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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Is this the Nurses' Ball or a talent show at the local nursing home? Eddie Maine and Luke Spencer? Although, at least AG was actually singing "live" and not lip syncing over a prerecorded track. That goes a long way in cutting down some of the cheesiness.


Kiki performing a Pink song was a combination of some of my least favorite things: Kiki and Pink. And all those balloons? I thought I was watching a child play in a McDonald's (Nurses'?) ball pit. 


Magic Milo & The Wands? Whoever choreographed the number needs to be shot, but it still worked for me. 

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Seeing Scotty in those blue tinted sunglasses made me think Bobbie got lucky and brought Bono as her date to the Nurse's Ball.

Good thing Ned's dimples are so cute because I wasn't impressed with his singing. I thought AG did well with his song, but I'm sick of Fluke. Kiki's song was cute and everyone looked like they were having fun.

I'm ready for Maxie and Nathan and I like Britt and Brad as friends.

If Shawn were smart he would just call Ava's bluff and tell Sonny she killed Connie. If she told the cops that he killed AJ he would be pissed off enough to have her killed and I'm sure she knows that.


Which is why I found it so odd that she was ballsy enough to threaten to tell the cops the truth. Like, Shawn could literally put a bullet in her anytime the inclination comes over him, so I wasn't really sure how her threats mattered. Shawn tells Sonny what Ava's threatening, Sonny gives the word and, provided Shawn actually shoots her and doesn't just talk about shooting her, she's rubbed out. At least, that's how real mafias work (or so The Sopranos told me).

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What. The. Hell.  That was awful.  I never FF any of this terrible show, because I am *committed*, dammit, but I just could not sit through Kiki's performance.  It was cringe-inducingly terrible.  I'm actually making a disgusted face as I type, just thinking about it.  

And the wedding?  Gross.  Over Luke and whatever is going on, and I thought it was stupid to have almost 1/2 the show taken up with that song & wedding BS.  But whatever.  


Not proud of it, but I smiled a little during Milo & the Wands.  Lucas?  Yes, please.  More.  Although poor Mikey, he just cannot dance.  


Which is why I found it so odd that she was ballsy enough to threaten to tell the cops the truth. Like, Shawn could literally put a bullet in her anytime the inclination comes over him, so I wasn't really sure how her threats mattered. Shawn tells Sonny what Ava's threatening, Sonny gives the word and, provided Shawn actually shoots her and doesn't just talk about shooting her, she's rubbed out.


I really don't know how Ava has managed to survive this long. She's so reckless and sloppy and I don't get why Julian would ever go into business with her. I mean, her need to play cougar with Morgan and pretending she's in love has caused all kinds of problems for Julian and herself. What kind of mobster (besides Sonny) acts like this.


While the Magic Milo number was definitely a highlight for me, I have to wonder about the lineup. Why is high school student TJ in there? Where did Michael find the time to rehearse when his father just died last week (in soap time)? Why not put Dante, Morgan, Brad, Nik, Julian, etc? None of those actors have issues with getting down to their undies. IMO they could have had some drama putting those guys in rehearsals together? Dante and Milo don't exactly get along since Lulu returned from the deep-freeze to stay in Milo's apartment. Lucas and Felix would have to deal with their mutual ex. Julian could've volunteered to be in the same act as his son in a ploy to get closer to him before discovering it was a striptease and Lucas could challenge him on that. Nik gets in on the act to show Liz what she's missing out on.

Edited by Aymery
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While the Magic Milo number was definitely a highlight for me, I have to wonder about the lineup. Why is high school student TJ in there? Where did Michael find the time to rehearse when his father just died last week (in soap time)? Why not put Dante, Morgan, Brad, Nik, Julian, etc? None of those actors have issues with getting down to their undies. IMO they could have had some drama putting those guys in rehearsals together? Dante and Milo don't exactly get along since Lulu returned from the deep-freeze to stay in Milo's apartment. Lucas and Felix would have to deal with their mutual ex. Julian could've volunteered to be in the same act as his son in a ploy to get closer to him before discovering it was a striptease and Lucas could challenge him on that. Nik gets in on the act to show Liz what she's missing out on.


Nikolas wouldn't do it unless at gunpoint. 


I don't think either or Wally or Tony Geary have very good voice to be honest. Maybe they used to, I don't know. The two guys who could really sing were Bradford Anderson and Nathan Parsons. (Jonathan Jackson's voice is okay too I guess). Oh I was actually really surprised by Jason Thompson's voice last year two. I didn't know he sang that well.


ABC sneak peek for the week of May 12: http://abc.go.com/shows/general-hospital/news/sneak-peeks/140508-may-12-general-hospital-sneak-peek


There is no way a high school  student would have been allowe to strip, legal adult or not. That shit would end up on the news.


I don't think Nathan is all that horrrible of an actor. I think he'ss better than the guy that play Felix, whose one note is shrill. I like Nathan and Maxie when they are together. Levi needs to go or cut his hair.

Edited by TarHeelTeacher
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Not only a high school student stripping but Molly shouting from the audience take it all off TJ. She is 15. Do they allow anyone under 21 in a strip club ? We know the strip was by re-Ron for Re -Ron. Sorry they all needed dancing lessons. Swing hips be together. They should have had Len come over from DWTS to tell them. Don't give up your day jobs. I Liked Cabaret number. I watched a women with talent bring it. I just didn't think about who it actually was. I enjoyed a hell of a lot more than what she interrupted.  .I  watched the strip in real time with a houseful of people so I didn't pay all that much attention, but Lucas looked like he was being tortured. Luke sounded half dead to me , and I know he has performed on stage before sorry but he needs to retire and go back to Sweden or wherever he lives he bores me to death. Take Sonny with him. I will watch the dvr and FF what offends me. Plus  someone needs to take Spencer in hand. The kid needs to be a child not a midget adult over sexed. Patrick needs to get his daughter away from those boys and find her some girls to be friends with. This is not funny. I have a granddaughter that age and they do not act that way.

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We know the strip was by re-Ron for Re-Ron.


@testardo, I see comments like this often, and I wonder what the basis is for them. Has he said as such in interviews or is it simply that he's a gay man? Traditionally, the soap audience is made up of woman and gay men, so could it be he's trying to appeal to such an audience (even if, for some, it's misguided)? While no fan of Guza, he was also accused of hating women, etc., which never really flew with me. A writer is not his characters. 

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@testardo, I see comments like this often, and I wonder what the basis is for them. Has he said as such in interviews or is it simply that he's a gay man? Traditionally, the soap audience is made up of woman and gay men, so could it be he's trying to appeal to such an audience (even if, for some, it's misguided)? While no fan of Guza, he was also accused of hating women, etc., which never really flew with

me. A writer is not his characters.

I know this wasn't addressed to me however by Re-Ron for Re-Ron has nothing to do with his sexuality to me. It has to do with his hack repetitive writing, pettiness/vindictiveness s & inflated ego.

I consider the KaKa Jerome & "Friends" number a by Re-Ron for Re-Ron thing. KaKa doesn't have friends. Why would TJ be her friend or vice versa due to Rafe? Why would Liz hang out with children? IMO, Ron wanted to showcase KA's "singing abilities" regardless of the believability of the situation. Micheal should still be grieving the loss of AJ instead we get Mi-KaKa there because KA just has to perform.

Getting scenes of Sabweena peeing on a stick was by Ron for Ron. Especially when so many beats of Robin's return were purposely missed. Another example, if the rumors are true is Ron Moss portraying Blackie Parrish. That will definitely be by Ron for Ron in order to give an FU to John Stamos.

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I know this wasn't addressed to me however by Re-Ron for Re-Ron has nothing to do with his sexuality to me. It has to do with his hack repetitive writing, pettiness/vindictiveness s & inflated ego.


I wasn't really referring to the "by Re-Ron for Re-Ron" phrase, as that's pretty self-explanatory. We were talking about the strip tease on Friday's episode and the intimation that the headwriter wrote it for himself. 



I wasn't really referring to the "by Re-Ron for Re-Ron" phrase, as that's pretty self-explanatory. We were talking about the strip tease on Friday's episode and the intimation that the headwriter wrote it for himself.

I do think that Ron writes a lot of this stuff for himself. I have said before that if the actor who plays Milo were a woman people would shout sexual harassment. He is never on screen except to be an object. I think it is exploitative of Ron, the same is so for all the shirtless men scenes. Why do we not get scenes of  Sam or Liz or Robin topless, or at least in just thongs and bras? As a straight male soap viewer I would enjoy that. Weather Ron is writing this show as a "Gay Man" or not is NOT the point, what is the point is that he is writing this show for himself (Milo, Spencer, Sabrina, Kiki and all that) and not the viewers.



Another example, if the rumors are true is Ron Moss portraying Blackie Parrish. That will definitely be by Ron for Ron in order to give an FU to John Stamos.

What is even the point of bringing back Backie at this point? He is no longer connected to any one on screen. His foster father Rick is dead, his adopted sister Laura is gone. Rose Kelly is a distant memory. Jackie Templeton and Tiffany Hill whom he was close to are no longer on screen. Frisco is off the stage. There is no one he knows left in town. What would be the point.

Edited by Fylaki
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Well I finished my first week and I thought the nurses ball idea was good. I liked the whole red carpet and people watching from home. But I just couldn't be bothered to sit through all the acts I mostly FF them. It did waste a lot of the show.


I don't know who that chief of staff woman is but OMG whose bright idea was it to bring Natasha from Rocky and Bullwinkle to life. Campy with a capital C. Same goes for the dude known as Levi. OMG it is like a young Richard Simmons in a bad wig. That CAN'T be his real hair surely. Right?


Though evil I thought the little boys were darling. It was great to see a little story involving just them.


It was a little weird seeing Anna, Scottie, Lucy, Bobbie and Luke 30 yrs later, but nice some familar faces are still used on the show.

Edited by Cattitude
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Ron is known on twitter for banning anyone who doesn't agree with him. I have watched GH for years and Ron does exactly what he wants...If Ron Moss does show up as Blackie it definitely will be a Bronx cheer to John Stamos. . Ron is an adult in years anyway, but he is very vindictive. watch the show he has a hammer to hit us over the head if we don't agree. Robin and AJ have been demonized because they had the nerve to leave. Ron is the only one who thinks he is funny. First it seemed like he was using the history, now it seems like he is re writing it..Guza did the same thing. They all have their pets and if we don't like it, we get the don't watch. I am the boss. I didn't really enjoy the strip this year saw it all last year. Re-Ron .Ron does write for Ron. OLTL actors all over the place with contracts, GH vets on recurring.TR gone, GF gone. Sonny killing people in cold blood. If they try to say someone went into the room and suffocated AJ , the way they did last time. I have had it. Ron thinks he can ignore what the fans want, they will just shut the show off the way they did when Guza got to full of himself. Ron thinks he is funny, only to himself. Spencer is not funny. drawing pictures of dead Cam covered in blood. The kid is a baby.

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Decided to watch Fridays show out of curiosity plus you know GH is a bad habit. A few thoughts


Please stop trying to make KA happen...


WK really has it going on, hot damn isn't he in his 50's?


Speaking of hot I'd like Lucas please with a side of Nathan holy smokes those two are in a class of their own


Liked most of the dresses but found Lulu's bridesmadish


LiRic still have "it" no matter how short the scenes


Puke is still awful, please reveal who he is already I'm bored


And yeah most of this is surface observations I choose not to dig too deep in a show that doesn't care what it writes


Boo to Fecul.

Brad and Lucas, otoh, I could ship hard. Brad may be a dick, but he's fun and Felix is a big buzzkill. Plus he comes with the even bigger buzzkill Sabrina. Run fast, Lucas!

Ronn Moss looks pretty damn good for 60 something. He and Kristtina Wagner must both have pictures in their attics.

Edited by jazzyscreenname

I had GH on a time out last week. Just watched the Monday, 5/12 show.


1. Half the acts were high school talent show. The auto tuned singing number was really bad.

2. Kids had no place at that event.

3. Ron sprung for extras and back up dancers. Nice.

4. What's up with Britt and Nik? I haven't been checking the spoiler sites.

5. A call back to the 80s glorydays, and Ron mucks it up with MobSonny and one of his bimbos?

Why are the little kids attending an event meant for adults in the first place?  A few of the acts should have been rated "R".


Which acts? The only really "risqué" number was the men stripping down to their skivvies. Kids have been seeing worse than that in PG-13 movies for years. The bigger issue is that they're serving alcohol at an event in which children are attending, though I'm not too bothered by that either. That's also a pretty common occurrence nowadays. 


Glad to see the "crisis" averted and that Ron Moss didn't show up playing Blackie.


Boo to Fecul.


Wait, what? Are you referring to Felix/Lucas? If so, let's keep the nicknames to those that are easily discernible for the uninitiated.

Brad's performance was cringeworthy in my opinion.

I'm going to give PS/Brad some slack since he tweeted that he was learning lyrics & choreography the day before. He says his song/performance was added last minute. I'm not a friend of the Autotune however alot acts have been autotuned.

I loved Britt cheering him on with the dancing & thumbs up.

That kiddie Tango was really really bad.

I call Felix/Lucas- Fecas because they remind me of fecal matter.

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Agree on enjoying Britt and Brad's friendship. After all the evil things other people have done on this show (uh, pretty much EVERYONE?),  I think they should be cut some slack.


I do think I might need surgery to repair my rolling eyeballs after that last performance. However, I AM glad they didn't brink Ronn Moss back as Blackie.

Aww I think the little kids were adorable. Of course it was campy but my gosh I can take campy kids, it is the campy adults that are eye roll inducing.


Right now Spencer and Nik are my favorites, but of course having not much to go on I actually feel bad for poor Sonny, and I know that is totally misplaced but he seems to be trying with Olivia.

I'm sure given time I'll hate him as much as everyone else seems to.


How many days is this nurses ball going to last anyway. It wasn't bad at first but after four days come on now.


Please let that be the only appearance by Ronn Moss on this show. I didn't like him on B&B and I don't want him on GH.


Also this Nurse's Ball is indicative of the crappy writing of late. And can we get the little kid love triangle off the television? That just makes me feel creepy all over watching those three.

Edited by SanLynn
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