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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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The episode was largely inoffensive (no Sonny, Franco or Nina), but extremely boring for a sweeps episode. The only thing that even made it worth watching was Sam's fml expression at the end.


Brad's OMG made it sound like he was actually upset, not excited. What was with that? Unless it's Ron directing him to keep us guessing. Sigh. It won't work, Ron. The only way you could become more clever than us is if you roofied us, and then it would still be a toss-up.


Wake me up when Ava gets back onscreen.

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Ron. The only way you could become more clever than us is if you roofied us, and then it would still be a toss-up.


That's the way his fav creations of all time, the Ford brothers, always got their "dates".  Because Ron is such a sensitive writer, ya know?


I may tranqulize myself a bit, with two days of the Nurses Ball coming up.  Jake is going to wish he could lose his memory all over again.

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Floved Dante going off on Michael and Kiki.  Super happy Carly didn't let Sonny whisk AJ away.  And stoked that Michael one upped Sonny.


Curious to see what Sam will do with the info. 


Yeah, I'm not hating them as much as I thought I would (I enjoyed Sabrina slapping Kiki's purse into her hands last week, all "See ya, trick!"), but it's too soon for smoochies.  An awkward almost-kiss moment would have worked better.

I get why Michael would do it but why is Sabrina accepting of it?  They've never gone on a date.  She hasn't shown any romantic interest in Michael.  He just reaches over and kisses her.  When she protests, he dismisses her concern and grabs her for another kiss. Really not cool.  First he promises her a job at the clinic.  Then it's delayed so he presses her into a nanny job (putting that RN degree to good use).  Then she basically babysits him as well as AJ.  Now he's decided that they will be an item.  Gross.


I assume Silas brought Avery back to his place.  Where is he during the shriekfest, in his bathroom doing a hot oil treatment?

In the closet, hanging upside down from the rod.

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Today was so boring even on FF. The saving grace was the Ned/Olivia cuteness, but that's going to be gone once Wally leaves (blah). I guess Julian will find out soon since Sam heard?

A few romps in the hay and Hayden is all crazy jealous?

Valerie is such a waste of a character. She had so much promise but now it's obvious she's just there to make Frooloo jealous. Thanks for nothing, Ron. First you ruined how awesome Jordan was and now Valerie.

I think Sabrina caught caught in the moment with the kiss. She first seemed surprised and then she wanted it. Sometimes you don't realize that you have feelings for someone until something happens. Maybe there will be some cute flirting at the Nurse's ball. Most of the other couples left suck ass so I will take anything I can get at this point.

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Ah ha...here is the General Ep Discussion thread (forgot, my bad!)

Wednesday's episode...Hmm

Ric: So what's with the [red] balloons?
Liz: Oh, Obrecht thought they'd be festive.
Me: *Starting to hyperventilate in excitement*  Obrec--- omgomgOH..MY..GAWD what did she put IN the balloons Liz? Poison? Mindcontrolling Nanobytes? The golden ticket? Jake-niac's memory chip? This is Obrecht people and she likes a BIG crowd when she unspools. Why do PCers keep forgetting this shiz??  #ObrechtisStillCra-Cra  #FanningtheFlames

Already the Nurses **Mob War!?!** Ball in my head is better. #LastChancetoTarantino_It RonRon
I may end up watching this entire Ball *War!!!* with the volume turned down to see which actor mimes the best. #GHDoesMarcelMarceauYaaas!

Edited by scotlore

Brad answering the door to Britt is probably the result, but it shouldn't be. Advancing Lucas and Brad as characters should require people from Lucas' and/or Brad's background. I'd love it if Brad was answering the door to an ex-boyfriend or an ex-girlfriend(?) or some unapproving family member.

Isn't George Takei's character Brad's bio grandfather?

Though I suspect if they got him even for an episode, Uncle Frank would would hyping it like crazy. I actually think the visitor might be Ellie. IIRC, they didn't get along.

ETA: I still like the idea of Debbi Morgan & Darnell Williams as Brad's adoptive parents, with her as a cop and him as a doctor. Hell, I just want those two on the show period. They can be Brad's adoptive parents, Jordan's parents, a couple that just randomly moves to town, I don't care.

Edited by Tiger
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A few romps in the hay and Hayden is all crazy jealous?


Duh. She's a wimmins. How else is she supposed to react?


I don't suppose we'll be lucky and she'll target that anger to take out 80 percent of the guests at the Nurses Ball?


Sometimes you don't realize that you have feelings for someone until something happens.

Unless your name is Patrick, and then people have to force you to have feelings.

  • Love 5

I am still waiting for Ron to do something with Brad's mob-laced backstory, but it's tough when they're only on every six weeks.

Sad but so true. Brad isn't even on every other Wednesday with the other POC. It seems we have been seeing him ever 6-8 weeks lately while other characters are constantly shoved down my throat.

Bringing up Brad's mobbed laced history would involve Anna and Felicia, MoRon can't have that. Since MoRon loves history so much, I'm surprised Flea hasn't mentioned she was friends with Brad's aunt.

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I will always root for Ric solely because of Rick Hearst. Same for Ava because of Maura West. If other actors were in these roles, I'd probably want them flayed alive. But I friggin love Rick and Maura so I love their characters by default!


I am also guilty of loving their characters by default. A few years ago I went to some soap opera thingy at a flea market because Rick Hearst was there signing autographs and such. He's the only celebrity I ever stood in line for and yes, it was worth every second to embarrass myself getting my picture taken with him just so I was able to feel his arm around me for a few photos.

Yes I am 12 years old :)


Can we please have nice things and give them characters that are completely rootable ?


PS: he's a really good hugger lol

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Three Cheers for Dante Without Pity!  I rewatched that episode and Dante's wrath was even better than the first time. Dante's apology to Michael, his reading the Bimbo Twins for filth and busting them were epic, for different reasons. The former showed that Dante, unlike Morgan, is capable of showing humility and compassion towards Michael while the latter showed his zero-tolerance policy for bullshit where Morgan, Kiki Sonny & Carly are concerned. Dante's cuffing the 2 idiots, hauling them off to jail and putting them on lockdown was sweet, if all too brief.


Dante's being pissed at Morgan & Kiki for their willingness to risk Michael's life among others, especially L'il AJ's just to prove something to Sonny was spot on.  Morgan & Kiki will not only have to live the rest of their lives knowing that the only reason why they're free is because of Michael, they, especially Morgan, will have to live with the fact that from now on every time Sonny looks at Morgan, he'll be reminded of what and whom he lost because of him. To say that the Bimbo Twins' plot against Michael was an epic fail is as much of an understatement as Sonny's being a little selfish, Nathan's being somewhat attractive and Fluke/Franco/WE NEVER CARED being batshit crazy.

Edited by DollEyes
  • Love 8

Frank said on Twitter that it starts tomorrow.  Lynn Herring will be live tweeting at 11AM Pacific, Kathleen Gati at 12PM Pacific, and Nicolas Bechtel (or, most likely, his mother) at 2PM Pacific.


Thanks magnolia.  I'll probably dvr it to see how much more they can massacre this event, thereby destroying all my fond memories of past Nurses Balls...


Between Britt calling Faison "Papa" and Patrick defending Sam to Dr. O more than he ever did for his ex-wife that was tortured and kidnapped, I want to pull my eyeballs out.


It will take seeing Robin in chains, all bloodied and bruised for Patdick to get an inkling of Robin's "choice to Abandon Her Family"  was the his excuse/"plausible deniability" that he was clueless to her situation.  DESPITE what Faison told him AND Anna.  Assuming of course the fuckwits even bother to give Robin any point of view, or rather have anyone actually be on her side. Forget about Anna and Patdick. I want to know what Mac, Felicia, Lucy, Nik are thinking...


Hey, maybe we'll get to see Laura and Robin in chains together! Won't that fun!

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
  • Love 7

It will take seeing Robin in chains, all bloodied and bruised for Patdick to get an inkling of Robin's "choice to Abandon Her Family" was the his excuse/"plausible deniability" that he was clueless to her situation. DESPITE what Faison told him AND Anna. Assuming of course the fuckwits even bother to give Robin any point of view, or rather have anyone actually be on her side. Forget about Anna and Patdick. I want to know what Mac, Felicia, Lucy, Nik are thinking...

Hey, maybe we'll get to see Laura and Robin in chains together! Won't that fun!

It will never matter what Robin went through or what her choice was or wasn't. Patrick will always be the victim who "deserves to be happy."

This is the show that reunited Britt and Dr. O like it's this beautiful mother/daughter relationship....reunited just in time for the NB. You know, the event that was important to the person Dr. O tortured.

Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 7

Oh Britt, girl, I do enjoy your friendship with Brad, but sneaking back into town just to watch the Nurses' Ball is pretty silly.  Also, her thawed attitude towards Faison is stupid.  Still, it was nice to see her, with Brad and with Dr. O again. #sorrynotsorry


Enjoyed Dr. O snarking on the Jake(son) harem.


Good on Fake!Jake for getting a payday out of Carly.

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I'm so amused that Sam lied to Patrick's face that Dr. O was in fact giving her a hard time about Jake. 


The "Papa's not so bad" "miss Nikolas" going on about what a great kid Spencer is, "I really miss Mother" ... Britt is still delusional, and now insufferable. The only nice thing is that she was happy for Brad and Lucas. 


Molly is so much smarter than Ric. Ric's self-delusion is just sad. I'm going to guess that Carly will have Fake!Jake do a truth-telling thing on stage just moments after Ric pops the question. 


I was distracted from Elizabeth's lines because the red square and marks in the painting behind her head are the exact same color as her shirt. I guess that truth telling about Hayden and his lingering feelings is a set up for him being extra furious when Hayden's lies are exposed at the NB. Becky did a good job with the sad face/almost tears to stopping and plastering a big smile on her face when walking over to talk to Ric and Molly. 


Nikolas is as delusional about Spencer as Britt is, so I guess maybe they were right for each other. He truly sucks as a dad. Also, he is again showing his Cassadine-ness with Hayden.

Edited by Bringonthedrama
  • Love 3
Also, her thawed attitude towards Faison is stupid.


That Faison even bothers to note her presence is even more annoying and stupid.  Way to ruin a character, TPTB!


Way to take away from his single-mindedness, bad-ass-ness, and -- frankly -- his good sense by having him give her the time of day.  I want to bring up Ulkis's excerpt of faux dialogue when they embarked earlier this year.

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Even her conundrum abut Olivia's baby didn't stop Sam from talking about Jake.  Dr. O was on POINT about the harem.


That's what gets to me. Clearly in order for it to be penned that Dr O thinks the harem is ridiculous and that Jake is not worth it, there has to be some self-awareness on Ron's part. Yet the harem continues on and Dr O is, from a narrative standpoint, supposed to be in the wrong. Also true, as Sam said, she has no room to talk about anyone's man because of her "love" for Faison.


Yesterday was a decent episode, but today was lackluster, mostly because the Jake show was back in full force + Spencer.

  • Love 2

That's what gets to me. Clearly in order for it to be penned that Dr O thinks the harem is ridiculous and that Jake is not worth it, there has to be some self-awareness on Ron's part. Yet the harem continues on and Dr O is, from a narrative standpoint, supposed to be in the wrong.


It's classic Ron, putting audience complaints in the mouth of a character who in-universe is viewed as being wrong.

  • Love 12

Even her conundrum abut Olivia's baby didn't stop Sam from talking about Jake. Dr. O was on POINT about the harem.

Sam still hasn't stopped talking about Jake/Jason. How is this possible!?! How do they really not have her doing anything else? It's crazy. Even a scene of her so-called happiness with Patrick? A scene with her and Danny? Anything!

  • Love 4

That Faison even bothers to note her presence is even more annoying and stupid.  Way to ruin a character, TPTB!


The only way I buy Faison staying awake long enough* to bond with Britt for more than 5 minutes is if he took a cabbage and stuck a wig on it and that's what Britt's been bonding with this whole time. That's my fanwank and I'm sticking to it.


*Not a diss on Britt but his general spaciness. I didn't like Britt with O. but I like Britt and Brad.


Way to take away from his single-mindedness, bad-ass-ness, and -- frankly -- his good sense by having him give her the time of day.  I want to bring up Ulkis's excerpt of faux dialogue when they embarked earlier this year.



I don't remember what I said at all, heh, what was it?

Even her conundrum abut Olivia's baby didn't stop Sam from talking about Jake.  Dr. O was on POINT about the harem.


I can buy that. Sam wouldn't care THAT much, especially if her attention is being distracted by Jason pheromones. I mean, she would care, but she still has time to put off making a decision.

Edited by ulkis
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The only way I buy Faison staying awake long enough* to bond with Britt for more than 5 minutes is if he took a cabbage and stuck a wig on it and that's what Britt's been bonding with this whole time.


Maybe Faison makes her wear a Robin mask and pretends he's bonding with his "stepdaughter".


Try and unsee THAT lol!

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 3

Save the tomatoes and your throwing arms, please, but I was thrilled to see Britt. Her friendship with Brad was one of my favorite things that Ron had written. I even enjoyed her with Nikolas, although that relationship was pretty much doomed from the start. I was sorry to see her go, and I'm going to enjoy having her back for the short time that we do. 

  • Love 18

I'm sorry but Liz really is a piece of work. She knows Ric is right in the next room but continues to make googly eyes at a *married man. I know Ric is a damn liar, but Liz doesn't know that yet and she still behaves this way. It's.....dumb.

When Molly is the one with the most sense you know things are bad.

*as far as she knows he is married.

Edited by mybabyaidan
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I wish that someone with half a brain would ask Britt if she knows where Robin is.

Britt, whose only redeeming qualities were making Spencer and Brad tolerable and knowing her parents are psychos, is now obsessed with her 'rents. Are we sure she doesn't have Robin chained up?

Why would Britt know where Robin is?

Bc Faison knows. Her papa bear.

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Britt, whose only redeeming qualities were making Spencer and Brad tolerable and knowing her parents are psychos, is now obsessed with her 'rents. Are we sure she doesn't have Robin chained up?

Bc Faison knows. Her papa bear.


I dunno, I have a soft spot for the weird alliance Britt and Robin made.


And does Faison know?  I dunno how informed Helena kept him of her overarching plans.


ETA...although, yeah, he did hint loudly to Anna that he knew Robin wasn't simply in Paris.

Edited by TeeVee329
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I dunno, I have a soft spot for the weird alliance Britt and Robin made.


And does Faison know?  I dunno how informed Helena kept him of her overarching plans.


ETA...although, yeah, he did hint loudly to Anna that he knew Robin wasn't simply in Paris.


He did, but as we all know the villains on this show are smarter than everyone else up to the 11th hour, so maybe Faison just put 2+2 together and knew that if Robin was not in Port Charles after 2 years of being away than something Not Good must be going on. Either way if Britt had asked about Robin he probably stonewalled her.

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