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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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57 minutes ago, Ladyrain said:

I know.  It's criminal.  But if that's what it takes to get JE on the screen, I'll take whatever crumbs those crumby writers toss out.  I've said it before and I'll say it again,  Jane Elliot could hold master classes in how to inhabit a character and make it REAL,  and for some reason, this show refuses to acknowledge that.  It couldn't have anything to do with ageism...could it? I wish the writers could remember what a beloved character Lila was, and at even a more advanced age than Tracy.  But they probably dwindled her screentime too, as she got older.  I can't remember. 

I think Jane Elliot likes working with the young kids of GH. Apprently, she is very friendly with all of them. It's too bad they just can't have a mature guy for her who isn't trying to dupe her. Can't she just have a mature guy who is really into Tracy but not trying to dupe, cheat or embarass her?

  • Love 5
6 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

Didn't she have her 2-second menopause "story"? And, while the character may be younger than NLG, the character still has 3 grown or almost-grown daughters. She shouldn't be able to be pregnant at this stage, I don't think. But then I remember the idiots writing this dreck and...yeah. Why not add another spawn from Alexis and a scummy/crazy loser? 

Having a woman in her 50s get pregnant after going through menopause would be one of the least ridiculous things this show has done in recent memory, unfortunately. 

  • Love 5
2 hours ago, Badsamaritan said:

Honestly, Scummy is driving me further and further away from this show. The mob is just so....90s, early 2000s. I don't understand how such a Sesame Street version of the mob and a mobster is popular with people. Did they not watch The Sopranos?? How could anyone look at Tony Soprano and then Scummy and think 'Hey, this tiny lil greasy haired dude is SUPER SCARY???!?!?!? Lawd, what I would give to have Olivia Soprano show up and make Scummy cry and pee himself, in front of ERBODY.  Fuck Maurice.

Slow clap. 

Here's one comparison. Tony is taking his daughter on a college visit. He recognizes an "enemy" who is now in the witness protection program. While his daughter is visiting the school, Tony goes back and kills the man. personally. because it had to be done. Contrast this with Sonny who has been wronged. He brings a goon and then sits and watches the goon beat up the "enemy." 

I'm not condoning violence; I'm only saying Sonny doesn't command a lot of my respect. 

  • Love 7
14 hours ago, Sake614 said:

Um, show? It really wasn't necessary to try and recreate Tyler's big ass tattoo on the new guy. The paint was so bright I thought it would glow in the dark!

I didn't even notice but this is so ludicrous. I can't believe they would spend the money to recreate TC's stupid tattoo, which as @ulkis pointed out doesn't even make sense on Nik. That is a priority to them. It just boggles the mind.

  • Love 2
11 hours ago, ulkis said:

Plus, it makes no sense Nikolas has that tattoo in the first place, the temp actor not having it is a good thing.

Exactly! There's no way that a Greek/Russian prince would have a big-ass Native American tattoo. Or a big-ass tattoo of any kind for that matter. OLTL covered up RoHo's tats for years. I can't imagine it costs that much to cover TC's, although it's a moot point now since GH never cared enough to do it and it would look odd if he suddenly didn't have it.

  • Love 3
7 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

Couple on the outs + woman gets sick + uncreative predictable talentless writers = pregnancy. But maybe we'll get lucky and Alexis will just have a brain tumor or something. 

With these writers, she'll have a recurrence of her lung cancer. Nausea will be their "tricky" way of "fooling" us.

I did enjoy Dr. O yelling that Finn had to be arrested immediately, and he calmly walks up to Valerie and holds up his wrists.

  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Badsamaritan said:

Honestly, Scummy is driving me further and further away from this show. The mob is just so....90s, early 2000s. I don't understand how such a Sesame Street version of the mob and a mobster is popular with people. Did they not watch The Sopranos?? How could anyone look at Tony Soprano and then Scummy and think 'Hey, this tiny lil greasy haired dude is SUPER SCARY???!?!?!? Lawd, what I would give to have Olivia Soprano show up and make Scummy cry and pee himself, in front of ERBODY.  Fuck Maurice.

All of the so-called mobsters on this show are a joke. Even one of the idiot third string idiot mobsters from The Sopranos would have a field day with Sonny, Ava, and Julian. 

  • Love 6
10 hours ago, ulkis said:

Out you get.


9 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

Couple on the outs + woman gets sick + uncreative predictable talentless writers = pregnancy. But maybe we'll get lucky and Alexis will just have a brain tumor or something. 


9 hours ago, WendyCR72 said:

Didn't she have her 2-second menopause "story"? And, while the character may be younger than NLG, the character still has 3 grown or almost-grown daughters. She shouldn't be able to be pregnant at this stage, I don't think. But then I remember the idiots writing this dreck and...yeah. Why not add another spawn from Alexis and a scummy/crazy loser? 

Or, better yet, for the love of God, don't. Besides, she is tied to all 3 losers via the aforementioned daughters as it is. No need for another tie.


3 hours ago, Mrs OldManBalls said:

It was the first thing that came to mind when I was watching......


3 hours ago, LeftPhalange said:

Having a woman in her 50s get pregnant after going through menopause would be one of the least ridiculous things this show has done in recent memory, unfortunately. 

You know, once I got over my immediate and involuntary gag reaction, I realized this is win-win for me.

If it happens, it may very well be the final straw that breaks this camel's back. And it has little to do with the ludicrousness of the idea considering Alexis's and NLG's age (It was painful when Rachel was pregnant on AW and second-hand embarrassing when Marlena was pregnant at nearly 60 back in 2005-ish). It has to do with Julian f-in Jerome getting another child on this show. Uncle. Seriously. Uncle.

And if it doesn't happen, then my eyes won't get eye strain from rolling to the top of my head.

So, win-win.

  • Love 4

I was startled awake during Dante and Lulu's boring baby rabies stuff by the Lucky mention.  Wonder what that was about.  Then I drifted back to sleep when they started talking about naming the baby after Nikolas.  Did they just reuse an old script and cross out Connie?

Speaking of boring, Kristina and WhatsHisName are with a capital B.  If they're just treading water until the Parker actress comes back from maternity leave, there's several other characters this airtime should have gone to instead.

Shut up, Sonny.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 8

Sonny telling Julian that Alexis is pregnant? Excuse me, but we've already watched her menopause storyline.. I mean, I thought I had seen that. Wouldn't her husband know her body better than this? Come ON, she is far too old for him to be tricked into thinking she accidentally wound up pregnant. How they can justify letting Sonny lecture anyone blows my mind.

Lucky can't come home after his brother 'died' because he is saving refugees in Africa? Please stop. I wish they had killed him off or given his character full custody of Cam/Aiden.

I'm going to have a rage induced stroke.

  • Love 7

I was startled awake during Dante and Lulu's boring baby rabies stuff by the Lucky mention.  Wonder what that was about.  Then I drifted back to sleep when they started talking about naming the baby after Nikolas.  Did they just reuse an old script and cross out Connie?

Lucky finally got a mention is this stupid Nik "dies" story. LOL at Lulu wanting to name her baby after Dikolas. What a great brother he is faking his death. I hope she yells at him but knowing these writers Lulu will blame herself and apologize to him. 

  • Love 6
5 minutes ago, lovelynn said:

Lucky can't come home after his brother 'died' because he is saving refugees in Africa? Please stop. I wish they had killed him off or given his character full custody of Cam/Aiden.

I can't expect Lucky to cross an ocean when Alexis can't even cross town.

5 minutes ago, backhometome said:

LOL at Lulu wanting to name her baby after Dikolas. What a great brother he is faking his death. I hope she yells at him but knowing these writers Lulu will blame herself and apologize to him. 

I really want Lulu and especially Laura to beat the shit out of Nikolas for this.

  • Love 5
17 minutes ago, lovelynn said:

I don't think she actually will be - but it was something Sonny said to Julian. I'm assuming he is trying to manipulate Julian into confessing. But that's pure speculation on my part and they could be stupid enough to have her actually pregnant.

I think you may be right, Lovelynn. The clip of Alexis saying "I'm pregnant" in the previews seemed more like a surprise reaction to hearing the news than a statement upon realizing the fact. But that might just be wishful viewing on my part. 

on a related note, I hate unctuous lizard Sonny more than any other version of Sonny, even the one where he stammers and mumbles so badly that I've become genuinely concerned about his medication,  and I'm really resenting the way he's being painted as the do-gooder in so many stories right now. 

Edited by rur
  • Love 5
3 hours ago, Francie said:

If it happens, it may very well be the final straw that breaks this camel's back. And it has little to do with the ludicrousness of the idea considering Alexis's and NLG's age (It was painful when Rachel was pregnant on AW and second-hand embarrassing when Marlena was pregnant at nearly 60 back in 2005-ish).

OMG! I forgot about Rachel's twins with Carl Hutchins!!! I miss that show. Maybe Felicia Gallant can come work at Crimson. Or Cass Winthrop can open a practice with Diane. 

I wouldn't complain about Alexis' menopause baby if they added a little warlock to the coven. 

  • Love 3
18 minutes ago, lovelynn said:

I don't think she actually will be - but it was something Sonny said to Julian. I'm assuming he is trying to manipulate Julian into confessing. But that's pure speculation on my part and they could be stupid enough to have her actually pregnant.


1 minute ago, rur said:

I think you may be right, Lovelynn. The clip of Alexis saying "I'm pregnant" in the previews seemed more like a surprise reaction than a statement. But that might just be wishful viewing on my part. 

on a related note, I hate unctuous lizard Sonny more than any other version of Sonny, even the one where he stammers and mumbles so badly that I've become genuinely concerned about his medication,  and I'm really resenting the way he's being painted as the do-gooder in so many stories right now. 

Ok, I have to admit that Alexis faking a pregnancy to trick Julian into confessing would be gold. But only if every one other than Julian realizes the ridiculousness of the premise.

Julian:  Watch out, lady with a baby coming through.

Nikolas/Lucas/Brad/Jason/Tracy/Carly/Lulu/Dante/Epiphany/Anna/Ava/Paul/the mailman:  But .... ummmm .... isn't she .....?

Alexis:  Shhhhh! Don't say a word! Not. one. word.


Maxie/Nina/Sam/Sonny/Scotty/Nathan/Christina/the garbage man: But how could Julian NOT realize that you're faking a pregnancy?

Alexis: Look, he still hasn't figured out that he has a dead squirrel on his head, and it's been there 6 weeks. We'll be fine.


Alexis brings home a sonogram, and it's an pencil etching of a baby in a stomach, like that woman coming home from Las Vegas commercial.


I'm telling you that the GH in my head is a very fun place.

  • Love 23
1 minute ago, Francie said:


Ok, I have to admit that Alexis faking a pregnancy to trick Julian into confessing would be gold. But only if every one other than Julian realizes the ridiculousness of the premise.

Julian:  Watch out, lady with a baby coming through.

Nikolas/Lucas/Brad/Jason/Tracy/Carly/Lulu/Dante/Epiphany/Anna/Ava/Paul/the mailman:  But .... ummmm .... isn't she .....?

Alexis:  Shhhhh! Don't say a word! Not. one. word.


Maxie/Nina/Sam/Sonny/Scotty/Nathan/Christina/the garbage man: But how could Julian NOT realize that you're faking a pregnancy?

Alexis: Look, he still hasn't figured out that he has a dead squirrel on his head, and it's been there 6 weeks. We'll be fine.


Alexis brings home a sonogram, and it's an pencil etching of a baby in a stomach, like that woman coming home from Las Vegas commercial.


I'm telling you that the GH in my head is a very fun place.

Alexis: How am I going to fake being pregnant?!?!

Maxie (holding up Pillowena): I've got you covered!  This bitch even fooled an OB-GYN!

  • Love 14
4 minutes ago, TeeVee329 said:

Alexis: How am I going to fake being pregnant?!?!

Maxie (holding up Pillowena): I've got you covered!  This bitch even fooled an OB-GYN!

Maxie:  Here, let me show you how to waddle with this on.

Alexis:  I've been pregnant -- given birth even -- three times.

Maxie [exasperated]: Yes, but have you ever been FAKE pregnant before?!

  • Love 16

Alexis is pregnant?  

Ok, option 1; 50 something Alexis, who went through menopause 5 plus years ago, is really pregnant.  Man, Nina's going to be so pissed.  And Lulu!

Option 2;  She's not really pregnant but she and Sonny cooked this up together to try and scam Julian into confessing.

Option 1 is stupid but so is having her leave her phone lying out where Julian can clearly see it, with the giant microphone logo on it, clearly showing that she's taping him, while she leads him on with 'you killed Carlos' type statements.  

Option 2; Is genius if we think that Julian will fall for it.  I know men are kind of dumb about girl issues, but surely Julian would know that she couldn't get pregnant at her age.

I'm voting for option 2.  

And I want a pony.

And a year's supply of chocolate.   

On another note, how long was Jason staring at the earing?  Yesterday's episode had him show up a the cabin in daylight but today he's still in the same spot but it's pitch black out.  

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, lovelynn said:

I don't think she actually will be - but it was something Sonny said to Julian. I'm assuming he is trying to manipulate Julian into confessing. But that's pure speculation on my part and they could be stupid enough to have her actually pregnant.

She says it in the previews to someone. But maybe the full sentence was "you told Julian I'm pregnant?" or something.

Now that I'm recovered from pregnant Alexis:

I couldn't hear a damn word that Kristina and, er, Aaron is it? what with the gravel crunching under their feet. Sounded like someone chewing cereal right next to my ear. Not to mention the screaming children and the wind. Film indoors, Valentini.

I enjoyed the Ava/Nik scenes, even though they would be better with TC.

I'm starting to think Sonny has a tent in the bushes somewhere next to Alexis' house. 

DZ looked good. First time ever someone got dressed up for the metro court even though it's supposed to be fancy apparently.

I saw Sonny lifting up Dante's tie and it looked like Sonny was going, "that tie is right on top of the spot where I shot you!"

I'm a little surprised they haven't taken this opportunity to say Olivia fled to Brooklyn because of Julian's many, many crimes. I'm serious, she's barely on. Next time she pops up just say she's back to visit Rocco.

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 7

How exactly did Nik make travel arrangements in the isolated cabin?  Telepathically?


I'm starting to think Sonny has a tent in the bushes somewhere next to Alexis' house. 

He's like that nosy neighbor that keeps dropping in.   His picture is under "smug" in the dictionary.

Too bad the nanny didn't give Sabrina some honey yogurt.

Edited by ciarra

So, not only are we supposed to think Julian is the evilest evil to ever evil and the cowardliest coward to ever coward, but, now, we're supposed to think he's the dumbest dummy to ever dumb.  (One wonders how he ever got to be a mob kingpin.)  Sure, Show, you keep working that overtime.  I'm sure there's someone out there who believes you.

Ava/FauxNicholas continues to be the most entertaining thing on the show.  Goodness knows, it sure isn't Jason and his "exciting" adventure.

  • Love 7
On 6/27/2016 at 8:33 AM, tvgoddess said:

Someone asked this on Twitter, and I was curious (and bored) enough to Google current weather in London. Low's were in the mid-50's with rain every day. So I can accept their jackets in London, but probably not in PC. At this point though, it's almost like a work outfit to me.

Yes the June weather in London is averaging in the low fifties and sixties, with 88 percent humidity. Nik and Ava are north of there, so it could be a bit cooler. For example, in the city of York the temps are slightly lower. Sam is so tiny and skinny; I'd bet she is always feeling a bit cold when most of us are comfortable. My 30-yr-old nephew is very slim and lives in London permanently. He always takes at least a light jacket, but not necessarily a leather one.

2 hours ago, ulkis said:

I couldn't hear a damn word that Kristina and, er, Aaron is it? what with the gravel crunching under their feet.

I know! We never heard gravel when other people were walking there. 

LOL that Sonny thinks he's not a coward. Shooting AJ was the definition of cowardice. I wish Alexis would let Sonny have it: His concern is not for Kristina. He wants to see Julian go to prison. That's all it is. Girl child doesn't factor into it. Neither does girl child's sister.

When Jason and the dude were fighting, you could see the wall they crashed into give. Hee.

4 hours ago, lovelynn said:

Lucky can't come home after his brother 'died' because he is saving refugees in Africa?

Maybe Lucky won't come back to PC forever, but I think he'd come back for this. It makes him look terrible that they don't give him a better reason than "he's a restless soul."

Ava and Nik are so pleased with their knowledge of everyday Latin.

Aaron (whatever Kristina's friend's name is) is awfully nosy. It's none of his business who Kristina was talking to.

Edited by dubbel zout
  • Love 5
On 6/27/2016 at 3:40 PM, Francie said:

You don't know how much I want a story where Carlos haunts Anna. Not in an angry way, just in a meddlesome, troublesome, obnoxious kind of way. Lives with her, Topper-style. Patrick Swayze to her Whoopi Goldberg. Gives her dating advice. Helps her solve crimes. He complains, he says the house is big enough for the both of them, etc., etc. Plus that's where the fates put him as a constant reminder to her not to shoot anyone, regardless of whether she kills them or not.

Sounds like a fresh and brilliant idea! Usually I can take only a little dose of ghosts in the sl, because the focus can wander away from verisimilitude and distract from the human interaction. For example. right now I think the sl has overkill with the Carlos ghost haunting Julian without a break. It's an interesting psychological twist to show a burden of guilt as an external ghost, though, so I'll allow it.

  • Love 2
21 hours ago, mybabyaidan said:

Love that Sam jumped up to go back to be with her mother as soon as she heard.  And loved the ILY exchange before she left for the airport.

It doesn't ring true for me that Goth Girl would leave the excitement and proximity of Jason's penis as well as their Excellent Adventure to go see Mama. No matter what danger Mama is in. Sam and Jason dress alike and seem like halves of the same person. Together they are dull--a dull merged couple blob. 

I hope that Nik succeeds in dropping Ava, so that she runs into unguarded Jason in Europe and manages to hook his sexual curiosity. Lightning would strike and he's be besotted. Sam would be too offguard about Mama to notice, but Carly's head explosion would be seismic and impact the Eastern seaboard.

Oh, to see Ava and Jason rev their mutual sexual attraction like a buzz saw in front of Sonny and Carly!

Edited by P3pp3rb1rd

I kind of like Kristina's guy, Aaron. The actor is comfortable on camera, attractive and sweet, and certainly fit. I just pray his ex-girlfriend who's grieving her dog is someone we never hear about again, and doesn't turn out to be Darby or some shit.


Did they not watch The Sopranos?? How could anyone look at Tony Soprano and then Scummy and think 'Hey, this tiny lil greasy haired dude is SUPER SCARY???!?!?!?

If anyone wants to see MB's general "shtick" of quiet, glowering menace done really successfully, check out Richie Aprile from the second season of that show. Now that guy was nightmare material.

Of course, the two best-remembered things about him are his final scene (I won't spoil it) and Tony barking at him, "Don't give me your f---in' Manson lamps!" when he tried to give T the staredown.  

Edited by Asp Burger
  • Love 4
26 minutes ago, ByaNose said:

I was confused with Aaron being shirtless with a towel in the random park. Where was he coming from? Was he supposed to meet Kristina there or was it accidental meeting? He's not a bad actor, good looking and in tip-top-shape. That said, he's kind of meh & boring by soap standards. 

He just happened to run into her. 

Apparently this tiny piece of green space and gravel on a hill has magic properties, the equivalent of the PC transportation wormhole, or some weird kind of gravity anomaly.  He changed his clothes and then said something about having had a change of clothes in his car because he always did because he never missed a chance to go swimming on hot days in the summer. So, either the pool is in the wormhole, or it's on its side and, due to PC magic, the water doesn't come out. 

Edited by rur
  • Love 3

I'm assuming Alexis is not really pregnant, or even thinking it, because the scene cut when she "had to tell" Sonny something. We didn't hear the conversation, which was probably, "I've been setting up acting sick to my stomach to plant the seed in Julian's mind." 

Sonny's hypocrisy about Julian's danger to Alexis was especially fun today, because only a couple of years ago he was threatening to kill his true love Carly (over the accidental Olivia shooting) if Olivia didn't survive.

  • Love 4

Aaron's ex is going to show up at some point.

Alexis thinks she's lying about being pregnant but will eventually find out that she really is knocked up. 

Lucky thinking Nik is dead but still not coming home is jut more character destruction. I like how Lucky doesn't exist where DNAJ and the other two are concerned but the writers make sure to mention him now. 

  • Love 5

Was he supposed to meet Kristina there or was it accidental meeting?

It was a "Fancy meeting you here" TV bump-in. The seedy-looking park is the new "docks," it seems. She said she didn't know he ran there. Then he said he had been texting her to offer support over Alexis (repeatedly? That isn't needy or anything), and she apologized for not responding. She's been busy sending her own unreturned messages to Parker. Love in the afternoon! 

The part I couldn't get past was when he changed clothes between scenes. He said something about having an outfit in his car, and I'm thinking, "But you were running in a park in the summer for however long and then just put a clean outfit on, no shower? Ew."

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, Asp Burger said:


It was a "Fancy meeting you here" TV bump-in. The seedy-looking park is the new "docks," it seems. She said she didn't know he ran there. Then he said he had been texting her to offer support over Alexis (repeatedly? That isn't needy or anything), and she apologized for not responding. She's been busy sending her own unreturned messages to Parker. Love in the afternoon! 

The part I couldn't get past was when he changed clothes between scenes. He said something about having an outfit in his car, and I'm thinking, "But you were running in a park in the summer for however long and then just put a clean outfit on, no shower? Ew."

I need to get my hearing checked. I thought he had been swimming and that's why he had a towel. LOL!!!

Yep....swimming was what I heard, too.  He is a cutie pie but you know we can't just have a cute & nice guy on this show.  Even Dante & Nathan have some baggage.  What's his back story ya suppose.

Still want to hear about TC.  I want him back with Ava.  They have some nice chem and slow burn.  New guy is OK but miscast as Nik....IMO.

  • Love 1

Since Jason won Trial by Combat, I guess this is the last we'll see of Evil Foppish Guy, since when Jason tells you to stay away from anything Jason or you're dead, you stay away, despite your resources and your minions. Gee, why didn't he do that with, say, Helena?

Oh, NutmegsMom figured out that the Weeping Nyad was a nod to the Weeping Angels from "Doctor Who". Ha ha.

Sonny and Alexis say that a menopausal woman is pregnant. *pause* Show will go into this direction, unless, as NutmegsMom surmised, it's actually a heart attack/stroke that mimics pregnancy.




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