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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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In two months when Valerie tries to make a move on Dante I'm going to be so shocked. SHOCKED.



Two months?  Such a long time!  With the rate at which plot-points are accumulating in this story, I don't think it will be as long as two months.


This rushed, contrived story annoys me to no end - as does the breakneck speed at which the writers are throwing Valerie under the bus to create story for Lante.

  • Love 1

So yesterday when Carly told Sonny not to sacrifice one child for another, what she really meant is not to sacrifice Morgan for AJ because she sure as hell  expected Sonny to sacrifice AJ for Morgan - Sonny essentially gave up parental rights to AJ to save Morgan from jail (not that I'm crying for Sonny - karma's a bitch).  I can't wait to see Morgan's face when he realizes his dumbass stunt has forever removed AJ from Sonny; I don't think Morgan is going to get the love and respect from Sonny that he was hoping for when he came up with his stupid idea.

  • Love 11

This might need to go into the UO thread, but I maybe kinda-sorta feel the tiniest bit sorry for Morgan. Just the tiniest bit. Obviously he's an idiot and what he did to Michael is completely not okay, but he's really in this position because Sonny (and Carly, but mostly Sonny) is so stingy with is love and affection that the poor kid's positively starving for anyone who'll be nice to him, even for only a little while. He's not just a younger version of AJ, he's a non-supernatural iteration of this guy here (*points to icon*), and that means he's capable of doing awful, stupid things in the hopes that it'll get him a few minutes of happiness. Not that I think Sonny loves Michael either, at least not outside of what it means to him to have "defeated" a Quartermaine, but he at least pays a fair amount of lip service to the idea. I'm sure that now that he's lost custody of his latest possession, he's going to drop Morgan right back down to the bottom of his list of priorities. Because that's what a "good man who loves his kids" does.

  • Love 11

The mindnumbing hypocrisy of Carly today was astounding.  Not surprising, exactly, but I still think she'd be going after Kiki as the primary cause and somehow finding a way to excuse Morgan - which she'd do if it was Michael.....  It was telling that she had to remind - indeed, beg - Sonny not to let Morgan hang for his crap while he was getting ready to do just that while he stole Avery away to the island.  It's obvious that Morgan means less to Sonny than even Max but still Carly seems oblivious to that.  Probably because Morgan only means a tiny bit more to her - but not much.  And Morgan may not be working with a full set of batteries, but he KNOWS how little they care about him.  

I don't agree.  I think the only reason that Sonny was going to let Morgan wait in jail was because he wasn't going anywhere.  It's not like Sonny could do anything like get a judge to post bail or get a hearing at night.  They would still have to wait for a lawyer, then a judge, etc.  So in Sonny's mind, since he can't immediately help Morgan, he wanted to get Avery out of PC and to his island so that Michael couldn't get her.  Sonny actually loved Morgan's suggestion, and I think Morgan would have been okay with Sonny leaving him in jail overnight to get Avery to the island.  I didn't see Sonny abandoning Morgan to be in jail because he didn't care but moreso that he couldn't do anything IN THAT MOMENT to help him.  


Now having said all that, Sonny loves his money and power more than he loves anything. Michael was absolutely correct about that when he testified.  He loves his kids, but not enough to give up his criminal organization for them which is why Avery will never be safe with him.  Heck, he's already to ship her off to the island to be raised by a nanny - probably Leticia's great-grand daughter.


Hello Sabrina,

Look at your man Carrrlos (after a good delousing and shampoo)

Now look at Michael. 

Sadly, Michael isn't Carrrlos.

Michael is just fine for me.  Carlos is nice but he's needy, imo.  I love the actor, but the character is WAY too emotional for a hitman.


So yesterday when Carly told Sonny not to sacrifice one child for another, what she really meant is not to sacrifice Morgan for AJ because she sure as hell  expected Sonny to sacrifice AJ for Morgan - Sonny essentially gave up parental rights to AJ to save Morgan from jail (not that I'm crying for Sonny - karma's a bitch).  I can't wait to see Morgan's face when he realizes his dumbass stunt has forever removed AJ from Sonny; I don't think Morgan is going to get the love and respect from Sonny that he was hoping for when he came up with his stupid idea.

As much as Carly may love Avery, she's not Carly's child.  So Carly will always be on the side of her children against other people, which makes sense.  It is ironic that for all Morgan's actions, he actually managed to make sure that Sonny never gets custody of Avery ever again.  I wonder if Sonny is going to take this out on Morgan.  He better not since Morgan is simply doing a dumbass thing that Sonny probably would have done if it weren't Michael.  I mean Sonny's the guy who had sex ON the grave of the man he murdered.  It doesn't get more disrespectful than that.

  • Love 9
Lulu is doing a fine job of that on her own with, as you say, her blind Luke devotion.


Dante doesn't seem to be too bothered by this, especially now that he's got Avery's kidnapping to deal with. I think Dante understands Lulu's attachment to Luke, and while her blinkers are annoying at times, they're not going to stop him from, say, arresting Luke when that's necessary. I like that Dante's basic attitude is "Eh, whatever. I won't involve myself in my wife's family unless absolutely necessary. I've got my own crazy relatives to deal with."


the character is WAY too emotional for a hitman.


That's what makes him so crazy awesome, IMO. We had our "stone cold" killer in Jason. It's about time someone tossed his hair around and had hissy fits before shooting someone.


Yeah, if it weren't Micheal, I think Sonny and Carly would high five Morgan and at least promote him to Number 1 1/2 Son or Silver Medal Son.

Nah, Morgan will always and forever by the spare.

  • Love 8

I am completely with you on that, Cobalt Stargazer. I mean, the writing isn't really there, but in my head the story with Morgan is much more profound and whatnot, so I can feel sympathy for him. I'm always a sucker for that type of character.


I'll give Morgan credit for this much, for not letting Kiki apologize for him, and as much as I hate it that he seems to feel no regret, if he doesn't feel too much regret, I give him credit for not apologizing when he's not, unlike his parents with their fake apologies. I suspect he might have started breaking down if things had started to progress further along, but still.

  • Love 2


It is ironic that for all Morgan's actions, he actually managed to make sure that Sonny never gets custody of Avery ever again.  I wonder if Sonny is going to take this out on Morgan.

Oh my god, prepare yourself for Sonny forever playing the martyr that sacrifices girlchild to keep Morgan out of prison. Perhaps the thing I hate most about Sonny is that he expects forgiveness for everything ("Why do you gotta bring up the past?") When holding on to grudges perpetually. This is the man who mentioned Brenda wearing a wire during their wedding ceremony. 


The North remembers, but nobody holds a grudge like the Moobster.

  • Love 13

Can't wait to see what unfolds between Nina and Franco. What an asshole he was to go through her bag in the first place, that's one thing you DON"T do. I enjoyed Nina kicking him out, only because I know it'll lead to an adorable NiCo make-up scene. Nina's stubborn but she can't stay mad at him and he can't stay away from her for too long. It wouldn't surprise me if he comes grovelling back to her even without concrete evidence that she didn't kidnap the baby. I can't wait! 

  • Love 1

Not quite sure what to think of this. As it isn't one is bad so the other is good. Saying what Michael did is illegal had nothing to do with Sonny's sins. Just because Sonny is a bad person doesn't mean that Michael is a good person by default. What I said had nothing to do with Sonny. Doing something illegal to prove you are the better choice doesn't make you the better choice. Truth was by getting a bias judge Michael won custody. If he would have let the original judge rule Sonny would have won so yes he did something illegal so he is not innocent.


  Again respectfully disagreeing. I know that Michael's no saint by a long shot, but he's still much better than Sonny. There's no proof that Michael nor Monica did anything illegal to get Judge Walters to hear the case; otoh, there's plenty of proof that Morgan and Kiki broke the law and witnesses-including Sonny-to prove it. As for the original judge, if she were in Sonny's pocket, like other judges before her (I'm guessing), then ITA that Sonny would've won, but no honest judge would let L'il AJ anywhere near Sonny again, father or not. Michael's a much better person and not "by default," otherwise he wouldn't have figured out that he was being framed/who framed him, put Ned on blast for giving Franco those shares of ELQ nor beat Sonny at his own game. I'll bet Edward, Lila, Alan & AJ are cheering for Michael in Heaven right now.

Dante was simply delicious today. Loved him arresting the Dumbshit twins AND telling them to STFU.


  So did I! I lfloved that Dante not only didn't even want to hear  the Bimbo Twins' bullshit, he couldn't even stand to look at them. Morgan and Kiki should not only beg Michael for forgiveness, they should be thanking their lucky stars that their dumb asses, especially Morgan's, aren't in Pentonville where they belong.

Edited by DollEyes
  • Love 10

Lucas and Brad showed up on-screen and were cute/had sex.  Has it been six weeks already?


Wow, it certainly didn't take long for Nikolas' idea to pretend to be dating Rosalie to blow up in his face.  What a moron!


Carly threatening jail/the cops on someone is so ridiculous.


Olivia needs to stop announcing her SUPER SEKRITS in public places.


Who could be at Brad's door *coughitstotallyBrittcough*!?!?

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 9

TJ is a really cute kid. They need to cut him loose so he can be free to try out for other things or actually use him.


Ha, I liked how Olivia was going on about how nice Valerie is and then immediately reverted to "that Valerie woman" when Dante told her about the hugs. And I enjoyed how they made fun of the hugging trope. Don't know if that makes up for them actually committing it, but it was funny.


Also funny: Dante's "kill me now" face when Olivia was patting him on the knee, Dante and Lulu running into each other with the phones, and Sam's "ugh why did I have to overhear that" way she put her head against the wall.


Dumb: Hayden introducing herself as Rosalie. Maybe Nikolas has two girlfriends, why should Valerie give a shit.


Sorry Brad, I like you, but if you're gonna have your shirt off for the whole episode, a push-up or two more would be in order.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 5

Perhaps Brad's visitor will be a pregnant Britt, who plans to announce it at the Nurses' Ball.


Brad's visitor *coughitstotallyBrittcough* showed up just in time for the red carpet show.  I hope he/she/*coughitstotallyBrittcough* brought ice cream.


Also, heh at Liz's comment that they included Dr. O in the event to head off her crashing it like last year.  Good call, Coe and co.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 1

For once I liked the Brad-Lucas scenes because we got an acknowledgement of what a POS Brad is (Lucas has morals; Brad doesn't). Loved that Lucas wasn't buying into Brad's defense of Spencer being "in on" Britt's scheme because seriously, he was 9. Go Lucas! Also liked that Lucas is still disgusted remembering Brad's role in the baby being kept from Lulu and Dante. Lucas deserves a much better boyfriend. 


Way to make your dad look even more desperate and pathetic, Molly. I felt uncomfortable on Elizabeth's behalf that she just kept going on about Ric being miserable and missing her. 


Sam asking Jake to come to the Nurse's Ball and be with his friends (including Patrick) is just funny. She clearly feels something regarding him and doesn't care if it makes Patrick uncomfortable. Ha!

  • Love 4

Sam asking Jake to come to the Nurse's Ball and be with his friends (including Patrick) is just funny. She clearly feels something regarding him and doesn't care if it makes Patrick uncomfortable. Ha!

She gives 0 shits that Patrick doesn't care for Jake.

Also, can we talk about how Sam is at the hospital more than Patrick? Is he at Home Depot checking on wallpaper patterns or....???

  • Love 2

Very exciting episode.  It bears repeating.  [/sarcasm]

There was no sign of WE NEVER CARED or the SERIAL KILLER. I'll take it.

She gives 0 shits that Patrick doesn't care for Jake.

Also, can we talk about how Sam is at the hospital more than Patrick? Is he at Home Depot checking on wallpaper patterns or....???

Sam said Patrick was called into emergency surgery. I think she was at the hospital to meet him for lunch or something.

  • Love 3

Olivia is such an idiot, I cannot. Let's say it as loud and clear as possible in the middle of a public place where a lot of people we know frequent: JULIAN JEROME IS THE FATHER OF MY BABY. NOT NED. JULIAN JEROME. BUT I DON'T WANT ANYONE TO KNOW THAT JULIAN JEROME IS THE FATHER OF MY BABY.

She is, and the lines made it clear that TPTB just wanted Sam to overhear. So very clunky. Would have sounded more natural/less grand-statement-y and not just for someone to overhear if she had said "Thank God Julian hasn't tried to pick our story apart" or "I'm just so glad Dante didn't hear all of it, and get put in the position to lie to the Jerome Family about this baby."


BTW, did anyone else see the previews and think, "It's sad that Molly is more sensible than her father."  He really wants to propose to Elizabeth just days (?) after they've gotten back together? So pathetic. 

  • Love 5
Why was Sam on Elizabeth/Jake propping duty,



I didn't listen to the sound today and during the Sam/Jake scenes.  There appeared to be a concerted effort by both actors to show some attraction between their characters. I just adored Sam banging her head on the wall's edge at the end of the show.  It's pretty much how I feel after watching every episode with [insert your demon - mine is] Sonny in it.  Here's another UO - but Carly is GOLD without Sonny slinking around her. 


Ryan Carnes has an amazing body


It looks like Ryan put some nice finishing toning touches on his already amazing body.

Edited by sunnyface
  • Love 3

If Britt is back to watch the NB red carpet with Brad I will forgive a lot of the awful shit that's happened lately tbh.


Come sit by me, peach, I'll bring the ice cream!


If Britt is back "*coughofcourseitshercough*, I hope she pops over to see Mutter.  Dr. O's interactions with Nathan, Nina, and Franco have all been so blah.

  • Love 10


He really wants to propose to Elizabeth just days (?) after they've gotten back together? So pathetic.

I adore Rick Hearst and I try really hard with Ric Lansing, but damn the writing just wants to poop all over him and I don't understand why.  He's one of their better actors but he always gets the short end of the stick.  I love LiRic and they've be a decent love story if it was allowed to happen without stupidity.  What a waste.  


Carly kicking Pete's ass was lovely and as much as I love Ric, I'm glad she's found out the truth so we can put an end to this Hayden nonsense.  But I want someone there to pick up the pieces for Ric so that he doesn't go mental, but unfortunately, I can't have nice things.  

  • Love 8
It's funny bc you still have people thinking this is some Liason epic love story.


I know. As long as Sam is around, she'll be his endgame.


Why was Sam on Elizabeth/Jake propping duty




Brad's visitor *coughitstotallyBrittcough*


Of course it's Britt. Why else would Brad and Lucas discuss her? Ron is not subtle. See above: Why Sam is a Liz/Jake cheerleader.


Carly is GOLD without Sonny slinking around her.

I loved her today. She was using her strong points—being obnoxious, loud, and pushy—for (relative) good for a change.


You know the budget is tight when Alfred not answering the door has to be explained by him being past retirement age, and an offscreen Chandler taking her bags to her room.


Does Brad understand that threatening not to sing is a good thing?

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 7


You know the budget is tight when Alfred not answering the door has to be explained by him being past retirement age, and an offscreen Chandler taking her bags to her room.


This is really nothing in the grand scheme of Nik's pure douchery as of late, but I forgot to mention how annoyed I was at him that day when Hayden called him and he yelled for Alfred to answer it. He was literally RIGHT THERE!  Like the phone was 2 inches from his hand. I don't care how rich you are, is your ass really that lazy? That infuriatingly bothered me more than his lies and his deceit.

  • Love 6

I adore Rick Hearst and I try really hard with Ric Lansing, but damn the writing just wants to poop all over him and I don't understand why.  He's one of their better actors but he always gets the short end of the stick.  I love LiRic and they've be a decent love story if it was allowed to happen without stupidity.  What a waste.

I will always root for Ric solely because of Rick Hearst. Same for Ava because of Maura West. If other actors were in these roles, I'd probably want them flayed alive. But I friggin love Rick and Maura so I love their characters by default!

  • Love 10

Nik's a douche.  I eagerly await his comeuppance, even if it'll last ten seconds like Morgan and Kiki's.


Well, after the boat non-bombing Lulu probably yelled at him for about the same amount of time Dante yelled at Morgan and Kiki, and yet, the latter was just way more satisfying. Maybe next time they should haul out Alexis to yell at him?

  • Love 1





Hey, you guys!  Did you notice the irony of Jake telling Sam he hasn't had any memories of his wife?   But....this is so funny and ironic....HE ACTUALLY HAS.  They were just of Sam.   ISN'T THAT CLEVER????


My god, I feel like I am stuck in Groundhog Day.  The same shit has been going on FOR 6 MONTHS.   We GET IT RON.  IT'S SO CUTE.


**Sorry for all the caps, I am just in that kind of mood.

  • Love 10

Can someone just shoot Carly in the head and get rid of this absolutely horrible character? Sonny had his chance and failed.


It goes to show how fucked up this show is when your heroine would be a town pariah on any other soap, but we all have to love pushy Carly and her hypocritical ass. Even when she's in the right on this one, I still can't get on board.



  • Love 10

I honestly legit enjoyed this episode. I don't really have anything to say about it, but I liked it.


If Britt is back to watch the NB red carpet with Brad I will forgive a lot of the awful shit that's happened lately tbh.

This exactly how I feel, on both counts! It wasn't my favorite episode ever, but I don't recall disliking any of it either, which is a new and strange feeling with regard to this show. It had several scenes with people I like (that includes Nik, who I've been finding interesting lately, ELQ crap aside), Carly was doing something I liked for a change, and most of the dialogue was actually pretty dialogue-y.

In retrospect, I know they've been mentioning the nurses' ball a lot recently, but I guess it didn't really register with me because I was really surprised to hear them say it was "today." Weird.

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