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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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  I knew that Levi was full of piping-hot shit and his snitching to the judge without his accent proved it. Levi may not be as bad as Sonny where his treatment of women is concerned, but his manipulating Maxie shows that he's got potential. Levi is trying to isolate Maxie from everyone who cares about her, first Georgie and now Nathan- and chances are Mac and Felicia will be next. Thank Heaven for Mac & Nathan, who know that Levi's wrong for Maxie on every level, but they can't prove it-yet. However, if Nathan tries to investigate Levi, Levi will probably try to make it look like "harassment," so Mac may just have to call some friends Down Under to check Levi out instead. 

Way to throw Rosalie under the bus, Nina. I'm glad Rosalie called her out on that. I also liked Rosalie going a little rogue on Nina by haranguing Silas.


Oh, I thought all that stuff was part of the plan. Nina was like, "Here's what I need you to do," and then they cut away. And then Rosalie came back after her Nathan flirting session and told off Silas while Nina was like, "Oh no we all just wanna be happy" bullshit. 

CPP83, on 24 Jun 2014 - 3:38 PM, said:



    Levi might just be the most abusive male on the show right now, imo. The way he is trying to isolate Maxie, keeping her away from her friends and family and even little girl, trapping her in his mind games, it's turned into a completely revolting match up in my eyes. He is utterly nonredeemable and not just because of his hair, and face, and body. He is filth to the highest power.


    Ava and Sonny really sink to so many trashy lows together.



Sonny is just a neanderthal. Yes he treats women badly, but he isn't bright enough to do real damage. If they just put on their big girl panties they can throw him over without blinking.


The Dunklemonkey OTOH is devious and systematic. He seems to be much more evil than first glimpse. I do agree he is much more abusive than Sonny simply b/c he can do real damage while Sonny is mostly just a joke. The things Levi is doing are classic domestic violence ploys to isolate the victim then the abuse really begins. Are there any good trash compactors in PC?

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He still did that today. When Joss said "when did you used to be fun" he said "I used to be but then everyone complained so I stopped." Still making jokes about that long stretch of years he killed people for fun. I do agree he's toned down his physicality about 1%, but they're still mostly using him for wacky comic relief.

I felt that was RH speaking directly to the audience with that line and not so much about Franco.  The audience has been complaining about his constant jokes and one-liners at inappropriate times, and I think RC wrote it into the script.  I do agree that Franco basically exists as comic relief now.


We've talked about Maxie and Michael before, over at TWOP, our prior forum. I agree I think they would be fantastic together - sort of an odd couple with Maxie put in the unlikely position of being the older woman to a more grown-up younger man, forcing her to adjust. We talked a lot about potential story too - for me it would start with a drunken one-night stand at the Nurses Ball or something. Something straight out of Knocked Up, but with no baby.


I do think KA and CD have some chemistry, but it's very dependent on their story. They clicked as Starr and Michael despite wretched story because the possibilities of the two soap scions (OLTL and GH) together were endless. As she is and has been since, Kiki just doesn't work. As more of a screwball supporting character she might, but that's not what they give Kristen Alderson - they think she's a star.

I don't think KA and CD were that great as Starr and Michael.  The potential was there due to their character backgrounds, but Starr was just boring as a character.  She lost all her spark the minute they made her a teenage mother, imo.  So when they teamed her with Michael, they were basically this "old married couple" already, and RC (as always) rushed them together.  Kiki is simply a horrible character that sucks the life out of every GH character, but especially Michael.  He can't do anything without her tied to his hip.  All she does in her scenes is tell people what to do, as if she is in any position to tell anyone anything.  The mooch.  She's telling Morgan not to lean on his brother.  She's telling Michael not to call Jax.  She's giving her two-cents as to whether Tracy should be allowed back in ELQ.  WTF?  This is a woman who asks her boyfriend for a 'sweet deal' of an apartment because she doesn't have a job and can't afford her own place.  She's now mooching off of Silas.


Michael/CD has chemistry with other GH characters when he's written to break free of the yoke that is Kiki Jerome.  I loved his scenes with Sean Kannan and the entire Brenda reveal.  God that was fun.  I thought CD had chemistry with Vanessa but also with Maxie.  Because Michael's character is written to be low-key ala Jason, he needs a firecracker of a partner.  That's why Maxie would work with him.  It's why she works with Nathan, because he's also a button down character.  Opposites work.  Kiki is suppose to be a "good" character, but she owns none of her bad behavior.  It's always someone else's fault - her mothers (for lying to her, even though Kiki lies also), Morgan (for not telling her the truth, even though she was slipping away every chance she got to see Michael), Michael (for daring to question her morals for siding with a serial killer and rapist and hiding said person in Michael's home), etc.  I despise her character, and I hate that she's tied to Michael because I actually like the character and have seen him in MUCH better stories and have chemistry with other characters.  She's an albatross around his neck.

Eh, I thought Michael and Starr were extremely boring.  Michael is such an Eyeore of a character that he needs someone livelier.  But Kiki is a hypocritical buttinski bitch so that doesn't work either lol.

He wasn't always.  I still can't wait for him to find out about Sonny/AJ/Carly because I can only hope that RC is planning on writing Michael as a much different character, less trusting.  He DOES need to lose his blind loyalty to people.


I want a Sonny - Nina hook-up just because their smush name would be Ninny.

Lol, that's great.


Michelle Stafford is kicking butt and taking names!!!  she is a breath of fresh air that the show and the Silas/Sam pairing needed!  GH is very lucky to get the best in the business on their show!!! 

whoever is writing Nina's dialogue needs a big hand!  You never know what is going to come out of her mouth next! 

Although I am liking Nina, the problem with her storyline is that it's an umbrella storyline that centers around all new characters.  I don't are about the new characters because they haven't established themselves.  Do I care if Nina hates Silas?  No.  I don't know or care about Madeline, Rosalie, and I sure don't care about Kiki.  RC is desperate to stick her into any possible storyline.  So now I have a Nina storyline that involves her plotting against new characters that I don't care whether she hurts them or not.  I mean does anyone care if Silas, Madeline, Kiki die?  The only vet in that storyline is Sam, and she's a side character.  I found her scenes with Patrick MUCH more interesting, and those two spark together.  

I noticed that too, Stinger97. I was trying to decide if he was adopting an American accent to disguise his voice (since an Aussie accent would be too distinctive) or if it was a reveal to the audience that he wasn't really who he said he was. I'm leaning more toward the former than the latter, though.

Levi got so much more interesting this past week.  I like him as a bad character because he's playing it well.  He's got that smarmy factor down pat, and yes, I think he may actually be American in terms of his character and just playing an Australian.  I'm curious.  I do love Nathan getting in his face, and I love the Nathan/Mac bonding.  

Edited by Bishop
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Hey, it's summer - all the power to Sam for showing off great cleavage and legs. I WISH my legs looked that good!! I see too many women in this world showing too much cleavage or leg when (often due to weight) theirs are more cringe-worthy than attractive, and I wonder if they actually look in their mirrors before leaving home.  


I liked that Patrick told her she looked great, after that idiot Silas just left her in the park to run home to cray-cray. I think Patrick may subconsciously like Sam (more than he ever had "feelings for" Sabrina) but with everything that's happened with Robin's return and exit and the rollercoaster with Britt, Sabrina as well as all the associated baby drama, his mind just hasn't gone there. Also, he has no idea if Robin really could bring the Jasoncicle back to life. Patrick actually speaks, in real sentences, is a doctor, and can have real conversations with Sam that aren't about Sonny/mob/Michael, so that automatically makes him 1,000% better than Jason even if he's only ever Sam's friend.

  • Love 3


Way to throw Rosalie under the bus, Nina. I'm glad Rosalie called her out on that. I also liked Rosalie going a little rogue on Nina by haranguing Silas.

Oh, I thought all that stuff was part of the plan. Nina was like, "Here's what I need you to do," and then they cut away. And then Rosalie came back after her Nathan flirting session and told off Silas while Nina was like, "Oh no we all just wanna be happy" bullshit.

Good grief, was I fooled by TheNina? I am deeply shamed. Uh...I wasn't watching things to closely. Yeah, that's what happened.


Levi got so much more interesting this past week.  I like him as a bad character because he's playing it well.


I'd like him as a bad character if he were truly bad. Sabotaging Maxie's chances of seeing Georgie because Levi is ticked off with Nathan is more of a dick move. IMO, it was about Nathan, not Maxie. Make it so she never gets Georgie—that's being bad.

Edited by dubbel zout

Maxie's "stoopidity" is still sticking in my craw. Levi is indeed the perfect example so far of a potentially abusive boyfriend, separating Maxie from her friends and family and isolating, shaming, and controlling her. She's the type of woman who ends up badly beaten, shot, knived, or killed by the boyfriend because she so lacks her own center and self-confidence, and is a vacuum. Her waffling about whether or not she wanted her baby is reinforced now by her indecisiveness in trusting either Nathan or Levi, as they quarrel over her like a juicy bone. She loves being the center of attention, but fails to see why she is attracting the wrong kind of attention Levi is giving her, He has the potential to be cray-cray and really hurt her. While his muscles bulge in his arms, his soft voice and talk of peace distract Maxie. I try to feel sorry for her, but her willfullness and egotism make me wish she could land at death's door, sooner rather than .later.

I'd like him as a bad character if he were truly bad. Sabotaging Maxie's chances of seeing Georgie because Levi is ticked off with Nathan is more of a dick move. IMO, it was about Nathan, not Maxie. Make it so she never gets Georgie—that's being bad.

I don't agree.  Levi was already working to manipulate Maxie before Nathan got involved.  Heck, I think the whole reason he's with her is because he targeted her for some reason.  Nathan is simply the person in the way for whatever Levi has planned.  He thought he had Maxie right where he wanted her, doing what he wanted, thinking the way he wanted, and then Nathan comes in and reminds Maxie of who she truly is.  That is upsetting Levi's master plan - whatever that is - and make no mistake, he has a master plan.  That American accent (whether real or fake) tells me that he has an agenda.  We just don't know what it is yet.  From what I'm seeing, Levi wants Maxie completely isolated.  I don't know why, but he doesn't want her to have Georgie, and then he told her that she doesn't need Lulu or Nathan either, only him.  That's a problem, and it has nothing to do with Nathan.  If anything, Nathan is the fly in the ointment of whatever Levi is planning.

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In the defense of, well, neither the Love House on OLTL nor this story, the whole 'communal work/study environment' schtick is a tried and true device on everything from soaps to sitcoms to cheesy movies and I have no problem with it in concept. The failing of the Love House was that most of the characters were instant newbies or lame (Jen Rappaport), and that they had no real connection to most other storylines on the show - plus everything they did was pure afterschool special and dumb.


I don't have a problem with "Lila's Kids" but I do have a problem with more relentless airtime for Spencer, Emma and that block of balsa playing Cameron. I can take them all in doses. This is not doses.

This show, this show, this bloody show.


The kiddie camp scenes were...torture. I really, truly, without a doubt, hate those kids. At least they let Alice out of the boathouse for a couple of scenes.


Where is Monica? Did they seal her up in the crypt or something? This is just ridiculous. And I don't want Felix hanging around but where is Lucas? Better yet where is Brad, because he needs to be going to Lucas' room with his own personal Strip-O-Gram to give out.


The Nina already seems so stale and pathetic to me, and her story is only just beginning. Everything about all of that is just wrong.


I know there were Carly and Franco scenes but my brain was unable to focus on the horror so I don't really have any comments about them.


I don't have a problem with "Lila's Kids" but I do have a problem with more relentless airtime for Spencer, Emma and that block of balsa playing Cameron. I can take them all in doses. This is not doses.


That's what I'm saying.  This Lila's Kids camp is the backdrop for all the summer shenanigans with Emma, Spencer, Cameron, and surely Joss that we're going to be subjected to, just like the Love House was the transparent backdrop for the twenty-something shenanigans that summer on OLTL.  With Alice supervising, who also is much better in small doses.  I'm scared!

Edited by TeeVee329

OK, I laughed when Corn shaving creamed Franco.  Bratty but she's my favorite of the 4 kids.  Nicolas (I think that's his name) Oops it's Spencer giving the other girl $100 --- omfg.  I did like Sonny eyerolling when he called him.
The powerpoint was lame and funny.  Those of us that have to sit through them can appreciate it.  If I were Nic (Nik? Nick?), I'd have grabbed the remote to see the other slides. 
Thank you writers for giving Silas a portion of his brain back.  Of course Nina should go for physical therapy.
Rosalie is quite the bitch.  I like it.  She better be careful poking the crazy that is Nina.  I believe Nina told Rosalie to go after Silas a little and Rosalie is intentionally going overboard as a way to needle Nina a little.  Be careful, Nina comes from a long line of crazy evil.
What gift did Michael give Sonny?  A wooden crate of ?
Those nasty kids.  Ugh.  All summer of this?  I hope Corn takes them all out.  Emma shouldn't be talking about soul mates at her age.

Edited by Lola16
That's what I'm saying.  This Lila's Kids camp is the backdrop for all the summer shenanigans with Emma, Spencer, Cameron, and surely Joss that we're going to be subjected to, just like the Love House was the transparent backdrop for the twenty-something shenanigans that summer on OLTL.  With Alice supervising, who also is much better in small doses.  I'm scared!



The only thing that might make it worse would be if they made Kikaka and Rafe camp counselors. Then Kikaka would be giving relationship advice to Emma and her little "bestie" mini Carly, aka Joss, while Rafe would be getting high and allowing Spencer to wrap Cameron up in his sleeping bag before setting fire to it, though that might not be all bad considering.

Edited by CPP83
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Oh, God! Alice! No. I can't take much of Alice either, especially now that they've let her keep her real-life death camp guard haircut.


The concept can work, it's the execution. This is just going to be a Little Rascals thing, but the problem is we're not exactly dealing with Jonathan Jackson, Amber Tamblyn and Foster the dog here.*


* = I would not be surprised to see Foster and Annabelle's grand-puppies turn up by the end of this.

Edited by jsbt
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I would be happy to watch T.J. and Kiki as counselors, actually. I think Kristen is a lot better with comedy and deserves to be run ragged by these kids the way she used to run the adults ragged, or had story catered to her as a teen. But really, Kiki, Spencer and these kids all summer long is not a recipe for success. I understand wanting to use the kids and I admire it, but you cannot bank on these kids. The only one who can actually act just showed up the other day and the dialogue is pure camp, often poorly delivered.

I'm gonna go to RC's twitter and see if he quoted Spencer oh-so-relevant-and-up-to-date pop culture reference when he called Sonny:


"Help me Uncle Sonny, you're my only hope!"




Yup! 21 minutes ago! Damn it, I wish he hadn't done it yet, cause now it could look like I only started this post after I saw it. But I didn't. That's just how soulmate-y I am with RC now.

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I need to come up with some kind of plan to survive this storyline. *fires up PowerPoint*



Make sure to include plenty of slides of Nik without a shirt on, apparently that's a great motivator.


I'm of the mindset that the less seen of kid actors on soaps the better, mainly because few are any good and fewer are given good material to work with.


Those four little ankle bitters aren't what I would call the most gifted kids, so that's painful enough, then you couple that with giving them subject matter that no one in their age group would ever deal with so they're talking about things they have no experience with, and rightly so, and it's painful. They sound like little robots programmed to say and do inappropriate, adult things. It's unwatchable for me.


The less seen of Kikaka, imo, the better, let her go and be boring and stupid with Michael, they feed off one another that way. Now TJ and Molly might not be terrible choices, but Rafe needs to be left on a cliff somewhere, having him involved would be awful, and he'd probably endanger someone's life due to his addiction so things could be even more "dramatic", which in Ron's world seems to be code for "bad shit that loses Emmys".


Foster the dog here.*


* = I would not be surprised to see Foster and Annabelle's grand-puppies turn up by the end of this.

I miss Foster and Annabelle and even Sigmund  Funny how back then the writers could make two dogs and a duck well defined characters that we actually cared about and today they cannot even make me care about the humans on the show.

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I know there was a whole show but most of my thoughts were how pale BH was. These are my thoughts:

1. Powder the movie

2. How does she avoid the sun in california

3. She would fry, if she got sun

4. Does she sparkle like a vampire. I think Edward had more color

5. She wasn't this pale as a teen

6. She could play a castithan on SyFy's "Defiance" & all she would need is the hair

7. Is this the porcelain/ivory skin described in books

I know they are keeping Micheal clueless but shouldn't he be a little upset/irritated that Sonny has sex on AJ's crypt with Ava mere minutes after the funeral.

Finally getting SamTrick scenes & it's surrounded by all this junk

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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I know they are keeping Micheal clueless but shouldn't he be a little upset/irritated that Sonny has sex on AJ's crypt with Ava mere minutes after the funeral.



Michael knows that Sonny and Ava had sex but he doesn't know the when and the where does he? 


The truth needs to come out ASAP because I can't take Michael and Sonny scenes.  I want it to come out and Michael to despise Sonny.


I know if won't last but I want to get something out of the horrible return of AJ.

  • Love 2


The truth needs to come out ASAP because I can't take Michael and Sonny scenes.  I want it to come out and Michael to despise Sonny.

Agreed. I want some actual good dialogue when the truth comes out. If Ron wants an Emmy, if he actually wrote to the story he has set up here, he might be able to get there. While I hate the AJ story he did select, it is here now and there is some good drama that can be mined from Michael finding out and turning on Sonny and Carly. Scenes like today should be a set up for that falling out right? Ron won't make Michael have a one day funk and then be back to normal right? I mean this is catnip to the Emmy voters...


As you can see, I am trying to put that out into the universe so we can get some good scenes here with real anger. Michael needs to look back on today -- when he told Sonny that he would be there for him and did not want to leave things unsaid like he did with AJ -- and be furious. I suspect I am expecting too much here.

  • Love 1

I know there was a whole show but most of my thoughts were how pale BH was. These are my thoughts:

1. Powder the movie

2. How does she avoid the sun in california

3. She would fry, if she got sun

4. Does she sparkle like a vampire. I think Edward had more color

5. She wasn't this pale as a teen

6. She could play a castithan on SyFy's "Defiance" & all she would need is the hair

7. Is this the porcelain/ivory skin described in books



Point  #7 reminds me that I was thinking BH would now be perfect to play a woman with consumption in a period piece now. Pretty still but thin and translucent. Hope she's okay.

Rafe needs to be left on a cliff somewhere


Preferably getting his liver eaten out every night by birds. And unlike Prometheus, Rafe would not be saved by Herakles ultimately killing said birds.



Michael knows that Sonny and Ava had sex but he doesn't know the when and the where does he?


No. Lauren told him only that Sonny and Ava had sex and now she's pregnant.

Edited by dubbel zout
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Sonny fears that Ava will get her drink on while preggo to get back at him but has to wait until tomorrow when Max is on shift to pour out the booze because .... why?  Can he not find the sink? Is it too hard to lift  all them heavy bottles or is it because he doesn't know which way is up.


Why doesn't he just throw the damn bottles at the wall?  Is he afraid she'd drop to her knees and try to suck the booze from the carpet after they break? 


Further proof Dr O is batshit crazy - I can get my husband laughing for a good 20 minutes that any man would find Britt hotter than Liz.  

  • Love 2

I really want RC to move along the Sonny/AJ/Michael storyline reveal.  RC is painting on the Sonny worship a bit thick just so that when Michael finds out it will be even more devastating.  I don't mind that fact, but please can we get some different scenes for Michael?  He's either praising Sonny or holding Kiki's hand (since she has no purpose otherwise).  On a shallow note:  CD looked great in that grey suit.


I also love Britt and Dr. O.  As over the top as Dr. O is, I like her, and I like her as Nathan's mother also.  I am very happy that Britt is not going to scheme to get back Nikolas in a bad way.  Using her sex appeal is fine.  All is fair in love and war, and since she actually wants Nikolas and doesn't treat his heart like a boomerang like Elizabeth, I'm on Britt's side.  Also, I'm tired of Elizabeth's damsel in distress stuff "No, Nikolas I don't need you to help me . . . oh well if you insist."  It gets old.


The kiddie triangle is driving me insane.  THAT is what is called wasted airtime, folks.  I DON'T care about Cameron, Spencer, or Emma, not even a little bit.


The NIna/Silas show continues, and I'm sorry but that entire storyline is starting to bore me.  Patrick and Sam are far more interesting, and I think Rosalie deserves a smackdown soon.  I wouldn't put up with her mouth.  I did love the Alexis and Sam scenes also.  Alexis' statement: "Molly isn't returning my calls.  So I thought I'd stay here and ambush her.  What could possibly go wrong?"  Lol.

Edited by Bishop
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If Dr. O really loved Britt she would throw her off a parapet and end her suffering. 



Further proof Dr O is batshit crazy - I can get my husband laughing for a good 20 minutes that any man would find Britt hotter than Liz.  


The only thing that would have made it even more campy was if Brit walked in munching a carrot and saying "What's up doc?"


Who should Nik chose? Skeletor or Bugs Bunny? I'd go for door #3 Nik. Neither!.....Brad is looking better and better.


Further proof Dr O is batshit crazy - I can get my husband laughing for a good 20 minutes that any man would find Britt hotter than Liz.

I would choose Liz or a "Liz Type" on 999 out of a 1000 days but there is something oddly appealing about an Amazon Britt type, maybe especially because they never try to show her as smaller than Nik, they live with her being the taller of the two, unlike the contortions of Sonny/Carly ("Some one find a box and a phone book,,,and some lifts...and Laura could you just maybe I don't know scrunch down a bit?")

  • Love 3


It is sad that Eddie Ryder the actor who played Slick has passed on. A scene with an old man in a Hospital Bed, who hears Fluke out in the hall and turns to Elizabeth (or some hospital staff) and says "You know that ain't Luke, right?" would be awesome.


I love that scenario.  Likewise, if Laura were to come back and know instantly it's not Luke.  Anything to get a dig in at Tracy, who has always been so dismissive and disparaging of Luke and Laura's past.



She still isn't making watching Silas scenes anything more than a big zzzzz.  ME has to be one of the most boring persons on the show since Dr. Tony Jones.


I loved Tony, but I do agree on ME.  He was deadly dull on OLTL, as well.  (At least he's expanded his repertoire and does a bit more than just standing around with his hand on his hip, looking dour.  Slightly expanded.)  I never understood Marty and Natalie fighting over him, and I'll never forgive them for taking down the mighty Marty Saybrooke and making her crazy in the name of John McBain.  Now we have Nina, a woman who we're told was nigh unto a saint, turned crazy in the name of Silas Clay.


Now I'm wondering if that pharmacist was the first person on Nina's To-Do List and she was actually his killer.



Nina's line "Can I cook or can't I?" is straight out of Star Trek II "The Wrath of Khan".


Today we had a call-out to Star Wars, via Spenser.



Mac/Nathan are good together.  Between the two of them having Maxie's back I hope they rout out Levi soon.


One or the other, or both of them, needs to put their investigative skills to good use and check out his background.  I'm really surprised Mac hasn't done so already.

  • Love 2


Likewise, if Laura were to come back and know instantly it's not Luke

Laura would know in a heartbeat. So would Lucky. I am not sure about Ethan.  Lulu has she is written now is so infected with baby rabies that she cannot think straight. Lulu several years ago would have been on this like white on rice.  I may be giving Ron too much credit but I think he may be avoiding a Luke/Scotty one on one, because Scotty would also know right away that the snark was off and figure out it was not Luke, you just don't hate some one for that many years without knowing them.


(I have also always suspected, and wished some writer would go there....Ron almost did in the nut house....., that Scott and Luke if push came to shove would help each other if  there was a greater threat)


BTW: This story line could have been awesome if it centered on Luke-Scott-Bobbie-Tracy-Lulu (and Dante)-Anna-Mac-Felica and a returned Lucky (or even Ethan)  You know the people who actually KNOW Luke and love him despite himself. Instead this Sonny-centric, Kaka driven mess that is not worth saving, even if as I have long suspected Fluke turns out to be Damian Smith and not the oh so predictable Bill Eckhart.

Edited by Fylaki
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