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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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The Five Families met in Ryan's Bar? WTF?


This didn't bother me much. As far back as Tom Hardy and Simone, mobsters have been having meetings in odd places. I remember Tom talking about a restaurant called Greenie's being a mob hangout. Although, I will acknowledge that an Irish bar is a bit of an odd choice, unless they're affilitated with Sinn Fein. I guess it was an attempt to be multicultural. 



When I heard "Don of the Northern Seafront", for some reason I started humming that old commercial jingle, "Trust the Gorton's Fisherman".


I got distracted trying to figure out how Port Charles could be both on an inland  lake a boat ride from Canada and a seafront at the same time. 


Sam calling dating Silas the "transition" from Jason she needed to be able to love again, and love Patrick at that, was laughable ridiculous and painfully idiotic to me. 


But it gave her the chance to mention Jason yet again! 

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I think KeMo checked out of her Samtrick pairing months ago and is only going through the emotions, because she knows Sam will reunite with Jason 3.0.  JT also looks like he's about seconds away from a good fart and don't even get me started on their lame ass conversations.


Sonny for the win!  Sonny's little "twirl" was everything and I hate the greasy mobster.


Kiki needs a stint in Shadybrook.


Morgan needs his own place and a job if he's going to sass his mother.

OK,  is anyone else wondering if the Asian woman at the summit is going to turn out to be Brad's wife?  I ask because she is Asian, he is Asian and well, that's pretty much all the writers need.  And I am assuming that he is married to a woman because no names were mentioned.  I am also assuming he married so his family wouldn't know he was gay and/or because she needed a green card.  I am not sure why I am thinking so much about this lame storyline.


I am getting the impression that the people targeting Sonny are Brad's family (his bio family are the ones in the mob right?)


Whatever the (boring, lame) deal is with Brad's marriage, it seems to be tied to his adopted, non-mob parents. 


But yeah, I assume he's married to a woman and it's a green card thing.  Didn't JP write this story on ATWT with Luke and Noah?

Edited by TeeVee329
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Jordan should have snapped Franco's neck. But she never should have gotten that close to him to begin with.


I couldn't believe that. Dude is a SERIAL KILLER, and Jordan goes nose to nose with him. Gah. The stupid, it burns.


[bC is] better in scenes with Laura than with Maurice.


He so is. I think LW is a really good scene partner, even if she's a big presence.


They keep making them toss around the word "love"


Soaps always jump to "I love you/we're soul mates" waaaay too soon in a relationship. It drives me nuts.


The Five Families met in Ryan's Bar? WTF?

This didn't bother me much.


It wasn't that they met in a bar per se as they met in Ryan's Bar. Delia and Sonny hate each other, but she's just fine with him meeting his cronies in her workplace? It makes no sense. TFGH.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 8

I couldn't believe that. Dude is a SERIAL KILLER, and Jordan goes nose to nose with him. Gah. The stupid, it burns.



He so is. I think LW is a really good scene partner, even if she's a big presence.



Soaps always jump to "I love you/we're soul mates" waaaay too soon in a relationship. It drives me nuts.



It wasn't that they met in a bar per se as they met in Ryan's Bar. Delia and Sonny hate each other, but she's just fine with him meeting his cronies in her workplace? It makes no sense. TFGH.

Hee. That reminds me of The Wire where the area drug lords would reserve a conference room at a random 2-star economy hotel for their sit-downs. The New Day Co-op or something like that. God, what a great show.

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It wasn't that they met in a bar per se as they met in Ryan's Bar. Delia and Sonny hate each other, but she's just fine with him meeting his cronies in her workplace? It makes no sense. TFGH.


Good point. I'd forgotten about that. So I guess the Ryan's set was the only one they figured was a plausible one to use for the "outside" shot. (which was totally unnecessary, IMO)

I laughed so fucking hard at the TWIRL! and shoot. It was like an exaggerated dance move, especially with the flourish windmilling of the arm. I'm assuming this was a one shot deal and MB just got nervous and went a little Fosse on us and TPTB awesomely decided to go with it rather than redo the scene.  That was GOLD.


Seriously people, if you have not seen today's episode, just watch the Five Families, you MUST. You will NOT be disappointed.

Thanks. Any time I can poke fun at Mo and Ron is a good day for me. Guess I will go watch the dvr. I have a habit of deleting them without watching. I have been saving them to watch Laura. DVR so I can FF what offends me. Usually most of the show. I agree with all who say, Silas was the least of what offended me, until they had him save Ava.

Let me get this straight: Sonny is in a sitdown that is in neutral territory for 'mob peace talks', finds out Random Russian Dude has his supply of Gummi Bears, and Sonny can shoot him dead and no mob war erupts because reasons and moobster?


When do we get to see Sonny shooting Shirtless Putin and getting a commendation from the US Government?


If William DeVry is successful in getting Wlliam Shater on the show, I hope they show us that we've all been watching a sequel to Star Trek's "A Piece of the Action" and the past 20 years has been on Beta Iota with the mobster aliens and Kirk gives Sonny a beatdown.

Edited by NutmegsDad
  • Love 11

Dande's Head-Canon: That wasn't an actual meeting of The Five Families. That was Sonny LARPing with his gaming friends who are all really really into Mafia Role Playing Games. Perhaps Rival Mafia or MafiaMatrix or MafiaRPG. That's why the stereotypes were so stereotypical... but it's done out of love. Really, they're just all fascinated by the history and lore or organized crime. None of them have figured out how to pull off a really convincing Irish accent yet and that's why the Irish mob was not represented.


So Sonny's spin and shoot? He's been practicing that for months and engaging in the set up with his RPG friends for the big moment for a long time now. He's beyond thrilled that they pulled it off. They were all raving about it afterwards over beer and pizza.

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But yeah, I assume he's married to a woman and it's a green card thing. Didn't JP write this story on ATWT with Luke and Noah?

Stop it right now!! Much like SWMNBN on GH, first rule of ATWT alumni is, we don't talk about that. Not never. If you say it 2 more times she'll show up again. So let's all just forget what TeeVee said and never speak of this again, ok? Oh, and no mentions of oranges or crates either.... <Victor Newman voice> You got that??

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Who else thinks Ms. Wu is Brad's mama?  When I first saw her, I thought about what he said about his family being in the mob.....

Ha Ha!! I wasn't paying attention well enough.  I thought she was much younger and could be Brad's wife, didn't peg her as old enough to be a mom.


Either way, she is somehow connected to Brad, because you cannot have two Asian people on the show who are not related.  It just doesn't work that way.  Also, her attitude that it is A-OK to shoot the Russian for revenge further supports my theory that the Asian gangsters are behind it (See, she is deflecting suspicion)

  • Love 4

Reading posts here makes me glad I missed a few days. 


Now I get treated to Elizabeth looking more weepy and pathetic with every passing moment. But I did not expect her to flat out admit to Jakeson that "part of" her hopes he never finds out who he is because she doesn't want to lose him. Yet he's so.....bland? that her comment doesn't even concern him. Their ILYs and kisses are just nauseating. I will credit BH  for playing that Elizabeth is progressing toward an ugly breakdown. 


Silas' death is the best reason they can come up with for Sam wanting to confront Hayden/not waste time b.s.ing.? Alrighteeeey then. The only interesting thing is that Sam and Patrick appear to be the same tan\/orange color.  


The only very slightly appealing exchange is Patrick ignoring/trying to blow off Dr. O going on about heinous crime/the tragedy of losing Dr. Silas and kissing his ass about saving Hayden. Between Patrick and Dr. O, it's a toss up as to who is the least self-aware. 


Liz and Nikolas meeting at the same bar where their affair started years ago to discuss their current deception and Nik's plans gives me a bad feeling for the future once this Jakeson secret blows up. 


I expect a rage blackout or two on this board re: the preview of Patrick to Sam "Why are you keeping a secret from me?"  Ugh at his indignant/offended attitude.  She JUST said she doesn't trust Elizabeth, dipshit.

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I've been the last holdout, but I think I'm ready to throw in the towel on Dr. O.  I hate her as Franco's lapdog best friend slash cheerleader.  And her tsk-tsking and wondering who would commit a heinous, violent murder?  That's So Not Liesl.


Oh poor Franco, he's a SERIAL KILLER who was found at the scene of the crime with the murder weapon, but the evil cops are rushing to judge him!  #eyeroll

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Shouldn't Dr. Obrecht be more concerned with who is going to pay Hayden's medical bills than wondering what "enlightenment" she's going to bring to the world?


I think I know who killed Silas.  Little Jake.  Now there's a sociopath in training, if ever there was one.  He's even absconded to summer camp, but he can't fool me.


I hope all those kids come back SORAS'd.

  • Love 3
Liz and Nikolas meeting at the same bar where their affair started years ago to discuss their current deception and Nik's plans gives me a bad feeling for the future once this Jakeson secret blows up.


Port Charles has only two bars: the Floating Rib and the bar at the MetroCourt. LOL that no one cares about the Haunted Star anymore.

Why do I feel more embarrassed for DZ (and everyone else who says it) when he says "Franco Baldwin" than I did during the wall-humping "DAMNIT! NO!" scene at Crighton-Clark? No, for real, why?


Morgan and Ava are obviously covering for each other. blah. 


JT needs to play all Patrick's scenes with O. as cold as ice. 


I need Nina to confess, I can't take Franco the self-sacrificing lover.

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I will not accept Franco solving the crime. Until I'm forced to believe otherwise, my story is that Franco killed Silas. Then he went to see Nina (wormhole!), intentionally upset her so she would run to Silas's apartment and find the body, then showed up after her so she could be his alibi but he could frame her if necessary. Eventually he will be found out and go to prison forever. 

  • Love 8

Hi all - could someone please fill me in on the last 5 minutes of today's show? An amber alert came on, which of course I understand takes precedence. When GH returned, it was just for a few seconds, showing Ava/ Denise leaving Silas's apartment (in a flashback). Thanks ahead of time :)

AvaDenise and Morgan each thinking ok, Franco looks guilty, easy out for us there; Franco telling Dr. O he knows Ava did it, Liz asking Nikolas about Hayden being shot, Jakeson being a naive dumbass to Hayden, Patrick ticked off at Sam for keeping a secret, Nina being all adamant to Nathan that Franco's innocent. Sooo..you missed nothing.

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Never change, Jake Doe, never change.  Jake has a cushy life with Liz and her boys, so every now and then he acts like it is time to find out his real identity!


Franco as the leading romantic hero is all kinds of wrong, period.


Nina's cray cray nonsense is getting on my nerves.  It is time for this character to poop or get the heck out of town.


Dr. O's silly love struck scenes with Franco the serial killer make my eyes bleed.


Valerie must have put the sexy whammy on Dante with his scruffy face, that boy's nose is wide open!


Morgan acts way too much like Jughead.


Nik is starting to freak me out with his cold demeanor.  Run, Liz, run!

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Dr. O's silly love struck scenes with Franco the serial killer make my eyes bleed.


This is irrational on my part, but I was truly hoping that somehow the new writers would step in and end Nina and Franco.  They put Budig on contract the first week they're in charge, certainly they could have said, somewhere on social media, "Look, we get it, we're stopping that nonsense as soon as we can."


I really think they just air test patterns over their scenes -- one that says "Keep Calm ... Nina and Franco will be gone soon, we promise."  Frank should also issue a formal apology. And bake all the viewers brownies as a peace offering.  

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So, like I should just watch Monday's show, because that was Laura's last appearance, right?




I know this episode couldn't top the TWIRL! Of yesterday, because what could? But this was even lamer than usual. And Dante appearances always make an episode slightly more watchable for me. Yikes.


I did enjoy him staring at Ava like she had two heads (of hair), but it's not enough for any innocent people to accidentally suffer through this episode.


Oh, and the opening shot was Rebecca Budig swirling around some gruel in a bowl, and it was freaking disgusting. I felt a bit nauseous. 

These flashbacks are so ridiculous.  We aren't STUPID we don't need to see the Nina/Franco shit over and over again, we can figure out what she is thinking about when someone asks about Silas.  My god.


I didn't comment on yesterdays show, but while I am on the subject of flashbacks, WTF was with the ones they chose for Sam/Silas???  Really?  I was no fan of that relationship, but there were people who genuinely liked them and those flashbacks were like a slap in the face.  They couldn't show one that was a little more intimate?  They should just have left them out all together if that was the shit they chose.  It felt like the intern assigned to that job went through the first few months, got so damn bored that they just skipped over the rest.  I don't blame them, but come on.


So....Sam is upset about Silas so instead of going to see Kiki she heads straight to Hayden?  Um....ok.   What awkward crappy dialogue....Life is too short!  What's his name is dead! Jake needs to know who he is! 


No.  Just....no.   I did like the "takes a con to know a con" line, but the rest was trash.


I can't even get worked up over Liz anymore.  It's too much effort.

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It is too much effort to get worked up over any one of them. Only Dante was tolerable.


And even he is being a big fat liar about cheating at the moment. His big sad puppy eyes are deceiving!


Sam is tolerable too, she's just stuck in the same damn rut she's been in since Billy Miller came along. Oh, and Nathan. Sorry Nathan, I always forget about youuuu.

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LP- Liz suspected Nik had Hayden shot because of timing/circumstances and things Nik has said, but had not yet confronted him (she told Laura she didn't want to be an accessory to attempted murder). I guess now she feels she *must* confront him (?).  They are both going to be pariahs once the secret blows up in their faces. We get it, Show.

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