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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I'm wondering if having Nik find out about Jason is Ron's incompetent way of (very slowly) moving this story along without KMc. Obviously Robin should be here to explain things, but now that Nik knows she doesn't have to be here. Nik can be the one to reveal his identity or at least fill in the details after someone else does it.

  • Love 1

I'm wondering if having Nik find out about Jason is Ron's incompetent way of (very slowly) moving this story along without KMc. Obviously Robin should be here to explain things, but now that Nik knows she doesn't have to be here. Nik can be the one to reveal his identity or at least fill in the details after someone else does it.

Oh, sure. She never had to be there for the reveal. They can still do this with Nik and Liz and Hells or whoever.

I just think it gets sticky when you have Anna and Patrick realize Jason's alive. They would know Robin was lying. And they logically would have to investigate that.

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I have liked Liz but she knows better then to keep the secret. She knows its going to come out so why go through the motions and pretend to have a relationship with Jason when you know they are going to have Jake (excuse me) Jason come closer to Sam in some way so when the truth gets out Liz will be screwed over and OVER.


Either way she's screwed and she can't win so all that yelling about how the terrible people get what they want and the good only get screwed, well sorry but she's going to be screwed!


I was a HUGE Liason fan back in the day, when they got together for like a second and then broke up and she had his baby. I was a fangirl, did the fan videos and fanfiction so I do feel a bit sorry for her and I like her and Billy, he has grown on me, looks wise. But we all know this won't last because Jason and Elizabeth aren't ever getting their ever after. Call it a second chance but I call it more of a re-con gone bad.


Oh and Courtney and Jason was so urgh! Thank goodness she's not around. Again Liason blinders on here!

  • Love 3

Oh Liz, you horrible delusional pathetic psycho.  When I read the spoilers that said she was going to keep this secret, my first thoughts were, "That's so OOC"....but it actually really isn't.  When you add up all her lies it's kind of astonishing....considering she is the "good" girl.    I almost rolled my eyes out of my head when she started droning on and on about the "liars" and the "cheaters"...my god, how she didn't burst into flames.  You have tried to do the right thing?  Really?  When?  When you fucked your husbands brother?  When you switched DNA results?  When you set it up so Sam would think you and Jason were getting back together?  When you lied and told Jason Sam was dating John?  When you lied about your babies paternity?  ALL THREE TIMES???  Yes, you are a fucking saint.


She looked at Michael, Spinelli, Sam, Carly and Jason himself and STILL only thought about herself.


I really can't wait until the truth comes out and she loses her precious Jason.   Unless, like everyone else said, she fakes another breakdown.  She was already rocking the crazy eyes with Nikolas.  I think Liz has now surpassed my Lily hate and that's BIG.

  • Love 20

Patrick is innocent for the same reason Lante stayed together for years, imo: Ron doesn't care about the character.


Ron wouldn't put in this much insane effort to make absolutely sure that Patrick is completely immunized from any blame or consequence of any bad thing that happens on canvas if he didn't care about the character.


I think that Ron honestly believes that this douchecanoe is a romantic hero.  (The Emmy prenoms are good sign of that - they're going all out to pimp JT as a leading man).  It's the only explanation that fits.


I mean, is there still a debate as to whether Robin gets to be mad when she comes back? Seriously?


I have no doubt that if RC does write Robin as being angry when she returns, it will be at all the wrong people.


I hate what the "writers" are doing to Liz, but I do have one small request.  When Carly inevitably finds out and starts frothing at the mouth that she was kept from her precious Jason for so long, I need at least one person to very calmly look her in the eye and tell her "it wasn't Liz's secret to tell." 




I'm going to need Sam to punch Liz in the face repeatedly when this all comes out. And for her to actually pay for her shit.


Given that Liz is not a serial killer, has never ripped a baby straight out of a woman's womb, and has never kidnapped and tortured anybody in her life, I am absolutely certain Liz will pay for this to the last full measure.

Edited by yowsah1
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I really can't wait until the truth comes out and she loses her precious Jason.   Unless, like everyone else said, she fakes another breakdown.  She was already rocking the crazy eyes with Nikolas.  I think Liz has now surpassed my Lily hate and that's BIG.



Precious, precious Jason. Who killed on Sonny orders, who claimed his brother's son as his own and then helped keep said brother away while Sonny raised him. Who treated his family like shit, going so much as physically attacking his grandfather while Emily said (Edward) probably deserved it. Who selfishly asked Justus to be a mob lawyer for Sonny, which eventually claimed his life, who passively aggressively got Liz to lie for him about Jake to Lucky (yep, that is how I see it). Losing stupid Jason isn't a lose at all.  

Edited by Ambrosefolly
  • Love 9

Is it really out of character for Liez to do something like this? Is this really something she would never ever do? This is the same woman who climbed up 15 flights of stairs during a blackout to see Jason, stole evidence to help Jason and let Sam get blamed for it, faked a breakdown to get Lucky's attention, made sure Jake had Jason's initials, and altered the results of Danny's DNA test. Obviously none of those things are as bad as Jason's identity a secret, but all of those things create a pattern, a pattern of Liz doing bad things in a desperate attempt to get a man (usually Jason) to pay attention to her. The crap she spewed today about good people ending up miserable and everyone being better off thinking Jason is dead proves that she feels completely justified in what she's doing. Liez is delusional and has a habit of doing some shit and then coming up with ways to justify her actions. So for me, II don't think what Liez is doing is out of character. I think she's just taking her desperation over Jason a step further.

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She refused because she was being threatened, first by Victor, then by Helena.

I don't buy that.  She is the daughter to two super spies, and she chose to just bow to Victor and do his will.  My other point still stands.  She left her husband and child to go off and resurrect the Cassadine pyschos.  Who would do that?  I get that she wanted to save Jason, but she also willingly resurrected Stavros and Helena, both of whom wreaked havoc on other loved ones.  My point is that Robin never shoudl have agreed to help Victor.  The truth is that he needed her more than she needed him, and she could have told her parents and/or Nikolas himself.  Instead, she agreed to the lie and the deception, not once, but twice.  It's hard for me to sit here and say "Poor Robin."  Patrick begged her more than once to tell him the truth and/or rope in her parents, and she refused.  She put Jason first.  Well, this is what happens, and the "new" Jake is horrible to boot.


The only "truth" Robin didn't tell Patrick was that Jason was alive. To protect him and Sam.

Not true.  Patrick pretty much figured out exactly what was going on, and he asked her if she was being blackmailed and threatened, and he told her he could reach out to Robert and Anna, and this was AFTER she left the first time.  What was Patrick suppose to think when she's basically walking around without guards, only one hour away, and then tells him that she WANTS to stay now?  I know Robin fans want to blame everything on Patrick (and I'm not even a big Patrick fan.  I can take him or leave him), but this idea that Robin is this victim who people should be worrying about and rallying to find I think is misguided.  Robin created this entire mess herself.  She had a loving husband and child who wanted to rebuild their lives with her after losing her two years earlier.  Instead, she chose to leave them, lie to them, and not even attempt to try another option to help Jason.  This is what happens when you think you can control an uncontrollable situation.  I blame her the most.  


As far as the audience not caring about Robin, I do. :)



Understood, but I don't.  It's not that I dislike Robin, but I don't view her as the victim in this particular storyline because she brought this on herself.  She lied too convincingly too many times, and so now everyone thinks it IS her choice.  It's not Patrick or Anna's fault that they believed the LAST lie Robin told, not to be confused with the other times she was lying to them.  At some point, it's safe to say, that they ARE going to believe her and take her at her word.  

  • Love 10

One of the things I loved about Jason being killed off, besides him being off my screen no longer sucking up screen time while everyone  kissed his ass, was that Liz and Sam were no longer going to fall on the sword. Now that he back again sucking up airtime, Liz (which seems like usual) is falling on the sword for Jason. 


I also was thrilled Jason was shot and kicked in the water to die. I even rooted for Faison for ten minutes. BM is fine and to me he will never be Jason. I am sorry that Liz thinks she can keep the secret, and she ends up being the bad guy. Nic has known about this for a long time. he knows Robin is being held prisoner  ,and has even gone so far as to protect Helena.. Nic was always the good guy. now he is worse than Liz. He is doing this for what reason ???  But Ron no matter how many characters you throw under the bus, I will never hate them as much as I hate Sonny and Carley. And Re-Ron. I have the show on DVR but no thanks. I saw Spin sing, good job Bradford. I like Ellie best, but not enough to actually watch.    Soon at the rate they are going, TIIC will have us hating the whole show. The kids are annoying, Hulk came back, her son tried to kill Emma and Cam ? what exactly is FrankenRon doing ?

  • Love 4

During the advertisement for the live shows coming up, did anyone else notice that the stage setting is a FUNERAL? Somebody is apparently going to bite the dust.  I don't think it will be pretty Jordan, although Duke's been busily setting up her hit. Somehow it feels like irony is going to take over and Duke himself will get a dirt sandwich. We saw Anna at the funeral in the church so she won't be killed, but apparently the killee is someone close to her?

  • Love 1

Bishop, we're never going to agree on this storyline. But since you hate BM's Jason, I'm more than happy if he floats over and saves Robin and they move to Switzerland together, so win-win! :P

Lol, that's fine.  Just to clarify:  I don't hate BM, but I do hate his portrayal of Jason.  I mean when he put his head on Carly's shoulder today like she was his mother, that was the final nail in the coffin.  If Jake can remain Jake and the story be rewritten that he was never Jason, I would be thrilled.  Then Jake can do whatever the hell he wants to do, but that moment with him and Carly was WTF at its worst.  Also, Jake seems to need everyone telling him how to do anything.  The old Jason would never need Sloan to tell him how to deal with a bad guy like Julian or Carlos.  Jake needed detailed directions from Sloane in order to get information.  It's horrible.


he knows Robin is being held prisoner


Nikolas doesn't know Robin is being held prisoner.  Heck, I'M not even sure she's being held prisoner considering Helena is locked up herself on Cassadine Island.  

Edited by Bishop
  • Love 1

And everything the characters do is all about perception and how the writers choose to display it. Liz is a crazy stalker who is going to go after a married man, right?

So why isn't Patrick diabolical for screwing the woman who his ex-wife tried to help?

Why is Sam not being given the sideeye for starting a family with Patrick and Emma after Robin sacrificed her life to save Jason for Sam and Danny?

Why are some characters under the bus while others roam free innocently?

Why are some excused bc of KMc?


I'm not sure what the question is here. Are there only certain circumstances under which Liz the lying liar who lies should be criticized? Because this is not her first time at the rodeo, and its not her first time at the rodeo specifically because of Jason. *cough* Mason Jorgan! *cough* Particularly when she feels so free to slap at Ric when he does the same damn thing because he's in lurve or whatever the hell.

  • Love 6

I wish I could hate todays episode as much as everyone else did, but I really liked it.


Spinelli singing a love song to Nathan - awesome!


But seriously, I felt BH really sold Liz' bitterness and I totally buy it. Ten times more than Nik's lame "I want ELQ because my life has been shitty the last two years" - oh boo hoo PRINCE... you got tricked once by a liar but you took her back, so the second time is on you. In the meantime, you are raising a sociopath, you rigged an election, your grandma came back from the dead, microchipped someone against his will who almost blew up half of Port Charles and then she befriended a mentally ill Luke Spencer who sold cocaine laced with heroin leading to the death of an innocent teenager,  and there was an international super spy being kept in an underground prison in your stables for nearly a year without you knowing it and mere feet away from your child and others' children.  OK so yes it has kind of been a shitty year. But you're super wealthy and you're hot, so shut up. 


Anyway, I think Liz will regret this but I'm kind of looking forward to the ride (although this writing team doesn't really do these kinds of rides that well - if it were a better team, this secret would be kept for months and the eventually fallout would basically destroy her - and it would be spectacular).


It seems likely that the emphasis that they're putting on Duke deciding to put the hit on Jordan is the action that will lead to his death. Duke deserved better than this but I'm pretty sure he's just a goner.


Ned's number was pretty great. Felix should always wear that hat and that jacket - because he rocks it hard. The end song got me chocked up but I was surprised it wasn't "You Are Not Alone" from Into the Woods because Sabrina is a princess and Disney owns the song. I'm actually kind of surprised that there havent ever been any Disney songs at the Nurses Ball. Would seem a natural, to me.


Courtney? I didn't hate her as those were the years I wasn't watching this show. I kinda know who she is because I'd watch half an episode every few months and be like 'nope, still chock full of Sonny' and then tune out again. I liked that she set Spenser straight about the 'townie' crap and gave him some nice things to meme about on Facebook (beauty comes from within, etc) but I don't expect it to take hold. And as someone who's had a kind of bad past couple weeks, I kinda needed the surrogate mothering. And besides, it was just one day. I know that's how a crack addiction starts, but I don't see Ghost!Courtney coming back again and again.


Finally, for those of us that suffered through all the super awkward "Campbell's soup" references on AMC and OLTL, I thought this Aveeno stuff is totally OK. The only reference that seemed really awkward was yesterday's scene with Valerie and Dante looking through the goodie bag and Valerie cooing so loudly over hand cream that I thought she was imitating the infamous "When Harry Me Sally" scene - dear Lord, girl, get a room! Anyway, today I thought we'd see Dante handing Valerie an extra goodie bag with some type of  "Rick won't be needing his" comment. Then, next year when they're a couple, they can sing "She Blinded me with Aveeno". See? This stuff writes itself.

Edited by DayPlayerAtKellys
  • Love 8

I'm not sure what the question is here. Are there only certain circumstances under which Liz the lying liar who lies should be criticized? Because this is not her first time at the rodeo, and its not her first time at the rodeo specifically because of Jason. *cough* Mason Jorgan! *cough* Particularly when she feels so free to slap at Ric when he does the same damn thing because he's in lurve or whatever the hell.

My main point was to say that I feel like some characters behaviors or actions are excused because Robin/KMc isn't there, while others don't get the same benefit.

Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 1

I also was thrilled Jason was shot and kicked in the water to die. I even rooted for Faison for ten minutes.

Whenever I'm having a bad day, I YouTube the clip of Fonduke shooting Jasus in the back and then kicking his body into the harbor and it instantly cheers me up.

Liason 10/22/12 - Jason Is Shot By Duke: http://youtu.be/EwhZg0ZMMXs

Edited by Tiger
  • Love 11

I think Robin and her family need to come up with a safe word/phrase so that she can let people know when she's being held hostage.  

Robin absolutely has a right to be angry with Liz and Nik because they have increased the length of her captivity for stupid selfish reasons - even if they didn't know that's what they were doing,

I think she should be, at most, disappointed with Anna and Patrick because all they've done is take her at her word. While it can be argued that they should be suspicious by now - I think there's an equally valid argument that they could reasonably expect her to avoid this kind of situation. Or at the very least she could trust the people who love her. Both of her parents are people with experience and resources and they have proven themselves equal to all of the members of the LoD

But I agree that Robin's fans should absolutely be furious with RC because he wasted KMc's availability and treated it the way Pruza treated TG's twice yearly vacations that happened every single year 

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 12

Coming out of lurkdom because I need to get these thoughts out of my head and I don't know anyone IRL who watches GH.  I'm in my mid-20s and my friends roll their eyes when I try to talk to them about it.  I remember once telling a friend I watch GH and someone overheard me and said "you're the youngest person I've met who watches soaps!".


I've been watching on and off since 2001.   I tuned back in a little when I found out Guza got the heave-ho, Sbu lost his power and left, and SK returned.  At first I was like "yay! no more Holy Hitman and wow, this AJ storyline isn't half bad".


I tuned in more when I found out BM was cast as Jason because I like BM and was interested in seeing him in the role.  Big, freaking, mistake on my part.  BM's Jason is dull.  Jason's return could've been soapy goodness, but it's been so boring.   I liked the Lake aspect, but there should've been more to his return!  Interaction with Monica and the Qs, flashes of his Jason Quartermaine personality, more memories of Robin, etc. etc.  Maybe even Jason realizing his identity but keeping it quiet because he felt disgusted that he was a mob enforcer and couldn't remember his feelings for Sam and Danny? I don't know, but not most of what took place these past few months.


As I just wrote above, the only aspect of the Jakeson storyline I did like was Lake.  BM and BH have nice chem and the Liz and Jakeson relationship made soapy sense.  I thought I'd enjoy it until the inevitable Jasam reunion. But, I'm not into cray, cray Liz. Her speech to Nik the Douche today made no damn sense.  I know she's lied in the past, yet as awful and as stupid as her lies were, she's paid for them and moved on.  Her turn to the dark side for Jason (again)... is character regression I don't think I can handle.  If she sleeps with him while he still thinks he's Jake... ICK... and eff you, Ron, Liz is a rape survivor... it's just SO wrong.  If that happens, I'm definitely gonna give back my Liz fan card and stop tuning in.


I'd wish for the show to get cancelled under Ron's writing, but that'd mean a lot of people would be out of work. Can GH just pull a DOOL and fire the current headwriter?  Replace him with someone who can write a decent story and not plot points and cheesy camp. Oh and someone who doesn't just claim to respect and understand the history of the show, but actually does. Oh, oh and someone who doesn't give so much freaking airtime to a bratty 9 year old character and his tantrums.

Edited by mindovermatter
  • Love 13

I do think Liz is OOC, as is Nik, as are a lot of characters, to make this story go round and round. And I do think a lot of this has to do with Ron and what he wants to do with Robin, or she wouldn't be a prisoner for more than a year now.


Throwing in my two cents, I think this turn for Liz honestly has less to do with stalls regarding Jason/Robin and more to do with Ron's original story - Liz changing Danny's paternity test so she could have Jason - getting cut short by Steve Burton leaving.  This was just the avenue to circle back around to it because once Ron latches on to an idea, he won't let it go.

  • Love 9


I may not be a Jason fan, but it's pretty disgusting that Liz is basically keeping Jason a hostage and not allowing him the freedom of making his own choices, all because she knows that she'd lose out. She's exactly as pathetic as Ric. He knew he wouldn't win against Jake and decided he wanted Liz anyway even knowing she wouldn't choose him and Liz is doing the exact same thing to Jason. Jason "belonged" to Sam, Sonny, and Carly because that was Jason's choice. Those were the people he choose and loved. And now Liz has decided her happiness is paramount to not only them, but Jason's child and Jason's mother. But I guess that's okay Monica can turn to her other kids - oh, wait all of her children or dead - or she believes.


Given that Liz was so quick to hand out slaps to both Nik and Ric for having the temerity to lie to her, I seriously hope Monica and Sam can take turns slapping the crap out of Liz when the truth comes out.


One of my most fervent wishes for the end of this storyline, which I know won't happen, would be for Ric to be the one to find out what Liz is up to and expose her. I hated LiRic, so I don't want to see them get back together, but I would love for the Liz blinders to finally be pulled from Ric's eyes and for him to finally see that she's not a saint, and maybe his obsession with her would finally be done.


A - That is exactly what Liz is doing (and I say this as a big Liz fan) and I get what she's saying. When she was talking about people in that audience, I think it was a reference to Carly, Ric, etc. I think Becky is playing Liz as someone desperately in need of therapy: deciding she wants Jakeson in her own little bubble because she feels physically and emotionally alone, and is going full-on delusional to get what she wanted for a long time - a Jason without the Sonny and Carly responsibilities and without people wanting to harm him (which made him dangerous for kids). She had rose-colored glasses in that she never acknowledged that he was a killer.  This time of lying is different because she is setting out to deliberately lie and only care about her own happiness. I think she was talking about her past of wanting to do the right thing - but not acknowledging her history is making poor reactionary choices (i.e. ONS w/Zander after finding out about Ric's panic room) or giving into her worst impulses while unhappy (affair with Nikolas while being engaged to Lucky/believing Lucky could save her from her own self-destruction). If it came up, it's likely she'd see a difference between what she wants to do and what Ric has done: she now has more knowledge of a situation she's already been apart of. Ric created a scenario, complete with an additional "character," and then set about to worm his way back into relationship status with Elizabeth. 


B - I actually think Nikolas deserves 90 percent of Sam and Monica's anger. He's family - was Monica's former and future SIL via Emily, and Sam's cousin. I remember a speech and toast/traditional toss from Emily and Nik's wedding took place in Monica's home. And when Sam showed him her husband's wedding ring and asked him for answers, he lied to her face. It sucks that Elizabeth is going to lie to them, and she's wrong to do it, but she really hasn't had a family-like relationship with them. MEGA betrayal on Nik's part, especially because his motivation is supposedly a desire to take over the family company. I could at least accept him wanting to screw over Jason if he said something like "It's his fault I lost Emily." 


C-I bolded part because this actually already happened, during the Alcazar murder trial. Ric showed disgust and contempt for Liz re: ONS with Jason and her loyalty to him, and Liz hated him in return for grilling her on the stand about her ONS, her marriage and Jake's paternity. After the trial he told someone (can't remember who, maybe Sam?) that he hated that Liz associating with Jason had turned her into a liar.  They were not on friendly terms when he left town. All that got ignored or forgotten when Ric returned in 2014. Suddenly it was all "Liz I still love you, you've never been out of my mind, let's try again."  So. much. WTF!!!

  • Love 12

Throwing in my two cents, I think this turn for Liz honestly has less to do with stalls regarding Jason/Robin and more to do with Ron's original story - Liz changing Danny's paternity test so she could have Jason - getting cut short by Steve Burton leaving.  This was just the avenue to circle back around to it because once Ron latches on to an idea, he won't let it go.


But how is this supposed to end? I mean, she already gave the relevant mea culpa during the paternity switch. She can't do the It's Our Time/Poor!Dead!Jake explanation. She's already had both a fake and real breakdown - what is she going to say?

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 2

Throwing in my two cents, I think this turn for Liz honestly has less to do with stalls regarding Jason/Robin and more to do with Ron's original story - Liz changing Danny's paternity test so she could have Jason - getting cut short by Steve Burton leaving. This was just the avenue to circle back around to it because once Ron latches on to an idea, he won't let it go.

Sure, it could be that, too. I certainly don't want to come off like I 100% know. But I do see that these writers are now going out of their way to continue to delay this reveal. It's one thing after another. Will there be a point where everyone finds out and decides to keep it a secret?

Also, the only way this current thing with Liz works is if Sam is now fully going to be involved with Jake. That's what makes it dramatic. Liz watching Jake and Sam becoming friends and still lying. It does nothing for me if we spend months watching Liz/Jake and Sam/Patrick just floating in their utter happiness with themselves.

Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 1

Sure, it could be that, too. I certainly don't want to come off like I 100% know. But I do see that these writers are now going out of their way to continue to delay this reveal. It's one thing after another. Will there be a point where everyone finds out and decides to keep it a secret?

Also, the only way this current thing with Liz works is if Sam is now fully going to be involved with Jake. That's what makes it dramatic. Liz watching Jake and Sam becoming friends and still lying. It does nothing for me if we spend months watching Liz/Jake and Sam/Patrick just floating in their utter happiness with themselves.


I'm OK with everyone knowing it's actually Jason, but everyon having a different reason why they need to keep it and of course not knowing that others also know. I could actually get behind that and enjoy it for its ridiculousness. Then, when Jason regains his memory and finds out that literally everyone in town conspired to keep him in the dark, he opens up with an uzi and kills them all. End of show, we can move on to something else/better.

  • Love 8

My main point was to say that I feel like some characters behaviors or actions are excused because Robin/KMc isn't there, while others don't get the same benefit.


I suppose. But let's at least not act like Liz didn't lie her face off. And really, considering that the Liz fans are apparently still blaming Sam for Jake getting run over, I think its only fair that Liz get her fair share of criticism for something she actually did.

  • Love 8

I suppose. But let's at least not act like Liz didn't lie her face off. And really, considering that the Liz fans are apparently still blaming Sam for Jake getting run over, I think its only fair that Liz get her fair share of criticism for something she actually did.

Hey, I bitched about Liz today, too. I'm not acting like she's not a crazy liar right now. But I also see this as Ron running this character over with a huge wide bus for drama and to delay Sam knowing Jake is Jason. I see Ron every.single.day writing Patrick as this fucking godly figure. I'm ultimately just not a fan of the choices happening moreso than just blaming characters.

  • Love 8

Do you think Patrick asked Sam who this "Robin" person Liz was talking about was?  He looked a bit puzzled to me, but then again I thought it might be because he had to keep his pants on for an entire show.


But you never know......


Oh....Spencer......FYI - your mother lied to you, but then again, that was her M.O. in life.  You ARE hideous and nobody will ever love you.  Ever.  

  • Love 6

Do you think Patrick asked Sam who this "Robin" person Liz was talking about was? He looked a bit puzzled to me, but then again I thought it might be because he had to keep his pants on for an entire show.

I was more laughing that this show was trying to pretend like Patrick or Sam would be touched by that story. Just...LOL. Neither of them has ever really cared about Jason and Robin's friendship. Only person who was honest today was Carly, which is scary.

  • Love 2

So.....Nicholas' BIIIIIIG reason for taking over ELQ is because he just wants power dammit(!!!) *stomps foot* ? You know when you utter egomaniacal statements like that you're supposed to be clasping a white furry cat and of course belting out an evil cackle. It's in the handbook buddy.  #CassadineSchoolofVilliansReject   #KnewtheReasonWouldn'tBeWorthTheWait


Liz...Liz...oh Liz.  Very valid points she made about the screwed up Punishment/Reward karma in PC that has made me roll my eyes so hard sometimes they roll right back up into my head and get stuck there. # NotaGoodLook

You shoot your wife in the head....nothin' happens to you.
You try to bomb a city, you get your very own private island with a nephew naive enough to think that is "prison" for you.  

You kill people, then you get a Governor's Pardon.

You're a mobster that puts out hits on others, well, the city lawyer will likely still sleep with you and maybe knock out a few kids for ya too.
You spend most of your life lying, cheating conniving, stealing, and never formally study for ANY profession your interested in and you get your very own hotel. 


Buuuut, if you do the right thing, or stand up to the bad guy in any way you are 1) framed for another person's murder (hello AJ and countless others), 2) blown up, 3) stuffed in a trunk, 4) drugged to lose custody of a kid, 5) have your family threatened if you don't do what someone else wants...and that is to name just a few punishments.

Eventually years of that unbalanced BS wears you down to the point that "if you can't beat em' join em."  starts to look like a damn fine idea. 

Enjoy it while it lasts Liz. I get ya, I really do, but boy howdie are you gonna paaaaay for that decision if the guilt doesn't eat you alive first. 


Gee whiz, Port Charles is the life man. Who wouldn't want to live there.   #LooksUpExpediaFarestoPC 

Edited by scotlore
  • Love 11

Throwing in my two cents, I think this turn for Liz honestly has less to do with stalls regarding Jason/Robin and more to do with Ron's original story - Liz changing Danny's paternity test so she could have Jason - getting cut short by Steve Burton leaving.  This was just the avenue to circle back around to it because once Ron latches on to an idea, he won't let it go.


That is exactly fucking it. Ron loves to hang onto something and then, eventually, bring it back and do it "right".


The sad thing is, I don't think this is just Ron - I think Guza set up the framework for desperate, petty Liz a year or two before he was let go, with the original Nikolas affair, her scheming re: him and her baby, Brook Lynn, etc. I think several sets of writers have done a hatchet job on Liz that led her to this character who is now perpetually, habitually flaky or passively scheming.


The worst part is the idea of Liz having to live with the man and call him by the name of their dead son everyday. I don't know how she could do that and live with herself. It would turn my stomach. And I don't know who I feel worse for, really, because I always hated SB's Jason and I detested Jasam (and wasn't much of a fan of Jason and Liz, either). But just the idea of her doing that is, to me, borderline sociopathic.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 8

For those who could stand to watch Spinelli's entire song, I couldn't tell...was he seriously singing a love song to Maxie right in front of Ellie? Girl, he is so NOT worth your tears!! Ugh. 


Spinelli looked at Ellie more than once during that song, lovingly, I thought.  I think they did a good job during that song of showing that both Spinelli and Maxie are starting to doubt their decision to couple up and leave Nathan and Ellie.  My take is they both got caught up on the idea of having a "typical" family - mom, dad, their child - since neither really had that as children, and missed what they really want.  I've no doubt we're on our way back to Maxie/Nathan and Spinelli/Ellie.


It was difficult for me not to throw up when Jakeson said he thought he knew who Jason was now, after hearing Elizabeth's speech on stage.  Yes.  That's exactly who Jason was.  Not a hit man and thug at all.  You've got the clear picture now, Jakeson.


Wasn't it this time last year that Sabrina's baby died?  I'm not surprised Patrick didn't have a stray thought to spare about his lost son because he's, well, Patrick, but I am surprised there's been no indication of remembrance on Sabrina's part.


I've been really bugged by the whole "Spencer has severe burns down the whole right side of his body" storyline, for various reasons, but mostly because, while they've told us that, they haven't shown it.  He spent a very short time in the hospital and when he got home he was literally bouncing on and off furniture, apparently suffering no physical pain or discomfort at all.  Now we see all these "severe burns" amount to nothing but a small boo-boo on his cheek that looks like he just fell off his bike and scraped his face a little?  Way to trivialize the horrific trauma of severe burns, Show.

Edited by Fellaway
  • Love 11

A woman who lost her virginity to rape is now raping a man with a brain injury who- let's face it, hasn't had full control of his mental faculties since he was a young adult and should have been in a rehab center years ago- but..... yet again, Ron is going to sell this as the "Love Story of the Year" while.... also the woman who saved him (who's probably his first love as well) is a woman who is HIV positive from losing her virginity as a teen and has been kidnapped, forced to endure electroshock therapy, make numerous antidotes to illnesses, play God, be ripped from her family, possibly medical treatment as well, divorce her husband and abandon her daughter and life, while no one even blinks an eye..... yet Ron is selling her husband and the brain injured man's widow as the other "Love Story of the Year"?

It's manipulation. Considering that Anna, Patrick, Nik, and Liz have enough pieces to figure out that Robin is being kidnapped, then they are in the wrong against everyone in Jason's family. But especially Sam. Sam is being technically forced to play wifey with another man while her husband is right there under her nose. That's rape by deception. I hope Sam finds a great lawyer not yet in Port Charles because what Liz and Nik are doing is definitely that. And if Patrick and Anna can't put the pieces together then they belong in Crichton Clark. I hope Sam is disgusted with all of them. Micheal too. I want ragey Micheal, disgusted Sam, raged out Carly. I dgaf about Sonny. And Monica better get a slap in on Liz for saying to Monica's face that she never loved one of her sons, but then kept the other son from her. And I want recast Lucky to take the kids from her. Because Liz does not deserve to have her boys at all.

  • Love 4
I will say that Liz/Nic did have nice co-conspirator chem. Their affair was sooooo sleazy, but they do work as friends.


I wish that GH just focused on Patrick, LIz, Nic and Sam.  They are all competent soap actors/ There is no need for RC's pets  - Nina, Franco, and Spencer waste airtime and definately no middle-aged guys portraying mobsters who IRL seem to be more comfortable with a golf club than a gun.


Didn't Jason almost ditch Sam during her pregnancy because he didn't know if he was Danny's Dad?  What a guy for RC/FV to focus on for over a year!  The thug made a living by beating people up and threatening violence and couldn't even protect his wife during their honeymoon.

  • Love 1

The worst part is the idea of Liz having to live with the man and call him by the name of their dead son everyday.


Seriously, she now knows he chose that name because his injured brain was trying to remember their dead son and now she can still call him that everyday, without hesitation, and in bed?  Weird!


I had to laugh when (the, again, weirdly reluctant) Nikolas asked if she had thought about it and Liz confirmed that she had.  Yeah, I'm sure Liz had time for a lot of deep, introspective thought in the half hour tops she's known the truth.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 11

Until @Grrpants09 brought it up, I hadn't even realized that if Liz sleeps with Jake she is technically a rapist. It's just sick that Ron may turn a rape survivor into a rapist herself.

This won't ever be addressed on-screen and really is par for the course on the show that had Carly and the holy hitman laugh about her husband being raped, and never addressed the fact that Luke effectively raped Tracy for almost a year.

That said, I think the show's handling of rape is unfortunately reflective of society's where college football players can rape a woman and then people treat her like the villain.

  • Love 5

Oh Liz, you horrible delusional pathetic psycho.  When I read the spoilers that said she was going to keep this secret, my first thoughts were, "That's so OOC"....but it actually really isn't.  When you add up all her lies it's kind of astonishing....considering she is the "good" girl.    I almost rolled my eyes out of my head when she started droning on and on about the "liars" and the "cheaters"...my god, how she didn't burst into flames.  



I was thinking she might get some praise here - not for her goals.  But the part about the liars and cheaters made me think of Sonny and Carly always winning.  So taking that out of its context, it kind of rocked!  


It was strange how Nicholas didn't want her to tell but then switched over to the other side talking to Liz.  Why doesn't he just tell then?  I can't even recall what advantage it gives him.  The whole thing is illogical.  I wonder how long they will drag this out and who will get to be the one to reveal it.  Probably Carly.

  • Love 1

Until @Grrpants09 brought it up, I hadn't even realized that if Liz sleeps with Jake she is technically a rapist. It's just sick that Ron may turn a rape survivor into a rapist herself.

This won't ever be addressed on-screen and really is par for the course on the show that had Carly and the holy hitman laugh about her husband being raped, and never addressed the fact that Luke effectively raped Tracy for almost a year.

That said, I think the show's handling of rape is unfortunately reflective of society's where college football players can rape a woman and then people treat her like the villain.

Elizabeth will NOT be a rapist.  I am no fan of the character, and I think she will deserve all the fallout when it comes, and she IS a hypocrite of the highest degree, but it will not be rape.  Jake WANTS to be with Elizabeth, and more than likely, wants to sleep with her.  If and when that happens, it will be consensual sex.  The betrayal will come out when he realizes she lied to him about his identity.  It would be the same as a woman sleeping with a man who said he wasn't married when he was just to have sex with her or vice versa, but it's not rape.  It would only be rape if she were drugging him and he had no idea what he was doing, which is what happens on college campuses constantly and IS rape.  This is not.  Jake wants to be with her.  It's manipulation and deception at its worst, very similar to Ric's machinations actually.  Ironic huh?


Elizabeth has always had a very loose sense of her own actions whenever anything goes wrong.  She seems to think the universe is against her and that "good people" always finish last, but she forgets that much of her failures are due to her own bad choices.  SHE chose to cheat on her husband with her brother-in-law.  Did she think that was going to end well?  SHE chose to push Jason away in the very beginning when they faked Sonny's death, and Jason walked away.  She has always wanted Jason to change his life for her, to give up the mob and be with her, and she has never accepted him as he was.  So that ALSO was a choice on her part.  In all fairness, from what I saw on the screen, once Sam arrived in Jason's life, Elizabeth was not an option anymore.  Even just before he died, Jason told Elizabeth that he wanted Sam and to be with her and raise Danny (and he still thought the baby was Franco's).  So Elizabeth was never going to have her shot with Jason.  He made his choice.  THIS situation is perfect for her:  He has no memory.  He's not in the mob, per se, as far she knows.  He is hers to mold the way she wants her life to be with him, and he's such a whipped puppy character now that he'll do whatever she wants.  So basically, she gets her "Jason" finally.  She is a bit demented.

Edited by Bishop
  • Love 6
I had to laugh when (the, again, weirdly reluctant) Nikolas asked if she had thought about it and Liz confirmed that she had.  Yeah, I'm sure Liz had time for a lot of deep, introspective thought in the half hour tops she's known the truth.



Well, it's a woman on GH.  If they think any longer than 30 minutes straight, they'll just pass right out from the mental exhaustion of it all or something.  

  • Love 2

So at this point if Liez has sex with Jason while he still has amnesia that's some kind of violation, right?  I'm not exactly sure how you would classify something like that but it definitely sounds rape-y-ish.


If Jake wants it, that shouldn't be a problem.  Or else everyone who had sex with Jason Morgan was doing the same thing, since he didn't remember who he was either.


This may be a soap first.  Amnesia on top of amnesia.  I guess it's too much to ask that they make his recall interesting and include Jason Quartermaine's memories too.

  • Love 1

This may be a soap first.  Amnesia on top of amnesia.  I guess it's too much to ask that they make his recall interesting and include Jason Quartermaine's memories too.


Considering what an afterthought the Q's were compared to Sam, Sonny, and Carly in Liz's justification speech yesterday, doubtful. 

Sam is being technically forced to play wifey with another man while her husband is right there under her nose. That's rape by deception.


I don't agree.  Nobody is forcing Sam to be with Patrick.

  • Love 5

Losing stupid Jason isn't a lose at all.


It is for Liz though. It's like the biggest loss to her because she's obsessed with Jason. 


I've no doubt we're on our way back to Maxie/Nathan and Spinelli/Ellie.

DAMMIT NO!!!!! I need Maxie/Spinelli together so they can't infect anyone else with their awfulness and so that fast forwarding will be easier.


I think whether Liz/Jakeson is rape is kind of a grey area. It's certainly gross and untoward for Liz to fuck a guy she knows wouldn't be fucking her if he knew the truth about himself.

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