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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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20 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

This gives me a rage blackout. Laura and Carly should not be working together on anything.

The only valid reason I could ever see them working together is if Lulu, Girl Reporter, got herself into trouble involving some enemy of Sonny's while Dante is away indefinitely on assignment.

I would prefer that the only time they share a scene is if Sonny is on his deathbed - Laura feels she should say goodbye because he is Lulu's FIL/Rocco is a mutual grandson, and due to his history of friendship with Luke. I draw the line, though, at Laura doing anything for Carly beyond expressing basic sympathy in that situation.

  • Love 3

Did I hear right? did SPINELLI actually tell Sam that Margaux’ mother’s feelings for her husband couldn’t possibly compare to what Sam has for Jason? As in, Sam and Jason have a love that no one else could possibly match? In the whole history of the whole history no one else has loved like them? I think I’m gling to ?.

and sonny telling Soinelli, Sam and Jason that he can’t have Margaux going after his family? What he really means is he doesn’t want her going after HIM. 

I FF thru all the Finn/Anna scenes, I just can’t with them. And Nina proclaiming that while she was loony toons when she woke up from the coma, she’s ALL BETTER now! 

I just can’t with this show...

  • Love 6

Anna/Finn is a cure for insomnia.

The writing on this show can be so, so bad. Yesterday Olivia asked Laura for her endorsement for Ned as mayor and Laura refused so Olivia went off in a huff. It was only after she had left that Laura told Carly that she couldn't because she was running for mayor herself. Why couldn't Laura have said that while Oliver was still there?

An then there is JaSam, which has no chemistry and no storyline so everyone has to be pulled out to tell them how much they belong with each other. SBu is actually smiling occasionally, maybe because he doesn't have to do any actual work in it.

I know I shouldn't be surprised but how exactly does Sonny get off telling Kristina that Margaux is a bad woman when he was the one who murdered her father?

11 hours ago, Perkie said:

This.  "If I do the trial it could kill me sooner".  Ok, but it might also not kill you at all.  You're choice is no treatment = 100% death versus treatment = 50% survival (or higher)How is there even a conversation here.

One person, one person in the trial died from the drug.  Many may have been saved.* Why does no one teach Oscar statistics?

* In real drug trials, if there is indication that the drug is working, or conversely is harming people, the researchers are ethically bound to stop the drug trial and either give it to everyone or give it to no one. Since the drug trial is still going on for the next stage, presumably there are indications that yes, it does help.

6 hours ago, ciarra said:

Alexis failed to adequately impress upon Oscar that without treatment he will decline.  How will he pay rent, food, medical care* and prescription painkillers as he gets sicker?  Can you bus tables from a prone position?  Who lived in the boxcar, Jason or Lucky, and is it still available?  Because that's all a busboy will be able to afford.  Plus Julian made the job conditional on going back to school.  So part-time busboy.

I think the boxcar was Lucky's.

From what Alexis told Julian, she was hoping that once Oscar got his emancipation he would sit down, reasonably look at his options, and choose to do the drug trial.

Right now, all he's doing is whatever is the exact opposite of whatever his mother wants. That's not helping anyone.

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I know I say this all the time but Jasus and Scam seem to get worse almost every day.  How is that possible?

Please put them together already.   EH and Maurice have more chemistry than the "long desired pairing"

Those four dipshits in their 40s and 50s all sitting in the penthouse....this show sucks.

Edited by Hater
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Hater said:

I know I say this all the time but Jasus and Scam seem to get worse almost every day.  How is that possible?

Please put them together already.   EH and Maurice have more chemistry than the "long desired pairing"

Those four dipshits in their 40s and 50s all sitting in the penthouse....this show sucks.


I'm guiltily there with you re: Sonny/Margo. What I'd really like is for her to get one over on him and nail his ass but since that ain't happening, and I don't want her to die or be made out the bad guy the only option left is hate sex. Btw, wtf did she ever do to Sonny's family? Sit the fuck down, son.

Also realized I'd hate Sonny less if it wasn't for his scooby doo gang. I'm (pointlessly, I know) rooting for Margeux more for their brown nosing asses than for him. His scene with Kristina was very sweet. 

Edited by Bawoman
  • Love 1
5 hours ago, Perkie said:

Spin's in town to let us all know that JaSam are the twuest love that ever was.

I had to laugh ruefully when Spin and Jason saw each other and couldn't hug like normal people. So dumb. And the comparison of Margaux's mom "loving two men" and Sam with Jason/Drew was SO ham-fisted, not to mention Spin saying Sam and Jason's love was so much more than Margaux's mom and whoever. Right, the world's greatest romance was between a brain-damaged hit man and his ride-or-die inept PI wife.

5 hours ago, LexieLily said:

Is Kristina that dumb or is the writing just that bad?

Both, definitely.

LOL that Sonny thinks Kristina bartending at Julian's gastropub is "supporting [herself]." She's living rent-free with Sam! Her living expenses are minimal. 

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34 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Kristina get GTFO with her bitchface and sneering at Margeux and claiming they had a "run in." 

It was as brutal as Margaux's "interrogation" of Jason. It's hilarious how hard the show is trying to make Margaux the villain when her goals are actually fairly reasonable. Dumb and unattainable, but reasonable.

Edited by dubbel zout
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On 10/20/2018 at 10:37 PM, bannana said:

Did they now establish that Scully had Sonny kill Marino so he could be with his wife, Margaux's mom?

Why would this matter?  Sonny still killed Marino.  

I'm several days behind, so forgive me if this has already been addressed... I assume that this revelation serves the purpose of pointing blame at Marg’s mom.  See, Marg, if your skanky ho mom hadn’t been cheating on your crooked dad who already deserved to die because of crookedness, Scully wouldn’t have been compelled to kill him and claim skanky ho jezebel for himself.  So it was Mom’s fault. And also kind of Dad’s. But definitely not Sonny’s.

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5 hours ago, 30 Helens said:

I'm several days behind, so forgive me if this has already been addressed... I assume that this revelation serves the purpose of pointing blame at Marg’s mom.  See, Marg, if your skanky ho mom hadn’t been cheating on your crooked dad who already deserved to die because of crookedness, Scully wouldn’t have been compelled to kill him and claim skanky ho jezebel for himself.  So it was Mom’s fault. And also kind of Dad’s. But definitely not Sonny’s.

That's perfect Stella choplogic when it comes to Jordan and her Sainted Thomas. No wonder she and Sonny get along. 

  • Love 5
12 hours ago, Hater said:

I know I say this all the time but Jasus and Scam seem to get worse almost every day.  How is that possible?

Please put them together already.   EH and Maurice have more chemistry than the "long desired pairing"

Those four dipshits in their 40s and 50s all sitting in the penthouse....this show sucks.

Emily and Sonny had more chemistry and that pairing grossed me out. Jason and Sam just aren't working.

10 hours ago, Hater said:

Burton and Bradford think that nonsense is cute.  I find them both weird. 

I wasn't even half paying attention to see how they greeted each other. Right now, I'm picturing this weird hand-slap-pattycake- jumping-chest-bump like basketball players do after they get announced. What did they do?

13 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

Right? Like, yes, the great love of JaSam! Sam can’t even tell which dick is really his!

OMG thank you! I've been fixated on this for months! Aside from all the stupid that this plot is, how is it that not just Sam, but Liz too have not noticed a difference when it comes to the sex stuff? Because seriously, I refuse to believe Jason and Drew are identically endowed. I mean I never slept with twins separated at birth, one of them having had plastic surgery, but I tend to think there might be a difference in the size of their man-parts.

The stupid that is this show is beyond stupid.

  • Love 5
On 10/25/2018 at 9:25 AM, YaddaYadda said:

Kim can have a tall glass of STFU. If Oscar had known that he was sick early on, then maybe this entire situation could have been avoided.

Right.  Maybe he wouldn't have thrown a tantrum and would have been more open to a drug trial.  Kim wasn't actively pursuing treatment before?   Still waiting to see any sign of illness other than one faint.

  • Love 3

Today on Terrible People Doing Awful Things:

STFU new nurse.  And Carly. And Laura.  Carly was not tortured, she was sentenced to Ferncliffe and administered drugs prescribed by a psychiatrist. ECT is a perfectly good treatment.  Unless you think being called "Caroline" is torture, you were not tortured.

Stop corrupting Laura, show!  She can't see who the patients are because of HIPAA. It's not Bedlam where they give visitors tours of the crazy people.

Sam and Spinelli, are you proud of yourself for lying to a woman who had just been told that her husband has died and stealing her mail? Which by the way is a felony as well as being petty. Sam is so happy to be back dressing up in dresses and pretending to be a successful businesswoman as she did in Switzerland instead of that torture with Drew where she was an actual successful businesswoman.

Compared to them, what Ava is doing is small potatoes.

Go, Ryan Go!

Edited by statsgirl
  • Love 9

I'm confused, although admittedly I was only half listening.  And I certainly don't remember decades-old plot points very well.  Plus - I was taking a semi-hiatus from this show during the Ryan murder spree.  ---   However, did Carly say today that she "read about" Ryan and the murders?  So she wasn't in Port Charles then?  And isn't this the 25th anniversary of the murders?    And isn't Michael older than 25 years old?  So, how could Carly not have been there when it all happened?  If my questions make any sense, then the math doesn't add up.  But, I could be wrong.

16 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

The Ryan stuff happened before Carly came to Port Charles. Michael's age is messed up because of SORASing.

LOL at Laura threatening to call Lulu, Girl Reporter, and put her on the case because the nurse at Ferncliffe won't go against policy and give the tour.

Which is why it is irritating that the hero of this story and the one that solves the Ryan mystery is going to be someone that wasn't even in Port Charles for Ryan 1.0 and has no connection whatsoever to that case. 

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6 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Are he and Ellie married?

I don't think so.  But I doubt she would even react to Spinelli spouting off about the great love of Jason and Sam. She knew Spinelli was a "Stone Cold" kiss ass before they got serious. But she should remind him to stay in his own lanes re: the love lives of adults. The *only* time he is entitled to comment is if little Georgie started having behavior problems in reaction to Maxie grieving Nathan and/or growing closer to Peter.

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1 hour ago, Ladyrain said:

I'm confused, although admittedly I was only half listening.  And I certainly don't remember decades-old plot points very well.  Plus - I was taking a semi-hiatus from this show during the Ryan murder spree.  ---   However, did Carly say today that she "read about" Ryan and the murders?  So she wasn't in Port Charles then?  And isn't this the 25th anniversary of the murders?    And isn't Michael older than 25 years old?  So, how could Carly not have been there when it all happened?  If my questions make any sense, then the math doesn't add up.  But, I could be wrong.

Yes Carly didn't come to town until 1996. But SORAS always has fucked up timelines. Nikolas was born after Luke and Laura's wedding but when he came to to town he was born the same year. 

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9 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

I don't think so.  But I doubt she would even react to Spinelli spouting off about the great love of Jason and Sam. She knew Spinelli was a "Stone Cold" kiss ass before they got serious. But she should remind him to stay in his own lanes re: the love lives of adults. The *only* time he is entitled to comment is if little Georgie started having behavior problems in reaction to Maxie grieving Nathan and/or growing closer to Peter.

That love wasn't that great when Spinelli was spouting to Jason that he and Sam were done and that he should be with Elizabeth. 

It would be great if Spinelli fell into a gaping hole and stayed there.

  • Love 6
25 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

What school would allow a former SERIAL KILLER who is not a parent, stepparent, or legal guardian of a child to commandeer a class of third graders for a special art project?

And what teacher would want a former serial killer creating a mess that she's going to have to clean up afterward? That he hadn't  seemed to have run his idea past Abel's teacher or anyone in authority kept me fidgeting during the entire scene. I know it's a TV show, but, sheesh, who thinks going somewhere as a guest with the intention of making a mess ('cause kids love 'em) is the right way to go? 

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, Ladyrain said:

I'm confused, although admittedly I was only half listening.  And I certainly don't remember decades-old plot points very well.  Plus - I was taking a semi-hiatus from this show during the Ryan murder spree.  ---   However, did Carly say today that she "read about" Ryan and the murders?  So she wasn't in Port Charles then?  And isn't this the 25th anniversary of the murders?    And isn't Michael older than 25 years old?  So, how could Carly not have been there when it all happened?  If my questions make any sense, then the math doesn't add up.  But, I could be wrong.

We can never do math on soaps especially when sorasing messes even the simplest of numbers.

1 hour ago, YaddaYadda said:

That love wasn't that great when Spinelli was spouting to Jason that he and Sam were done and that he should be with Elizabeth. 

It would be great if Spinelli fell into a gaping hole and stayed there.

I was being sarcastic; I have no use for the so-called Jasam love.  Spinelli hadn't even met Ellie yet when Jason and Sam were on the rocks and Jason and Elizabeth were getting closer but "never officially together." 

I get your point, but I really don't want to see Maxie endlessly crying and mourning the fathers of both of her children.

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Sam and Spinelli can fuck right off with their escapades.  Not only were they breaking the law, they were morally reprehensible -- which matters because they actually think they're doing the lord's work.

also, again: it doesn't matter WHY Scully ordered Sonny to kill Marino.  He did, end of story.

ETA: Carly and Laura can also fuck off with their idiotic demands at Ferncliffe.

Edited by Cheyanne11
  • Love 17

So Aurora was this complete horror show for Sam's character yet this display today is better?  She barely tries when she "plays these people" undercover.  Yet she's "excited."  Could have fooled me.

Being an equal partner in a business with your husband is so much less than PLAYING PI and RUNNING CONS for Lassie and his scumbag owner.  Doesn't compute.  That image of her yesterday sitting on the edge of her own couch while the gummy bear mob contemplated summed it right up, as did Scummy storming right into her house without a hello. 

The character will forever be a scam artist, no redeeming qualities.  Only part of her personality that stays in tact is "JAYSIN!"

Edited by Hater
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On 10/22/2018 at 3:53 PM, TeeVee329 said:

Speaking of people I wish would be killed, OMG, how annoying is Kristina.  This character is just completely uninteresting, impossible to root for, just go away.

This is probably one for the Unpopular Opinions thread, but I have a soft spot for Kristina stemming from way back when Alexis fans had to importune Guza not to kill her in her mother's womb, or make her handicapped, or whatever other sick ideas he had to push his disgusting message that only Carly should be allowed to have normal children, and also from my poor never-to-be-fulfilled Ethina ship.  But the writing for her is just dreadful, there's no point to her being on canvas, no character arc - just nothing.  Meryl Streep herself would sink under this crap.

On 10/23/2018 at 3:43 PM, Linny said:

I'm pretty amused by Sasha desiring to stir up trouble and blatantly checking out Griffin. I'm not sure how long the character is going to be around, but I like her bad-girl vibe and the actress is good. And really, any daughter of Nina should be at least a little off-kilter.

After the way they botched up Nelle, I have no faith the writers can make another vixen character work.  I'm just enjoying the character while I can before she either a.) gets wrecked and/or b.) gets killed by Ryan for no damn reason because that's how this show rolls.

Edited by yowsah1
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What Kristina is going through is perfectly normal for someone her age. People think if you are in your 20's then you must have everything figured out.  The part I don't like is her getting entangled into a storyline with a 16 year old Oscar. This looks like a cult storyline with Daisy and it is normal for someone like Oscar, a sheltered teenager, but not so normal for a 26 year old Kristina who not only with age, but her life experiences should know better than to be so naive. 

  • Love 2
13 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

I don’t know if KeMo lacks skills to play different characters or they’re showing that Sam is limited in capabilities but all they do is put her hair in a bun and put her in a skirt. It’s so stupid.

It must be since she doesn't change anything, it's Sam wearing ugly clothes.  That's the only difference.     But it's billed as a "caper" and "action filled" and gives Sam such 'a rush,' and so much better than sitting behind a desk.

She just came across as a thief.  That's all.

Edited by Hater
  • Love 9
43 minutes ago, Hater said:

It must be since she doesn't change anything, it's Sam wearing ugly clothes.  That's the only difference.     But it's billed as a "caper" and "action filled" and gives Sam such 'a rush,' and so much better than sitting behind a desk.

She just came across as a thief.  That's all.

I still cannot get over that these scenes are to display that Margeux absolutely cannot mourn her father or want justice simply because he (or her mother) wasn't pristine clean.  What makes it doubly galling is that the people trying to prove this are dirty as can be.  Sonny, Jason, Sam and Spinelli have committed multiple crimes, ranging from fraud all the way up to murder and yet they're supposed to be held in esteem? 

This show makes me rage.

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The one way (since his sons are an afterthought) Jason could make himself useful is to tell Carly don't go causing a problem with Elizabeth where there isn't one, again. Her showing up uninvited at Elizabeth's house to warn Liz not to "undermine" Josslyn was as out of line as the time when Jake was a baby in his crib and Carly showed up to confirm for herself that Jason was the father, and then announced to Liz that she was going to share custody of Jake with Jason because she (Carly) was going to get Jason and a lawyer and "fix" the situation. 

It could have been worse, though. I thought at first that Carly was going to declare that she realizes Cam has a crush on Josslyn but that Cam will not be dating her daughter because a) it must have been Cam's idea to shoplift since Josslyn would never come up with such an idea and b) she doesn't want Josslyn dating a boy who lives "with a known killer." I almost LOLed at Carly telling Elizabeth it's important to be civil because of the people they have in common. Umm, Carly, Elizabeth didn't show up at your house and tell you what to/not to do, without provocation.  Elizabeth has never even said something snarky about Josslyn to you - only that Josslyn was also in the security camera footage when Cam was caught shoplifting. It's not Elizabeth's fault you don't know what your daughter has been up to. Carly just wanted to think she runs the world, as usual.

Now I kind of hope Josslyn will fall in love with Cam, just because Carly would hate it.  I get the impression Cam can handle Josslyn, whereas Oscar clearly doesn't have the backbone to get and stay angry with her when her behavior deserves to be called out.

Edited by Bringonthedrama
  • Love 10

So Laura and Carly waltz into a hospital for the CRIMINALLY INSANE and demand to see every patient and have all the doors opened? And they’re not leaving until they do? All because Carly of all people thinks there’s one patient who may not belong there. Never mind that the patient she saw was in fact a serial killer and that her doctor (and Laura’s husband) told her in no uncertain terms to stay away from that patient because he was extremely dangerous.

so what happens when one of these ‘poor unfortunate souls who don’t belong there’ attacks or kills them? Who will Laura blame then, presuming she’s still alive to blame anyone. This whole thing is just so stupid. 

I refuse to even comment on Sam and Soinelli’s ‘excellent adventure ‘ to prove Margaux has no cause to mourn her father or want justice for his murder. 

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1 hour ago, Gam2 said:

KeMo has absolutely no expression on her face, no inflection in her voice and no excitement/anxiety/joy/or anything else in her demeanor no matter what’s happening. ZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzz. Has there ever been a more boring character/actress on a soap in the history of soaps? No. There has not.

And it's rubbing off on BM. IDK if he is still trying to be Jason lite, but he has just gotten lazy. If they don't want to be on the show, they can both leave. They can be recast. Nobody wants to work with lazy actors.

  • Love 2
On 10/27/2018 at 6:12 PM, Sake614 said:

So Laura and Carly waltz into a hospital for the CRIMINALLY INSANE and demand to see every patient and have all the doors opened? And they’re not leaving until they do? All because Carly of all people thinks there’s one patient who may not belong there. Never mind that the patient she saw was in fact a serial killer and that her doctor (and Laura’s husband) told her in no uncertain terms to stay away from that patient because he was extremely dangerous.

I know this show lets Carly do anything she wants but  Laura shouldn't be demanding to ignore the rights of other people especially when she's running for mayor.

  • Love 8
30 minutes ago, avocadohead said:

And it's rubbing off on BM. IDK if he is still trying to be Jason lite, but he has just gotten lazy. If they don't want to be on the show, they can both leave. They can be recast. Nobody wants to work with lazy actors.

Meh. Maurice Benard has been lazy for 2 decades and everyone bows down to the "master."

I don't think Billy is doing anything different than what he's been doing from the start on this show.  The only thing is they work better together versus what is being pushed on the show.  That's the problem and it's a problem across the board with almost every pairing on the show being free of any type of connection between the actors.

Edited by Hater
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