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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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For whatever reason, GH insists on putting together meaningless couples for no good reason that I can discern, as well as having messy denouements at every single function that have more than two people in attendance.  Once a crowd gathers..be it wedding, funeral, picnic...I can rest assured that the secret skeletons will come flying out of the woodwork...just like the proverbial bats out of hell, wrecking havoc on the unsuspecting in the hopes that the characters will have something to talk about afterwards for weeks on end.

As for chemistry, I have to like the character first as a stand alone character before I can see them partnered with anyone.  Cranco is a disaster for me on two counts.  One, Carly has lost her mind choosing her son's rape antagonist as her lover, and two, Franco is too absurd to be a romantic lead as far as I'm concerned, thus rendering Cranco a complete and utter failure for me. 

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I think its strange that while RHo as Todd had chemistry to varying degrees with a lot of people, RHo as Franco has chemistry with not one person.

That said, the only chemistry I ever saw between LW and RHo is when Todd first came to town and they were kinda sorta friends. Once things turned romantic, the chemistry went away.

Edited by Tiger
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I think, and I may be wrong, that RHo has no chemistry with any one as Franco (as opposed to as Todd, where he had chemistry with Sam, Heather, Starr, McBain and even Luke)  because RHo was invested in Todd and he is not invested in Franco.

There are a number of soap characters/actors who could it always seemed hold a hour all to themselves. Todd, Vicki, Luke, Scorpio, and Erica Kane come to mind. Franco on the other hand could not hold three minutes with a room full of the best soap characters.

I would dare to say that RHo as Franco does not even have chemistry with himself..

Edited by Fylaki
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Liz got shot! Happy, happy, joy, joy! Well, it would've been even more epic if Franco, Sonny, Carly, Kiki, and Sabrina were nearby and the bullet ricocheted around to all of 'em, but at least Liz ate some lead. Woot.

But the joy is tempered by the fact her harem (RicNik, a single entity with their brains down south, if you catch my drift!) will no doubt be snivelling about her.

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I think, and I may be wrong, that RHo has no chemistry with any one as Franco (as opposed to as Todd, where he had chemistry with Sam, Heather, Starr, McBain and even Luke)  because RHo was invested in Todd and he is not invested in Franco.

There are a number of soap characters/actors who could it always seemed hold a hour all to themselves. Todd, Vicki, Luke, Scorpio, and Erica Kane come to mind. Franco on the other hand could not hold three minutes with a room full of the best soap characters.

I would dare to say that RHo as Franco does not even have chemistry with himself..

It's such a shame IMO that RH has been so ruined with such a waste of a character. I enjoyed him as Todd, loved him with Blair. I despise both the character of Franco and his characterization of it - although to be fair I don't think anyone could have made this always loathsome, always unnecessary character anything I'd want to watch. This taints RH IMO.



I hate this stupid Donna Mills/Liesl stuff with every fiber of my being. It's just vacant.

It was bad enough to have to listen to ME overact and Donna Mills do the same, explaining the loss of Nina to the block of wood. AND WHO CARES? This is a raw wound - Ron C. can try to force this crap down our throats DAY AFTER DAY AFTER DAY, but there was no story for AJ???? Really? It seems to me that even the actors haven't been able to drum up any feeling for this storyline either. ME has always had a limited range, but good Lord he really sucks in these scenes.

I've been tired of Dr. O since her second scene. IMO she's proof of how funny Ron C. thinks he is. She's not - he's not. As for Donna Mills, she must need gas money or something to have wasted her time doing this nonsense. Such garbage - a whole storyline about a dead woman we've never met, about people we don't know, doing things somewhere other than Port Charles. Crap.

  • Love 5

Did Dante teleport to the police station or is the ambulance really slow because I do not understand how Dante ended up back at the station and Liz was still waiting for an ambulance?

Since I am a newbie, does Liz have some kind of clotting disorder? I am trying to understand, because she was shot in the shoulder so there are no major arteries and no organs - why was she bleeding out? I know it seems silly but I have enough of a medical background to be bothered by this. A torso shot, brachial artery or femoral artery I get but the shoulder is throwing me.

Great scene with Anna talking about Robin's first kidnapping.

Yeah! Maxie!

Edited by cmahorror


Since I am a newbie, does Liz have some kind of clotting disorder? I am trying to understand, because she was shot in the shoulder so there are no major arteries and no organs - why was she bleeding out? I know it seems silly but I have enough of a medical background to be bothered by this. A torso shot, brachial artery or femoral artery I get but the shoulder is throwing me. 

I thought this was weird too.  Also, when Nikolas came back with the towel and said "There's so much blood" I was thinking where?  I couldn't really see that much.


Did Dante teleport to the police station or is the ambulance really slow because I do not understand how Dante ended up back at the station and Liz was still waiting for an ambulance?

Since I am a newbie, does Liz have some kind of clotting disorder? I am trying to understand, because she was shot in the shoulder so there are no major arteries and no organs - why was she bleeding out? I know it seems silly but I have enough of a medical background to be bothered by this. A torso shot, brachial artery or femoral artery I get but the shoulder is throwing me.

Great scene with Anna talking about Robin's first kidnapping.

Yeah! Maxie!

Plot Point. Heather can fall off the roof of the 11th floor of the hospital basically without a scratch yet Liz gets shot in the shoulder & is bleeding to death. Wasn't Carlos shot in the shoulder? He dragged himself out of the warehouse & made it to Pwenciss Sabrina's. Yet, I'm suppose to believe that Liz is bleeding so bad that she is already going into shock. Personally, I think they want Liz on her death bed so that Nik & Ric will hold a vigil at her bedside. This will start their battle for Liz's affection in earnest. More plot points for Ron's mandated minimum triangle love story. His storylines are becoming like paint by numbers.

I noticed the teleportation too. I'm hoping this is the last we will see of ER for a while.

KSt looked good. Don't know if I'm going to like her rumored storyline thou. Two inexperienced newbies is a lot to saddle an actress with.

Edited by BestestAuntEver


Gillian Rosh:

Gosh, the Silas/Nina/Madeliene thing is boring. What are they going for with this?

Given the final scene between Madeline and Obrecht, I'm wagering that Britt turns out to be the child Nina gave birth to while in a coma, which Madeline got rid of (damn Silas spawn) by turning the baby over to Obrecht, who in turn used the child to keep herself attached to Faison. Pure speculation, but it makes Soap Opera Sense.

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Posted by BestAuntEver: Plot Point. Heather can fall off the roof of the 11th floor of the hospital basically without a scratch yet Liz gets shot in the shoulder & is bleeding to death. 

Ha! I know right? I think it's in the GH soap opera verse that no one ever dies falling off a building. Jerry (who is seemingly un-killable) falls off the Metro Court roof through an awning, hits the pavement flat on his back, and survives with what amounted to scratches and a bit of hobbling but is still able to sit upright in Julian's  car on the way out of town. 

Posted by cmahorror: Did Dante teleport to the police station or is the ambulance really slow because I do not understand how Dante ended up back at the station and Liz was still waiting for an ambulance?

       I thought that was hilarious. In my head I saw Dante gazing possessively at his 'precious' and then was all  "ah eff you guys, I got what I came for. I'm out!" and he just poofed.

Edited by scotlore
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Given the final scene between Madeline and Obrecht, I'm wagering that Britt turns out to be the child Nina gave birth to while in a coma, which Madeline got rid of (damn Silas spawn) by turning the baby over to Obrecht, who in turn used the child to keep herself attached to Faison. Pure speculation, but it makes Soap Opera Sense.

Please understand, it's the show's fault and not yours that I simultaneously went blind and fell asleep while reading that.


Can we trust Dr. O when she says that Faison is Britt's father? Or even that she is Britt's mother?

No we can't but I do not think either she or this new guy Levi-Jeans (The one coming in with Maxie) could be coma-baby,  since "coma-baby" would have to be 19. It has been said time and time again that Nina was in a coma for 20 years. There is no one on canvas (except maybe a re-con Rafe) who could be coma baby if coma baby is 19.

Is it me or is fun to type the words coma-baby?

  • Love 1

Okay, I'll admit that I've been zoning out or FF the Nina storyline for a while now but weren't they initially saying Nina had been in a coma over 20 years vs 20 years. We know KaKa is atleast 21 (They have her drinking wine) therefore coma baby is 22 or older right.

Who am I kidding. I DON'T CARE. RC will forget/change & make shit up as he goes anyway.

ETA: I noticed they had Detective 2x4 just sit is weapon on the mantle when he came to the apartment. No lock box? no safety key? Did he even remove the bullets? Guns/Rifles are to be used & stored properly. Nathan is a cop & they should have written that correctly. They could have taken Jason's lock box for the scene. Only on GH will a murdering mob enforcer display better gun safety than a cop.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
For whatever reason, GH insists on putting together meaningless couples for no good reason that I can discern, as well as having messy denouements at every single function that have more than two people in attendance.  Once a crowd gathers..be it wedding, funeral, picnic...I can rest assured that the secret skeletons will come flying out of the woodwork...just like the proverbial bats out of hell, wrecking havoc on the unsuspecting in the hopes that the characters will have something to talk about afterwards for weeks on end.


In all honesty, these dramatics have ruined real life events for me. Wedding where everyone is happy and they go off without anyone bursting in? Boring! Gatherings without any sort of murder or disaster? Might as well just stay home. 

If I were Britt, I'd of had my fill of Nicholas berating me. You are pissed dude. Point taken. And then you start yelling at her to save Liz? When it was you wrestling with Dr. O that impacted the shooting? 

Given the final scene between Madeline and Obrecht, I'm wagering that Britt turns out to be the child Nina gave birth to while in a coma, which Madeline got rid of (damn Silas spawn) by turning the baby over to Obrecht, who in turn used the child to keep herself attached to Faison. Pure speculation, but it makes Soap Opera Sense.

There's no way I'd be able to buy Britt as young enough to be Coma Baby.  Of course, that just means Ron's more likely to do it.  I mean, in a world where RHo and James Franco are the same age...

  • Love 1

Ha! I know right? I think it's in the GH soap opera verse that no one ever dies falling off a building. Jerry (who is seemingly un-killable) falls off the Metro Court roof through an awning, hits the pavement flat on his back, and survives with what amounted to scratches and a bit of hobbling but is still able to sit upright in Julian's  car on the way out of town. 

       I thought that was hilarious. In my head I saw Dante gazing possessively at his 'precious' and then was all  "ah eff you guys, I got what I came for. I'm out!" and he just poofed.

When I watched that I didn't think it came across as bad as people said. Britt begged him to take Ben and get him out of there. I would have totally looked weird if Dante was bending over Liz with a baby in his hands and I can understand why he wouldn't want to hand over the baby to anyone else. but it still came across as super awkward with him just vamoosing out there.

And in the midst of all the boring B.S. being thrown around about NINA, poor Nina, we have that ever-dependable family man, Sonny aka Garden Slug Corinthos and Dullivia "Sugu" Falconeri - SUCH a treat.

So Dullivia was wailing about the baby to Sonny yesterday - and she SHOULD have been (first and last time I ever say this horror does anything appropriate) - but Sonny Boy, World's Best Grampa, can't even give her or the kid ONE MINUTE of attention before he turns the conversation back to Michael and how worried Sonny is about how Michael is feeling.

That Sonny, such a great dad. He's not JUST for breakfast anymore.

That Olivia, dumber than a box of rocks and far less attractive.

  • Love 3

Given the final scene between Madeline and Obrecht, I'm wagering that Britt turns out to be the child Nina gave birth to while in a coma, which Madeline got rid of (damn Silas spawn) by turning the baby over to Obrecht, who in turn used the child to keep herself attached to Faison. Pure speculation, but it makes Soap Opera Sense.

But Nina has been in a coma for 20 years, right?  Britt is too old to be that child.

But Nina has been in a coma for 20 years, right?  Britt is too old to be that child.

Well, it's not as though age matters on this show. However I think this is far too clever a twist for these writers to have come up with. Mama O could have easily forged the whole med school thing for Britta. Could be why she was so useless as a Dr.


And chemistry is never taken into consideration in any context. Wether it be romantic, adversarial, friendly it's rarely a part of any relationship.

You are right MrsOldMan and I think TPTB just see some sort of chem and push for it to be romantic. Combined with LW lobbying hard for the pairing, they went for it. Cranco does have chemistry: the chemistry of two talented soap actors at the top of their game. It's not really romantic imo. They are both good enough with the little touches, the intangibles to almost sell it but..not quite.

To be brutally honest? A big part of it is because LW does not fit physically with RoH. Like she didn't with MB. Or BB. LW's best pairing imo was with Jax because they fit so well; coloring and stature.

Edited by BetteBoo

Michael Fairman,Laura Wright Interview:


LW says the producers, writers didn't tell her about the return of the Carlys...she found out in wardrobe fitting a week before.

She is open to revisiting CarSon bexcuse she never really played that with MB but wants it to be a well crafted, mature love story. She would not want them as "wild" as they used to be. They have survived deaths, murders, tragedies. She does not want them reacting as they would have twenty years ago.

LW is aware if the Cranco backlash but thinks viewers should move forward and be positive and accept the story as it unfolds. She admits the difficulty viewers have accepting the couple is because no love story is told, they just fell into bed.

There is a lot more and the entire article is at Michael Fairman soaps. Sorry if this has already been discussed.

Edited by BetteBoo

I don't know why I am paying attention to the Madeline/Nina stuff, but I found myself confused over Det. West's question to Madeline at the cell.
He wanted to know why both he and Nina were cut out of their dad's Will.
So could that mean that they are both possibly full-blooded siblings with Liesl as their mother, and someone other than the dad they knew as their father?
And, what Madeline raised them both as hers?  I dunno. I am still pretty confused about this connection.

Is FV over ruling the casting director & picking these talentless actors himself? All these non-acting & some weird looking actors has gotten insane. Can they not find some decent good looking actors?

Maxi returns home & of course we don't get a scene with Mac & Felicia. Cartini have to set the plot point wheels in motion for the new triangle.

The stupid on this show.

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