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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Oy, oy, oy....Sonny "Smuggy McSmirkerson" Corinthos can leave please.  I hope the rumors are true.


Dude NEVER CARED about Ric till now.  Don't disrespect the Comm. Anna F'n Devane....in her own office!  If I were Anna (and I wish I were) I would have had his sorry ass escorted out.


I get Duke's lust for revenge on Julian but Julian should tell him it was his sister.  If they make punk ass Levi his and Anna's kid.....I'm barge bound.  Have a margarita at the ready and make it a double.


I still just can't with Nina even tho she did turn it down a notch.


I thought the funeral was ok overall.  SE does have a very nice voice but Amazing Grace is done to death (pun kinda intended).  Way overused in RL and all media.


Nice way to get Sabrina out of town for a while.


Is Carlos gone for good?


Hopefully not.  IF the truth about Ava ever comes out (publicly), Ava will likely spill the beans about Sonny killing AJ & Carlos will be exonerated.  But this is Ron, so no one else will find out about Ava killing Connie or Sonny killing AJ, so we will have no more "Carrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrlos". 


Ron (& Sonny) ruins everything.

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I got Kiki and Ava, Morgan and "Mikey", and Carly and Franco, so many duos that...that...touch me, make me feel things, so many things... *screams into a pillow*


Morgan, how about your bratty, useless ass goes and gets a job so you can then go and get your own place to live rather than whining at your mummy about her poor ass dating choices moving into her house, yes her house where she is free to bring anyone she wants to. And then he had to top it off by going to Michael, oh no excuse me "Mikey", to whine some more? Does he have any other setting than whiny or stupidly hairy? Honestly, if Franco goes on another killing spree let Morgan be at the top of the list.


If the evil redheaded stepchild that was once Michael had to deal with Morgan he would have tossed him ass first out the window, I've no doubt.


So Julian has made the park bench his new hangout, what fun, it's a wonder he hasn't yet set up his laptop and phone. And it makes so much sense for him to stay there because he just keeps running into so many amazing people...why isn't he with his son? Oh wait, no, family? Ron laughs in the face of family, it's just so much more important to have Sonny stammer and stutter at a bored Julian who doesn't seem to want to bother trying to decipher his nonsense.


It may be incredibly petty but I greatly enjoy the fact that Julian is taller than Sonny and can look down on him both literally and figuratively, as all should, smirking at that pathetic sack.


So basically Julian has no beef with anyone is what the writing is implying now, he has no issue with Duke and Anna, could care less about them apparently, and he's only been after Sonny because his boss made him, great, fantastic...what's the next level past hating something, because whatever that is that's where I am right now.


Sam and the Nina had a pointless meeting of the minds, what fun. Could the writing on the wall be any thicker and obvious and dripping? I mean it's dripping at this point.


New Josslyn truly turned into a child of the corn from the looks of it. This is going to really take up a lot of time and energy, I can already tell, Franco trying to "win" over her affections


Carly's officially become the shittiest mother in all of soapdom. She moved a known serial killer, potential, probable, rapist, and general psychopath in with her and her little girl. Inexcusable and beyond. And Ron thinks this just proves how much she loves him...the man is five gummy candies short of a fruitcake.


Ava and Kiki deserve each other. May they never, ever part, just makes it so much easier on my FF button when dealing with their scenes.

  • Love 6

Kiki admonishing Ava for telling Morgan she loved him only to break his heart and move in with his father was more than a little rich.  What exactly do you think you did, Keeks, when you told Morgan you loved him before publically dumping him and moving in with his brother the very next day? 


Shut the hell up, Kiki, you hypocrite bitch.

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NuJoss is SO the daughter Carly deserves - love it!!! I hope that the worst mother ever award is polished and ready for when Carly is finished browbeating her little girl into accepting NotTodd!Franco into their home. BTW Carly, that little bit of pain your girl caused him is absolutely nothing compared to the pain inflicted on your 'treasured' first born son thanks to him. Only Carly would see how angry/upset her child is and want to be all kissy face with Psycho. I really hope that is Joss's permanent nickname for him. (Yay Jax!)


I can't even - re: Sonny's threats/insults to Julian.


Kiki and Morgan repeat, coming soon? 


Sam - yes The Nina is clearly trouble but she and Silas aren't worth it. Also, I have a slight headache from that Jason anvil.

Edited by Bringonthedrama
  • Love 1
Shut the hell up, Kiki, you hypocrite bitch.



But see, no, she was justified leaving Morgan for "Mikey" because love conquers all, or some shit, and they were meant to be together, plus Morgan totally lied about them being cousins and stuff and got her to marry him and everything and that was bad so two wrongs don't make a right but an annulment fixes everything.


The point is, don't let your brother see your girlfriend in a bra or else your dad is going to end up having sex with her mom who's pregnant with your baby. It's just common sense really.

  • Love 13

It really did look like a cardboard box and all I could focus on was that.

I've never gone to a baby's funeral - thank God. I did lose my little nine year old cousin, and there's something so poignant in that small coffin. I'm sure that's what the show was aiming for. Instead, it reminded me of those freaks Michelle and Jim Bob Duggar who buried their preemie in an ammo box.

  • Love 1

Carly's officially become the shittiest mother in all of soapdom. She moved a known serial killer, potential, probable, rapist, and general psychopath in with her and her little girl.



I call bullshit on this whole situation.  There is no way in hell Jax would sit by and allow this to happen.  Joss said she heard Jax call Franco a Pycho while she was "down under......the table" (Yep she is indeed a Carly spawn).   He has had physical custody of Joss when he heard about Carly and Franco.  He was in another country.  You can't tell me that Jax could not have gone before a judge and obtained full custody of Joss.  The child's mother is involved with a serial killer, brain tumor or no brain tumor with a crazy ass mother who keeps escaping mental institutions and kidnapping people.  Joss's safety is at risk.  Even if all the judges were idiots and gave Carly custody anyway, Jax would have taken off with Joss until Carly came to her senses. 

  • Love 4

It sounded from Joss' outrage that she didn't know Franco was moving into the house, which makes me think Jax doesn't know either (and I wouldn't be shocked if Carly makes Joss lie to Jax about it).  But yes, I too can't imagine him willing sending Joss back to live under the same roof as a SERIAL KILLER.  At least Morgan expressed outrage and promptly made plans to flee to SERIAL KILLER free living quarters.


The whole thing was just so dumb.  Franco has truckloads of stuff?  He's been living in a hotel after however long on the run/underground and he has no money.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 3

I call bullshit on this whole situation.  There is no way in hell Jax would sit by and allow this to happen.  Joss said she heard Jax call Franco a Pycho while she was "down under......the table" (Yep she is indeed a Carly spawn).   He has had physical custody of Joss when he heard about Carly and Franco.  He was in another country.  You can't tell me that Jax could not have gone before a judge and obtained full custody of Joss.  The child's mother is involved with a serial killer, brain tumor or no brain tumor with a crazy ass mother who keeps escaping mental institutions and kidnapping people.  Joss's safety is at risk.  Even if all the judges were idiots and gave Carly custody anyway, Jax would have taken off with Joss until Carly came to her senses.



You people and your logic! 


Lol.  I was thinking the same thing. 


But then we would be without the awesome scenes we are sure to get with Franco and Joss. What a loss that would be.

I wish someone would punch Ava in the stomach. 


I wish Joss would murder Franco. 


I wish Morgan would do something with his life other than whine. 


How did he whine today? He was just filling in Michael on what happened and said he got himself into the situation with Ava and Sonny. And then at the end of the show he DID do something about his situation.


Besides, his dad slept with his girlfriend, possibly knocked her up, and moved her in. His mom is moving in her serial killer boyfriend into her house. I've heard people whine for lesser reasons, heh.

  • Love 11

I enjoyed Morgan's rant about his fucked up life, because his life is really fucked up. Mostly , I found him amusing and I appreciated seeing a scene where someone actually is told what is going on with connected characters instead of it being handwaved. It's certainly preferable to hearing repetitive conversations between characters stuck in the same bubble. 

Edited by yuggapukka
  • Love 3
I wish Morgan would do something with his life other than whine.



But then whatever would he do with his time? Pine some more after his untrustworthy girlfriend and wait for the baby's DNA test?


Whining is Morgan's job, since he refuses to actually go out and get one. When Sonny's pissed him off he goes to Carly, now she's made him unhappy so he goes to Michael and gets him to now support his lazy ass to move somewhere else, he's a shameless moocher, imo.

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I'm actually glad we got a scene of Morgan venting about his screwed up life directly to Michael and not via Kiki for a change.  He's an early twenty-something, I don't have a problem with him going to his older brother for some sympathy and some help.  And considering how ridiculous it is that Michael - who hasn't graduated from college AFAIK - is now the CEO of a major corporation, I'm not gonna bat an eye if he gives Morgan some kind of job.

  • Love 3

Sonny, you claim to be working on a honorable level but did you forget that you killed AJ.  Do you have 007 license to kill since you are planning on killing Ava and maybe Julian. I know your promise not to kill Julian is worthless because you also promised not to kill AJ.


I didn't think I could hate Sonny any more but everyday, he does something that rachets up my Sonny hate.

  • Love 4

She's cute and her delivery is so far not stilted, but I don't need another bratty, mouthy kid on this show, even if I completely agree with her point.


I'm gonna enjoy the Franco hate while it lasts because you know, sooner than later, Joss and Franco are going to be BFF and we'll be expected to swoon at how cute it is and how Roger Howarth is just great with kids blah blah blah.

  • Love 2

The box really was laughable. It would have been better if they'd just had a stuffed animal and a few floral arrangements. Everyone knows why they're there.


It did look like a (Xerox?) copy paper box. What got on my final last nerve was the point when the grieving parents GOT UP and STOOD next to the copy paper box so that everyone could enjoy Sabrina bursting into tears and the two pawing and sobbing on each other next to the coffin. That was completely unnecessary! You could also see how gi-normous TeCa was at that time in her pregnancy.


Carly's officially become the shittiest mother in all of soapdom. She moved a known serial killer, potential, probable, rapist, and general psychopath in with her and her little girl. Inexcusable and beyond.


Word! That little girl (Joss) really looked creepy. And wasn't her first line "Over my dead body"? I can't wait to see and hear Spencer's reaction to Joss. And Emma's. Maybe they are going for the "Wednesday" look for Joss (remember dour little Wednesday?).


I am so sick of how mobbed up the show is that I just ducked out and took a nap for the second half. The two top crime bosses were meeting for a heated argument in the park where anyone could hear and observe?


And Nina and Sam were a complete snooze. Sam is acting like Nina is going to die with any breath she takes. Nina's cutting remarks to Sam are not enjoyable. Expecting a man or woman to stick around for 20 years while you are in a coma is just not realistic, especially when the marriage was already on life support.


And one final retort--having all these different conversations and events in the park is just a CHEAP CHEAP way to avoid building different sets. BOOO!


Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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re:  Anna and Duke's baby


Ron was having a cow thinking people were going there, when he kept reminding people the miscarriage was on-screen and actually asked how far Anna was along when it happened.



Plus he's not Megan McTavish.


So I truly don't think he's going there.

Of course he isn't going that route. He'll go with stolen DNA instead.


Edited to say: My bad about not posting anymore about that topic in this thread.  I'm a TWOP refugee and your ways are strange to me. I imagine I have a wicked bad accent too compared to all the natives here.

Edited by Francie
  • Love 1

Sadly, he will. No one close to Sonny is allowed to hate him for long. As for Franco, that probable depends on how long RoHo sticks around.


I was actually surprised he was still hating on Franco today. I thought Morgan was resigned to the relationship after he and Lucas had that "oh well Carly will be Carly" chat they had a couple of months back. 


I was actually surprised he was still hating on Franco today. I thought Morgan was resigned to the relationship after he and Lucas had that "oh well Carly will be Carly" chat they had a couple of months back. 


Michael certainly stuck to that party line today, even throwing out the ol' "It was the brain tumor!" excuse.


Speaking of...previews...I wonder why Michael is calling Jax because I'm certain it's not to object to his sister living in the same house as a SERIAL KILLER.  Also, a) Michael continues to look like a little kid playing businessman and b) Chad Duell must be getting sick of that one set.

Edited by TeeVee329
This show needs to back off the kid actors.


I know. I fully appreciate Joss's disdain for Franco, and I love that she's giving Carly trouble, but there are too many other precocious kids on the show. We don't need another one.


What an awkward conversation between Sam and Nina, each falling over herself to assure the other there are no hard feelings. 


When did Lauren appoint herself the mouthpiece of the Corinthos brothers? STFU, little girl. I'm kind of surprised Michael had no idea what's going on. I can see where he wouldn't know the details, but he was in the dark about Ava being pregnant? That's pretty big news.


LOL that the only reason Sonny won't kill Julian is because of Sam and Danny. Because that worked so well for AJ and Michael.


Ava's dress was about 15 years too young for her. 

  • Love 1

Never thought I would say this, but the best part of today's show was Kiki. Actually, her call out on Ava and Julian's creepy incest vibe was the best part. At least the show recognizes the ickiness of that relationship. 


Joss looked like the one of the twins from The Shining. I can see her and Spencer together. Woe is me if the summer is going to be filled with elementary school romances.

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Sonny, you claim to be working on a honorable level but did you forget that you killed AJ.  Do you have 007 license to kill since you are planning on killing Ava and maybe Julian. I know your promise not to kill Julian is worthless because you also promised not to kill AJ.


I didn't think I could hate Sonny any more but everyday, he does something that rachets up my Sonny hate.



No Sonny, you are worse. I don't think that Julian would sleep with his child's significant other, or shoot his child or baby momma. He's so gross.


Heh...this show.  So unintentionally hilarious.  Really, I'm supposed to see Julian as WORSE than Sonny?  Gah...go peddle this shit elsewhere, Show.  Julian has done plenty of dishonorable things--he, at least, seems to be aware of his shady past--and he's likely headed straight to Hell, but Sonny, when he arrives, he's still going to have to wait in line behind YOU!


I don't understand those scenes AT ALL.  Was I supposed to cheer for Sonny?  Am I supposed to see Sonny as morally superior?  I can't even type that without laughing. And it's not just because I hate Sonny.  Really, it's not!   Julian's the BIG BAD because he framed an innocent man to protect his family, but Sonny's THE MAN for killing an innocent man to...help me out here?  What honorable reason justifies Sonny killing AJ?  And fucking his son's girlfriend is just A-OK because...??


This is just the dumbest thing!  Whoever it was--on this board-- that came up with this phrase: "The stupid.  It burns." deserves a literary prize.

  • Love 3

No lie, I wondered who brought the present to a funeral.


I also was pissed that they might be burying Robert's gift to Emma with the baby. I lost my Robert Fucking Scorpio. At least leave me the damn koala!


Well, Emma still has the didgeridoo her fucking awesome grandfather gave her, as well as the koala's mama.  It's something...


No, you're right.  Fucking bastards.

  • Love 4

Morgan has a right to be angry but I'm just over. All he's done for the last year is whine and now that he's has a legit reason to throw a tantrum I don't even want to hear it because I'm just over him and everything that comes out of his mouth. If his dumb ass hadn't been stupid enough to fall in love with an immoral cold hearted mobster he wouldn't even be having these problems. He needs to get a job so he isn't living off of his parents money while bitching about how bad they are. And then he needs to accept the fact that his father is trash and move on.

  • Love 1
And I  realized today I think Patrick SHOULD divorce Robin.  She's a shit mother.


If I recall, Victor Cassadine didn't exactly give Robin an option to say no to him. He threatened her and her family as it was. Patrick should at least be grateful Robin defied Victor to spill the beans to him.


Now as far as we know, she has been all "rah, rah Borg resurrection!", but considering how she left, we have no idea WHAT is going on or if she still is in danger or not.


And, to be honest, I'm a cold bitch. Yes, Robin was thought to be "dead" then, but what self-respecting woman would want to be within 100 feet of a kid her hubby spawned with another woman while her child fawns all over the would-be stepmama in the process? Yes, the spawn is Emma's brother. But let the parent who spawned said sibling deal with things.


Which is why Robin not "being there" is crap. Besides, RC is all about absolutes. Sabrina wears the shiny halo now. Robin is now THE EVUL absentee parent.


To which I say to Mr. "Robin had 3 meals!", fuck you. As always.

Edited by WendyR72
  • Love 11

I enjoyed today's show, but not much to say about it. Well, the parts I watched, which was everything except Julian/Sonny, Nina/Sam.


Same. Except I skipped the Franco/Carly scenes that Joss wasn't in as well.


I continue to just be at a total loss as to why they write Carly/Franco the way they do.


Morgan, my baby! He was amazing today and he actually looked good again! Michael as all-knowing sage is insufferable.


I didn't hate Kiki today. I'm going soft!

Edited by peachmangosteen
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I also enjoyed Joss. While I'm no fan of bratty, unruly children (which this show has in spades), her mother is Carly. I mean, if anyone is going to have a petulant, misbehaving daughter, it would be Carly. And so long as Joss is directing her attitude towards Franco? She's fine by me. 


So I expect that Michael's plan for Morgan is to 

enlist him to head up the project to resurrect the Brownstone, giving him both a job and a place to live. That said, I had to wonder why Michael was calling Ned about it. Does Bobbie still own the property?

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