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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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21 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Sonny Corinthos: The Donald Trump of Port Charles.

Oh, let's not even bring him up.

That does remind me though, someone described Trump's kids in a way that completely reminded me of Sonny. All the ex-wives raised them, and then when they're grown, he brands them with his name.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 14

 Well that was...uncomfortable to watch. And to think, this show is written by two women. I don't even think Guza ever did something like this. But how ridiculous that Sabrina screamed at the top of her lungs and no one heard. And that there was no one nearby in a hospital!  Not to mention the fingerprints that are all over that window and her throat/mouth/face. Paul wasn't wearing gloves, he choked her with his bare hands.

i was also disappointed in the Carly/Michael 'fight.' Sure he called her out but it was just one line. Besides, as much as I hate to admit it, she's right about wanting to marry someone because you love them vs. wanting to provide for them and their child.

lastly, please, I beg you, STFU Franco! None of this is any of his damn business and the reveal was anticlimactic because it came from him. Now Liz feels sad and guilty that she turned Hayden in, all because they're sisters? I just can't...

  • Love 5

So dragging out Sabrina's death was something.  I didn't hate her and I definitely could think of 5 people who could die before her. So that's two of Michael's girlfriends that have been killed. Not the best luck in the love department Mikey? Yet we still have the heartwarming love story that is Morgan and Kiki. 

Tracy with the shade of Carly. I like it.  Michael loves you Carly but why on earth would he want to follow your model of what you think love is? You realize HE was the child that was witness to the disaster that is you and Sonny? I'm guessing he wants to avoid that. 

And seriously Franco gets to do the sister reveal? The most anticlimactic news deliverered ever. 

  • Love 5
4 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Tracy's reading of Carly was everything, as was Michael Quartermaine popping up to say this:

Carly: She got pregnant with his child and she tried to pass it off as yours.

Michael: Because no one’s ever done that before, certainly not you.


GH wasn't on in its normal slot in the Chicago area today, because of a Cubs game.  I typically just let it go when that happens, but I may have to DVR the overnight showing, just so I can witness this.  

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Tracy's reading of Carly was everything, as was Michael Quartermaine popping up to say this:

Carly: She got pregnant with his child and she tried to pass it off as yours.

Michael: Because no one’s ever done that before, certainly not you.


This was absolutely glorious, but it's way too overt to be shade. Shade is sneaky and leaves you wondering if it's actually an insult.

I love how they blocked Paul injecting Monica. They couldn't afford a stunt double again, so they have Monica struggle for a bit standing up and then we see her putting her head on the floor.

3 hours ago, Lillybee said:

It is bad enough that Sonny has free run of the PCPD and jail but why is he allowed to go into cells?

LOL that he taunted Julian about a tie. Easy there, tough guy.  And then he blathers on about Julian needing to do the right thing—what does Sonny know about that?

30 minutes ago, ulkis said:
1 hour ago, Sake614 said:

 Well that was...uncomfortable to watch. And to think, this show is written by two women. I don't even think Guza ever did something like this.

Oh, he definitely did.

Yep. Papa Z strangled Emily to death, and we saw it more than once in flashbacks. It was...excessive.

They could have had Sabrina fight back a bit more.

"I'd do anything for you. You should know that by now." Instead of sending Liz screaming into the hall, she holds Franco's hand and makes schmoopy faces. 

  • Love 7

Why the fuck is Liz feeling bad about HayChel's diamonds being turned in to the police? THEY BELONG TO RAYMOND BERLIN'S VICTIMS. Not HayChel. Dumbest and least dramatic reveal ever. Christ. How shitty of a writer do you have to be to think that scene was even remotely interesting?

Sure Sabrina could've been sent off to anywhere off the north American continent. But I will happily accept death for her. Still not as horrible as Frankie Frame's murder. 

And has this show ever explained Tracy's near obsession with Sabrina? Honestly, Sabrina reminds me of an even more annoying goody two shoes parody of Jenny Eckert. Whom Tracy absolutely hated. She was never particularly fond of St. Emily either. And she was adopted by Alan and Monica. But Sabrina talks Michael into giving Avery to Sonny AND TO INSTANTLY FORGIVE SONNY FOR MURDERING HIS FATHER, AJ. HayChel,  I can understand.  They had goals and did seem to like each other's company. Even Lulu and Tracy, I can buy. But the pretty princess?  I don't get. At all.

Fuck off Sonny and Carly and your lost honeymoon. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, Bwill3133 said:

So dragging out Sabrina's death was something.  I didn't hate her and I definitely could think of 5 people who could die before her. So that's two of Michael's girlfriends that have been killed. Not the best luck in the love department Mikey? Yet we still have the heartwarming love story that is Morgan and Kiki. 

And don't forget that the real first woman in Mikey's life, Leticia, was murdered by the serial killing zombie. 

  • Love 1
5 hours ago, Bishop said:

Michael and the Qs have no legal right to Teddy.  So I'm hoping that Joe will take the baby and leave.  I don't want Michael involved in a custody fight storyline.  WHY are the writers so obsessed with making Michael a father in his late 20s?!!!!  Michael should be put into the "Find Paul and expose him for the murderer he is" storyline, and if Michael can tap into his killer instincts or at least see that edge we know he has, I would be thrilled.  The last thing I want to watch is Micheal raising Teddy.  Tracy can do it, but not Michael.  He's a young character that needs to be active in storylines and NOT as a daddy.  That's the kiss of death on a soap, especially for young characters because they can't leave the babbeeeeeee to go off on an adventure.  


No.  I swear he's the most tortured character on GH.  He's been kidnapped a zillion times, threatened, shot, put into a coma, brain damaged, jailed, raped, and then had both of the women he ever loved die violent deaths.  Throw in that everyone he has ever loved has betrayed him at one point or another, and yeah, he can never find happiness.  This is why I never understand why the writers write Michael so optimistic and hopeful.  If anything, Michael should be aloof and cynical.  At the very least, he should be weary of giving his heart and not trust anyone.

Poor Micheal.... You're not alone.  You're not alone.  You're not alone anymore. 

Because we all know the montage is coming. 

  • Love 3

You guys, I'm still buzzing from the dressing down Carly got from Tracy and Michael today.  We've been stuck with Queen Matriarch Carly for so long (and her "We can FINALLY go on our overdue honeymoon" rap today about the hardships she suffered re: Julian?  Girl, please.), it was nice to see someone stick a needle in that hot air balloon.

Take a lesson, Nelle.

  • Love 9

Given November is almost here I'm figuring Paul will be caught prior to that and Sonny will be elected District Attorney.  Because, why the fuck not?  He already has carte blanche to prance around the PCPD like the Special Snowflake he's written as.

Not a Sabrina fan, but I do feel bad for Michael.  Poor, lovesick, dopey Michael.  And I just know there's going to be some "it makes no sense" custody battle for Teddy--hell, maybe Lulu and Nina, the baby rabies twins, can throw their hats in the ring, too.

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

This was absolutely glorious, but it's way too overt to be shade. Shade is sneaky and leaves you wondering if it's actually an insult.

I love how they blocked Paul injecting Monica. They couldn't afford a stunt double again, so they have Monica struggle for a bit standing up and then we see her putting her head on the floor.

LOL that he taunted Julian about a tie. Easy there, tough guy.  And then he blathers on about Julian needing to do the right thing—what does Sonny know about that?

Yep. Papa Z strangled Emily to death, and we saw it more than once in flashbacks. It was...excessive.

They could have had Sabrina fight back a bit more.

"I'd do anything for you. You should know that by now." Instead of sending Liz screaming into the hall, she holds Franco's hand and makes schmoopy faces. 

I thought Diego killed Emily

6 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

They didn't even know what to do with her from the get go. First, she's supposed to be super young, but then, they decide to pair her up with Patrick, so they change the character completely, and make her old enough that she and Patrick aren't creepy together. Then they wrote in TeCa's pregnancy which was completely unnecessary, then they moved her to Michael, and the whole time, I was wondering what the age difference between them is supposed to be. Then they wrote in the 2nd pregnancy. And now she's dead and her baby is an orphan. And I'm just really baffled by all the choices they made for this character.

I don't care for the character, but that made me extra uncomfortable.

They decided she would be paired up with Patrick from day 1 when she came on with that extensive fantasy scene. The strange part of that was that they wrote her super young only to turn around and make her older.

  • Love 1

Well, after reading it here, I cringed as I waited for Sabrina's murder to actually happen.  Gotta say . . . it didn't look that brutal.  Quite possibly because I never really saw Paul in the act of doing it.  He was basically just holding her and swinging her around as she tried to get away.  Didn't see any strangling going on, unless I didn't look closely enough.

5 hours ago, NutmegsDad said:

This is the only reason I didn't want Sabrina to die. Now it will drag on like Duke. The hospital will be renamed after her. The NB will be dedicated to her. Just phase her OUT, show. Shit.


Sabrina will probably get a better turn out for her funeral than Robin did.


Was never a fan of Sabrina. She was just boring, forced upon us so many times and and every SL failed. TC should have really been let go 3 years ago.

  • Love 4

Yikes with the prolonged strangling. One scene would have been sufficient. Now we get Carly pretending to be sad for Michael. I will feel sad at Tracy's reaction- I have liked their friendship (well, what I saw before the barge).

How in the hell is Julian going to get out of this mess? 

Still liking Finn and Hayden. 

Sonny is disgusting. 

  • Love 4

I was never a big fan of Sabrina, and killing her off is fine, but it's obvious that the writers had planned on this for awhile.  So why they didn't build up the Michael/Sabrina romance, first bonding over Teddy, then being friends with Michael supporting Sabrina in her working at GH again and Sabrina supporting Michael at running ELQ, then they reunite for good over the next couple of months with lots of lovey dovey stuff, a couple of love scenes, them being a little family with Tracy looking on adoring all of it (in secret, of course).  Basically making it clear that they're in love, their careers are on track, they're looking to build a life and future together. Maybe have them house hunting for fun.  And THEN bring down the guillotine.

Because all of THAT would have made Michael wanting to propose to Sabrina on the day she's murdered that much more meaningful. If we'd spent time with Michael choosing a ring, asking Tracy for advice and her blessing and Tracy wanting to spill to Sabrina but managing to barely keep the surprise.  If the time since TC returned, the show had laid out plans to rebuild Michael/Sabrina, only to ultimately watch them end with Sabrina's tragic death.  Instead nothing was done.

Michael/Sabrina have had a grand total of what 15 minutes screen time since TC came back? Pointless.  Which is why there was no sadness to Michael showing a ring and Sabrina being murdered.

What a waste.

  • Love 8
3 hours ago, stlbf said:

Sure Sabrina could've been sent off to anywhere off the north American continent. But I will happily accept death for her. Still not as horrible as Frankie Frame's murder. 

Frankie Frame's murder, to this day, remains one of the most disturbing things I've ever seen on daytime TV. It's been 20 years and I'm still freaked out by it. 

Edited by Box305
Left a word out. Duh.
  • Love 2
1 minute ago, Box305 said:

Frankie Frame's murder, to this day, remains one of the most disturbing things I've ever seen on daytime TV. It's been 20 years and I'm still freaked by it. 

Yeah, THAT was graphic. A loooong struggle, a beating, blood, crying, a confrontation.

Sabrina's scene was just screaming and crying. Nothing was really shown.

  • Love 1

The sisters reveal was extremely lame, as is everything else on this show. And STFU Liez. You had the diamonds sent to the police because you hate Hayden and because you're petty.Her allegedly trying to kill you had nothing to do with it.

Paul kills Sabinra even though he could've easily threatened her/Teddy so she would stay quiet but lets Ava live so she can blackmail him. Makes sense.

  • Love 9

It should get to be Michael or Tracy that brings Paul down, but it probably won't be. It will be Jason, because he's a good murderer, as opposed to Paul, who is a bad one. You are predictable, show-and that's why I won't watch you. Just going by recaps, but definitely getting a "they are wrapping this(the show) all up" feeling. 


Michael/Sabrina have had a grand total of what 15 minutes screen time since TC came back? Pointless.  Which is why there was no sadness to Michael showing a ring and Sabrina being murdered

NGL, I would've been bored senseless just hearing about more Michael/Sabrina scenes - but you're right, they should've written for them.

But they couldn't fit that in around the Franco, Hayden and Finn stories so they had to prioritize

  • Love 5

And has this show ever explained Tracy's near obsession with Sabrina?

It gives Tracy something to do as there aren't any Quartermaines left besides her sister-in-law and an actor from another soap.  Mike Corinthos and Jason Morgan belong to that vile thug Sonny.  At the beginning of Sabrina's stint, before she ruined GH's 50th anniversary, Maurice in an interview squashed any chance of her being a Corinthos, which is a death sentence in Show's reality. 

  • Love 1
51 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Abby. I think she was killed by a crane or something.

That's exactly what happened. She was on a trip in Chicago, I believe, and Michael found out via a phone call that she'd been hit by a crane. Abby needed to go, but it was disrespectful (if hilarious) for her to die like that.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

Abby. I think she was killed by a crane or something. I wasn't watching at the time.

Oh, right. Thanks!

Wasn't she someone Sam knew? I think she got squashed when Michael was on the phone with her too. That was the whole strippers are being attached storyline which I'm pretty sure went nowhere at all.

Edited by YaddaYadda
  • Love 1

I don't recall if Sam actually intended for Abby to have sex with Michael, but I do remember this super gross tone to the whole thing. Kristina tried to set him up on a date with a school friend of hers (the one that died in that bus crash, I believe) and Michael freaked her and himself out with his rage issues, so Michael wanted a woman he "wouldn't have to worry about hurting." Yeeeeeah. If I were Abby, I don't know that I'd consider Sam much of a friend.

  • Love 2

Tracy thought of Sabrina as a daughter, that's why she wanted to know what Michael's intentions were for her.  I really enjoyed their relationship.  In fact her scenes with Tracy were the only times I really liked Sabrina.  Jane Elliot is magic. Tracy will be devastated by Sabrina's death.  I really hope the writers will give Tracy a long lost daughter in the near future.  Ellie, Spinelli's girlfriend, could be brought back and become "Quatermained".  Tracy and Monica totally rock as co-matriarchs to the Quartermaine family.  They deserve a very large immediate and extended family to love, care for, fight, scheme and to share pizza with every Thanksgiving.  

  • Love 4
21 hours ago, twoods said:

At least the writers finally killed off a character who has been on for a few years, and that it wasn't Monica.

When it was announced that a "beloved character would die", there was a spirited discussion within Haus Nutmeg about the definition of "beloved character", or rather, what the fans consider a beloved character, as opposed to what the PFMs and TIIC would consider beloved.

14 hours ago, In2You said:

I thought Diego killed Emily

That was Georgie, as Diego was the Text Message Killer.

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