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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Valerie tearfully asking Dante, "Lulu's gonna come after me, isn't she?"


Valerie: She's gonna come after me...just like Luke came after my mom.  My mom who's dead! *dissolves into tears*


That said, I'm sure the whole town is gonna line up behind Lulu to lay ALL the blame on Valerie and I'm not here for that.  Valerie's not blameless, but it takes two to tango and Dante danced the lead.

  • Love 4

I don't know how you guys who actually cared about AJ can remotely stand the existence of Sonny and Carly. I couldn't take them today, and I didn't care about AJ at all.


Valerie tearfully asking Dante, "Lulu's gonna come after me, isn't she?" Is this chick kidding? Is she kidding? She keeps hanging around her cousin's husband, swears nothing is going on, and then has sex with him, and she's wah-wahing that the wife is gonna "come after" her? Yeah, she probably is, so either go home or stop making crying faces as if you care. Either it's an act or she's the most spineless drip in town.


And Dante's sad face - either it's he's sad because the mean old wife is coming in between him and Valerie, in which case, he can jump in the pier after Kiki, or it's that he feels bad about what he's done to Valerie and has now put her in this position, in which case, he can find his guts and say "I'm sorry I did this to you and I was horrible but there's nothing to talk about anymore" or he can tell Lulu about it. 


Personally, I "stand" them by spending all of their scenes imagining Lightning entering the scene and finally coming through for me, followed by GhostAJ cackling with glee. 


And Valerie, please.  That's some manipulative "your wife is such a big meanie, you just know she's going to be bitchy to me for the deep meaningful lovemaking we shared while her skankass was off with Dillon lying to you" shit she's going to be pulling.  "Look at poor innocent me, who was just trying to be there for you, and now I'm going to be the victim!"  

  • Love 3

Personally, I "stand" them by spending all of their scenes imagining Lightning entering the scene and finally coming through for me, followed by GhostAJ cackling with glee. 


And Valerie, please.  That's some manipulative "your wife is such a big meanie, you just know she's going to be bitchy to me for the deep meaningful lovemaking we shared while her skankass was off with Dillon lying to you" shit she's going to be pulling.  "Look at poor innocent me, who was just trying to be there for you, and now I'm going to be the victim!"  


I wanted to add, either she's a spineless drip OR she has the mentality of a 15 year old. 


And don't forget the "deep meaningful lovemaking in her BED" part. Lulu is such a bitch for possibly being pissed at the woman who had sex with her husband in their bed!


If/when she finds out she's pregnant, she's gonna be all, "sniff sniff, do you think your wife is going to be angry at me for being so fertile and being able to bear you many, many sons while she's barren?"

  • Love 9

Valerie: She's gonna come after me...just like Luke came after my mom.  My mom who's dead! *dissolves into tears*


That said, I'm sure the whole town is gonna line up behind Lulu to lay ALL the blame on Valerie and I'm not here for that.  Valerie's not blameless, but it takes two to tango and Dante danced the lead.


I think people will be pissed at Dante, although they might defend him privately to Lulu.

I wanted to add, either she's a spineless drip OR she has the mentality of a 15 year old. 


And don't forget the "deep meaningful lovemaking in her BED" part. Lulu is such a bitch for possibly being pissed at the woman who had sex with her husband in their bed!


If/when she finds out she's pregnant, she's gonna be all, "sniff sniff, do you think your wife is going to be angry at me for being so fertile and being able to bear you many, many sons while she's barren?"


And "she's my cousin. I wish she could be supportive of me during my pregnancy...since my mom isn't here to support me.  Because she's dead.  And she always wanted to be a grandma. But she's dead." 

  • Love 9

I did forget to say, I will give Sonny A Point for acknowledging that the first thing Michael asked of him he had to turn down.


-1000 to Carly for listing "an amazing father" as one of Sonny's good qualities. Please, please GIVE ME AN EXAMPLE??? A good father, maybe we can stretch it to that. Maybe. "Amazing"? No.

The only person I see blaming Dante over Valerie is Dillon, for obvious, setting up a pairing reasons.


I thoguht you meant just blaming him in general, not that people would blame Valerie more than him. My bad.


I am hoping though that Olivia especially humiliates him in public somehow.


And "she's my cousin. I wish she could be supportive of me during my pregnancy...since my mom isn't here to support me.  Because she's dead.  And she always wanted to be a grandma. But she's dead." 


"And I'm going to name my baby Firework after my mom's favorite holiday."



-1000 to Carly for listing "an amazing father" as one of Sonny's good qualities. Please, please GIVE ME AN EXAMPLE??? A good father, maybe we can stretch it to that. Maybe. "Amazing"? No.


Didn't Alexis also say sometime in the recent past (I think at the hospital) that Sonny was an amazing father or great parent or something like that. Of course, when you have FV tweeting during the show that Sonny always gets what he wants, no wonder we get soul-killing dialogue like this.

Edited by tvgoddess
  • Love 8

I thoguht you meant just blaming him in general, not that people would blame Valerie more than him. My bad.


I'm sure people like Carly and Maxie will be disappointed into Dante, but will throw 99% of the blame (and their whore stoning rocks) at Valerie.


Maxie: My professional personal shopper instincts were right on, you home wrecking hussy!

  • Love 4

I'm sure people like Carly and Maxie will be disappointed into Dante, but will throw 99% of the blame (and their whore stoning rocks) at Valerie.


Maxie: My professional personal shopper instincts were right on, you home wrecking hussy!


Eh, it's Maxie and Carly. Who takes them seriously? ;) In the audience or on the show. Hopefully Carly will mind her own damn business. Maxie can too, but as she's actually supported Lulu and Dante, unlike Carly, it's a little more understandable.


I don't know if the general audience will be cheering, but I can definitely go without anyone yelling at Valerie. She did her plot point duty, there's no point in yelling at her. Don't waste anyone's time with it.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 1

A comment on the Despair in the Afternoon blog cracked me up:


I checked back into GH some this summer and am so confused. It’s just…not good. I like Elizabeth and Big Jake. They have good chemistry. Why does Elizabeth have to be doing this ridiculous thing of not telling him who he is? And I have never seen Dante do ANYTHING other than stand by LuLu and I turn on my tv and he’s having revenge sex over a poorly explained jaunt out of town? And MICHAEL…Michael’s all good with Sonny and Carly who are now getting married again with all the chemistry of siblings? And is Morgan seriously doing “Denise”?? What in the actual eff is happening here?

  • Love 10

Valerie: She's gonna come after me...just like Luke came after my mom. My mom who's dead! *dissolves into tears*

That said, I'm sure the whole town is gonna line up behind Lulu to lay ALL the blame on Valerie and I'm not here for that. Valerie's not blameless, but it takes two to tango and Dante danced the lead.

Dante basically trying to go back for more and talking about his ~real feelings~ for Valerie means that I'm gonna need the entire town to tell him he sucks majorly. He's been truly disgusting.

And Valerie acting like some poor sweet victim is vomit-inducing. My FF button loves her.

  • Love 4

Carly calling Sonny an amazing father didn't bother me as much as I thought it would. Probably because, look at the source; she actually believes she's braveandstrongandloveswithherwholeheart.

Julian and Alexis trying to role play gave me such secondhand embarrassment. So awkward and not sexy.

So Michael gives Avery back to Sonny and random red shirt guard #3 is shot the next day? That's some quality timing by (I assume) Julian or Generic Sonny Mob Foe #4857778992.

Keep gaslighting Nina, Ric…maybe she'll kill Franco while in a fugue state then fall off a parapet to her death.

  • Love 4

I fast forwarded the whole ep again. I was gonna watch the Michael/Sabrina scenes but then they started talking about Carly/Sonny and I was like I just can't do it. Sigh. I'm actually really sad about how boring the show is right now.

Less than a month ago, I was legitimately into Michael & Sabrina both as individuals and as a couple. But ever since Sabrina convinced Michael to give Avery Bavery back to The Midget Mickey Mouse Moobster, and then he did, I literally don't give a shit about them. I don't actively hate them like I do many other characters, but I wouldn't care if a crane or a chandelier killed either/or.

Without snark and in all seriousness, the only thing I enjoyed all week was learning Emma & Danny are both now being raised by Mac & Felicia. And as now I love Mac & Flea and would love to actually see them, I am go glad that Ron has relegated to off-screen babysitters. If they aren't on-screen and Ron actually needs them viable to watch those kids, then he can't ruin them.

ETA: I suppose I am looking forward to The Mooch walking in on The Captain screwing her "aunt".

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 2

Without snark and in all seriousness, the only thing I enjoyed all week was learning Emma & Danny are both now being raised by Mac & Felicia. And as now I love Mac & Flea and would love to actually see them, I am go glad that Ron has relegated to off-screen babysitters. If they aren't on-screen and Ron actually needs them viable to watch those kids, then he can't ruin them.

It makes me laugh that Mac is taking care of the kid of the chick Patrick is sleeping with, though. Like, come again now?

  • Love 2

ETA: I suppose I am looking forward to The Mooch walking in on The Captain screwing her "aunt".


I don't, because Kiki would love that, heh. If there's one personality trait she does have, it's getting off on being a drama queen and feeling self-righteous. I just want her and her boring chats with dad to go away and free up to give air time to someone else already.

  • Love 2

God this show sucks! I legit had no interest in any of the stories playing out this week once Lucky walked away. Is there some clause in MB's contract that says he can only be off screen for 3 days In a row and then must monopolize the show for the next three consecutive days? Ditto RoHo and MSt? Honest to God, I have always loved RoHo, but I'm at the point where I want him gone. I don't know if he's being directed to play Franco this way or if he thinks it's cute/funny, but regardless, I've had enough. And if MSt repeats, repeats, repeats her lines one more time, I'm going to need a new TV sooner rather than later, because my foot is going through it.

  • Love 7

God this show sucks! I legit had no interest in any of the stories playing out this week once Lucky walked away. Is there some clause in MB's contract that says he can only be off screen for 3 days In a row and then must monopolize the show for the next three consecutive days? Ditto RoHo and MSt? Honest to God, I have always loved RoHo, but I'm at the point where I want him gone. I don't know if he's being directed to play Franco this way or if he thinks it's cute/funny, but regardless, I've had enough. And if MSt repeats, repeats, repeats her lines one more time, I'm going to need a new TV sooner rather than later, because my foot is going through it.


And there you have it, ABC/RC/FV: Another "satisfied" GH customer. Growing by the day!

  • Love 5

Did it look like Morgan was humping "Denise's" hip at one point? Or was I imagining things? 


I was totally grossed out/embarrassed by both love scenes. I just can't with this show. 


nope, that's what it was. That's why I said it looked like they were mutually self-lovin'. Where the hell was the director?

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 2

Although that might be semi-amusing, if that's how Ava blew her cover.  


"YES, Morgan, YES -- um, I mean, YEAH, FUGHEDDABOUTIT!"  


Of course, Morgan is probably too dumb to figure it out ...


nope, that's what it was. That's why I said it looked like they were mutually self-lovin'. What the heck went wrong there?



This sounds terrible, and yet now I'm vaguely curious to see this train wreck scene.  I need help, clearly.  

Edited by SlovakPrincess
  • Love 2

Valerie: She's gonna come after me...just like Luke came after my mom.  My mom who's dead! *dissolves into tears*


That said, I'm sure the whole town is gonna line up behind Lulu to lay ALL the blame on Valerie and I'm not here for that.  Valerie's not blameless, but it takes two to tango and Dante danced the lead.


Amen to this comment:  "Valerie's not blamelss, but it takes two to tango AND DANTE DANCED THE LEAD." 


Note - and ducking  on this one - Valerie has had her share of tears and moping looks.  But gotta say this time I didn't any tears - NOPE!  No tears.  No attempts at tears.  Sadness, thoughtfuness - damn straight because she and Dante have one helluva lot to be sad and thoughtful about!!  But no tears.


We'll see what Monday brings. 

Note - and ducking  on this one - Valerie has had her share of tears and moping looks.  But gotta say this time I didn't any tears - NOPE!  No tears.  No attempts at tears.  Sadness, thoughtfuness - damn straight because she and Dante have one helluva lot to be sad and thoughtful about!!  But no tears.


The tears come from the viewers who torture themselves when watching current GH.

  • Love 5

I cannot believe I sat through this episode. 



I say that every day.



my soul drowned in its tears ... I feel dead inside now ...



I'm going to need a new TV sooner rather than later, because my foot is going through it.


New t-shirt logos for my cottage industry -- thank you!

Edited by Francie
  • Love 8

Does Dava keep up her Cousin Vinny accent even in the throes of passiion?


That would be a lot of concentration, to keep the accent going AND keep her hand on top of her wig to keep it from flying off.


I guess BC has his superglued on.

It makes me laugh that Mac is taking care of the kid of the chick Patrick is sleeping with, though. Like, come again now?


Mac needs to get himself a herding dog since he's now watching all the PC rugrats.  

  • Love 4

This sounds terrible, and yet now I'm vaguely curious to see this train wreck scene.  I need help, clearly.  


I tried to find it for you, because I'm a mean person, but here's something almost as good - Julian putting his arm around Alexis' neck like he's prom king and them inhaling each other's faces:



I guess BC has his superglued on.


I think the guy might not be balding after all. How dare he fake bald like that. Or if he is it's very slow going.

  • Love 1

I tried to find it for you, because I'm a mean person, but here's something almost as good - Julian putting his arm around Alexis' neck like he's prom king and them inhaling each other's faces:





They are ridiculous.   Franco is lurking in the background staring and sneering like a rabid animal, not four feet away from them ... and they're too busy sucking face to notice.  Hee!  


Nothing about Franco is appealing.  Literally nothing.



Here it is! You're so welcome! :):):)



Oh sweet Jesus.


[rows frantically back to the Barge ...]

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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