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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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On Monday's show when Nina told Freakco about the Sonny/Carly kiss and his eyes starts to well up, I laughed so hard.  And then when he started asking "who kissed who first", I nearly fell out of my chair from the hilarity.    


I dont think Patrick removed his tumor.  I think he replaced his brain with that of a high school girls'.  


And when I picture Freakco saying what you said in your post,I picture his voice getting all high and squeaky and then him stomping his feet.

Edited by Tiger
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I dont think Patrick removed his tumor.  I think he replaced his brain with that of a junior high school girls'.


Amen; I agree, and thank you for saying it, but I had to fix it for you. 




"Who are you going with to the prom, Carly, me or Sonny?!?!"




And exactly why I can't get interested in whatever that character is that RoHo is playing. 


The best thing about the scene with Carly and Sonny yesterday was that it broke the selfie of Carly and whosis in bed together. (because we all know mature adults take those kinds of pictures and keep them framed in the house for their prepubescent daughter to see).


ok -- going back to the barge before I really start ranting. 

Edited by rur
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I also think after the AJ stuff is exposed to Michael and Morgan Franco's crimes might not look as bad to them especially since they supposedly happened due to a tumor. So you never know Franco may gain more friends along the way.


Franco facilitated Michael's rape (whether he "meant to" or not), I don't see Michael suddenly saying "Bygones!  See ya later, bestie!".

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Regarding Nikolas/Britt/Liz:  Liz can't say "boo" to Nikolas because she told him she wasn't interested in him and moved on to Ric when she very easily could have had Nikolas.  So she can't be telling anyone what they can or can't do.  Nikolas is in love with two women, and admitted as much.  He doesn't get a pass because he doesn't know about Britt's plan with Spencer (a ridiculous writing plot point, btw).  He has a mind, and he could say "no," and he not only didn't say no, he went for it.  You can't blame that on Britt.  Lastly, Britt is not self-aware.  How can she not know that this isn't going to end well?  I think Britt has such low self-esteem that she will take whatever crumbs she can get.  Let's face it, with Obrecht and Faison as parents, she doesn't have good role models to look up to, and her mother encourages her scheming (as does Brad).  It doesn't let Britt off the hook by any means, but I get her motives.  


Carly and Sonny:  Sorry, but I like them together.  They work.  They make sense because because they are so selfish and dysfunctional that they actually compliment each other.  I also think MB and LW have great chemistry and they seem to enjoy their scenes together.  


Nina/Franco:  They work for me too because they have no baggage together and are essentially new characters in scenes together.  I think RH and MS have chemistry as well, but I don't want her to continue to eat the show alive.  


Nathan/Dante/Lulu/Maxie - I love this foursome, and I love the friendships and the romantic pairings.  More please.


Michael/Tracy/Ned - I love anything where Michael isn't sucked under by the horrible Kiki Jerome.  So his scenes with Tracy were great because he didn't back down and the secret about Fluke and Tracy trying to take over ELQ was thwarted (for now).  It thought the scenes with Michael and Tracy were good.  Now I just need more of Ned and Michael to plot against Fluke, and I'll be happy.  I like seeing more of ELQ and the Quartermaines.  I am also liking the Ned and Olivia pairing, btw.


Morgan/Rosalie and Ava/Kiki - those scenes bored me.

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I blame Mac for not investigating Levi and the Visa problem. he had suspicions but did not follow them.


  Mac could've investigated sooner, but chances are if he had found anything, not only would Maxie not have believed him, Levi and Phony Immigration Guy, or "PIG," as I call him,  would have completely covered their tracks. If anyone should've investigated Levi, it should've been Maxie and if her head hadn't been so willingly, deeply and completely buried up her own ass where he was concerned, she would've done just that.


  Speaking of burials, they can't come soon enough for Sonny and/or Carly, especially Sonny. That they're both selfish, crazy assholes is why they should be apart, not reunited. Sonny has never met a relationship that he can't fuck up, in one way or another. He claimed to love Kannie, but he hooked up with Olivia soon after she died. He claimed to love Olivia and Morgan, but he hooked up with Ava and possibly knocked her up. He claims to still love Olivia, but when she finally quit him, he ran back to Carly. I don't care that Sonny's bipolar or manic-depressive; that doesn't give him the right to hurt and/or kill people and get away with it. As for Sonny's claim that he's never hidden from a man, he's hidden from/behind men, women and the occasional child, especially Michael, for over 20 years. Now Sonny not only pokes the crazy that is Franco, he pokes the crazy's girlfriend, which should lead to the beginning of the end for Sonny, which I would look forward to if Ronnie wasn't the Head "writer."




Franco facilitated Michael's rape (whether he "meant to" or not), I don't see Michael suddenly saying "Bygones! See you later, bestie!"


Me neither.  Because of that, Franco should never get a pass for any reason, as far as I'm concerned.

  • Love 4
Don't you know that Carly's first thought after reaching orgasm was probably "Oh boy now I can go to that slut Ava's condo and tell her I've done it with Sonny too!"


Why would Carly do this? She did it with Sonny looooong before Ava came to town. Ava knows their history.


The best thing about the scene with Carly and Sonny yesterday was that it broke the selfie of Carly and whosis in bed together. (because we all know mature adults take those kinds of pictures and keep them framed in the house for their prepubescent daughter to see).


I loved that. Of course Carly is egotistical enough to keep a photo of herself and her latest slampiece BY THE BED.

Edited by dubbel zout
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  On 8/20/2014 at 4:58 PM, dubbel zout said:

I loved that. Of course Carly is egotistical enough to keep a photo of herself and her latest slampiece BY THE BED.


Right next to the photo of her son the rape victim at Franco's hands, yet.  Keeping it classy as always.  At least it wasn't that post-sex selfie of the two of them that Franco displayed in a frame in his room at the Metro Court.

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  On 8/20/2014 at 3:27 PM, Grrpants09 said:

I can't believe Ron didn't think SK was good enough for this show.

He's too good for this show. I'm gonna pout and whine forever because I'm sure this show won't care about AJ dying. But I do.

Right there with you, as usual :D


As for yesterday's episode and the mating of those two disgusting pieces of slime and glitter, it's taken me 24 hours for my eyes to stop bleeding. I couldn't even come here, that's how disgusted I was. I was so traumatized by the sight of it I went to sleep at 6pm and slept till 8am this morning. Ron owes me way more than another hour wasted, he owes me for grossing me out so much I had to hide under the covers and attempt to sleep away the nightmare that is Snarly and the Moobster.


Let's just get the AJ reveal over so Michael can see the disgustingness of his parental figures and the reveal of George being brainwashed to think he's Franco while they're at it.

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I refuse to like Franco and Nina together because if they catch on with viewers, then we'll be stuck with both of them on the show and I can't abide that. Especially because it felt for a second like we were this close to being rid of the serial killer. Not to mention I can't handle another round of Sonny/Carly. So no, Ron, I refuse to be sucked in by your attempt to keep Roger Howarth. You blew it when you decided to pull from one of All My Children's shittier storylines and "cut the bad out."

  • Love 10
  On 8/20/2014 at 6:27 PM, tveyeonyou said:

Right there with you, as usual :D

As for yesterday's episode and the mating of those two disgusting pieces of slime and glitter, it's taken me 24 hours for my eyes to stop bleeding. I couldn't even come here, that's how disgusted I was. I was so traumatized by the sight of it I went to sleep at 6pm and slept till 8am this morning. Ron owes me way more than another hour wasted, he owes me for grossing me out so much I had to hide under the covers and attempt to sleep away the nightmare that is Snarly and the Moobster.

That's been my theory since the twop days!!! I called it long ago with the tapes. This is not Franco. This is George. And quote CM Punk, Ron, apologize to us, SK, Roger, and us again.

Let's just get the AJ reveal over so Michael can see the disgustingness of his parental figures and the reveal of George being brainwashed to think he's Franco while they're at it.

Edited by stacey
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  On 8/20/2014 at 5:20 PM, TeeVee329 said:

Hey, when's the last time we saw Duke?

The middle of May, I think.


That's my only contribution. Other than posting Euchre quarterfinal results. Who knew it was so popular on the barge?


Edited to say:


By the way, if I see a mention of Euchre on GH in the upcoming months, I will then concede that at least one of the writers trolls this board.

Edited by Francie
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Carly and Sonny together are the dark mole on the back of your calf you always knew, in the back of your mind, was someday going to change shape and get you.


When did Ned get to be so attractive? I always thought he was sort of a goof when I was little. Like, it seemed really funny that the show had ever acted like Eddie Maine might hit the big time. Maybe I'm just getting old, but he now seems totally sexy.


I might hate Sean. Could he please just keep his mouth shut and look pretty?

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Thoughts about this week's shows.


It gets secret DEA agent woman Jordan away from the silly Anna park scenes, and the love scenes are good. However, Ron--the guy who pimps multi racial three way gay scenes--links her up with the only other straight black guy on set? Real daring, Ron. Cliche to the max.


This Luke video crud is boring. How sick is the actor (or was at the time these were filmed)?


Mob hag wars. She slept with Sonny for the pizza, after just having a conference with her fellow hag and while her man was trapped. Yuck. Semi-serious question, even if the candle took care of the sex odor, and the bed does not smell, how was she planning on keeping serial killer from noticing she just had sexy time when she takes the robe off? Or is she going to get a headache that requires a robe?


I know lots of people here want to call Sonny's three women sluts. I don't think so, it is actually worse. They love beyond all common sense an out of shape, semi mentally challanged, man in a city full of peak condition sharp men of all ages. He also has a fairly girly phobia. I am not sure what to call it, what is a good word for someone who is attracted to ugly dumb girly men?


I am not sure how Nina's love life will pan out, but at least a triangle there will supplement the silly chair storyline she is stuck in. Giving the evil nurse a relationship will help too.


The necklace storyline and the hostages. Over it, already. Pull the plug. Maxie could die, that would be nice. Maybe LuLu can get raped and have a mircle baby with a huge Linda Evans wig, and end the baby rabies forever.


I agree with the Britt comments. Have some spine, girl. You are slightly evil, not worthless. Pick up the coast guard day player from Monday, or one of the extra cops, sign him to a three month deal, and give her an in to a police story, or an in to the DEA story through the Coasties, and a romance too. That would bring Mom Dr O in for the fun as well.


I am just not buying baby face as the head of ELQ. Sorry, he just looks too much like a teen. Him trying to act bad ass was silly.


When is Sobby back? I want to get the Sam/Patrick triangle running and over with quick.

Edited by Happyshooter

Oh Sonny, pretty please do "blow [Freakco] to kingdom come."  If you do, I promise not to talk trash for a whole week!  That said, please contract the hit out to Emma or Audrey or anyone other than Shawn.  


Jordan looked sexy in that pink and I loved Ned acting like a real Q,  but the rest was a total bore.  


Poor Ava having to celebrate her birthday with Keeks.  My spec is that Ava will order a hit on Mikey but Keeks will be shot instead and that is how it will come out that Keeks is not Ava's daughter.

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I get Tracy and Ned scenes and it involves Michael and notLuke...what's happened to my Qs? I'm not even angry anymore, I just find it sad, so sad to watch what they've been turned into for cheap laughs and shitty plots that won't matter in a month's time.


Come on, Ava, you could think about killing Michal as a way to reunite him with his father, AJ.


The Franco/Carly/Bobbie scenes were so...painful. It was like watching actual suffering on screen, every scene was so forced and the outcome so pathetic-what an embarrassment.


Shawn and Jordan are just a waste of time, imo.

  On 8/20/2014 at 7:18 PM, Ladybyrd said:

When did Ned get to be so attractive? I always thought he was sort of a goof when I was little. Like, it seemed really funny that the show had ever acted like Eddie Maine might hit the big time. Maybe I'm just getting old, but he now seems totally sexy.


I think it's because, especially contrasted to everyone around him, he's acting like an adult.  There's no Edward or Alan, Monica is predictably off-screen, and Tracy is a pathetic shell of her former self.  Ned's not just standing in the corner snarking about what's going on, he's the elder statesmen among the Q's.  Looks good on him.

Edited by TeeVee329
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even worse, someone actually managing to get a bullet into Michael and then us being subjected of Kiki wailing at his hospital bedside.



Just the thought makes my ears bleed in anticipation. The accompanying face pulling will make my eyes melt. It'll be like I'm trapped in the climactic scene in "Raiders Of The Lost Ark".

  • Love 1

I'm so tired of the rewrite that Edward Q. was a saint.  Ned says Edward would have been upset at business being put before Alice.  Edward always put business before his family.  He was not a good man.  He raised Alan to be a whiny, weak, mama's boy.  Tracey was a cold, angry woman who couldn't please her father, and withheld his heart meds during a possible heart attack.  Edward was a jerk.  And by the way, Lila was no saint.  She stood by and let her husband treat her kids this way.  I like the Q family - a lot - but they are not morally superior to the other characters on the show.


How can Ned throw Tracey out of the mansion?  That's Monica's house!  But only because Alan gave it to her.


ETA:  I've always loved Bobbie and Monica, but at this point the actresses faces are a major distraction.  I don't want to see them.

Edited by RedheadZombie
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  On 8/20/2014 at 7:51 PM, yuggapukka said:


Just the thought makes my ears bleed in anticipation. The accompanying face pulling will make my eyes melt. It'll be like I'm trapped in the climactic scene in "Raiders Of The Lost Ark".


...then I guess I shouldn't mention my speculation after today that Kiki is going to end up with Ava's baby (which will probably be Morgan's so they can use that to really jumpstart the triangle with Michael again) because Ron is nothing if not consistent about not learning his lesson.

  On 8/20/2014 at 7:57 PM, RedheadZombie said:

How can Ned throw Tracey out of the mansion?  That's Monica's house!  But only because Alan gave it to her.


Ned said Monica would support throwing Tracy out because she would always back Michael first, which...true.

Edited by TeeVee329
  On 8/20/2014 at 7:59 PM, TeeVee329 said:

...then I guess I shouldn't mention by speculation that, after today, Kiki is going to end up with Ava's baby (which will probably be Morgan's so they can use that to really jumpstart that triangle again) because Ron is nothing if not consistent about not learning his lesson.


I thought they were heading down the road of Nina stealing the baby.


Great. I want Micheal alive to rage and he may die. Fml.



Heh.  Does anyone know the actor's contract status?


The only reason why this show is still on my DVR is the outcome of the AJ murder but if they want to knock off the only tie that I care about - I wouldn't mind.  It would free up my DVR.


Plus, maybe B&B could hire the actor for him to play SK's son on that show.  Its pretty much where the majority of the Qs are anyway. :)

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  On 8/20/2014 at 3:21 PM, rur said:

Amen; I agree, and thank you for saying it, but I had to fix it for you. 





And exactly why I can't get interested in whatever that character is that RoHo is playing. 


The best thing about the scene with Carly and Sonny yesterday was that it broke the selfie of Carly and whosis in bed together. (because we all know mature adults take those kinds of pictures and keep them framed in the house for their prepubescent daughter to see).


ok -- going back to the barge before I really start ranting. 

Wait for me. I actually saw some of the show or rather heard it while on the computer with my back turned to the tv.  the barge is the place to be. Did Luke really tell Ava to kill Michael?  WTH doesn't she just kill Sonny and be done with it. She will have lots of fans if she does. I don't care that she killed Connie anyone who sleeps with sonny is brain dead anyway.

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