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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Oh, and I'm not mad about Michael giving back Avery. It helped that today Dante wasn't all "oh you got the baby back! hurrah!" and also she is going to be revealed as Morgan's soon, I am sure.


And really, I don't think Sonny cared all that much to begin with, so I don't think giving her back is relieving him of a punishment. And if Michael is on Morgan's side on any custody battle that would be good, but that's an iffy call.


I skip Lulu/Dillon scenes for my health. He is so bland and annoying with his "this is how your husband would react to a situation even though I have met him literally 2 minutes tops" statements.

  • Love 8
And if Michael is on Morgan's side on any custody battle that would be good, but that's an iffy call.


Where is Morgan living these days? With Lauren at Silas's? I don't consider that a healthy environment for a child. Avery is better off at Sonny's. At least she has a nanny there who's sole purpose is to take care of her. Morgan doesn't even shower on a daily basis.

  • Love 1

"It was in the script, I dunno why the line was changed" is becoming a reRon all its own.


Other plot tidbits from Ron's twitter: Holly and Robert are together off-camera and there was a line explaining his absence in the outline that got cut when it went to script.


On screen or it didn't happen. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it!!

  • Love 8

"It was in the script, I dunno why the line was changed" is becoming a reRon all its own.


Other plot tidbits from Ron's twitter: Holly and Robert are together off-camera and there was a line explaining his absence in the outline that got cut when it went to script.

It didn't just get cut, though.  Ron is now saying that he originally wrote it as there being no con and that Holly went to visit Ethan at his home in Australia.


Sounds like an override to me. But that makes me go 'hmmmmmm.'  Who now has the power to do that level of re-write? Frank on the set? Why bother.  The network?  Another writer who's now the final say even though Ron has a contract that says he's head writer? The plot thickens.


Funny how the only plots that thicken on this show are the behind-the-scene machinations?  The plots on screen?  Are so light, they could float on air.

  • Love 6

Oh dear: https://twitter.com/EmmaSamms1/status/616001889939943424


It seems Tony and Emma couldn't remember the Bill/Holly relationship and changed the line. 


I can see WISHING to block that travesty out, but really? That went on for a while, right? How could that have been forgotten?


And this is why, even if they were also hacks, we needed more than one GH writer holdover. I bet SOMEONE could have caught that and asked ES/TG WTF they were doing...

  • Love 5

That is hilarious. This is why you don't change lines kids.

I can see WISHING to block that travesty out, but really? That went on for a while, right? How could that have been forgotten?


And this is why, even if they were also hacks, we needed more than one GH writer holdover. I bet SOMEONE could have caught that and asked ES/TG WTF they were doing...


Even if the old writers were still here, none of them would have been in the room when the scene played out, so they probably still would have made the same oopsie. Still, you'd think someone in editing would have caught that . . . ?

That is hilarious. This is why you don't change lines kids.


Even if the old writers were still here, none of them would have been in the room when the scene played out, so they probably still would have made the same oopsie. Still, you'd think someone in editing would have caught that . . . ?


True about the GH hacks. Still, I believe most writers/crew on GH were replaced by OLTL 1.0 crew, so if that is the case with editing? Yeah. And that is why you should never fire everyone, especially those who are aware of the show's past.

  • Love 1

True about the GH hacks. Still, I believe most writers/crew on GH were replaced by OLTL 1.0 crew, so if that is the case with editing? Yeah. And that is why you should never fire everyone, especially those who are aware of the show's past.


The directors seem to have been spared, mostly. And I'm pretty sure Frank does the editing himself, so yeah, really, no excuse

  • Love 1

Wow.  Good on ES for owning it.  And, uh, sorry Ron.

It still doesn't get Sickles and Ron past Holly's "I hadn't seen Luke in years!" when Ethan was conceived in 1986 and Holly saw Luke and Holly at the end of 1984.


And it doesn't get them past "I didn't know Luke had a child!" when Holly was there when Luke and Laura announced that Laura was pregnant.


And it doesn't get them past, "I didn't realize Luke was still married," when she saw Luke being head over heels over Laura in 1983 and 1984. 


They still took quite a bit of liberty with the past.

Okay, one more thing.  Geary not only got to re-write his own lines -- but he got to re-write the lines of characters whose scenes he wasn't even in?!!


That? Is bananas.

  • Love 17

Wow.  Good on ES for owning it.  And, uh, sorry Ron.

This is also, why, just maybe, you have a writer's room actually in the same building as where the show is shot.  So someone could, you know, walk over to it, and ask, "Hey, is this right?"


And are the writers not available by email during work hours?


This is just such a colossally unnecessary error.

  • Love 8

I couldn't post yesterday due to my rage blackout. I didn't actually watch the episode, but I knew what was happening. I am going to pretend it didn't to preserve my sanity.

Fucking Michael. Dude. I loved you for a short time and it was lovely. Now kindly fuck off.

It's nice that his decision to suck coincides with his relationship with the Sparkle Princess - I like it when the suck is contained.

  • Love 3
And are the writers not available by email during work hours?

I doubt they'd want to hold up shooting. This mistake is all on the actors.


I don't see Sonny with kids, I see Mo with kids. It's the only way I stay sane.


Poor Dante. He should be talking to Nathan about his marital woes, not Sonny. And wow those Port Charles to British Columbia wormholes are fast!


"Sonny is a killer. He kills people." Yeah, so do you, Ava. You also rip children out of their mother's wombs. This is not a hill you want to plant your flag on.


That picture of Ethan and Lucky was hilarious. They probably took it in the basement at the studios. It's so cheesy.

  • Love 4
"Sonny is a killer. He kills people." Yeah, so do you, Ava. You also rip children out of their mother's wombs. This is not a hill you want to plant your flag on.



when did Ava do that, re: the children?


As for today's show, I got through it by imagining what Dom and Genie were thinking during their respective scenes. Sometimes, I amuse myself.


I wondered that for this:


That picture of Ethan and Lucky was hilarious. They probably took it in the basement at the studios. It's so cheesy.


I'm sure Nathan Parsons and JJ were cracking up.


This is what goes through my head when Nikolas is on screen now:


(sung to the tune of I'm the Map from Dora the Explorer)

I'm the douche, I'm the douche, I'm the douche, I'm the douche

I'm the douche, I'm the douche, I'm the douche, I'm the douche

I'm the douche, I'm the douche, I'm the douche, I'm the douche

(Shouted with pride) I'm the douche!


Thank you folks - I'm here all week.

Edited by cmahorror
  • Love 11

Ava left Connie to drown in her own blood with a gut shot. That's enough for me.


And since that time, she's been drugged, had a child ripped out of her and stolen, been shot, fell off a bridge and almost died of cancer. She's turning into the Kelly Taylor of Port Charles. Next up: cocaine addiction and being brainwashed by a lameass cult.

  • Love 6

I know Nikolas is evil now, but TC looked pretty good today.


Jake is the biggest fucking moron on the planet if he hasn't picked up on the ridiculously exaggerated guilty faces Liz has been sporting lately.  My god, BH's face must hurt from some of those expressions.  I hate Liz and her stupid lying face, but my god Becky looked stunning today.  That blue is a good choice for her.

  • Love 4

We need an addiction to diet pills to win Kelly Taylor bingo. 


Also, she needs to get burned in a random sorority-house fire.  And get humiliated by her drunken mother at the high school fashion show.  Perhaps Ava will have some flashbacks to her younger years ...


Fun-fact - Kelly Taylor's dad was played by John Reilly (Sean Donnelly).     (Why do I remember these things????  I need help!)


The way both Jake and Sam are completely oblivious to Liz and Patrick's "looks" makes me laugh, though. It's cute and dumb at the same time.



It's hysterical because wasn't Jason supposed to have this amazing intuition?  And isn't Sam a private detective?   You would think these two fools would figure this thing out, already.


Oh dear: https://twitter.com/EmmaSamms1/status/616001889939943424

It seems Tony and Emma couldn't remember the Bill/Holly relationship and changed the line.



I don't buy it.  Not to be a weirdo conspiracy theorist here, but I feel like it is more likely Ron and Frank fucked up than that Emma and Tony - who actually acted the Bill / Holly stuff out for over a year (and remember, Tony cherished the Bill Eckert character) - did.   It's a cover up, LOL!   Everyone seems to want to cover Ron and Frank's asses!    


Just kidding ... kinda ...

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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