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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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What's hilarious is, once again, the writers giving THEM that scene. Out of all the couples. Morgan...and...RECAST Kiki.

On another note, someone needs to lead an investigation on why JT's kissing is the least hot thing ever. All he ever does now is peck. It's so odd.

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What is it with this show and its obsession with Kiki and her flashing her boobs?  First it was Starr and Michael, then Kiki and Michael, and now today twice with Morgan.  It's like they let the one straight 15-year-old male writer on the staff write all of Kiki's love scenes.  


I imagine those various scripts as:


And then Starr shows Michael her boobies!


And then Kiki shows Michael her boobies!


And then Kiki shows Morgan her boobies!


And then Kiki shows Morgan her boobies ... AGAIN!

  • Love 8

What is it with this show and its obsession with Kiki and her flashing her boobs? First it was Starr and Michael, then Kiki and Michael, and now today twice with Morgan. It's like they let the one straight 15-year-old male writer on the staff write all of Kiki's love scenes.

I imagine those various scripts as:

And then Starr shows Michael her boobies!

And then Kiki shows Michael her boobies!

And then Kiki shows Morgan her boobies!

And then Kiki shows Morgan her boobies ... AGAIN!

I assume this goes along with the scripts that say:

And then Anna says Patrick deserves to be happy!

And then Alexis says Patrick deserves to be happy!

And then Maxie says Patrick deserves to be happy!

And then Ghost!Courtney! says Patrick deserves to be happy!

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No one knows.  I don't even think Ron's Twitter knows yet.


Well, they did what basically amounted to a throwaway line on the Monday live episode about running into each other at the Floating Rib following the Nurses Ball ... but this is yet another one of this writing team's patented scenes that only exist off camera.. when, in fact, I'd much rather have seen a Nina and Ric "what the hell, let's get married" scene than endless conversations about the Mob, Jake's identity or, well, the Mob. There have been dozens of them over the past year (and I'm not even including the idiotic Mayor election thing... whatever happened to "Mayor Evil Bwah Ha Ha" anyway? Is Sloane still in on her Legion of Doom scenario? Or are we supposed to completely forget all of that?? )


Also, not for nothing, but Liz happening upon Sloane and Anna at a murder scene wearing a jacket thing with what looks like a gunshot wound on the back, was a huge fail for the costuming department. I thought - did someone shoot Liz??

Edited by DayPlayerAtKellys
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I call foul on Morgan knowing what the word "dividends" means.

Morgan just knows the word starts with the letter "D", that's all he needs to know.

Why are Ric & Nina married? When did they meet?

No one knows. Off-screen.

I remeber when dominquie and scott got drunken married they had flashbacks to how it happened.Granted the lead up was much better and I'm sure the writer then wasnt a plot point writer like RC is but yeah couldnt they give Nina and Ric flashbacks to how it happened.

But that would mean MORE Nina, do we really need or deserve that?

Liz is so gonna end up pregnant.

The Morgan/Kiki has already been appropriately covered…but I still want to spork out my eyes.

I noticed Sam didn't actually promise to stay away from Jake.

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Liz is already at Level 86 on the Crazy Scale. I'm surprised she hasn't tried to kill Sam yet.

She won't try to kill Sam until Jake remembers more crap. And even then, she'll probably ask Nik to get his hitman to do one more job. Because she deserves her chance with Jason. And Nik will agree because 1) his hit man has Shawn-esque levels of skill, and 2) he knows he'll have a free shot at Liz once the truth comes out.

  • Love 5

She won't try to kill Sam until Jake remembers more crap. And even then, she'll probably ask Nik to get his hitman to do one more job. Because she deserves her chance with Jason. And Nik will agree because 1) his hit man has Shawn-esque levels of skill, and 2) he knows he'll have a free shot at Liz once the truth comes out.

Ugh, that just reminded me how much I can't stand that this show doesn't just have ONE coherent story happening. Like, fuck, pick a triangle and go with it. Liz/Jakeson/Sam. Sam/Jakeson/Patrick. Liz/Ric/Jakeson. Liz/Nik/Ric. I mean, seriously, it is so frustrating to watch this big jumbled couple mess that's currently on our screens.

  • Love 6

Thanks for the heads up re: The Mooch & The Captain. The only alcohol in the house was Jameson and I have to work tomorrow so I had to watch sober and have now lost my appetite. I did want to lose some weight for summer, so I guess I should be thanking Ron?

Well, they did what basically amounted to a throwaway line on the Monday live episode about running into each other at the Floating Rib following the Nurses Ball ... but this is yet another one of this writing team's patented scenes that only exist off camera.. when, in fact, I'd much rather have seen a Nina and Ric "what the hell, let's get married" scene than endless conversations about the Mob, Jake's identity or, well, the Mob. There have been dozens of them over the past year (and I'm not even including the idiotic Mayor election thing... whatever happened to "Mayor Evil Bwah Ha Ha" anyway? Is Sloane still in on her Legion of Doom scenario? Or are we supposed to completely forget all of that?? )

Also, not for nothing, but Liz happening upon Sloane and Anna at a murder scene wearing a jacket thing with what looks like a gunshot wound on the back, was a huge fail for the costuming department. I thought - did someone shoot Liz??

Unfortunately for @leftphalange, Liz hasn't been shot in over a year. And even then Dr. "99 Luftbaloons" Obrecht only shot her triffling ass in the shoulder. Edited by Tiger
  • Love 3

Hayden will probably wake up from her coma to tell Patrick about Jake, so then we will keep getting guilty looks from both Liz and Patrick. How many times do we have to see that ridiculous Jiz picture?

Kiki and Morgan were vomit inducing even on FF. Julian's leaving the mob crap is way past getting old now.

Please keep Michael in those suit pants/button down shirt look. He has been looking great lately.

  • Love 1

I really hope Billy opts-out after his year and Ron is forced to quickly resolve the story with a "gotcha - - he was never really Jason" resolution and then brags to the soap press that this was the plan all along.

Ron was just claim Jake was some guy Helena altered to look like Jason and then downloaded Jason's memories into this guy using tech she borrowed from this guy Stefano she met in book club.

  • Love 7

I guess I should be glad that Anna feels so terrible about killing Carrrlos, but it's also a bit much. Everyone can justify the action afterward. It's not shooting the person in the first place that counts.


Sam, just because Danny doesn't know Jason doesn't mean he won't grieve for him. Especially given that Jason is the only thing she ever talks about.


Julian and Alexis round zzzzzzzzzz.


I'm a Liz fan, but I had to laugh that she schemed so hard to get Jake and then he's all "Yeah, no. Tomorrow I'm going to turn myself in and go to prison." When she said they'd be careful, etc., though, I wanted to scream. All that is why she and Jason weren't a couple in the first place. She and Jason both agreed. It wasn't some unilateral decision.

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How long did Rebecca Buddig sign on for?  While I thought the role she played as a con artist paid by Rick the Slimeball Lansing lacked credibility when fleshed out with her sexual appetite, I think Buddig brought talent to the show.

I wouldn't be surprised if Greenlee's ex/estranged (?) husband showed up eventually, played by' a name'. Hell, if Uncle Frank waits long enough he may be able to snag Josh Duhamel given his career trajectory.

  • Love 2

Please keep Michael in those suit pants/button down shirt look. He has been looking great lately.

This. I'm so ashamed of how attractive I found him today.

I continue to think Michael and Sabrina are adorable.

The Anna/Sloane scenes were actually good, but it's hard to care because it's all just so dumb and pointless.

I think I fast forwarded everything else. I tried watching the Kiki/Morgan scenes but I started dry heaving so I had to fast forward.

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Chad is losing some of that baby face, and looking older, and I think he was sexy today in his scenes with Teresa.  I never liked Sabrina before, but damn if I don't think these two characters have great chemistry.


I'm also still liking Sloan, and he's got it bad for Anna.  Anna is a mess, but it actually makes sense to me.  Losing Robing, getting Robin back,a nd then losing Robin again (sorry, I still blame Robin for agreeing to Victor's terms), then she gets Duke back, loses him, gets him back again, and then loses him.  Technically, she was moving towards some kind of breakdown. There's only so much loss and torment one person can take, and I'm not even throwing in what Faison did to her.


Morgan and Kiki didn't bug me because they deserve each other.  At least they weren't whining today about the world has wronged them, which was refreshing.  If these two can start taking some responsibility and find some jobs, I may be able to stomach them.


I still find Jake and Liz boring as all hell, and I still can't see BM as Jason Morgan.  Just no.  I am still liking Patrick and Sam, however.  I actually want them to stay a couple.

  • Love 5

Should we have a betting pool on it?  I'm thinking 7 show days.


After careful consideration I've decided to change my guess. Within three weeks Alexis or Sam will be shot at and Julian will have to rejoin the mob to 'protect' them.


How long did Rebecca Buddig sign on for?  While I thought the role she played as a con artist paid by Rick the Slimeball Lansing lacked credibility when fleshed out with her sexual appetite, I think Buddig brought talent to the show. 


I hope Ron gives Rebecca Budig a contract. He's going to keep adding characters whether I like it or not so why not let Greenlee stay. I like that she causes problems for Liez and Nik and she needs to at least stick around long enough to help Sam burn down Wyndemere.

Edited by LeftPhalange
  • Love 10

That Liason picture annoys me on a lot of levels, but mainly the one that hated the look SBu was sporting at that time.


Agreed on SBu's horrid hair, but it also looks like a glamour shots photo.  They couldn't have picked a candid like the one with Jason and Sam?  I can just picture Liason going into JCPenny and getting the family package. 


Seriously though, the prop department has always been terrible with pictures.  How hard is it to get the actors to pose for "real" shots to put in frames? 

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I also LOL at Kiki and Morgan vs Michael and Sabrina as couples. One is like total dysfunctional train wreak no one wants to watch and the other is so milk toast goodie goodie no one want to watch.....leave it Ron to build lose lose couples again!




Please speak for yourself. I can't speak for any potential Morgan/Kiki fans out there, but I, and I know others on the board, am enjoying watching Michael/Sabrina. 


I actually surprisingly enjoyed today's episode. I say surprisingly because there were only two couples today who I actually enjoy and one of them was having a conversation they've had repeatedly. But I still liked the show for the most part. One of GH's big problems for me is that they spend so much time going from plot point to plot, or dealing with campy situations, or setting up shoot-outs, and what not, that they don't spend much time just letting the characters breathe and deal with their feelings and talk about things. They used to do that a lot, but it's almost non-existent these days.


Even though the Julian/Alexis talk was repetitive, I thought it was well-acted and I actually have hope (I know a dangerous thing with this show) that this "retirement" might stick for a while.


Michael and Sabrina continue to be the one bright spot of my GH viewing these days. They just make me smile. I thought their banter about AJ was adorable and Michael's "pepper of peril" line made me laugh. It's nice to watch people who actually seem to like each other. Their smiles together seem so genuine.


Morgan and Kiki are as dumb a s box of rocks and I loathe both currently and never want to witness another love scene between them. But I can give them a bit of credit for having a mature, especially for them, conversation about sleeping together and what it meant for them going forward.


Anna and Sloane - I don't hate them together, but they don't do anything for me either. I am glad that Anna's not just brushing off shooting Carlos.


Sam and Patrick together, unfortunately, still bore me to death. I did love that Sam kind of managed a way around actually promising to stay away from Jake.


Oh, God with Liz's line at the end, I definitely fear a pregnancy. I can only hope it's a fake pregnancy and Liz's journey into full on psycho stalker will be complete.

  • Love 6

Ugh, that just reminded me how much I can't stand that this show doesn't just have ONE coherent story happening. Like, fuck, pick a triangle and go with it. Liz/Jakeson/Sam. Sam/Jakeson/Patrick. Liz/Ric/Jakeson. Liz/Nik/Ric. I mean, seriously, it is so frustrating to watch this big jumbled couple mess that's currently on our screens.


At this point, the only rootable couple this show has is Michael/Sabrina.  (And who would have thought that last year?)  I'd include Dante/Lulu, but they're coated in the "Ron so wants to mess this up" stink.  

  • Love 3

None of the couples who were on today make me feel anything but boredom or disgust.


Half of the characters I have never cared about or liked and the few that I once did have been brought down to such disgraceful levels of idiocy and stupidity and worthlessness I just can't even be bothered with them anymore.


Every single time they showed a new scene and a new couple all I kept thinking was: "Why the hell should I care about this/them?" and since I couldn't come up with a good answer I just dozed off.


Not to mention I see way too many potential babies on the horizon and it makes me feel nauseous already.

  • Love 4

At this point, the only rootable couple this show has is Michael/Sabrina. (And who would have thought that last year?) I'd include Dante/Lulu, but they're coated in the "Ron so wants to mess this up" stink.

I know it was last week that Lulu was on, but for some reason now when a character hasn't been on even only a couple of days it feels like forever. Maybe because my brain has to muddle through all the characters to try and remember the last specific time a character is on, I dunno.

At this point, the only rootable couple this show has is Michael/Sabrina. (And who would have thought that last year?) I'd include Dante/Lulu, but they're coated in the "Ron so wants to mess this up" stink.

I'm not rooting for or against Michael/Sabrina, but yeah, they're pretty much the only couple on this show (besides Brad/Lucas, Molly/TJ, Mac/Felicia, but they're off-screen) that's together with no outside forces trying to destroy it.

And not only has this show crapped on romance, but friendships and family members, too. I don't give a crap about Anna and Patrick, but wouldn't THIS be the time to have them in scenes together? With Duke's death and Anna's breakdown? No, but they'll bring Anna and Patrick together to bitch about sucky daughter Robin.

  • Love 2

I know it was last week that Lulu was on, but for some reason now when a character hasn't been on even only a couple of days it feels like forever. Maybe because my brain has to muddle through all the characters to try and remember the last specific time a character is on, I dunno.



Well when she was last on the ticky tocky faces were rather..overwhelming, perhaps your brain is just trying to protect you from the memory.

Edited by CPP83
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Oh look, RC is attempting to make the scene where Sam drops Patrick like roadkill the minute Jasus comes back less of a foregone conclusion. Maybe they should've tried writing the Patrick/Sam relationship instead of calling them sparkly and moving them in together after 2 months

All they've done since Day 1 is smile at each other and talk about Jake/Jason. Ron could have done SO much more with them and, of course, not written Robin as chained to a wall while her ex creates a brand new family in her home.

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"If there were ever a time to start drinking heavily, now would be it."


And Sloane sums up my feelings on MorKi (and the show as a whole) perfectly. GROSS. It was worse than I thought. I still have not seen one positive tweet about them.


The only thing that saved today for me was Fin being incredibly awesome, yet again. She's slaying the hell out of these scenes, even though the story is horrible. And actually I thought NLG was really good today too, and I haven't said that in quite some time. I truly watch this show for the acting (by the older females), it's so clearly obvious now. The plots are so abysmal.


The rest is too boring to comment on. Don't care about Michael and Sabrina. Don't care about Sam and Patrick. Don't care about Jake and Liz. Once they were removed from each other's orbit, Jake and Sam became boring again.

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It tickles me how everyone is all upset that Hayden is in a coma....but not because, you know, she is a person and being in a coma is shitty and she could still die or be brain damaged.  No, it's because now she can't tell Jake who he really is.  


I can't even comment anymore on Liz.  She is too pathetic to even comment on. 


I didn't watch the other stuff, but I might check out Fin's stuff later.

  • Love 6
And not only has this show crapped on romance, but friendships and family members




To me that is the biggest discrepancy of all on the show right now. These characters may as well be strangers, well at least until they go to the Nurses' Ball and walk some stupid red carpet together or share a table, then you won't see them share a scene for months. Not just days or weeks, but months!


Why not have Sam and Lucas show up at Julian's to comfort him over the "loss" of the baby? If anything that might have led to some nice bonding scenes, the kind that actually happen on screen which are always far better than getting goddamn updates form the head slaggard's twitter feed.


But no, instead it's Julian and Alexis literally spewing word for word the same bullshit they have for the past year they've supposedly been "dating". Because that's what we're craving as viewers apparently...Ffs.


Or as you said, what about Anna spending time with Patrick or especially Emma.


But that just wasn't to be, instead Patrick needed to "Daddy" poor choice making Sam while Anna was with Sloane because who really needs family when you have a man with a metal bucket to ease your pain...


To me it's total nonsense that Ron has done so much to make these characters related or connected but then he keeps them closed off and apart 90% of the time it seems.

  • Love 4

Anna: "What's in it for you?" (to help me cover up Carrrlos' murder).

Sloan: "I want to get into your pants."


Eeewww, no. Robert needs to haul ass out of Wisconsin and come back to Anna. Now that Ron's made her a cold killer and Guza made Robert a hitman for hire to keep his family safe, they really are perfect for each other now.


As for Sloan? Don't know, don't care. But if he must stay, well...Shawn is gone, so maybe Jordan can make him tolerable. Or not.

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