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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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Guard checking into shivering Finn and saying "if you need medical help, just yell." Um, yeah, there's a big tall building with beds and doctors and medicine which you can take him,  and you can even handcuff him not to get away.

The slow march to have Julian say "I killed Carlos" couldn't be more clumsy than if Sonny meathooked Julian and had his goons use him as a punching bag while Alexis held her phone with a special Spinelli-designed app to have Julian's moans and groans form the words.

Carly has to get words of wisdom from Sonny about Morgan again, and she's still clueless.

  • Love 5
18 hours ago, Perkie said:

Welcome to Paraphrase Hospital:

Julian:  Pee on a stick

Alexis;  No

Julian;  pee on a stick

Alexis, Ok, here, now confess

Julian;  nope

You left out the Moobster mumbling about Julian in various forms of threats and apoplexy, but then again, you could modify an old Fisher Price See-n-Say with Moobsterisms and it would serve the same purpose.

  • Love 6

I don't think she's actually pregnant. Most likely Anna and Sonny conspired (ewwww) to get her access to a positive pregnancy test. I'm going to fanwank that Anna thought up this plan, because it makes me want to throw up if Sonny did.

As far as the age goes though, is it realistic? In real life, I've heard of women who got pregnant in late 40's, so I'm sure there are maybe one or two cases out there. In the soap world, nothing will top Rachel on AW, who was pregnant with twins at like 60.

  • Love 4
38 minutes ago, tvgoddess said:

As far as the age goes though, is it realistic? In real life, I've heard of women who got pregnant in late 40's, so I'm sure there are maybe one or two cases out there.

It's not realistic. A woman's fertility begins to decline much earlier than was previously thought. A 30-year-old woman who's trying to get pregnant only has a 20% chance each cycle. By age 40, it's a 5% chance per cycle. By age 50, it's essentially non-existent. A woman in her 50s can get pregnant, but it's generally an expensive proposition involving a lot of medical intervention; at Alexis's age, an unplanned pregnancy is extremely unlikely even if she and her mobster husband are constantly rutting like farm animals.

Edited by fishcakes
  • Love 7

Alexis doesn't owe Anna SHIT. Not an explanation, not an apology.  Duke and Julian were mobsters. Both did terrible things. Both women were ultimately willing to overlook/deny/ignore what those mobsters did because they loved their respective mobster.  So Alexis acknowledging her wrongs, her errors, her mistakes is fine.  But not to Anna when Anna STILL does not do the same.  And no fucking apologies. Not when, again, Anna refuses to issue a meaningful apology to Jordan, the woman she hung out to dry and basically gave no shits about when Jordan was undercover. Duke ordered a hit on Jordan! He was going to pay off his guilt by financing TJ's schooling! He betrayed AJ by giving Sonny an alibi for when AJ was murdered! Anna STILL can't admit he was a terrible human being, so NOBODY should be issuing apologies to her self-absorbed ass.

And this show needs to stop the shit of suggesting Julian never really left the mob.  He did leave. He left because he ultimately loved his family and Alexis more and wanted that life more than the mob one. He didn't miss the life, he didn't crave it, he only came back because he wanted to protect stupid Ava who got in over her head and because his own niece's life was threatened.

By Sonny. That Anna is best friends with.

Ugh. This show. This stupid, fucking show, that still doesn't know the difference between saving and strangling.

  • Love 21

I don't buy that Alexis and Julian having a baby will make them superclose and renew their love. Julian and Olivia had Leo, and we never see them cozy or reunited. The closest they've been recently is in a huddle to settle some schooling plans for Leo.

Jordan has never fallen lower in my estimation. When TJ asked her again and again why she's lied to him about his parentage, she coldly told him "I thought it best". Moreover, when he asked Curtis, all he could do was bleat "Yo' mama lurved you! She lurve you!"  But when does "lurve" excuse LIES?

  • Love 1
20 minutes ago, Vella said:

Alexis doesn't owe Anna SHIT. Not an explanation, not an apology.  Duke and Julian were mobsters. Both did terrible things. Both women were ultimately willing to overlook/deny/ignore what those mobsters did because they loved their respective mobster.

Anna is still OTT cray-cray and aiming for revenge for her Dewq. She hasn't learned a damn thing. Coaxing Alexis into wearing a wire is playing carelessly with Alexis's life, because Julian will spot it and guess the plan immediately.

Why in the name of all that is holy are we forced to witness jail visitation scenes between Heather and her SERIAL-KILLER son? And are encarcerated felons permitted to trade stocks?

  • Love 3

WTF is Alexis wearing the wire on the outside of her shirt for?






They were testing it out to make sure Anna could hear.  

In today's day and age of technology they can't make a smaller wire that isn't detectable??

So, if Mays is a victim does that mean he isnt the killer?  Or did someone come across him trying to kill the old man and stopped him?

Why is Hayden allowed to visit someone in jail with a syringe on her that wasn't confiscated by the guards?  

Edited by Perkie
  • Love 4

So, if Mays is a victim does that mean he isnt the killer?  Or did someone come across him trying to kill the old man and stopped him?

 I think in the end the story will be kinda "Ten Little Indians", Scream, etc-along those lines.  So if Mays is a victim, he could still be (one of) the killers.  But-not so sure GH is that clever. Actually,  I know they are not. Unless they are just keeping the cleverness to themselves, which I doubt.

  • Love 1

Today's on Paraphrase Hospital:

TJ:  I overheard Curtis say that Shawn is my dad

Jordan:  dude, that was like 3 weeks ago

TJ:  I had a right to know, I'm an adult, <stomps feet, has temper tantrum>


Franco:  Liz is purty

Heather:  Yeah, her dad could start a car with a rubber band and a sticker

Franco:  I have no money now that I've broken up with the rich one

Heather:  I have a bajillion dollars for plot point purposes if you want some



Guard:  I think I should call an ambulance

Finn  Nope, all good. 

Hayden:  Hey, I managed to walk right pass the guard with this giant needle and illegal drug in my purse in this well run police department


Mays:  I;m am going to talk about patients who shouldn't live if they are in pain and other nonsense that will make it look like I might be the one killing patients

Liz;  Well, that's weird.  Oh no Mays is on the floor

Franco:  Let me show up at this moment with a look on my face that could be concern, constipation or guilt, we're not sure yet.  


Alexis:  <giant wire on outside of shirt>  did you hear all that clearly

Anna:  Yes, since I'm sitting four feet from you and the wire is on the outside, not emcumbered by the clothes you'll be wearing overtop of it tomorrow

  • Love 19

The kid they used for baby TJ is cute.

TJ being mad at Jordan for being undercover was ridiculous but I can't blame him now. It really does seem like she's a complusive liar. 

Heather calling Franco baby was the least weird thing about that conversation, and yet that's what bothered him the most. And why is the light purple in there?

Are Morgan and Kiki at the Q boathouse next week? Hopefully they're just using that set and saying it's somewhere else.

If there is gonna be some Franco/Sonny/Nina/Ava/O explanation away for Julian after all this I'm gonna punch myself in the face. 

  • Love 5
17 minutes ago, ulkis said:

The kid they used for baby TJ is cute.

It took me a minute to realize you were talking about the photos Jordan was looking at because at first I thought you were being sarcastic about TJ's temper tantrum. "I drive a car! I have sex! I'm an adult!" Eh. Works either way.

I just wanted to punch everyone in the face today. Liz for being on Hayden's jock again. Nina for all that whispery, "they're going to have sexxxxx tonight." The writers for their stupid MacGyver joke. Even Julian for his assertion that he'd take Alexis back despite the terrible things she's done to him. He actually thinks he's the victim! He's making me be on Alexis's side, and let me just say that that shit is not on.

One more entry in Paraphrase Hospital:

Finn: Mmmmm, scenery.

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, Perkie said:

FrAlexis:  <giant wire on outside of shirt>  did you hear all that clearly

Anna:  Yes, since I'm sitting four feet from you and the wire is on the outside, not emcumbered by the clothes you'll be wearing overtop of it tomorrow

… and it's not like we're sitting in your home where we could plant a microphone -- or several of them … I dunno … literally anywhere.

  • Love 6

He's making me be on Alexis's side

Not me. Nothing but nothing but nothing could ever bring that about. Alexis deserves it all. Pretty sure that's a fact, thank you, John Black. Like my mama said-"you made your bed......"   Feeling sorry for Alexis at this point is like feeling sorry for someone who juggles knives, and then cuts off a finger.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, peachmangosteen said:

Except Curtis. He's virtually perfect. Well except for the fact that he actually likes Valerie.

Oh god, I forgot about Valerie. She was pretty proud of her first arrest considering that Finn practically arrested himself. Valerie was just like, "okay, I'll be out in the hall until you finish assaulting that baby."

  • Love 3

"I'm a grown-ass man now." Not usually a phrase a grown-ass man uses about himself, TJ. Also, if you're such an adult, maybe don't walk away from your mother in a huff because she's not telling you what you want to hear. How about trying to stick around and listen? That aside, he has every right to be angry with Jordan. And she could be more forthcoming.

Alexis is so dumb. You want to up the stakes with Julian? Threaten to get rid of your baby! I can't believe nobody has taken the pregnancy to its next logical...oh, never mind.

Dr. Mayes? If your patient is in such pain, how about giving him/her some pain medication?

  • Love 5

I'm glad they are assigning Valerie as a police officer since she graduated. With so few warm bodies in uniform, sooner or later Dante and Val are going to be thrown together again on the job. I can hardly wait....

Although she's prettier than ever, since Lulu reunited with Dante she has apparently regressed into being a baby-rabies robot again. I have an uneasy feeling that if the Lantes do raise the waiting embryo, unstable Nina will do a repeat of her baby-stealing MO and abscond with it. Did Nina get off scot-free last time when she returned Ava's baby?

Nina is not well. She cannot control her impulses very well, and seems highly immature still. Girlfriend needs more therapy, bad.

  • Love 4

I can't help but continue to shudder about the way Carly tore into the unfortunate Kiki, accusing her of playing with Morgan's fragile recovery and emotions. Carly needs a wakeup call about her entitlement behavior--she thinks she is entitled to lash out at anyone, anytime she wants. I realize that the world holds a lot of people with that sense of entitlement, but it is actually quite dangerous. Picking the wrong person to treat that way could have tragic consequences if they act out violently in response. Carly must have unconsciously gambled that Kiki was too young and inexperienced to react violently.

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd
  • Love 2

So Sam gets ONE text from her mother, who is accused of murder but whom Sam suspects is being set up by her father, and she's like "meh, guess she doesn't need me--I'll continue with my build-your-own-adventure holiday with Jason.  Worst daughter ever!

And a huge part of GH's problem in general.  Why is Alexis only interacting with Sonny and Anna with this stupid story?  The two obnoxious #JusticeForDuke idiots who don't care a fig about her?  One brief scene with Kristina the other day, Molly's MIA and Sam's running around Europe.  I'm loathe to say it, but at least the Corinthi interact with each other which is more than I can say for most of the PC families.

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