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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I tried to let it go because my irritation started to set in. Ric gets no service yet every heavy handed minute of a towel's well tended memorial including front page acknowledgment was displayed on this FAKATA show. Yes, we know he's alive but the characters don't.


Could be worse.  He could have gotten an AJ "funeral."  


I think they didn't show a funeral because the writers would have had to explain the body.  

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Well Here goes.I don't hate Rafe,or TJ.As you said the kid is trying. Does Ron even give these guys a heads up to whom they are. Are they good or bad, are they even doing their job. Rafe has been pushed around more than AJ , if that's possible. His character is now a demon. bad guy did he run the suebrina off the road because of the drugs? Ron thinks Spencer is great, and all the rest of the show is left to overcome the shit he writes for them. All of them. Sure the pretty kitty is pretty,and maybe with a few lessons he could overcome Rons writing. Just remember these youngsters are new to this, and without help they will fall. ROHO. fergetaboutit. He doesn't care He completely ruined ATWT for me .I see Todd and just Todd in everything he does, and I have watched about a total of three months of OL. I have read something and its a spoiler so can't say but TIIC suits or ep , or so called writer are trying to kill this show. Someone wants it gone .No one can be so stupid that they are not doing this on purpose.I may start watching Robin when she returns,or may not. I won't watch them ruin the character because they can't have their way. She wants out let her go.  I haven't really watched since AJ *FINALLY* got to stick it to Scummy. I like Robin K M. Have watched her since a child,and I don't want her to end up like AJ. As for Jason returning No matter who plays him I will always hate him for what he did to his family.

In my book, actors like Ryan Paevey and Jimmy Deshler deserve so much more credit because they may lack talent but at least they try earnestly and give a damn about their characters. 


If I gave everyone that kind of credit, Jessica Morris and Natalia Livingston would still be on the soaps. And I don't need that. They're bad. Some of them may have nice personalities, but nine times out of ten that is not enough of a reason to keep them wasting my time on a soap opera with major issues. Ryan Paevey seems like a lovely fellow but he should never have this kind of major story.

  • Love 6
If I gave everyone that kind of credit, Jessica Morris and Natalia Livingston would still be on the soaps. And I don't need that. They're bad. Some of them may have nice personalities, but nine times out of ten that is not enough of a reason to keep them wasting my time on a soap opera with major issues. Ryan Paevey seems like a lovely fellow but he should never have this kind of major story.


Agreed.  Also, Ryan Paevey in particular sucks so bad that it's not possible for me to discern any form of anything I could identify as "effort."  Unless you're counting Thursday's one-armed pushups, which I agree looked quite taxing.  I'm not suggesting he's not trying--just that if this is where trying is taking him, maybe he'd be better off not bothering.  How could it get worse? 


Oh, well.  At least he's nice to look at.  That gives him a leg up on people like Mo', who are both terrible actors and seriously fug.  Still can't wait for this Maxie/Levi/Nathan nonsense to end. 


I was on the barge during most of the era where people say Jason Thompson looked like he was phoning it in, but I'm having a hard time imagining him on his worst day being as bad as most of these jokers on their best.  Have been SO happy to have him with Sam this last week.  If we must have Nina, I'm glad she and Silas and Nina are boring each other to death in that drab-ass apartment, thereby freeing Sam up to do something more interesting. 


Relatedly, I was sad to see Nina sprung from the apartment at the end of last week.  Put her back in the cage.  If Rafe's next act of teenage delinquency were to go around town vandalizing wheelchair ramps so as to render all of PC non-wheelchair-accessible, I'd forgive both the terrible actor and his terrible storyline.

Edited by Rancide

I didn't see Jason Thompson phoning it in, I saw him trying to make the best he could with silly writing and an unresponsive screen partner in TeCa, who can barely make eye contact and when she isn't indicating, is stepping on others' lines.

Ric, gone too soon and what, no funeral? Talk about lost opportunities for an orgy of misbehavior by the usual suspects. I'll miss his sparkle.

Are Shawn and Carrrrrrlos still on the show?

  • Love 8


f Rafe's next act of teenage delinquency were to go around town vandalizing wheelchair ramps so as to render all of PC non-wheelchair-accessible, I'd forgive both the terrible actor and his terrible storyline.


How about if he reroutes all of the wheelchair ramps so that after a Mr. Toad's Wild Ride-style trip (complete with jazz hands and over-exaggerated facial expressions), the ramp abruptly disappears at the end of the pier? 

  • Love 5

RoHo has been rumored to be leaving for at least 6 months. I'll believe it when they announce it. The PP lawsuit put a kibosh on lots of plan. ABC legal have tied their hands as far as who they can hire. There is a monetary reason why KiKi is Silas's brat instead of Frodd's. There is a reason Frodd isn't the editor of the PC Press and Silas isn't a cop.

Edited by TarHeelTeacher
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Relatedly, I was sad to see Nina sprung from the apartment at the end of last week.  Put her back in the cage.  If Rafe's next act of teenage delinquency were to go around town vandalizing wheelchair ramps so as to render all of PC non-wheelchair-accessible, I'd forgive both the terrible actor and his terrible storyline.


Yes!  Honestly, as long as Sam escapes Silas & Nina hell I mostly don't care what happens with WE NEVER CARED.  Mostly. [/Newt, Aliens]  I'd be perfectly happy if they both lived happy & fulfilling lives...off-screen.

Edited by OnceSane

So Silas says he took for granted that he didn't have to worry about Rafe.  Seriously, he felt like he didn't need to worry about a teenage boy who had spent his entire life living on the streets with a mentally unstable mother, who discovered the lifeless body of said unstable mother, and who recently learned that his father was a serial killer with a vampire fetish?  Blow it out your ass, doctor.


Just like it bugs me that Kiki has proclaimed herself the expert on relationships she knows nothing about, it bugs the hell out of me that Levi has declared himself the expert on what's best for Port Charles given he's lived there about six seconds.  Get a haircut, hippie.


And speaking of Kiki, I liked (and by liked, I mean hated) how Kiki kept trying to pass the buck back to Michael at ELQ, like she knows noooooothing about what's going on over there.


Seeing Ilene Kristen just makes me miss Roxy.  I can't get into her as Delia at all.

  • Love 4

Every time someone walks around without a shirt on for no discernible reason beyond merely having a guy go around half nekkid I just want to shout "go put a fucking shirt on already, goddamnit!" like the old lady I am. This show just... *sighs* it exhausts me so.


Silas just admit it, you forget about Rafe because you wish he'd go away as much as the rest of us. That kid, lord bless him, is so far in over his head with this tripe it's almost saddening. If they won't kill off the character for the love of all the world's barware could they just do a recast, at the very least make the character slightly tolerable.


He doesn't/can't even react to a hug, a fucking hug! Gah!


So Franco suddenly has realized that Carly is forever in Sonny's pocket, how very rivet...yawn. 


Okay, the nurse has run her course now as much as the Nina, may they both die in a lab explosion, with extra fire.


So if you put Kikaka, Morgan the whiner, Eeyore Michael, manipulated Maxie, and the down under dunderfuck Levi together it all equals...yep, hell, hell on earth. Just set fire to the building with them all in it please and thanks, with double extra fire.


And now Ava's brought her mummy to stay, meaning Ron has yet again topped himself for finding ways to make a shitty storyline even worse. Whoo.


Happy fucking Monday to us...

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 9
So Silas says he took for granted that he didn't have to worry about Rafe


Well to be fair Rafe is as forgettable a character as I think this show has had on in a long time. Look at how Sam treats him. She got him first, she was his foster mother, and yet he was downgraded to "Danny boy's" random babysitter when she couldn't get Molly and basically barely says "hi" or checks in on him apparently only if she comes across him sitting on a park bench and she has nothing better to do.


Of course if Rafe was actually worth anyone's time and love I'd say they were horrible guardians, but since he isn't imo all I can think is thank god they didn't give a damn because that would have meant many more scenes like the one between Silas and Rafe today where you may as well have had Michael hugging a cardboard cutout.

  • Love 2

If Silas had blammed the ongoing Nathan/Madeline/Nina drama as a reason for being distracted from caring for Rafe (or hell, even his relationship with Sam), that would at least have made an iota of sense.  But Silas talking about Rafe like he grew up normal and well-adjusted when he very, very much was not and therefore Silas was free to not worry about him just makes him sound so stupid.

Seeing Ilene Kristen just makes me miss Roxy.  I can't get into her as Delia at all.


Is her character supposed to come off as weird and gross?

Do we really need her on this show? Isn't their someone already on this show that would irritate Ava?

Why doesn't Sonny just have Carly baby-sit when he can't be there? The Ava/Carly rivalry, plus Franco's insecurity would all be right there for the storytelling. 


I want to punch Levi in the face so hard my fist goes through the back of his head and gives Maxie a black eye. I can't articulate my dislike; it's extremely visceral. 

Michael managed to refute everything Levi argued, and yet Levi continues on. He isn't an activist, he just wants to start shit. Stupid shit at that. Please universe, let Tracey at him. Pleeeeeeeeease! 


I am hoping against hope that Franco is plotting to fuck Sonny and Carly over. 

Edited by Mrs OldManBalls
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But Silas talking about Rafe like he grew up normal and well-adjusted when he very, very much was not and therefore Silas was free to not worry about him just makes him sound so stupid



At this point I think all the dialog is defaulted to dumbass on this show.


My thinking is that this is setting up for the whole drug reveal. Silas was laying it on good and thick about what a "good kid" Rafe is, how well he handled his mom's death and his dad being a killer psycho and everything else, and he just sees him as being so normal and ok that he doesn't really "need him" or need much attention and yet Rafe is self medicating with drugs.


I think a lot of it's their attempt to try and build up Rafe's addiction and the reasons "why" for sympathy, but I just don't like the character and the actor's so bad it's painful to watch him. It just...it's all bad, so very bad.

  • Love 2

If Silas had blammed the ongoing Nathan/Madeline/Nina drama as a reason for being distracted from caring for Rafe (or hell, even his relationship with Sam), that would at least have made an iota of sense.  But Silas talking about Rafe like he grew up normal and well-adjusted when he very, very much was not and therefore Silas was free to not worry about him just makes him sound so stupid.


This is how I imagine the reveal scene going:


Sam: Rafe does drugs!

Silas:  . . . . 

Patrick: I know you don't give a damn these days - I feel you dude - but you could at least muster up scratching your nose or something. An iota of surprise, at least.

Silas: Surprise? Hasn't Rafe always been doing drugs?

Sam: No!

Silas: What about the hallucinations about all the vampires and shit?

Sam: That was just Lucy's imagination! Maybe! We're not sure . . . or ARE WE?

Silas: Either way, I don't care.

  • Love 4
Rafe gets a Barrington pass from me. Please recast the actor. Paging Eddie Alderson, who'd own his sister in scenes with Lauren. But Levi? He can't meet Miley's wrecking ball.


No to ANYMORE actors who came from OLTL or whom Ron had a jones for, please. It's bad enough RC tried dragging OLTL to GH, now he is corrupting Ryan's Hope history.


Sorry, it's just...RC clearly hates GH as its own entity and mocks it with his camp mercilessly as it is. Why reward him with casting more pets? ENOUGH. The cast is bloated and needs an enema, stat. Start with Silas, Nina, Rafe, Kiki, Ava, Delia, Sabrina, Levi, Franco...and go from there.

  • Love 4


So Silas says he took for granted that he didn't have to worry about Rafe


To be fair to Silas, if he has to chose between paying attention to Rafe and paying attention to Sam's tatas...the choice is obvious.



Look at how Sam treats him. She got him first, she was his foster mother, and yet he was downgraded to "Danny boy's" random babysitter when she couldn't get Molly and basically barely says "hi" or checks in on him apparently only if she comes across him sitting on a park bench and she has nothing better to do.


To be fair to Sam, if she has to chose between paying attention to Rafe and doing literally anything else...the choice is obvious.


Rafe begging for drugs was just pitiful. Someone please end his life.


If Roxy Delia loves her daughter she will poison her tea.


I guess stupid dumbass Maxie doesn't realize getting arrested will only make her look like more of a screw up and make it that much harder for her to see her daughter.

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So Silas says he took for granted that he didn't have to worry about Rafe.  Seriously, he felt like he didn't need to worry about a teenage boy who had spent his entire life living on the streets with a mentally unstable mother, who discovered the lifeless body of said unstable mother, and who recently learned that his father was a serial killer with a vampire fetish?  Blow it out your ass, doctor.



Let's not forget that right after watching his mother's murder, he was suspected in her murder, he was stalked by a serial killer with a vampire fetish and learning he was his biological father. . .Sam became his foster mother only to have Silas show up and demand ownership (I mean custody) of him.  Then his foster brother, Danny boy, gets cancer and thankfully recovers. Molly rejects him and his fragile heart is broken (first love heartbreak is the worst).  Meanwhile Uncle Silas is too distracted that realize this kid needs help.  Silas should have taken it for granted that this young man needed a guardian who would worry about him.


I wouldn't let Silas raise a goldfish.

Edited by movingtargetgal
  • Love 7
I wouldn't let Silas raise a goldfish.



Which still has more of a personality than Rafe does.


Why does he get all the drugs, huh? I'm the one watching this show, I deserve drugs! They need to start shipping out goodie packs the beginning of every week so we can make it through this show. It can include barware from Sonny's house that can be thrown at will during the worse scenes.

  • Love 8

Maybe Nathan will show up to remove Maxie and Levi and he can clue her in that being arrested isn't actually going to further her campaign to get custody/visitation.


How much do we think the PT is being paid to compromise his integrity?  10 Gs?


Delia. Liked the shout-out to Siobhan.  It was years before I knew the 'shavon' was spelled that way.

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Eddie A can act. I would tolerate him. I can say poor Rafe to him. This kid, I'm like, deuces.

I don't know who I hate more. Lauren or Levi, the Kangaroo Ken (thanks MWOP). They both prevented FrankenToddPaulenBear from spilling the beans. News flash, dude, Dr O can give you more than Carly can. I'll just ship Dr O/whomever RoHo is playing in my corner with my drink.

Argo showed life today. They are on to him.

Silas, who cares?

I saw sparks with Micheal and Maxie. Eat paint chips, Lauren.

  • Love 1

what a seriously dull episode. I knew Franco wouldn't spill but want that damn secret to come out already. And before November sweeps please. And can Carly just STFU already? "Why would you trash my relationship with my son?" Oh honey, you did that the second you agreed to keep Sonny's secret from that son. And you deserve everything that Michael should throw your way when he finds out.


Delia has no place on this show, but at least IK isn't playing Roxie with all of her malapropisms, so I suppose I can tolerate her. And her hair doesn't look like a rat's nest. So that's something.


As long as the existing residents of the waterfront neighborhood don't face eviction and/or skyrocketing rates, thanks to section 8 vouchers, why does the Dunkelmonkey care if Morgan and Kiki live rent free? Unless he's aiming for a sweetheart deal of his own?


If I gave everyone that kind of credit, Jessica Morris and Natalia Livingston would still be on the soaps. And I don't need that. They're bad. Some of them may have nice personalities, but nine times out of ten that is not enough of a reason to keep them wasting my time on a soap opera with major issues. Ryan Paevey seems like a lovely fellow but he should never have this kind of major story.

I don't have any problem with Paevey.  Ryan is trying, and at least he underplays.  Can you imagine what we would have if John Paul Lavoisier had been cast? I'm forgiving of the actors, except Michelle, who's just playing Phyllis again. That double word crap...ugh. I thought it was the Y&R writing, but now I realize that it was Michelle attempting to improvise.

Edited by decogirl
Fixed issue w/ quotes.
  • Love 4

So Silas says he took for granted that he didn't have to worry about Rafe.  Seriously, he felt like he didn't need to worry about a teenage boy who had spent his entire life living on the streets with a mentally unstable mother, who discovered the lifeless body of said unstable mother, and who recently learned that his father was a serial killer with a vampire fetish?  Blow it out your ass, doctor.


Just like it bugs me that Kiki has proclaimed herself the expert on relationships she knows nothing about, it bugs the hell out of me that Levi has declared himself the expert on what's best for Port Charles given he's lived there about six seconds.  Get a haircut, hippie.


And speaking of Kiki, I liked (and by liked, I mean hated) how Kiki kept trying to pass the buck back to Michael at ELQ, like she knows noooooothing about what's going on over there.


Seeing Ilene Kristen just makes me miss Roxy.  I can't get into her as Delia at all.


The intriguing thing about seeing Kiki and Cousin Rafe share what had to be exactly their second or third scene together last week, when she walked in on him at the place they've all been sharing with Silas for many months is that, as lousy as their characters may be, I think Kristen Alderson has always had decent, easy and friendly chemistry with many people she comes in contact with on at least a platonic or familial level, including both Michael Easton and poor weak Jimmy Deshler. And all they would have needed to do over the last six, seven months was take the time to build a little bit of a family dynamic with these people to at least give me a shot at caring about them and their struggles now, by illuminating who they are and how they relate to one another outside of their immediate plotlines. Sure, plenty of online fandom would not have given a shit, and they're within their rights to feel that way - but I get endless scenes of Nathan, Levi and Maxie living together and jabbering on, or the little kids in-fighting, and compared to them the instant Clay brood is neither worse nor better, so why not give it a shot?

When the online soaps made time for this kind of shit last summer people called it boring, but it has a purpose. I would've given it my time if anyone had bothered. None of the people involved are terribly thrilling, Deshler is lousy, Kristen and Easton are struggling, but at least there would be some character context.

Edited by jsbt
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It was daylight Friday & nightime today. The problem I have with it being nightime is all the kids were dropped off at camp. You can fanwank that Patrick sent someone however Carly was at the Park. There was no mention of let me get Joss & take her home. She then went straight to ELQ. We saw Micheal & Morgan & they didn't pick her up. Wasn't, Bobbi still "gaurding" Lucas.

When did continuity become too hard on this show.

Can we ship Levi back to Australia. Aren't we fast tracking illegals right now.

I am past ready for multiple stories to move forward or just end. FauxLuke, The Nina, Rafe & for Micheal to find out that Sonny killed AJ & both his parent are lying liars who lie.

To me, Delia is just another unneeded character. We have way to many characters on this show wilting on the vine yet they keep adding more, ie, Lucy, Scotty, Kevin, Lucas, Brad. It's time for an Event that will Change Everything.

ETA: I rarely get to do this so thank you show for not making it TJ's car that received repairs.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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So pretty much nothing happened today. Blah blah Silas's car, even though we know he didn't do it. Nina is being a bitch and Rosaleigh had bitch face the whoe time so hate her now, too.

Levi is still an idiot, even though Michael made great points. The sex better be great Maxie!

Carly still has possession of Franco's balls so Michael doesn't know yet. What a waste of an episode!

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