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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I would have enjoyed the Rescue Lucky! adventure a lot more if it didn't involve recasting old villains for a day's work of episodes each. I'm all in favor of revisiting history, but why bother when we don't even have them on long enough to get over the recasting?


 I'm enjoying the Dante/Lulu storyline despite how fast it went from love triangle Stanvils to oops, the art of building character motivation is dead! Why they went with Dillon for this is beyond me still--I really don't remember that strong of a connection between him and Lulu at all. I remember how messed up they were after Lulu got pregnant much much more. That said, I still like nuDillon and I especially liked his .002 second remembrance of Georgie. I want more of that. All the time. Okay, I just want Georgie.


I enjoyed the Patrick/Brad/Lucas scenes but them giving Patrick a hard time over not proposing to Sam yet was ridiculous. Then again, the two of them got engaged, what, half a day after saying I love you?


I still heart Jakeson. I even heart Jakeson with Sam. I did heart him with Liz, but she's still in Lady Macbeth mode with Nik and I kind of like that vibe more. 

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Shut up Sabrina! Shut up. Why is she still at the Q's mansion? Since her whole reason to have a job at the mansion is now no longer there. Why is Michael still paying her to nanny nobody? I would love for Monica/anybody to tell Sabrina to leave, since she is no longer a nanny.

Shut it, Dante.

The good: delusional, but Sonnywise Alexis. And Paul and Tracy.

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Sabrina was there to take Tracy out to lunch and the museum. It's nice to see women hang out together without being jealous bitches. Too bad that's not going to happen with Val and Lulu.

Today was surprising in that I didn't FF once. Liz really is a piece if work whining about how Hayden waking up will ruin her happiness. I hope that when Jake finds out who he is, he mounts Sam right in front of her bitch face ass.

Am definitely seeing the Jake/Sam chemistry. It helps that he doesn't have a constipated look, and that he's making jokes. I hope this Jason stays.

Oh Dante... You are the one that ruined your family, not Lulu. I can't wait for her to lay into his hypocritical ass- he really is Sonny's son, blaming others for his own mistakes.

Paul Hornsby- more of him, please. And I like TJ when he's not being a bitch to his mom. I really hope that conversation isn't a red flag that he's going to be shot living at Sonny's.

Edited by twoods
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I thought Dom did a great job showing his anger & dispar. I thought Rylan did well too but I can't take her seriously because she looks like she's 12. I've always preferred JMB. She just showed more grit in the of Lulu. IMO!

I thought NLG was great today. She told it like it was which is hard for a soap dealing with the mob. Did William DeVry piss in RC corn flakes or something? I haven't seen him in months. I thought he was super popular.

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I wouldn't be be surprised if Tracy knew about this and somehow that pathetic idiot Fluke knew too..

Luke could be his worst self when he was with her pathetic ass.

As for skanky ass JJ, he can go away forever after allowing himself to be used as to fire an actor who was dedicated to both the character and the show, and that skinny ass jerk JJ has been pretty much useless so far in this latest cameo between better jobs,

JJ looks homeless.

Edited by katie9918
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As for skanky ass JJ, he can go away forever after allowing himself to be used as to fire an actor who was dedicated to both the character and the show.


I mean, the show definitely screwed Greg Vaughn over big time, but I don't hold that against Johnathan Jackson.  Recasts are dumped in favor of getting the original actor back all the time, it's soaps/show business.


At least there was no "The Real Greenlee"-like nonsense.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 15

Greg Vaughan was a very nice guy and I thought, with his limited ability, he gave the role of Lucky a lot of heart and pathos, which is more than Jacob Young could do at that point in his career. I rooted for his Lucky with Liz and with Sam. That being said, he was never the real Lucky to me; he was a hunky, mostly off-brand version I could accept in a pinch.


Jonathan Jackson did something incomparable with the character from childhood to adulthood, and it's never been able to be replicated or given a shot at something different yet equal because they never bothered getting any of the recasts right. Now that Jonathan has returned to the role multiple times as an adult and managed to meld the different aspects of the adult character - GV's cop with JJ's soulful sort of rebel - I just don't think there is any replacing him. The minute he came back it was clear the recasts would never work again, not that they did in the first place.

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. So are we to believe that Liz and Nik don't think Robin has any idea Jason is alive?

I don't think that Robin knows that Jason is currently alive.  She knows he took off from Crighton and that's the last she heard of him before she was shipped off to parts unknown.  


besides, other than Patrick, Sam and Carly, does anyone else know that Robin unfroze (thawed out) Jason?

I don't think that Robin knows that Jason is currently alive. She knows he took off from Crighton and that's the last she heard of him before she was shipped off to parts unknown.

besides, other than Patrick, Sam and Carly, does anyone else know that Robin unfroze (thawed out) Jason?

Robin drove Jason to Port Charles. He wasn't ran over and she wasn't kidnapped until they separated in PC.

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I honestly want Burgi for Laura. If they reinvent the character entirely for the actor, it can work. But I know Ron is gonna work some HS triangle for the vets like he always does - Tracy and Laura fighting over some man. Tracy can be with plenty of other dudes.

 Really, Tracy can?

Where are these "plenty of other dudes"? What are their names? Because they aren't on this show. I'm honestly confused by this statement.

Fact: JE is the oldest contract cast member, and after TG leaves, she'll have to be paired with someone a minimum of six years younger (KS) just to have ANY pairing, with the current male cast members.

Genie, on the other hand, is the one who has plenty of choices, age wise. At any rate, why is it that Tracy can have these "plenty of other dudes" and GF can't?

Why the push to pair GF with a man she hasn't even had scenes with and as far as we know (though with TPTB that can be retconned) the only interaction Laura ever had with Paul was when Lucky and Sly played together?

We can all ship who we want, I guess...but they might not even have chemistry, they might have the famous "anti-chemistry" I always see referenced. Still not sure what that is, BTW, but whatever. The point is, #1, I sadly doubt they'll be able to afford Burgi for long, nor do I think he'll necessarily want to stay long. #2, I really can't see the kind of character I think he'll turn out to be, being someone Laura would want romantically. Especially since he's married, or was wearing a wedding ring. And I think we're going to find out he IS working with Nikolas. I just think him showing up *right* at the moment Tracy was at the airport, about to leave to get info to bust Nik, and was able to stop her, is too coincidental for me. Besides, if Paul is using getting to know Dillon as a shield for something underhanded, there won't be enough leather left on his hide after Tracy gets done with him.

Edited by IWantCandy71

I meant redeeming/whitewashing Luke in the same way Ron tried to redeem Franco when Roger H. had those scenes in the Haunted Star with the people who mattered to Jason, showing video footage etc....he was all "see, I didn't really rape Sam...listen, I wasn't responsible for Michael getting raped" blah blah blah. Ron was determined that nuFranco would work out. The attempt was terrible. Since Luke is a long-term character and now Tony is retiring, Ron wants to retcon what I assume many viewers think is the worst of his list of sins: killing his son's little boy during a night of drunk driving. It seems likely Ron wants to present it as yeah, Luke over indulges, but it's not that bad because he hasn't killed anyone after all and Lucky is clearly over it. You all saw that father-son hug, right people, right?!? Lucky is just happy to see his parents and know they are okay. Spencer Family is healed. (Never mind the years that Elizabeth and Cameron have suffered due to missing Jake because Liz is merely the mother/Lucky's cheating, manipulative ex and Cam is the biological child of a dead guy who wasn't part of a legacy family.) 



Oh, I know that some see it as they are trying to whitewash Luke by saying he didn't kill anyone. I just don't think saying Jake is alive absolves Luke one bit. Luke's actions did not change, even if Jake is alive. So no, maybe he isn't responsible for killing a kid, but if so, that's just dumb luck or some other plot point. He still committed all the acts that lead up to what everyone thought killed Jake. So I don't see him as being whitewashed.

But I guess I see how some might interpret it that way. I think if anything, Luke not being responsible for Jake's death will be the reason Luke and Lucky can go off together, if indeed they do.

I will say that IMO DZ played his realization that he was the only one who cheated well. There was some line about working through it or getting past it, and he said, "We can't," in a way that showed he was realizing the enormity of what he'd done.


I mentioned this in a post, too, but it bears repeating. Dante just crumpled when he realized the cheating was for nothing, as it were.


I still hate that Lulu wasn't allowed to properly defend herself. She should have been able to give as good as she got. Maybe that will happen today.


I really don't remember that strong of a connection between him and Lulu at all.


Lulu set out to sleep with him because she was mad at Georgie for reasons I can't recall. The pregnancy is the main bond between them, though they are friends. But there's no epic love or anything.


Dr. Drake Ramoray




He still committed all the acts that lead up to what everyone thought killed Jake. So I don't see him as being whitewashed.


Ron wants us to see Luke as whitewashed. We don't have to agree, of course. Luke's callousness after learning he ran over Jake won't be erased in my mind just because he didn't actually kill the kid. But in some ways it won't matter because Luke will be gone, and I won't have to watch him try to make it work.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Lulu set out to sleep with him because she was mad at Georgie for reasons I can't recall. The pregnancy is the main bond between them, though they are friends. But there's no epic love or anything.

From what I remember, Lulu just wanted him and didn't care that he loved Georgie or that he was Georgie's boyfriend. Plus, Diego liked/wanted Georgie. So Lulu and Diego made it look like Georgie cheated with Diego, so that Dillon would turn to her, which he did.

I believe Dillon also used the defective condom that led to Lulu getting pregnant.

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Did William DeVry piss in RC corn flakes or something? I haven't seen him in months. I thought he was super popular.


I refuse to believe this. I can believe that Roger Howarth has fans.  That Michael Easton does.  That Maurice does. That Chad does. That even Milo does.  But I, personally, cannot believe that WDV -- with his permanent smirk, his limited acting range, the palpable narcissism, and the weasel-lisness that just oozes from him -- is either popular or super popular.  But that's just me using my own powers of observation, both on screen and off.  That's not to say that I might not be dead wrong about that.


I do think, and this is just my own take on the situation, that NLG has a solid fanbase with a core of enormously strident fans.  And they're responsible for the overwhelming vast majority of any popularity-like "buzz" they receive[d].

Robin drove Jason to Port Charles. He wasn't ran over and she wasn't kidnapped until they separated in PC.

Robin has every reason to believe Jason is alive just like Holly had every reason to believe Luke was married with a kid when she met up with him in Hong Kong, errr Singapore, errrr Fantasyland.


Ron wants us to see Luke as whitewashed. We don't have to agree, of course. Luke's callousness after learning he ran over Jake won't be erased in my mind just because he didn't actually kill the kid. But in some ways it won't matter because Luke will be gone, and I won't have to watch him try to make it work.


Agree, completely.  Ron wants us to view Luke as absolved of his sins. But the fact that Jake is now magically alive doesn't change a thing about Luke did and how he responded to what he did.

Edited by Francie
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Hulu has episodes up the day they air and it is on their free service.


IIRC, though, there are some that are only available on Hulu Plus if you're too late in seeing them (as in, the day after they aired), or if you can see them for free, it's a month later. And I'm a young poor person, so it's not like this is convenient for me right now. Bah. 


Genie, on the other hand, is the one who has plenty of choices, age wise. At any rate, why is it that Tracy can have these "plenty of other dudes" and GF can't?


Now who are these "plenty of choices" (and Scotty Round 6,000 doesn't count)?  And I get that you're #tracyforlife and #laurasucksass, but I think that's blinding to you to the fact that there' s not a great selection for either of them.


I think jsbt is totally right, Ron will push the usual vet triangle here.

Edited by TeeVee329
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 Valerie will at least have a pregnancy scare. SInce then I've been wondering if Ron will try to be "trendy" or whatever, and have Lulu want to use the embryo upon finding out, and have that turn in to some fight, like that situation with Sofia Vergara.


Well gee it has been 5 min since there has been a pregnancy on this show, Ron is slipping...


I'm going to hell I sorta like Dante/Val probably mostly due to DZ though

  • Love 3

Well gee it has been 5 min since there has been a pregnancy on this show, Ron is slipping...

I'm going to hell I sorta like Dante/Val probably mostly due to DZ though

Oh, there are plenty of people who like them. :) They look good together. But I just hate everything about the way they've been written. It goes against everything the way Dante's always been written.

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Did I miss the reason why Sabrina is just hanging around at the Quartermaines?


She's there to be besties with Tracy. At one point, she actually said, "you're not alone" to Tracy, but she didn't sing it, which, despite my loathing for that song, I found disappointing.



Wow, they really did manage to get Richard Burgi to play Paul Hornsby.  The guy's got a talent for playing charming bastards, this could be kinda fun.


Sorry folks, he will always be the couch f*ucker  (Nip/Tuck) to me, and he creeps me out . Some things you just can't unsee.


To me, he's the sick bastard on Las Vegas who drugged Vanessa Marcil's Sam, put her in a trunk, and then explained to her that he was going to rape her in so many different ways that she'd be praying for death long before he finally killed her. GH is the first thing I've seen him in since then and I had a pretty shuddery reaction; I'm not sure if I'll be able to get over it and watch him as Paul.

GV's Lucky never stood a chance. TG did not like working with him, hence the adoption of SC/Dillion has his running buddy, The fans all wanted JJ and Guza was determined to destroy the character of Lucky in order to build up Jason. GV was thrown under the bus time and time again to make Jason look good.


That being said and while I admit to being a huge JJ fan i wonder if GV's Lucky would fair better now. TG is gone as is Guza and while Ron is a God awful writer at least he shits equally on everybody (except Franco, Dr O and Nina). And Jason/Jackson is on his way to the side of the angels not a holy hit man. GV could play well, and a romance with him and Jordan would be super hot

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Now who are these "plenty of choices" (and Scotty Round 6,000 doesn't count)? 


I guess I missed the part in the post where jsbt said it would be a triangle.

Anyway, I'll  repeat again that Paul was wearing a wedding ring. That might not stop Laura, but it would (or did in the past) stop Tracy. So they may try to do a triangle, but I don't see it going far on Tracy's end if she knows Jenny is still his wife.

As far as the plenty of dudes, I'm curious about that myself. Why is the question only being addressed to me? I'm not the one who first said it.

 But, I'll bite: there are far more in GF's age range that would be suitable for Laura. Julian, Sonny, Mac(hey if a wedding ring doesn't bother her); Kevin (is he still around?) Scotty, Franco, Paul, Silas, Luke of course, Sloane, and those are just the ones in her age range.

They could slighly cougar her and put her with Patrick.

I'm not saying all these are choice examples, just pointing out that it isn't as if Paul would be Laura's only choice by far.


OTOH, Tracy would HAVE to cougar just to have a pairing. The pairing choices for the two characters are NOT comparable, at all.

So, Dante took the plunge and cheated with Cousin Val? Before I check my dvr, how many times did Val bring up her poor dead mom?


Well, not during. But before hand, she brought up how the fourth of July was her mom's most favorite holiday in the whole, wide, world and it was the bestest, most funnest day of the year and every year they would make fourth of July cookies for homeless people and then make their own parade in the backyard and they would dance and sing and laugh and the elves and hobbits would come out and join them and it was a merry old time for all until her mother said she was too sick to go last year and Valerie said she didn't mind skipping the ball but it wasn't damn it it wasnetkojkejfkldnfkdsmfg,.dsgndkslnsfksdnfklds


Oh, sorry about that, I collapsed on the keyboard in tears. That speech really got to me.


And if you think I'm exaggerating, watch Thursday or Friday's episode, I forget which one it was.

To me, he's the sick bastard on Las Vegas who drugged Vanessa Marcil's Sam, put her in a trunk, and then explained to her that he was going to rape her in so many different ways that she'd be praying for death long before he finally killed her. GH is the first thing I've seen him in since then and I had a pretty shuddery reaction; I'm not sure if I'll be able to get over it and watch him as Paul.


Yikes! That seems a little dark for that show. 

  • Love 5

I refuse to believe this. I can believe that Roger Howarth has fans.  That Michael Easton does.  That Maurice does. That Chad does. That even Milo does.  But I, personally, cannot believe that WDV -- with his permanent smirk, his limited acting range, the palpable narcissism, and the weasel-lisness that just oozes from him -- is either popular or super popular.  But that's just me using my own powers of observation, both on screen and off.  That's not to say that I might not be dead wrong about that.


I do think, and this is just my own take on the situation, that NLG has a solid fanbase with a core of enormously strident fans.  And they're responsible for the overwhelming vast majority of any popularity-like "buzz" they receive[d].

Robin has every reason to believe Jason is alive just like Holly had every reason to believe Luke was married with a kid when she met up with him in Hong Kong, errr Singapore, errrr Fantasyland.



Agree, completely.  Ron wants us to view Luke as absolved of his sins. But the fact that Jake is now magically alive doesn't change a thing about Luke did and how he responded to what he did.



And I think the ONLY reason they are bringing Jake back is to tie the lying Lizzard to Jake FOREVER. With Dead!BabyJake, Jakeson can walk away from the liar and never look back. With backfromthedeadJake, they are tied for the rest of their lives.

Edited by IWantCandy71
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I guess I missed the part in the post where jsbt said it would be a triangle.


Right here, in the post you responded to:


I honestly want Burgi for Laura. If they reinvent the character entirely for the actor, it can work. But I know Ron is gonna work some HS triangle for the vets like he always does - Tracy and Laura fighting over some man. Tracy can be with plenty of other dudes.




But, I'll bite: there are far more in GF's age range that would be suitable for Laura. Julian, Sonny, Mac(hey if a wedding ring doesn't bother her); Kevin (is he still around?) Scotty, Franco, Paul, Silas, Luke of course, Sloane, and those are just the ones in her age range.


Just because they're closer in age doesn't mean these are all viable parings.  Laura and Sonny?  Laura and Franco?  Laura and Julian?


I refuse to believe this. … But I, personally, cannot believe that WDV -- with his permanent smirk, his limited acting range, the palpable narcissism, and the weasel-lisness that just oozes from him -- is either popular or super popular. 


(Timidly raising hand). I like him. I think he's kinda hot, but I acknowledge mileage varies. To be honest, I don't think about the actual actors on the show; I have no feelings one way or the other about most of them; I just see characters in a story, and as a result, I don't see RP's woodenness or WDV's narcissism. I do see that Jane Eliot and Kathleen Gati are tremendously talented, though, and are usually stuck doing work far below their abilities -- to which they fully commit. 


But when I watch RoHo or (sometimes) Geary, I see an actor's personality tainting the character being played. It's as if their disdain for the audience, the character, and/or the medium seeps into their work, taking me out of the story.  And since my chances of having hot times with any of the GH actors are pretty much nonexistent, that "I'm better than this" attitude is far more bothersome to me.

Edited by rur
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I still hate that Lulu wasn't allowed to properly defend herself. She should have been able to give as good as she got. Maybe that will happen today.


Well, she doesn't know the full story. When she does . . . well, if they write her as she should be written, he should be hiding his gun. (And if it were Julie, getting out his earmuffs.)


I still think Lucky can be recast, but I don't know if this regime is capable of finding the right actor. I don't think this last appearance sealed the deal. Quite frankly, I think his greasy mullet probably eased the way a little bit actually, for a recast.

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Re: the problem with finding current GH episodes:


These are really just edited scenes, but a YouTuber named Teresa Gonzalez has a bunch of current GH scenes up right now. Some of them wind up being a day or two late, but it's better than nothing. She also frequently posts older scenes, too (anywhere from last year to 5-10 years ago to even some 90's stuff), so that's also fun to have. She has the Lucky stuff from other day there, and will probably have the stuff from yesterday/today pretty soon.


Here it is:



Yeah, that's why I said they are not all choice examples.


Better than Tracy's NONE.  I'm still waiting for that list of a "lot of dudes" for her. I guess I should be grateful JE can make her character interesting without a man.


My point was more that there's not really "a lot of dudes" for either of them. 


And if we're just throwing people together, I don't see why Tracy/Scotty or Tracy/ Mac or Tracy/Kevin would be so outrageous.

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I still think Lucky can be recast, but I don't know if this regime is capable of finding the right actor. I don't think this last appearance sealed the deal. Quite frankly, I think his greasy mullet probably eased the way a little bit actually, for a recast.


I'd love the character back on canvas too, but at this point I wouldn't trust Frank to look someplace other than an underwear catalog to find the right guy.  (If he just let Mark Teschner do his job, then I'd have a little bit of confidence, maybe.  Maaaaybe.)


And I don't think we've seen the true meat/substance yet of what JJ's actually bringing on this visit (i.e., the epic scenes Genie was talking about).  He can be greasy or look like Pig Pen from Peanuts for all I care -- he's freaking JJ!  (Hopefully he just looks greasy because he's been held captive and will take a shower when he gets back to PC, though.)

  • Love 7

When I think "need", the character must serve a purpose no one else currently on the canvas does, or fill a need no one else does, and I don't think Lucky does that. There are two male characters who are cops around his age to be "hero". Lulu, if she needs brotherly advice, has Nikolas. Liz's kids don't "need" an onscreen dad, lots of characters survive without one.

I can get with "want" him on the show, but need? I don't agree that there is a need.

Especially not when pretty much everyone, including myself, complains about the overblown cast.

  • Love 1

Sabrina was there to take Tracy out to lunch and the museum. It's nice to see women hang out together without being jealous bitches. Too bad that's not going to happen with Val and Lulu.

This, a thousand times this. I miss when people an honest to god friendships on this show, and would sometimes just get together to talk. I adored those two or three times that Felicia brought Anna launch and they just talked.

What I miss than friendships in general are platonic male/female friendships. Luke's with Lucy was one of the many great things about 90's Luke. The specific circumstances aside, Liz being Patrick's best woman was so great. I just wish we could have been the drunken shenanigans from the night before.

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I didn't realize that GF was here for more than stunt casting.  If she was going to be paired with anyone, I'd like to see her hang with Kevin (who I miss, but only if he's not in love with Lucy).  Laura could probably use a little head shrinking after her marrying her rapist and having kids with him then being batshit crazy and comatose for years.  Although, come to think of it, maybe Kevin might not be the best choice for that. (See: Lucy).


I do have to say that I think I've unofficially drifted to the barge as the show is losing my interest.  I've been watching since '68 so no one can say I'm not a long time fan.   GH has never been particularly logical or rational, but when I started watching it, Doug Marland rules applied.  There was something for everyone watching, characters were consistent and introduced slowly/organically, and when events happened, they drove character changes and future events.  No one character or group of characters took over the whole show, and certainly not newbies.


In the last 20 years or so (mostly since the advent of everyone's favorite moobster), I've been watching GH the way I've watched Mystery Science Theater.  A good clusterfuck of bad acting and worse plotting is always entertaining to snark at (as we all know, fellow snarksters).  But now?  It's devolved to boring.  It's not about soap opera's race to the bottom anymore.  It's just...nonsensical. With all of the quality TV on these days - and easy access to whole seasons of shows on internet media - I've got a whole lot of options that are far more entertaining.

Edited by Reo
  • Love 7

And I think the ONLY reason they are bringing Jake back is to tie the lying Lizzard to Jake FOREVER. 

It's certainly not a coincidence in my opinion that this "Jake is alive!"  thing happens during TG's retirement storyline. Mostly likely, first priority was to white wash Luke's drunk driving night. It wouldn't shock me that TPTB also want us thinking Jakeson will be 'torn' between Liz w/Jake and Sam w/Danny. I figure the second priority is the 'surprise' that little Jake and adult Jakeson both being alive would change the current ELQ situation. (Jake legally being Lucky's son is irrelevant where Ron is concerned because DNA is what ultimately is important.)


Also, thanks UYI for that link. Looks like somebody remembered Cam because Liz told Nikolas that Lucky missed another Skype call with Cam and Aidan. "See viewers, he's totally an involved dad - Elizabeth said he Skypes with the boys once a week." - what I figure will appear in Ron's Twitter feed next.  

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