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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Am I the only one who still doesn't quite buy that Ava's really pregnant?


Why then is she drinking milk when absolutely no one else is around? Why would Ava, of all people, willingly give up alcohol if she didn't have to? I think people keep looking for a twist in this part of the story when there isn't one. Ava's definitely pregnant, for now. If I'm wrong, you guys can definitely feel free to call me out. I think that Nina is going to kidnap the baby or cause Ava to have a miscarriage. I want Morgan to be the father, if only so Ava can say "Grandma Carly".


I did love the Ava/Carly scenes, because MW and LW play great together but also because Ava has never acted like Carly is anything more than gum on the bottom of her shoe. Loved her maternity dress too, very stylish. Can't really say the same about Maxie's dress. And Lulu's reminded me of something I wore back in college in the early 90's.


Ugh, Morgan don't listen to him. Hang on to your hate! And for god's sake, don't fucking thank him for a god damn thing, least of all for blaming Ava's vagina for all of your problems. He keeps getting worse and worse.


Dante looked really good in his suit. I can't believe we're still stuck in baby hell with them.


Nathan's so considerate, not wanting to be rude and selfish on Maxie's wedding day. You know he's actually too good for this town, as Mac kind of pointed out. I can tolerate (meaning not fall asleep) to Mac in dad mode, but that's it. The rest of his life is like Ambien to me.


Damn, I've severely lessened on my Franco hate in his scenes with Nina. I wouldn't mind some Franco/Ava scenes either.


Monday looks completely boring.

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Completely ridiculous that Levi would rob someone on his wedding day, unless he has a partner. Felicia was stupid to give the name of the guy that she gave the necklace to, but she was never very smart.

I can't believe that the Franco/Nina scenes are pretty good. I really thought two overacting crazy people would tank in scenes together but they are calm and have pretty good chemistry.

Sonny needs to go away. Is he serious with blaming Ava for crypt sex? Ava was upset about Kiki/Morgan- what was Sonny's reason?

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I did love the Ava/Carly scenes, because MW and LW play great together but also because Ava has never acted like Carly is anything more than gum on the bottom of her shoe. Loved her maternity dress too, very stylish. Can't really say the same about Maxie's dress. And Lulu's reminded me of something I wore back in college in the early 90's.

It's Michael Kors.  I don't think he makes it in maternity but I could be wrong.

It's not just Sam, either - Franco killed a lot of people. It's particularly jarring to now hear that RH was potentially eyed to play Dr. Tom Hardy, or a Quartermaine cousin - all roles he could've done, and done well. But none of those characters would've been "Todd"-like.


When Matthew Ashford was essaying the role of Tom Hardy, there were some pretty heavy hints laid down that Tom had a dark side, so casting RoHo in the part and making the character an anti-hero would have worked out perfectly.


I dunno what they're going to do with this baby.  They can't tock it right after Gabriel and neither Sonny or Morgan would benefit from this baby being around.


Which is why tocking Gabriel was such a butt-stupid idea.  I wouldn't hurt the character of Patrick to have another child, but the last thing the GH canvas needs is another fucking Corinthos.


I'd be okay with ME and RoHo getting reboots and new characters.


I would be okay with that too.  Silas could have a long-lost identical cousin or something show up and lo and behold he turns out to be a cop, and it could turn out that Franco isn't really Franco but Scott and Janet's son who had a breakdown for some reason and assumed Franco's identity. 


The Kiki problem, however, would remain...

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Robin in her lab coat and silly geometric haircut reminds me of Duke's protégé Ching "Honey" Huanin in the cartoon Doonesbury. (The character is based partly on Mao's interpreter when meeting with Nixon).


Felicia is a picnic that is few sandwiches short, a real dumbass for the way she deals with her priceless Aztec jewels and her daughter's wedding. That ring looked like a cheap painted metal carnival prize, and the earrings were nice but ordinary if you know anything about the stunning turquoise, silver, alabaster, citrine, aventurine, azurite, carnelian, amethyst, chrysoprase, hematite, lapis lazuli, dino bone, jet, jasper, jade, ivory, and artisanship that can be found in Native American jewelry. The anvils were really flying as Levi got ready to marry half of the Aztec fortune and stole the other half, which is probably hidden in Maxie's luggage.


The show still has baby rabies: Ava is wearing some awkwardly fitting stomach stuffing, and Lulu is tuned up like a concert piano for baby implantation. If Lulu is implanted, raise your hand if you're already suspecting that she will have some kind of inappropriate sexual contact (such as rape or infidelity) to fog up the paternity status.


Lulu is implanted, raise your hand if you're already suspecting that she will have some kind of inappropriate sexual contact (such as rape or infidelity) to fog up the paternity status.

I don't think that's possible.  The remaining embryo has already been mixed with Dante's junk and is ready to implant, so paternity is a given, no matter who else Lulu has relations with.  Plus she has no more eggs in her basket thanks to Stavros' deep freeze so there would not be a second embryo no matter what.  

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I dunno what they're going to do with this baby.  They can't tock it right after Gabriel and neither Sonny or Morgan would benefit from this baby being around.




I've had the same thought. Would Cartini tock the Ava/Corinthos baby? or the Dante/Lulu baby? Sonny doesn't need another child, period. Giving Morgan a child this soon makes no sense & Cartini wouldn't know how to write it anyway. Dante/Lulu really do not need another kid at this point either. No one else in their age group has kids (Maxie doesn't have custody of Georgie) yet they will have two! Where does that leave them story wise.


The other problem, which has been a problem since Guza went on a killing spree killing anyone that wasn't a Corinthos is either child will be related to the Corinthos' family.  So at some point you would have Spencer, Joss (her Spencer blood makes her related to Rocco & Embryo), Rocco, Ava baby and/or Embryo all in the same gene pool. 


This is why the baby rabies needs to stop on this show!

Edited by BestestAuntEver
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I dunno what they're going to do with this baby.  They can't tock it right after Gabriel and neither Sonny or Morgan would benefit from this baby being around.



This is Carlivati, he won't have any fear in tocking it.


I'm rooting for an unprecedented three tocks in a row if Lulu's embryo takes.


Is the Outback really doing so badly that Felicia has to sell Aztec artifact jewelry to buy a freaking camera? Lazy writing. 

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Is the Outback really doing so badly that Felicia has to sell Aztec artifact jewelry to buy a freaking camera? Lazy writing.



I'm just fan-wanking this crap by believing that canon is intact and Felicia donated her family heirlooms to the Mexican government as was firmly established in the original story and the items she has now are reproductions. That way my head doesn't explode when she trades ancient artifacts for embarrassing photos.

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Where does that leave them story wise.


Lulu has no story anyway—I gave an epic eye roll when she talked about the "slow season" for the Haunted Star: really, Lulu? When was the last time you mentioned working there?—so she might as well have another baby. Dante will always have more story because he's connected to Sonny and he's a cop.


I don't see Ava's baby long for this world no matter who the father is. I don't know why she hasn't told Morgan that Sonny is going to kill her after the baby is born. Morgan finds that out and he can squeeze a promise out of Sonny not to hurt her. We know Sonny's promises are worth squat, but it adds something to the Sonny/Morgan relationship.


I'm just fan-wanking this crap by believing that canon is intact and Felicia donated her family heirlooms to the Mexican government as was firmly established in the original story and the items she has now are reproductions.

Felicia said she donated most of the heirlooms to the Mexican government but was allowed to keep the necklace, earrings, and ring.

I'm rooting for an unprecedented three tocks in a row if Lulu's embryo takes.


Is the Outback really doing so badly that Felicia has to sell Aztec artifact jewelry to buy a freaking camera? Lazy writing.

That was my thought yesterday. Is Felicia a broke college kid, sleeping on her friend's couch and trading family heirlooms for shit? I totally forgot about that whole exchange with the reporter after the NB.

Will anyone (Felicia or Maxie) find it odd that the guy got robbed right after she told that story to Maxie and Levi?

Felicia "sold" the necklace to that reporter in exchange for him not printing a story about Lucy.  


Thanks, @Tiger. Shockingly, I must have zoned out for that part of the conversation. 



Will anyone (Felicia or Maxie) find it odd that the guy got robbed right after she told that story to Maxie and Levi?


Definitely not Felicia or Maxie. Mac will, if he finds out about it, and probably even Nathan. There's something wrong when Nathan is one of the smartest people in the room. 

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And yet, Ron has a history of doing this with even younger characters, so I'm not sure that would stop him. And since when has anything Ron ever written made sense?


My fanwank(hope) is that the baby will be Morgan's but in fear of her life Ava skips town with said baby never to be heard from again. Then the werewolf can just go on about his business and it won't be brought up again for YEARS that he even has a child until oh say 3-4 years from now when a bratty teenager shows up and says hi dad I'm <said baby's name>

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Will anyone (Felicia or Maxie) find it odd that the guy got robbed right after she told that story to Maxie and Levi?

Of course not. Even when Nathan tells them he has a positive ID it was Levi, they'll accuse him of always having it in for poor put-upon Levi. Mac, on the other hand, with his glorious Levi hate, will believe Nathan immediately, but will also be accused of bias.

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Lulu has no story anyway—I gave an epic eye roll when she talked about the "slow season" for the Haunted Star: really, Lulu? When was the last time you mentioned working there?—so she might as well have another baby.


Plus she said the slow season was winter. I'm not that great at math, but when I calculate 9 months after August, I come up with May. 

The Aztec Treasure story could work if Levi, turns out to be working for Anna Donnelly or Sean's son (What was his name he was the bar tender at the Outback. I think he sang and no it was not Miguel) since Sean was after the gems himself at first. This then sets the same kind of redemption arch for Anna Donnelly as we had for Sean back in the day and moves Maxie into the adventuress mode al la her mother with the same kind of general flightyness


Oh wait this will never happen on Ron's Spoof of GH

I don't think that's possible.  The remaining embryo has already been mixed with Dante's junk and is ready to implant, so paternity is a given, no matter who else Lulu has relations with.  Plus she has no more eggs in her basket thanks to Stavros' deep freeze so there would not be a second embryo no matter what.


Unless!  Lulu suffers a miscarriage, but, what with all the hormones, etc. she'd been taking, she starts producing eggs again.  Of course, she and Dante had continued to enjoy marital relations in the early days of her pregnancy, but if Stavros enters the picture and has his dastardly way with her... 


I've great doubt this is possible in the real world, but this is the GH world, where deep freezes don't kill a woman but make her infertile and Maxie can get pregnant again on virtually the same day she miscarries another baby.  For the record, I don't want to see any of it, in any of its variations.

The only thing I have to say about the past week's episodes is that when Victor appeared in the doorway of Robin's lab wearing a periwinkle suit and with a George Hamilton tan, for the briefest of moments I legitimately thought he was Epiphany.


And with this comment you now live in the permanent Hall of Fame of Funny!  If he'd started belting out "Climb Every Mountain", that would have cinched it.


Although, with that incredibly bad hairpiece, I also thought he looked like a recently-excavated-from-the-grave Englebert Humperdink.

Edited by boes
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I don't see Ava's baby long for this world no matter who the father is. I don't know why she hasn't told Morgan that Sonny is going to kill her after the baby is born. Morgan finds that out and he can squeeze a promise out of Sonny not to hurt her. We know Sonny's promises are worth squat, but it adds something to the Sonny/Morgan relationship.



I think because if she told Morgan the truth she'd also have to tell the truth about Connie, at that would get him off her side possibly.

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Mac, on the other hand, with his glorious Levi hate,



Seriously, show, just like once a week or so, until that abomination is off my screen, can we get Mac, Nathan, and Dante hanging out at the bar ripping on him?  Now that Mac's saddled with him as a son-in-law, you KNOW he's going to have tons of "oh, and get this shit..." kind of stories to share over a few beers and a game of pool. 

  • Love 9
and moves Maxie into the adventuress mode



But another 'whose the daddy' pregnancy story would serve better as a distraction while Ron's favorite one-life-to-livers are given yet another chance to try to mesh with the veterans. Another month goes by and I still have no idea how RH is trying to play Franco.  He has better chemistry with a character that no one cares about than a main staple of the show.  Kiki's energy is twice the level of others in her scenes and ME continues to bore despite having characters created for him - taking up chunks of screen time.  I can't stand the mob stuff, but at least Julian and Ava and Jordan are turning out compelling soap-actor-level performances.

Edited by sunnyface
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But another 'whose the daddy' pregnancy story would serve better as a distraction while Ron's favorite one-life-to-live are given yet another chance to try to mesh with the veterans. Another month goes by and I still have no idea how RH is trying to play Franco.  He has better chemistry with a character that no one cares about than a main staple of the show.  Kiki's energy is twice the level of others in her scenes and ME continues to bore despite having characters created for him - taking up chunks of screen time.  I can't stand the mob stuff, but at least Julian and Ava and Jordan are turning out compelling soap-actor performances.

And therein lies part of the problem. Ron is writing a soap for himself (and yes many writers do that but not to the extent of Ron) or better said a spoof for himself. And as in a spoof sometimes we stumble upon something that is compelling or good but often it is just shlock. We have no idea how RH is playing Franco because RH has no idea how he is playing Franco: with Sonny he is cold and almost Todd like, with Spencer he is in comedy mood, with Carly he is trying to be romantic and failing, with Ava and Nina (god help us NINA!!) he is showing soap chemistry.


I wonder if on some level his performance, as well as that of KA, ME and even MB is the fault of the directors, the shows budget and Frank more than Ron.


Does no one on set ever say to KA, "Hey Kris, you know the Lady in the hospital room is suppose to be dieing could you stop making goo-goo eyes and look sad?" or "Maurice let's do that again and this time pronounce each word." Or "Mike, Mike, Mike could you pretend to be an actor? Look interested " and mostly "Roger can you just play One character consistently, Franco has too many faces."


Is the budget so tight that the director is simply on set to have their name on the screen?

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I have to agree about the Franco/ Nina chemistry, but then they are soap operas most animated duo thus far and I must admit that when they're together. I haven't been hitting the FF button as much. However I find the Lulu/Dante story very boring, as with all the other mob crap. Not compelling one iota!! Just line them all up in a triangle, and push Nina in her wheel chair like a bowling ball, and knock them all over. If I see Robin one more time in a white lab coat in a sterile environment with a clipboard and pen, I think I will scream while Patrick once again oozes buckets of tears and Emma says "Daddy, why does Mommy keep leaving us to save the world? "

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They have been dressing Roger Howarth like the fifth-year hackysack guy on the university quad since at least November. It's baffling, whatever it is they're trying to go for here other than 'hey, he's a sensitive guy, he's not so bad!' I dunno who calls it "Gentle Farmer Franco" but that cracks me up every fucking time.


I swear, next episode if they have him walk in in one of Duke's kilts with a straw hat on and holding a hoe* because he just came in from gathering the hay, I will not be surprised.


*[insert "he already did hold a hoe, he had his arm around Carly" jokes here, because I know one of you are going to do it :p]


KERLEYQ, ON 10 AUG 2014 - 03:12 AM, SAID:

Seriously, show, just like once a week or so, until that abomination is off my screen, can we get Mac, Nathan, and Dante hanging out at the bar ripping on him?  Now that Mac's saddled with him as a son-in-law, you KNOW he's going to have tons of "oh, and get this shit..." kind of stories to share over a few beers and a game of pool.



That reminds me, why were Dante and Lulu all "well, we have to go and support Maxie."? (Rhetorical question, I know why, because they live in Port PlotPointia.) Out of all the people around Maxie they are the most equipped to say, "hey Maxie, remember when you faked having our baby last year? THIS IS ALMOST AS BAD, DON'T DO IT." So stupid. Maybe they both figure nothing will penetrate that empty box she calls a brain.

Edited by ulkis
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Another week coming up with nothing compelling coming up.  When is something important going to happen? When is Nic going to haul Spencer across his lap and blister the manipulative little princeling's spoiled bottom?  When is Mac going to wise up and run Levi's prints to find out who this jacknapes really is?  When is Nina going to set her vengeful eyes on Ava? When is Michael going to learn what Sonny has done and Carly has encouraged?  For goodness sake, let's get the show on the road. Forward movement, please. 

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