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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Maxie deserves to at least have visitation, supervised or not, IMO.  & she deserves to ride Nathan like a cowgirl after Levi.


Maxie with two relative newbies bores me silly, but the court shit is ridiculous.  I want to throw that "judge" into a fire.  Did the tone deaf judge not understand the reason Maxie didn't go to the first hearing?  Her failure to show was borne of fear, not indifference.  She should at least see her daughter as a first step.  This story feels like a true waste of time.  IF Spinelli lived in town, we know Maxie would get to see the kid.  This story is not only ridiculous, it's pure plot point based on the other parent being mostly off the show.  


Nathan and Levi should start their own romance off my screen.  And Maxie, as I said back on TWOP, should start a romance with Michael.  His story is blowing chunks right now with Kiki the Dullard, but thinks she's not by his side.  It's so frustrating because a legacy kid, daughter of Frisco and Felicia should not be stuck in a newbie sandwich.  Yawn, fucking, yawn.

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I don't think it is remotely fair to call Maxie a slut, even by the world's standards let alone a soap. As far as I can recall there was the boy in High School (Kyle??), Lucky (and yes he was married but it takes two to tango), The Cop who got killed, Cooper Barrett, Franco and Spin and now Levi, that is seven for a woman in her mid-twenties, perhaps a "slut" in the Christian Circles I normally run in but hardly one in the world and hardly one on a soap.


Well there were apparently two more, Logan Hayes and Matt Hunter, as bedmates to Maxie. And sometimes the line was ambiguous, as with Lucas Jones, Diego Alcazar, and Johnny Zacchara, where she was up for it if they were (whether or not it happened onscreen). Bobbie and Carly are much older than Maxie, and have grown children and even grandchildren, and Bobbie was a hooker. When Maxie is their age, we can do a recount, and I would imagine she will have more mileage on her charms than either of those er...ladies.


the court shit is ridiculous.  I want to throw that "judge" into a fire.  Did the tone deaf judge not understand the reason Maxie didn't go to the first hearing?  Her failure to show was borne of fear, not indifference.


The judge isn't Maxie's therapist; his role is to know, interpret, and uphold the law. She was summoned to court, and she didn't appear. Furthermore, she and/or others lied in court to the judge about why she didn't appear. I think it is beneficial to tell the show's audience how important it is to cooperate with the law and not assume one can lie or not obey lawful actions of the court. The judge is not just himself; he represents the People, the weight of the common law, etc. A private individual must respect, and cannot ignore, the law or its elected official.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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The thought of Maxie getting her hands on that innocent baby continues to get my feathers in a twist.


That baby is her baby. She has a right to exist to her daughter. If Spinelli, who regularly covered the crimes of a hit man and his mob boss, who allowed a cop to be set up to be murdered and dumped somewhere while sitting in a church while his friend and cop's girlfriend was becoming a godmother, who later tried to frame the cop for embezzling from criminals, can get primary custody, I don't see why Maxie can't be allowed to see her daughter. 


There are no saints on this show. Even with Maxie's colorful history, there are people that have done as bad or even worse things and still been able to raise their children on this show. Except AJ, because being an on and off again alcoholic is worse than being a murderous crime boss. 

  • Love 17

Yes, Maxie lied about the baby, has had several partners, stole drugs and is not currently employed.  But Ellie, who is raising Maxie's daughter alongside the baby's father knew & lied about the paternity too. The father - granted custody by this judge - is an unemployed father living off his girlfriend.  His previous employment was working for 2 crime bosses, hacking into government computers, fabricating evidence & who delivered pot to a sick acquaintance. Not a slut maybe, but not for trying. He has had creepy obsessions with several women during a short history in town - including Carly! This man fathered the baby during a drunken episode with an ex who he knew still had feelings for him, within hours of his girlfriend's failure to show for a date.  Yet Maxie shouldn't be able to even visit her own baby, the same baby she believed she was protecting by lying so that a couple she believed better qualified could raise?  Yes, while I think we're supposed to see Elizabeth and Lulu, with their sordid histories, as especially deserving of motherhood...

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That baby is her baby. She has a right to exist to her daughter. If Spinelli, who regularly covered the crimes of a hit man and his mob boss, who allowed a cop to be set up to be murdered and dumped somewhere while sitting in a church while his friend and cop's girlfriend was becoming a godmother, who later tried to frame the cop for embezzling from criminals, can get primary custody, I don't see why Maxie can't be allowed to see her daughter. 


There are no saints on this show. Even with Maxie's colorful history, there are people that have done as bad or even worse things and still been able to raise their children on this show. Except AJ, because being an on and off again alcoholic is worse than being a murderous crime boss. 

I agree. As much as Maxie's role in feeding pills to Lucky enraged me a the time, in the moral relativism of the GH world, she is far from the worst potential parent. Her basically good heart should at least partially outweigh some of her more unfortunate choices.

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It's laughable that Spinelli, the former mob employee and drug user/dealer, is somehow the most fit parent because Maxie, a woman in her 20's, has <gasp> had some sex.  Even with Spinelli no longer working for Sonny's organization, he'd still be in some level of danger - he knows things about the inner workings of Sonny's organization, especially on the financial end.  Leaving a position like that would, theoretically, put someone in danger from both the organization he left and rival organizations.  But, yeah, Maxie's had sex, she's a TOTAL danger to that baby. 

  • Love 10

Good points made about Spinelli's lack of worthiness for full custody---does anyone remember what the judge's rationale was for that? I wonder why Diane isn't reminding the judge of the other side...the less than worthy aspects?


I'm afraid that if Diane does bring it up, the judge may now make the baby a foster child and ward of the state rather than giving it over to Maxie or even giving her visitation.

And Maxie, as I said back on TWOP, should start a romance with Michael.  His story is blowing chunks right now with Kiki the Dullard, but thinks she's not by his side.  It's so frustrating because a legacy kid, daughter of Frisco and Felicia should not be stuck in a newbie sandwich.  Yawn, fucking, yawn.


I would never waste Maxie in a romance with that pasty face. There's a reason he's boring, it isn't just Kiki (and trust me, I think she sucks on multiple other levels). He was boring with Abby, he was boring with Starr, and he continues to be a bore on my screen. I see nothing compelling about his character or his performance. He might as well be a male Sabrina.

  • Love 3
He might as well be a male Sabrina.


Perfect! When Sobby comes slithering back (sigh... < Nancy Kerrigan >whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhy?! </NK >), put her with Droopy and shove 'em off screen. Or use them as extras. Easier to fast forward, too. Don't give half a shit about Kaka, but it would free Patrick, and that I'm always for.

Edited by WendyR72
  • Love 6

I would never waste Maxie in a romance with that pasty face. There's a reason he's boring, it isn't just Kiki (and trust me, I think she sucks on multiple other levels). He was boring with Abby, he was boring with Starr, and he continues to be a bore on my screen. I see nothing compelling about his character or his performance. He might as well be a male Sabrina.


I mostly agree, but Starr and Abby were brutally bad. The guy hasn't had one half-way decent romantic partner yet.


I would never waste Maxie in a romance with that pasty face. There's a reason he's boring, it isn't just Kiki (and trust me, I think she sucks on multiple other levels). He was boring with Abby, he was boring with Starr, and he continues to be a bore on my screen. I see nothing compelling about his character or his performance. He might as well be a male Sabrina.


All of these women other than Maxie are boring newbies except Starr.  However, even on OLTL Starr was never interesting in her Cole romance, imo.  I believe the "boring" Michael is a victim of bad writing.  He's not the most brilliant actor, but he's excellent in emotional scenes.  He has a quality, which I think with good writing and a romance with, I don't know, an actual breathing interesting woman like our Maxie, would not be boring.  I could be wrong, but I think it would be worth a try.  Ron and Frank obviously have other shitty plans.  

Good points made about Spinelli's lack of worthiness for full custody---does anyone remember what the judge's rationale was for that? I wonder why Diane isn't reminding the judge of the other side...the less than worthy aspects?


I'm afraid that if Diane does bring it up, the judge may now make the baby a foster child and ward of the state rather than giving it over to Maxie or even giving her visitation.


 It wouldn't matter, he worked for Sonny the "good" mobster. [sarcasm font]



I think that we should all be grateful that we have been spared Levi/Maxie sex scenes. They might be barfworthy.


Are we all in agreement that if this does happen now it's all lillybee's fault for putting it out in the universe?   Take it back quick!  Didn't we all learn from the Soily debacle???


Kidding aside, KeMo posted this picture with Stevie boy on twitter:



Edited by mybabyaidan
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Kidding aside, KeMo posted this picture with Stevie boy on twitter:




I can't figure it out.  In still pictures, when he's smiling, SBu looks animated and emotive.  Then he shows up on a television screen and he's The Statue That Blinks.  Why couldn't we have gotten the guy in those still photos playing Jason Morgan?

Re recent plotlines, I knew that Nina was a phony all along and her being able to walk and trashing Silas' place proves it, not to mention her being all sweetness and light about Silas and Sam. Given what Nina knows about Rafe, I wouldn't be surprised if she used it to blackmail him into doing her bidding. It would serve Nina right if Nathan was the one to bust her. Nathan has way less qualms about busting family than Dante does, as Madeline and Dr. O can attest. I don't give a fuck about Rafe either, especially since the only reason he's doing drugs is because Molly dumped him for TJ. Rafe's not just a junkie stalker, he's a pathetic junkie stalker. Re Jimmy Deschler's acting skills, while Tequan Richmond's not the best actor I've ever seen, IMO he's still better than JD, as he showed in Blue Caprice, the film about the D.C. sniper. Re Molly, I don't think she should have left Alexis, but Alexis shouldn't have given her reason to leave. Molly's tactics re Julexis may be wrong, but her suspicions about Julian aren't, by a long shot. Alexis' belief in Julian because of what she thinks is hard evidence is understandable, but her refusal to even consider the possibility that Molly's right is bullshit, plain and simple. Alexis has only known Julian for a few months, but Molly is her daughter, whom she has known literally since the day she was born, which should count for something, to say the least. The one person who could fix this whole mess is Julian. if Julian does the right thing and comes clean, I think he would gain more than he'd lose. If Julian fesses up and gets another immunity deal, Alexis could get her daughter back, Molly could get her father back and Julian would get his balls back.


  Re Tracy, I would be much more impressed by her punking Michael if she wasn't being played herself. Ned wouldn't have bought Tracy's bullshit for a second if he were there. If Ned were in charge, he wouldn't just let Tracy back in, he'd make her earn it, just like Edward would have done. A good writer would make Ned put tracy in the mailroom for a month for starters, which could not only throw a big monkey wrench in Fluke's plans for ELQ, seeing Tracy trying to throw her weight around and failing miserably would be comedy gold. In time Fluke could get so frustrated that he takes it out on Tracy, making her see the light and finally kick Fluke to the curb like the trash he is, for real and for good. About Sabrina, her breakdown after Gabriel's death should have been tragic, but I found it just too funny. Her reverting back to her wedding day dress and all is just the latest example of her building her whole world around Patrick when she shouldn't.



Not really...Robin had plenty of "options". She could have insisted her family accompany her. Insisted that Jason be moved to a facility near Port Charles. told Anna and Robert.


Robin looks like shit because she is acting shitty. Simple as that.


  Not to me. Robin's asking Patrick and Emma to abandon their home, their family and their friends would not only have been unfair to them, it would have also been dangerous, which is probably why Robin didn't tell her parents either. In Robin's mind, she knows that her parents are superspies, but she probably also believes that they have already been through enough Hell because of her and she didn't want them to suffer anymore. As for why Robin didn't insist that Jason was moved to a facility near Port Charles, chances are it was because Victor wouldn't have allowed it because it would have given his plan away and that would have put her family in even more danger.  IMO, any mistake Robin makes is RC's fault, not Robin's. Whatever options Robin did or didn't use are RC's doing. RC's apparent belief that Robin's having "3 hots and a cot" is any semblance of a substitute for the 2 & 1/2 years that were stolen from Robin, Patrick and Emma proves just how delusional he is. ITA with those who say that the more RC tries to make Robin look bad, the worse he looks.


  • Love 10

I think that one's opinion of Robin's mothering is determined by how much one likes Robin.  I personally cannot stand her.  Her self-righteousness makes me crazy. She gets a free pass on her friendships with mobsters.  She's an amazing hypocrite who, after appointing herself the patron saint of true paternity (Michael and Spencer), attempted to hide her pregnancy with Emma from Patrick. The final straw is doing to Emma what was done to her.


And it drives me crazy when people say that Robin only left Emma because that's what the writers decided.  Really, that's true of every character.

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UO but okay: I think Michelle Stafford is doing a pretty good job, especially with what they've given her. They brought her on to play old-school Crazy Phyllis or something and she is doing that - she scared the hell out of me at the end of Friday. I thought she played that whole rising from the chair and screaming thing very, very well, and her eyes were terrifying (along with the music - if that's Paul Glass he is still very good) and the whispering about whoooo could've destroyed the apartment. The flashback was goofy, however - and it seems obvious they dispatched Stafford to cover for the timeline a few days back by saying we don't know when Nina came out of her coma, because whether or not RC did plan that beat (and he is capable of planning those things months or years out - just don't ask him to focus on characters' stories today) Nina was definitely not originally 'awake' when Silas's place got trashed. I think she was still in scrubs and braceleted when we first saw her, whereas in the flashback she's dressed to the nines and on the town.


I think Stafford is giving this thing all she's got, and she is clearly running laps around Easton even in their quiet scenes together where they're just reminiscing with her steering Silas emotionally. For me a little Michelle Stafford has always gone a long way, but I've never denied her talent as a powerhouse, even when I think this role and story are relatively pointless - she is holding my attention. Still, if I have to watch a particularly bizarre period in GH history forced on me, I might as well do it with a great actor.

Edited by jsbt
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That phone conversation/argument didn't seem like it was all about Emma's needs - more like "I can't handle all this, so you need to come home right now."


In my worldview of marriage, that's a pretty legitimate request to make of a mate --- that they help you shoulder burdens you can't otherwise manage.  One of them is dealing with their daughter while coping with the loss of his son/the daughter's brother. 


Of course all of it is moot if Robin's being held against her will, and we have no reason whatsoever to believe that she COULD just up and leave.  But I don't think Patrick is wrong for expecting her to come if it's remotely possible.  And I gather from his side of the phone conversation that her side of it was "what I'm doing is sooooo important - why can't you GET that?!" and not "listen, dumbass, I'm in the Cassadine's basement - you think they'll let me leave until I finish?"


In short, the writing stinks because they COULD both potentially be completely right while completely at odds (she has no choice because of the threat to her family/he thinks she had one and therefore is heartbroken), but the writing isn't taking advantage of the tragedy of the situation they're in by showing her side, just using it to make excuses for him moving on romantically.  


And I realize it's all about her schedule, but they should have written and filmed it when she was around -- it was an obvious plot point. 

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Sam's chest pillows were nearly falling out a few times there, not that Silas, or should I say Michael, would have minded. I am of the belief that he and Kelly have to be so very highly peeved off at this stupid ass story-line with the Nina they have to wallow through. The fact alone that their characters are being written as brainless boobs has to irk enough, and then you add on the pitiful scripts and pathetic scene work. It's a confuckted cluster of pointless dribble for the ages.


I want to strangle the Nina; I want her set on fire; I want her encased in a cement tomb; I want her to sleep with Sonny in the backseat of his limo and both die in a car bomb explosion in the middle of their disgusting backseat sexathon. One or all of these scenarios would work just fine for me, never hurts to have options. I might be willing to allow her to live long enough to dispose of Kiki however, I'm lenient that way.


The fuck Josslynn knows and likes Kiki, she's been with her father for the most part outside of being locked in her mother's closet, it isn't as if Michael was playing babysitter for that little headcase. More stupid, pointless "off-screen bonding" between useless characters that makes no sense.


It'd be nice if I cared, at all, about Maxie's baby struggles but I don't. I wouldn't mind it though if Levi fell into a pit of man-eating kangaroos.


The nurse actress is actually fairly decent, if she had been Sabrina things might have been very different.

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I don't know how to feel about MSt's performance yet. She still does the little girl voice when she's yelling though, which is irritating.


The nurse actress is actually fairly decent, if she had been Sabrina things might have been very different.



I disagree. I thought she was pretty flat. And in any case, Rosalie's material is totally different than Sabrina's, who never gets any snarky stuff whatsoever. I doubt she (or anyone really) would have been able to improve that material.


Nina's shots at Sam were hilarious though. "Can you imagine their wedding? She must have been so excited to wear her best tube top."


Kiki is so Nina's daughter. Or maybe they just want an excuse for Kiki and Nina to share scenes. Because sure, everyone's clamoring for more Kiki.


Franco, another exercise in pointlessness. You know, what Ron's done with Franco is even more bizarre than anything James Franco could think of at that meta art show he did on the show.

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I did enjoy Nina today, especially her barbs at Sam (who I love) and Kiki. I've never seen MS on anything else, so I have nothing to compare this character to, but she sure is playing it over-the-top crazy. 


Nathan can do an Australian accent! The actor is loosening up a bit and looks to be more comfortable. Levi can just go away, preferably in a body bag.

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That's something that might have actually made Sabrina interesting - end up having her as Nina's private nurse, and she's shanghai'ed into becoming the keeper of Nina's secrets/her co-conspirator. Especially if she's feeling bereft and spurned by Patrick and life in general.


I still think Nina is a pointless character tied to a terrible story, but I know Ron - Nina will be the new dark queen of the Cassadines, the daughter of Madeline and Victor (or even another Cassadine relative). That's how he will cement her. And I don't like it, but in the meantime I think Michelle Stafford is giving all this, the lousy pre-fab storyline and the extremely lethargic actors she's playing off of a thousand percent, and I'm enjoying her work.

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Kiki is so Nina's daughter. Or maybe they just want an excuse for Kiki and Nina to share scenes. Because sure, everyone's clamoring for more Kiki.


If a scene with Nina and Kiki involves Nina running Kiki down with her wheelchair, I'll allow it.  As is, I was already fuming at Joss just loooooooooooooving Kiki.  Ick gross no stop!


In other news, the Lulu/Maxie "I want you to know my baby!" bonding moment was probably supposed to be a big deal, but it feels entirely unearned, given how they went scorched earth on each other and then were just back to being besties.  So, so lame.

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As is, I was already fuming at Joss just loooooooooooooving Kiki.  Ick gross no stop!



Don't forget she brought her "Frozen" stickers, what an angel...the NIna has my blessing to heave Kiki out of Michael's office window.


In other news, the Lulu/Maxie "I want you to know my baby!" bonding moment was probably supposed to be a big deal, but it feels entirely unearned, given how they went scorched earth on each other and then were just back to being besties.  So, so lame



Once again Ron wants to whitewash everything back to "good" so he can write what he wants, instead of bothering to write what makes sense and would work on an emotional level. It's as if the man has never heard of "baby steps", only gigantic leaps that defy all logic and reason and will always, somehow, involve Sonny screwing someone in and on places utterly unholy.

  • Love 1

If a scene with Nina and Kiki involves Nina running Kiki down with her wheelchair, I'll allow it.  As is, I was already fuming at Joss just loooooooooooooving Kiki.  Ick gross no stop!


In other news, the Lulu/Maxie "I want you to know my baby!" bonding moment was probably supposed to be a big deal, but it feels entirely unearned, given how they went scorched earth on each other and then were just back to being besties.  So, so lame.


during those scenes I was mostly amused by how one of the Rocco babies (possibly both?) seem to consistently be terrified of/dislike ER


I honestly think ER has been doing a good job pretty much down the line since she started (with a horrid storyline with Milo). I think she has very sweet chemistry with DZ and unlike Julie Berman I think she totally sells all this dreck they give her. I actually liked her scenes with Dante on Friday because it seemed to overtly foreshadow the obvious - they are not ready for another baby and it will strain their marriage. That is real, soapy domestic drama; that's natural. Not that that excuses the endless baby stories it comes out of or the very young Lulu's inexplicable obsession with being a two-time mother, but I think she just needs a good story and more to do. They just don't care about Lulu enough to write much of it.

Edited by jsbt
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Nina needs to focus all her energy on destroying Silas and Ava since they're the ones who broke up her marriage. She can go after Kiki and Levi for fun if she wants.


I need for one of Sonny's enemies to blow up his mansion with him and Ava in it.


Why can't Anna arrest Levi for something he didn't do like she usually does.

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I was so fucking tired of Anna being made utterly incompetent to accommodate Obrecht, Britt, FakeLuke/Bill, etc. so I guess I should be happy she is running this sting operation with Ric against L.L. Bean Catalog Julian. Finola Hughes is simply too good and projects too much cool authority to make her the goat the way GH and Ron often has and/or does with most cops. But I'm tired of literally anyone or anything being put in her way to keep her and Jordan from getting a name (and I'm over Jordan's constant big hair/cocktail dress wardrobe, thanks) or conducting their meets in any convenient public set Frank has up. To say nothing of her falling for Duke's latest line. Duke has always had a lousy poker face. (I know, the jokes write themselves about poor Ian Buchanan.)


I like how they got that dude Nick Chinlund from Con Air, Training Day, etc. to basically come in and be the substitute teacher for Tony Geary's 315th vacation. "Fake Luke's not here, so now ya gotta deal with me, Mickey Diamond, see! I'll be Luke for the duration of Tony's vacation in Amsterdam, heterosexual paradise! Just pretend I'm him and the plot can go on the same!" Come on. They couldn't have gotten someone a little less cliché? Another woman? A minority? R.J. Gannon?

The NIna's performance today just showed me that yet again Ron just can't write a human interest story. He would rather have this woman play cray cray to the nines than just be a woman 20 years out of a coma attempting to rebuild herself and her life, find a new existence in a world that hasn't stopped turning for her.


There's so much drama in that alone, actual, tangible drama that could involve human beings, resemble some touches of reality despite it being a soap, yet Ron turns the NIna into a cartoon character. Dancing about like a loon, wide eyed and crazed, cackling over her evil plans with her trusty nurse sidekick just for added flair.


Either he can't help himself or he's too inept and incapable of writing something good, honestly I lean towards thinking it the later option. But regardless it all equals up to unwatchable, unbearable horseshit to me.

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