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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I enjoyed [brad and Britt] talking shit about stupid Ivy.

@TeeVee329, I found the scene on YouTube, excited about that, but honestly . . . it was a bit underwhelming.  I thought they'd slam her over her part in Sonny's pardon (which everyone here, save for his fans, seems to really hate her for).  But all they mentioned was that she slept with every high-class guy to improve her social status.  I found that kind of weak.

Edited by Donny Ketchum
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I'm binge watching the last few weeks of Letterman and just saw an episode from after the Daytime Emmys - oh dear, he showed a clip from GH where Geary hams it up in the basement (before it blew up, mercifully not taking the house down with it.. physics be damned!) where he's screaming "I never said that I was Bill Eckert!" in one of his weird voices.



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I finally got around to watching Friday's episode.  No "live" tv for me, but it wouldn't have been anyway, for those of us on the west coast.


Finola Hughes, as always, turned in a good performance, excellent, in fact.  But I didn't like the storyline.  So Anna has now shot a man in cold blood for vengence.  If this were to lead to a dark night of the soul sort of event for her, okay.  But I'm afraid that instead we'll have a GH version of Tad Martin burying a man alive and then barely registering it afterwards.  All that did was damage the character.  And I expect nothing more from Ron C.  (Hmmmm, and it was Ian Buchanan in that box on AMC.....).

But nonetheless, FH was good.  As was the actor who plays Jordan.  Slaone was no worse, no better.

Shawn, on the other hand, looked like he didn't know quite where to park his big ass.  Sonny was pretty bad and Julian not much better.

The drinks cart STOLE those scenes IMO.


But MY LORD Michelle Stafford and Roger Howarth were awful.  She was repeating every line she was repeating every line.  and Howarth was barely awake.  It only got worse when she appeared in the wedding gown.  


And Billy Miller was shaking his head like he was Mikey refusing to eat something.  Sam was pretty good, though.  


Almost forgot - Rebecca Budig really only has one speed and that is set to a word that rhymes with "witch".  I guess she really can't play anything else.  Elizabeth wasn't bad, but Nickolas looked like he'd forgotten every single line and was praying for somebody to trip the fire alarm.


All in all, a gimmick better left untried.  

But hell, after all the crap they've pulled on us lately, this wasn't so bad.

  • Love 6


All in all, I thought most of the actors did well but don't for the life of me know who that buxom chick was at the end with the credits. Whoever she was, I hope she doesn't quit her day job!


That was Lily Melgar, who played Sonny's wife, Lily (pronounced Leel-ee) back in the day and is famous for her "clink-boom" ending....

It appears she's had a bit of "work" done.....

Edited by RedRockRosie
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Good morning.  Time for live show # 2 today and I'm looking forward to seeing it.  My jaded, cynical self appreciated Friday’s live show – BOTH versions.  Of course, it was fun to look for little bloopers and the definite differences between V1 and V2; however, overall, I though the actors performed well on Friday with some even raising their game with the added incentive of a live audience (MB –I’m talking to you!).  There were a few exceptions - one being Grayson M as Sloane.  I understand he came to GH with a good reputation, but I'd like see to that on GH - very unimpressed so far - especially on Friday when he was so excessively OTT.  That said, he toned it down for the 2nd live show, so I'm hoping we'll see a better performance today.  In the meantime, I felt for Vinesse Antoine having to act opposite him.


But then there were those other performances where the actors did deliver.  I especially liked the scenes between FH as Anna and TC as Sabrina - and with JVP on the phone as Carlos.  Well done!  (As an aside, TC has gone up in my estimation now that she is being released from the "princess" story as the perfect nurse and as the interloper in one of the show's long time "set" couples - Patrick and Robin.)  Drawing the short straw as the interloper in established couples with vocal fanbases means starting with a strong disadvantage (just ask Brytni Sarpy as Valerie - the current example of token cannon fodder as the Lante interloper).   But I digress.  Bottom line, I liked those scenes, and, while not my fave, I do think TC is better placed in her current scenarios than she was for a long time.  Re Versions 1 and 2 of the live shows, I preferred these scenes in V2.  Both versions were good, but the phone conversation between Sabrina and Carlos was more appropriately tearful and emotional in V2. 


I was entertained watching Hayden and Liz go at each other at Wyndemere!  Hayden may be a "B," but I think I want to keep her - and I do see signs of a soul - of some redemption at the end with her wanting to do something right.  Of course, just before she is shot in the crossfire (or by Nik's hired assassin???).  Could be in the crossfire, though - Shawn isn't exactly known for his brilliant execution of hits. 


I liked Sam and Jake at the garage - they need to play scenes with a bit more fire like this.  I found Mo to be a more convincing gangster playing live than he sometimes is in taped shows.  Interesting.  Speaking of interesting, I enjoyed noting some "variations" in these gangsta scenes between the two versions of the live show.  That liquor cart deserves a place in the credits.


As for Anna shooting Carlos, I preferred the drama of Version 2 - there was the more tension and the blood bag actually spattered on Anna's face, making the scene grittier and more real.  But the point in that scene will be Anna's deed.  Will Sloane help her deal with that??


I have left Franco and Nina to the end because I was and am so incredibly aware of what misfits they are on GH.   SNL skit time when they appear.  Yes, the actors may be talented, but they are so in their own world that I find their scenes break the flow of other story telling – and end up verging on annoying silliness.  What an unnecessary corner created for these characters!!!

Edited by Aurora2
  • Love 6

I think everyone did a good job with the live show, with the exception of Nikolas who seemed to have forgotten all his lines.  I actually forgot it was live a few times, the biggest mistakes seemed to be from the camera people.  A few people looked nervous (Kelly Monaco, actress that plays Jordan can't remember her name) which I can't blame them.  Although soap actors are used to not doing many takes, it still had to be nerve wracking.  I didn't know they would be live again today so that was a good surprise.


The only part that was a total mess was Lily doing the cue cards at the end; she didn't know which camera to look at and then Sonny came on and I guess they ran out of time because it cut out?  Jake was wandering around in the back too, lol.


Is it bad that I am more upset about Carlos getting shot than I was about Duke?  I heart Carlos!  I think he, the actress that plays Sabrina (don't know anyone's real name sorry!) and Finola Hughes were all really good live.



Duke was no better than Carlos, so Anna taking revenge was ludicrous.

Totally agree.

Edited by mostlylurking
  • Love 3

How cool was watching "Mad Men" last night and seeing Carlos as the EST-type instructor?  Made me appreciate his GH accent all the more....

I was all "he lives! he lives!" and then Ron had to tweet something about Anna buying him a coke and ruin my fun.

As for Anna shooting Carlos, I preferred the drama of Version 2 - there was the more tension and the blood bag actually spattered on Anna's face, making the scene grittier and more real. But the point in that scene will be Anna's deed. Will Sloane help her deal with that??

I hope she confesses and owns up to it.

Then they can send her to jail, she can be off screen for three months, and return to rescue the Governor's cat and get pardoned. That's how they roll on GH anyway.

  • Love 4

I didn't know there was a way to watch the other live feeds. Are they on YT? I'd love to watch the 2 pm ET and the West Coast feed if someone can link me to them?




I lucked out in that I have both east and west coast feeds for the major networks.  So I watched a combination of ABC Boston and YT for Version 1 ... and then watched a Seattle channel for V2.  I've set my DVR to record both today so I can see if, once again, the West Coast gets V2. 


Im very curious to see what 'version' my affiliate airs today. On Fri it aired the 2pm version despite airing at 3.

What do you mean what "version"?  I thought the show was live at 3pm EST and the west coast watched the live version as well, just at a later time (obviously not live for them but still the live recording).  What other versions are there??

What do you mean what "version"?  I thought the show was live at 3pm EST and the west coast watched the live version as well, just at a later time (obviously not live for them but still the live recording).  What other versions are there??


There were two live versions performed:  one at 2PM EST and one at 3PM EST (as some Eastern areas never switched back to 3PM after the most recent timeslot change).  The West Coast got the 3PM version.



There were two live versions performed:  one at 2PM EST and one at 3PM EST (as some Eastern areas never switched back to 3PM after the most recent timeslot change).  The West Coast got the 3PM version.

So the actors performed at 2pm est and then turned around and performed again at 3pm est?  That doesn't sound right.

And I believe West Coast (and the majority of the country that exists between NY and LA) was live to tape, so in other words, the only ones that got an actual live broadcast were the east coasters.

Thanks, this is what I thought.  Some people saw the live broadcast and others saw a taping of the live broadcast.  There was only one show though.


I actually think East Coast Time Zone (3pm) and Central Time Zone (2pm) all saw the live show when it was actually live.  Only west coast did not.

Edited by mostlylurking
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So Anna has now shot a man in cold blood for vengence

If this would lead Anna to the realization that "I'm not a cop. I'm a Spy, with a license to kill from the WSB"  and she goes and kills Sonny, Julian, Ava, Nik, Franco (serial killer) Nina and Dr. O before smiling and kissing Emma good bye with "Now I am off to find your Mommy and God Help who ever has her this time." I could easily live with it and GH would be a better show for it


(And if she throws Spencer off a parapet on her way out with "better safe than sorry" I'll get off the barge)

  • Love 9


So the actors performed at 2pm est and then turned around and performed again at 3pm est?  That doesn't sound right.


The actors indeed did do two performances.  The 3:00 show had a few more technical hiccups with cameras than the 2:00 did and Kelly M. got the oil/order line right in the 3:00 after she'd muffed in the 2:00 performance.  The actor who played Sloan was still Mr Wavy Arms/Shouts every line at 3, but not nearly as bad as he was at 2.

Edited by LegalParrot81
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They did.  There was a mere 90-second turnaround between shows.

Oh how interesting.  This I did not know!  That makes it even more impressive.


On another topic, why is Alexis always so SHOCKED when people accuse Julian of mob goings-on (real or imagined)??  New flash Alexis - YOU'RE BOYFRIEND IS A MOBSTER!!  I mean if she wants to be with him fine, I can't blame her (he's hot and I'm shallow).  However she should just own it and be realistic.  If you choose to date a mobster, you do not get to act all superior and disappointed in him when he does mob-y things.

  • Love 11

Franco and Nina have no place on this show.  Poor Rick Hearst.  He's so much better than this.  I wish DOOL would bring him on.


The mob war stuff is so, so tired.


Finola Hughes, Rebecca Herbst, and Tyler Christopher are very good.  It angers me that TIIC trot them out for gimmicks and ratings ploys, and then shit on their characters.

  • Love 7

Man alive, shut up, Liz.  She's in this situation completely by choice because she's desperate for mobster peen so all her fretting about being a pariah if found out...could not care less.


Also, shut up, Nikolas.  The situations with Britt and Rebecca Budig are completely different.  For example, Rebecca Budig has been able to blackmail you because you have been committing the same crimes Britt did (keeping a parent from their child, scheming with a villainous female relative) and worse and now you're a murderer by proxy.


And shut up, Shawn.  So Jordan doesn't know the meaning of the word love because she's not a (hilariously inept) mob hitman like you?  Thank gawd she had his hypocrite ass arrested.


Finally, shut up, writers.  Nina and Ric?!?!  So pointless, so stupid!!!!

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 9

JFC Liz is such a fucking bitch to Nik. And I don't even care about him. But guilting him into doing what she wants was gross. I did laugh at him telling her to go to work.


Lol @ Nik hiring the hitman.


Jake throwing that crow bar around was really hilarious. Too bad he didnt hit Shawn.


Nina/Franco/Ric ZZZZZZZZZZ

Edited by backhometome
  • Love 4

Dear. God. Why.


Shawn could not hit the side wall of a barn if it stretched from the Canadian border all the way to bloody Mexico.


I have to think that it has become a big joke on the show now that he would ever really be trusted to complete an actual hit. Who would take that kind of shot without being both blind and brain dead otherwise? Even if Jordan hadn't gotten the jump on him it was still an incredibly shitty angle and there was no reason for him not to just wait them out and let the ladies leave first.


And why did he suddenly change into a suit, does Shawn think he needs to dress up to commit murder?


Gah, this show...


So now Jordan decides to blow her cover, not that it will matter really.


I guess Liz is not so nutball psycho that she doesn't understand just how hated, despised, and outcast she'll be if/when the truth comes out.


Does this also mean she may just "help" Hayden pass over to the other side to ensure she keeps her mouth shut? Or will that be how Patrick is clued in because he'll stop Liz just in time before she becomes a murderer and then she tells him the truth about Jakson and then they'll be in on the truth together and we'll surely hear about how they are "protecting" everyone a million times an episode. 


Dear god this shitty show...


I cannot stand what they are doing to Anna. It's disgustingly despicable. 


Ric...what is the point? Does Ron have some goal in mind to make every single one of these characters into pathetic losers? All they had to do was pair him with Jordan.


Is Michelle wearing seven inch heels or something? She's so unsteady on her feet. Or perhaps that's her "interpretation" of the Nina as a bride...I have no clue. I just know it's all so very terrible and dumb and awful.


I really need a chandelier to take out the SERIAL KILLER please and thanks.


So Nik is a would be murderer as well...I give up. 

  • Love 8

Apparently, Nicholas is willing to give up every shred of his integrity to keep the Jakeson secret, too.  At least Patrick was smart, for once, in not allowing Elizabeth to help tend Hayden.  If they kill off Hayden, I think I'm going to miss her.  I like her snark and her sticking it to Elizabeth because, yes, what is wrong with you, Elizabeth?  Now she expects Nicholas to give up untold amounts of money and sleep with Hayden (since she doesn't know he already is), as well, to keep Jakeson under wraps?  Elizabeth couldn't get more pathetic.


So Shawn missed because Jordan pushed his arm?  Yeah, right.  And working for the good guys is the ultimate betrayal of those you love?  Whatever you say, Shawn.  Chances are, he's probably right on this show.  I can just see T.J. giving Jordan crap over this.  Not Shawn, but his mother, the cop.  Oy.


I guess that will be how Shawn gets off, because forensics will show the bullet in Hayden's head came from another gun.


How did those dayplayer cops know Jordan was a cop, too?


Hayden, you had three words to say:  Jake is Jason.  But you couldn't do it, could you.  Hey, maybe in her delirium she'll say it to Patrick?

  • Love 6

That Shawn/ jake fight was amazingly bad. I mean, I guess it was impressive for being live, but when they both froze when Jordan pulled her gun on them it looked like they were in an intimate embrace.

And good lord Hayden, just fucking spit it out. It took half the damn show and she STILL failed to just say "you are Jason Morgan."

  • Love 8

I'm honestly shocked, while also not being shocked, by how they're portraying Liz. She is never, ever, ever, ever, going to end up with any version of Jason. This writing makes it super clear and that's what sad. They are purposely not even caring about destroying her and Nik just to prolong this nonsense. I, once again, feel bad for some fans.

  • Love 13

I'm honestly shocked, while also not being shocked, by how they're portraying Liz. She is never, ever, ever, ever, going to end up with any version of Jason. This writing makes it super clear and that's what sad. They are purposely not even caring about destroying her and Nik just to prolong this nonsense. I, once again, feel bad for some fans.

Some of the fans seem to like it for the airtime and acting she gets to do. I can get it from that perspective but personally I would hate it.

  • Love 5

The only way I can make sense of this Liz crap (which is actually in character for her now, as sad as it is) is if TIIC were axing BH, and I really doubt it after the outcry last time when BH was fired and then rehired. But I think sending Liz to the looney bin would be the only logical conclusion as of now, since this regime is pushing Liz further over a cliff more than Guza ever did.

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