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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I'm confused about Tony. If he is leaving, but will possibly be back for short term appearances, how is this different from the last ten years? Obviously, he won't have a story built around him(or will he?), but other than that, I guess I'm not seeing a huge reason for celebration. Nothing against TG personally, but if he's going to retire, he should just do it altogether. I have ulterior motives of course. I want a clean break for Jane Elliot and her character. I want her to be more than an appendage to Luke or any other person, including Michael. Even if I'm not watching. Richard Steinmetz, bring him back. Bring on any strong actor who can play a man that can match Tracy quip for quip, where they can be equals.

And please no stupid "rivalry" with Tracy and Laura over Luke. In fact, keep that boring void away from any Quartermaine, for any reason.

  • Love 4

Of course Carlos didn't kill Duke. I'm also assuming it will be revealed at some point that someone came along and finished AJ off when he was in the hospital. Ron doesn't have it in him to let Julian and Sonny be responsible for the deaths of two legacy characters. 

Agreed.  I'm sure it was the handy boy at the motel -- the one with the bad grammar.  Wait, I'm confusing GH with Mad Men again (bear with me, about one more week until I get that show out of the front of my brain and off my mind 24-7).


Of course Carlos didn't kill Duke. I'm also assuming it will be revealed at some point that someone came along and finished AJ off when he was in the hospital. Ron doesn't have it in him to let Julian and Sonny be responsible for the deaths of two legacy characters.



Agreed.  I'm sure it was the handy boy at the motel -- the one with the bad grammar.  Wait, I'm confusing GH with Mad Men again (bear with me, about one more week until I get that show out of the front of my brain and off my mind 24-7).



B-b-b-b-b-but Sonny SAVED THE GOVERNOR'S DAUGHTER! He's a hero! He got an immutable pardon! He's been absolved, and he's all humble! Therefore, even  if Sonny did it, he's not to blame? He's the father of his ex-wives children!


And I am all for Hail!Hydra all of this behind the scenes, too.

  • Love 3

And speaking of weird, when Sloane was talking on the phone and whipped his head around saying "Jake"?  Possibly the worst, LOL line reading ever.  This guy is really stinkin' up the place.  It's hard to believe he's acted before.


That was amazingly awful in the best possible way. I could watch it on a loop. Such comedy!

  • Love 4

I also like the way the EMT said "he's lost a lot of blood" (or something like that). So bad, oh God.

I'm confused about Tony. If he is leaving, but will possibly be back for short term appearances, how is this different from the last ten years? Obviously, he won't have a story built around him(or will he?), but other than that, I guess I'm not seeing a huge reason for celebration. Nothing against TG personally, but if he's going to retire, he should just do it altogether.


It was Frank Valentini who said Luke might stop back. I think by back he meant a cameo or two, not months. In any case, like I said, that was Frank. Geary sounded pretty done in his interview.

Edited by ulkis
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Is it wrong that my first thought on reading this was "well, she shouldn't have brought up the dogs.  Cats hate dogs ..."


*shakes fist at jsbt for setting up Duke as a cat in the first place* (Hee.)



Carlos!  He whined SABWEEEEEEEENA even more than usual.  And I don't get why he'd be in some sort of trouble - he did what Julian wanted, so Julian should be protecting him.


It's a shock to everyone that Carlos successfully shot Duke (even if it was sort of an accident). No one knows what to do next, since they've never had to have a plan for it.


It was Frank Valentini who said Luke might stop back. I think by back he meant a cameo or two, not months. In any case, like I said, that was Frank. Geary sounded pretty done in his interview.


TG said in the interview he'd put his L.A. house on the market, so it sounds like he's going to live in Amsterdam full time. I don't see him wanting to return to GH unless there's a really good reason, like the end of the show.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 4

The cat thing is an inside joke here.  Nothing to do with his looks, at least as far as I know and am concerned.


I thought some of it had to do with IB having work done on his eyes/face which left him looking more cat like? Maybe not. 

Tony has said he's not interested in Luke "coming home for Christmas episodes or the birth of his great grandchildren."   I honestly think when he's done, he'll be done.


So basically, what he helped Luke become these last few years, whether it was actually in character for him or not, and I know, overall, it isn't.


Seriously, though, I agree. This is his swan song, barring the final episodes of the show, most likely. 

  • Love 4
Seriously, though, I agree. This is his swan song, barring the final episodes of the show, most likely.

I could see him readily coming back to usher Jane off.  But I don't see that as happening, mainly because Jane would be, "Why bother?"


I thought some of it had to do with IB having work done on his eyes/face which left him looking more cat like? Maybe not.


Yikes, no. Not to me.  I just liked the idea of his living at Sonny's, laying down wherever he finds a cozy, soft place. Getting trapped in the dryer.  Having to move his litter box to Lucy's.  Maybe because the writers couldn't bother to give Duke any personality or anything to ground him as a character, I enjoyed filing in those gaps with the ludicrous notion he was a cat. 

  • Love 5

I think Duke was done when he gave Sonny an alibi for AJ's murder, and waxed poetically about how honorable Sonny was as a man and father.  AJ, the guy who befriended Duke and gave him a job when nobody else would. 


When that happened, I was done with Duke.


Personally, I would laugh if it was revealed that a newly alive AJ killed Duke.

  • Love 18

I thought some of it had to do with IB having work done on his eyes/face which left him looking more cat like?


I can neither confirm nor deny this suspicion.


I'm so tired of Ron going back to the same tired well of setting up one scenario and then undoing it in the most convoluted way possible because he can't handle his characters actually facing consequences or the weight of their actions. I seriously doubt it will turn out Julian's hit on Duke actually went through and that Carlos actually killed him - instead it will be some third party with some ridiculous reason just to get Julian off the hook. This is the mob! They hit Duke, move on.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 7

Oh dear.  Finola Hughes and Kathleen Gati play off each other so well in scenes together, but having Dr. O - who, as was pointed out, tried to murder Duke a whole bunch - be the one with Anna today, comforting her, was just...a world of no.


If there was ever a moment to break Mac and Felicia out of mothballs, this was it.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 16

Oh dear.  Finola Hughes and Kathleen Gati play off each other so well in scenes together, but having Dr. O - who, as was pointed out, tried to murder Duke a whole bunch - be the one with Anna today, comforting her, was just...a world of no.


If there was ever a moment to break Mac and Felicia out of mothballs, this was it.

THey probally found out offscreen like lucy will find out offscreen.Yeah Felicia or even Bobbie could have comforted Ann its annoying.

  • Love 1

I think they did for a bit when they first took over. And then, I dunno, I guess Dr O. came along. 

Speaking of that fucking fetcher* named Dr. O, while I didn't watch today's show, I understand that they had her comforting Anna.


You know, that same Dr. O who nearly killed Duke a year ago with that poison.


You know, that same Dr. O who tried to kill Anna a year ago with that poison.


You know, that same Dr. O who helped hold Duke hostage for who knows how long.


You know, that same Dr. O who pointed a gun at Anna and nearly killed her while trying to break Faison out.


You know, that same Dr. O who kidnapped Robin and turned her over to Jerry Jax instead of freeing her.


You know, that same Dr. O who tried to kill Robin when the gig was up and she was about to be caught.


You know, that same Dr. O who put Robert into a year-long coma and nearly killed him.


Yeah, that Dr. O decides to put a hand on Anna's shoulder.  Anything less than Anna twisting and breaking that wrist and snapping that hand off in the process is unacceptable.


This fucking GH.


I fucking hate this fuckfest. This shitty ass goddamn fuckfest.


*And no, I'm not going to ever accept Dr. O. She is fetch, Ron. She is so fetch.

  • Love 21

Blah, blah, blah, Julexis having the same conversation they've had ever since she learned he was Julian Jerome. I will never understand why they are lauded as this great couple that RC created because their, "angst" is the same shit every other month. Julian claims he will quit the mob and be a family man, Alexis (stupidly) believes it, Julian orders hits, Alexis finds out and is shocked, SHOCKED, I tell ya, and breaks up with him only to reunite with him three weeks later. And around and around they go. Boring. 


Oh, and that, "I love you." "I know." No. no. no. This is not Star Wars and they are no Han and Leia.

Edited by BinkyMimo88
  • Love 9

I don't think O. was comforting Anna, but everyone said she was so maybe I missed something in the mumbling?


Today's one of those days when I have no tolerance for Olivia sniveling about the mob. If she's gonna do that, she needs to stop being Sonny's friend. But her and Dante were nice. And Dante seemed way more into his little bro than his sister, which makes me happy because I can fanwank it into more evidence that he doesn't care about Sonny that much.


Unless I missed something again, did Carly and Sonny mention anything about Morgan at all? I know Carly mentioned him and Joss being at her house towards the end of the show, but why were they happily chatting at the start of the show about the Nurses' Ball and not still distressed about their son trying to drug the other? Like . . . is he under house arrest? Are they worried about him turning crazy and into a criminal? Anything? Something? Not one word about how they failed Morgan so badly and feel bad that Morgan resorted to this? No? Okay!


Sloane: This is Kaaa Sloane! HE'S MAH UNDERCOVAH OPRATIVE!




*That's how he pronounces "Kyle".

I really don't want to see mob war, no 15,985,981.  I am so tired of the mob. But has anyone checked out Bruce's phone, yet.


I'm still really upset about Bruce, I can't talk about it yet.

  • Love 13

Oh wow. Thank goodness I'm on the Barge. My TV thanks me, because I would throw a brick at it if I deigned to watch Anna accept comfort from Dr O.

This isn't real GH. I refuse to accept it as such. This is the fan fiction of a deranged person.

But I can't give up this forum, somehow. Duke getting trapped in a dryer. Hee!! You guys kill me ...

  • Love 2

This show, this show, this fucking show...


Dipshits. All these characters have become utter dipshits.


Ron ruined Duke and turned him into a nasty, moral-less little mob weasel and yet of course people are falling all over themselves to wax poetic about him, while all A.J. really got was insulted and decried as a drunk loser not worth a damn, because of course. GTFO with that nonsense.   


Anna is being...gutted like a fish. If it wasn't for Finola playing her I would write her right off without a second thought.       


She can supposedly know Duke was willing to kill an undercover agent in cold blood, leaving her son motherless and then run away like a coward to his own bloody happy ending, and yet she is busy sobbing and pulling guns on people cuffed to tables but yet she hasn't once attempted to find/track down her daughter. Not mention the idea she was willing to give up being in Emma's life, especially with Robin gone, just so she could "run off into the sunset" with her man crush like some adolescent.      


I just...        


 Ron must really get his pompous rocks off on ripping the veteran characters to pieces. When he actually bothers to acknowledge that they exist.                                            


I can't even with Alexis, yet again, being faced with the severity of her decision to love an active mob boss and then off she runs when the going gets real. She really is just too pathetic for words, imho.           


So Sonny brought Shawn for "backup" to confront Julian. So...all Julian has to do is stand still and wave his arms and Shawn will surely hit at least three nurses, two orderlies, one surgeon, and a poor, defenseless push cart, though it might have enough time to wheel itself out of the line of badly aimed misfire.                          


Olivia can shut the hell up. She is ranting about Julian possibly using his kids for protection because Sonny has never hid behind his kids or done something as awful as actually risking his kids lives or freedom to save himself, oh wait...and oh yeah, at least Julian has never SHOT ANY OF HIS KIDS IN THE CHEST AT POINT BLANK RANGE!. She is such a little twit, I can't stand her.          


I feel as if I have no one to like or root for anymore on this show. The few characters I like the writing just skewers and wrecks them to bits, and the others I just want run over by cement trucks. *Sighs*


It may seem mean-spirited of me (because it is) but by golly I would love for the "Live" shows to end up  total and complete train wrecks just so Ron's head might actually explode. Which I would hope would be caught on camera.                 


Oh, and since I haven't said so in a while, I would love it if Sonny and Carly were both murdered. Murdered good and hard at that.

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 14

So....Sonny is supposed to think that Julian tried to kill Jordan and successfully killed Duke and Bruce - and that's not supposed to cause a mob war?  This story is a clusterfuck of stupid 


Good grief, listening to Julian whine makes me hate him even more.


When he was complaining that no one was telling him anything, I wanted Alexis to say maybe it was because, since he didn't know about stuff like water breaking and Braxton-Hicks, they knew it would be pointless to tell him since he didn't know anything anyway.

  • Love 5

 I feel as if I have no one to like or root for anymore on this show. The few characters I like the writing just skewers and wrecks them to bits, and the others I just want run over by cement trucks. *Sighs*               


THIS. I hate nearly everyone and when the show isn't actively terrible? It's boring.

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 2

Ok, now that my initial reaction is over. Here's my other thoughts:


Billy Miller finally seems to have woken up. And finally Finola had a decent screen partner, aside from Dominic (and the long-missing Tristan). 


Alexis clearly is not a good defense attorney. And has never seen Anatomy of a Murder. You don't ask a question that may cut off avenues of defense.  Now that she knows Julian ordered the hit, she can never present the argument that the evidence points to the fact that he didn't.  She knowingly cannot present an argument that she knows not to be true.


And I still can't get over that they had the audacity to put Dr. O in scenes with Anna. I don't care that they hold both actresses in high regard.  Who their characters are negates any possibility of them teaming up, extending comfort, even being civil.  Anything less is a complete and total insult to the character of Anna.  But we all know that Dr. O is the favorite, anyway.


The actor who plays Sloan has no layers to his performance.  I have a hard time believing he's an emmy-nominated actor.  And, on a totally superficial note, he needs to deal with his front upper teeth.  Half the time you can't tell he has any.  And he constantly lisps through them. I told you -- a totally superficial note.


When are the two live shows?

  • Love 5

Oh STFU, Anna. Maybe I'd give two shits about you trying to get answers and/or kill Jake for Duke if you hadn't handwaved Duke's attempt to murder Jordan simply because you wanted to ride off in the sunset with him. And Jordan, open your fucking mouth to someone. Congrats on escalating the mob war you're supposed to be fighting against! No wonder no one serves real jail time on this show (except doctors acting in defense of others).

I liked Dr. O shutting down Liz when Liz wanted to leave yet another shift to check on Jake.

Another dose of STFU for Alexis. You know he's a mob boss, you got back together when he was a mob boss AND after he said he wouldn't leave…yet you still got butt hurt feels that he does his job AS A MOB BOSS? Have all the seats. Yes, that one too. You don't even have to save one for Olivia's deserving ass because she's rocking and rolling in her wheelchair. Olivia has no room to bitch (or ask her cop son to help her run away from her problems) about Julian. You can't teach an old dog new tricks, nor, apparently, can you teach a middle-aged mob apologist how to use birth control.

I never need to see Sonny flirting. Especially with Carly's smug ass.

  • Love 14

I lost my mind when I saw that shit in the previews. "Yew must let Dook go." Really, Obrecht? When you came on the show you were the under-five keeping him prison for Faison. Anna should punch her out and then order her to leave the room unless she wants to taste hot lead.


Why the warning? I say go straight to the hot lead and call it a day. 


When Anna was on the floor sobbing that she was so alone, I was thinking that this would be a perfect time to try and get in touch with her daughter.


Her what, now? 

  • Love 5

When Anna was on the floor sobbing that she was so alone, I was thinking that this would be a perfect time to try and get in touch with her daughter.

You'd think.

And as much as people like to use the "KMc isn't there" excuse, like is she not going to wrap it up at least in the next few month to late this year? Or will Robin be a hostage for 5 more years? Because even if Anna won't be able to "find" her now, how are the writers at least not having anything lead up to that story?

  • Love 4

Can someone explain to me like I'm Sonny, why Jordan pointed the finger at Julian when she knew the hit came from Duke?  At first I thought it had to do with keeping her cover, but that doesn't make any sense.  

It can only be to keep her cover. The only people who knew her cover was blown was Duke and Bruce, both are dead now. However, with that said...THIS undercover storyline has run it's course. It is beyond stupid at this point. 

Edited by venusnv80
  • Love 5


When Anna was on the floor sobbing that she was so alone, I was thinking that this would be a perfect time to try and get in touch with her daughter.


That was my exact thought as well.


Besides that, wasn't Robin really close to Duke? Wouldn't she want to know that Duke was dead? Will they even write in that Anna contacted Robin in Paris about Duke? And if she did not come home, wouldn't that indicate that something was really wrong -- even more than all the other information that folks are in possession of?


I will be surprised if Robin gets a mention and when KMc comes back, they will handwave her relationship with Duke. It's just frustrating that there are ways to write this without destroying and dumbing down characters.

Edited by SoapDoc
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