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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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You would think Liz would want to live in ignorance.  It's one thing to theorize that you're covering for a man who tried to murder a woman so you could hold on to mobster peen, it's another to know for sure.

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You would think Liz would want to live in ignorance.  It's one thing to theorize that you're covering for a man who tried to murder a woman so you could hold on to mobster peen, it's another to know for sure.


Obviously you didn't get the Liz is a psycho now memo. :(

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I was disgusted upon seeing that the SERIAL KILLER had called Dr. Obrecht and was singing like a canary to her in the interrogation room. It's so easy to guess why he picked her to confide in. Of course she'll do anything for him (inexplicably) and he knows that "accidents" like sudden unplanned cremations can take place in her hospital. Is Franco planning to talk her into cremating Silas in order to destroy some evidence against himself or Neener "accidentally"?


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Seriously, I thought the Francs and Neens Variety Hour sucked up a lot of airtime before, but now it's literally the entire episode save one subplot.  And even today's still involved, made mention of, and invoked Silas' death.

Years ago, could be 10 or more at this point, when I use to lurk at SoapZone, some poster use to keep track of how many minutes per episode Sonny was actually on-screen of what was then like 40+ minutes of actual show. If memory serves, he was usually on-screen for around 30 of the 42 show content minutes every episode he was on.

RAPIST SERIAL KILLER & I WILL NEVER GIVE A FLYING FIGGITY FUCK are probably eating up more show on a percentage win than Sonny ever did. And Sonny use to be consistently off on Wednesdays. These two freaks played by two hacks never take a damn day off.

Even writing a post about them is sending me into a @dubbel zout-esque :rage blackout:

:goes to History thread to find more Scrubs scenes:

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I'm really confused, Sam "always knew" Hayden was lying, and was convinced from the first day that she was a con artist? Wasn't that Carly? Had Sam ever met Hayden before they ran into each other at the Jerome garage?


Seriously, did the writers just confuse Sam (tiny, orange brunette) with Carly (tall, slightly less orange blond)... I honestly don't remember Sam caring one way or the other about Hayden and Jake. Spinelli was the one who tracked down the actor Ric hired, was Sam ever involved?

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You would think Liz would want to live in ignorance.  It's one thing to theorize that you're covering for a man who tried to murder a woman so you could hold on to mobster peen, it's another to know for sure.

She has, up to this point. But now that she's shared her theory with Laura and is heading toward a breakdown, plot dictates that she *must* know to go further into the deep end with guilt/remorse. Nikolas has made it clear he did it so Hayden wouldn't get to derail his plans for ELQ. Protecting Liz from "heartbreak" is merely one of the top three excuses he fed Laura so she'd keep her mouth shut. When he confessed to Liz, he said he kept the secret because 'Sam's better off with Patrick' and he wants to regain money/power through ELQ. End of story.   

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Dr. O, a doctor who has saved many lives as well as taken many lives, can't understand why someone killed Silas, a man who has saved many lives. Really, Liesl? Your failure of imagination is not like you.


I think we're getting all these Franco/Nina flashbacks to buy some time for the new HWs to tweak stuff. It's a stall tactic. 

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Holy crap this KiKi actress needs to go. She's worse than KA. I did not even think that was possible. Learn something new every day I guess. I am just catching up on episodes but not sure I can continue if this actress remains on my screen. Awful

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Patrick was way too civil with Dr. O.  She is standing there talking about heinous crimes and he doesn't even shoot her a look

His eyes should have been constantly rolling until they rolled into the elevator and got the fuck outta there.

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It's late, I'm just getting through yesterday's show today, but really, RYAN'S BAR?   I know the show has been gone for 26 years and it shouldn't matter - but it does, a little.


Ryan's Bar, run by Maeve and Johnnie, was a crime-free place.  It was a cop bar, a nieghborhood bar, with a son who was a doctor, a son who was a (relatively) honest politician.  Even though one daughter married a mob guy, Ryan's Bar was always off limits.  It was the physical center of that show for a freakin' REASON.  


So FU to Ron C. for messing with that show's memories one more time.    


I guess it's wasn't enough for him to ruin just the one he was working on.  

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Years ago, could be 10 or more at this point, when I use to lurk at SoapZone, some poster use to keep track of how many minutes per episode Sonny was actually on-screen of what was then like 40+ minutes of actual show. If memory serves, he was usually on-screen for around 30 of the 42 show content minutes every episode he was on.

RAPIST SERIAL KILLER & I WILL NEVER GIVE A FLYING FIGGITY FUCK are probably eating up more show on a percentage win than Sonny ever did. And Sonny use to be consistently off on Wednesdays. These two freaks played by two hacks never take a damn day off.


I don't suppose it could be that the new writers are using up as much of Howarth and Stafford's guaranteed minimums as possible prepatory to writing them off...

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I don't suppose it could be that the new writers are using up as much of Howarth and Stafford's guaranteed minimums as possible prepatory to writing them off...

I like to dream too…

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Does this show really have that little respect for Robin? For what was a years-long relationship between Robin and Patrick? This is on another level of disgusting. It's trashy. Patrick looks like such a POS, my goodness. And JT's acting choices are lazy as fuck. And I can barely hear him anymore.

And Dr. O babbling about "How could someone do this to Dr. Clay!!" SERIOUSLY. Fucking hell.

Lol @ Sam mourning Silas by harassing Hayden. And Lol @ this show trying to make Hayden happen.

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I'm going to do it. I don't care. But I'm that asshole who thinks Patrick and Sam do have actual chemistry. I'm also the asshole who hopes that Silas's death means Nina, Wood, and Franco are not far behind.


Pirouetting Sonny can stay. I said it. He can stay.

Edited by TheGourmez
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Why is Dr. O so starstruck over Franco? Shouldn't associating with a lowly worthless serial killer be beneath her?


Well, Dr. O loves a psycho (Faison) and helped to torture Robin, so I think Franco is her kind of people. Too bad they can't do a murder-suicide and Nina gets caught in the crossfire as Ava and Kiki take stray bullets.

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Previews...I really cannot believe that Rebecca Budig is still here.



It's like FV just saw the hand that Ron was dealt and called ABC_Disney.  There's not ONE character that FV/RC has created for these these new actors/actresses to fill that has succeeded (maybe Jorden doesn't completely suck). Even the old characters (Franco, Jason and Rick), I can't stand.  It's no small wonder that the only watchable portion of this soap opera (to worship the hitman Jason) mainly involves the actors that were on this show before RC/FV were at the helm.

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Does this show really have that little respect for Robin? For what was a years-long relationship between Robin and Patrick? This is on another level of disgusting. It's trashy. Patrick looks like such a POS, my goodness. And JT's acting choices are lazy as fuck. And I can barely hear him anymore.


"Looks"? Didn't we pass that signpost a couple of hundred miles ago?

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This is one of the things that is a huge problem for me. I already had a hard time accepting that Carly had to tolerate Ric's presence in town after Panic Room.

Now we have a bunch of people who have to just accept Dr O is in town and / or their boss ... and that Franco and Nina are wandering around... and that Helena and other assorted monsters just pop up whenever ... and that a bunch of characters get away with murder ... and everyone just helplessly accepts this or does something bad themselves.

Because the writing is twisted to benefit the most reprehensible characters. Please explain to me why fucking Faison got a happy ending? Or why Franco is front and center. Or why AJ had to die for a story that has basically been undone at this point. Honestly.

It's deeply unsatisfying for a viewer who actually liked the stable, non-evil characters. This show used to have edgy, complex good guys who didn't play by the rules and caused trouble, but didn't completely lose their way, and they got to win out over the real monsters. That was nice.

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This is a show that is trying to make Nina and Franco happen because reasons. I don't think that any viewers really give a damm. Hell, they don't even have a squish nickname.

Yes, they do. Serial killer and We.Never.Cared. (-2)

TPTB need to look at some hard truths or the 15 week ratings low will continue.

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Why is Dr. O so starstruck over Franco? Shouldn't associating with a lowly worthless serial killer be beneath her?

Well, Dr. O loves a psycho (Faison) and helped to torture Robin, so I think Franco is her kind of people.


He's also an artist, and we all know how Dr. O appreciates the finer things in life.


Faison got a happy ending

Getting stuck with Britt isn't exactly a dream scenario.

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Well, Dr. O loves a psycho (Faison) and helped to torture Robin, so I think Franco is her kind of people. Too bad they can't do a murder-suicide and Nina gets caught in the crossfire as Ava and Kiki take stray bullets.


Franco and the Great Dane don't belong in the same sentence. 


Oh Dr. O, your love of Franco and your recent lack of fierce hats makes me so sad.


Getting stuck with Britt isn't exactly a dream scenario.


You know, this made me wonder if Britt was originally going to be the Rebecca Budig in the Jake(son) story, minus the fake wife part.  She could have stumbled onto Liz and Nikolas' secret and relished making them squirm.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I'm finally watching yesterday's episode. Oh Liz. "Part of me hopes you'll never remember." PART of you? Pretty sure all of you doesn't want him to remember or find out you've been lying to him for months. I'd like to think she'll pay when the truth comes out, but I'm sure she'll skate like Oksana Baiul.

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"Looks"? Didn't we pass that signpost a couple of hundred miles ago?

Heeeee. Oh, he did for me. But for (presumably) the majority of the audience/the writers? He's the best father/boyfriend/doctor/man ever. There are a lot of people who don't care about his behavior in relation to Robin. And I get it. To each their own. But Robin isn't Silas. She's not Rafe. She's not a character who was on the show for a few months to 2 years and then she's gone and we're supposed to move on and whatever. She's been on the show on and off for nearly 30 years. Since she was a child. She deserves to be respected whether she's on-screen or off. You don't have the man that the character is still (stupidly) in love with (while she's currently a prisoner, no less!) have a conversation with the woman who terrorized her like it's nothing. It's sick.

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RC is all about his favorite plot point and it has nothing whatsoever to do with long term character history (Liz, Nik, Robin, Patrick) on this show.   Dr. O and Franco are RC's little psycho pets.

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Tell that the AJ. I'm surprised there still aren't cracks about him being fat.

You don't have to tell me. Another one of my faves completely crapped on. :(

Edited by HeatLifer
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Okay, I am pretending this is supposed to be campy, sort of like The Office, and it makes Dr O and the Serial KIller slightly funny. It also make JTs' Patprick delivery a little okay.


Nic's new look makes him look like every wife abuser on Lifetime.

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"What if our son killed someone last night?!?!" frets Carly to Sonny, a mobster who was just casually talking about the "business trip" where he murdered someone in cold blood. 


And Carly's cooing over Avery makes me sick.  Wither Joss, Snarls?

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Hmmm, Nikolas and Sonny are the same shade of orange.


Between Sam begging for Patrick's forgiveness and kissing his ass and him saying he's "aware of the concept" of confidentiality...just so much ugh. I look forward to him looking like the utter dumbass he is when Liz is exposed and then when KMc returns briefly this fall.


Psychos are figuring out the murder in the police interrogation room ... just so much ugh.


Carly kissing Sonny's ass via Avery ...just so much ugh.


Ava and Morgan being all 'poor Kiki', not showing remorse for their actions or being sorry a man is dead, crying that they'll miss each other  ...just so much ugh. She needs to be dropped into a vat of acid along with NotTodd!Franco, Franco's doctor BFF and his psycho gf, Morgan's parents.


Nikolas asking Elizabeth doesn't she want him to have Hayden killed ... so much WTF.


The only positive thing is Liz admitting she's been a terrible person. And her hair looks very pretty. Becky is doing an awesome job selling Liz as delusional, guilty, afraid, pathetic.

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Hmmm, Nikolas and Sonny are the same shade of orange.


Between Sam begging for Patrick's forgiveness and kissing his ass and him saying he's "aware of the concept" of confidentiality...just so much ugh. I look forward to him looking like the utter dumbass he is when Liz is exposed and then when KMc returns briefly this fall.


Psychos are figuring out the murder in the police interrogation room ... just so much ugh.


Carly kissing Sonny's ass via Avery ...just so much ugh.


Ava and Morgan being all 'poor Kiki', not showing remorse for their actions or being sorry a man is dead, crying that they'll miss each other  ...just so much ugh. She needs to be dropped into a vat of acid along with NotTodd!Franco, Franco's doctor BFF and his psycho gf, Morgan's parents.


Nikolas asking Elizabeth doesn't she want him to have Hayden killed ... so much WTF.


The only positive thing is Liz admitting she's been a terrible person. And her hair looks very pretty. Becky is doing an awesome job selling Liz as delusional, guilty, afraid, pathetic.

Is KMc coming back?  I haven't heard about this.

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Nor have I, but it's possible we are all just assuming that this madness must end at some point ...

I am assuming that everyone will find out Jake is Jason, Patrick will say that bitch Robin lied to me, and then everyone will continue to forget she exists.  This Robin fan has been beaten down

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I am assuming that everyone will find out Jake is Jason, Patrick will say that bitch Robin lied to me, and then everyone will continue to forget she exists. This Robin fan has been beaten down

I pretty much expect something like this to happen, as well.

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Because the writing is twisted to benefit the most reprehensible characters. Please explain to me why fucking Faison got a happy ending? Or why Franco is front and center. Or why AJ had to die for a story that has basically been undone at this point. Honestly.

It's deeply unsatisfying for a viewer who actually liked the stable, non-evil characters. This show used to have edgy, complex good guys who didn't play by the rules and caused trouble, but didn't completely lose their way, and they got to win out over the real monsters. That was nice.


I completely agree. What about those of us who like to see some character growth. If you do something "bad"..it's actually ok for the character to own up to it.

Am I the only one who gets so tired of watching petulant childish characters always trying to get away with something, blame someone or thing else for their doing said thing or just keep repeating the same stupid actions with the same disastrous results? There are no meaningful relationships when you can see the chem testing of the "next big couple". Why get invested in any of it?

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Michael Fairman has a new interview with Vicki Dummer, ABC/D Vice President and her comments on RC, AG, and the fate of GH.


Run, Liz, run!  Nik is off is freaking rocker!


No, Liz can stay. She and Nik deserve each other. If it ends in them offing each other, no loss at this juncture.

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I am assuming that everyone will find out Jake is Jason, Patrick will say that bitch Robin lied to me, Robin will be forced to apologize and beg for forgiveness and then everyone will continue to forget she exists. This Robin fan has been beaten down

Fixed it for you, pulls up a chair and sit's down to comiserat.

I'm tired of the complete fuckery when it comes to the treatment of Robin/KMc

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Fixed it for you, pulls up a chair and sit's down to comiserat.

I'm tired of the complete fuckery when it comes to the treatment of Robin/KMc

I don't think Robin will get a chance to beg for forgiveness because I am not convinced anyone will say "Hey, where's Robin?" so she will remain in the hands of the villain holding the hot potato that is Robin

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Is KMc coming back?  I haven't heard about this.

She said in an interview the only thing she liked about the exit story was that it left an opening for her to come back for a time - I'm assuming to tie up loose ends with the Robin and Emma relationship, telling Patrick off, and the Jason storyline. Robin is the only one with credibility at this point to confirm that Jason came back to life and was at C-C with her. There have been hints that she'll be back to end this storyline, such as Jakeson saying he recognized 'the woman in this picture,' having a flash of Robin a while back,etc. KMc hasn't yet stated the time frame for when she'll be back.  

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This is one of the things that is a huge problem for me. I already had a hard time accepting that Carly had to tolerate Ric's presence in town after Panic Room.


Eh.Considering that Carly is part of the reason the writing is skewed in favor of shitty people who do shitty things for shitty reasons, I'm not real inclined to get exercised over her having to put up with Ric's existence. Panic Room, Schmanic Room - Cujo has done worse for less reason.


She [Robin] deserves to be respected whether she's on-screen or off. You don't have the man that the character is still (stupidly) in love with (while she's currently a prisoner, no less!) have a conversation with the woman who terrorized her like it's nothing. It's sick.


I agree that Robin should be respected. On longevity alone, she's far more valuable (IMO) as a character than her husband ever could be. OTOH, that ya'll are expecting him to take issue with Liesl when he didn't care one shitty damn about Lisa (Liesl, Lisa? Could there be a connection?) screwing around with Robin's medication is what's odd. Why would he care now when he didn't care then?

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I find it offensive that Snarly is mothering Avery and ignoring her own daughter.

I read this as "smothering" at first…

And isn't Joss better off with Carly ignoring her? Though I will laugh if Joss becomes a rebel who likes to read books and go to museums…and maybe she can run away to Australia (you know she could figure out how to get there without Carly's even knowing she was missing).

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I already had a hard time accepting that Carly had to tolerate Ric's presence in town after Panic Room.

She goads him pretty much every time she sees him, so I think it's fine. And Ric accepts it with a certain amount of fatalism, which also is how it should be.


And isn't Joss better off with Carly ignoring her?

Lucas is watching Joss, so she's probably having a good time. I'm sure she prefers him to her crazy mother and dopey brothers anyway.

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