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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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6 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

He's not actually sorry about anything he did, he's only annoyed it's preventing him for being with Liz at the moment.

It's exactly how they write Sonny—he's only sorry because he got caught and it interferes with whatever he's got going on. I wish the show would acknowledge that Franco acts like a creep much of the time and not have him get all pouty about it.

Aaron was really smarmy with Carly and Sonny. "Golly, Mr. Corinthos, you're so wonderful.: Ugh.

Nathan, attempted murder has a statute of limitations, one that has passed for you shooting Griffin. You're a police detective. You should know this.

LOL at Sonny's expression when Carly mentioned Joss's kidney case instead of listening to Sonny's blathering. But Carly, B+ is not an unusual blood type. It's not the most common, but it's hardly rare.

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, RedRockRosie said:

I'm hoping you meant Hayden, not my Tracy! ;-)

No, I meant my (and your) Tracy.  I might eventually watch her stuff this week, then again, might not. Truthfully? I don't want to, I'm mentally pretty over it all. But I love JE. So, I might. Haven't decided. Would love it if she would just retire this fall-and I would want Tracy to die helping someone(preferably one of her boys, not Lizard man), rather than leaving town with Puke or in any other way, TBH.


Seriously, Freako jams the elevator while giving Liz a mean look, then strips off his jacket, watching her with a mean stare, and hangs it over the elevator camera. At that point, I would be screaming my head off for help, or trying to get to the alarm button on the elevator. Liz acts mildly surprised. Then when he starts berating and questioning Liz and she tries to answer, he rudely turns her questions back without answering hers. His message is " I'm in complete control and I do not respect your boundaries".

Given his past history (at least as a SERIAL KILLER) and her distaste for Freako as a co-worker, Liz ought to be trying to climb out of the top of the elevator by now. She should not tolerate Freako, and she should not exchange one word with him. Scream and don't be a victim, Liz. I guarantee that most people in the hospital who hear you will understand.

Someone upthread said "He's not actually sorry about anything he did, he's only annoyed it's preventing him for being with Liz at the moment." Very true.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 3
42 minutes ago, Lillybee said:

Why did Sonny give the job managing his newest Sonnybucks café to Aaron? Didn't he already give it to Morgan? This could give Morgan another reason to pout. Can't the writers remember what they wrote a few weeks ago?

I thought that Morgan got a bricks-and-mortar cafe, whereas Aaron got a "food cart". Food carts are a big cultural point of our city here, because unlike a brick building they can be moved to different venues for sports and concert events, and customers don't have to be accommodated with china, tables, glasses, waiters, etc. Food carts don't take a large capital outlay, compared to a stationary building and ordinary restaurant plan. So by helping Aaron Sonny is providing and extending his franchise without risking much if anything on smarmy Aaron.

Edited: I believe that Aaron's enterprise was said in the beginning to be a food truck, but the real thing looks like a shack at least.I'm still thinking it is a trailer, and thus may be simply a semi-moveable food truck.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 1

The one thing about Liz in the elevator is that you can argue that she really wasn't being a willing victim. She kept her cool and I thought that BH did show a flash of fear/uncomfortableness when Franco stopped the elevator and covered up the camera. Freaking out in a potentially scary situation(being stuck in a closed box with an actual serial killer qualifies as a scary situation) is not always the best way to handle the situation. 


They really are going to make Jax the big bad kidney stealing dad here, aren't they? *sob*  How in the world will this explain how Jake was kidnapped and hidden? If Jax knew that he was paying for an illegal kidney, then how the hell did Jake get involved? I know, I know, REASONS! HELENA! Jax looking into the black market, i would buy. Since he and Carly were increasingly desperate. But Liz asked that her son's kidney be given to Joss, since he was a match for her. No payment needed. It makes no sense what so ever.


  • Love 8
1 hour ago, ulkis said:

I've been there for a while now with the "just do Nik and Liz, I give up" thing. After turning into a psycho about Jason, and Franco, Nikolas would be a step up. 

And this will show the depth of my hatred for Niz - I'd rather deal with her with Franco.  Niz was the worst, and, romantically, BH and TC had anti-chemistry.  God do I wish they'd kill Franco and bring RoHo back as someone, anyone else to pair her with.  Because, dammit, they have chemistry, and I hate that they do.  Just reveal he's not really Franco, show.  Come on, work with me here.  

Now, if they're really going to go with Jax stealing a kidney for Joss, wouldn't that mean that he knew Jake wasn't dead?  Because why would he be out trying to find a black market kidney when they thought they had one for her?  If Jax knew Jake didn't die, then we know where the AJ Express Bus headed after it got done driving back and forth over Liz to prop the Holy Hitman and his Kidnapping Accomplice* wife.  It had to swing around and take out Jax to prop up the Moobster and that Cujo Beast Jax should have never married or reproduced with.  

*And this is why Franco kidnapping Aidan isn't a deal breaker for a Liz/Franco pairing.  On this show, that shit isn't a romantic deal breaker.  I assume the attitude in the writers' room is "well, every kid in this town gets kidnapped, it's just a right of passage.  No need to hold a grudge unless the kidnapper is AJ, because fuck that fat bastard."  

  • Love 10

I am absolutely flabbergasted at what they are trying to do with Franco.  Seriously.  Are we supposed to forgive him and forget the shit he did?  If we are, then maybe they shouldn't have him cover up a camera with his shirt, THE EXACT SAME WAY HE DID BEFORE HE ASSAULTED SAM.  I just.....don't.....get.....it.  It was a gross call back.   Which is it show?  Do you want him as a viable option for Liz?    Not to mention the fact that she KNOWS that is exactly what he did to Sam.  She saw the tape.   And we go from that to her declaring she has feelings for him??  Seriously, WTF?  Liz sucks, but even she doesn't deserve this shit.

  • Love 22
8 hours ago, ulkis said:

Except I don't think the writers get that Franco being an ex serial killer/rapist is not the only thing that makes him such a crappy character. They can acknowledge all day long that he used to, you know, rape and murder, but there's still the nervous babbling that is supposed to come off cutesy even though the man is 45, the unfunny antics, the weird faces he makes when he yells, the weird storylines he gets. Package it up with the fact that they're writing these qualities for an ex serial killer/rapist, and tie it up with on top of it all, he calls himself freaking Franco Baldwin, and it sums up the mess that is Franco. 

I wonder what percentage of this can be blamed on RoHo's terrible acting. I choose to believe the facial tics are all him along with some of the *clever* dialog that he's probably ad-libbing. 

I have to wonder if the writers are trolling in regards to Freako. The only alternative is that they're so incredibly brain dead that they actually think they (and Ron) have successfully turned him into a viable character who the audience should root for and feel sympathy towards. Like, how could anyone serious think the elevator scenes were a good idea. 

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, KerleyQ said:

And this will show the depth of my hatred for Niz - I'd rather deal with her with Franco.  Niz was the worst, and, romantically, BH and TC had anti-chemistry.  God do I wish they'd kill Franco and bring RoHo back as someone, anyone else to pair her with.  Because, dammit, they have chemistry, and I hate that they do.  Just reveal he's not really Franco, show.  Come on, work with me here.  

Now, if they're really going to go with Jax stealing a kidney for Joss, wouldn't that mean that he knew Jake wasn't dead?  Because why would he be out trying to find a black market kidney when they thought they had one for her?  If Jax knew Jake didn't die, then we know where the AJ Express Bus headed after it got done driving back and forth over Liz to prop the Holy Hitman and his Kidnapping Accomplice* wife.  It had to swing around and take out Jax to prop up the Moobster and that Cujo Beast Jax should have never married or reproduced with.  

*And this is why Franco kidnapping Aidan isn't a deal breaker for a Liz/Franco pairing.  On this show, that shit isn't a romantic deal breaker.  I assume the attitude in the writers' room is "well, every kid in this town gets kidnapped, it's just a right of passage.  No need to hold a grudge unless the kidnapper is AJ, because fuck that fat bastard."  

Writers: Why on Earth would Jax be ok with Jake being kidnapped? For Pete's sake, the man would send Liz flowers on their dead baby's birthday! BTW, thanks again Carly with your shitty driving skills! Stupid hell beast. I have a god damn hard time believing that Jax, JAX would willingly go along with ELIZABETH LOSING ANOTHER CHILD! No. JUST no.

As for RoHo, I would happily have it come out that Heather was just wrong. Robert Frank was not her son with Scott. But this guy really is. Just have it turn out to be some big Franco twist. He brainwashed Heather's real son into believing he was serial killer Franco. Why? Why does anything happen on this crap show, REASONS! Works for me. Makes as much sense as Anna thinking Sonny is the best and crime boss Duke was some sort innocent lamb. Or Dr. O not being in jail, but instead being Liz's boss after she fucking shot Liz in Liz's own damn house! Or Sonny getting an actual get out jail free card for tossing a bomb away from a politician's daughter. A girl we haven't heard about since. If Michael Easton can have half a dozen different characters, we can deal with RoHo getting to be someone new.

Edited by stlbf
  • Love 7
5 hours ago, dubbel zout said:


5 hours ago, dubbel zout said:




Aaron was really smarmy with Carly and Sonny. "Golly, Mr. Corinthos, you're so wonderful.: Ugh.


I keep hoping Aaron is working undercover for the Feds or somesuch, because, goodness knows, the locals aren't interested in investigating Sonny, let alone bringing him to justice.  But if this unctuous, ingratiating persona of Aaron's is straightforward and genuine, wow, Writers.  Wow.  Way to be boring and unimaginative.



When FH comes back, I hope we get Real!Anna back, and not Pod!Anna.  Y'know, someone who'd be interested in getting justice for all the people Sonny killed and not just justice for her boyfriend.



Are we in for a game of beach blanket bingo with Dillon and Kiki and Darby and Morgan?  Could be fun!  Dillon want Kiki, who wants Dillon but is convincing herself she wants Morgan, who cheated on her with Darby, who just wants to have sex she doesn't care who with!  Who am I kidding?  It won't be fun, but I'm in as long as it ends up Dillon and Kiki.

Edited by Fellaway
Sorry for the big, airy spaces! For some reason, I can't edit them out.
  • Love 8

Between Sonny and Franco, yesterday's episode was unwatchable and disgusting.  Did someone actually watch what they put up on the idiot box?  Trying to equate any type of sympathy for a rapist - from someone who was raped; along with watching a violent thug bestowing gifts with money obtained through violence is not what is left of the soap opera watching demographic is into these days.  Sonny and Franco will have this viewer on the lido deck for shuffle-board at 2 PM if this keeps up.

  • Love 3
16 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

That's pretty typical. Remember when Jake's death was all about Jason's man pain, and Liz was basically an afterthought? The wimmins can't drive a story. A man always needs to be involved.

Or when Sam's sexual assault was all about Jason and how Franco was terrorizing HIM?

From what you guys have been saying about the last few days, I have a serious lack of motivation to catch up.

  • Love 8

I think if they were determined to do Franco/Liz, they'd have been better off with something that looked more like early Jason/Liz. I always thought part of the appeal for her in that relationship was that she got to save him. Instead of having the kidnapper/rapist/serial killer menacing his love interest in an elevator while constantly overstepping bounds with her mentally disturbed son, it would've been nice if they'd opted for something that placed Liz in a position of power

  • Love 9
1 hour ago, Oracle42 said:

I think if they were determined to do Franco/Liz, they'd have been better off with something that looked more like early Jason/Liz. I always thought part of the appeal for her in that relationship was that she got to save him. Instead of having the kidnapper/rapist/serial killer menacing his love interest in an elevator while constantly overstepping bounds with her mentally disturbed son, it would've been nice if they'd opted for something that placed Liz in a position of power

I think thats a great point to make. Unfortunately, at least for me, the tail end of the Liaison/Jakeson mess repulsed me to the point of associating Liz-trying-to-save-a-man with just more of her desperate attempts to hold onto something, to feel safe and secure and wanted. I think BH gave an awesome side-eye in today's show, when Franco was first hanging his shirt on the camera. I think Liz realizes that his behaviors and motivations are off; she's just doing her usual push and pull thing anyways. But I can kinda dig the fact that she's being pursued this time. Its a nice change, and Franco has the same type of intensity that drew her to Nikolas (just wrapped in much, much weirder packaging, SL-wise).

I feel like Liz could have that position of power with Franco, if they let her have some agency again. I wouldn't believe that in any scene with Jason. I'd believe that with Nik, but we're not even done with the ridiculousness of Liz fighting with Hayden while Nik is off galavanting with Ava; no need to insert Liz into any more girl-fights. 

  • Love 3

I don't get why Curtis was acting like Griffin being a priest and a doctor was something nefarious. It's weird, definitely, but it's not illegal or anything. And what business is it of Curtis's why Griffin is being a doctor right now? (Did something happen in the first 10 minutes of the show? Obama's remarked preempted those.)

Ugh, Darby. She's awful, but Morgan is just as responsible for what happened. I wish she'd smacked Dillon when he grabbed her and kissed her, but of course she's into that.

  • Love 5
27 minutes ago, dubbel zout said:

I don't get why Curtis was acting like Griffin being a priest and a doctor was something nefarious. It's weird, definitely, but it's not illegal or anything. And what business is it of Curtis's why Griffin is being a doctor right now? (Did something happen in the first 10 minutes of the show? Obama's remarked preempted those.)

Griffin did nothing. He was just, I think, the very first step in Curtis's very special super double-secret investigation for Nina. Apparently there's some sort of condition indigenous to the residents of Port Charles that causes them to get upset when a priest doesn't announce himself as such the minute he enters town, kind of like the way vampires avoid sunlight or abused animals cower when they see a raised hand. The folks there  don't want to risk having their souls saved. 


Loved the way Sam and Jason basically ordered the Lonely Fisherman out of the house that they don't own. 

And I really do love Ava. She can always be counted on to be looking out for herself. 

Edited by rur
  • Love 5
20 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Nathan, attempted murder has a statute of limitations, one that has passed for you shooting Griffin. You're a police detective. You should know this.

This s Det. Plywood after all.  I'm surprised he can walk and chew gum at the same time. Not that he HAS to, he's fab eye candy even without opening his mouth.



I keep hoping Aaron is working undercover for the Feds or somesuch,

I called that out after his second appearance. Something nefarious about that guy.


So guys, I have the last three epis dvr'd but its starting to look like I can erase them without missing much?

Nathan can't be prosecuted for attempted murder, but he's right that he could still lose his job and/or be in serious trouble with Jordan. I realize this is PC where Anna can 'kill' someone and be exonerated, and Sonny is the town hero, but I'm pretty sure Jordan would frown on one of her detectives trying to kill someone.

loved how Laura read nik the riot act but wish she'd smacked him after hugging him. He was completely insufferable with his whining about his lot in life.

curtis, I adore you but Griffin owes you nothing. You don't even know him so you have no right calling him out on being a doctor and a priest. It's none of your damn business why he left the priesthood so STFU.

  • Love 6

It would be one thing Curtis somehow picked up the connection between Claudette and Griffin from his snooping today (in which case, excellent detective work) or if he became super jealous after Val spoke with the cute doctor priest.

But he didn't, so that was just was none of his business. Curtis didn't learn anything new for either of his two cases (Claudette and Joss; organ). We did however learn that Curtis is apparently Catholic.

  • Love 4
55 minutes ago, One More Time said:

So guys, I have the last three epis dvr'd but its starting to look like I can erase them without missing much?


Every time someone acts judgmental over Griffin being a priest I lose my mind a little bit more. It's stupid because it's not a bad thing and it's no one's business. It was particularly galling with Curtis since he has absolutely no connection to Griffin.

What happened in the last 5 minutes? Obama's comments preempted it for me.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 9
20 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

Every time someone acts judgmental over Griffin being a priest I lose my mind a little bit more. It's stupid because it's not a bad thing and it's no one's business.

I know! Everyone is always aghast, like it's the most heinous thing they've ever heard. 

16 minutes ago, nilyank said:

Then Jason looked so put out that he couldn't guess that the seemingly innocent Theo was actually suspicious as hell.

And in the preview, Sam gets threatened. Of course.

  • Love 3
35 minutes ago, Sake614 said:

loved how Laura read nik the riot act but wish she'd smacked him after hugging him. He was completely insufferable with his whining about his lot in life.

The actor is okay, but man, his voice is whiny just saying "pass me the salt". It's unfortunate.

I'm starting to think KSt and NP* at the very least, just haven't clicked, because all of a sudden he is emoting. 

*Whoops, I mean RP. Darn it, I always think his name is actually Nathan. 

Oh Claudette, you Canadian coquette*.

*took me 5 minutes to think of the alliteration. 

20 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Missed today, did Kevin have anything fun to do?

Nothing major, but he was pretty cute/dorky explaining why he arrived.

lol at the poor headboard that had to witness the 100 sam/Patrick bedtalks about Jason in the hotel lobby.

Oh, yay, Lucky* and Dante were reunited, how nice!

*Just me pretending BM is playing Lucky, don't want anyone to think Lucky is actually here.

Darn it, I like/don't hate most of the people in the room. Couldn't Theo point a gun at a room filled with . . .  let's see, who was in the room? Ava, Nikolas, Laura, Lulu, Kevin, Jason, Dante, Sam. Couldn't he point a gun at a room filled with Sonny, Franco, Sonny, Sonny, Sonny, Franco, Franco, and Nina?

"Darby encouraged all of Morgan's destructive habits." What is Hippie Kiki talking about? Was she dressed that way to pick some flowers in a meadow with Franco? And Darby is correct, Kiki is a drama queen. Nothing wrong with that on a soap but everyone's acting like Morgan is the only one who stirred shit up.

Also, I never fail to notice that there's nothing in their coffee cups. So distracting. It would be like if they put no food on the plate in dinner scenes, and just scooped up delicious forkfuls of air.

  • Love 11
8 minutes ago, ulkis said:

"Darby encouraged all of Morgan's destructive habits." What is Hippie Kiki talking about?

Oh geez, Kiki is really jonesing to get back on my shit list.  I don't like Darby (did anything happen with her and Dillon?), but Morgan's destructive habits are on Morgan.  She's a chick that hooked up with a guy who pursued her both times, end of.

It's like Maxie in Claudette's room the other day, or even back to Rebecca Budig's nyphomania when she first showed up.  If you're a woman on the wrong side of the narrative, if you're interested in sex, you're a trampy bitch.  Gross.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 6
8 hours ago, Oracle42 said:

I think if they were determined to do Franco/Liz, they'd have been better off with something that looked more like early Jason/Liz. I always thought part of the appeal for her in that relationship was that she got to save him. Instead of having the kidnapper/rapist/serial killer menacing his love interest in an elevator while constantly overstepping bounds with her mentally disturbed son, it would've been nice if they'd opted for something that placed Liz in a position of power

Bwaaahahaha! A woman in a position of power? On this crap fest show of the He Man Wimmen Haters Club? 

As for today's show, of course the last 5 minutes are interrupted. 

But Yay to Darby for not putting up with bullshit from anyone!  She is young, hot and wants to have fun with people in her set. Morgan didn't have a gun pointed at his head when he was seeing Darby. He made his own choices. Darby made hers. Her relationship with Morgan was just a fun romp for her. She isn't playing it as some long love affair gone awry. Looking at you, Lauren. And good for her to call bullshit on Dillon and his pathetic longing for Lauren while on a damn date with her. Who knew? Darby may have the healthest relationship skill sets of all in Port Chuck.

Yay for Laura and Kevin being super cute! Of course, how the fuck can Dante do anything in Greece. He has no jurisdiction there. And so far Nik is not facing any charges in the US.

Still do not care about Nathan or his problems. Or NuMaxie searching a hotel room. How stupid do they think Claudette is? Who leaves anything of value in a goddamn hotel room when you are planning some secret mystery crime/fraud/whatthefuckever. The only truly stupid thing was the framed wedding picture. Maybe Claudette has to be married to Nathan to keep some inheritance?  It has been awhile since we had to keep up a stupid MoC

  • Love 9
13 hours ago, sunnyface said:

...watching a violent thug bestowing gifts with money obtained through violence...

Yes this point really hits the bullseye. If the Show is trying to lull or lure us into thinking that blood money is laundered by Sonny's gifting it like Santa Claus in the community, that's a moral I am not willing to buy. The "Sopranos" had a couple of scenes where Carmela talks to an ethical psychiatrist who tells her that she is living on blood money as long as she is being supported by Tony. He won't even let her pay him because he would be accepting blood money. I've often thought about that ethical psychiatrist when I'm watching Sonny pass out presents on GH, and my stomach turns.

  • Love 9
4 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

Also gross, if a man is sexually aggressive, like when Dillon grabbed Darby and kissed her, women are turned on by that.

I was okay with that. Darby said "prove to me that you're into me and not Kiki." That seems like a pretty obvious invitation for Dillon to make a move. It's not like with Lulu where she made it 100% clear she was not into him and he kissed her anyway.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, ulkis said:

Oh, I meant to say, the whole town knew where Nikolas would go. Good job Nikolas. At least get some frigging guards.

Seriously, way to stay off the radar, "Mr. Carradine". 

Previews...I want to be excited we're going to see Lucas and I'm hopeful his disavowing of Julian will lead to Tony mentions.  But knowing this show, he'll end up spending the conversation propping Sonny just like Anna did.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 2

Theo dropped the fake accent. I can unclench now. 

Well, that was quick.... I hate Claudette. If she widens her giant eyes any more, they're going to swallow her head whole.

Are Laura and Kevin kind of cute, or am I drunk?

And from earlier in the week: Finn/Hayden/Tracy are delightful. Maura West's Ava is the only reason the Cassadine Island story hasn't sunk. Liz and Franco are totes adorbs (serial killer / shmerial killer). 

  • Love 10
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