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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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The hair is the most in-character thing about NuDillon so far!

He reminds me of one of the real estate moguls on million dollar listings. I cant stand Denise faux voice..drives me nuts, plus, I don't like her with morgan again. Just too boring for me. I hate that FH is gone. God, she can really make a scene her own. TPTB need to liven the hell up with this show,it is definitely boring. Ive seen senior citizens retreats that had more action than this god awful soap!!!!!

  • Love 1

They should have established NuDillon a bit more before they had him screaming in the middle of the Haunted Star. It was like, "who are you and how did you get here and why do you care? Calm down buddy." 


Tracy, I have no pity for her anymore. I've heard it a billion times.


The anvil of Val in between Dante and Lulu when they pulled apart hurt my head. 


Ava has magical powers! Morgan was the hottest he's been in ages today.


I'm really surprised they seem to be heading back to Ava and Morgan, I thought for sure they would keep on continuing Silas/Ava. Perhaps it shall be Nose v Nose still.


Thanks for turning Nikolas into scum, Ron.  


Don't "Max" Maxie, Nathan.


Franco is a disgusting creep, barging into his rape victim's house. 

  • Love 9
Now that Jake knows he's not married to Hayden is he going to talk to Sam about the odd memories he has of her?


Why start now? Both Jake and Sam basically shrugged and said, "Huh. Weird," when it was brought up before Hayden came to town. I wouldn't expect anything different just because Hayden isn't his wife.


He hasn't had any more memories pop up. It's almost as if they were a plot point....


Nose v Nose



Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 2

Why start now? Both Jake and Sam basically shrugged and said, "Huh. Weird," when it was brought up before Hayden came to town. I wouldn't expect anything different just because Hayden isn't his wife.


He hasn't had any more memories pop up. It's almost as if they were a plot point....





Let's add up some of the clues:


Jake Doe turns up in the hospital around the same time as the clinic explosion.


Danny is "drawn" to Jake.  Sam feels some connection.


He has had multiple brain surgeries in the past.


Jake knows how to use a gun, and has violent tendencies.  He was being controlled by Helena who was also at the clinic with Jason.


He is around the same height, build etc as Jason (according to Nikolas)


He has memories of having sex with Sam, wearing wedding rings, riding on a motorcycle, kissing her, etc.,


Hayden told him she knows who he is AND it has to do with Sam as well.



  • Love 24
The anvil of Val in between Dante and Lulu when they pulled apart hurt my head.


Was it anything like this?




They might as well have frozen the screen and have NFL commentators come on and say "Look, they make a triangle," while using those special markers to draw the shape on the screen.

Let's add up some of the clues:


Jake Doe turns up in the hospital around the same time as the clinic explosion.


Danny is "drawn" to Jake.  Sam feels some connection.


He has had multiple brain surgeries in the past.


Jake knows how to use a gun, and has violent tendencies.  He was being controlled by Helena who was also at the clinic with Jason.


He is around the same height, build etc as Jason (according to Nikolas)


He has memories of having sex with Sam, wearing wedding rings, riding on a motorcycle, kissing her, etc.,


Hayden told him she knows who he is AND it has to do with Sam as well.



Don't forget that Spinelli recognized him ... by looking at his butt!


Did he ever tell anyone?

  • Love 5

TwistedandBored, on 09 Jun 2015 - 3:29 PM, said:


This show is soo fucking boring! Like is anything interesting going to happen anytime soon?


That's a rhetorical question, right? :(



Actually, they are going to paint the sets a new shade of gray so at least we will experience the excitement of watching the paint dry. 

  • Love 4

Pretty much.

When they do have Dante sleep with Valerie, I hope they let Dominic play it with that quasi sheepish "ya gotta do what ya gotta do" expression that he's been using lately for all these idiotic situations they've been putting him in. Dominic does unflappable resigned inevitability very well. Witness:


Lulu:  You let Sonny visit Ava?

Dante:  Well, he was going to find a way anyway, and this way there's a record of it.

Lulu:  Fair point.


Lulu: You slept with Valerie?

Dante:  Well, we both know I had to sleep with somebody.

Lulu:  Fair point. By the way, I slept with Dillon.

Dante:  Yeah, I figured as much.  Hey, wanna order a pizza tonight?

  • Love 11

When they do have Dante sleep with Valerie, I hope they let Dominic play it with that quasi sheepish "ya gotta do what ya gotta do" expression that he's been using lately for all these idiotic situations they've been putting him in. Dominic does unflappable resigned inevitability very well. 


They should just go ahead and have him do a full on Jack Benny Break the Fourth Wall take.

  • Love 4

I enjoyed this ep. That's 3 in a row, I think. 


ME is killing these scenes lately. Silas works really well as comic relief.


Morgan and Ava, still into it. SO hot. "The only woman I ever loved." NGL I swooned. 


I love Michael and Sabrina. They're so stupidly cute. It's a nice contrast for me from Morgan/Ava's garbage hotness.

  • Love 8

I'm pretty sure Nikolas will do anything, at any time, for any reason at this point.

At some undefined point between getting mad at Britt for being a pathological liar and this Jake-son bullshit ... he became possessed by the devil.*

And Liz now has mad cow disease, which explains her behavior.**

* From The Accidentally Deleted Tweets of Ron Carlivati

** See above.

  • Love 8

I enjoyed this ep. That's 3 in a row, I think. 


ME is killing these scenes lately. Silas works really well as comic relief.


Morgan and Ava, still into it. SO hot. "The only woman I ever loved." NGL I swooned. 


I love Michael and Sabrina. They're so stupidly cute. It's a nice contrast for me from Morgan/Ava's garbage hotness.



I co-sign this post (although I'm largely over Morgan and Ava, Maura still sells it). I must admit, at first I did misinterpret "NGL I swooned," as "Nancy Lee Grahn I swooned." The I de-dyslexicked myself. 

  • Love 6
I love Michael and Sabrina. They're so stupidly cute. It's a nice contrast for me from Morgan/Ava's garbage hotness.


Michael and Sabrina have a nice easiness. The actors work really well together. If Sabrina really does know how to fold a fitted sheet properly, Michael has a treasure there. I have to watch a video before I do laundry because I always forget what to do after the folding the first corners.


ME is killing these scenes lately. Silas works really well as comic relief.


Drily humorous ME is my favorite ME. "Use your words, buddy. I know you can do it!" Hee.


Laura's reason for coming back is total bullshit. I can't believe anyone bought it. Neither she nor Luke sold the lie. At all.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 6

Tracy, I would have loved that speech to Luke if you said it YEARS ago. 


The problem is she has.  She's given huge speeches a bunch of times about writing Luke off, but she always settles for his crumbs in the end.


Morgan loved Ava????


He sure did.


I can't wait until Kiki catches Morgan in bed with her "aunt".  That is a reRon I can get behind.

  • Love 4

For the most part, I enjoyed this episode. The exception? Luke and Laura. Obviously there is some Big Secret, but, as Lulu said, there were a thousand better ways to do that. It's just unnecessarily cruel to Tracy, and nobody wants that.

Otherwise, I liked it. Dante holding Lulu back worked for me, because L,L, and T needed to say what they needed to say without her interfering, same way Tracy told Dillion to back off. And I loved Lulu running to Tracy. They've been supporting each other for a long time, and I really liked Lulu basically telling. Her parents "Fine, great, glad her happy, but you're terrible people."

Nina, Silas, and Franco amused me, especially Nina and Silas. The actress seems to playing Nina differently, and I find myself enjoying some of it. I can't describe it, but it's working. And her ridiculousness combined with sardonic Silas is the most I've ever liked either of them!

  • Love 1

Ron actually has been whining in interviews that they only have ten weeks for the Luke exit story.  Hence my jokingly using the quote re: the abrupt teleporting from The Floating Rib to the Haunted Star.


Don't forget you can get to Greece from NY in 15 minutes.


I am wistful for a few things in the Luke departure:  If Laura is staying on in PC It could be fun if when all is said and done she and Tracy end up with equal shares of ELQ, maybe Laura some how ends up controlling Nik's stock. A final scene of Luke at the cemetery saying good bye to Ruby, Dan Rooney and Slick. And a final snarling match between Scott and Luke, where Luke realizes that for all his hatred of Scotty and visa verse, it is only Scott he can trust with the statement "Look after Lulu, as if she were your own, and keep and eye on our girl Laura as well"


They've always been my favorite paring.  They'd spew and snarl and then the soap magazines would had them be cover guys.  I love all their 80's publicity stills, they're hilarious.

Edited by TessHarding2


Morgan loved Ava?

Nothing says love like selling out your girlfriend to your father to kill, seconds after she's given birth.  



The actress seems to playing Nina differently,

I'm seeing it too and not hating it.



Neither she nor Luke sold the lie.

It was so bad, i was surprised no one went over and tried to remove the mask off of Laura to see if she was really Faison or Helena or the Loch Ness monster.  Which again, means Ron has to write everyone as complete morons in order for his story to work.  



They should have established NuDillon a bit more before they had him screaming in the middle of the Haunted Star.

Yeah, it was weird.  I wonder if that was supposed to be Ned and when they lost WK they just transferred it over to Dillon.  

Edited by Perkie
  • Love 1

And I know Tracey can be difficult, but I felt sorry for her.  Her first instinct was to tell Luke no because she didn't trust him.  He convinced her to give him a chance and she does and then he pulls the rug out from under her again.  She's Charlie Brown to Luke's Lucy.  He keeps promising that he won't pull the football away but he does every time.  And I know it was done for dramatic purposes but Luke owed Tracey better than announcing in front of everyone that the engagement was off.  He should have spoken to Tracey privately, explained whatever is going on and then made the announcement.  Tracey does deserve better than Luke.



I wanted to feel sorry for her, but she was written as too shrewish from the get-go (even before the Luke/Laura private talk). 


This stupidity with keeping the real reason for Laura's return a secret (way to waste time, Ron) is doing a good job of making Luke, Laura, and Tracy look bad, but at least Laura got in that retcon...I mean, realization...re: Luke's references to feeling like a prisoner in their house.

I didn't want Laura to get the retcon. I wanted Luke to state it. I get, accept, and am glad that they're over. That said, I want to see a little more respect and residual love from Luke to Laura. I would rather the house/prison retcon had been stated by Luke, to Laura, closer to his exit, even if his next stop was Tracy's arms.



Michael and Sabrina have a nice easiness. The actors work really well together. If Sabrina really does know how to fold a fitted sheet properly, Michael has a treasure there. I have to watch a video before I do laundry because I always forget what to do after the folding the first corners.



Drily humorous ME is my favorite ME. "Use your words, buddy. I know you can do it!" Hee.


Laura's reason for coming back is total bullshit. I can't believe anyone bought it. Neither she nor Luke sold the lie. At all.



One of Laura's lines to Luke, at the end of today's episode began with, "If we get lucky…" which I am totally choosing to hear as, "If we get Lucky…"


Oh, I meant to say this before, but I am glad Laura didn't sell the lie. It's never been her forte. Luke should have been able to sell the hell out of his side of the lie. Shame on the director and the actor for choosing to do otherwise. 

  • Love 1

I think the rest of the sentence was something like, "Then it's the last unpopular decision we'll have to make." And sure, getting Lucky isn't unpopular, but creating this scene and telling this big lie at Luke and Tracy's engagement party is an unpopular decision, but it will be righted when (if) they get Lucky. Shhh. It's nice here in my fantasy world.

Edited by General Days
  • Love 4

Yes the story that Luke and Laura have a love that's greater than Tristan and Isolde that brought them back together is pretty thin. I'm sure that Luke could have spared the humiliation for Tracy. He didn't because he's a jerk who enjoys controlling her and making her suffer. Laura should be taking notes, because he is capable of doing it to her too. I'm convinced that Lucky is in trouble and uber-mommy  Laura is there to save her child, not to romance sad-sack Luke. of course "Cupcake" will  be all reconciled when she hears it was all to help Lucky.

I think Tracy (who flew to Cassidine Island and rescued Luke from Jerry Jacks) might be considered too big of a risk (as far as letting her know whatever the hell is going on) because when Tracy wants to, she'll go off script. That said, this is a hackneyed plot, and stupid, and beneath Jane, Genie, and even modern-day Tony (who half the frigging time, still seems like he's playing FLUKE in the throes of psychosis). 

Also, is it me, or does he look drunk or medicated half the time. It maybe wasn't as bad the past two days, but toward the end of last week, when he was trying to convince Tracy to accept his proposal, and Dillon to accept his mother's wishes, I swear, TG looked like he was half in the bag.

  • Love 2

Luke and Laura can fuck right off. Did they have to be THAT cruel to Tracy? Yes, it's a total lie, but there was no reason to be such fuckfaces about it. And I'm sure everyone will wait in line to tongue-bathe L&L when the town finds out they were off saving Lucky or the world or whatever [/spec], while ignoring how they needlessly crushed Tracy simply because they could.

  • Love 4

You can't crush Tracy, silly OnceSane. 

What I loved about Jane's performance, is even during the horrible things Luke said to her, she was searching his eyes, looking for the truth, because she knew it was bullshit. I would really love it (I know this probably won't happen, but I want it to) if Tracy does know this is bullshit, and calls Luke and Laura on their crap.

Also, until I learn otherwise, I'm only blaming Luke for this lie, even though Laura is the one who told the lion's share of it. I my head canon, when they were in the Haunted Star stateroom, Luke told Laura a bunch of crap to convince her that they couldn't come clean with Tracy, or she'd insist on tagging along and endangering herself.

Apropos of nothing, whenever I watch adult Genie act as Laura, I see Genie reference Denise Alexander (i.e. Lesley Webber) in her acting, particularly her expressions and intonations. I don't know if it's intentional, but I see it as such, and I think it's a great bit of characterization, for Genie's Laura to have picked up some of Denise's Lesley's traits.

  • Love 1

Luke and Laura can fuck right off. Did they have to be THAT cruel to Tracy? Yes, it's a total lie, but there was no reason to be such fuckfaces about it. And I'm sure everyone will wait in line to tongue-bathe L&L when the town finds out they were off saving Lucky or the world or whatever [/spec], while ignoring how they needlessly crushed Tracy simply because they could.


Normally I would feel this way, but Tracy immediately stepping onto the warpath as soon as Laura stepped in severely dampened by sympathy.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 12

Ohmigod I can't WAIT till JJ is on the set.

Personally, I don't care about this one because I intentionally clicked on a spoiler a few days ago, but some folks around here avoid even casting rumors and confirmations (and often I am one of those people). I realize now that I don't know the technical rule, and it's probably fine to post it because it's been reported, but I think a lot of us spoiler tag this stuff on the side of caution. Or maybe I'm totally wrong. Guys?

And not trying to call you out, TessH- really just asking because I think it's nice for us all to be on the same page!

  • Love 1


Luke and Laura can fuck right off. Did they have to be THAT cruel to Tracy?


I don't care about Tracy's alleged pain. She was a major biotch the moment Laura walked in the door - as if Laura knew about the engagement party that was arranged at the last second and managed to teleport herself there for the purpose of breaking up the party.


Plus, since I have never bought the Tracy/Luke pairing (though this show has tried to sell it a lot). I don't see chemistry and I sure don't see love. Not from either character for the other.


Besides, Tracy is much better off.

  • Love 9

Personally, I don't care about this one because I intentionally clicked on a spoiler a few days ago, but some folks around here avoid even casting rumors and confirmations (and often I am one of those people). I realize now that I don't know the technical rule, and it's probably fine to post it because it's been reported, but I think a lot of us spoiler tag this stuff on the side of caution. Or maybe I'm totally wrong. Guys?

And not trying to call you out, TessH- really just asking because I think it's nice for us all to be on the same page!

I searched for the spoiler policy, but I only found what the non-forum (i.e. recap) section of the site has for a policy. Basically, P.TV says they won't spoil big things like deaths, plot twists, etc.

I know these two sites aren't the same, but I seem to recall TWoP's policy was that casting news wasn't a spoiler. I might not be clear on all the details, though.

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