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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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2 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

What struck me about that dialogue was that, by his own admission, Franco to this point doesn't actually think he's changed or that he's a good person, despite all his whining to the contrary.

Good catch.  Franco even admitted to playing mind games, so slimy ass needs to be away from Elizabeth and her boys.  I say push Franco and Nina back together and they can kill, maim, and scheme all over town with Heather's approval.

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

I just can't believe we're back to MORE baby rabies with Lulu.  What is this, year four?  So sick of it.

Since Lulu is the spawn of Lucas Lorenzo Spencer, I would be tickled pink to see Lulu barren at last. Rocco could disappear mysteriously too, and we would have one fewer branch from Luke loins for the rest of eternity.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 3
2 hours ago, Oracle42 said:

I wouldn't mind Rebecca Budig character if she had less story. She's the main character (or one of them) in every story that she's in. I wouldn't even hate the Naomi story if it wasn't going to be all about Rebecca Budig character - the character as conceived an d written is just not interesting enough to warrant it

Let's face it. Actress who plays Hatechel has a 4-year Attagirl contract goodie from some writer honcho on GH, for an "undisclosed reason". She is a pet. So many of the stories must include her (no matter what her chemistry is with others, or whether her story inclusions make sense or not).  It's pitiful and piss-poor unfair to the other more experienced and talented actors on GH, and we fans are expected to put up and shut up. When the pets fail in chemistry or talent, the stories are twisted irrationally to include the actor somewhere else (examples: Franco the serial killer/pet extraordinaire, and the Dr Finn actor).

Actress playing Hatechel perhaps deserves her professional chances, but not at the expense of everyone else and all the storylines. Ugly cronyism.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
2 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

A little poll: If you could erase two of these Soap Superstar From Another Soap Playing A Spicy, Bitchy Bad Girl, but had to keep the third, which one would you keep?

[   ]     Nina

[   ]     Rebecca Budig (the character)

[   ]     Claudette


My ballot:

[X]  Rebecca Budig (the character).  She's getting way too much story, but I find her a lot less irritating than Nina or pointless than Claudette.

I would keep Rbud for nostalgic purposes. Greenleo are my fav. soap couple.

Claudette is annoying but at least she isnt eating the show like the other soap superstars like Nina/Franco/Ava. 

Can we stop with these pathetic whiny monologues Franco does. Lawd.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, fishcakes said:

So Franco promised God that if God saved Elizabeth, then Franco would stop being an asshole. Yeah, I don't see what's in that for God. A master of negotiation, Franco is not. But I did enjoy how he was hovering around asking Finn, Andre, and Griffin questions and they could barely be bothered to acknowledge his existence. I think I could tolerate Franco if every single character on the show simply walked away when he spoke to them.

What Franco doesn't know is that God stopped taking calls from that hospital a long damn time ago.  He had to block the number when dumbass Sonny kept calling to slobber about the latest loved one to fall victim to his lifestyle.  

  • Love 18
3 hours ago, Fellaway said:


What we saw was a gloved hand pushing Elizabeth down the stairs.  We're to assume it was Paul, but I'm not so sure.  Holding out hope Paul is not on his way out!  He's by far not near the top of the list of newbies who need to go.  Elizabeth will, of course, think it was Hayden, because she saw her standing over her when she came to, but it wasn't Hayden.

Thanks, Fellaway!  If Paul goes after people by injecting them, then him shoving her down the stairs does not fit.  Seeing as how Elizabeth is a nurse, a  legacy character - granddaughter of Steve and Audrey - and was badly injured in the hospital stairwell, will TPTB at least have Monica or another doc mention that Steven Lars has been contacted and is worried sick about his sister? Or that Sarah is trying to come to PC and see Liz?? I continue to really hate that the only family she gets to have in town (other than off-screen Audrey) is actually her second ex-husband's family ... not counting this 'my enemy is my half-sister' nonsense.  Monica better show some concern for the mother of her grandson.

  • Love 4
47 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Thanks, Fellaway!  If Paul goes after people by injecting them, then him shoving her down the stairs does not fit.

It actually makes perfect sense - killing her in a way that looked like an accident slash wasn't connected to the hospital serial killer.  

And the episode today ended on him advancing on an unsuspecting Monica with a needle.  It's him...until they retcon it, of course.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Bringonthedrama said:

I continue to really hate that the only family she gets to have in town (other than off-screen Audrey) is actually her second ex-husband's family

At this point, she's spent more of her life with the Spencers than anyone in her biological family except Audrey


59 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

Monica better show some concern for the mother of her grandson.

Yeah, Monica doesn't owe Liz anything

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 10

Has Lulu checked with Ava to see if she knows where the Thermos 'O Fetus is?  Because Ava has managed to insinuate herself into every storyline, she might as well be in on this one, too.   Perhaps Ava went to med school in the old days and is Parker's doctor wife, as well. 

Eta: Rebecca gets my vote.  Claudette has this weird upper lip thing, and Nina?  I don't have enough space on the forum to write down all the hate I have for her.

Edited by ciarra
  • Love 3

In the hot mess that was the show today were at least two glowing coals from Hell. Nathan spoke both of them: "Claudette and I's marriage" and "Claudette and I's relationship". I rolled the tape back to be sure, and I checked the closed captioning too. These mistakes make me wonder if the writer is a native speaker of English. Editing on this show is horrible. Grammatical mistakes are disturbing because the character who says it can be judged in a derogative way by the audience.

The lines should have been more like the following:

  • “my marriage to Claudette”
  • “my relationship with Claudette”

Even the following expressions, though imperfect, would have been preferred English to the original:

  • “Claudette’s and my marriage”
  • “Claudette’s and my relationship”
  • Love 6
6 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

A little poll: If you could erase two of these Soap Superstar From Another Soap Playing A Spicy, Bitchy Bad Girl, but had to keep the third, which one would you keep?

[   ]     Nina

[   ]     Rebecca Budig (the character)

[   ]     Claudette


My ballot:

[X]  Rebecca Budig (the character).  She's getting way too much story, but I find her a lot less irritating than Nina or pointless than Claudette.

I'd definitely keep Rebecca Budig Greenlee Smythe Rachel Hayden Berlin Cassadine. I like her, mostly, I guess. Plus, her thoughts and opinions on Liez are appealing to me and I'd like to subscribe to her newsletter. 

  • Love 8
42 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

I concur.  Liz's dismissing of Monica's pain as a mother given her own experiences with Jake really has stuck with me, it was IMO the most character destroying thing Liz did during that storyline.

I didn't mean that Monica should be sitting vigil at Liz's bedside, wringing her hands in worry. I mean behave as a true professional doctor with Liz, and also be concerned about Liz getting well so she can go home and be a mother to Jake (as well as Cam and Aiden) ... I don't like the possibility that this could lead to JaSam propping as the Greatest Love Ever/Best Parents Ever who should totally raise Jake along with Danny and new baby Jasam because Liz is now badly injured/ weak/pathetic in addition to questionable judgement by hanging around NotTodd!Franco.

I'm recalling how Monica gave Liz attitude about Jason (when Liz was a patient in a hospital bed because Lisa threw her off the boat) re: Jason and Sam, and later - also while on duty - implied that little Aiden's strange bruises might be because Liz was an abusive and/or neglectful mother.  Her grandson died because of Liz, and she felt it was all Liz's fault that she didn't know Jake was Jason's before he "died." (Although she blamed Luke as well - I remember that slap.)  Well, if she loves Jake so much, she should want Elizabeth to get well. 

Edited by Bringonthedrama
  • Love 5
15 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

I'm recalling how Monica gave Liz attitude about Jason (when Liz was a patient in a hospital bed because Lisa threw her off the boat) re: Jason and Sam, and later - also while on duty - implied that little Aiden's strange bruises might be because Liz was an abusive and/or neglectful mother.  Her grandson died because of Liz, and she felt it was all Liz's fault that she didn't know Jake was Jason's before he "died." (Although she blamed Luke as well - I remember that slap.)  Well, if she loves Jake so much, she should want Elizabeth to get well. 

...so we can bring up what Monica did to Liz, but not what Liz did to Monica?  Whatever, they are more than square.

And for all of Liz's whining about being a pariah, Monica has been nothing but forgiving and comforting, I don't know why you think she wouldn't want or wish for Liz to get well.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 8

Griffin can still be viable, I think, but this trash with Tree/Claud/Maxie isn't going to endear him with many in the audience. This shit is unbearable.

Oh yay, Ava is in another episode and has been inserted into yet another story!!!!

I wanted Hayden to beat Freako in the head with a fire extinguisher until his head was completely crushed.

  • Love 7

My vote to stay? Claudette.  She hasn't pissed me off anywhere near as much as the scenery chewers and wasteful storyline eaters known as Hayden/Rachel and Nina. 

Claudette is on par with my annoyed scale with Lauren and Valerie. I don't have issues with the idea or concept of the characters. I just have the writers' actual belief that they are putting out even decent stories for them.

Nina is just horrible. Acting and time waster. Hate her.

HayChel has already had 2 or 3 retcons to her character, been chem tested with almost every man in PC not named Nathan or Corinthos.  And we had to deal with her in a coma via Nik ordering a hit on her and then they 'develop romantic feelings' for one another. And now they are shoehorning her into a legacy family? At least they could've had the decency to make her related to the Qs. Either via Tracy or even as a child of Jimmy Lee. Or some other out of PC Quartermaine. RB has great chemistry with Jane Elliot. Why not have it be for family? Like with how Tracy is with Lulu? Let Lulu be concerned about Tracy and have her and HayChel butt heads. Instead of Lulu being stuck with yet another case of chronic raging babies rabies. This time with her half brother's rapist father's sperm contaminated embryos. 



  • Love 4
32 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

...so we can bring up what Monica did to Liz, but not what Liz did to Monica?  Whatever, they are more than square.

And for all of Liz's whining about being a pariah, Monica has been nothing but forgiving and comforting, I don't know why you think she wouldn't want or wish for Liz to get well.

I'm making a specific point about behavior in the workplace/hospital setting. Monica has a history of being nasty/unprofessional to Liz in the hospital, for personal reasons. I don't recall Liz behaving in such a way toward Monica while on duty or while Monica was a patient, but I could have missed something.  

I feel like if Monica went so far as to thank Carly on NYE (given Carly's heinous history with the Qs - most recently covering up the murder of Monica's first-born son!), then she certainly should behave as a both a professional and concerned sort-of family member when Liz is a patient,  in such bad shape.  I don't believe she would say she doesn't care if Liz dies ... but she's all about seeing Jason and Sam through rose-colored glasses. So it wouldn't surprise me if she was like well, they are wonderful parents to Danny, they're getting married again, it's the perfect time to add Jake to their family - especially since Elizabeth may not physically be the same after this and shows such poor judgement -Franco is just the most recent example.  (Cue the audience wondering if the whitewash hypocrisy re: JaSam would cause an avalanche tumbling down on her). 

  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

I don't believe she would say she doesn't care if Liz dies ... but she's all about seeing Jason and Sam through rose-colored glasses. So it wouldn't surprise me if she was like well, they are wonderful parents to Danny, they're getting married again, it's the perfect time to add Jake to their family - especially since Elizabeth may not physically be the same after this and shows such poor judgement -Franco is just the most recent example.  (Cue the audience wondering if the whitewash hypocrisy re: JaSam would cause an avalanche tumbling down on her). 

I think you're reaching, and you say as much too.  Maybe they had squabbles in the workplace (which Liz has too plenty of times, let's get real, this is a soap opera set in a hospital, it's gonna happen), but Monica is at heart a good person and a good doctor and she would want to see Liz get well.

  • Love 6
10 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

A little poll: If you could erase two of these Soap Superstar From Another Soap Playing A Spicy, Bitchy Bad Girl, but had to keep the third, which one would you keep?

[   ]     Nina

[   ]     Rebecca Budig (the character)

[   ]     Claudette

Budig, while gritting my fuckin' teeth.

And yeah, Richard Burgi is always an incredible performer but as mentioned he was especially good in Hostel II.


8 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Ah ah ah, that's not playing the game! 


Edited by jsbt
  • Love 3
6 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

...so we can bring up what Monica did to Liz, but not what Liz did to Monica?  Whatever, they are more than square.

And for all of Liz's whining about being a pariah, Monica has been nothing but forgiving and comforting, I don't know why you think she wouldn't want or wish for Liz to get well.

Because that's how fluid the writing has been over the years between Monica and Elizabeth.  As the OP noted, in 2011 Garin Wolf had Monica throwing lots of shade/crap Elizabeth's way.  IMO, that was because the writers couldn't have her confront Jason about his role in keeping Jake's paternity a secret from her from the start.  He paid lip service to wanting to tell, but always caved to big bad Elizabeth's wishes.  Jason's hands were always kept clean during that whole mess.

Let me go back further to a scene in the park between Elizabeth/Jason/Cameron/Jake and Monica from 2008 I'm guessing.  In that scene Guza had Monica drooling over what a great picture they made together. 

I agree that what Elizabeth did last year was hideous.  It obviously wasn't for the character's benefit.  So any interaction between Elizabeth and Monica now seems stupid given how they've written Monica as a flip-flopper over the years given whatever the HW at the time was going for between them.  I feel badly for how they've written Monica because they certainly haven't cared about how she looked in those scenes in the past either.  Frankly, both Elizabeth and Monica have had to prop SBu's Jason sorry butt over the years.  

  • Love 7
13 hours ago, Melgaypet said:

In theory, Hayden and Liz as sisters could be interesting, though I have little hope that it will be in execution.

Of course their relationship has to be antagonistic from the start. I'd enjoy that a lot more if they weren't sniping at each other because of Nik. UGH.

7 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

Griffin can still be viable, I think, but this trash with Tree/Claud/Maxie isn't going to endear him with many in the audience. This shit is unbearable.

It's so dumb. We know very little about any of these people, and the drawing out of what Claudette is supposed to want is so wrong for the story. If they want us to be interested, we need the story to move. Claudette hasn't earned the right to have a big reveal.

  • Love 6
14 minutes ago, coffee drinker said:

Because that's how fluid the writing has been over the years between Monica and Elizabeth.  As the OP noted, in 2011 Garin Wolf had Monica throwing lots of shade/crap Elizabeth's way.  IMO, that was because the writers couldn't have her confront Jason about his role in keeping Jake's paternity a secret from her from the start.  He paid lip service to wanting to tell, but always caved to big bad Elizabeth's wishes.  Jason's hands were always kept clean during that whole mess.

Let me go back further to a scene in the park between Elizabeth/Jason/Cameron/Jake and Monica from 2008 I'm guessing.  In that scene Guza had Monica drooling over what a great picture they made together. 

I agree that what Elizabeth did last year was hideous.  It obviously wasn't for the character's benefit.  So any interaction between Elizabeth and Monica now seems stupid given how they've written Monica as a flip-flopper over the years given whatever the HW at the time was going for between them.  I feel badly for how they've written Monica because they certainly haven't cared about how she looked in those scenes in the past either.  Frankly, both Elizabeth and Monica have had to prop SBu's Jason sorry butt over the years.  

And to your point, in 2013, Monica was certainly into the idea of Liz getting involved with AJ, even practically doing cartwheels when she thought they had hooked up the time AJ had that one-nighter with Carly (and then later, Liz dismissed that relationship...to Monica's face...as grief over Jason.  Another interaction between these two I hated).  So it's not like Monica has had a decades-long feud with Liz and would cheer her death.

I mentioned this in the history thread, but that beat during the Jake(son) storyline just really stuck with me.  But that's me.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 5

I liked Griffin with Anna - they had chemistry of both the familial and sexual kind that was strange and uncomfortable and right for soap opera, and he was cute with Emma. But this whole hamhanded priest thing (an occupation rarely handled well on daytime, and I loved Reverend Andrew on OLTL but he was the exception), the overall writing for the character, this endless Claudette/Nathan/Maxie morass and the fact that the otherwise reasonable actor is clearly ill-equipped to make the terrible scripts work - I could cut him tomorrow and feel very little regret. When he starts speechifying about God, or crying and moping over Claudette or Nathan I feel myself falling asleep.

BTW, what the hell does Claudette do?

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 7
15 hours ago, Francie said:

If they gave Paul a list of people to kill -- starting with all new characters starting in 2012 or later* -- and gave him a monologue for each murder, I might just be tempted to row in from the barge.

*Applications for exceptions now being accepted. 

They could have him do a Shakespearean speech each time. I would actually jump in the boat with you and help you row, to watch that. And I can't think of a single exception on your list that I care about enough to save them. Finn lost me months ago. And while Kristina isn't a new character, I totally nominate her to be a victim.

46 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

She's a graphic designer...who somehow got hired by the hospital.  I mean, sure, a hospital would have PR/publicity needs, but a full-time graphic designer in-house?  Nope!

Griffin is both a priest and a doctor (and hey, even a sometime stripper!). Claudette is undoubtedly both a graphic designer and a lab tech or something.

  • Love 3

Am so disappointed that Paul is the murderer.  Burgi deserves better.  On the other hand, maybe he wanted out and could you blame him.

Explain to me like I'm 3 why I should care about Nathan, Griffin and Claudette.  The latter two have only been on my screen for a few months, I have no emotional connection to them.  If they'd been victims of Paul's, it would have been no more devastating than the nameless victims he did kill.  In other words, I could care less.  As far as Officer Weeping Willow, it's been several years with that character and I still don't care.

So, Felicia gets a .65 second scene with Maxi, but we get 10 minutes of Felicia and Nina bonding.  BLECH.

Franco's whining could make dogs ears bleed.

And Ava now being the big solver of crimes, please, who does she think she is Agatha Christie.

With each passing day, I sigh heavily over what this show used to be, viewable and what it is now, an absolute disjointed train wreck.

It may be time for another extended barge vacation.

Edited by LegalParrot81
  • Love 3
3 minutes ago, LegalParrot81 said:

Felicia and Nina bonding

I liked that awkward moment when they were trying to figure out what to say to each after Felicia said Maxie and Nathan might break up and Nina said they'd find their way back, and each was silently but pointedly blaming the other's family member. Hee. Then they got the texts and hugged each other in relief.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 6

I am so over Griffin's aggression with Claudette. I must have missed the part of the story where she's the one who shot him. And where she apparently raped him and he had no control over having sex with her. Get rid of them both already. And Nathan and Maxie while you're at it.

I actually really liked the Nathan/Nina and Nina/Felicia scenes. MSt was not horrible in them, which is always a relief.

Franco asking God to save Liz had me rolling my eyes so hard they nearly fell out of my head. So fucking stupid I can't. I'm really trying not to judge people who are so into this story but it's hard. It's just complete and utter bullshit, RoHo is terrible, and their chem is so forced.

OK I don't remember anything else. But tbh yesterday's ep was probably the overall best ep in like at least a month. And it still sucked.

  • Love 9
4 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

 So it's not like Monica has had a decades-long feud with Liz and would cheer her death.

In the last year or so, she's just gone along with however Jason handles things. But now we're in the hospital again, and her attitude toward Liz (within the hospital) has been Jason and Jake specific - how she felt wronged as a grandmother and/or in service of propping JaSam. I'm so tired of Elizabeth being repeatedly thrown under the bus to prop JaSam/be the 'big bad' in their Grand Love Story (gag).  I do remember the scene in the park where Monica liked the idea of SBu's Jason being a family with Liz and kids - because she believed Jason had feelings for Liz. (Again, it's all about her son and and ignoring the fact that he's been a paid killer). Monica wants to see her son in family man mode and believe he's a good guy at heart, so she ignores (or blames others for) the horrible things he's done over the years, as well as lesser offenses like not telling her he had a son growing up right under her nose in Port Charles. That's my point.

  • Love 2

Explain to me like I'm 3 why I should care about Nathan, Griffin and Claudette

No good reason for caring but they are easy on the eyes and are not part of the Corinthos/Jason storylines.



So it's not like Monica has had a decades-long feud with Liz and would cheer her death.

Plus she had some affairs with Liz's dad and uncle back in the day.

2 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Monica's always slobbered over Jason and been happy with the crumbs of attention he deigns to toss her way. It's really a shame the show has never allowed them to really talk about things.

On that front, I'm expecting to hear Monica helped decorate Sonny's house for the wedding.   I mean, what's a little matter of going to the house of your firstborn son's* murderer in comparison to see Clenched Teeth remarry his knocked-up ex-wife?  

*He was fat anyway, so bygones.

  • Love 4
10 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

In the last year or so, she's just gone along with however Jason handles things. But now we're in the hospital again, and her attitude toward Liz (within the hospital) has been Jason and Jake specific - how she felt wronged as a grandmother and/or in service of propping JaSam. I'm so tired of Elizabeth being repeatedly thrown under the bus to prop JaSam/be the 'big bad' in their Grand Love Story (gag).  I do remember the scene in the park where Monica liked the idea of SBu's Jason being a family with Liz and kids - because she believed Jason had feelings for Liz. (Again, it's all about her son and and ignoring the fact that he's been a paid killer). Monica wants to see her son in family man mode and believe he's a good guy at heart, so she ignores (or blames others for) the horrible things he's done over the years, as well as lesser offenses like not telling her he had a son growing up right under her nose in Port Charles. That's my point.

...your point still seems to be that what Monica did to Liz, no matter how many years back, is still a factor when it comes to them interacting, but not what Liz did to Monica.

But I think it's agree to disagree time.

  • Love 7
12 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

 I do remember the scene in the park where Monica liked the idea of SBu's Jason being a family with Liz and kids - because she believed Jason had feelings for Liz. (Again, it's all about her son and and ignoring the fact that he's been a paid killer). Monica wants to see her son in family man mode and believe he's a good guy at heart, so she ignores (or blames others for) the horrible things he's done over the years, as well as lesser offenses like not telling her he had a son growing up right under her nose in Port Charles. That's my point.

I mean, if the argument is that she prioritized her son's happiness over his exes feelings? I don't understand the argument - of course she does. But Liz prioritized an insane obsession over Monica's grief and loss; the two are not equivalent. Especially since by then Monica had lost all 4 of her children and Liz had just gotten back Jake

  • Love 7
48 minutes ago, Bringonthedrama said:

In the last year or so, she's just gone along with however Jason handles things. But now we're in the hospital again, and her attitude toward Liz (within the hospital) has been Jason and Jake specific - how she felt wronged as a grandmother and/or in service of propping JaSam. I'm so tired of Elizabeth being repeatedly thrown under the bus to prop JaSam/be the 'big bad' in their Grand Love Story (gag).  I do remember the scene in the park where Monica liked the idea of SBu's Jason being a family with Liz and kids - because she believed Jason had feelings for Liz. (Again, it's all about her son and and ignoring the fact that he's been a paid killer). Monica wants to see her son in family man mode and believe he's a good guy at heart, so she ignores (or blames others for) the horrible things he's done over the years, as well as lesser offenses like not telling her he had a son growing up right under her nose in Port Charles. That's my point.

What does Jason and Sam have to do with the way Monica treats Liz? 

And why make it into a Liz is propping big bad Jason/Sam because she isn't getting her ass kissed by Monica? 

Edited by Jazzy24
  • Love 7

The dramatic musical stings were in very heavy use today with Ava and Paul.

"Any news on Elizabeth Webber?" Griffin, weren't you just on the phone with someone about her? Also, go to her room and see her for yourself. It's not as if you were in surgery for hours. Gah, these idiot writers.

Tomorrow: Sonny threatens Dr. Carrrlos. Whom he knows nothing about. Typical idiot Sonny.

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