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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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That she would not be tricked or manipulated or allow Silas to be


IMO, it's up to Silas to make sure Silas isn't being tricked or manipulated. If he's too stupid to see Nina is nuts, that's on him. I mean, his nonreaction to Nina's insistence on having a baby says it all. I get not poking the bear, but his absurdly mild "We need to talk about this" was ridiculous. He might as well have been telling her that he wanted a sandwich on wheat bread, not white.


It is a shame that Alexis finally gets a bedroom and it gets burned down a few weeks later.


She's being punished for being an oldz and a woman not named Carly daring to have sex.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 4

If I took a drink every time someone said "Kiki" today, I'd be in a coma after 15 minutes. Kiki, Kiki, Kiki! GOD.


LOL at Sabrina dismissing Patrick's idea about Victor being responsible for the car accident. Once again, she makes gigantic proclamations without having the faintest idea who any of the involved parties are. And seriously, Ava thinks Sabrina is a threat?!


I hate to break it to you, Sabrina, but just because you lost your baby doesn't mean no one else can have one. Life is unfair that way. Deal with it. Nina should learn this, too.


Shawn and Sonny plotting to snatch Ava was UCG. Of course it will go wrong.

  • Love 5

My Gawd I literally want to throw Ava off a parapet! That woman is the whinnest wahwahwah hitwoman I've ever seen. No wonder Julian only 1/2 listened to her and was on his phone most of the damn time. ugh! Everytime someone gets stuck with her they are trapped in her put upon womanpain THAT SHE CAUSED HERSELF. I swear the only time Julian acts like Silas is around her. He seems 1/2 checked out.


Now Nina is grating on me b/c her story is going in a circle, I don't see how TIIC can think that any actor can have the same conversation 90287427 times and it not get annoying, but at least she is A)crazy and B) has a good reason to be so. Ava has screwed her life up over and over and over again. I almost jumped up to punch the TV when she was all perplexed as to how in the world Sabrina would have the notion she ran the car off the road then in the next breath told Julian that is exactly what she let Carlos think....OMG .....where is that parpet! AAARRRKKKK!


...and now I'm taking my theory on the demise of Ava and baby to the appropriate thread.

Edited by Cattitude
  • Love 1

Sidenote…did the writers completely whitewash that Patrick wanted Robin to leave Jason to die? Or the fact that he despised Jason and didn’t care if he came home to Sam/Danny? I think those are far more dramatic points in the Sam/Patrick love story than anything else.




Could be interesting angst once Jason shows up.


I may be in the minority, but I love Nina's Fruitloops. I think the actress manages to pull it of without being hammy, or soapy.I also find the character refreshing and weirdly unselfconscious compared to the other characters. It's the sucky storyline she is stuck with thats the problem.

Edited by Bawoman
  • Love 3

Okay I must've missed where Ava screwd up Nina's life even once, never mind over and over again. Because from where I'm sitting, the affair is on Silas. Of course Ava was a willing participant, but she had nothing to do with Madeline drugging Nina, or with Nna losing the baby. If Silas really loved Nina and their marriage was that strong, he wouldn't have screwed around. And he would have been happier (if a little conflicted) that she was alive and well. But really, aside from having an affair with Silas, what did Ava ever do to Nina directly? And why does she have reason to be batshit crazy? Hurt? Sure. confused? Absolutely. But BSC? Not IMO.

And I'd rather watch Ava every day and twice on Sunday than Nina even once a week. I think MSt is dreadful and would be perfectly happy if someone threw Nina off the roof of a VERY TALL building, thus putting an end to my misery once and for all.

  • Love 14

The affair was both Silas and Ava's fault hence why she is mad at both of them. The main reason she blames Ava is b/c the whole reason her mother messed with her meds causing her coma is b/c since she knew about the affair and Nina's pregnancy. Magda didn't want Nina tied to Silas so she mess with the meds to cause a miscarriage so Nina would leave Silas and accidently caused the coma instead. Then when she wakes up she not only finds her baby died but Ava had a baby with Silas instead.


As for being crazy that is from the coma. I mean it is at least believable a 20 year coma might mess with your mind. No doubt she is crazy but of all the people doing shit in PC she is one of the few who has an excuse for her antics.

  • Love 6
IMO, it's up to Silas to make sure Silas isn't being tricked or manipulated. If he's too stupid to see Nina is nuts, that's on him




Sam doesn't think the Nina is crazy, she believes she wants Silas all to herself again, to me that's a separate issue altogether imo, about who does or doesn't think the Nina is mentally unbalanced. What has she even done around Silas that might have tipped him off? Even if she's faking needing the wheelchair that doesn't say she's crazy, that says she's a liar who is trying to use his guilt to stay close to him.


Which to me is what Sam believes as well at this point, that the Nina is lying about needing the wheelchair and all so that Silas will feel obligated to take care of her out of guilt, keeping her in his apartment, leaning on him for support and care, and basically forcing Sam out of the way.


Sure Silas could be handling things better, starting with moving the Nina out and into a place where she and Rosie could stay together, but I don't think he's ignoring glaring warning sighs about her either. Is his viewpoint of the Nina clouded and biased based on their past together and marriage? Of course, but it isn't as if Sam laid down irrefutable evidence at his feet which he's chosen to ignore, she's had hunches at best and guesses. 


Basically my point was that of course Sam would have been tipped off to the Nina's lies long before Silas, she can see her as more than just a poor little victim of his cheating and infidelity, which is what has kept Silas beholden to her this long, I wouldn't really call that stupidity but misplaced obligation and blind faith, but YMMV.

  • Love 3

As much as I love the Jerome sibs and Alexis/Sam, those scenes were nothing but recap. When the highlight of the episode, for me at least, is Sabrina being icy to Keeks, there is a major problem.

I thought things would pick-up once Sept started, but the show is still glacial. And tomorrow looks awful. It looks awful. Awful.

By the by, I kept time today and of the 39 minuts of show, Nina/Rosalie took up 17 of those minutes. Why is almost half the show bring wasted on a brand new character with tenuous, at best, ties to the canvas?!?

  • Love 6

The affair was both Silas and Ava's fault hence why she is mad at both of them.


But as is typical of GH, she's going after Ava only. Sigh.


Sabrina being icy to Keeks


Keep trying, little girl. I had to laugh at Sabrina's attempted burn. What did Sabrina call Rafe? Lauren's flesh and blood? Blood relative? Whatever it was, Sabrina was giving Rafe far more importance in Lauren's life than he ever had. To blame Lauren for Rafe's actions is hilarious. Rafe was responsible for his actions, even at 16 or 17. He was certainly old enough to know right from wrong. I kind of loved Lauren's "Alrighty then" face as she walked away from the nurse's station, with Sabrina self-righteously typing away at the computer.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 3

But as is typical of GH, she's going after Ava only. Sigh.


Well to be fair there was that bloody stabing of Silas, though it seems her revenge on Silas is imagined while her revenge on Ava is real life, go figure the workings of a crazy mind.

Hey, Sabrina is only at the tip of her stalking skillz. She's going to move to Book face next. Ava is not safe anywhere. Sabrina haz wifi. She's going to make memes and blogs.


Well she has one uped Nina's mad pen and paper name scribbling and GOGLE skillz.

  • Love 1
I thought things would pick-up once Sept started, but the show is still glacial. And tomorrow looks awful. It looks awful. Awful.




I'm almost ready to raise the white flag, there'll be Spencer, Kiki and Morgan, the Nina, and Patrick being more of a dickydoucheface about Robin when discussing matters with Emma I am most sure.


This show is making me feel defeated by all the crappiness...that can't be healthy.


What did Sabrina call Rafe? Lauren's flesh and blood? Blood relative? Whatever it was, Sabrina was giving Rafe far more importance in Lauren's life than he ever had. To blame Lauren for Rafe's actions is hilarious.



Sabrina was talking about Ava, it just seemed like she meant Rafe because he had been the main topic of conversation, one in which Lauren tried to make Gabrial's death about herself and how she was a wonderfully compassionate person because she claimed to experience sorrowful feelings, no surprise there.  She really deserved something sharper than that mild burn.

  • Love 4

Another day of boring.  Sabrina, Kiki, and Franco, oh my! Sonny, Shawn, and Carly continuing to talk stalling Ava/AJ bullshit with no end in sight.  There is no story.  There is no story!

Just me waiting for a reveal (Michael, Sonny killed AJ!) that if it's going to happen will probably be disappointing as fuck.  

Edited by sunflower
  • Love 3

This is the first time since crypt sex I have felt Ava was a strong mob boss. That is sad. Very sad.


Once Sobby gets Carloos out of prison I can see her kicking ass, if Ron allows it.  The actress needs scene chewing and an action partner willing to act.


As for Sam/Patrick now that mom has given the okay for Patrick sex, I kind of feel Meeeeehh about it. I am sure JT feels great about faux TV sex with a Bunny, so hopefully he will act and stuff for a week or two.


I sort of wish Alexis bounces back to Julian. No real reason. Just a feeling.


The saddest thing of all is that I am now supporting the serial killer over Carly, and the weak sauce crap with Kiki today made it worse.




Totally wine driven idea. What is the filming delay for GH, and how long until there is a sexy snapchat icloud scandal for (insert female character here)?

  • Love 2

The affair was both Silas and Ava's fault hence why she is mad at both of them. The main reason she blames Ava is b/c the whole reason her mother messed with her meds causing her coma is b/c since she knew about the affair and Nina's pregnancy. Magda didn't want Nina tied to Silas so she mess with the meds to cause a miscarriage so Nina would leave Silas and accidently caused the coma instead. Then when she wakes up she not only finds her baby died but Ava had a baby with Silas instead.


I'm not clear how Magda not wanting Nina tied to Silas is Ava's fault.  It sounded like Magda always hated Silas.  And even if there had been no affair, I think Magda still would have drugged Nina to try and abort that baby.


What exactly Nina wants re: Silas is a bit confusing to me.  I get she wants back what she lost, hence her obsession with having his baby, but does she actually want to raise a baby with him? 

  • Love 3

Nina doesn't know how to google nor what babies need just that they need stuff. I assume she hasn't thought very far. She also thinks the child will worship and need her.

May I introduce you to Jason Quartermaine and Monica, Mrs. Clay? Also Dillon and Ned, and their mother Tracy would like to have a word. Oh and Alan Quartermaine and AJ would like to speak to you. For further refrence see Det. Dante Falconeri and Sonny Corinthos. Then again, I have a feeling you'll have be seeing the PCPD a lot in the future.

Or you can ask Franco how he feels about his mother during your next painting class.

Paging Dr Kevin. You're needed. Stat. Like, Ava and Dr O are the best moms I've seen this month.

  • Love 4
Sabrina debunked his theory, but does she really have so much clout with Patrick that he’s completely ready and willing to let it go?

And it seems like the only reason he’s OK with letting it go is so he doesn’t have to tell Sam about Jason.



That's basically it.  Going with Sabrina's point of view lets him think it's totally fine to fuck Sam without sharing any of that silly Jason stuff with her.  If he sticks with the idea that Victor might be responsible, he'll have to share what's going on there with Sam, and that will really put a crimp in his getting laid.  So Sabrina's point of view makes his life easier.  He can continue blaming Robin and doing whatever the hell he wants with Sam. 

  • Love 6

And I'd rather watch Ava every day and twice on Sunday than Nina even once a week. I think MSt is dreadful and would be perfectly happy if someone threw Nina off the roof of a VERY TALL building, thus putting an end to my misery once and for all.


And since we have to listen to that sad excuse for a human being SAY EVERYTHING TWICE SAY EVERYTHING TWICE, I want The Nina to bounce off the hard, hard ground at least twice when she gets thrown off that roof.  


Why must Ron C. buy EVERYTHING other soaps put in their rummage sales?  His sloppy seconds are worse than collecting Hummels.

Edited by boes
  • Love 9

Nina already had mental issues (depression) before going into the coma, so I don't buy the coma as a convenient catch-all excuse for her whacked out behavior. I liked that Rosalie knows that she's a complete mental defect and is sarcastically snarky about it. 


Every single time I think Sonny cannot get any grosser, he continues to surprise me. I guess there is no ceiling with him and vomit-worthiness.

  • Love 4

Ugh. I just want Micheal to learn 2 +2 = 4 and rage hard against Mommy and Faux Daddy. I want him to take that bottled anger and get pissed. New Jason deserves to rage at the Gruesome Twosome as well. And Monica, for damn sure Monica. Even Olivia should throw Sonny some shade. But she owes Micheal and Monica apologies too.

Actually, the Lauren/Morgan preview made me happy. One more thing to piss Micheal off.

  • Love 1

I think that Kiki is definitely Ron's favorite now. She has replaced Sabrina as the favorite.






Once Sobby gets Carloos out of prison I can see her kicking ass, if Ron allows it.  The actress needs scene chewing and an action partner willing to act.


I'd like to see this too.  Get her into a real story instead of making her Patrick's combination slampiece/enabler/#1 worshipper.  She should be so over the douchecanoe by now...


I am sure JT feels great about faux TV sex with a Bunny, so hopefully he will act and stuff for a week or two.


Then we will be treated to the endless cringe-material of watching poor KeMo trying to drag his uncaring, scene-tanking ass through scene after scene after scene...



  • Love 1

Why is Kiki keeping her mouth shut again? Just spill the beans so Franco can reveal to Michael the truth and hell can break loose. This is taking way too freaking long.

Why are they going the Morgan/Kiki route when there is a much better option that has way more chemistry with him? Rosalie needs to get out of cray cray Nina scenes too.

Ava sharing her noodles with Julian was so cute. I love their sibling chemistry.

I thought Patrick looked so skeezy eye fucking Sam after he was talking about Robin and Victor to Sabrina. I just can't get behind those two no matter how much chemistry they have.

Edited by twoods
  • Love 2

Exactly what scenes has Jason Thompson tanked? I think he's struggled to show up even for the dreck with Sabrina.

What exactly Nina wants re: Silas is a bit confusing to me.  I get she wants back what she lost, hence her obsession with having his baby, but does she actually want to raise a baby with him? 


I think Nina's reaction to Silas is realistically schizophrenic. She's deeply unbalanced and unstable - she wants and desires Silas still, is probably still in love with him, yet is also filled with rage at his 'betrayal' and his having moved on. She wants him and their life back, but she also wants to make him pay - as she has said, she believes this will humble him and make their relationship pure again. For someone crazy like Nina (and they will end up walking her back from that eventually, ugh) that stuff can, I think, coexist.


With as nutty as she is, I kept expecting a twist from one of my favorite recent books (which I can't even name because just alluding to this is a major spoiler) - I expected someone, Madeline, Ava, etc. to have known the 'real' Nina, and to reveal that she was far from the saint Nathan, Silas and Madeline were describing to others. I keep suspecting that the beautiful lovely rich girl who loved all the world and especially horses and dancing was just her public face.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 4

That's basically it.  Going with Sabrina's point of view lets him think it's totally fine to fuck Sam without sharing any of that silly Jason stuff with her.  If he sticks with the idea that Victor might be responsible, he'll have to share what's going on there with Sam, and that will really put a crimp in his getting laid.  So Sabrina's point of view makes his life easier.  He can continue blaming Robin and doing whatever the hell he wants with Sam. 

You hit on the head the majority of my problem with the current storyline, besides the fact that Patrick talks about Robin like she was someone he knew in high school.


Patrick’s dilemma no longer has to do with Robin.  It’s not about him believing his wife chose Jason and/or the field of medicine over coming home to their family. It’s not even about her safety working at the shady clinic for a shady Cassadine.


His struggle is now solely about Sam and his romantic future with her.


On-screen, all I see is a guy who wants to keep the Frozen!Jason! information to himself because he has feelings for Sam.  All this, of course, under the guise that he just doesn’t want to “hurt” Sam.


I thought Patrick looked so skeezy eye fucking Sam after he was talking about Robin and Victor to Sabrina. I just can't behind those two no matter how much chemistry they have.

Agree. The severity of the situation with Robin combined with Patrick’s visit with Sam was out of place and inappropriate.


You can tell JT/KeMo are happy to be working together. I do think that some of the flirting comes off as a bit forced sometimes, especially the 1,000-watt smiles they’ve had recently.

Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 7
The Nina is too tiresome for me to even comment on anymore, she's exhausting and inane.



Another useless character brought on to overshadow weak acting by one of Ron/FV's faves (see Carlos).   Yet another stale plot of a PC woman and baby rabies.  Who the heck would even dare to think that the audience has any desire to watch (let alone root for)  a character that NO ONE CARES about and eating up about one-fifth of the show?  To cover her salary expense, it seems that the idea is to give her a bunch of dialogue.   Two years of the thirty-seven minutes (minus the flashbacks) will now be down to near thirty minutes.

Edited by sunnyface
  • Love 2

Exactly what scenes has Jason Thompson tanked? I think he's struggled to show up even for the dreck with Sabrina.


I think Nina's reaction to Silas is realistically schizophrenic. She's deeply unbalanced and unstable - she wants and desires Silas still, is probably still in love with him, yet is also filled with rage at his 'betrayal' and his having moved on. She wants him and their life back, but she also wants to make him pay - as she has said, she believes this will humble him and make their relationship pure again. For someone crazy like Nina (and they will end up walking her back from that eventually, ugh) that stuff can, I think, coexist.


With as nutty as she is, I kept expecting a twist from one of my favorite recent books (which I can't even name because just alluding to this is a major spoiler) - I expected someone, Madeline, Ava, etc. to have known the 'real' Nina, and to reveal that she was far from the saint Nathan, Silas and Madeline were describing to others. I keep suspecting that the beautiful lovely rich girl who loved all the world and especially horses and dancing was just her public face.

I think I know the book you're talking about. The second they call her amazing, I'll scream.
  • Love 1

Sabrina saying Ava has to pay made me think of Sonny.  I wonder how - with Sonny it's death, but Sabrina seems more angelic than that.  Too bad she doesn't know Ava's going to pay anyway at Sonny's hands.  Though she can only pay once with her life, and it's for killing Connie, so Sabrina has to stick her son into that equation too.  LOL this show.

  • Love 1

Another useless character brought on to overshadow weak acting by one of Ron/FV's faves (see Carlos).   Yet another stale plot of a PC woman and baby rabies.  Who the heck would even dare to think that the audience has any desire to watch (let alone root for)  a character that NO ONE CARES about and eating up about one-fifth of the show?  To cover her salary expense, it seems that the idea is to give her a bunch of dialogue.   Two years of the thirty-seven minutes (minus the flashbacks) will now be down to near thirty minutes.


They only have to give her half a bunch of dialog because she'll say it all twice, yes definitely, definitely, twice.

  • Love 5
Exactly what scenes has Jason Thompson tanked?



I don't think he's tanked a damn thing.  I hate Patrick now, and the writing for him has been absolute shit, but I love JT.  I know some people think he tanked the Patrina stuff, but I think he played who Patrick would reasonably be at that point in his life.  He'd lost his wife, but he had to soldier on for his daughter.  He had this video of Robin urging him to find someone new, someone essentially just like Sabrina, and he liked her, so he thought he was supposed to move forward and marry her. But it wasn't the love he had with Robin, and a part of him had died along with her.  JT did a good job trying to keep that lost, partially dead inside aspect of Patrick in play all the time. 

  • Love 18

I thought JMB Lulu and Patrick had chemistry during the two second pill addiction. Now Patrick barely speaks to Lulu. Then would have been a great time for SamTrick. But we had Sabrina. I think I'm just going to say that Emma picked a bride for Daddy and it was horrible. Patrick still had a sad. Sabrina lied about having lots and lots of sex. She's only had Carrrlos. Maybe lots and lots of Carrlos. It's my only explanation.

Now you want tanking, ME is bored as hell. He needs coffee or something. Dude is miserable in his scenes. He genuinely looks annoyed in his scenes with Nina. I'm wondering if he's really drinking on set. Like, im almost free McBain, then I remember Brody and I'm like haha.

  • Love 3
If I took a drink every time someone said "Kiki" today, I'd be in a coma after 15 minutes. Kiki, Kiki, Kiki! GOD.

I counted for you. "Kiki" was said a total of 13 times today. 13 Bourbons would make me loopy, but not put me in a coma.


I freely admit to being a lightweight when it comes to alcohol. I would be in a coma after thirteen bourbons. I'm loopy after one.


I keep suspecting that the beautiful lovely rich girl who loved all the world and especially horses and dancing was just her public face.


Which means we'll get yet another newbie showing up to tell us that Nina has always been bonkers. Great. It also makes me laugh at how dumb Silas is that he never twigged to it. Yeah, you two had a deep connection.


On-screen, all I see is a guy who wants to keep the Frozen!Jason! information to himself because he has feelings for Sam.  All this, of course, under the guise that he just doesn’t want to “hurt” Sam.

Patrick thinks Jason is dead. So does Sam. We discussed this before. What is Patrick supposed to tell her? "Uh, Sam, remember when Jason was pushed off the docks and everyone thought he was dead? Turns out he was frozen by Victor Cassadine, and Robin has been working to unfreeze him in the clinic we visited. But her attempt didn't work, and now he's really dead. My bad for not telling you all this earlier."


And even when Jason returns, what is Patrick supposed to say? "Yes, I knew Robin was working to defrost Jason in the clinic we visited, but the time I saw her try, it didn't work. Everyone said Jason was dead. Again. Sorry I didn't tell you this earlier."


Should Patrick have told Sam that Jason was at the clinic? I don't know. There are extenuating circumstances, the main one being Patrick thinks Jason is dead. The worst part of all of this is how Patrick is treating Robin, IMO. The writing for this part has been dreadful.

  • Love 6

Good points re: Patrick telling Sam. However. He shouldn't rule it out so quickly.

Patrick should not be taking anything he saw or heard at the lab at face value, given that he knows Victor is dangerous, Robin is acting unlike herself and was threatened into going in the first place, and the fact that they were chased out of the lab by goons.

Also, Sam cared about Rafe, too, and Patrick has already involved Sam in the investigation of why Patricks car was run off the road. And if it's true Rafe was coerced by Victor into doing something that ultimately led to his death in disgrace, I think Sam would want to know.

And if Jason was truly dead, Sam might want to claim the body and give him a decent burial finally. So telling her isn't entirely pointless even if Jason were beyond saving. She might be mad nobody told her earlier, but at least she'd know everything was tried and at least she didn't get her hopes up first.

Patrick may come to this conclusion eventually, but he should already be using his brain and realizing this doesn't add up.

Edited by SlovakPrincess
  • Love 1

Patrick thinks Jason is dead. So does Sam. We discussed this before. What is Patrick supposed to tell her? "Uh, Sam, remember when Jason was pushed off the docks and everyone thought he was dead? Turns out he was frozen by Victor Cassadine, and Robin has been working to unfreeze him in the clinic we visited. But her attempt didn't work, and now he's really dead. My bad for not telling you all this earlier."


And even when Jason returns, what is Patrick supposed to say? "Yes, I knew Robin was working to defrost Jason in the clinic we visited, but the time I saw her try, it didn't work. Everyone said Jason was dead. Again. Sorry I didn't tell you this earlier."


Should Patrick have told Sam that Jason was at the clinic? I don't know. There are extenuating circumstances, the main one being Patrick thinks Jason is dead. The worst part of all of this is how Patrick is treating Robin, IMO. The writing for this part has been dreadful.


Well this is my issue. Why not tell her if it doesn't matter now? Wait I know b/c Sam would actually want to go find out things for herself and learn the truth about Robin and Victor's threat and then dumdedumdum.......Patrick would look like the ass he is about Robin.


If he is dead and has always been dead but his body is somewhere it might give her closure to know the truth. To me this is just like Sonny and Carly and their crimes for somereason keeping the truth from people you care about is more important than anything else.

I mean Jason was always dead it is not like it will cause her guilt that she missed time with him it would just give her the truth, but noooooo we can't have Patrick look bad here. RME

When GH devotes most of the episode, 90%, to the most BORING characters on the show, you know it's going to be a bad day.


The Nina Show continues unabated with her boring ass self taking up more and more and more screentime with the same dialogue.  If MS is suppose to be a goddess to the soap industry, I'm not seeing it.  That ridiculous smile is beyond annoying, and her incessant blathering about wanting a baby and deserving a baby and being gyped out of a baby is driving me insane.  Rosalie is equally annoying and useless.  Her character is not needed, especially when I don't see most of the GH cast on a regular basis.


Kiki?  Oh dear God, don't get me started on that utter useless and pointless excuse for a character.  Kiki has no friends, no job, no prospects, no values (except those she chooses to believe in, depending on the day of the week).  We are reminded that Kiki has no purpose on the show because she has no storyline.  She is simply inserted into other people's stories as the intruding PITA.  She has no business visting Alice.  Seriously?  She acts like Alice is a long-lost aunt or something.  She has this perverted bond with her serial killer, complicit rapist almost-daddy in Franco.  She has more loyalty and shows more allegiance to him than her supposed boyfriend, Michael.  Now the previews show her confiding in Morgan when Michael VERY SPECIFICALLY told her that he doesn't want to be lied to and that he'd rather know what was coming than be blind-sided.  Of course, Kiki lives by her own rules, unless of course Michael tells her she's a disloyal girlfriend for lying to him about her serial killer surrogate daddy.  I LOATHE Kiki.  LOATHE her.


Sabrina isn't as annoying, but again, she goes on maternity leave, comes back and immediately gets another storyline.  Meanwhile, I'm still waiting to just see or hear from Kevin.  Heck, I'd take any of the vets at this point:  Mac, Felicia (you know the parents of one of the kidnapped girls), Anna, Tracy, Monica, Scotty, Lucy . . . hello?


Silas is boring too.  I don't hate ME, but his story with Nina is the most BORING storyline right now, and that's saying a lot.  Franco is only interesting now because I'm still waiting for him to be the catalyst that FINALLY moves along the Sonny/AJ reveal.  I can only hope that Michael not only kicks Sonny and Carly to the curb but kiki as well.


I DID love the Nathan/Victor scenes and the Dr. O and Britt scenes.  That entire exchange was great, I think.  I think Nathan looks like a Cassadine, and that poor guy has no idea how twisted his family genes really are, and I can't wait for him to find out.  That crack someone made a few pages back about a holiday meal with the likes of Nathan, Britt, Dr. O., Faison, Nikolas, Victor, Stavros, Helena, and Spencer would be HYSTERICAL.  Could you imagine?  


I am also really liking Patrick and Sam.  I see definite chemistry with those two, and I love any scenes with Alexis and Sam and Julian and Alexis.  Ava is okay too.  She's much, much better than Nina.  God, she's ions ahead of Nina (and Kiki).  I can only hope that today's scenes with Kiki and Morgan are the beginning of the end with Kiki and Michael.  He's been saddled with her long enough.

Edited by Bishop
  • Love 11

That crack someone made a few pages back about a holiday meal with the likes of Nathan, Britt, Dr. O., Faison, Nikolas, Victor, Stavros, Helena, and Spencer would be HYSTERICAL.  Could you imagine?  


I'm telling you, Halloween needs to be the Cassadine/Westbourne holiday.  I'd love a scene of them all gathered to carve pumpkins and Nathan being all, "Maybe I'll hold the knife...".

  • Love 7

As an added point, if Patrick thinks there's even an outside chance Victor targeted him and Emma to keep Robin in line, he needs to do SOMETHING. I mean, he clearly could give a shit about Robin at this point, but how's he going to feel if Victor tries to do something to Emma again? Or has Anna or Mac or Robert killed?

Of course, be careful what I wish for, because Ron will probably have a scene where Patrick tells Anna and she just shrugs. Because this show hates me...

  • Love 8


Exactly what scenes has Jason Thompson tanked?


I don't think he's tanked a damn thing.  I hate Patrick now, and the writing for him has been absolute shit, but I love JT.  I know some people think he tanked the Patrina stuff, but I think he played who Patrick would reasonably be at that point in his life.  He'd lost his wife, but he had to soldier on for his daughter.  He had this video of Robin urging him to find someone new, someone essentially just like Sabrina, and he liked her, so he thought he was supposed to move forward and marry her. But it wasn't the love he had with Robin, and a part of him had died along with her.  JT did a good job trying to keep that lost, partially dead inside aspect of Patrick in play all the time.



I thought he was doing a fine job when the persistant theme that he was deliberately tanking the pairing with Sabrina started showing up in commentary. IIRC it really took off after an interview where he noted the obvious concerning Patrick's lack of a viewpoint in that storyline. To me, tanking involves persistently failing to make eye-contact, stepping on your scene partner's lines, scene-stealing, crowding your partner, pulling inappropriate faces, monotonous line readings, frequent difficulty remembering lines, shouting lines for no reason, physically reacting like they have cooties, inappropriate eye-rolling, sighing, grimacing or a cold demeanor. None of which I observed him do, some of which Teresa Castillo was guilty of, though I blame weak craft on her part, not deliberate tanking. The worst that could be pinned on him was the subjective observation (which I don't share) that he was dead behind the eyes. They had bad chemistry and bad writing. Her character was written like a cloying parody of itself and except when he was permitted to mourn Robin, his was reduced to one dimensional cardboard prince who only existed as seen through Sabrina's  immature gaze. TeCa has been chemistry challenged with most of her scene partners, Carlos excepted. I enjoyed her scene with him this week. I don't fault JT for failing to work past that and I give them both a lot of credit for eventually developing a comfortable rapport with one another, though it reads more like siblings /cousins with a wide age gap than lovers / exes. At least that tone works a lot better now, with both of them portraying what ought to be a emotional distance between them given the circumstances of their recent tragedy. Right now Patrick's an ass; to Robin, to Sabrina and to Sam. He carries a lot of stink between present and past behaviour and I'd like to cold-cock him most of the time, but that's in the writing, nothing to do with the actor tanking anything. I can't say I'm impressed wiith his attitude over the death of that baby shammwow-plotpoint either, it's like he's happy to have another excuse to be a dick.

Edited by yuggapukka
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And if it's true Rafe was coerced by Victor into doing something that ultimately led to his death in disgrace, I think Sam would want to know.


Definitely. I do think Patrick should tell Sam about Victor.


If he is dead and has always been dead but his body is somewhere it might give her closure to know the truth

I agree about the body. But telling Sam that Jason was alive but is dead again doesn't do her any good. It would just cause her more anguish that she didn't do more to save him. That isn't useful for anyone. (And I don't need to see Sam spend another three months in tears over that.)

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