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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I agree about the body. But telling Sam that Jason was alive but is dead again doesn't do her any good. It would just cause her more anguish that she didn't do more to save him. That isn't useful for anyone. (And I don't need to see Sam spend another three months in tears over that.)


I had the impression that Jason wasn't alive so much as not-quite-all-the-way dead. Regardless of their flirtation I can't imagine him saying "You know how you thought Jason was dead? Well, he wasn't completely dead....but he is now." Yeah, no. He could tell her about Victor's possible  involvement, though.


  • Love 3

OMG I think I know where Brad stole the rooster hairdo....that is NOT a good look even on Patrick.


I don't think Patrick should tell Sam Jason was still alive..kind of but now he isn't. It seemed more like Robin was going to try AND REVIVE him but failed. That isn't telling Sam he was alive at all, more like he was always dead. It would be like saying Robin had some false hope she might could bring him back, but couldn't so I would think Sam would want to go in search of Robin and Patrick can't have that! nope.

"Hey Sarge, I was just looking at the time log for the TacTeam, and they are all still logged at a scene and on the clock from yesterday. I tried the radio and all their cells, no answer. Should we tell the Captain, or maybe Boss Lady Anna next time she jets past the counter?"


"Naw, Commissioner Anna's two wonder boys are out there with 'em, let it ride."



The kids stuff was painful. In addition, I wasn't sure if Emma was crying for Robin or Sobby until the third time she said the lines.


While Nina has the plan I was hoping for out there, double yuck. It is not cool ordering an employee to be a whore. Franco and Nina are moving along some, so good there.


Why is Kiki the center of all stories now?

  • Love 2

Nina is really giving scheming bitches a bad name with her laziness.  "I dunno what to do to Kiki...let's cross her off the list, done!".  Not that her planning to punish Kiki by breaking up her and Michael is any better.  And her thinking she could seduce him?  Oy.


Kiki is the fucking worst, inserting herself between Michael and Morgan again with this stupid secret.


And the kiddie triangle becomes a full-on quad.  Why are we still seeing them, summer is O-V-E-R.

  • Love 1

Another boring, useless, pointless day. I feel like a broken record.


Did the SERIAL KILLER actually have the audacity to say today that it "hurts his feelings" that Michael won't forgive him after all he's doing to protect him...? Seriously? I...no words, just none. And the pouty face Roger wore while saying that just made me wish someone would rub out Franco's face with a belt sander. That character is the worst, the absolute worst.


Kiki comes in a close second however, dear god the child is useless.


So now Rosie is supposed to do the Nina's bidding and go after Michael even though she's formulating, supposedly, feelings for Morgan. Well what could go horribly, terribly wrong about that...? I need a drink.


The Nina and Franco are going to remain the bestest of buddies. Whew...I was worried for a second there that the two nutballs would have to go it all alone...


They really want to get their money's worth out of the clinic set it seems.

  • Love 7

Kiki is the fucking worst, inserting herself between Michael and Morgan again with this stupid secret.



Why does Sonny and Carly banging have to be kept from Michael?  I mean really.  The people who should be least surprised are Michael and Morgan.


This show needs to top making Kiki all knowing with people she met a year ago.  I hope this story leads to Kiki being kicked to the curb for lying to Michael's face constantly.  Why do all the people in Michael's life who supposedly love him so much treat him like a damn fool? 

  • Love 2

Today was brought to you by the word "stupid".

Patrick keeping Robin's real whereabouts secret: stupid. Because he's pretty much been flirting with Sam, asking about Clinic, and all but saying "I know moar shit, but I'm not telling haha!" Just talk.

Silas not flipping a fire alarm. Stupid. Hell, drop a cup of coffee in Nina's lap. You know she's lying. Or just go get drunk. I won't blame you.

Rosalie. You should have applied for financial aid. You are basically stuck with the worst job ever. Or you could have lied to Nina and said you and Morgan were serious. She's not so bright. Good luck with Eeyore. Vomit.

Emma. Shut up. God. All kids. Shut up. Aiden is my favorite. I haven't seen him in years.

Sam, please. You were trained better.

Roger, I hope you have your resume together. You didn't even want to say that one line.

  • Love 5

Dammit, they couldn't've moved down Morgan's pants just one teensy-eentsy bit so I could see his tan line?  :)


Nina was actually cracking me up today, what with detailing how Kiki has no career or money so what could she possibly do to ruin her life, and then talking about how if Ava got Morgan into bed she, Ava, could bag Michael. If Nina came on to Michael I think his face would look more miserable than when he's forced to dance in the Nurses' Ball.


lol at Michael telling Morgan to put on a shirt. And Morgan's line about Franco crying about Sonny kissing Carly. And the look on the employee's face when Spencer started ranting. I hope Nik pays him well. 


The Joss actress is really good. I kinda want her and Nathan Paevey to share a scene together just so she can outact him with one eyebrow raise.


Why can't the writers retire the words Captain, Mikey, and Dominator from Morgan and Kiki's vocabulary?

  • Love 4

Thankfully I missed most of today's episode, but came in right as Pimp Nina was ordering her nurse to perform hookerly duties as well.  I knew Nina was going to be a gross character because of who was portraying her (Michelle Stafford has no range), but never did I expect her to reach Sonny-level gross this quickly. 


RH can not save Nina, either, since his character is also fucking gross. 


How is it possible for a show to find a new rock bottom over and over again?

  • Love 3

Caught up on the last 2 days....not sure why I bothered, but here we are.


Did Sam really have a conversation with Spinelli and not one of them mentioned Maxie being missing?  Either Spin doesn't know, or his priorities are screwy.  Sure Sam, lets discuss Rafe's problem while the mother of my child is kidnapped.  Strange to insert that phone call without mentioning it.  Or did it happen on Ron's twitter?


Today was pointless.  I zoned out halfway through,  between ME's ambien inducing monotones and Spencer's excruciating dialogue.


That was your Friday cliffhanger?  Really?  Or are we off by a day again?

  • Love 3

Teevee, whose bachelor party did Liz and Patrick go to in that scene with hungover Liz? I forget.

Today is already forgotten because, OMG, Anna and Dr. O scenes on Monday!!!  I really want them to team up to rescue Nathan and company.  They can both break out their fierce hats!


That would definitely redeem this whole crappy storyline for me. Although at the end Anna has to get one over on O. somehow. Maybe she can handcuff Dr. O and force her to watch Anna hooking up with Nathan and Dante. ;)


Rosalie. You should have applied for financial aid. You are basically stuck with the worst job ever. Or you could have lied to Nina and said you and Morgan were serious. She's not so bright. Good luck with Eeyore. Vomit.



It wouldn't've mattered to Nina.


I laughed at how everyone faked being concerned about Dante and Lulu as a cover-up to their own stuff, speaking of Kiki acting like she knows everyone so well.


Kiki: I'm just concerned about Dante and Lulu and . . . everyone.


Just admit it kiki. Just admit it. You don't remember Nathan and Maxie's names.


This show needs to top making Kiki all knowing with people she met a year ago.  I hope this story leads to Kiki being kicked to the curb for lying to Michael's face constantly.  Why do all the people in Michael's life who supposedly love him so much treat him like a damn fool?



They don't treat him like a fool but like a fragile flower, they always have, even when he was acting like a temperamental psycho. It's weird and it drives me nuts.


I liked today's episode.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 3


Nina was actually cracking me up today, what with detailing how Kiki has no career or money

 This made me laugh. I guess the speculation about what Kiki does all day is true -- NOTHING! Nice to have it confirmed that she has no purpose.


I also appreciated that Morgan still had his Sonny-hate when Kiki told him about Carly and Sonny. I just need him to still be angry when Michael finally finds out about AJ.


ETA: I can't spell laugh anymore. Look what GH has done to me.

Edited by SoapDoc
  • Love 2

 This made me large. I guess the speculation about what Kiki does all day is true -- NOTHING! Nice to have it confirmed that she has not purpose.


I also appreciated that Morgan still had his Sonny-hate when Kiki told him about Carly and Sonny. I just need him to still be angry when Michael finally finds out about AJ.


I think after Michael finds out about Sonny and Carly killing/knowing about AJ, he will run to be comforted by Kiki and Morgan and discover them having sex. And then he'll get out the old killing axe, haha.


Patrick's, before his non-wedding to Sabrina.  Liz was the best person, remember.  And she got super drunk off-screen.  "I drank out of a shoe?!?!"  Hee!



ETA: Thanks. Ah, Sabrina's wedding. No wonder I couldn't remember!

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 1

I think after Michael finds out about Sonny and Carly killing/knowing about AJ, he will run to be comforted by Kiki and Morgan and discover them having sex. And then he'll get out the old killing axe, haha.



I would love to see this.  At this point I want someone to drop a bomb on this town.  The majority of the characters on this show are just terrible.  Maybe Michael can go psycho and go on a killing spree.  There's a laundry list he could get rid of.


And I'll take Michael finding Morgan and Kiki banging over Kiki telling Michael that his parents just love him so much (you know, because she knows them so well).

  • Love 2

Poor Franco or RoHo or whoever has no friends … Let's see since he moved to PC, he's lived at the MetroCourt for free and hardly left his room because Carly was always in it; then he moved into Carly's house. Maybe if he got away from the glittery hoo-hah of doom, he might find a friend his own age, preferably one that might tell him how a grown man dresses. 


Rosalie, I don't care how much money you owe or how much Nina is paying you. You can find another job. Hell, maybe Ava Jerome needs a nurse. 


What if Patrick didn't tell Sam about the card? First of all, she did have a guest in her home. Secondly, both of them know why he really showed up at her door. To me, Sam's behavior was getting awfully close to Carly and Franco's I-love-you/trust-you-but-you-have-to-tell-me-everything-you-do-and-with-whom-and-never-leave-my-sight behavior. What is it with this show? 


If today, as the first day of school, is the last time we see the kids until Halloween, I'm fine with it. At least it got a mix of the characters meeting at Kelly's. But I'm afraid we're going to get more of Spencer's scheming to break up Cameron and Emma. Ugh. I like the idea that the Fluke reveal may stem from Spencer, though. 


I think the kid who plays Spencer is talented, but Cartini created their own mess here -- he was cute delivering a few lines with his lisp, so I can see why they kept him. And he's definitely good at learning his lines (credit to a parent there, who, I imagine, has to help him memorize them), but that lisp makes the mouthfuls that they're asking him to spit out now almost unintelligible. (Couldn't someone ask a writer to give him stuff that "has hardly any esses in it"?*) But on the other hand, he's better at line delivery than whatever MB is having Sonny do now when he talks about sexnight with Carly, which is reminding me now of a 13-year-old boy. 



*Winthrop, The Music Man

Edited by rur
  • Love 1

Why does Carly act like Joss 'coming around' on Franco actually matters? It's not like she's not going to keep insisting she loves the guy if Joss keeps this up. It doesn't matter what Michael thinks, what Morgan thinks, what Joss thinks... none of that matters to her in regards to fucking Franco and it's never mattered. It will never matter.


And seriously, I'm not watching but I know that Howarth Woobie Face. He used it with great effect as Todd for many a year. As Franco... it's just bullshit.


And I also understand that Ron has busted out with the 'I don't have any friends' mantra that he seems to love writing for Howarth as well. Oh, do poor Nina and Franco have no friends? Is that supposed to be a sad thing? Like a real travesty of justice for their wounded souls who want not but to love?

  • Love 8

And I also understand that Ron has busted out with the 'I don't have any friends' mantra that he seems to love writing for Howarth as well. Oh, do poor Nina and Franco have no friends? Is that supposed to be a sad thing? Like a real travesty of justice for their wounded souls who want not but to love?


Plus? It doesn't make sense, Kiki is his friend. So he does have ONE other friend. Shut it, Franco.

  • Love 3

And I'd rather watch Ava every day and twice on Sunday than Nina even once a week. I think MSt is dreadful and would be perfectly happy if someone threw Nina off the roof of a VERY TALL building, thus putting an end to my misery once and for all.

MW can out act MS any day, even with MW face injected and her face completely frozen.  My gawd but is MS awful..she uses the same damn trope she used on YR.  It's just Phyllis Summers all over again.   Between her and Billy Miller's gritting and grinning, this show is going to be one big hamfest and throw RH in to that mix and it's the supersize meal. 

  • Love 4

MW can out act MS any day, even with MW face injected and her face completely frozen.  My gawd but is MS awful..she uses the same damn trope she used on YR.  It's just Phyllis Summers all over again.   Between her and Billy Miller's gritting and grinning, this show is going to be one big hamfest and throw RH in to that mix and it's the supersize meal. 

To be fair, though, Anna first came on the show wearing a huge scar on her face to guilt her man, and kept that up for what seemed like forever, Now every viewer loves her and has for 20 years.

  • Love 3

As an added point, if Patrick thinks there's even an outside chance Victor targeted him and Emma to keep Robin in line, he needs to do SOMETHING. I mean, he clearly could give a shit about Robin at this point, but how's he going to feel if Victor tries to do something to Emma again? Or has Anna or Mac or Robert killed?

Of course, be careful what I wish for, because Ron will probably have a scene where Patrick tells Anna and she just shrugs. Because this show hates me...

THIS. If Patrick has an inkling of a feeling that Victor is dangerous and may be putting people's lives in danger, which happens to include the mother of his child, I think he should tell Sam, Anna, Dante, Spencer, I don't even care who. With the dire circumstance, I just don't think it matters if the Jason information hurts Sam or puts a damper on Sam/Patrick's budding romance.


I surprisingly enjoyed the Emma/Patrick scenes today. I think it's realistic for Emma to act out and be upset that Robin isn't around (And I don't think Robin looks bad, but then again, I don't think anything was ever really her CHOICE. Yes, she wanted to help Jason, but even if she said no, Victor wasn't going to accept that). I'd rather this be Emma's main storyline for now than anything involving Joss/Spencer/Cameron. I don't think I'm ever going to like the children acting/dressing/speaking like adults.


Patrick calling the clinic like nothing was quite hilarious, though. Did he really think someone was going to put him through to Robin?


I don't have any attachments to Sam/Silas, but when Sam was looking through the window toward Silas in his office at the beginning of the episode, along with her continued obsession with Nina, I think she still appears to be in love with him. Not sure where it's going, but it was an interesting moment to showcase if they're moving Sam to Patrick.


I liked the sweet moment between Carly/Liz remembering Jake.


Sam/Patrick babbling about his beard AGAIN in the middle of a serious conversation will never not be DUMB. Timing, people.

  • Love 4

You know, I appreciate Ron's use of history in the Patrick/Robin storyline. After all, it's not like Robin has lied to Patrick and told him she wasn't being held hostage when she actually was before. It's not like Patrick knew deep down that something was wrong and just couldn't quite believe her when she said she wanted to stay where she was by her own choice. It's not like he would ever suspect that Robin would give up her freedom and lie to him to protect him. That has never happened befo...oh, wait, never mind, it has - with Jerry Jacks.


I really need the Patrick from 2007 to time travel to the future and knock some f***ing sense into 2014 Patrick. Seriously, JT is doing the best he can with the material but for some reason they are acting like Patrick does not have a clue about his wife's basic nature or their history. It is so frustrating.

Edited by cmahorror
  • Love 13

Spencer needs to drink a bottle of corn syrup mixed with rat poison.Why are Emma, Cameron and Joss associating with this loser?


I wish the raggedy kids on this show would stop worrying about what the adults are doing. Why do Kiki and now Morgan feel the need to concern themselves with this Franco/Carly/Sonny bullshit. Who cares if Carly cheated on the SERIAL KILLER. Fuck his feelings.

  • Love 3

You know, I appreciate Ron's use of history in the Patrick/Robin storyline. After all, it's not like Robin has lied to Patrick and told him she wasn't being held hostage when she actually was before. It's not like Patrick knew deep down that something was wrong and just couldn't quite believe her when she said she wanted to stay where she was by her own choice. It's not like he would ever suspect that Robin would give up her freedom and lie to him to protect him. That has never happened befo...oh, wait, never mind, it has - with Jerry Jacks.


I really need the Patrick from 2007 to time travel to the future and knock some f***ing sense into 2014 Patrick. Seriously, JT is doing the best he can with the material but for some reason they are acting like Patrick does not have a clue about his wife's basic nature or their history. It is so frustrating.

Exactly. None of this should be foreign to Patrick. A part of me understands why it has to be this way, but I also believe that this type of story is the wrong way to go when an important character is no longer on the show.

  • Love 1

Well this is my issue. Why not tell her if it doesn't matter now? Wait I know b/c Sam would actually want to go find out things for herself and learn the truth about Robin and Victor's threat and then dumdedumdum.......Patrick would look like the ass he is about Robin.


If he is dead and has always been dead but his body is somewhere it might give her closure to know the truth. To me this is just like Sonny and Carly and their crimes for somereason keeping the truth from people you care about is more important than anything else.

I mean Jason was always dead it is not like it will cause her guilt that she missed time with him it would just give her the truth, but noooooo we can't have Patrick look bad here. RME


Exactly.  He knows damn well that this is information Sam would want to know.  But, if Sam knew what was going on, she'd want to look into it further. And that directly contradicts Patrick's clear desire to sit back, do nothing, and play the victim to Robin's bad guy.  And it might distract Sam from getting into bed with him.  



As an added point, if Patrick thinks there's even an outside chance Victor targeted him and Emma to keep Robin in line, he needs to do SOMETHING. I mean, he clearly could give a shit about Robin at this point, but how's he going to feel if Victor tries to do something to Emma again? Or has Anna or Mac or Robert killed?

Of course, be careful what I wish for, because Ron will probably have a scene where Patrick tells Anna and she just shrugs. Because this show hates me...


And there's that, too.  He needs to pull his head out of his ass and realize that his daughter could still be in danger if this is something Victor is doing.  Regardless of how pissed he is at Robin or how badly he wants to get into Sam's pants, he should be worried about Emma first and foremost.   The fact that he's holding back information from the PI investigating the crash because he wants to fuck her is just reprehensible, when you consider that his daughter is one of the people who could ultimately end up hurt if they don't get to the bottom of what's going on. 



Patrick's, before his non-wedding to Sabrina.  Liz was the best person, remember.  And she got super drunk off-screen.  "I drank out of a shoe?!?!"  Hee!


I loved those scenes so much.  The Patrick/Liz friendship was so good.  But these days, I'd prefer she either not share scenes with him at all or she gets to smack some sense into him.  I don't want to see her enable his ridiculous pity party.  Sometimes the best thing your friends can do for you is tell you you're being a dumbass. 

  • Love 10

Exactly.  He knows damn well that this is information Sam would want to know.  But, if Sam knew what was going on, she'd want to look into it further. And that directly contradicts Patrick's clear desire to sit back, do nothing, and play the victim to Robin's bad guy.  And it might distract Sam from getting into bed with him.  


I firmly believe that if Sam knew about Jason from the beginning, she would have sided with Robin. Hell, she would have stuffed herself in Robin's suitcase.

  • Love 3

And there's that, too.  He needs to pull his head out of his ass and realize that his daughter could still be in danger if this is something Victor is doing.  Regardless of how pissed he is at Robin or how badly he wants to get into Sam's pants, 


I honestly don't think Patrick realizes he's developing an attraction to Sam yet. 


Rosalie possibly in a triangle with Michael and Morgan in the future? Totally on board with that.



I want to like her, she's pretty, but man, she cannot act at all. She's getting all these one-liners and she's so clunky with them.

  • Love 3

Why does Sonny and Carly banging have to be kept from Michael?  I mean really.  The people who should be least surprised are Michael and Morgan.


This show needs to top making Kiki all knowing with people she met a year ago.  I hope this story leads to Kiki being kicked to the curb for lying to Michael's face constantly.  Why do all the people in Michael's life who supposedly love him so much treat him like a damn fool? 



They don't treat him like a fool but like a fragile flower, they always have, even when he was acting like a temperamental psycho. It's weird and it drives me nuts.


She is not trying to protect Michael nor does she think he's some fragile flower.  She told Morgan that she doesn't want Michael to know the truth in order to protect Franco.  She said taht Michael hates Franco even more than Morgan, and she fears Michael will tell Franco about Carly and Sonny, which will hurt poor whiddle Franco's feelings.  So ONCE again, Kiki is choosing to protect Franco rather than just tell Michael the truth.  Once again, Franco's happiness is more important to her than honesty with Michael.  I'm pretty sure I remember Michael telling her not to lie to him anymore.  Yeah, the BEST thing that can happen from all of this is that Michael is finally freed from the nightmare that is Kiki Jerome.


 This made me laugh. I guess the speculation about what Kiki does all day is true -- NOTHING! Nice to have it confirmed that she has no purpose.


I thought that was hysterical too.  RC must be reading the boards because I've said a dozen times that Kiki has no purpose and the only reason she even gets screen time is because of Michael, who is forced to drag her everywhere.  Sure enough, Nina's big plan today is target Michael because Kiki has nothing else in her world.  She has no job, no friends, no prospects, nothing.   Hey, if Michael can hook up with Rosalie (even though she's a wackadoo herself) and away from Kiki, I'm fine with it.  Giddy, even.

Edited by Bishop
  • Love 2

I don't like Nina, the actress, this story or any if Nina's actions.

But I will say she's not necessarily beyond redemption, if she ever stops her scheming and as long as nobody actually gets hurt before she comes to her senses. Unlike many of the shitty people on this show, Nina's rage actually comes from crappy things that happened to her that she didn't bring on herself. (Compare to Sonny, Ava, Carly, Franco, Levi, Britt and her gross mommy, etc.).

She's no Anna Devane, though. Although Anna isn't even Anna anymore at this point (which makes me so mad I could just fire up my weather machine and freeze the writers).

And I'm sure Nina won't do anything to redeem herself, like, say, become a cop or otherwise be helpful. We'll just be expected to find her winning and fun and accept her.

  • Love 1



Wait, you're serious? You do know who Patdick is, right?


We-e-e-e-ll, I don't think he's thinking he's going to get her into bed. Not just yet, at least.


I was re-watching for the parts I missed earlier and I realized I got my wish for Morgan's pants to go down a wee bit. You could see his butt crack a little bit lol. At least it didn't look like he was wearing a thong?*


*points to anyone who gets that reference

  • Love 5

Man do I long for the days of toxic monkey balls. PC needs a good disaster to clean house. There are too many useless fucking characters. Say the name Kiki 3 times and a giant hell mouth opens in the middle of GH and starts sucking people in. Nina gets rolled first so I don't have to hear her tell one more person about her husband, Sigh, screwing her. It tooks me 5 minutes to get through today's show. Kiki, nope, Nina, nope, Franco, nope, shirtless Morgan, pause - rewind, damn kids, nope. And it's over!

Edited by Sasha
  • Love 6


Nina gets rolled first so I don't have to hear her tell one more person about her husband, Sigh, screwing her.


Someone mentioned this upthread, I believe, but it bears repeating: Silas spent a night in bed with his wife and he still has NO suspicions about her ability to use her legs? 


In one of my favorite lines from the first Superman movie, Lex Luthor says, while watching his henchman, something like, "It's amazing his brain can generate enough electricity to move his feet." Hey, Si! I'm looking at you!

  • Love 4

I had the impression that Jason wasn't alive so much as not-quite-all-the-way dead. Regardless of their flirtation I can't imagine him saying "You know how you thought Jason was dead? Well, he wasn't completely dead....but he is now." Yeah, no.


They should have called Miracle Max.


Did the SERIAL KILLER actually have the audacity to say today that it "hurts his feelings" that Michael won't forgive him after all he's doing to protect him...? Seriously? I...no words, just none. And the pouty face Roger wore while saying that just made me wish someone would rub out Franco's face with a belt sander. That character is the worst, the absolute worst.


I feel like Sheila Broflovski from South Park.  WHAT WHAT WHAT?!?!?!


& I'm kinda loving, rur, for mentioning The Music Man (my favorite musical).

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