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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Sonny's blood lust is going to resurface now that everyone knows that Denise is really Ava. How many days before he starts waving that gun around.

Days? Like Sonny has that kind of self-restraint. I'm guessing hours, minutes even.

Ugh, NO. MORE. CORINTHI. BABIES!! Actually, no more babies at all, but especially none related to Sonny; he's already responsible for at least half of the next generation. I like you, Val, I really do, but this baby crap needs to be a dream. Even a tock won't do, the kid simply shouldn't exist.

Oh noes! Franco will be mad at Dr. O! Yawn. Who fucking cares? And who cares if a SERIAL KILLER confesses to murder to save his annoying and crazy girlfriend who should also be the fuck off my screen? Send Franco away for murder and Nina as an accomplice (or at least accessory before/after the fact) and then we never hear from either of them again.

I always enjoy Sam/Alexis conversations, but I don't remember Sam actually saying she believes Julian. Maybe she just doesn't care if Julian is in the mob as long as he keeps her mom safe.

Gross, Liz. You only want Patrick to marry Sam so there's one more barrier between Jason and Sam reuniting. As if none of these fools have ever heard of divorce. Have a seat.

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Maxie saying Dr. O cares about other people? Yeah, she certainly cared about your cousin, Robin when she kidnapped her for two years. Or your uncle Robert when she tried to kill him. AGHHHH!

Don't worry you guys, that sounds you just heard wasn't the Earth cracking in half; it was me reading the above-quoted post.

Edited by Tiger
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Thank goodness we're done with Denise.

Highlight of the episode, though that is an extremely low bar. The reveal was hardly on the same level as Karen Wolek admitting she was a prostitute, even if the decibel level was comparable. And the reaction of the spectators was laughable. Morgan's expression after Ava told Lauren it was really her was hilarious: "So. This happened."


"This is a man who used my child as a shield against Sonny." Yeah, your hands aren't exactly clean where that's concerned, Sam. You put yourself between Julian and Sonny so Julian would be around to give bone marrow. Also, Sam, why are you wearing fall clothes? It's August. In New York.

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Highlight of the episode, though that is an extremely low bar. The reveal was hardly on the same level as Karen Wolek admitting she was a prostitute, even if the decibel level was comparable. And the reaction of the spectators was laughable. Morgan's expression after Ava told Lauren it was really her was hilarious: "So. This happened."


"This is a man who used my child as a shield against Sonny." Yeah, your hands aren't exactly clean where that's concerned, Sam. You put yourself between Julian and Sonny so Julian would be around to give bone marrow. Also, Sam, why are you wearing fall clothes? It's August. In New York.


I was in northwest NJ over the weekend and it was 59 degrees at night, so I imagine it can chilly in the evenings in upstate NY. I have no idea what time of the day it was supposed to be in today's episode but we all know how time works in Port Charles. Plus, you can bet Julian keeps his apartment chilly so his nipples stick out. You just know it! I'm sorry lol.

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ETA 2: I would have made Lucas & Brad's Wedding the big September "sweeps" event. It could have been Guza-style with most of the cast and all the action taking place in one location for 2-3 weeks, but on an Uncle Frank budget with everyone together in the Metro Court dining room.

I would have made the Jerome, Corinth, and Wu families declare a truce, but the Martinez (revealed as Slito) family would see as a perfect time to eliminate their rivals and would attack the wedding, locking down the elevators and stairs, trapping everyone in one room and then unleashing gunfire. Major characters could be shot, and Lucas, Patrick, Monica, Dr. O, Liz, Pip, Brad, Sabrina, Felix could all have to jump in and try to save lives with no resources.

During all this, Jason could recover his Q memories and specifically his medical training.


this is the show I want to watch. what time is that show on? (moving into month 2 of not watching and came here to see if I was missing anything. Nope).

  • Love 3

My favorite part of today was Carly saying that she didn't tell Jax about the wedding because he would start in on her about Sonny. Wrong Carly! Jax is free! He's not gonna say shit to you cause it's pointless and he knows you're an idiot!


I love off-screen Jax so much. I need them to say that Robin and Jax are getting married off screen. When SORASed Joss comes back she can tell Carly no hard feelings against Carly but Robin feels more like her mom to her than Carly does. And then when Carly asks why the hell Jax never told her he was married to Robin all these years, he can say for the same reason you didn't tell me about your wedding to Sonny.


um I got a bit off track there.


I love this, though personally, I'd sub in Skye and have the following happen:


Skye: Oh, hello Carly.  Just popped by to give you this.  Josslyn asked me to drop it off.


Carly: When the hell did you see my daughter?


Skye: Well, her father is my husband, we've gotten very close.


(Carly's head explodes clean off.)


Skye: Well, ta.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 13

The court stuff was actually good today.

Except in what jurisdiction do the witness and the questioning attorney (I thought Scotty was the DA, why is he defending Franco?) essentially get to have a conversation about the witness's actual identity? Once in awhile Ric would say something like Is there a question here, but mostly it was ridiculous.

  • Love 1

Except in what jurisdiction do the witness and the questioning attorney (I thought Scotty was the DA, why is he defending Franco?) essentially get to have a conversation about the witness's actual identity? Once in awhile Ric would say something like Is there a question here, but mostly it was ridiculous.


Scotty ridiculously resigned as DA so he could be his SERIAL KILLER son's defense attorney.

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I enjoyed the Ava reveal and was surprised it actually happened.  Not sure why Franco didn't blackmail her and threaten to tell Kiki about her and Morgan, but I guess Ava would rather be hated by Kiki than add another murder to her list of things she has to get undone somehow.


Of course, it does throw a wrinkle in the whole Carson and baby Avery HEA story.  Can you picture that custody suit--two mobster murderers fighting for custody?

I'm just glad that Ava played her hand and took Nina down, thereby taking Franco down in the process. Too bad it won't be off our screens for good. And I liked her reaction to the actual arrest and handcuffs itself.


Morgan can FOAD any time now. He's exactly like his pig ass of a father, right down to the convenient mental illness to excuse away all of their prick tendencies.


Maxie and Nathan started out with points for "Ava's daughter", but then Maxie tanked big time. I'm not even a Robin fan, and that was just hideous.


This show sucks so bad.

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I'm in catch up mode, and I just watched Brad make the cornfield Joss comment. And I wondered why Brad thought Lucas would even know Joss. Took me a minute to remember they're related. It really shouldn't.


eta: It's abhorrent that manic disorder is being portrayed as a potential explanation for Sonny's violent behaviors. It doesn't matter whether Sonny's being treated or off his meds--he's a violent, violent man. And if Morgan was that upset about Avery not being his, I missed it. He blinked for like a moment before deciding to set up Michael so that his father could get Avery back. That's about all I recall. And why on Earth is Liv acting like nothing bad ever happened between her and Sonny and their only romantic entanglement was back in Bensonhurst? Huh?


Um, positives? I pretty much like all aspects of the Jakeson story. I still buy into Lucas/Brad and I like Brad & Rosalie's friend chem. Molly's view of living in Sonny's world was spot on. I still like nuDillon. Court drama has been fun. Thank god the wig is dead.

Edited by TheGourmez
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Sonny's blood lust is going to resurface now that everyone knows that Denise is really Ava. How many days before he starts waving that gun around.



That disgusting thug's blood lust has already resurfaced.  He offerred to 'exterminate' someone today.  Such a wonderful character to be the central character of a soap opera. The actor - who can't spit his lines out - and chooses to whisper to show how 'tough' he is - looks like he belongs as a movie's mob boss's crazy side-kick. 


Julian's jaw was fun to watch in Sonny's scenes as was Dr. O's eye make-up.  Just when I thought this show couldn't get any worse, it doesn't disappoint.

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I'm all for dipshit Sonny trying to sneak a gun into lockup because he thinks he's a badass who's going after Ava. He pulls a gun out, gets arrested and/or shot, the Court (not just Monica's judge boyfriend) says these two dangerous criminals don't get to go near baby Avery at this time .... at most supervised visitation for them at some point in the future. Avery goes back to Michael, her legal guardian, forever. Michael wonders if he should even allow Kiki or Morgan to visit, since all this time they were too stupid to ever figure out their Mom/ex-mother in law and ex-lover was right in front of them, with a wig and bad accent. (I don't hold Michael to the same standard because he hardly knew Ava. I think the most time he ever spent with her was that once lunch with Kiki while Ava was still pregnant.)

  • Love 4

That disgusting thug's blood lust has already resurfaced.  He offerred to 'exterminate' someone today.  Such a wonderful character to be the central character of a soap opera. The actor - who can't spit his lines out - and chooses to whisper to show how 'tough' he is - looks like he belongs as a movie's mob boss's crazy side-kick. 


Stupid governor and his daughter with their unconditional pardon. He is back in the mob business! He already killed someone else. I hate his smug face as much as Dr.Os (what the hell is the show trying to do with her anyways?). I really need Monica to get her job back and to celebrate by beating the shit out of Sonny.

  • Love 4
Not sure why Franco didn't blackmail her and threaten to tell Kiki about her and Morgan, but I guess Ava would rather be hated by Kiki than add another murder to her list of things she has to get undone somehow.


Franco was blackmailing Ava, but her self-preservation won out. Finally, someone stays in character. Ava is always going to put Ava first.


I like Brad & Rosalie's friend chem


I do, too, but it's way too late for this. Get rid of Rosalie once and for all. She's another pointless character with a pointless secret doing pointless things.


I'm sad that the Ava reveal didn't involve Ava or someone else ripping off that wig.  And yes, I know, her hair's supposed to be dyed or something, but I think we would have agreed to forget about that for some wig-ripping goodness.


I know! What's the point of having an alter ego if there's no wig involved? It's Soap 101.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 6

I don't think Lucas has totally forgiven Brad, but he's not going to keep calling out Brad for being a liar. And, of course, they can't get married, so I think the status of their relationship might be a bit iffy.


We'll find out for sure in October, when their next air date is.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 5

But they were all kissy and Lucas agreed to move back in and said something about them getting Brad out from under the Rosalie situation together.  He also made a remark about FINALLY getting married, which...relax, bro, you've been together for like a year.  It's hardly been the Five-Year Engagement.


But given they were on three days in a row, it'll probably be ten weeks minimum before this progresses again, if the new writers are even interested in it.

I'd love to see Lucas go to his sister and hire her to find a way to get Brad out from under this. I think a Brad/Lucas/Sam/Rosalie team up could be fun…in January 2016. Because Brad and Lucas will probably be off-screen until then. And Sam could say she won't accept money for payment, instead she wants Rosalie to recant her recant and bust Nik so Michael can get ELQ back.

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I like the idea of Sam pressuring Rosalie so Nik gets busted, but Brad just isn't worth Lucas' time. He is yet another legacy character who deserves a decent storyline, rather than getting being marginalized or thrown under the bus for more Mob crap or soap actors/characters who TPTB have brought in because their shows went off the air. I've hated any Lucas scenes with Carly (due to the Bobbie and Tony history), Felix or Brad. IMO the actor has only gotten decent material for the meeting/getting to know Sam and Julian stuff. Lucas telling Julian he's gay, and how they proceeded after that was genuinely interesting (in part because viewers can remember the love between dad Tony and son Lucas, and how Tony accepted the coming out). I'd also be interested in seeing more Sam and Lucas scenes, touching on subjects like the value of family after feeling alone when they were kids. Lucas lost his sister BJ to tragedy when they were children, and while growing up he didn't have a sibling relationship with Carly for several reasons. Sam grew up with one brother, who was dependent on her - now she has 2 parents, a brother (2 if you count the O&J newborn), 2 sisters and a cousin + his kid (second cousin). Plus an aunt and two other cousins, if you count Ava and hers. Yeesh, it just hit me that Sonny, her ex-lover, is the father of her (off-screen) younger sister and her baby girl cousin. Not to mention she and Dante have a sister and brother in common now.

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Should we be optimistic now that maybe we'll have more movement in s/l like maybe Jakeson's?  Nathan Varni posted on Facebook that next week's episodes were shot in between the Head Writers switch. He also said Frank did his best to fine tune the episodes to "feel more like the GH you know and love."

Edited by linsav

Should we be optimistic now?  Nathan Varni posted on Facebook that next week's episodes were shot in between the Head Writers switch. He also said Frank did his best to fine tune the episodes to "feel more like the GH you know and love."


Honestly, no one should listen to Nathan Varni in general. The guy seems like nothing but a glorified message boy and I'm pretty sure he has little say, if any, in the creative direction of the show.

  • Love 10

Sonny ranting that Ava has to pay for murdering Connie when he not only didn't pay for murdering AJ, but actually reaped rewards from it (Carly, Avery, etc.) made me want to rip my ears off.


It doesn't actively enrage me, but I'm really not digging the Lulu/Dante/Valerie/Dillon quad.  The whole foundation it's built on is shaky at best.


Paul and Tracy are kinda cute, but I'm convinced he's the new Big Bad who's sabotaging Sonny's business so it's hard to care.


Shut up, Kiki.

  • Love 12
Sam knows they are related, she just doesn't know their baby brother is alive.


I realized that during one of the billion edits I made to the post, OnceSane. It just didn't update in time for your correction.


Paul and Tracy are kinda cute, but I'm convinced he's the new Big Bad who's sabotaging Sonny's business so it's hard to care.


I hope Paul is the one messing with Sonny. I doubt Tracy will get too bent out of shape about it.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 1

I really wanted Ghost!AJ to appear and shoot looks and deliver taunts about self-awareness re: Michael and the late Tony Jones while Carly was going on about Ava using a helpless, innocent baby and that Ava was lying to Morgan while taking him to bed. Also, her literally crying all over Morgan like he's a helpless tot while he's talking about the mess and his stupidity...just OTT. I get that they're supposed to be postured like loooving, supportive parents in that last shot, but it was just ridiculous. 


I anticipate rage blackouts here over Sonny talking like he alone conceived, birthed, and has been raising Avery. 


Yes, Lulu, you are June Cleaver. Dillon's screenplay = eyeroll.


The positive about today's episode = Jane Elliot. Tracy looks terrific (this hair style is much more flattering) and it's nice to see her have a real conversation. No rage, no crying over Luke. Just having good scenes with her ex about where things stand, and their son. 

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