to, and where is the real Luke?

Don't know, he wants to deal drugs in P.C. and get revenge on Sonny for some reason, we don't know who he is, and we don't know where real Luke is. Last we saw him he was stashed in a mental hospital by Heather and apparently someone switched him there.

D'Ohlivia should have a vision of AJ holding a large sign with the A and J bolded in the name Ava Jerome. And on the back it should say by the way, your boyfriend murdered me. She would sputter until the sun exploded.

And a big STFU for Franco. Even Ned! isn't worth watching that trainwreck.

Franco is the worst. The WORST. And that's saying a LOT on a show that has Orange Glow, Carly and dozens of others. Okay, maybe not as bad as Sonny since he's the creeping mold that has slimed this show for 20 years. But having to listen to Howarth (who I used to really like) talk like some teenager who is SO impressed by how COOL and FUNNY he is annoys me almost as much as listening to Sonny "Pull My Finger" Corinthos blather and spit and mumble his way through the lines he can't quite remember.

I have a feeling that Franco as played by Howarth is a thinly disguised version of Ron C. - or at least who Ron C. thinks he is. GAH.

It's criminal to have Ned on these contaminated episodes. Dullivia......I hope someday she's found face down in her sauce. I guess being deprived of Orange Glow's lovin' and being screamed at in his falsetto voice hurts her much more than a simple gunshot to her son's chest does. Woman has priorities, ya know?



When Luke said that Ned wasted money on an attorney, all I could think was no he didn't - I'm sure he used Justin Kiriakis and the two of them are very close.

LOL! Very good! In that case I wish he'd brought alone Adrienne so she could talk Franco and Luke to death.

Edited by boes
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When Luke said that Ned wasted money on an attorney, all I could think was no he didn't - I'm sure he used Justin Kiriakis and the two of them are very close.

Excellent thought!  One thing though...did Tracy forgot she gave birth to twins?


Franco is the worst. The WORST. And that's saying a LOT on a show that has Orange Glow, Carly and dozens of others. Okay, maybe not as bad as Sonny since he's the creeping mold that has slimed this show for 20 years. But having to listen to Howarth (who I used to really like) talk like some teenager who is SO impressed by how COOL and FUNNY he is annoys me almost as much as listening to Sonny "Pull My Finger" Corinthos blather and spit and mumble his way through the lines he can't quite remember.

I have a feeling that Franco as played by Howarth is a thinly disguised version of Ron C. - or at least who Ron C. thinks he is. GAH.



I'm not convinced it the way Franco's written, but more the way RH plays him.  He has a longstanding reputation for wholesale ignoring scripts (JPL recalled a story a few years ago about RH going that going back to 2002-03 and the producers allowing him to do it).  I haven't seen yesterday's show and I probably won't as all reports were how bad it was, but I'd go more off how LW played Carly.  If she's playing it straight and he's not, he's shitting on the scripts.  

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PC needs a night club. Take that art gallery set and give Duke a club.

This is hilarious to me because PC does have a night club. The Haunted Star. Yeah, I forgot about it too until your stated we need a club. I was trying to figure out why we didn't have one when it hit me. Duke was even working at the Haunted Star as a bartender.

Alas, Fulu has to be all about the babiezzz & Duke is now a Sonny appendage. Most importantly, Starr isn't around to sing there.

I still can't figure out why Kaka would call Morgan instead of her dad, uncle or mom. And I can't figure out why Morgan would go or even care so much. It's like they are trying to go back to the stupid Micheal/Kaka/Morgan triangle a year later.

ETA: MSquared, if you like SK/AJ his moments were diffinetely worth watching.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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I still can't figure out why Kaka would call Morgan instead of her dad, uncle or mom.


She told Morgan that she didn't want to bother Michael because it was his dad's funeral that day.  I don't recall mention of the other two, but really Ava only has two hands; how many people can we reasonably expect her to threaten/kill in a day?) 

Ron likes to explain plot holes on Twitter, maybe he can fill in the blanks. 

I hope Tracy has a scheme up her sleeve, because this stupidity, and desperation to hold on to a man is very out of character


She's a great actress.  I have to wonder if she pissed TIIC in some way and they are getting even with her this way.

Looking at his pinkish, smooth, waxy face and that painfully tight smile, I think Luke is the victim of a rogue LifeStyle Lift.


He always, even back in his younger days, emitted major SMARM vibes.  Can't stand the character or the actor.

Carly--she makes Andrea Yates seem maternal. DISGUSTING.


I think your auto-correct changed "shitty" to "shiny".

I remember last fall/winter-ish, Keeks asked Silas for a job; did she ever get one? Is she at least taking classes at PCU?

Not that I actually need to see these people in general working or going to school, but at least give the characters a purpose and direction. A simple line about studying for semester exams would satisfy me.

Edited by Tiger
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