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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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1 hour ago, lovelynn said:

I don't get why Carly wouldn't include Lucas on his sisters big day...

I think he's still on the longest honeymoon ever.

Franco needs to drop dead. 

I guess Alexis is going to be Port Charles newest drunk, isn't she? 

Giggly Carly needs to go.

Morgan not invited to the wedding? I kinda laughed.

I kinda liked the whole Kristina went shopping for a dress for Sam. Kristina is capable of doing other things that screech at people, and be a little bit unselfish, I guess.

Nathan's brain cells all died a painful death today. "Yeah, he was there, going through Monica's things, let's move it along," while Sabrina gives Paul a weird look because there's a nurses' station where I'm sure they keep pens. Why did they give Sabrina a baby if they were planning on offing her? Joe will wanna take over as parent, the Qs will fight him!

I really, really hate Ava. Why is she in every single storyline? Wasn't she supposed to go pick up Avery in the morning, or something? Or is Avery oversleeping to avoid that wackjob?

Also, Nina. Yes, Ava is the female Sonny. She's teflon. 

Someone remind me why I'm even watching this.

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2 minutes ago, ulkis said:

I know. They shit all over LL2 with this crap too, and that was a couple probably more popular than either Jasam or Liason (simply because the ratings were way higher during Liz/Lucky than by the time Sam, or Liz/Jason part 2 came along).

Yep. 100%. I mean, all the major couples in the '90s (Sonny/Brenda, Brenda/Jax, Lucy/Kevin, Ned/Lois, Stone/Robin, Jason/Robin, Liz/Lucky, Mac/Felicia, etc, etc) were more popular than anything in the '00s. Higher ratings, more media exposure, more critical acclaim, more fans....

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17 hours ago, ciarra said:

Recycling is great  -- for plastics, aluminum cans, but seriously do we have to put up with abandoned-secret-daughter-comes-to-town-to-stick-it-to-her-mother again?  I'm sure it's better than whatever they've cooked up for Sabrrrina and notCarlos, but still. 

Bannana, I think someone mentioned upthread about teenCarly having a relationship with her friend's dad, mentioned in one of Carly's "poor me" stories.  A possibility. 

Thanks, Ciara.   Then that would make Nelle older than Michael by a lot but I guess they won't acknowledge that.  So are we to presume that Jax found Carly's given up for adoption baby and paid her adoptive parents to rip her kidney out and put it into Joss?  Yeah, that would be something he should try to hide, for many reasons.

I really enjoyed Ava going off on Nina but I think we saw crazy Nina return there, so watch out.  She was also channelling Phyllis Abbott, or Newman.

8 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

I really, really hate Ava. Why is she in every single storyline? Wasn't she supposed to go pick up Avery in the morning, or something? Or is Avery oversleeping to avoid that wackjob?

And the thing is, this is one scene where Ava should have been, but because she has been inserted into a bunch of other stuff the past week, it's like, what, now Ava's popped up at the park?

15 minutes ago, Vella said:

There was Manny. Alexis did a lot of heavy lifting and then when she tagged out, Liz tagged in. I remember Rexis and L&L2 being completely fucked over but JaSam reuniting while the other two went into the shitter. Then Franco showed up.  It was always someone else causing problems.



Nathan's brain cells all died a painful death today. "Yeah, he was there, going through Monica's things, let's move it along," while Sabrina gives Paul a weird look because there's a nurses' station where I'm sure they keep pens. Why did they give Sabrina a baby if they were planning on offing her? Joe will wanna take over as parent, the Qs will fight him!

I suspect Teresa Castillo is leaving voluntarily. If not, I suspect they are not renewing her contract more because she had two kids than because of her popularity or lack of. And honestly I kinda don't blame them. 

15 minutes ago, Vella said:

There was Manny. Alexis did a lot of heavy lifting and then when she tagged out, Liz tagged in. I remember Rexis and L&L2 being completely fucked over but JaSam reuniting while the other two went into the shitter. Then Franco showed up.  It was always someone else causing problems.

I'll reply in the history thread.

7 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:


Whoa, let's not go crazy. :p 

5 minutes ago, bannana said:

Thanks, Ciara.   Then that would make Nelle older than Michael by a lot but I guess they won't acknowledge that.  So are we to presume that Jax found Carly's given up for adoption baby and paid her adoptive parents to rip her kidney out and put it into Joss?  Yeah, that would be something he should try to hide, for many reasons.

I really enjoyed Ava going off on Nina but I think we saw crazy Nina return there, so watch out.  She was also channelling Phyllis Abbott, or Newman.

Is that who she was channeling? I thought she was going for a voice of a monster truck rally commercial. 

Edited by ulkis
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25 minutes ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:
  • Spinelli as officiator was macabre, another homage to the rebel natures of the bride and groom. He tends to be clownish, but a wedding ceremony needs some tone of seriousness or even spirituality about it.

I loathe Spinelli but he was actually welcome since I was sure that Sonny was going to officiate.

  • Love 4

Nina was a real predator today, trying to get a baby without legal support and bragging that she was "rich" and could give the baby everything. It was the perfect setup for blackmail by the original mother later. Ava has a lot of bad to answer for, but I was glad when she intervened and broke up the transaction. Nina is truly crazy, and so impulsive that she cannot be allowed to raise and influence a child. . A child is not a kitten or puppy that one picks up for companionship.

Also, under Nina's guidance, Crimson is devolving into a soft porn magazine--another reason that should count against her attempts to adopt.

4 minutes ago, SlovakPrincess said:

Wait, Carly has a long lost daughter now?   EVERYONE DOESNT HAVE TO BE RELATED, SHOW!

The one person who should have some extra kids laying around, since his past before Port Charles (and post- accidentally killing his parents in the 70s) is kind of a blank: Mac.  But they never did anything with that.  

No no that is just our speculation. And people are also speculating that Nelle is Michael's next love interest, so if that's so, I don't think the show will have the nerve to still make Nelle related to Carly.

  • Love 2

Jason looked like he was headed to work as a server at the MC instead of going to his own wedding. 

I thought the two boys playing Jake and Danny were cute, and I liked that they looked excited to see each other. If I'm going to be stuck with Jake, I'm glad it's not the original one. The whole Omen vibe was just...yeah, no thanks.

Curtis needs new friends. Ones that aren't crazy. Also, he's really good looking and I volunteer as tribute.

  • Love 4
8 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

Jason looked like he was headed to work as a server at the MC instead of going to his own wedding. 

I thought the two boys playing Jake and Danny were cute, and I liked that they looked excited to see each other. If I'm going to be stuck with Jake, I'm glad it's not the original one. The whole Omen vibe was just...yeah, no thanks.

Curtis needs new friends. Ones that aren't crazy. Also, he's really good looking and I volunteer as tribute.

I don't understand what happened to Hayden/Curtis. Did MSt demand him or something?

  • Love 3

I really loved Jason and Sam scenes today. Sam looked so stunning in her wedding dress and Jason grinning like an idiot was adorable.

Also, I was happy to see the Davis girls, Danny, and Spin. Everyone being there was and supporting Jasam on their wedding was great to see. We need more family moments like that. 

Anyways, Jake and Danny looking like they are around the same age made me laugh. So messy. 

  • Love 10
18 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I ffwd through nearly this entire episode. Just too much bullshit and boring shit for me today.

I wish someone would have warned me that there was going to be another awkward as fuck scene between Sonny/Jason. I would have FF'd it and washed my eyes and ears.

Michael/Jason were weird, too. Make it stop.

  • Love 3
6 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

I wish someone would have warned me that there was going to be another awkward as fuck scene between Sonny/Jason. I would have FF'd it and washed my eyes and ears.

Michael/Jason were weird, too. Make it stop.

yeah, I was looking at the fyeahgh twitter and saw those bunny ears. Come on. Is Michael 5?

  • Love 3
7 minutes ago, HeatLifer said:

They are letting Billy run wild at this point. Do what he's "good at" and not what the character would actually do.

Given the way this show loves Helena and her switcheroos, they should reveal that Clenched Teeth ISN'T actually Jason, just someone she programmed with Jason's memories--then unprogrammed them so she could kidnap Robin and make her REPROGRAM them.  Why?  Because she's Helena, that's why.

  • Love 4
18 minutes ago, Cheyanne11 said:

Given the way this show loves Helena and her switcheroos, they should reveal that Clenched Teeth ISN'T actually Jason, just someone she programmed with Jason's memories--then unprogrammed them so she could kidnap Robin and make her REPROGRAM them.  Why?  Because she's Helena, that's why.

I personally just want the characters to acknowledge Jason's altered personality and not act like nothing ever changed. I won't get it, though. It's just my ongoing pet peeve.

Regardless, I don't want Robin involved in any other Jason or Cassadine-related story. She earned her Girl Scout badge for that and fulfilled all her requirements.

  • Love 5
20 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

Carly got to move on, Keesha got to move on, Karen got to move on, Courtney got to move on, Robin got to move on. But Liz can't? She always has to be inserted, someway, somehow, over the years? And it's only her character who is trashed at the end of the day because of it. I'm willing to believe any theory. Because it's unfair to those who either enjoyed Liz in the past or enjoy her now to have to continue to watch this crap.

I know, I know!! 

Before RC, Liz was only involved with Jason/Sam in 2006/07 and in that time period she wasn't the spoiler to their relationship - she was in a relationship with Jason. 

1. Post RC, these "writers"  know very little about Liz.  which is also the reason that this Webber story is about Hayden instead of Elizabeth Webber. Unfortunately, RC made it cannon that Liz has an unhealthy obsession with Jasus, so... that's her main characteristic for them

2 These writers are losing viewers to apathy. People are not enamored with FV's bootleg Supah!Soap on a budget - but the Liaison/JaSam fanbases actually get fired up. It's one of the few things that the writers can point to and claim that there are fans who care about their terrible eps

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 4

Well color me shocked with the Ava/Nina scenes.  I fully expected NIna to be all, "money, money, money, I'm going to buy your baby" to Bridget and she would turn out to be an undercover cop and arrest Nina for trying to buy black market babies.  So I was quite surprised that instead, Ava comes out the woodwork, literally and loses her shit all over Nina.  Did not predict that at all.  

We've covered Lucas and Morgan but Why wasn't Maxie at the wedding?  

  • Love 2

I loved everything about the wedding today, except of course that Monica and Lucas weren't there. 

I loved how Jason was watching Sam sleep.  I usually hate that, but it worked with them for me.

I loved that the Davis girls brought Danny with them, I don't think they've all shared a scene in AGES.   I liked the photography montage (and man was the photographer HOT) and the song that played during it was sweet.   Kelly looked stunning, and I thought Billy looked really really good.  I like him better in that black shirt than I did in the tux.

I am a happy JaSam fan.

  • Love 11

I don't know who Sam married today, but that's not Jason.  It's so jarring to see BM's version that just ignores who Jason was since he woke up from that accident in 1996.  For me, it works no better than Roger Howarth's version of Franco.

ETA: why is Spinelli dressed as a Wal-Mart greeter?

Edited by Cheyanne11
  • Love 4

I don't get why everyone, especially Alexis and her daughters, are so excited about this Jasam wedding. The bridal couple have been living together, and they have a son who lives with them too. They're even having a second child. So how is a formal presumably legal marriage going to add anything? It seems like the main purpose is to cut Liz off permanently in every way from a relationship with Jason, and to hurt her. Maybe it is karma for what she did earlier in keeping his identity to herself--but what does it accomplish? 

  • Love 2

I love this version of Jason.  Don't get me wrong, I loved SBu's Jason too (well, not for a while in 2012) but Billy brings a new life to him.  It makes sense to me that he is not the same old Stone Cold from before.   He lived a year as Jake Doe, some of that carried over. 


But most of all I think Kelly and Billy are magic together. 

  • Love 8
8 minutes ago, mybabyaidan said:

I love this version of Jason.  Don't get me wrong, I loved SBu's Jason too (well, not for a while in 2012) but Billy brings a new life to him.  It makes sense to me that he is not the same old Stone Cold from before.   He lived a year as Jake Doe, some of that carried over. 

I don't really care either way, but like Heatlifer said, it's weird that no one is even acknowledging he's super different. 

  • Love 9
10 minutes ago, mybabyaidan said:

It makes sense to me that he is not the same old Stone Cold from before. 

It makes sense to me, too. Partly because I don't think SBu should have ever turned Jason into that in the first place. My issue isn't that he's different. It's that no one talks about the change. For example, Sam should be surprised by things Jason does now. It could even turn into really humorous and fun scenes. 

Edited by HeatLifer
  • Love 7
27 minutes ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:

Jasam wedding. The bridal couple have been living together, and they have a son who lives with them too. They're even having a second child. So how is a formal presumably legal marriage 

Was the issue of the legality of their marriage ever resolved after the Jake Doe is Jason revelation? I remember Alexis saying she would have Jason's death certificate voided (overturned?).  Jason and Sam talked about divorce papers, to set each other free, but then Jason started having more memory flashes. Did they ever go through with the divorce paperwork?

1 minute ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Was the issue of the legality of their marriage ever resolved after the Jake Doe is Jason revelation? I remember Alexis saying she would have Jason's death certificate voided (overturned?).  Jason and Sam talked about divorce papers, to set each other free, but then Jason started having more memory flashes. Did they ever go through with the divorce paperwork?

Yeah, they did.

We are so getting an Alexis has a drinking problem story.

Lucas, with or without Brad, not being his sister's wedding was really dumb.  I've gone from a little pissed to a full on rage blackout regarding how much this character has been marginalized.  Lucas Jones should have a story, be shown working at the hospital, have scenes from his new marriage and so forth - not on some off screen summer long honeymoon.

  • Love 11

Just wondering how many more stories Ava will be inserted into. I guess it's only a matter of time before she's involved herself in the Maxie/Griffin/Claud/Tree trash and is telling Liz was a great guy Franco is. I'm surprised they didn't have her show up at the wedding and be the first one to find out about Jeff being Hayden's father. 

Overall, I'm happy with the Sam/Jason wedding, though disappointed the writers couldn't bother to have Lucas and Maxie there. And I REALLY could have done without Liz making faces when she found out about the wedding. No fan bases are being served by having Liz constantly acting like this so I'm not sure who the writers are writing this for.

  • Love 6
8 hours ago, amaranta said:

We are so getting an Alexis has a drinking problem story.

And of course Alexis will practically be stoned for it, while Luke could DWI and kill a toddler and it's no big deal.

7 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

No fan bases are being served by having Liz constantly acting like this so I'm not sure who the writers are writing this for.

I think the only thing the writers care about is getting the fan bases riled up. That way, Frank can point to all of it and say, "Look! People are watching and interested!" when it's not really that at all. It's that the Liz/Jason and Sam/Jason fan bases love to argue.

  • Love 2

I'm assuming everyone at the wedding finds out Sam is pregnant when she goes to have a sip of champagne then turns it away because alcohol.

Alexis volunteers to drink it instead.

Lucas decided not to attend Sam's wedding because she didn't attend his.

This is a relationship I wish they would have a little bit more of. They didn't even show her visiting him when he was in the hospital which sucked. Sam looked after her brother Danny for a long time, and she has another brother, and there's barely a relationship there.

This is why whenever characters that normally don't interact do, it means something bad is going to happen.

Romantic relationships are great and all (to some extent), but there are familial relationships and friendships too although some of them are completely one sided. 

  • Love 2
13 minutes ago, Oracle42 said:

USam being a Jerome makes so little sense that most of the time I forget about it entirely - but Lucas should be a primary character. 

I was happy that Sam finally got a father, but the whole thing has been a disappointment. She didn't interact with Julian all that much and even less so with Lucas. And there's the fact that the Jeromes are hot garbage wastes of space.

Speaking of the Jeromes, the Ava and Nina scenes were ridiculous. Nina shouldn't be a mother because she drugged Ava and stole crypt sex baby? Ok, I don't care so I'm not going to argue against that. But, Ava isn't exactly a shining example of good mothering herself. And her saying that Nina's actions should have consequences is rich considering she's spent most of the last three years trying to avoid prison for murdering Connie. 

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