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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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So Sam falls from the bridge and nary a sprained ankle, and Julian is swept away by rushing tides? Can't these people even try a little?

Edited by ulkis
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Just now, ulkis said:

So Sam falls from the bridge and nary even a sprained ankle, and Julian is swept away by rushing tides?

The weird thing is that Rudge was knocked over in the same spot where Sam fell.  So where did Julian fall?  Where is this water they speak of?  I don't understand how this bridge works.  

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35 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Jordan: Julian's definitely dead.

Ava: Not necessarily.  I fell off that same bridge and ended up in NYC, having cancer and getting fitted for a wig.

Jordan: Yup, definitely dead.

Rudge: I fell off the bridge just tonight and I'm alive.

Jordan: Yup, definitely dead.

Alexis: Sam fell off that bridge the other day, and Jason found her and delivered her baby there.

Jordan:  Dead.

Me: (yelling at TV) Maybe he actually fell in the damn water climbed out downstream!!!!

Jordan: Definitely dead.

Edited by rur
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"Police Manhunt for Once-Thought-Dead Olivia Jerome"—really? Julian needs to hire new people at the paper if that's the best headline they can come up with. Sheesh.

And speaking of once-thought-dead Olivia Jerome, does she really not carry any sort of backup weapon? Mace? Pepper spray? Dirty tissues?

Wow, if Monica is getting sentimental over Tracy, the countdown to JE's exit has definitely begun. And Larry's letter is total nonsense. He has nice handwriting, though. Heh.

I love how everyone is astonished Rudge has no idea where Olivia is.

1 hour ago, ulkis said:

So Sam falls from the bridge and nary even a sprained ankle, and Julian is swept away by rushing tides?

Pregnant Sam. 

1 hour ago, rur said:

Jordan: Definitely dead.

Jordan's tired of dealing with Julian. I can't say I blame her.

LOL the way Sonny and Carly act as if the PCPD lockup is some giant deprivation. How long will it take for one or both of them to visit Olivia and start taunting her?

Edited by dubbel zout
name/pronoun clarity
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38 minutes ago, Perkie said:

The weird thing is that Rudge was knocked over in the same spot where Sam fell.  So where did Julian fall?  Where is this water they speak of?  I don't understand how this bridge works.  

Well, it was consistent until Sam fell off to the apparently very soft dirt.

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5 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Well, it was consistent until Sam fell off to the apparently very soft dirt.

They fucked with the bridge just to make that specific scene work. They couldn't just have her slip on some ice in another part of town? Trash. All trash. 

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Just now, HeatLifer said:

They fucked with the bridge just to make that specific scene work. They couldn't just have her slip on some ice in another part of town? Trash. All trash. 

Or what about that hill Beautiful Morgan fell over? She could have rolled down it. And Jason FLYING UP THE WALL wouldn't have looked so ridiculous.

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4 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Or what about that hill Beautiful Morgan fell over? She could have rolled down it. And Jason FLYING UP THE WALL wouldn't have looked so ridiculous.

Beautiful Morgan and Saint Sam and Jasus all at the hill? Would it explode from all that wonderfulness?

Edited by HeatLifer
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2 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

Beautiful Morgan and Saint Sam and Jasus all at the hill? Would it explode from all that wonderfulness?

Nah, beautiful Morgan floated away. Now he's getting to see the world!

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2 hours ago, Linny said:

Also, I feel like Dillon's the type of Gilmore Girls fan who loves Dean.

LMAO! This is so perfect and accurate.

2 hours ago, ulkis said:

Can't these people even try a little?

It's astonishing. I often wonder if they really are trying and are purposefully making it horrible because it's hard to believe professional writers could be this lazy and incompetent.

I fast forwarded everything Carly/Liv and Sonny/Rudge because I will not tolerate that kind of bullshit anymore. 

I love Tracy's haircut. And I'm glad Monica has a boyfriend. Honestly, it's probably better that we will never see him. Tracy's farewell tour seems to be beginning. I dread the day it becomes all about Luke, but I hope we get some good stuff out of it.

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In my clouded memory didn't Jordan say something about Julian and the river close by?  Rudge was definitely off the same bridge as Sam (no water) as there were the odd offset spaced blocks that stuck out about an inch. 

Help me out here, people.....

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I'm fairly certain "the bridge" is always the same one, unless there are multiple bridges around town that look the same.  So it's the same one Stone bungee jumped off.  It's the same one that Robin visits every time she's in town.  It's the same one that Ava fell off of when she was shot and presumed dead.  All of those times, there was water at the bottom.  

Now, Sam is pushed off of it...no water.  Rudge is pushed off of it...no water.  Julian is supposedly shot and fallen off of it, yet he's not at the bottom where Rudge is.  Yet there's a body of water close by, where they found Julian's jacket "on the shore".  So, did Julian wander away from the bridge to some river and fall in?  Or make it look like he fell in? 

I really want Jelly to answer these questions for me.  

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I kept thinking Olivia was just ACTING scared so she could trick Carly and get away, but it didn't happen.  It sure wasn't the Liv we've been seeing for the last month or so. 

Carly said Morgan was "my baby"...isn't Joss younger?  Or are all children their parents' babies no matter the age?  My mother always kept us all separate--the youngest, the middle, #1, #2, etc.

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21 minutes ago, AuxArx said:

I kept thinking Olivia was just ACTING scared so she could trick Carly and get away,

I was thinking the same thing, especially when Carly got distracted and Liv took off.  That's my story and I'm sticking with it.  

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Kiki and Dillon are so shameless. If they had been married, their deed would have been embarrassing enough. As casual bed partners, they were like incorrigible lustful teenagers. 

Maybe Port Charles has had a drought lately and the river/creek dried up some--it happened around here for a couple of years.

Carly is such a hypocrite. She and Sonny are such rude all-powerful creeps when they are holding guns. I realize that Liv has done a lot of wrong, but Carly especially went insane when she had a gun in her hand. Despite what she says, Carly never really suffers in the true meaning of the word. She's vicious and vindictive. Sonny saved the day [wretching] when he managed to get the gun away from her.

Didn't any of the public hear those gunshots in the cemetery and think of investigating?

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
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2 minutes ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

Kiki and Dillon are so shameless. If they had been married, their deed would have been embarrassing enough. As casual bed partners, they were like incorrigible lustful teenagers.

What was so wrong, that they were having sex in the Q mansion? It's not as if they were naked in the hallway. I'm pretty sure Dillon's bedroom is in another part of the house.

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2 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

LMAO! This is so perfect and accurate.

It's astonishing. I often wonder if they really are trying and are purposefully making it horrible because it's hard to believe professional writers could be this lazy and incompetent.

I fast forwarded everything Carly/Liv and Sonny/Rudge because I will not tolerate that kind of bullshit anymore. 

I love Tracy's haircut. And I'm glad Monica has a boyfriend. Honestly, it's probably better that we will never see him. Tracy's farewell tour seems to be beginning. I dread the day it becomes all about Luke, but I hope we get some good stuff out of it.

I usually cannot stand to watch Sonny, but today was UCG day for me.  Tiny little Sonny being all tough with giant Rudge.  But it is not just that, MB is seriously a bad actor, meaning he cannot act.  He is always trying to do the tough guy thing from Scorsese movies and the Sopranos, but it is just laughable.

Carly, OTOH, today was very effective in her scenes with OJ.  I believed her and her grief and her rage.  I don't like Carly at all, but I think LW did a great job. 

Liv was hilarious with TW's overacting re the gunshot wound, as well.  Ouch, ouch!

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5 hours ago, Linny said:

Kiki and Dillon running away from Monica and Tracy to have sex was kind of inappropriate. I know they're adults, but it's still weird. Also, I feel like Dillon's the type of Gilmore Girls fan who loves Dean.


At least Dean wasn't the self important asshole that Jess was, and yes I like Dean, but don't particularly like this version of Dillon. 

Edited by Ambrosefolly
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35 minutes ago, bannana said:

I usually cannot stand to watch Sonny, but today was UCG day for me.  Tiny little Sonny being all tough with giant Rudge.  But it is not just that, MB is seriously a bad actor, meaning he cannot act.  He is always trying to do the tough guy thing from Scorsese movies and the Sopranos, but it is just laughable.


 It was not just the difference in sizes ( and we know Rudge could've pushed over Sonny with his pinkie) but the camera angles were weird. At one point it was as if a drone were filming it because it was hovering, making Sonny look especially minuscule compared to Rudge, while holding this MASSIVE gun on the dude. If this was supposed to be art it must be the Franco school of art.

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1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

What was so wrong, that they were having sex in the Q mansion? It's not as if they were naked in the hallway. I'm pretty sure Dillon's bedroom is in another part of the house.

I was personally bemused by Monica's "Like we're ones to judge" attitude about it.

And was there some inside joke about Dillon watching "Gilmore Girls" I'm missing?  It's not like it's a super timely reference.

Edited by TeeVee329
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Morgan being Carly's heart explains a lot about her character.

I see Kiki has inherited Sam's off the shoulder shirts in winter.

I hate to say it, but LW may be worse in these threatening scenes than MB.

Good thing we have heartwarming scenes like Franco dueling with Jake to replace Tracy. :/

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35 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

And I want a unicorn. Neither is likely to happen...

I'll send you a unicorn.

ok, it won't be a unicorn so much as a horse.

ok it won't be an actual horse, more like a picture of a horse.

ok it won't be an actual picture of a horse.

more like a drawing 

from when my daughter was two

so, yeah it'll be just a wavy line 

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3 hours ago, AuxArx said:

I kept thinking Olivia was just ACTING scared so she could trick Carly and get away, but it didn't happen.  It sure wasn't the Liv we've been seeing for the last month or so. 

Carly said Morgan was "my baby"...isn't Joss younger?  Or are all children their parents' babies no matter the age?  My mother always kept us all separate--the youngest, the middle, #1, #2, etc.

Yes, Joss is younger. My brain interpreted it at Carly being one of those "boy moms" (you know, some women prize their sons above their daughters; not saying daughters should be prized above sons either, just acknowledging this is a thing). 

1 hour ago, bannana said:

I usually cannot stand to watch Sonny, but today was UCG day for me.  Tiny little Sonny being all tough with giant Rudge.  But it is not just that, MB is seriously a bad actor, meaning he cannot act.  He is always trying to do the tough guy thing from Scorsese movies and the Sopranos, but it is just laughable.

Carly, OTOH, today was very effective in her scenes with OJ.  I believed her and her grief and her rage.  I don't like Carly at all, but I think LW did a great job. 

Liv was hilarious with TW's overacting re the gunshot wound, as well.  Ouch, ouch!

What does "UCG" mean, again? I love this forum, but I suck at remembering the slang. I wish people would just type things out. 

57 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

I was personally bemused by Monica's "Like we're ones to judge" attitude about it.

And was there some inside joke about Dillon watching "Gilmore Girls" I'm missing?  It's not like it's a super timely reference.

I loved Monica's "judge" line. As to the Gilmore Girls reference, within the last month or so, they did a reunion series on Netflix (four 90 minute "movies," so I think this was GH's way of trying to remain current. 

50 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Morgan being Carly's heart explains a lot about her character.

I see Kiki has inherited Sam's off the shoulder shirts in winter.

I hate to say it, but LW may be worse in these threatening scenes than MB.

Good thing we have heartwarming scenes like Franco dueling with Jake to replace Tracy. :/

I like Laura Wright a lot. While Carly is horrible, Laura brings a lot to the role.... Usually. She was horrible these past few days, which really surprised me, because I can totally imagine Carly coming "this close" to killing Morgan's killer. 

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3 minutes ago, General Days said:

Yes, Joss is younger. My brain interpreted it at Carly being one of those "boy moms" (you know, some women prize their sons above their daughters; not saying daughters should be prized above sons either, just acknowledging this is a thing). 

What does "UCG" mean, again? I love this forum, but I suck at remembering the slang. I wish people would just type things out. 

I loved Monica's "judge" line. As to the Gilmore Girls reference, within the last month or so, they did a reunion series on Netflix (four 90 minute "movies," so I think this was GH's way of trying to remain current. 

I like Laura Wright a lot. While Carly is horrible, Laura brings a lot to the role.... Usually. She was horrible these past few days, which really surprised me, because I can totally imagine Carly coming "this close" to killing Morgan's killer. 

GD, I probably got it wrong!  Hence the confusion.  But I was thinking unexpected comedy gold.

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Just now, bannana said:

GD, I probably got it wrong!  Hence the confusion.  But I was thinking unexpected comedy gold.

No bannana, now that you typed out "unexpected comedy gold" that rings a bell. It's not you. It's me. I never remember our acronyms. Thank you!

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18 minutes ago, General Days said:

No bannana, now that you typed out "unexpected comedy gold" that rings a bell. It's not you. It's me. I never remember our acronyms. Thank you!

The thread for our nicknames and acronyms can be found here

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3 minutes ago, OnceSane said:

The thread for our nicknames and acronyms can be found here

Thanks, OnceSane. I should have checked. It all varies so much from forum to forum that I forget. Sorry for going off topic. I'm not used to needing footnotes to understand TV show posts. 

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1 hour ago, General Days said:

I like Laura Wright a lot. While Carly is horrible, Laura brings a lot to the role.... Usually. She was horrible these past few days, which really surprised me, because I can totally imagine Carly coming "this close" to killing Morgan's killer. 

Yeah, I usually think she's solid but today her acting couldn't overcome the crappiness.

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40 minutes ago, ulkis said:

Yeah, I usually think she's solid but today her acting couldn't overcome the crappiness.

I thought LW was fantastic, especially since Show decided to contrast her against MB.  She won.

I am not a LW fan and pretty much dislike how she portrays Carly.  This is the first time I believed her.

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4 hours ago, Harmony233 said:

Is Kiki and Dillion the only young couple that doesn't have a baby storyline.Lets hope it stays that way lol.

That would be a good comeuppance to their sinning in the Quartermaine mansion. Both of them are actually too stupid to be good parents, however. And I can't see Ava as a grandmother.

Kiki's hair just begs to be yanked, hard.

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5 hours ago, ulkis said:

Yeah, I usually think she's solid but today her acting couldn't overcome the crappiness.

Prob because it is the same lines over and over and over for the past five months! My baby is gone, my sweet boy is gone, someone will pay for taking my poor sweet baby away. There is only so many ways LW can say them and it has gotten to the point where she has said same thing so many times that the words lose meaning.

One thing bothering me a lot is that they have a Morgan headstone IN A CEMETARY but there is no body!. So did they bury that empty casket they had at funeral that everyone put mementos in?. I do not know of any cemetary, especially a Catholic one, that lets you bury an empty casket.. Hell, its only been recent that you can bury ashes, and cemetaries close and lock the gates at night. But this is PC, I know, I know!

I am telling you guys...MB caught himself before dropping F bomb.. They opened show today with same scene and i rewound and laughed over and over....MB says to Rudge "you better figure it out" but he stops after word better and he starts to say F and then stops and spits out figure. I dont know why this amuses me so much. Maybe i would believe Sonny more as mobster if he dropped a few F bombs and they bleep it out. He does throw Bitch around a lot and did it again today.

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13 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

I fast forwarded everything Carly/Liv and Sonny/Rudge because I will not tolerate that kind of bullshit anymore. 

Same here. It's the "Sonny and Carly need to defeat the Undefeatable Villains without killing them because they are our Heroes" (JustThrewUpInMyMouthALittle.gif) Trope.

Monica and Tracey saved the day. I could even tolerate Lauren and Dylan having nekkid nude non-sex sex upstairs.

1 hour ago, Cupcake04 said:

One thing bothering me a lot is that they have a Morgan headstone IN A CEMETARY but there is no body!. So did they bury that empty casket they had at funeral that everyone put mementos in?. I do not know of any cemetary, especially a Catholic one, that lets you bury an empty casket.. Hell, its only been recent that you can bury ashes, and cemetaries close and lock the gates at night. But this is PC, I know, I know!

Cenotaph: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cenotaph, and as this is PC, and Sonny is the Most Powerful Mobster in the Lollipop Guild, he's allowed to do it.

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2 hours ago, Cupcake04 said:

I am telling you guys...MB caught himself before dropping F bomb.. They opened show today with same scene and i rewound and laughed over and over....MB says to Rudge "you better figure it out" but he stops after word better and he starts to say F and then stops and spits out figure. I dont know why this amuses me so much. Maybe i would believe Sonny more as mobster if he dropped a few F bombs and they bleep it out. He does throw Bitch around a lot and did it again today.

I seem to remember She Who Shall Not Be Named having a near F-bomb moment too...oddly, in a Sonny scene.  

Before "business," below, she hovered over an "f" sound, I think. It obviously runs in the family. (God, I kind of liked her at that point. Nothing good ever lasts.) 


Sonny: Did he touch you?

Courtney: What?

Sonny: Did he touch you?

Courtney: Oh! Is that why you wanted me to see a doctor?

Sonny: Just answer me!

Courtney: No!

Sonny: No? No, he didn't touch you?

Courtney: No, it is none of your business!

Edited by Asp Burger
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Granted, I haven't watched in a year and a half so its possible I missed something but wasn't Monica dating that judge for awhile?  Do we know what happened to him or why they broke up? Regardless, good for Monica having a man.

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LW had a lot of dumb dialogue while she was holding a gun on Olivia, and I don't think anyone does that great a job with that sort of thing. Those scenes went on way too long. Pull the trigger or call the cops, but don't stand there for 15 minutes yapping about what you lost. Gah. 

Also, what a letdown that Olivia is simply arrested. Way to kill what tiny bit of momentum might have existed, Show. 

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Dillon said he was watching Gilmore Girls as research for a Crimson article because Maxie told him to.  When did she get her job back?

Also, I was amusing myself by talking back to the screen today during the Carly/Liv/Sonny scenes.  When Sonny said "Carly, Morgan wouldn't want you to do this" I said "sure, he would.  He was a little asshole and would probably be yelling 'do it, Mom, do it' the entire time."

Also, Part 2, that bridge is a total fail as a killing place. 

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Line of the day:

Ava;  She forced me to call Julian

Dante:  Forced you how?

Ava;  She threatened to take away my dessert........with a gun, Dante

Love Maura West.  

Edited by Perkie
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2 hours ago, NutmegsDad said:

Same here. It's the "Sonny and Carly need to defeat the Undefeatable Villains without killing them because they are our Heroes" (JustThrewUpInMyMouthALittle.gif) Trope.

Monica and Tracey saved the day. I could even tolerate Lauren and Dylan having nekkid nude non-sex sex upstairs.

Cenotaph: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cenotaph, and as this is PC, and Sonny is the Most Powerful Mobster in the Lollipop Guild, he's allowed to do it.

Thank you!  I never knew and learned new word today....I thought they were just called memorials.  Funny in the link it shows all the memorials for famous figures or war heroes...Morgan Stone Corinthos is highly regarded I see.  lol

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