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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Liz keeping quiet while Sam is in her face, straight up telling her that Jake has a family that love and miss him is pure CRAZY.

Also, JaSam were matching today like they used to.


I mean, everyone is fucking crazy at this point. It's nuts. Who is not crazy at this point?


Sabrina, Silas, TJ, Jordan, Dante, Sam, Valerie, Nathan, Lulu, Michael. And even Sabrina tried to kill a pregnant woman, and Michael has tasted of the crazy well many times. And until Jason officially renounces his ex-hitman ways, he's still in the crazy column for me.

  • Love 6

Ned and Olivia are so dumb I hope Dante finds out Dr. O knows and points out they learned nothing from Franco knowing a secret of theirs. They may as well have brought Franco in on this. Obrect or Franco knowing your business is kind of like the "decaying body or shit smell" choice/discussion in Luke's basement.


If Olivia tells him the truth, I just hope he puts his hands in his head and weeps at the death of any shred of common sense in Port Charles. That's the GH in my head lol.

  • Love 10

I mean, everyone is fucking crazy at this point. It's nuts. Who is not crazy at this point?

Sabrina, Silas, TJ, Jordan, Dante, Sam, Valerie, Nathan, Lulu, Michael. And even Sabrina tried to kill a pregnant woman, and Michael has tasted of the crazy well many times. And until Jason officially renounces his ex-hitman ways, he's still in the crazy column for me.

Liz's crazy is on another level, unfortunately, because Sam looks so innocent in comparison. Sabrina tried to kill...a killer. Michael's crazy was a direct result of Sonny and Carly's crazy. In contrast, I feel like the writers are just piling it up on Liz while others are shiny.

  • Love 4
If Olivia tells him the truth, I just hope he puts his hands in his head and weeps at the death of any shred of common sense in Port Charles. That's the GH in my head lol.

It's like Invasion of the Body Snatchers, or whatever that science fiction movie is about people taking over the bodies of their families and friends.


I can just see it now, Dante goes to seek out the one other sane person in PC.  He shares what his mother just did.  He looks for guidance, empathy, and solidarity from the one other person he knows will not go off the deep end. And then Anna says as quietly as she did yesterday, "Did I tell you I shot Carlos? In the heart. Four times."


Dante is truly alone at this point.

  • Love 9

I mean, everyone is fucking crazy at this point. It's nuts. Who is not crazy at this point?


Sabrina, Silas, TJ, Jordan, Dante, Sam, Valerie, Nathan, Lulu, Michael. And even Sabrina tried to kill a pregnant woman, and Michael has tasted of the crazy well many times. And until Jason officially renounces his ex-hitman ways, he's still in the crazy column for me.


oops I forgot about Molly. But let's face it, her inner Cassadine is totally going to be unleashed later on.

  • Love 5

I'm so glad Commissioner Sloane got to convince sad, overly-emotional covert operative Anna to keep her dirty, criminal secret and let her cry on his greasy, paternal shoulder. Sure, he's a corrupt lackey of international terrorists and unfrozen Cassadines, but deep down he just wants to do right and show his unfurled Gandalf-the-White dick to the colleague who he cares for. He's grown accustomed to her face!

  • Love 14

I missed Friday and part of yesterday and now Nina and Ric are married....what???? I don't get how/why/what the f..???


On an aside... I just watch the movie  Kiss Kiss Bang Bang with Robert Downey Jr from 2005.  And because I never watched Roger Howarth before he was on GH,I was wondering if his "acting style" is a take off of RD Jr or vice versa or am I the only one who thinks they are similiar  (BTW  I LOVE RD jr and probably would have loved RH if he would have been written in a decent character on GH)

  • Love 1

It's like Invasion of the Body Snatchers, or whatever that science fiction movie is about people taking over the bodies of their families and friends.


I can just see it now, Dante goes to seek out the one other sane person in PC.  He shares what his mother just did.  He looks for guidance, empathy, and solidarity from the one other person he knows will not go off the deep end. And then Anna says as quietly as she did yesterday, "Did I tell you I shot Carlos? In the heart. Four times."


Dante is truly alone at this point.

Cue the song...

  • Love 7

Ned and Olivia are so dumb I hope Dante finds out Dr. O knows and points out they learned nothing from Franco knowing a secret of theirs. They may as well have brought Franco in on this. Obrect or Franco knowing your business is kind of like the "decaying body or shit smell" choice/discussion in Luke's basement.



Oh but this is totally all a part of the big picture!


Since Julian knows the truth about the baby now Franco no longer has any leverage to continue staying at the Metro Court.


But now that Dr. O is involved with Ned and Olivia's deplorable plan to lie about the baby's death and all, she will be able to ensure Franco can stay in 1000 thread count sheet comfort because she is his "bestie" after all.


So if she gets wind that Ned and Olivia are being "mean" to the SERIAL KILLER she'll make sure that they know if they want her to keep her mouth shut about the baby they will allow Franco to remain and rule on the hotel premises as he so pleases.


Oh what's that sound? Just my brain cells imploding, carry on.




If Olivia tells him the truth, I just hope he puts his hands in his head and weeps at the death of any shred of common sense in Port Charles. That's the GH in my head lol.




Olivia really will look like a shit parent no matter what she does now in regards to Dante, imo.


Either she is going to lie to him about the baby being dead and break his heart, or she is going to make him an accomplice to her terrible plan and force him yet again to choose between his badge and code of honour as a cop and being a loyal and devoted son.


Dante really got the shaft when it came to parents. And brothers. And wives...at least his kid is cute, or was.... 

  • Love 4

I would not be at all surprised to learn that JFP had no idea how strong a fan base BH has. I'm sure the outcry made her rethink firing BH, but if the executive producer wants you gone, you're gone.

Here is Serial Drama's take on the show's all-mob-all-the-time direction. Louise is broken, you guys.

Somewhere out there at an Elton John look-a-like Convention, Bob Guza just read that and said "finally someone gets it!". Edited by Tiger
  • Love 3

Well Olivia never wanted it to be "his" son and between she and Ned they both kept calling the kid just "her baby" as well.


Julian kept saying "my son" to Olivia, who is in a wheelchair, physically and emotionally exhausted from giving birth to their son and watching the pre-mature baby be in duress/NICU.  I just found it gross that he's addressing her like she was merely the baby's incubator, not a parent who's just been through a lot. I saw a shade of Sonny's behavior re: his baby mamas and didn't like it. 

  • Love 6

Fuck off, Olivia. Fuck off, Ned. That was disgusting.






Now I want Julian to pretend as if he believes their crap and secretly knows the truth because he actually paid Dr. O off to double cross them into thinking she's on their side while he builds his case to file for full custody.




Billy Miller is getting hotter. But he also looks younger. Good thing he has no scenes with Michael after all I guess.





Perhaps this is also why Leslie has never had scenes with Billy yet because they realize that she will look more like his grandmother. 



Julian kept saying "my son" to Olivia, who is in a wheelchair, physically and emotionally exhausted from giving birth to their son and watching the pre-mature baby be in duress/NICU.  I just found it gross that he's addressing her like she was merely the baby's incubator, not a parent who's just been through a lot. I saw a shade of Sonny's behavior re: his baby mamas and didn't like it.




Olivia wasn't so drained and exhausted that it stopped her from coming up with a plan to fake the child's death and have his entire family, not just Julian, mourn him.


I think they both spoke about the baby possessively so it was rather even, and Julian actually gave Olivia a good bit of room after she delivered the baby, and also kept him from being able to spend time with the kid because she preferred Ned by her side, otherwise she never would have had the time or opportunity to get away with faking the baby's death.


Julian could have done a lot more to encroach on her, imo, than merely calling the baby "his". I believe the child was called Olivia's son far more than it was ever called Julian's by pretty much everybody, aside from Julian, heh. 


To me if it were Sonny in Julian's place there would have been far more shouting and yelling and threats made and bar-ware thrown and the words "evil slutwhorebitch!" tossed around until Olivia would have truly collapsed and then Sonny would have wandered off mumbling about finding Carly to sleep with so he could feel better about himself.

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 4

Liz's crazy is on another level, unfortunately, because Sam looks so innocent in comparison. Sabrina tried to kill...a killer. Michael's crazy was a direct result of Sonny and Carly's crazy. In contrast, I feel like the writers are just piling it up on Liz while others are shiny.


Well, y'know, given how sparkly Patrick has been in the past, maybe its cumulative.

Dr O talking about a dead baby's ashes was just about the most gross, sick moment I've ever seen on General Hospital, or on TV in general.


I ask you: Who would cremate a baby?



There was a recent story in the news about a mother who was told her baby girl had died after birth, though they never gave her the baby's body to bury or a death certificate, and a nurse, not a doctor, told her the baby had died. And it turned out that they had lied, the baby had been secretly given up for adoption, or rather I think she was sold, and they just found one another after 50 years apart I believe.


To me this whole mess is in such poor and loathsome taste.


I didn't think anything could get much worse than when Sabrina's blanket baby died but this...this is just ten times worse.

  • Love 1
Either she is going to lie to him about the baby being dead and break his heart, or she is going to make him an accomplice to her terrible plan and force him yet again to choose between his badge and code of honour as a cop and being a loyal and devoted son.


Is what Olivia is doing illegal? It's morally reprehensible, but Ned's name is on the birth certificate. I don't see what Julian can do. Dante is off the hook as far as the law goes.


I just found it gross that he's addressing her like she was merely the baby's incubator, not a parent who's just been through a lot.

None of these people is going to win any humanitarian awards. They're all terrible. Olivia can choke herself on her signs of the cross.


Of course Shawn blames Jordan for his inability to figure out she was undercover. Ugh. I get TJ's anger at losing time with Jordan, but he's old enough to understand what being undercover means. It's ridiculous that it's Jordan's fault Shawn got arrested for being Sonny's hit man.

  • Love 7
Is what Olivia is doing illegal? It's morally reprehensible, but Ned's name is on the birth certificate. I don't see what Julian can do. Dante is off the hook as far as the law goes.





I was more so referring to them lying about the baby's death.


And is Ned's name on the birth certificate or is he the father on file at the hospital? I know Pip said Ned was listed as the father, but is that the same as being the legal father on record?


Though I have no clue why I keep asking questions about such a ridiculous and repulsive story line.


I hate this show so much and yet I can't quit it...

  • Love 2

Ned's name is on the birth certificate. Julian has no legal standing.




But since he and Olivia aren't married can't Julian contest that and request a DNA test to prove he is the biological father now? I know if Ned and Olivia were married it'd be a different situation, at least I think so. 



Though I am 99.8% sure we're putting far more thought into this than the show ever has or will.

  • Love 5

Sigh . . . from an acting standpoint Tequan was excellent today. It's amazing what the kid can do when Ron gives him actual dialogue as opposed to stripping and pouring coffee like a glorified dayplayer.

Seriously, Ron has the foundation of a legit teen set with Tequan & Haley. Add the actors that played young Patricia & young Luke as anybody and give them a real story!

  • Love 6

Has Olivia named the baby yet? Haven't been watching, but really don't understand how she possibly thinks lying about the baby dying is a legitimate long term solution. Then again, Olivia has never been the brightest.

I wish Ron would leave real life pregnancies alone. I thought it was really sick to make a truly pregnant Teresa Castillo play out a story where her baby died. This is slightly better but still icky. If he's not going to have the babies off screen being raised by a nanny, then he needs to stop writing pregnancies into the show. At least that would give them a future generation for the show...though odds are this show won't last long enough to see these babies aged to teens anyway.

  • Love 1

Just watching now ... and while the Jordan/Shawn exchange was OK (but shut UP Shawn), the real exchange of the day was between Patrick and Jake:


Patrick: we're taking her into the OR now


Jake: are you going to operate?


Me; yes, dumb ass, that's why they're taking her to the OPERATING ROOM.


Apparently now only derive joy from nit picking. Hate watching does have its benefits.

  • Love 5

Just watching now ... and while the Jordan/Shawn exchange was OK (but shut UP Shawn), the real exchange of the day was between Patrick and Jake:


Patrick: we're taking her into the OR now


Jake: are you going to operate?


Me; yes, dumb ass, that's why they're taking her to the OPERATING ROOM.


Apparently now only derive joy from nit picking. Hate watching does have its benefits.

Taggart didn't call him "Quarterbrain" for no reason.

I wish they had brought back Det. Marcus Taggart with Real Andrews reprising reprising role instead of this Sloane crap.

  • Love 4


Jordan's fault Shawn got arrested for being Sonny's hit man.

Shawn got arrested for shooting a woman in the head.


 What drove me insane with the TJ scenes is that he never asked why Shawn had been arrested.  If I was told that my parental figure was arrested, the first thing I would ask is why.  But TJ didn't seem to care why, like it's standard procedure seeing as he works for Sonny, but the bigger crime is that Jordan was the one doing the arresting.  Hello, priorities?


Maybe I'm weird, but I don't understand why everyone here is up in arms over Olivia and Ned's lie.  She knew she had to protect the baby, like she did with Dante (and we know Dante turned out way better because Sonny wasn't in his life......Morgan anyone?!!)  She knew that if she took off with the baby, Julian would hunt her down.  But now, she can go to Bensonhurst and hide out, and raise her son in peace, without having to look over her shoulder to see if the criminal is hunting her down.  I'm okay with it.  

Edited by Perkie
  • Love 3

Shawn got arrested for shooting a woman in the head.


 What drove me insane with the TJ scenes is that he never asked why Shawn had been arrested.  If I was told that my parental figure was arrested, the first thing I would ask is why.  But TJ didn't seem to care why, like it's standard procedure seeing as he works for Sonny, but the bigger crime is that Jordan was the one doing the arresting.  Hello, priorities?


Maybe I'm weird, but I don't understand why everyone here is up in arms over Olivia and Ned's lie.  She knew she had to protect the baby, like she did with Dante (and we know Dante turned out way better because Sonny wasn't in his life......Morgan anyone?!!)  She knew that if she took off with the baby, Julian would hunt her down.  But now, she can go to Bensonhurst and hide out, and raise her son in peace, without having to look over her shoulder to see if the criminal is hunting her down.  I'm okay with it.  


It just seems like crossing a line. Maybe if Julian were a psychopath, but he's not. And yeah, the baby would be in danger (well, I doubt it, but let's just go with it) but he would do his best to protect the baby. (And I should add, one of the reasons I don't think Sonny should be around Avery is not simply because he puts his kids in danger, but he has proven he is just an awful father, period. I'm starting to feel sorry for Morgan again because Sonny gives z-e-r-o shits about, and Carly maybe gives a shit and a half.)

  • Love 4

Olivia wasn't so drained and exhausted that it stopped her from coming up with a plan to fake the child's death and have his entire family, not just Julian, mourn him.



Based on Ned's last line in a scene, and then the way the actors delivered their lines today, I'm under the impression it was Ned's idea to fake the death and pay off the hospital? It seemed like Ned did most of the talking to Julian, Olivia cried and seemed conflicted, and then after Julian walked away Ned was smiling and full of self-praise that they pulled it off.  


I continue to not feel sorry for Julian. He ordered Duke's death,, is allowing Sonny to believe Jake killed Duke, knew who shot Olivia and only came clean to her when he was behind bars,  knew Ava intended to kill Michael (an innocent) but didn't care and didn't try to stop her, praised Sonny and was shitty to Michael when Michael was the one who got that bomb to the edge of the boat, has been a smug, condescending ass to Ned since way before the ONS with Olivia, and more. Julian is no more fit to raise a child to be moral and kind, away from danger than Sonny is. Olivia and Ned are not wrong about Julian and his life. But what drives me crazy about Olivia is that she doesn't  and never will see that Sonny isn't a better man than Julian; in many ways he's worse.   Julian's "entire family" at the moment consists of Kiki, Lucas, Sam and Danny.  None of them had any connection to Olivia and her baby, certainly weren't anticipating a new addition to the family, so it's not some big "Jerome Family loss." Sam JUST found out about the baby and confronted Olivia right before she went into labor. I think she'll feel sad for Julian because she once lost a daughter, but this won't be painful for her personally. If anything, I figure word will get back to the Q Family of this story and they'll be sad.

Edited by Bringonthedrama
  • Love 4
I continue to not feel sorry for Julian


I don't either, but everything you listed, it's why Olivia and Ned are pulling this crap. And I do not feel at all sorry for Olivia since she knew Julian is a mobster. She clearly has learned nothing from her teenaged pregnancy and crap with Sonny. So she and Ned can take a stadium full of seats with Julian especially since, as was said, Olivia will continue to ass lick Sonny when the occasion warrants, despite him shooting Dante in the chest.


Then again, this kid should have been a tock, anyway.


Olivia's next stop should be tying her tubes since she is too fucking stupid to stop sleeping with the kind of men she claims to abhor oh so much.

  • Love 18

I don't either, but everything you listed, it's why Olivia and Ned are pulling this crap. And I do not feel at all sorry for Olivia since she knew Julian is a mobster. She clearly has learned nothing from her teenaged pregnancy and crap with Sonny. So she and Ned can take a stadium full of seats with Julian especially since, as was said, Olivia will continue to ass lick Sonny when the occasion warrants, despite him shooting Dante in the chest.

Then again, this kid should have been a tock, anyway.

Olivia's next stop should be tying her tubes since she is too fucking stupid to stop sleeping with the kind of men she claims to abhor oh so much.

So much word!!!

Based on Ned's last line in a scene, and then the way the actors delivered their lines today, I'm under the impression it was Ned's idea to fake the death and pay off the hospital? It seemed like Ned did most of the talking to Julian, Olivia cried and seemed conflicted, and then after Julian walked away Ned was smiling and full of self-praise that they pulled it off




It was also Ned's idea to pretend to be the baby's father in the first place, and once again after hardly any time to actually think anything through or plan past the end of the week, so the fact that neither he nor Olivia have learned their lessons is even more irksome to me.


Olivia was also the one having a meltdown about "protecting" the baby so she's obviously fully on board regardless.


But it's so ridiculous, I mean they are trusting Dr. O, Dr. bloody O with their newfangled secret, how dumbass can you get?


She made it abundantly clear she's only doing it for the money, or in other words she is doing whatever she finds in her own best interest. Right, sure, that's the sort of person you trust a life altering secret to. I just wanted them both smacked repeatedly into unconsciousness.




I continue to not feel sorry for Julian



Neither do I, which is why I have never said I feel sorry for him.


I however think Olivia is in no way a victim nor do I think her reasoning for pulling off something so vile and disgusting is good enough, not even close.


This whole business about her "saving the baby" from Julian and the mob to me is just bullshit of the highest degree, imho, because Julian aside Olivia is well known buddies with Sonny, and she has seen that those close to him are just as often targeted as anyone, this new war is just one of how many, and yet she hasn't pushed him to the side and out of her life, in fact she pushed for not only their son to become close to him, but their grandson as well.


She's just a hypocritical ass to me, Julian is too but he's not the one fucking around with their kid at the moment, she is.


Personally I am just sick to death of stupidity supposedly being worth sympathy, imho, and that's what going on here to me with Olivia, and Ned as well.


All she had to do was not sleep with a criminal, done deal, have a baby with an upstanding citizen, it is really not that hard to do. Imho everything she'd done since lacks so much logic and thinking ahead it's beyond the pale to me.


I am so very tired of the dumbs dumbs.

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 7

Are we all supposed to be entertained by Shawn failing to take out his predecessor, wanting to apologize to Sonny, and Shawn and Sonny appearing to be in a contest as to who's the biggest smug, condescending POS?

Yes. Are you new here? (I kid, I kid!). But yes.

I don't really care about Dead Baby Falconeri (too soon?) one way or the other, other than my annoyance at yet another WTD story. I think we are averaging 1.5 a year, which is absolutely ridiculous. I guess my biggest problem is that I can't figure out Olivia's long term plan here. Is she really thinking that she will be able to leave town with a live baby, and no one will know? Great, I have that story to look forward to in 2-4 months.

I thought Ned and Olivia did a terrible job acting like the baby was dead, but those two actors did a great job acting like they were acting like the baby died. That seems like it would be hard to do.

At first I was outraged at TJ's responses to Jordan, but you guys brought me around. It does make sense that he'd harbor some anger toward to her, and that he still considers Shawn his support system/ real parental figure. I'm looking forward to him learning more details and dealing with it all, and fortunately this is an actor who can pull it off.

  • Love 5

I'm starting to think that Joss has gone the way of Aiden. She just gets referenced more. I wouldn't mind seeing her though. I like the little actress. And I'm bored. I'm so so bored that I need to see someone or something different.


I thought February sweeps were horrible, but as usual Ron continues to lower the bar. I'm struggling to find anything I'm interested in.

  • Love 3

Yes. Are you new here? (I kid, I kid!). But yes.

I don't really care about Dead Baby Falconeri (too soon?) one way or the other, other than my annoyance at yet another WTD story. I think we are averaging 1.5 a year, which is absolutely ridiculous. I guess my biggest problem is that I can't figure out Olivia's long term plan here. Is she really thinking that she will be able to leave town with a live baby, and no one will know? Great, I have that story to look forward to in 2-4 months.

I thought Ned and Olivia did a terrible job acting like the baby was dead, but those two actors did a great job acting like they were acting like the baby died. That seems like it would be hard to do.

At first I was outraged at TJ's responses to Jordan, but you guys brought me around. It does make sense that he'd harbor some anger toward to her, and that he still considers Shawn his support system/ real parental figure. I'm looking forward to him learning more details and dealing with it all, and fortunately this is an actor who can pull it off.


I still think TJ needs a good shake. Its not like he was small when he was sent to Shawn. he was a teen ager. Jordan .She must have raised him before that.. I am sure if she knew Shawn was going to go to the dark side ,she would have thought about it.. TJ was in the middle of the mob, Duke knew he was putting a hit on the kids mother, so he wanted to pay for TJ's college.. police have help for children of police officers. TJ needs a kick in the Arse. His mother is better than Shawn ,she is a cop .she is not a druggy or a dealer. Why is he angry. Shawn was going to take someone out, aiming at  Jake means the poor slob standing next to the victim would be the victim. TJ needs to think about Shawn was .A killer for hire.

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