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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Is it that shocking that Michael would prefer Carly with Sonny over the SERIAL KILLER who engineered his rape?


but even barring that, I don't think Michael really has any longing for Sonny and Carly to get together, but it's not like he can do anything to control his parents' hormones. Unless I missed some line where he expressed enthusiasm over it.


I genuinely want to hear from an MSt fan and read their defense of her acting.   I've never been so constantly baffled by a performers' acting choices before.  In every scene, with the delivery of every line, with the delivery of every line, her choices are just bizarre.  



I know Nina is not a popular character here (by the looks of things, and I could be wrong!) and Michelle Stafford is a polarizing actress, but let's just remember that we all like who we like and don't who we don't, and no one needs to defend anything. It isn't a court of law.  So hate on, love on, and move on, and all's well...

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Today's show was brought to you by The Seven Dirty Words

Today was another horrible day. I'm the idiot because I keep watching it.

I'll let GHScorpiosRule, point out how the douchecanoe asshat Ron is attempting to re-write his own damn story regarding why Robin left. It wasn't her choice & it was to protect her family. Scorpios will do a much better job than me. I just kept yelling Bulshit at the screen.

Also WTH, was Patrick telling Sabrina everything Jason & Robin. Patrick's dumbass hasn't told Anna, Mac or Robert but he tells Sabrina? Did she even know Jason? Robin better not still want his sorry dumb ass.


I lost my grandmother earlier this week, which is probably why I'm not raging and smoke is not coming out of my ears.  This is just par for the course for that ratbastardofafuckwit, who, conveniently handwaved away Robin's torture, physically and mentally, by telling us that Robin had three hots and a cot and was on vacation! for two years. So I can't even be surprised that now it was Robin's choice to leave and abandon her family. Even though, as early as two weeks ago, we saw Victor threaten to kill Patrick or Emma if she opened her mouth.


And that DICK, Patdouche, assumes, that because Robin said Jason was "dead", and that this is a medical thing that she HAS to continue, that erases everything he knew about Robin not having a choice; this is the same DICK who threatened to kill Victor. He doesn't know Robin. AT.ALL. Such a fucking plot point to have him confess all to Sabrina, but can't tell Anna that her daughter is an hour away. Why not? Because if there is any semblance of the Anna I know and love, she'd head straight over to see Robin, and would KNOW that something was wrong, and that Robin isn't there by choice. 


All of this is being done so that Sabrina will have some sort of purpose, as someone who will there there Patdick and listen to him justify/rationalize his soon to be fucking Sam with a clear conscience. As if he needs a reason.


I don't care how much Kimberly loves her coworkers or crew of this show. Or if she needs the money. She can get the money elsewhere. And no amount of love is worth having Robin trashed and trashed and trashed over and over again. I wish she would burn her bridges with these asshats, because they are NOT good, let alone talented at what they're doing.

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The ONLY reason I can think of that they had Patrick tell Sabrina is that they had to invent some kind of story purpose for her


Yes and yes and yes. With Shamwow baby gone and Sabrina "recovered" from her grief, she can put Patrick front and center again and pursue her fantasy. I wasn't surprised that she was praising Patrick and building up his ego. That's how she starts.She even tried to get him to accept her financial support, since he is unemployed, but he swept that offer aside. Also gave crowned him "one of the best neurosugeons in this country". Sabrina was workin' it, and she made great progress--certainly more than Liz or Sam. Now whenever Patrick is feeling his man pain to his ego, he can call on her to build up his spirits. Ultimately, that will lead to the bedroom too. He told her straight up that he was filing for divorce from Robin, which seemed like a big hint he was giving Sabrina.


I can't bear to listen to Nina shrieking at Rosalie, who had a good point that Nina should get checked medically if she wants to have a baby. Nina seemed to be raving crazy. Rosalie must be paid a lot to take that kind of treatment and not quit. The baby rabies theme is so annoying on this show...yet I know it is possible, since a woman in my own family was crazed like that for years.


You guys, I'm started a new drinking game today. Every time Nina says 'baby' I take a shot. Let me tell you, I'm not even sure how I can type this because after about 30 seconds, I was completely wasted, and by the time that one scene with Rosalie was over, I was feebly attempting to get up from the floor.

What in the holy hell was that???? Ava has TWO babies. I have NO BABY! even Sam has a baby. Well he isn't a baby anymore. But still. I shoud, have a baby, why don't I have a baby, I'm going to have a baby. What do you mean I might not be able to have a baby? are you saying I'm old? I want a baby. I want a baby NOW.

Geez, Veruka Salt had nothing on Nina. All she wanted was an Oompa Loompa!

  • Love 6

Not that I expect the characters on this show to be, well, true to their characters, other than the midgety moobster, but if Patdick had confessed all to Liz, who is ostensibly, one of Robin's best friends*, he might run the risk of having Liz be on Robin's side, and therefore, no sympathy for his selfish ass self.


*The way this show is being written, and has been for the past two and a half years with two exceptions for a small while, IF Patdick had told Liz, she'd totally be on his side, but maybe not, because there was that whole bit of her pining after Jason and lying about Danny's paternity, while he and Sam were separated, etc., so she may not urge him to go for Sam.

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I dunno why Ron had to introduce another rape-tinged plot point that's never going to be addressed when there's already one in play (Fluke sleeping with Tracy).

I keep getting the feeling that Fluke sleeping with Tracy will get played off for a low-comedy joke and it will turn out that Tracy didn't mind because Fluke was better in the sack than Luke.

Nina wants a baby. She don't need Silas . just sperm. Hi Franco.

I just got a funny feeling about where the Lante embryo is going to end up.

Well even I who love MSt think that whole soliloquy was way OTT but I blame the writers, some things you can only do so much with. And I gotta say all that baby talk is slightly crazy so kudos for MSt going ALL in on the crazy train b/c that is what she was given.


At least b/c don't you know(in case you didn't grasp it) she has NO babies, while Lulu is almost this level of rabied and she actually has one that is STILL a baby.


I'm still trying to figure out the allure of Sam b/c to me she is just the Malibu barbie to Liz's barbie. Sam seems to like to keep her men on a string, just keeping them a little on the line, in case she might need them as her go to guy of the moment same game different shade from Liz.

WTH was all that BS with Silas and the lip pout and close-up glances?


Sam has to be the worse PI in history b/c it was like I was in my livingroom trying to solve some crime, the oncologist had more sleuthing skills than Sam.

GHScorpiosRule, sorry to hear about your grandmother. I believe grandparents are very special people.


Did Julian say how long he has known FauxLuke? I ask because has the impostor looked like Luke all of these years? If so is that a clue that he is Bill E?


What in the holy hell was that???? Ava has TWO babies. I have NO BABY! even Sam has a baby. Well he isn't a baby anymore. But still. I shoud, have a baby, why don't I have a baby, I'm going to have a baby. What do you mean I might not be able to have a baby? are you saying I'm old? I want a baby. I want a baby NOW.



This a thousand time this! When Nina said, "am I too old for a baby?, I said "Hell Yeah!" She helped Silas through medical school & residency then was in a coma for 20+ years. Easily mid to late 40's.


The baby rabies on this show needs to end. It is freaking ridiculous.


Hey, here's a query - wouldn't the police have taken possession of Rafe's cell phone, etc.?



In real life, yes. Who knows about the PCPD. Maybe Ron would clarify on twitter.

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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Patrick glad to see you didn't fail to continue to be a douche, another day of Patrick on my screen and my throat punch reflex kicked in.

How is it that Sabrina who from all accounts bearly knows Robin, seemed more clued in that something isn't quite right about the whole Robin situation. Patdouche was so good as to conviently forget the whole reason he couldn't tell anyone what Robin was doing is b/c they threatened HER FAMILY ie YOU you douche!


The man is dumber than a box of hair how did he become a world renowned brain surgeon? He puts 2+2 together and it equals poor whittle me and my man pain. He is all bent out of shape that he can't tell Sam her husband isn't just dead he very clearly certifiably very really dead now. huh? Yah poor Patrick it is all about him and how nobody puts him first, except you Sabrina, and Sam, and Liz, but not Robin she's the devil.

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Did Julian say how long he has known FauxLuke? I ask because has the impostor looked like Luke all of these years? If so is that a clue that he is Bill E?




He didn't give an exact date, because Ron has no bloody clue of his own timelines, but he said they met when Julian was still in the WPP and he had nothing so over 20 years I'd guess, since he seems to have helped Ava out ever since Kiki was very small, or even before her birth.


Though he didn't say if notLuke has always looked like Luke or if he made himself look like him later on, with Ron I'm sure the story will change a dozen times over before anything is actually set in stone, or in Ron's case soft cement.



Patdouche was so good as to conviently forget the whole reason he couldn't tell anyone what Robin was doing is b/c they threatened HER FAMILY ie YOU you douche!




Suggested harm, let's be fair to Ron and Patrick, it was merely implied/suggested that if Robin didn't do Victor's bidding Jason would die along with others Robin held dear, so she still had a choice to make and not do it, and have everyone she love die but that just proves she wasn't thinking that far ahead because if she did figure out the secret way to bring back the dead she could have brought them all back too, after turning them into human Popsicles of course.



Patrick is such an idiot.Does he not realize his house is probally bugged?




But by whom?? Surely not Victor, he's only kept Robin an hour away from home and let her Skype at will! He's not a bad guy at all! He even got her an awesome karate jacket! When's the last time Patrick got her anything except divorce papers.

Edited by CPP83

I do have to say though, Sabrina made a point. Jason is dead (as far as they know). Why tell someone NOW that he might not have been dead before but now he definitely is. Duh, Patrick.


Yeah, that was pretty WTF. "By the way, Sam, you know how you thought Jason was dead? Well, he wasn't. He was being held by Victor Cassadine as a popsicle. Robin was working really hard to revive Jason, but she failed. So he's dead again. 'Kay?"


"What am I if I don't have a baby?" Fuck off and die, Ron. FUCK OFF AND DIE.


I'm kind of looking forward to Monday. The return of Coleman, Britt and Nathan remember they're related. That at least can be fun.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 1

Way too much baby talk from the psychopath. And that glove?! Rosalie actually kind of looked scared of her when she went off "what do you mean by that? Let me refresh your memory".


I have less than zero investment in Patrick, Robin, or Sabrina so all of that discussion is just like who cares, whatever to me. I'm wanting Sam away from Silas so whatever accomplishes that I'm fine with. I'll have to see who gets cast as Jason to see if I like her with him or not.


The other repetitive phrase today was "David Otunga and Jennifer Hudson's flowers".


Could Sonny possibly any more disgusting and repulsive? I know, don't answer that. Zero sympathy for Carly, that heifer.


Ah, thankfully my Jerome siblings were there to save me. And Ava's fabulous wardrobe for lounging around the apartment. And Morgan snarking. And I'm with ulkis, he looked good.

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They specifically stated in the dialogue that Silas had gotten Rafe's stuff back from the police but he just hadn't had the heart to go through any of it yet.


Ah, I must have missed that.  Forgive me for not giving the show the benefit of the doubt considering AJ's phone was just left laying around the hospital for Carly and Franco to steal.


Have Patrick or Sam or Silas or anybody told the police that Rafe was put up to causing the accident?

Edited by TeeVee329
How is it that Sabrina who from all accounts bearly knows Robin, seemed more clued in that something isn't quite right about the whole Robin situation.


Sabrina, unlike Patrick, isn't looking for an excuse to commit adultery.


Yeah, that was pretty WTF. "By the way, Sam, you know how you thought Jason was dead? Well, he wasn't. He was being held by Victor Cassadine as a popsicle. Robin was working really hard to revive Jason, but she failed. So he's dead again. 'Kay?"


"... and people will tell you it's my fault because I threw a tantrum and opened a pod when I shouldn't have, but really, it's all robin's fault.  If she had flown back to my side when I ordered her to, Jason would still be alive!"

  • Love 2

Way too much baby talk from the psychopath. And that glove?! Rosalie actually kind of looked scared of her when she went off "what do you mean by that? Let me refresh your memory".


Could Sonny possibly any more disgusting and repulsive? I know, don't answer that. Zero sympathy for Carly, that heifer.


Ah, thankfully my Jerome siblings were there to save me. And Ava's fabulous wardrobe for lounging around the apartment. And Morgan snarking. And I'm with ulkis, he looked good.


Great post!

My ears hurt today having to listen to the Stafford do her usual rinse and repeat with every single line of dialogue.  And she made it worse by SHOUTING EVERY LINE.  I'd hate the Nina no matter who played her, but MS makes it so much easier.

And how bout Rosalie tell her the truth when she shout-asked Rosalie if she was TOO OLD.  Rosalie should have gotten a foghorn and shouted back HELL YES YOU'RE TOO OLD TO STILL HAVE YOUR OWN TEETH MUCH LESS ANY WORKING PARTS YOU HAG.  Or words to that regard, I'm not picky.


Carly better be careful getting so physical with Sonny.  She's liable to slip and break a fetlock or a haunch with all the grease pouring off him.  He's like a talking lasagna at this point.


Ava and Julian were the only characters I didn't want to see in a woodchipper today.

Edited by boes
  • Love 7

Carly better be careful getting so physical with Sonny.  She's liable to slip and break a fetlock with all the grease pouring off him.  He's like a talking lasagna at this point.


Hey now! No need to taint lasagna, which happens to be one of my favorite Italian dishes with that midgety moobster! Pick another food item! Like maybe anchovieinfested pizza or something.

  • Love 4

Hey now! No need to taint lasagna, which happens to be one of my favorite Italian dishes with that midgety moobster! Pick another food item! Like maybe anchovieinfested pizza or something.


That's true.  Lasagna is one of my favorites, too, no need for me to malign such a good dish......I know!!  It's not Italian, but it IS (IMO) disgusting!  Sonny DOES remind me of how I felt as a child when they'd put pickled pigs feet on the table.

And Pickled Pigs Feet REALLY remind me of the love that is Carly and Sonny even more....

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Why did Patrick tell Sabrina of all people about Jason? 


Since I haven't seen today's show yet, in my head, this played out as him telling Sabrina because he's venting about whether it would be OK to sleep with Sam or not.  "I mean, I knew her husband was still somewhat alive, and I didn't tell her.  But!!  Now he's dead again, so, no harm, no foul, I can fuck her with no hit to my conscience, right?  Hey, why are you crying?" 




They specifically stated in the dialogue that Silas had gotten Rafe's stuff back from the police but he just hadn't had the heart to go through any of it yet.


Color me shocked that a detail like that made it into the dialogue.  That just screams Ron's Twitter feed. 

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Yesterday's episode blew chunks.  Nina sure gets tons of onscreen minutes for a character that no one cares about. 


"You were truly missed" - Sam says to Sabrina and then proceeds to turn her back to her while speaking to Patrick.  Nice Sam!


The Corinthos family, the three one-life-to-livers, Sabrina and now - Nina - all need to leave Port Charles stat.  What a waste of screen time and my time.

Edited by sunnyface
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I think in a month or so we will get the obligatory "I knew Jason was alive all along" from Sam. Then anger and sads. Because that's what happened.


Characters always say that. It's so boring. I wish the returning character would say, "Well, if you knew that, why did you start fucking someone else?" or something like that.


I wonder how Roger feels seeing his return story from 2011 playing out in front of him?


"Hey, I remember most of my old dialogue. More time for yoga!"

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 3

Yeah. I thought Jason had no filter, so if Ron "I love history" recalls that, he shall have him tell everyone that. I wouldn't mind Jason hating everyone but Monica. He has no Lila, so she shall be his Lila. He must love Robin, for she saved him. With our luck, Ron will be like "Christmas sweaters, Jason had those. And he had a gun." Jason Q Morgan. Tacky Sweater Hitman. This fall on GH.

And Roger, it's time to job hunt. Use OLTL footage on your resume.

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It occured to me this morning that all these stories we think are filler aren't because of TG's illness but the lack of a summer teen story line. If there was a teen story, some of these stupid plot point (Pip/Milo) might not have made it on screen.

Also, I give this stupid show too much thought & valuable space in my brain.

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And Roger, it's time to job hunt. Use OLTL footage on your resume.


Childlike Franco has such faith in Mama-substitute Carly, who would never "betway" him. Would she? In the meantime, Carly has Sonny backed into a corner of his office and she's removing outer articles of clothing. How attractive she is! [not]. Lying, blaming, and attacking Sonny but removing her clothing. That's a new way to tell someone they're sexually attractive without accepting any responsibility for the communication, because it is all in the other party's head. 


Nobody would waste time on Carly's games unless they were completely useless to society, which Sonny and Franco are.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 4

I'm also amused by Sam telling Sabrina she's been missed, then promptly turning her back and addressing Patrick. It's young petite brunette in blue v. sexy (showing a lil cleavage, and shoulders) brunette woman in same shade of blue. How subtle. Can't tell if Sabrina's angry face was because Sam turned her back, or said she didn't have more info. on who ran them off the road.


I agree that Patrick seems to feel nothing at all about Sabrina's return, and I think she still may want him back but figures too much has happened for that to be possible. (Also, Sam looks better in a blue summer outfit and has prettier hair.)

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About Ron Cavrilati & women, I believe there are two fronts for criticism: the way he's written them and the characters themselves. When someone has done something stupid, they should be called on it, male or female, real or fictional, onscreen or off. Just because the men who trick women are bad, that shouldn't always let the women off the hook.  Case in point: Tracy. Like virtually every other character, Tracy has been played for a fool for months because of Fluke. Michael's not my first choice to run ELQ either-that would be Ned-but, in some ways, Michael's a better option than Tracy these days. My reason for making Ned CEO of ELQ is because he's the most qualified, not because he's a guy. Tracy may say that she puts the company first and she may believe that she deserves to run it, but her doing Fluke's dirty work for months and lying about it proves otherwise, hence Alice's exposing her, Michael's firing her and Ned's evicting her. As for Tracy's belief that Michael's not ready to run ELQ, while, as the saying goes, "Even a broken clock is right twice a day," it's still broken. Tracy's right about Michael's inexperience, but her doing Fluke's bidding without a second thought is wrong. Regarding Tracy's giving Edward the serum, given that Tracy was, at one point, willing to let Edward die, that's the least she could have done. Ned told Tracy that Fluke pulled a gun on him and threatened to kill him, but while such news would be reason enough not to trust Fluke, Tracy's still doing Fluke's dirty work. If my man (if I had one) had threatened to kill someone I loved, while I might not believe the accuser, it would have at least given me pause.  When all is said and done, Tracy's in trouble because of her, Fluke's and Ron's choices, not Michael's, Ned's, Alice's or anyone else's.


  Ava's another example of a female character caught in a Fluke-based Hell of her own and Ron's making. Ava wanted to prove her loyalty to Fluke-who, at one point, tried to have her killed-without thinking of the consequences and now Michael and Kiki are in danger because of it. I don't mind Kiki's suffering because it's Kiki, but Monica's been through enough Hell this year alone because of losing AJ and losing Michael would be devastating, not to mention what it would do to Morgan, the guy Ava claims to love. While I sympathize with Julian's being caught between a rock and a hard place because of his own dealings with Fluke, I didn't appreciate his cavalier attitude re Michael. Kiki will get another boyfriend, but Monica will never get another grandson. Like Julian and Tracy, Ava got mixed up with Fluke, got in way over her head and there's nothing good she can do about it. Then there's Nina. If Lulu's a carrier of baby rabies, then Nina's been acting like she's Patient Zero. It sucks that Nina lost her baby, but the extremes that she's willing to go to for another are insane, to put it mildly. Being a little crazy is one thing; considering attempted rape as a means to get pregnant is another. Then there's Rosalie. I'm not a big Silas fan, but he was absolutely right to fire her. There are plenty of nurses with way more experience and way less attitude than Rosalie who can do the job she's supposed to be doing way better than her.



Well [Michael's] fool enough, imo and Michael is the least threatening figure on this show. Spencer has more chutzpah by far. He was spoon fed information by Alice, it wasn't as if that sleepy eyed bore would have had any idea of the truth otherwise or suspicions.


  I respectfully disagree. For one thing, Alice didn't "spoon [feed]" Michael the truth; she just confirmed what he already heard with his own ears. Being a rape survivor, like Michael, takes chutzpah; Spencer, otoh, doesn't have chutzpah; he's just a spoiled brat. Michael's not my favorite character, but he's not the "least threatening" by a long shot; that honor belongs to Sabrina and Rocco. Since Michael's capable of murder, as he proved with Claudia Zacchara (IIRC), that proves he's a threat, as far as I'm concerned.



While I do like Ned quite a bit, he was talking out of his ass about what Edward would find "disappointing" with Tracy's actions, not that Tracy, the real Tracy, would have ever let it get this far anyhow. Once again, Ron proves he knows little to nothing about real GH history or the Q clan.


  Again respectfully disagreeing re the first point. I agree about Ron's incompetence and his ignorance, but I still feel Ned was right to say that Edward would have been disappointed in Tracy if he were still alive. Before he died, Edward told Tracy that she deserves better than Luke and while she sometimes agreed, ultimately she has run back to him, or whom she thinks is him, more than once. Fluke may be a fraud, but the Tracy doing his dirty work isn't, unfortunately. That Tracy is still trying to scam her way back into the Qs' good graces despite getting caught again says much worse about her, Fluke and Ron than it does about Ned, Michael or Edward.

  • Love 4

I can't believe Patrick can't figure out Victor has his paws in this.


Patrick does know Victor is involved; Victor came to the house the first time Robin left, and Patrick was there. I don't know how much Sabrina knows about the Cassadines in the larger PC history, though, so mentioning Victor to her might not mean anything.


I will happily waste all my time on any of Carly's crazy sex games as long as they get her away from Franco.


If only her crazy sex games were with someone other than an ultra-douchey Sonny.

Edited by dubbel zout
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