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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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42 minutes ago, YaddaYadda said:

Also, is this why they brought Robert back? For a grand tour about what Luke told him to tell his family? Why are we even still talking about Luke? why is Luke still relevant? I wanted to destroy my TV during his exist storyline that dragged on forever and a day. Why are we still talking about him? Please don't come back TG.

Preach! I want to make matching smiley PB&J toasts for this post and give the poster $6000 of Heather's money to go to a fun camp next summer.

10 hours ago, HeatLifer said:



Maybe she's having a psychotic break? But then Dante should be calling up Kevin, not saying "I'm with ya babe."

*weeps with you*

Now let's go dance in a field around a screen playing pre FV GH on it!

10 hours ago, LexieLily said:

Yeah, why can't Luke contact Laura/Lulu himself? Why does Robert have to be the literal messenger?

They are ladies and have cooties.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 7
12 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I will say I thought BH, MW, RM, and DZ did some really good work in this ep. I mean almost everything about the writing in like every scene was bad, but they were giving me good acting, man. Oh, and ME's face after Finn saw Hayden slapped Liz was outstanding.

That was probably just DZ's natural reaction. "What the hell is this? No seriously, what? I didn't have any lines so I didn't actually read the script and I'm just hearing this right now!"

  • Love 11

Was Liez carrying 5 million dollars in diamonds or so on her person when she was leaving the hospital ALONE for the police station? And when she took the stairs instead of the elevator? Will she have a mental sadz and forget where she put them when she wakes up from her fall concussion? I'm surprised that Hatechel didn't break one or more of Liez' delicate bones when she slapped her so hard.

2 hours ago, instant karma said:

I'm perfectly fine with them having no story. Hopefully they fade in the background and disappear for awhile. And really BM and KeMo's acting isn't being wasted. Just the opposite.

JaSam with KeMo and BM is beyond horrible, but I am so happy their fans did NOT get the slow buildup that RC wrote for Elizabeth and Jake Doe, before he shit on his own story.  Jake Doe memorized Elizabeth's face!

Edited by Darklazr
  • Love 3

Why in the world would Monica have to ask the DA's permission to draw labs on a patient in the hospital?  The patient's doctor has the authority at this point, followed by the DA's office once the police arrive and an investigation begins. It's so silly for the COS, a cardiologist at that, taking orders from a man with no current authority. 

This was Friday's episode:  I know not to expect much from the writers, but France is in no way "half-way across the world" from New York.  Really, how ignorant are these people?

  • Love 5
1 hour ago, fishcakes said:

Yeah, I think she's going to make the case against Julian go away and also get the flash drive back so that she's in the clear for Connie's murder. And I'm okay with the latter because I like Ava when she's not boning Morgan, but what the hell, I thought we were finally going to be free of Julian and his little hair hat. The only person in this who's not going to skate for being a murderer is Paul. He'll eventually be found out, but not until we cycle through a few more suspects.

"Stavros is my brother's insane father, he raped my mother, kidnapped me, harvested my eggs, created an embryo, was going to impregnate me against my will, cryogenically froze me, and is the reason I can no longer get pregnant, but if all goes well, I'LL GET TO HAVE HIS BABY! SQUEEEEE!"

And really, I consider what Stavros did to Lulu a rape.  She was immobilized, her body was invaded without her consent, and he was moments from planting his child inside her body.   I can't imagine a worse violation. 

  • Love 14

Hospitals have generators.  Otherwise all the people on ventilators would die in a power outage. But whatever. 

Was Paul waiting to inject Monica?  Otherwise he was only wearing one glove - his fingerprints were everywhere.  And obviously Monica wouldn't have syringes, gloves, or lethal meds in her office/desk.  And if he had a lethal drug prepared why shove Elizabeth down the stairs and not inject her to be sure?  It can't be Hayden.  But whatever. 

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, RedheadZombie said:

And really, I consider what Stavros did to Lulu a rape.  She was immobilized, her body was invaded without her consent, and he was moments from planting his child inside her body.   I can't imagine a worse violation. 

I am shocked Stavros and Lulu did not fall in love, get married and had a slew of Cassadine/Spencer babies!

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

And yeah, Helena's will/gifts turned out to be a whole lot of nothing, except maybe the knife's use in the Alexis story.  Poor Hells.

I still think this was like her practice run.  Next time she dies, she can do better on the will and ominous gifts. 

2 hours ago, ulkis said:

To put aside my ranting for a moment, this is kinda tin-hatty of me (okay a lot tin hatty of me) but I kinda feel like they made Sam pregnant and are marrying them off because they want to distract the fans from Franco getting a ton of screentime being portrayed as a quirky misunderstood guy who just wants to help out Jason's kid, who can never understand said kid like Franco can, damn it. I don't really care or not if that is the reason (and if I was a Jasam fan I'd be fine with it myself), but I'm just wondering, like I said.

Are we all ignoring that their pregnancy coincides with the talk about the StavLu embryo?  Because I'm still thinking there are decent odds that the embryo is currently residing in Sam's womb.  That would be so very Helena. 

  • Love 5
21 minutes ago, KerleyQ said:

I still think this was like her practice run.  Next time she dies, she can do better on the will and ominous gifts.

Now I'm imagining Hells relaxing in an underwater base, enjoying some green tea, watching surveillance videos and making notes.  "Lulu too stupid to live.  Next time, write clue in big block letters."

  • Love 10
2 hours ago, fishcakes said:

 Twice today, Heather referred to herself as Jeff's first wife. So are we supposed to pretend he was never married to Monica or do these writers genuinely not know?


 Good one! Thank you!

I watched today because Robert was on.  Happy to see Heather and Monica.  Does anyone know if Robert is a certified WSB agent on the job or is he Robert Scorpio Extraordinaire with his super duper connections?

  • Love 2

After all the ranting I did, I've only just watched the episode. (I had read a recap.)

I had to dive for the mute after Lulu started telling Robert freaking Scorpio about being injected with hormones. I know she doesn't think of Scorpio that way but to me it still felt like her telling her uncle all about it. Awkward.

I liked Ava in the beginning scene with Hayden. I also liked Finn again today. If Frank had to pair Liz up with an OLTL superstar I wish it had been him.

Previews: Maxie: Nathan should be fighting for me!

Wench, don't you remember a certain boxing match last year?

  • Love 3

So, is Richard Burgi gonna take the fall for William DeVry? They can't totally ruin a character & popular couple (they already did) so they make Paul the serial murderer to redeem Julian? I hope this isn't the case because Richard Burgi is a real find and he's amazing looking for his age. It was so comical (awful acted) when Paul said "she saw me" and, he walks out with the the rubber gloves on holding the needle. It was so 1970's camp.

  • Love 8
1 minute ago, ulkis said:

I liked Ava in the beginning scene with Hayden.

Ava's just-barely-disguised "Sucks to be you" was terrific.

1 minute ago, ByaNose said:

It was so comical (awful acted) when Paul said "she saw me" and, he walks out with the the rubber gloves on holding the needle. It was so 1970's camp.

It's too bad that was their idea of a big reveal. RB made it very campy and soapy, and he was utterly let down by the writing.

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, instant karma said:

I'm perfectly fine with them having no story. Hopefully they fade in the background and disappear for awhile. And really BM and KeMo's acting isn't being wasted. Just the opposite.

I also hope they stay in the background. Let these other characters like Franco, Ava, Nina, Liz, newbies, etc... have a chance at this awesome, interesting, suspenseful writing that is bringing in these viewers with these great stories. 

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, ulkis said:

I bet you if PP hadn't taken the characters back, by now poor noble Tea would have had to given the baby back, but it would have been 75% about her pain and Danny would probably calling Tea "mommy # 2". shudder.

I know Jamey Giddens(?) supposedly claimed the original plan for the baby switch storyline, had it run longer, was for Ron to pair up Sonny and Téa, with Sonny being torn between his lover and Jason over Danny a.k.a. Victor III.* While I think Maurice and Florencia might have had chemistry and Téa is no stranger to dangerous and twisted men, I'm not sure I could have bought Sonny being torn between Jason and a new girlfriend.

(* - that being said, I'm pretty sure if Ron had not been walled off from OLTL properties he would have eventually revealed that both little Victor and Victor Jr./Todd II were alive and well, along with Starr's boyfriend and daughter. The key phrase here being the Robin Scorpio definition of 'eventually, after he gets fired'.)

Topic before this turns into a history post: Kevin actually has some dark-ass history both on GH proper and PC. They could have mined it and made him a bigger part of this dumb insta-hospital killer story, which has to be the second or third GH has had in the 2000s. Kevin already faced one of these with "General Homicide" on PC.

Also, it's truly bizarre to me how so much of the current show seems to be teetering on a large Jenga tower built around the weird interconnections between Hayden/Greenlee, her invisible dad, her nobody mom, Heather, Franco and now Finn and his dead wife. They try to make it important by invoking Jeff Webber but Jeff Webber ain't never gonna show up. Neither is Little Ricky Webber Junior or any others - wasn't there some old claim that back in the day they toyed with making Zander Rick Webber Jr.? Rick and Ginny's kid? Right?

And I'm still curious as to exactly what fortune Valentin intended to take from Spencer and Nikolas, since we've been told for 2-3 years now that Helena and Nik squandered the Cassadine fortune on mad scientists, hookers, zombies and blow and that ELQ was their Only Hope.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 11

I generally don't mind Silas John McEaston, but his reaction expression to the Hayden/Elizabeth slap was so, so bad.  It was like he was impersonating Gary Coleman on an episode of "Different Strokes." 

Lulu giddy at the thought of birthing a baby fathered by the psycho who tormented her and her family for years makes my head want to explode.  

  • Love 4

It actually makes me livid how quickly Frank shit on the one good thing they've had going with Easton in like 15 years, and I have fucking hated Michael Easton's performances for 95% of that time. Until now. Finn as a character when he came on was shockingly interesting, and ME is still doing real work with him. But they are bound and determined to redo the same old character background and track.

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 3
19 minutes ago, jsbt said:

They try to make it important by invoking Jeff Webber but Jeff Webber ain't never gonna show up. 


And I'm still curious as to exactly what fortune Valentin intended to take from Spencer and Nikolas, since we've been told for 2-3 years now that Helena and Nik squandered the Cassadine fortune on mad scientists, hookers, zombies and blow and that ELQ was their Only Hope.

I wonder if there'll even be lip service to Liz trying to contact Jeff, No Name, and/or Sarah about this.  But why should she when she has Franco to talk to about it, I guess. #eyeroll 

And yes, exactly, I thought the whole point of Nikolas breaking bad over ELQ was that the Cassadine coffers were empty.  So what exactly did he sign over to Valentin?

  • Love 9

"Stavros is my brother's insane father, he raped my mother, kidnapped me, harvested my eggs, created an embryo, was going to impregnate me against my will, cryogenically froze me, and is the reason I can no longer get pregnant, but if all goes well, I'LL GET TO HAVE HIS BABY! SQUEEEEE!"

This is the stupidest thing to have ever stupided on this show.  I can't wait (oh yes I can) for the scene where she tells Laura she's having Stavros's baby.  And Laura gets to say, "Well, so did I!  So dear daughter, are you out of your fucking mind?"

And Dante looks super thrilled.  I actually liked his facial expressions; as if he didn't recognize Lulu and she was some pod person.

And WTF would Paul's motive be?  He'll get to shout that someone at GH did something to "MY DAUGHTER SUSAN!  I had to bring the hospital DOWN!"

So, so much stupid.

  • Love 14

There was a real opportunity here to walk back some of the damage done to Liz's character or at least provide context - and instead she's going to be a supporting player in this Rebecca Budig character bullshit.

I'm not even a huge Liz fan, but she's a big part of GH. This should be a Liz story. This show has been unrecognizable for years now and I'm tired of it.  I'm tired of FV's hires and RC/JP/SA's characters - they're awful and shallow, badly written and carelessly developed and I can't think of one that's worth keeping

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 8

My crackpot theory is that Paul's actions are actually red herrings. He's been skulking around Finn's lab and in Monica's office for medicine for Susan, or...something. But he only muttered to himself, "Dammit! She saw me!" rather than "Dammit! She knows I'm the killer!" 

So...yes, sure, I'm in denial, but it's a possibility, right? 

  • Love 10

This Paul is the serial killer is absolute evidence that this show is now being written with some failed improv group. They are just throwing names into a hat and pulling them out while shouting out clichéd storylines. I'm convinced. 

20 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

Kevin might want to reconsider his desire to be involved with Laura and her crazy-ass family. But hey, this whole Lulu/Stavros subplot would be a great chapter for his book! ;)

Bwaaahahaha!  It may bring out his fantasy fiction abilities, yet! The Cassadines' not dead, Lucy's Vampires and now Lulu yearning to birth her half brother's half sibling, via her rape by his father. Just cause she wants to be pregnant. 

Why would Paul just push Liz? He had a poisoned syringe, an idiot could hear Liz moan. He is just going to hope for her to have amnesia of the last hour of her day? WTF?

As for Naomi/Haychel, wouldn't it be fantastic if it turned out that Raymond was Haychel's bio father. It isn't like they had great DNA testing in the *cough*  80s. *cough*cough* All of that cash to Heather for an affair. 

Jebus, they really are having a "former" serial killer ask his Mommy for spending cash to go a date with a girl he really likes? Who just also happens to be his half brother's beloved baby sister? 


  • Love 8
3 minutes ago, LexieLily said:

I just can't wrap my mind around Lulu even entertaining the idea. Why would she want to be pregnant and birth a child by the same man that raped her mother?

Exactly! I get that she wants to have another kid, but for that kid to have the same DNA as a psychopath? I don't know why Dante is being supportive of this crazy idea.

So at least once a year a female falls down the stairs? At least she wasn't pregnant, but now it's all going to be pinned on Hayden. And I know I'm on the barge, but I did see some chemistry with Hayden and Finn today. Maybe I can tolerate them in small doses.

Paul is the killer? Another decent character repeatedly getting thrown under the bus- first for being Julian's partner against the Moobster and now this. I'm relieved it's not Andre.

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, bannana said:

I haven't seen the episode, but could it be that they have made him the killer, Ava finds out and blackmails him into losing the evidence against Julian?

If Ava tried to blackmail Paul hopefully he would just kill her.


6 hours ago, YaddaYadda said:

I'm not even over what they did with Danny, how they handed the baby over to Tea, had John McBain assist with the birth, gave the storyline to their shiny pets. Sam's second baby also dies, she has to bury him too. 

Fuck Tea. I actually liked Tea well enough, but still, fuck her. 

I don't know why they didn't just show Paul pushing Liez down the stairs since we all know he's the one who did it. 

I don't understand why Naomi would give into Heather's blackmail. So what if Jeff found out about the baby? He probably would've kept quiet because he didn't want his wife to know he got another woman pregnant. 

  • Love 2

And unless I missed something during all the FFing of other scenes... no mention of Robin, Emma, or a reunion with Mac?

Robin was mentioned and there was a preview of Maxie and Felicia (I think that was her - it's been so long) talking.


Bringing RFS! back for the Spencer family drama is beyond stupid.

There's a lot of 'beyond stupid' to go around in this neck of the woods but RFS is always welcome on the screen.  

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, LexieLily said:

Can I ask a question? The forums won't let me use the quote function and I see that it works for the rest of you, what do I not have turned on or something?

I don't know, but if you want to use a quote you can type it out manually - [ quote ] whatever you want to quote [ / quote ] Just leave out the spaces.

And if you already knew that, then apologies. Otherwise I got no idea how you can fix it so it quotes automatically again.

9 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

So what exactly did he sign over to Valentin?

The Prince Cassadine title and properties? Nik still seems to own a ton of houses all over the world, so it seems he's land rich and cash poor.

Serial Drama nicely sums up yesterdays ep.

6 hours ago, LexieLily said:

I just can't wrap my mind around Lulu even entertaining the idea. Why would she want to be pregnant and birth a child by the same man that raped her mother?

Carrying a child and giving birth are the only things a woman that's important. Why don't people understand this? /s Gah. Someone really needs to give Lulu the Moonstruck treatment.

6 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

I don't understand why Naomi would give into Heather's blackmail. So what if Jeff found out about the baby? He probably would've kept quiet because he didn't want his wife to know he got another woman pregnant.

How long has the blackmail been going on? If it's been years, maybe it was about Raymond Berlin finding out Rebecca Budig wasn't his. Until the Ponzi scheme was discovered and Raymond went to prison, life was pretty good for the Berlin women. And also what Oracle42 said about Jeff.

  • Love 4

Quotes are not my friend this morning...

re, Lulu,. Why hasn't Dante pointed out to her that the embryo is part Stavros.  They seem to be glossing over that and it's a pretty big thing.  

People seem to be trying to hold out hope that Paul is not 

the killer, but if he isn't why was he walking around with the glove and the syringe.  Also if he is the killer why is he walking around with the glove and the syringe.  

Edited by Perkie
  • Love 7
14 hours ago, bannana said:
14 hours ago, TeeVee329 said:

Well just because he's a killer doesn't mean he's leaving the show. *glares at Franco, Jason, Sonny, take your pick, really*

BTW, now that we know he's not the killer, my spec is that Andre is going to be framed and/or killed by Paul.

I haven't seen the episode, but could it be that they have made him the killer, Ava finds out and blackmails him into losing the evidence against Julian?

Hope Against hope: Ava blackmails Paul into giving her the thumbdrive, she throws it, Spinelli, and anything else that can connect her to WhoTheFuckCares' murder into Mount Doom.


Yeah, I think she's going to make the case against Julian go away and also get the flash drive back so that she's in the clear for Connie's murder. And I'm okay with the latter because I like Ava when she's not boning Morgan, but what the hell, I thought we were finally going to be free of Julian and his little hair hat. The only person in this who's not going to skate for being a murderer is Paul. He'll eventually be found out, but not until we cycle through a few more suspects.

What Show Will Do: Sonny/Carly will find thumbdrive and use it to taunt/blackmail Ava into giving up any connection with Avery (while telling Avery how much Ava doesn't care about her and terrible Ava is), Paul will go away, and Sonny will take over prosecuting Julian and sending him to jail.

Edited by NutmegsDad
Added a quote
  • Love 3
8 hours ago, Auntie Velvet said:

My crackpot theory is that Paul's actions are actually red herrings. He's been skulking around Finn's lab and in Monica's office for medicine for Susan, or...something. But he only muttered to himself, "Dammit! She saw me!" rather than "Dammit! She knows I'm the killer!" 

So...yes, sure, I'm in denial, but it's a possibility, right?

It's too smart for Show. I've lost track of Paul's Moral Alignment, and I think they're spinning a wheel to decide what he is these days. He was answering to Fluke and then killed whatshisname for his daughter for retcon, and then shot Sonny so that Sonny could eat his spinach and beat up Bad Guy.

Show, you can stop trying to make Valentin happen as Most Feared Cassadine Evah. That three-second fight with Sonny and Jason sort of disproved it.

  • Love 6
7 minutes ago, NutmegsDad said:

It's too smart for Show. I've lost track of Paul's Moral Alignment, and I think they're spinning a wheel to decide what he is these days. He was answering to Fluke and then killed whatshisname for his daughter for retcon, and then shot Sonny so that Sonny could eat his spinach and beat up Bad Guy.

Show, you can stop trying to make Valentin happen as Most Feared Cassadine Evah. That three-second fight with Sonny and Jason sort of disproved it.

That's it!!!! It's the only explanation for this garbage they spew out. They have a big carnival-type wheel they spin to decide every single thing that happens on TFGH, and just like in real life, we always lose.

  • Love 6

I can't even remember the last time I watched-but perhaps if Paul is leaving the canvas-he can, on purpose or accidentally, take Tracy out on the way. I don't even care anymore. I so need that last little shred of attachment to GH done and over with. I'm totally good with her dying protecting Dillon or Finn or anyone else, or it just being an accident. I guess Paul being the killer explains why Tracy didn't die during her illness. I love the Qs, but without Tracy there, I don't love them enough to watch-especially since I doubt they'll ever get the storylines they deserve. If I were writing it, I would kill her off. I think it's a fitting ending for the character, because leaving town is just so lame, and leaving to chase down Luke is a fate far, far worse than death. With my luck, Jane will stay till they turn off the lights. More's the pity.

  • Love 1
56 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

Seriously. How evil can Valentin be if he didn't even try to threaten Spencer?

Why bother with Spencer, now? He shouldn't be a threat of any matter. Spencer is Nik's and SkipperBitch's illegitimate spawn. He can't inherit the main fortune. Only Nik's personal estate. Just as Alexis was never a threat to Stavros And Stefan. Illegitimate.  Helena just personally hated her and Kristina as they were reminders of Mikkos' straying. The only use in threatening Spencer would be to control Nik.

  • Love 2
12 hours ago, amaranta said:

This is the stupidest thing to have ever stupided on this show.  I can't wait (oh yes I can) for the scene where she tells Laura she's having Stavros's baby.  And Laura gets to say, "Well, so did I!  So dear daughter, are you out of your fucking mind?"

And Dante looks super thrilled.  I actually liked his facial expressions; as if he didn't recognize Lulu and she was some pod person.

And WTF would Paul's motive be?  He'll get to shout that someone at GH did something to "MY DAUGHTER SUSAN!  I had to bring the hospital DOWN!"

So, so much stupid.

Lulu has become a pod person - it's just taken Dante longer to figure it out than some others of us. 

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