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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I must have missed the line but what exactly did Lulu and/or Maxie say about a recast actress?

I must say that DeVry & Grahn sure like having sex scenes, don't they? That said, Jullian sure has a standard MO. Jullian turns Alexis around, nuzzles & mauls her neck and then goes for the attack. I think it's awful that they make DeVry keep in shape & take his shirt off everyday. He's nothing more than a piece of meat. <sarcasm>

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Bryan Craig's face acting is fine but what the hell is he doing with his hands.


He copied all that shit from Mo. Because he's such a stellar example of good acting. I'm curious to see tomorrow's scenes.

And when is this asshole going to be shot? It can't come soon enough. Too bad he lives.


Today was pretty much grotesque and vile. And that was mostly Carson, but there was plenty more to go around. Not enough buckets in the world.


My UO is I thought HE did a good job today. Not so good yesterday, see the difference in the acting partners? Still hate Kiki.


Thank god Anna's back. Even if her writing is still hideous, glad to see Fin again.

  • Love 5

It's weird to me how Alexis and Julian have becoming the sex couple of GH. I mean, I don't care, but it's weird. But then who else is there I guess? The most obvious candidates (Nathan and Maxie and Kiki and Morgan) have awkward love scenes too. But then I think love scenes are awkward in general so maybe I'm not the best person to ask.

  • Love 3

It's weird to me how Alexis and Julian have becoming the sex couple of GH. I mean, I don't care, but it's weird. But then who else is there I guess? The most obvious candidates (Nathan and Maxie and Kiki and Morgan) have awkward love scenes too. But then I think love scenes are awkward in general so maybe I'm not the best person to ask.

It's pretty much Alexis/Julian and Nik/Hayden who have gotten "steamy" scenes. Others have had them, too, but either fail because there's no chem (Sam/Patrick) or it's just awkward (Morgan/Kiki).

So, yeah, I think it's weird because the romance/sex on this show is really flat all-around.

  • Love 1

It's weird to me how Alexis and Julian have becoming the sex couple of GH. I mean, I don't care, but it's weird. But then who else is there I guess? The most obvious candidates (Nathan and Maxie and Kiki and Morgan) have awkward love scenes too. But then I think love scenes are awkward in general so maybe I'm not the best person to ask.






I shudder to think of the coming love scenes between Franco and Nina, I think that they will be god awful.

Edited by Lillybee
  • Love 3

So Carly has made Sonny a better person?  Wow.  I'd hate to see the person he'd be if she'd never come into his life.


And, I suppose, since she had to talk to Michael about Morgan's suspected Bipolar Disorder, since they're brothers, she talked to Dante, Kristina, and Joss, too, yes?  Talking to Michael couldn't possibly have been about trying to sucker him back into the family, right?


Oh, Morgan.  Kiki is "the dream"?  You poor schlub.  I don't know what's wrong with you, but get thee to a therapist, pronto.


I truly hate that they're gonna give Morgan an excuse, in their eyes, for any bad or ill-considered thing he does, much like his father.  And you know he's gonna be worse now because he just lost Kiki!  His dream, his Carly, the one to make him a better person!

  • Love 11

I would have given 5 billion bucks if Michael replied, "you're better off without her" and they clinked their glasses of sparkling water together.


but no, everyone must love Kiki for some reason.*


*And Sabrina and Valerie. Love Ron's ingenues damn it! Love them!**


**I've actually liked Sabrina some of the time, and I probably could like Valerie if I didn't hate how she was introduced, but there is definitely an element of "love them no matter how boring, lame, or ridiculous they are" to Ron's young lady characters. And his villains. And his villains-that-try-to-act-like-ingenues, etc etc.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 10

I would have given 5 billion bucks if Michael replied, "you're better off without her" and they clinked their glasses of sparkling water together.

but no, everyone must love Kiki for some reason.*

*And Sabrina and Valerie. Love Ron's ingenues damn it! Love them!**

**I've actually liked Sabrina some of the time, and I probably could like Valerie if I didn't hate how she was introduced, but there is definitely an element of "love them no matter how boring, lame, or ridiculous they are" to Ron's young lady characters. And his villains. And his villains-that-try-to-act-like-ingenues, etc etc.

I don't think it's a coincidence that I can't stand the characters Ron tells the audience to like and LOVE the characters he wants everyone to hate/forget.

  • Love 5

I shudder to think of the coming love scenes between Franco and Nina, I think that they will be god awful.


Aw, geez … I was just about to go to bed, and now I've got that image in my head … now I'm afraid to go to sleep tonight and afraid to watch tomorrow. I think I can make it to the barge in time for the Bloody Mary breakfast bar. I'll be there (and by there, I mean the bar) until I can be sure those two aren't kissing onscreen. ugh. ugh. ugh. (shudder)

  • Love 2
I would have given 5 billion bucks if Michael replied, "you're better off without her" and they clinked their glasses of sparkling water together.


Me, I was holding out for a completely deadpan "That sounds like a you problem."  Albeit that was a very distant second behind the moment when (in the show in my head) Kiki leaned in during her chat with Ava, said "I know you've been sleeping with my boyfriend" in that surprisingly restrained-evil voice, and stabbed her in the neck with a pen.


I didn't hate today's episode, though.  At least not until Sonny started singing Carly's praises, but that's Carly.  It was pleasantly...harmless, considering it wrapped up the whole Silas thing and appeared to start Morgan's BPD story in earnest.  Admitted, I was also slightly distracted by Ava's fleetingly irrational cleavage in her prison garb and Madeline's eyes (say what you will about Donna Mills' face, but those purty bug eyes...) and the Tree managing to act for a couple of seconds and Hayley Erin dialing it down (perhaps more so by comparison, since she was turned up to 11 for how long now?) and Francs and Neens just off stuck in cells catching up on shit and Julian and Alexis's Caballero Home Video flashback #42.  And tomorrow looks like UCG city going off the preview.  Hell, I need the laughs right now.

Jullian turns Alexis around, nuzzles & mauls her neck and then goes for the attack.


I noticed that, too. I think it's because NLG is wearing a Spanx slip and she can't move her legs very easily. I also noticed that when Alexis sat down, the skin around her mouth was red. I don't know if it was smeared lipstick or stubble burn. I hope the former, because the latter can be painful.


And tomorrow looks like UCG city going off the preview.


Today could be a classic. In the wrong way, of course, but a classic nonetheless.

Edited by dubbel zout


Today could be a classic. In the wrong way, of course, but a classic nonetheless.


  Bryan Craig's scenes alone look like UCG of "pirouetting killer Sonny" proportions.



I shudder to think about the coming love scenes between Franco and Nina, I think that they will be god awful.


  Just the thought of them having sex makes me want to throw barware-after I throw up.

  • Love 5

Like clockwork HeatLifer! ;)

I honestly don't even know where to start. From Anna suddenly knowing where Robin lives in Paris, to her believing Robin Scorpio would ever have a housekeeper, to her believing that she's in CHINA, to her believing that she wouldn't talk to her own child, to her continually wanting Patrick's happiness, to her kissing Sam's ass, to her actually uttering the words "This isn't Robin's house."


  • Love 9

The only reason I watched today was Anna's return.  It wasn't worth it.  Why are they shitting on Robin like this?  Oh yeah, because they can.


Bryan Craig looks like a demented monchichi.  Yes, Morgan, you are a loser and so is your father.  I do not give a single shit about them, Carly, Jason, or Sabrina.  Having Molly laugh off that Sonny is a mobster who murders people for a living is just ... ugh.  Way to ruin another character for that worthless thug, GH. 


This show sucks.  TC, JT, and FH must hate what's become of not only their characters, but their costars characters as well. 


I'm headed back to the barge.

  • Love 8

I feel really bad for hard core Anna fans.  Her endorsing Patrick and Sam's relationship because 'Robin's  Paris housekeeper said Robin's at a conference in China' was just awful. Kudos to FH for showing Anna clearly in pain and holding back tears that Sam has replaced Robin in Emma's life. And F'off, Patrick. I do like the emphasis on Emma wanting to cling to and spend time with Grandma Anna and Sam saying "Robin's house." I HATE Anna saying it hasn't been Robin's home in a 'long time' and bonding with Sam over investigative stuff.  Way to throw Anna and the Anna-Robin relationship under the bus in favor of Samtrick, show. UGH.


STFU, Sabrina.


Not a fan of BC's acting, but I do love that Morgan stumbles into Sonny's drunk, pretty soon before the wedding, talking about his recklessness, and starts yelling in Sonny's face and blaming him for Kiki dumping him.  The S&C spawn is behaving as the physical embodiment of everything those two losers every accused AJ of being. Karma can be lovely. For a moment I thought Morgan was going to smash Sonny over the head with the almost-full liquor bottle. So it takes Morgan being really drunk to acknowledge that he (M) is an asshole? I will give MB credit that he was good in the close face-to-face and foot of the stairs stuff with BC. It seemed more like MB the man talking as a man/father with bi-polar. 


HATE that Carly expects Michael to come through for her re: Morgan, wedding. Also hate that last moment of Michael at her door with a faint smile.


TJ getting kidnapped on his way to the S&C wedding - that'll teach him to sing Sonny's praises while bashing his mother. Gotta love that the wedding cake went splat.

  • Love 8

Goddamn you Morgan, for giving the writers Michael an excuse to go the wedding of the man who murdered his father and the woman who covered for him, a love affair rekindled as they were concealing the truth from him when she wasn't banging SERIAL KILLERS and he wasn't fucking IN A CRYPT.


And goddman you, Sam, for invoking Sloan and making Anna go talk to him.  What have I ever done to you?


What the fuck was all that nonsense with Sonny's adopted minority son TJ baking him a cake?

  • Love 11

Ulkis, I give you credit for making me laugh. I think ghost Connie was probably responsible for damaging the first cake. (I tried to ignore all that today except to acknowledge that HP looks so pretty.) The second cake that TJ was proud of (he wants to kiss Sonny's ass) went splat because some dudes grabbed him and made him drop it.

  • Love 4

And F'off, Patrick.

I weirdly didn't have an issue with him today. I don't know if it's because I'm too busy being outraged with Anna's stupidity or what, but I thought it was very interesting that the writing still has him 100% believing that Robin chose her work over their family. I've never seen someone say they're "so very happy" with such a look of strain like Patrick did. Could be JT's performance choice or the writing, but he very much acted like he did when he was with Sabrina. Like he's forced himself to fall in love and create a family.

  • Love 5

I honestly don't even know where to start. From Anna suddenly knowing where Robin lives in Paris, to her believing Robin Scorpio would ever have a housekeeper, to her believing that she's in CHINA, to her believing that she wouldn't talk to her own child, to her continually wanting Patrick's happiness, to her kissing Sam's ass, to her actually uttering the words "This isn't Robin's house."



Ugh haven't seen today's yet, thanks for the warning. Head may explode after this one

  • Love 2

Ugh haven't seen today's yet, thanks for the warning. Head may explode after this one

Oh, I feel you. It will always be disturbing to me that this show won't let the mother...the MOTHER...of a character that has been on the show on/off for THIRTY YEARS be on her daughter's side. Why isn't Robin's happiness important? Why is she so obsessed with Patrick moving on and Emma having "a female figure" in her life?

I mean, to have her say, "Robin's in China...and that's why I'm so happy you have Sam." WHAT!? How do those two things relate!?

How about "Robin's in China...and it MAKES NO SENSE. I'll try to keep getting in touch with her."


  • Love 12

Emma can stay, she was cute with Anna.

Spencer, however, can take a Kiki-like leap off the pier. And Rebecca Budig's presence in those scenes just made this Britt fan (we do exist!) miss her.

Emma didn't say a word about her mother, who she hasn't spoken to or seen in a year, so she can exit. :P Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 1

I weirdly didn't have an issue with him today. I don't know if it's because I'm too busy being outraged with Anna's stupidity or what, but I thought it was very interesting that the writing still has him 100% believing that Robin chose her work over their family. I've never seen someone say they're "so very happy" with such a look of strain like Patrick did. Could be JT's performance choice or the writing, but he very much acted like he did when he was with Sabrina. Like he's forced himself to fall in love and create a family.

Well, I now have permanent housing in the Robin Fangirl room on the Scorpio deck of the barge. I don't want to see that shit and I don't want to loose even more respect for Anna. At this point, Robin could be upset with her mom's stupidity, not want ro deal with her and I would applaud her (Patrick is included).

What is wrong with Frank and Ron? Are they idiots? They created this mess with KMc /Robin and now it just seems they are being petty and pissy because the actress is busy and fans want a conclusion.

How hard would it have been to resolve all this mess with words vs making it worse.

  • Love 5

I feel really bad for hard core Anna fans.  Her endorsing Patrick and Sam's relationship because 'Robin's  Paris housekeeper said Robin's at a conference in China' was just awful. Kudos to FH for showing Anna clearly in pain and holding back tears that Sam has replaced Robin in Emma's life. And F'off, Patrick. I do like the emphasis on Emma wanting to cling to and spend time with Grandma Anna and Sam saying "Robin's house." I HATE Anna saying it hasn't been Robin's home in a 'long time' and bonding with Sam over investigative stuff.  Way to throw Anna and the Anna-Robin relationship under the bus in favor of Samtrick, show. UGH.

"Housekeeper", rigghhttt. Probably a minder, China's conference probably cover for something. At least RC and his stupid ideas or gone. Worried about the next set of stupid ideas we might get.

Well, I now have permanent housing in the Robin Fangirl room on the Scorpio deck of the barge. I don't want to see that shit and I don't want to loose even more respect for Anna. At this point, Robin could be upset with her mom's stupidity, not want ro deal with her and I would applaud her (Patrick is included).

What is wrong with Frank and Ron? Are they idiots? They created this mess with KMc /Robin and now it just seems they are being petty and pissy because the actress is busy and fans want a conclusion.

How hard would it have been to resolve all this mess with words vs making it worse.

It sickens me that I know that if she ever comes back, she'll have to apologize to all these idiots and they get to skate because "It's KMc's fault!"

 I thought it was very interesting that the writing still has him 100% believing that Robin chose her work over their family. I've never seen someone say they're "so very happy" with such a look of strain like Patrick did. Could be JT's performance choice or the writing, but he very much acted like he did when he was with Sabrina. Like he's forced himself to fall in love and create a family.

Yeah, it was the look of his face trying to hold back anger and pain as he said Robin's work "has always been very important to her." It seemed like he was trying to politely tell Anna that Robin repeatedly hurt her family by choosing her work over them even though she told them both in that Skye chat - with her voice shaking - that she wasn't coming back because she was "broken."  Also, him telling Anna it's been good for Emma to have a female presence in the house. As if the whole Sabrina relationship never happened and Anna never had to tend to Emma right after Britt announced her pregnancy on stage at the Nurse's Ball, right in front of Emma. Seriously, this is the third time the child has had a new woman in her life because Patrick apparently doesn't want to stand on his own and be a single, attentive dad. (That's where I think the strained "we're so happy" thing came from). I feel for Emma, clinging to Grandma. Grandma's spot in her life won't change depending on Patrick, and Grandma is a connection to Mommy.

  • Love 7

Bryan was good. It's just that Morgan is such a tool. 


There better be some snarky comments from someone when the wedding guests are there.


TJ: The happiest day of their lives is gonna be ruined.


Oh no TJ. Carly's happiest day of her life happened in 1996 when she slept with Jason. I don't know what Sonny's happiest day was but I'm willing to bet it took place in 1994 or 1995.


Heatlifer has the Robin stuff covered. I will say, they should have just had Robin and Anna have a meet-up on-screen. Unless Kim McC is actually on set, just drop all this "Helena has Robin" shit. Drop it now.


Anna looks good at least.


I liked the Molly/TJ scenes. I really liked Molly today. 

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 3

It sickens me that I know that if she ever comes back, she'll have to apologize to all these idiots and they get to skate because "It's KMc's fault!"

You know it. Robin will take all the blame for being imprisoned and not finding a way to free herself. She should have tried harder because you know Patrick was the best thing to happen to her. She was so lucky a guy like him even wanted to be with her.

At this point, I'm not sure if I'd even watch her return. I can't deal with her doing anything less than grabbing her daughters, and saying bye you sorry *****.

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