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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I want SAM to be the one to really go off on Liz. Not Carly, which I fear. "You bitch! That was my best friend!!" No. I want Sam to get mad, while Monica has a broom a'la Cooki. Michael can do some corporate evil stuff. Buy the hospital or something.

Sam does deserve to go off on Lizzie.

But Monica and Michael and any biological relations left deserve to go off on that sociopath more than anyone else.


One,  can I say how much Liz has been decimated in the service of Jason pisses me off! I am not sure how much "in character" this is because it violates the rules of being a decent human being, which I thought was part of Liz character, but to me it is  as shitty storytelling as when All My Children had Babe find out too early that Miranda was Bianca's, as it did a (relatively new) character  no favors, even if the actress in the role was likable. 


But I think at this point Sam has earned the right as much as any biological relation. She and Jason had been together for several years, were married at the the time of his death and now have a young son together. She, along with Danny, are now Jason's immediate family. 

Edited by Ambrosefolly
  • Love 10

Okay, who had "Rosalie's secret is that she's married to Brad"?




Okay, who had "Really, that's Rosalie's secret??"




Okay, who still cares about Rosalie's secret?




Okay, who's afraid this *isn't* Rosalie's secret?


*mass exodus to the Barge*


Edited by NutmegsDad
  • Love 20

Okay, who had "Rosalie's secret is that she's married to Brad"?




Okay, who had "Really, that's Rosalie's secret??"




Okay, who still cares about Rosalie's secret?




Okay, who's afraid this *isn't* Rosalie's secret?


*mass exodus to the Barge*

Okay, who had "Rosalie's secret is that she's married to Brad"?




Okay, who had "Really, that's Rosalie's secret??"




Okay, who still cares about Rosalie's secret?




Okay, who's afraid this *isn't* Rosalie's secret?


*mass exodus to the Barge*

Nutmegs dad, did you give Nina your password here?*


*Said with social media comraderie-type love -- I couldn't resist! I couldn't resist! Please forgive me. I'll repent! I'll repent!

Edited by Francie
  • Love 7

I still don't understand how whatever Nina did to disgusting Ava somehow wipes out what that cowardly bitch did to AJ and Connie before him. She deserved every bit of suffering she got after that and here hopes the sociopath suffers even more before she has an even less dignified exit than her victims did.


Um, excuse me. Party City Wig is suffering plenty right now. She tries so hard to avoid fucking her daughter's boyfriend but she just can't help herself. His dick is too powerful. She feels bad that she has to let Kiki think she's dead but this is the only way she can avoid going back to prison for murdering Konnie. Kiki is going to be so mad when she finds out. Sure, she alternates between whining about HER BABY!!!!! and forgetting all about her, but that's understandable. Pretending to be some Jersey Shore caricature takes up a lot of time. Oh, and her best friend Silas was recently murdered and she has to pretend to be sad about it. Her life is so hard right now and I don't know how she manages to make it through the day. 

  • Love 10
She doesn't, but you KNOW that, when the truth is revealed, she's going to be slobbering all over him with "deep down, I always knew it was you!"


They had that "instant" connection when Jakeson was in the hospital recovering. She felt so comfortable telling him all her secrets. Never mind that he was thinking "Why is this strange lady telling me her crazy business?"

  • Love 2

Unfortunately, I think Carly will get her BFF back. I'm sure Jason will eventually be working for Sonny again, too. Sonny needs an enforcer, and Jason is the only one who could hit the target he was aiming at. Jason might be less stoic and all this time around, but I doubt the new HWs will mess with the troika too much. 

Heavy, heavy sigh.

  • Love 1

And how is a straight woman married to a gay man supposed to be some sort of shameful secret in this day and age? Wouldn't most consider Rosalie to be some kind of hero, marrying him to protect him from the apparently EVIL majority who would never even actually register him on their radar?


I think them being married is Brad's secret, but not necessarily Rosalie's secret.

Unfortunately, I think Carly will get her BFF back.


She already has.  Her and Jake(son) have been BFF from the jump.

I still don't understand how whatever Nina did to disgusting Ava somehow wipes out what that cowardly bitch did to AJ and Connie before him. She deserved every bit of suffering she got after that and here hopes the sociopath suffers even more before she has an even less dignified exit than her victims did.

I don't think Nina ripping Ava's baby from her womb negates anything Ava has done, but I also don't think that what Ava has done means that Nina's disgusting actions toward her should be handwaved at all. They are not even, imo. Ava had an affair with Nina's husband and got pregnant. If Nina wanted revenge about that she should have banged Morgan, not assaulted Ava and kidnapped her baby. Ava should be in jail for murdering Konnie (or not if the governor's daughter can be barely saved again). And Nina should be in jail for what she did to Ava. JMO

  • Love 14

Unfortunately, I think Carly will get her BFF back. I'm sure Jason will eventually be working for Sonny again, too. Sonny needs an enforcer, and Jason is the only one who could hit the target he was aiming at. Jason might be less stoic and all this time around, but I doubt the new HWs will mess with the troika too much. 

Heavy, heavy sigh.


I can't picture Jolly NuJason being an enforcer. Maybe he'll be Sonny's rum distributor. "Hey BFF Carly! Let's party girl! Just call me gin Jason: Carly BFF!"

  • Love 1

If this is the Rosie secret, I really DNGAF. Neither do the actors, all three are standing around throwing lines like it is a first read through. Ron is gay, we just had the gay marriage decision, how the hell does he do a gay/straight triangle with so little heat it is like a freezer?




Is there any chance Ron was gong to bring back vampires or weather control diamonds or something, and that was her secret, and he got canned in time to block it?

  • Love 3

Sure, Nikolas, people with amnesia in Port Charles neeevvver get their memory back.  Just ask Mary Bishop.  Oops, you can't, she's dead, because she went crazy after YOU GOT YOUR MEMORY BACK!


I liked (and by liked I mean hated) Brad pausing in the middle of his explaining why he was married to Rosalie to make a Josslyn/corn joke.  Really, Ron?  REALLY?

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 10

How is it possible Rosalie and Brad have never crossed paths in the last year. 


It's possible, but highly, highly, unlikely. Which brings me to:


Rosalie: I've been in town for months now!


Rosalie is mistaken. She's been in town for 84 years, ping-ponging between as twice as many plot points.


Rebecca Budig the character is just as dumb as everyone else in town.


Maybe the writers wanted to have Julian mourn for one minute before Olivia came back to town.


I like the actress who plays Jordan but good God I am so deeply uninterested in law enforcement goes after Sonny take [computer explodes because it can't compute that high]




Carly, probably talking about Lucas: imagine what it's like to find yourself completely in love with a married man! (while Valerie walks in behind them)


Yeah, except Valerie knew the whole frigging time that Dante was married, unlike Lucas with Brad. Valerie did not get blind-sided over here. Plus, more GH insta-love. Completely in love! After 4 months! It doesn't come across like Valerie confusing her gratitude for Dante's sympathy with love at all!

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 6
Carly, probably talking about Lucas: imagine what it's like to find yourself completely in love with a married man! (while Valerie walks in behind them)


LOL. I hope Valerie overheard.


Plus, more GH insta-love. Completely in love! After 4 months! It doesn't come across like Valerie confusing gratitude for Dante's sympathy with love at all!


And it's not as if Valerie is emotionally fragile or vulnerable because her mother died recently. Ugh.


If they made Valerie disgusted with herself for sleeping with a married man instead of vaguely hostile toward everyone who brings it up, I might like her more.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 6

Considering Jean Passanante's name appeared in the supporting-writer credits in today's episode, my initial thought for this episode was "well, something no doubt got reworked."  I'm still not sure what, but I can't help thinking it.


Brad and Rosalie's amazingly plodding explanation of their BFF-dom wasn't so much bad as simply there, and I'm not sure the last-minute "we can't testify against each other" bombshell helps or hurts it.  (Though I suppose it allows wiggle room for Rosalie's Big Secret indeed being something kinda big.)  What sort of crime could they have gotten rolled up into that could result in something like that?  And since this obviously means Rosalie is even more of a BFF for Brad than Britt, how will she feel about this when she inevitably finds out via an offscreen Skype call from Dr. O?


The rest of the episode...other than a near-rage blackout (copyright dubbel zout) over Sonny being the voice of reason to Jordan about her own kid, it was mostly just there too.  About the only genuinely good part was Liz tiptoeing closer to some sort of lie-induced meltdown, and that's all on BH.  Even my crush on LLC didn't really mitigate that whole mess about her previously convincing Julian their son was dead, which I had no clue about until now.  OTOH, I suppose if it leads to the semblance of a triangle between Liv, Julian, and Alexis...I suppose I can suck it up in the name of the Pretty, but still bleah.


Does anyone want to wager how long it will be until Jordan becomes Sonny's newest bedwarmer?


You take that back right frigging now, Lillybee!  We can't have that idea loose in the world!

  • Love 5

Does anyone want to wager how long it will be until Jordan becomes Sonny's newest bedwarmer?

November sweeps at the latest, imo. The night before Sonny and Carly get married, probably, because Sonny will convince TJ to give his mother a second chance.

I wanted to gut-punch Sonny so many times. First, the overriding SMUG permeating every fucking word out of his smarmy mouth. Then the "do yo' job, bitch, even though you already suck at it". Yeah, fuck you, Sonny. Next, the "I understand getting teh sadz when kids won't fall in line." Ass. STFU. You shot your son's bio dad because you were jealous and mad that Michael dared to want a relationship with him. TJ's throwing a temper tantrum because his mom DID HER JOB and arrested his criminal dad who promptly confessed to save YOUR ASS.


  • Love 17

.  About the only genuinely good part was Liz tiptoeing closer to some sort of lie-induced meltdown, and that's all on BH. 

Thanks for the heads up. Yep, Becky is playing it like Liz is about to collapse sobbing (like she did after the Lucky- Niz confrontation) because she's expecting that at any moment Jakeson is going to remember who he is and/or find out she's been lying to him and walk out on her.

  • Love 1

Does anyone want to wager how long it will be until Jordan becomes Sonny's newest bedwarmer?


I really hope GH does not go there, for many reasons, but it would be . . . awkward in the extreme if only a couple of months after his son, who is married to a blonde woman, sleeps with a biracial/black woman, his father sleeps with a black woman while engaged/with a blonde woman. They might not be meaning to to send out any skeevy messages on purpose, but that is just . . . awkward at best. Maybe I'm just reading too much into it but it seems it would kinda come across as "look at these men being "seduced" by the "exotic" women from their partners!"


If Valerie and Dante hadn't just slept together a month ago my reaction would just be feeling Jordan can do way better but not hating it cause Sonny having sex with another woman after proposing to Carly would be hilarious.


If they made Valerie disgusted with herself for sleeping with a married man instead of vaguely hostile toward everyone who brings it up, I might like her more.


I mean, she doesn't have to be disgusted with herself, but  yeah, the righteous indignation that someone would dare insinuate she has feelings for Dante/ and would attempt to act on them could be kicked down a notch.



This gives me a warm fuzzy feeling inside.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 5
And it's not as if Valerie is emotionally fragile or vulnerable because her mother died recently. Ugh.



Valerie's mother died?  You'd think she would have mentioned it. 


Yes, Jordan can do better than Sonny (not that I'm setting the bar real high there..), but I will laugh for days if either Carly walks in on them or someone manages to play a secret recording of them at her wedding to Sonny.  I'm all for all of Carly's weddings turning into public embarrassments for her from here on out. 

  • Love 7

The lawyers on the board can correct me if I'm wrong, but even if brad and Rosalie divorced, isn't anything that happened or was discussed DURING their marriage still bound by marital confidentiality? IOW, they can't be compelled to testify against each other just because they're no longer married. So if that's true, then there's another argument undone by the real law.

Just once, can't these stupid ass writers actually do some research?

Although as much as I understand Lucas' anger, just because marriage equality passed this year doesn't mean everyone is suddenly okay with it. So I didn't appreciate his comment about how brad's parents should just 'get over it' and accept their son is gay. Sure in an ideal world they would, but people who are deeply set in their convictions are not suddenly going to change just because the court says everything is hunky dory now.

  • Love 3

My rage-blackout sensors tell me a custody fight is in the works. It's Julian's only recourse. $10 says Sonny takes Olivia's side, totally oblivious to the irony. (Watch Morgan wonder what "irony" is.)


Nah. I think we'll get Julian Olivia bonding probably, at most.

The spoilers have tons of Olivia in them . . . I get the feeling they are trying to finish this story without making it TOTALLY obvious, like they would if they just had Olivia come back and be all, "yo, Jules, kid's yours, see ya at Sunday dinner.*


*oh God, I wrote Sonny dinner at first

  • Love 2

If I were Ned I'd be hella pissed at Olivia's whiny guilty self wanting to confess all to Jules.  Way to toss away his family's company for nothing, OLIVIA.  Did you forget about what a narcissistic dick Julian is?  His kind, loving support when you were giving birth under stressful circumstances?  Geez, it's like being a mob boss is the only reason he's unfit as a father.  


However, in the interest of moving forward, a quick resolution is a healthy one and dammit, ulkis, you nailed it.  Simple, easy, and move onto other things way more interesting that baby fight #infinity.  There's going to be a lot of lame story surgery and abrupt about faces in the near future, I predict.  


Not like that's anything out of the ordinary.  What my true hope is, is that the new writers will spin sense from nonsense, and to that end I'd be willing to play along and forget certain things.  Reasons....

Edited by Reo
  • Love 3

I need the alien from The Whispers to team up with the animals from Zoo and kill 80% of the residents of Port Chuckles.

Oh, today's show? I think Passanante tried to do some last minute re-writes and literally ran out of time because the vast majority of everyone's dialogue made no sense at all. At one point, I swear Perry Shen and Linda Tovar were reading off cue cards and completely baffled by what their characters were saying.

  • Love 4

I would pay a lot of money if Brad finally came out and his parents were just like, yes dear, that was obvious. We just let you marry that random woman just because it cracked us up.

Okay, this is getting off topic, but the (closet) door's been opened, and I can't resist. This mother re-enacting her reaction to her daughter coming out is priceless:




And, to make it be on topic, I hope that, going forward, the show runners realize and appreciate just how far people have come in the last 5, 10, 15 years on this. Granted, there is still much, much prejudice, but daytime would do itself a great service if it stayed ahead of the curve rather than a decade behind.


The lawyers on the board can correct me if I'm wrong, but even if brad and Rosalie divorced, isn't anything that happened or was discussed DURING their marriage still bound by marital confidentiality? IOW, they can't be compelled to testify against each other just because they're no longer married. So if that's true, then there's another argument undone by the real law.


By and large, yes. The communication privilege outlasts the marriage.  What's said in the marriage, stays in the marriage, typically. There are some exceptions (if the spouses are suing each other, for instance).


If the issue is raised, judges are allowed to determine is a sham marriage, entered into solely for the purposes of invoking the privilege.  There'd be a strong presumption a marriage is valid.  But if the evidence would clearly establish a sham marriage, judges don't have to bury their heads in the sand about it.

  • Love 1

Nah. I think we'll get Julian Olivia bonding probably, at most.

The spoilers have tons of Olivia in them . . . I get the feeling they are trying to finish this story without making it TOTALLY obvious, like they would if they just had Olivia come back and be all, "yo, Jules, kid's yours, see ya at Sunday dinner.*


*oh God, I wrote Sonny dinner at first


At this point, since most of the explanations and good stuff happen off screen anyway, I'd settle for them just going with "actually, Julian knew all along that the baby was fine.  He went along with the lie because he wanted to protect the baby from his mob enemies."  End of story.  Wrap it up, dig a hole, bury it, and never speak of it again. 

  • Love 5

Brad's reason to marry Rosalie was pretty lame. Just because he was afraid to come out to his parents didn't mean he had to get married. People break up all. the. time. Why is he still married if they lost touch over the years? So stupid.


Leonardo Falconeri? Oh, dear. LiLoC looks great. Olivia is still an idiot. Julian in or out of the mob is not going to keep Leo safe. It's Port Charles. Everyone gets sucked into the violence at some point.


It always cracks me up when someone thinks Windermere is so luxurious. Carly's house is fancier.


Of course Nik almost sleazes on Hayden. In some ways, he's worse than Brad.


Wrap it up, dig a hole, bury it, and never speak of it again.


Yes, please. It would remove a major source of rage blackouts for me.

Edited by dubbel zout

Um, did the writers not read what they wrote today?

1. Brad and Rosalie meet in college and we're besties. They got married because of his parents. He's in the closet and they love Rosalie.

2. They lost touch? Haven't spoken in years? Didn't even know they were in the same town. Wouldn't his parents have wanted to see him and Rosalie at some point in time?

3. They can't get divorced because they would be forced to testify against each other?

4. So now we have to wait to hear what the other secret is?

Come on people, proof read the crap you write in order to make sure your shit is coherent and cohesive.

I will have my own rage blackout if Olivia tells Julian about this freaking useless baby after Ned and Brooklyn gave away fucking Q shares to save her ass. Rage, rage, rage!!!!!

Edited by BestestAuntEver
  • Love 14

Plot device, thy name is Rosalie.  True, pretty much every character on this show currently services the plot, rather than the other way around, but I think Rosalie is the most egregious example.  You could get whiplash from her "characterization," and I use that term loosely.  Very loosely.


So Sonny wouldn't wish it on his worst enemy, that his child rejects him or is alienated from him or taken away from him, let alone do it to him, yet, somehow, he became Michael's father.  What's worse than your own worst enemy?  Oh, right.  A.J.


I wish Jordan would stop defending herself when people start ragging on her about working undercover.  Yes, she was a colossal failure at the job and certainly didn't warrant being rewarded with the Police Commissioner's job, and, no, she never should've slept with one of the subjects of her investigation, if only for the sake of her own credibility and professional reputation.  I couldn't care less about Shawn's feelings.  But being an undercover operative doesn't make her wrong or the bad guy, and she needs to stop defending that.  It just lends credence to what the other person, usually Sonny now that Shawn's in the pen, is saying, and I don't want any credence lent to what comes out of that man's piehole.


Sonny's really an idiot. He's so focused on Julian being the one who's coming after him, that he's not even looking at anyone else.  I hope it comes back to bite him in a hail of gunfire.  Is it wrong of me to hope T.J. gets whacked in the process?  At least, then, Jordan could smarm all over Sonny's and Carly's stellar "parenting."

  • Love 6

 Is it wrong of me to hope T.J. gets whacked in the process? 


Fellaway, to misuse a good quote from a better song, if you're wrong I don't wanna be right.  T.J. getting whacked would be fine with me.  The kid has annoyed me for a long time.

The only thing that makes me sorta hope he doesn't is Molly.  Can you imagine the days and days of adenoidal weeping and nasally snot-filled screeching we'd have to hear?  And Oh Gawd, undoubtedly some reference to the Davis Women........noooooo, 

  • Love 3

Finally caught up on the last two days, which was a complete waste of time. I cannot believe the crap that Ron manages to pull out of his ass sometimes. It sounds like a third grader wrote this Brad/Rosalie backstory. Did he say they went to college at Miami? For some reason, I just can't picture either of them at The U.


The only thing that didn't bore me (seriously Julexis yawn for the millionth time and Jordan being forced to interact with Sonny) was actually Rebecca Budig. And I still think she and Nik have chemistry. Oops, I actually agree with Nik. Scary. What would be a better story is if he set out to kill her but fell in love with her instead. Then she could dump his ass and hook up with one of his enemies. Who does Nik hate?


I thought I missed Olivia, but already this damn baby lie is making me want to scream. And I don't mind him being named Leo because I've always loved Leo DiCaprio, but every time I hear "Uncle Leo" I think of Seinfeld. I still like the name Leo better than Rocco.

  • Love 4

Do we have a pool on the Jakeson reveal?  November sweeps?  May?


Maybe this should go in the Unpopular Opinions thread (?), but I don't even care about the reveal because I think that Jason should have remained fish food.  Killing him off, and in such an unceremonious way, was probably the best thing FV/RC did for this show.  But beyond that, it's a stupid story that has absolutely ruined Liz (not to mention Patrick).  Hopefully the new writers will be able to salvage her, because Becky Herbst is a damn fine actor and she doesn't deserve to be Tony Jones'd because a hack writer wrote her character into a corner as a consequence of his own arrogance and hubris and stupidity.  /aggravated


I could only stand to watch a few minutes today.  Sonny's hypocrisy is just ... there are no words for it.  I hate this character so much.

  • Love 15
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