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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Ron should have just had Scrubs divorce during Robin's last appearance. If KM is only going to be making short appearances every so often there's no point in keeping them married. Just end it.

I can't agree more. Hell, it would make more sense imo if Robin were like "you've moved on, so I need to do this" I wish they'd just admit the elephant in the room- Robin and Jason's lingering feelings for each other. Imo they never got over each other. Of course Carly screwed it up because she's freaking Carly. I kinda want Robin and a Jason that can act since Jason imo was the one who mourned her the deepest beyond her parents. Liz doesn't count. Liz never counts when I watch.

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I'd like to pipe up with a hearty fuck you to yesterday's Shawn/ Jordan scenes: we know he's a Sonny flunky, a bully and a hypocrite. That is nothing new at all. My problem is that he's all snarly, threatening and then he grabs Jordan by the arm and that is supposed to ignite sexual tension? Kiss my fucking ass everyone who had anything to do with that scene.

Things have changed GH, you can't turn a disco rape into a romance anymore. 

  • Love 16

It doesn't help either that once upon a time I loved Carly/Shawn together. And that Jordan is so hot my tv melts, and I say this as a heterosexual female. Shawn now doesn't deserve a second look from Jordan. I actually see more Julian/Jordan chemistry than Julian/Alexis. I know, I know. Go to the corner.

I want Carly to dump Franco and finally get with Shawn. Then, let's see Orange Cream Soda try to stand up to his New Jason. Besides, if his twoo wuv Jasus, the Annoited returns, he's dumping Shawn anyway. Carly can comfort him.

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I can't agree more. Hell, it would make more sense imo if Robin were like "you've moved on, so I need to do this" I wish they'd just admit the elephant in the room- Robin and Jason's lingering feelings for each other. Imo they never got over each other. Of course Carly screwed it up because she's freaking Carly. I kinda want Robin and a Jason that can act since Jason imo was the one who mourned her the deepest beyond her parents.


And I couldn't disagree more. I didn't see any residual romantic feelings from Jason's side. Hell, he couldn't be bothered or arsed enough to talk with Robin unless he needed her help with something after she came back. Usually a plot point.  Patrick, for all his faults, mourned Robin the deepest when he thought she'd been killed.  Jason and Robin hardly spent any screen time together and I wanted to cosh over the head the nimrodic maroon who wrote the script for the preview of how Jason was suffffffffering after losing his "best friend." When in the bluedilly fuck did that happen, I'd like to know? At that point in time, Spinelli had that dubious honor.

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Catching up from the last two days and the former EMT in me was yelling at the screen on Monday's episode. Why? Because you would never, ever move two unconscious people from the scene of a major car accident on just a stretcher with the head part up. They are back boarded, head blocked and c-collared to avoid aggravating a possible spinal injury. Sorry, this kind of thing really bugs me.


Anyone else noticed that they darkened Nina's hair to a shade that matches Kiki's? I'm just saying...

I thought it was my television but I guess it was just another anvil being dropped that Kiki will end up being Nina's coma-baby. Pure speculation of course, that and zero trust in ReRon's ability to do anything original.


ETA I bolded the part I was referring to :)

Edited by tveyeonyou

Don't get me wrong: I didn't always hate Jason. I loved his romance/love story with Robin. But his hypocritical stance about lying and liars just about peeved me off, considering he was guilty of the biggest lie--that of Michael's paternity.


I think I would have felt more of his mourning, had the stupid asshats kept the original bridge, and if Jason and Robin had actually had a continued friendship onscreen after he magnamiously forgave her when she returned in 2005. And if he hadn't sided with that SheBeast and fallen right into her manipulations.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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Anyone else noticed that they darkened Nina's hair to a shade that matches Kiki's?


Right, because it's impossible for mothers and daughters to have different hair colors. (Aimed at TIIC, not at posters.) Good grief. It's as bad as Sonny and Dante definitely being related because they both like pasta.


Of course Molly blanks out the important part on Rafe being hired to take out Patrick's car.


Did she blank out or did she decide she didn't want to incriminate him further?


Silas is a Rainman when it comes to social skills. But wait, the writers are ready to have Silas and Sam fuck. Voila, Silas now has dry humor! No explanation for the personality change,  the first one's just gone,


Sam's love taught him how to feel; wasn't that obvious to you?

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 6


Did she blank out or did she decide she didn't want to incriminate him further?


I got the impression that she didn't remember it at that moment.  I think she will eventually.  Besides, I would think it might help Rafe's case if people knew someone else forced him to cause the accident.  Plus I think Molly is decent enough that she wouldn't leave Patrick's family in danger by not telling them someone was out to get him/them.

  • Love 1
It doesn't help either that once upon a time I loved Carly/Shawn together. And that Jordan is so hot my tv melts, and I say this as a heterosexual female. Shawn now doesn't deserve a second look from Jordan. I actually see more Julian/Jordan chemistry than Julian/Alexis. I know, I know. Go to the corner.


You aren't alone, there are hella sparks between Julian and Jordan. I would love to watch these two get their swirl on everyday, but this show doesn't have the balls for a long term interracial relationship. Not to mention they'd be respectful, stable, communicate, take the sex scenes off the charts, and treat each other well so why bother? 


Shawn can get the fuck out of town. That was some ignorant, violence against women shit and I'm done with the character. 

  • Love 5

Shawn can get the fuck out of town. That was some ignorant, violence against women shit and I'm done with the character. 


I'm so over Shawn and the sanctimonious high horse he sits on, it isn't even funny.   Dude, YOU KILL PEOPLE FOR MONEY (on behalf of a cretinous excuse for a human being).  What makes you think you have any moral superiority whatsoever over Jordan the (presumed) drug dealer?  How about taking a stadium's worth of seats?  Gawd.

  • Love 12

I think it took 35 minutes for Lulu and Dante's elevator to arrive on the 4th floor of the hospital, which was only beaten by Patrick's 41 minute hallucination with his "baddie" self telling him to just off Rafe and be done with it, not that I'd personally mind.


I wanted Julian to run into Sam, so of course that didn't happen.


Jordan and Anna are trying so hard to get caught. That new goon is a real creep. I can see him trying to put the moves on Jordan, she refuses him and he gets violent, because it is Ron, and then Sean rushes in to save her so that so called "attraction" nonsense with them can keep going.


So Levi can be deported-finally some good news.


Michelle is really going all out making the Nina into a caricature, I'm thinking of making up a drinking game where I take a shot every time she repeats a word over and over and over again.


So Brad finally shows up with a shirtless Lucas in the shot but Felix is involved... *sighs* Can never just have something nice, just...no.

I got the impression that she didn't remember it at that moment.


I thought the flashback included Rafe saying someone made him do it (Levi!), but I freely admit to paying scant attention to him. And I agree that if Molly didn't remember it, she will and will tell someone who can let Patrick know.

Edited by dubbel zout

Actually there's an easy way to blame Sonny for Levi. Sonny giving Dante and Lulu money for all the fertility stuff (eagerness for a grandson to carry on his gummy bear Mob legacy?) is what started the Maxie pregnancy storyline. Everything that followed lead to Maxie deciding she needed to get out of PC for a while (so her portrayer could go on maternity leave). A few months later, she brings Levi back to PC w/her, as a souvenir to assault our eyeballs. See? All Sonny's fault. 

  • Love 9

Julian can give me a massage anytime he wants.


That's all I got out of today's "show".




Agreed. He seems the type to have "magic fingers"... where was I? Oh, I also liked the shirt sleeved shirt, flashing a little of the guns.


I did feel a bit sorry for Nancy having to deal with her, clearly, not so water proof mascara during their scenes, I guess they like the look because it seems to be a trend with all the females on the show of late when they cry, at least the ones who can.

  • Love 1



Can Jordan and Anna PLEASE stop having meeting in the damn park, Why is the DEA even allowing the raggedy ass PCPD to be involved in a major case like this. 


Rafe is absolutely not worth all this drama.


The two Patrick's shit...I just can't. WTF is this. 

Edited by LeftPhalange
  • Love 7
We'll be passed out on the floor 5 minutes into the show. Which might not be a bad thing...




I assure, that was the plan all along. Watching the Nina and "Rosie" curled up on the couch like two BBFs plotting over muffins and coffee...my god, it's like you honestly think it just can't get much worse, then it does, by a billion times.


If I were Julian I would be really pissed that these to keep having their  "secret" meetings in my house.



Not to mention Shawn's been sweating all over it too, you can't just steam-clean grass.

Edited by CPP83
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I thought the two Patrick's was good.  Nice change for JT to play off of, and it shows his inner struggle.  Evil Patrick was hot.  The storyline has actually given Silas something to do other than be monotone.  Anything that adds some conflict to the story is all good.  


I am loving me some Nathan, and I like his snark.  Although Maxie is being a dimwit when it comes Levi, I know that the writers are just delaying the Maxie and Nathan eventual hookup, and so they are having Maxie not acting normally where Levi is concerned.  So I'm okay with it.  Eventually, she will see the light, Nathan and her will get together, and I'll be happy all the way around.  I can wait.


Julian and Alexis were good today too, and I liked Lante as well.   The characters I tend to FF through lately are Nina, Rosalie, Jordan, Ava, and Delia.  Too much of the same.  It should go without saying, btw, that I can ALWAYS ff through anything related to Kiki (or Franco).  I swear Kiki sucks the life out of every scene she is in, literally driving the momentum to a screeching halt.  It's like hitting a brick wall.  

  • Love 2

Can someone tell me how Levi was able to pay Diane to represent him?


Oh no worries, Mate. He just appeals to Maxie, who goes to Mac and Flea and says she wants them to pay his legal bills, like they've been paying his living expenses all along. Isn't that what 21st century rockin' 'rents are s'posed to do? Maxie's helicopter family will grumble but comply for their empty-headed darling.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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Maxie's helicopter family


Hardly. Mac and Felicia weren't at either subsequent custody hearing, and Mac found out from Nathan that Maxie wouldn't get to see Georgie for another six months. We rarely see Mac, Felicia, and Maxie together, and if we were supposed to think Mac and Felicia were helicopter parents, we'd at least hear that from Maxie. She rarely mentions them.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Jason was mega pissed that Sam didn't think he could handle Robin's death.


I thought that was more about the "lie" than about Robin.  The way SBu played it made it seem like he was more pissed over Sam "controlling" him than the fact that Robin actually died, but YMMV. 


Oh Levi, nobody cares if you are deported.  I don't think Australia wants you back either.


I love that "dark" Patrick was in black scrubs.  Way to be subtle there Ronnie.  I was actually wondering if they used some old scenes when Patrick was debating whether or not to let Jason die, because it was pretty much the exact same story.  Lather, rinse repeat.

  • Love 3

Hardly. Mac and Felicia weren't at either subsequent custody hearing, and Mac found out from Nathan that Maxie wouldn't get to see Georgie for another six months. We rarely see Mac, Felicia, and Maxie together, and if we were supposed to think Mac and Felicia were helicopter parents, we'd at least hear that from Maxie. She rarely mentions them.


We haven't seen Felicia period since the Nurses' Ball, right?  I do wish we'd get more scenes of them together, but that would take time away from Maxie's two boyfriends (even though I like Nathan).

Hardly. Mac and Felicia weren't at either subsequent custody hearing, and Mac found out from Nathan that Maxie wouldn't get to see Georgie for another six months. We rarely see Mac, Felicia, and Maxie together, and if we were supposed to think Mac and Felicia were helicopter parents, we'd at least hear that from Maxie. She rarely mentions them.


Not to mention that Felicia peaced out on Maxie for years.  She's the exact opposite of a helicopter parent. 

  • Love 2

I was actually wondering if they used some old scenes when Patrick was debating whether or not to let Jason die, because it was pretty much the exact same story.  Lather, rinse repeat.


Except that when he was debating whether or not to let Jason die the object of his homicidal urges was a remorseless killer, now he's thinking about offing a messed-up, scared, kid.

  • Love 2

I love that "dark" Patrick was in black scrubs.  Way to be subtle there Ronnie.


I wish he'd gone the route of having a devil and angel Patrick on each shoulder. The thing about Patrick letting Rafe die is that there would be an instant investigation, given how many people know the circumstances.


Couldn't Silas have watched the operation? Or was Rafe taken to the one OR that doesn't have an observation window?


LOL that Pip reminded Patrick he's operating on the guy who caused the car crash. That's really helpful for keeping Patrick's mind focused on the surgery at hand.


Of course Levi thinks the worst of Maxie and assumes there were sex games. It's so aggravating that Maxie doesn't even wonder if Levi is on the level. There have certainly been enough instances that would raise that flag.


Nathan should call in an anonymous tip to ICE about the dangerous alien Levi. Using an accent, of course. No one will figure it out.


Hey, Dante, when you found out Georgie wasn't yours, you weren't exactly instantly forgiving toward Maxie. So maybe show Patrick a little empathy, huh?

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 5

Wow, after mostly enjoying the last 3-4 episodes (minus the Sonny and Franco parts), I thought today's episode really blew.  Are there a lot of Wednesday-only viewers?  Because the only thing that seemed to happen today was everyone standing around having really stupid and unnatural conversations recapping the action of the last several episodes. 


The timing of this episode was really off, too, no?  The car crash seems to have happened late evening, so presumably the surgery would have started around or shortly after midnight, but it was still going on the next morning?  And wasn't Nina at physical therapy less than 24 hours ago?  She was there when Rafe asked Silas for money, which was already night time because Rafe and Silas were on their way to dinner.  Does Nina really need PT every 12 hours?  And why is Silas barking at Sam for not telling him Rafe was on drugs?  She just found out 5 minutes ago and seems to have brought it up at the first convenient moment. 


Good things about this episode:  At least it's finally July 5.  It'd been July 4 since, like, June 26.  After years of having the show treat her like crap, I'm glad WdV is playing Julian as All About Alexis. 

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