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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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If Patrick must move on (for real this time), I also put in a vote for "Someone Else". ANYONE but Sobby. I'd even take Patrick going gay with Nathan (yes, his acting sucks, but he's pretty!) over the horror that is Sobby.

But Sobby returning now has shown me she lifts right out. Nothing was adversely affected by her absence. Just proves to me how useless the character is.

ABS? (Anybody But Sabrina) Ok that'll work but I really don't want to see round two of Patrick And The Pills or see him moping and crying.

I want him pissed. As he has every right to be. I want ottoman-slinging Patrick; not trembly lip Patrick. And in that mood, he should go on the hunt.

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Patrick can be pissed, but that doesn't justify cheating. I really don't want to see that again. I would prefer an off-screen break-up, even though part of me still loves Scrubs.

Basically, everything you said, Melgaypet. Patrick could have been pissed and threw ottomans when Robin left. He chose NOT TO. He CHOSE TO remain married to Robin. So Patrick can be a big boy and honor that or, if he really can't, be an adult and divorce Robin, THEN move on. No reason to cheat, since HE is complicit in the choice to stay married in the first place.

  • Love 5

Patrick can be pissed, but that doesn't justify cheating. I really don't want to see that again. I would prefer an off-screen break-up, even though part of me still loves Scrubs.

Not justified but understandable. Robin deserted her husband and child. She told Patrick (as she usually does) how it was going to be and he could either 1. Get with the program and just accept it or 2. Ruin her last days by not giving her a sweet memory. Either way? Robin was out.

To call it a marriage at this point is a joke.

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Yeah. The only way I would accept "someone" else for Patrick is for him to divorce Robin.  I know this is a bad analogy, because what the fuckwits had her do, the way she left, is not ANYWHERE NEAR close to it, but she did leave to try and save someone and it's for a good reason--FOR HER. The bad analogy would be if she were a soldier and had gone off to do a tour of duty or whatever.  One would expect the spouse left at home to be fucking faithful. If Patrick can't handle that, then divorce Robin in absentia.

But he didn't say any of that. He told her he would WAIT for her. THAT HE LOVED HER. And like others have already also said, if Patrick wants to be the single dad, all he needs to do is call a lawyer.

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Levi is unbelievably creepy. I gave him one scene, but when I realized he was making me sympathize with James/Nathan it was time to FF the rest. If he's intentionally creepy and will be off my screen in two weeks I can live with it, but I fear we are supposed to think he's awesome. 

Is he on contract? Please say no.

Yes! Creepy! He was like a loon when we first met him but by the end up today's episode, there looked like there was some sanity in those eyes and he reminded me of an evil manipulative psychopath who could one day head a cult.

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ITA with the Levi talk.  I don't find him creepy as much as annoying.  I know a few people with that philosophy and they wear on me.  I'll have my hamburger, beer and coffee thank you very much.  I call him Leave-i, hoping he takes the hint,

Carrrrlos definitely wins the beard-off.   Rwrrrrr!  JT looks good with a bit of scruff but that beard ain't workin'.

I don't care for Sabrina but TeCa is glowing and looks gorgeous.

Today's ep sucked except for Carrrlos and Dr, O.





Is he on contract? Please say no.

Cassiopeia, I don't think he is. If I remember correctly, he's suppose to be recurring for a couple of months. It is possible they gave him a short term contract thou.

My problem is how RC goes into overdrive with certain new characters. Do we really need this much Levi in order to get his characteristics? Where's Lucas? Brad? Julexis? Lucy/Scotty? Etc

I'm tickled that almost all the descriptions of Levi I've seen described him as a bad looking woman in an ugly wig or a rough looking guy in drag.

I'm in the ABS camp. The only thing I'll add is I believe RC is passive-aggresive. He wouldn't have Patrick ask for or get a divorce because it would take off the prince shine for Sobby. No. He would have Robin send divorce papers to Patrick therefore making her the bad guy. He has to get back at KMc & the fans of her & scrubs somehow. This will allow Sobby to save Patrick & add to their pitifully lame soap list of "after all we've been through" things.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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 I believe RC is passive-aggresive. He wouldn't have Patrick ask for or get a divorce because it would take off the prince shine for Sobby. No. He would have Robin send divorce papers to Patrick therefore making her the bad guy. He has to get back at KMc & the fans of her & scrubs somehow. This will allow Sobby to save Patrick & add to their pitifully lame soap list of "after all we've been through" things.

Man I hate, HATE that I'm defending that douchecanoeratbastardprickofafuckwit, but Kimberly, in her post departure interview stated that the door/"well" was left open for her to return to, so there's nothing to retaliate against her. But then again, this IS Ron. Me? I don't want her coming back unless someone else becomes the new show runner, along with a new EP. But I can't have nice things and it ain't evah gonna happen.

I don't think TeCa is a bad actress, I think she is stuck against JT who doesn't want to be there and knows he can get away with tanking scenes. I like the character more in small doses, though. Against Carlos Sobby comes across much better, so I think it is JT.

Donna Mills and Dr O are wasted in these drawn out cell scenes.

Britt in the apartment with the two guys is supposed to be hot, but I don't feel any heat. Maxie also isn't really doing anything.

RC is pimping the baby so hard I expect a kidnapping or car crash death in the next week or so. Otherwise this is getting pimped way too hard.

Liz the superhero with the boys chasing her is a little much. She needs to be doing something other than wandering around with a sling on. Maybe solve the big mystery poisoning on the docks, with Nik as her Watson, or something.

Man I hate, HATE that I'm defending that douchecanoeratbastardprickofafuckwit, but Kimberly, in her post departure interview stated that the door/"well" was left open for her to return to, so there's nothing to retaliate against her. But then again, this IS Ron.

GHScorpiosRule, she did say that however I think her willingness to return has more to due with Frank than Ron. This is all my opinion but I think she & Frank are friendly & cordial. He did work with her in order to facilitate her Grey's director shadowing. All that to say, Ron is petty. He was called out for the writing during KMc's return & exit storyline. He even felt the need to state the exit storyline was a group decision & the best "they" could come up with

Me? I don't want her coming back unless someone else becomes the new show runner, along with a new EP. But I can't have nice things and it ain't

evah gonna happen.

I don't think she will ever be back fulltime. I understand but I do think they should have invited her to be part of the NB. She was on the same freaking lot they tape on. They share the same cafeteria for goodness sake.

I'm a pessimist & don't think GH will be on air past the next 5-10 years unless changes are made. That said, I want KMc back as Robin for the exit.

I'm looking forward to seeing what they do with Ned. Have they given or posted SK/A's last airdate?

According to SOD, GH has sent out a casting call for a possible Sabrina recast and to only send actresses that are open to a contract role.

There is a pop up ad but the link is



I might enjoy the character if played by an actress that could at least make eye contact with her scene partners.  TeCa has gotten worse with time, not better.  She doesn't connect with any character except sometimes Emma.



Cassiopeia, I don't think he is. If I remember correctly, he's suppose to be recurring for a couple of months. It is possible they gave him a short term contract thou.My problem is how RC goes into overdrive with certain new characters. Do we really need this much Levi in order to get his characteristics? Where's Lucas? Brad? Julexis? Lucy/Scotty? Etc

Thanks (and whew!), BestAuntEver. That's it exactly - the shoving down the throat of new characters at the expense of existing characters makes the new ones unpalatable. And when it happens with fundamentally annoying characters like Levi, and previously Sabrina, it results in a visceral hatred that it's pretty hard to get past later. 

According to SOD, GH has sent out a casting call for a possible Sabrina recast and to only send actresses that are open to a contract role.

There is a pop up ad but the link is



I might enjoy the character if played by an actress that could at least make eye contact with her scene partners.  TeCa has gotten worse with time, not better.  She doesn't connect with any character except sometimes Emma.

You know, until TPTB actually STATE that they are recasting Sabrina, I'm not going to believe it. That article just states SOD's speculation that it could be recasting...and this...is how rumors get started.

  • Love 1

You know, until TPTB actually STATE that they are recasting Sabrina, I'm not going to believe it. That article just states SOD's speculation that it could be recasting...and this...is how rumors get started.

Yup. Super unprofessional of SOD to even mention her name if they don't know for sure.

If TeCa IS leaving I think it was probably choice. If it wasn't this is probably the most mysterious firing/recast since Drew Garrett got dumped out of nowhere.

Just how many stories does the GH building have?  That was the world's longest elevator ride.


Carlos probably rigged it to slow it down :)

Edited by ulkis
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Is it possible this new actress is a new Hispanic character?

GH is light on them (blacks too) and having a minority as professional would add mixing and plot points. RC, though, would use a new Hispanic to play against Carlos and Sobby--because Mexico, PR, it is all the same to him.

Also, Sobby has a PR name, but is in no way a professional.

Apparently some Nathan Varni guy is cracking down on spoilers (he has a twitter with that name if you want to see the details). How about cracking down on getting Ron a damn co-headwriter at least.

Ulkis, thanks for the info. I looked at Nathan Varni's tweets & question how he is an ABC exec. Is the taping Info worth all his twitter talk about cracking down on spoilers? He needs to spend time telling Ron to stop being so repetitive & predictable.

I was excited to see Ned & Cartini shitted on it during the first scene. Couldn't they allow Ned & Tracy's first interaction not to be trashing AJ. Gah

I don't necessarily agree with it, but I understand why Nathan Varni is cracking down on spoilers. His job security depends in part on GH hitting and maintaining certain ratings.

Further, GH's budget is calculated based on ad-revenue. If ratings go down, ad revenues go down, and eventually the show will talk place totally on three sets all the size of a postage stamp.

Edited by Tiger

I don't think the spoilers matter in regards to ratings though, especially the taping times, where they use fake names for people they want to be a surprise. Most people don't know/read spoilers, and spoiler crazy people will just be more adverse to watching it not less. I need to be prepared against Ron's latest "plot" "twists" dammit lol.

  • Love 2

Yes, and not really. No forward plot movement except Dante and Anna discovered Carlos was the masked robber who tried to rob/kill AJ. Oh, but Ned came back

Having Ned back went a long way to making this probably my favorite episode in months. That, and seeing AJ drive Orange Glow to his knees in his sharkskin suit.

Ned's scenes with Tracy were all that - and a somewhat bitter reminder that the tools to make this show really good are right there, if only there was a writer competent enough to use them. Tracy's best these days have been in scenes with Monica or during Ned's infrequent visits. Having her fooled by this obvious Fake Luke is grating. NotLuke does everything but twirl his moustache and tie maidens to railroad tracks, yet nobody suspects anything.....grrrr....but that may be my own jaded feeling towards both Luke and AG, both of whom are past their expiration date IMO.

In the minority here, but I'm not a fan of the grunge look, be it Patrick, Caaaaaaarlos, or Orange Glow. I think they must be dosing the set in air freshener with those three and Luke on looking the way they do.

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Maybe TeCa will like being a SAHM and decide to stay gone. Leave me to my delusions.

And this is one time I'm glad for 1,000 actors on GH and whatnot: Likely not enough money for TeCa to pretape before her maternity leave... Sigh. Why can't I have nice things like Sobby and her spawn dying in childbirth?

< Nancy Kerrigan > Whhhhhyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy?!?! </ Nancy Kerrigan >

  • Love 2

Just watching yesterday's ep.   Woot!  Ghost AJ.....with the fakest blood that ever faked.

Tracy (with your badass jackets) you are smarter than this, girl.  Your Spidey Senses are tingling but come on.  This is not Luke.  Attitude, demeanor, and I'm sure the differences in bed (ladies you know what I mean) should give you a clue.

Ava and Julian at each others throats is good soap.

Ned's scenes with Tracy were all that - and a somewhat bitter reminder that the tools to make this show really good are right there, if only there was a writer competent enough to use them. Tracy's best these days have been in scenes with Monica or during Ned's infrequent visits. Having her fooled by this obvious Fake Luke is grating. NotLuke does everything but twirl his moustache and tie maidens to railroad tracks, yet nobody suspects anything.....grrrr....but that may be my own jaded feeling towards both Luke and AG, both of whom are past their expiration date IMO.


Tracy's in denial. She knows, she just doesn't want to accept it. At this point though it's sad. 

In the minority here, but I'm not a fan of the grunge look, be it Patrick, Caaaaaaarlos, or Orange Glow. I think they must be dosing the set in air freshener with those three and Luke on looking the way they do.


lol. I like it on some guys, and I liked it on Morgan for a while, but this his scruff became that weird goatee beard thingy, and Patrick's mustache/beard looks like he took a sharpie, drew two perfectly straight lines coming out of his nose, added some black marker around his mouth, and then lightly scribbled in the rest.

Given the on-going Prospect Park litigation, id be very surprised if ABC's Legal Dept would allow GH to even do a temp recast of Sabrina. Maybe this is a Det. Padilla recast since that actress is now on Mistresses?

They've done temp recasts before.  Martha Madison came to play Elizabeth for a couple of weeks and remember Jen Lilly who came in and took over for KSt for over a year.

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