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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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He did not just say "I'd rather you fatten something else" to Sam.

Dammit, I tuned in a little late and thought it was going to be a great show when I saw Sonny walk right into a Ned/Olivia hug.

Fuck you Ron.


ETA: And no Ron, it's going to take a lot more than Sonny seeing Ned and Olivia kiss to unfuck you. And stop messing with Julexis! I'm about to start swimming to the Barge. Permanently.

Edited by tveyeonyou

But at that point, Victor's goal of reviving Helena and Stavros would have been achieved and then there would be no need for secercy about secret labs, frozen bodies, etc.


And while I understand why you might speculate Robin had some negotiation power in this situation, I didn't see anything on-screen that IMO indicated she had and failed to use it.  I saw Victor say, "This is the situation.  If you help me, Jason lives.  If you don't, he dies.  End of story."


I also didn't really see Robin, as you put it, enjoying her work yesterday.  She didn't come skipping out of that lab with a big smile on her face.  She was confused to see Patrick and then concerned someone would see him or Sam.  That didn't strike me as a "Yay, I'm working on reviving frozen people!" attitude.

It didn't strike me as "Yeah, I'm so glad to see you" either.  There was a disconnect between Robin seeing Patrick, and I didn't feel anything from her that she was glad to see him.  I mean she hadn't seen him in months right?  Prior to that, give or take, she hadn't seen him in years.  I can completely understand why Patrick feels like he doesn't matter to Robin.  That came across loud and clear in yesterday's episode.  Like I said, if the situation were reversed, and Patrick treated Robin like that, many people would be livid at how horribly he was treating Robin.  If Robin loves Patrick and misses him and wants to be with him, it would be nice to see it, either in her facial expressions or her at least hugging him.  We got nothing.

  • Love 4

Regarding the question about not cross-promoting ABC/Disney by using Golden Girls and Knots Landing DVD collections (raised a page or so back): Touchstone Television, a unit of Disney, owns the DVD rights to Golden Girls, so while the cross-reference is a bit obscure, it's there. (Certainly not as obvious as the prior shout-out to SOD and General Hospital by Alexis and Molly!) As for Knots Landing, Warner Bros. owns the DVD rights, so that must have been purely a shout-out to Donna Mills. I agree with the poster that ABC's Dynasty would have been a better fit, due to the tie-in and the fact that it had one of the earlier gay main characters on TV in Steven Carrington!

Sonny hates that he hurt Morgan?  When has he said that, to Michael or to anyone?  All I remember is him yelling at Morgan to get over it already.  And Michael pulling out Sonny coming to AJ's funeral as some shining example of Sonny Corinthos, Family Man is pretty ridiculous since Sonny used that occasion to sex up Morgan's girlfriend IN A CRYPT on top of Michael's relatives.


So over all this handwringing about Alice.  And of course Monica is off-screen because why should the Quartermaine matriarch be around for a Quartermaine story, am I right?


And yet another gross pervert trying to blackmail someone for sex.  Knock that the fuck off, Ron!



Edited by TeeVee329
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Apparently Stavros is being held in a see-through egg shaped container, how fancy. But then again those Cassadines do enjoy their Faberge eggs.


So Patrick, in the midst of his little hissy fit at Robin, was actually threatening to just "pop the top" on the chamber, not caring about what that might do to whomever was inside, cray crazy evil Russian family members aside, such as kill them or destroying all the work Robin had been doing all the months she'd been away. Seriously? He's supposed to the victim here? The fuck ever.


I personally never cared if Robin was being kept captive or not, for me the very fact that Patrick makes it all about him trumps everything else to me. He's a selfish arse. Just because Robin hurt his feelings doesn't give him a pass, not when every time the shoe is on the other foot he expects what he isn't willing to give.


But Jason's dead! I don't care if it's true or not, I don't even care if this is the green light for Patrick to stick it to Sam, I will rejoice while I can. *Does a happy jig*


Funny to hear Olivia say "Not everything is about Sonny" when she was off her face drunk over him and is still "in love" with him and kissed Ned only once she saw him watching them. Shut up dummy. Why must Ned have to deal with her?


Sonny and his boys together again, they're all so awful I have no words. "Monica" is on the phone, Tracy's not around as usual, Olivia has her french tipped nails into Ned, but let's have Sonny comfort Michael and let Morgan pout face all over the damn place...I just can't, I won't, this shit isn't worth my blood pressure.


Also on another note Bryan needs to shave again and put a rush job on it, it looks like half of his "beard" was drawn on with a sharpie.


How nice of Shawn to have staked his "claim" on Jordan after nearly wrecking her entire life, this romance is just almost too much to take...


Thanks Ron, instead of sexy fun times with Alexis and Julian I get stupid-ass manufactured drama that won't even matter in a month's time.


Sam's scenes were just...no words. Not a single one.


Julian is ripping off clothes tomorrow! This doesn't fix everything you're doing to them Ron, but it isn't a bad start...why did everything get so foggy in here?

  • Love 3

The writing for "Scrubs"  is so f*ed up I don't even have the words. Thanks for throwing Robin under the bus, Ron.


Morgan snarking at Sonny and Alexis confronting Julian is good stuff. Keep snarking Morgan!


Go DIAF Shawn, and take your transparent asshat boss w/you. 


So was that dayplayer's indecent proposal to Sam supposed to make up for Fluke not being on-screen more to be gross/threatening to the women of GH? UGH RON!!! Glad Sam nailed him where it hurts.


That Morgan-Michael scene better be a set up for Michael finding out the truth soon, raging at Sonny, then disowning him.


Ned, you've been missed. And I like that he was happy to help Olivia "stick it to Sonny."

  • Love 4

Bishop, you may well be right - of course, then the writers will have to explain why Robin is acting so out-of-character.

Maybe a guard will pop up behind Patrick in the lab hallway and knock Patty on the head, and we'll all understand why Robin was like "wtf, leave now!" Or not. Maybe she's just being a jerk so the show can manufacture conflict out of nothing ... 'Cause that's kinda how this show rolls lately.

  • Love 1

But Jason's dead! I don't care if it's true or not, I don't even care if this is the green light for Patrick to stick it to Sam, I will rejoice while I can. *Does a happy jig*


Oh, Robin was totally lying.  But now, Patrick's hands will be clean if and when he and Sam start sleeping together.


The out-of-character things Robin was saying and doing should have been a big loud gong to Patrick that nothing is what it seems, but he's so wrapped up in his man pain he can't see it.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 5

So over all this handwringing about Alice.  And of course Monica is off-screen because why should the Quartermaine matriarch be around for a Quartermaine story, am I right?



According to last week's soap mag, the actress was on a cruise or something.  Another comment by these idiots that pissed me off because RC made it seem like people are always bitching about her not being on and this time it wasn't his fault so don't blame him.


So basically quit your bitching is what I took from it.


So Olivia kissed Ned to make Sonny jealous?  Didn't we already have that scene with Connie and AJ?

Edited by ch1


I honestly get that he's mad but he was being way obtuse not to pick up on the fact that she was clearly nervous and afraid.  Those scenes did no favors to Patrick.


Patrick was pretty much killed for me today. I thought he seemed kinda interesting the other day again when he was schmoozing that security guy but now they just crushed it.


Today is more proof that nothing good comes of Stavros around:


2001 - the worst storyline ever on GH


2013 - he caused Laura to use the phrase "fly away beautiful bird"


2014 - Robin looks, look I love her but not gonna lie, quite bad. I'm convinced it's due to proximity near his pod. (oh, and also there's a POD in this scene, thanks Stavros). And you know, due to the suckiness of GH wardrobe and their inability to deal with an actress who weighs more than 110 lbs.


Sam actually has chemistry with skeevy guard.


This kinda shit is why it's hard for me to give a crap about Michael's pain when the whole stuff about AJ comes out. Can't he even just say one little "hey dad I don't know why you slept with Ava but it was kinda gross?" to Sonny? Instead it's all "blah blah Morgan he's a great dad blah blah he's never gonna give up on you." (which, when anyone tells one of Sonny's kids that, always sounds more of a threat than a comforting thing, really).


Someone heal Alice already. I can't take this lamentation over a non-character.


I liked today's episode though. No Nina, no Franco, no kids, no Silas, no Kiki, Morgan and Michael too looked nice . . . good times.

  • Love 3
Oh, Robin was totally lying.  But now, Patrick's hands will be clean if and when he and Sam start sleeping together.



Oh I know, but just hearing it again makes me immensely happy. I'd love to have it on a loop playing hourly around PC, "It's 1 o'clock and Jason Morgan is still dead!".


The fact Patrick can't be bothered to read between the lines or actually look at his wife's face and read the  clear cut emotions flashing across it the whole time is just another mark against him in my book, but obviously Ron wants what he wants.

Edited by CPP83

So all that hoopla about Robin  being held against her will/threatened is for nothing. She is choosing to leave her daughter. Who cares about Patrick but to leave her young daughter, after being gone for 2 years, is gross.


Sam should have kicked him in the nads much sooner. 


I think it's obvious Victor is forcing her to stay by threatening her and her family.

Sonny hates that he hurt Morgan?  When has he said that, to Michael or to anyone?  All I remember is him yelling at Morgan to get over it already.  And Michael pulling out Sonny coming to AJ's funeral as some shining example of Sonny Corinthos, Family Man is pretty ridiculous since Sonny used that occasion to sex up Morgan's girlfriend IN A CRYPT on top of Michael's relatives.


Don't you remember - he told Morgan when he found Ava and Sonny, "I love you son. You know I hated doing this." (No, seriously, for those of you who blocked it out, that was an actual line).

  • Love 1
I think it's obvious Victor is forcing her to stay by threatening her and her family.




She's been upgraded to a karate doctor's coat (seriously, what is up with that wardrobe choice?) and I assume she's probably sleeping on more than a cot this time, plus she can Skype so a true captive she isn't. /sarcasm to the 1000th power activate

  • Love 4

Thoughts from today:

1) Ned's dimples are infinitely superior to Sonny's.

2) If Jason is not just merely dead, but truly, most sincerely dead and TPTB have managed to fool everyone with fake hires and faux leaks, then I'll go for at least a week saying only nice things about what I see onscreen.

3) The floor of an open-to-the-public art gallery where random people are always showing up for equally random reasons is not on my list of great places to unleash pent-up yearnings. I'm not sure if it's better or worse than the airplane bathroom. Is there a frustrated exhibitionist/thrill-seeker on the writing staff? 

4) I'm afraid that tomorrow's scenes will let us know that Robin had to lie about Jason for . . . reasons. 

5) Morgan should have talked about cryptsex when Michael was talking about how Sonny supported him at AJ's funeral.



I'm about to start swimming to the Barge. Permanently.


I understand. I'm being delayed by trying to determine how much to pack and which luggage would be best for the trip.

Edited by rur
  • Love 5

Oh I know, but just hearing it again makes me happy, I've love to have it on a loop hourly around PC, "It's 1 o'clock and Jason Morgan is still dead!".


As far as I'm concerned, Faison's story about Jason being disintegrated fish food under the dock is my personal canon.

I guess I didn't pick up on her being scared or whatever. Maybe if the showed Victor threatening her then it would be different. Which I hope they do for Robin fans because this story is doing nothing for her character. 


I dunno if you caught the previews, but Victor (which...yay, I heart his evil ass!) and Robin have scenes tomorrow.  So I think it's safe to say there's more going on here than Robin being, "Science, yay!  Family, boo!".

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 3
I guess I didn't pick up on her being scared or whatever. Maybe if the showed Victor threatening her then it would be different. Which I hope they do for Robin fans because this story is doing nothing for her character.



I dunno if you caught the previews, but Victor (which...yay, I heart his evil ass!) and Robin have scenes tomorrow.  So I think it's safe to say there's more going on here than Robin being, "Science, yay!  Family, boo!".


Yeah, plus while she wasn't crying in fear or anything, I picked up a lot of agitation and nervousness.

  • Love 1

You needn't pack anything for the Barge, rur. It's a cruise ship, actually, and everything is provided. :)

At least that's been my experience during my lengthy stays. I'm heading out again, as it sounds like the show has managed to jump the shark even more than it had previously, and staying for the Robin story further will just aggravate me ... Didn't think even MORE shark-jumping was even possible!

Edited by SlovakPrincess
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I took the liberty boat back in after taking a Barge Break and I watched Monday and Tuesday on record, and today live. I expected a shitshow based on comments here, and Ron delievered a bunch of crap and very few gems.


1. The writing for Robin and Patrick was poor, and the set appeared to be a studio hall leading to HR and the breakroom. I am not the huge fan of Robin others here are, but that was way weak and should have been done better. I think the actors were trying, though. I do wonder why they didn't get some spanx for her, rather than the oversized white coat.


2. Spencer, Britt, Liz, and the cardboard guy they are fighting over. I think the actors are trying, with the exception of Tyler, and props to the child actor. However, the writing has failed them badly. Very hard to watch even with FF.


3. Jordan. I like the character, and they dress her very well. I don't care for the limited sets they use for her stories. Best love scene I have seen on GH for a while.


4. The gay stuff/thing/Big Brother house (not sure what to call it, because it is one big mess). Does Ron know what he wants it to be? I kind of get a Big Brother feel like he wants to see guys get voted out. Whatever, it is not working  at all, and looks like a bunch of silly. I also get the feeling Ron is showing off that now that openly gay is okay he is going to run the nearly naked scenes into the ground.


5. Why is Sonny so hot for the writing staff that the women over 30 all are in lust to the exent that only Anna and the over 60s resist and there is surprise when one of them seeks another man? Serious question, no matter what we debate about Sonny in years past, the character sucks now and his mannerisms are annoying. I half expect a sex scene with Epiphany next.


6. Alexis finally reacts and that is how the writers handle it? Not terrible, but not worth the buildup for so long.


This kinda shit is why it's hard for me to give a crap about Michael's pain when the whole stuff about AJ comes out. Can't he even just say one little "hey dad I don't know why you slept with Ava but it was kinda gross?" to Sonny? Instead it's all "blah blah Morgan he's a great dad blah blah he's never gonna give up on you." (which, when anyone tells one of Sonny's kids that, always sounds more of a threat than a comforting thing, really).



I changed my mind in the space of an hour lol. I decided I'll cut Michael some more slack. It's only his turn to hold the Sonny praise baton after all and I hate it when Dante has to do it. BUT. He still sounded like a douche when he was like, "if you had only stayed instead of running off dad could have told you why she left." Yeah, I'd love to hear that explanation: "Well, she left because I was holding her prisoner in the house and she managed to escape during her doctor's appointment. Apparently she was mad that I kept threatening to kill her after the baby is born. [chuckles] Man, women. Right? Right?"


5. Why is Sonny so hot for the writing staff that the women over 30 all are in lust to the exent that only Anna and the over 60s resist and there is surprise when one of them seeks another man?



, if the next spoiler that comes out is "Anna and Sonny have an unexpected encounter at the Metrocourt", I'll be giving you the side-eye!

Edited by ulkis
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Yeah, I'd love to hear that explanation: "Well, she left because I was holding her prisoner in the house and she managed to escape during her doctor's appointment. Apparently she was mad that I kept threatening to kill her after the baby is born. [chuckles] Man, women. Right? Right?"


He could also mention that she escaped in a helicoptor and that he only didn't shoot it down because her baby might be his...I mean, might be his OR Morgan's.


It's so weird to me how divorced Morgan is from the Ava being pregnant angle of the story.  He's sitting around all super worried about Alice.  Dude, maybe you should worry that you might be a dad in a few months.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 2
How come no one is mentioning the "I'd rather you fatten something else" line that the guard used on Sam? I mean, ew.




Every single thing about those scenes was "ew" for me. I've lost count how many times Sam has been both physically and sexually assaulted. It's ridiculous, from her first days on GH to now she's been victimized over and over and over again and it's disgusting how they've used that character in such a way.


It's so weird to me how divorced Morgan is from the Ava being pregnant angle of the story.  He's sitting around all super worried about Alice.  Dude, maybe you should worry that you might be a dad in a few months.




Well he has grasped the understanding that if the child is Sonny's it'll be his sibling and if it's his it'll be his kid. Either way that kid is so screwed it isn't even funny, it'll have no decent parent in its' life.


Morgan is obviously too young and immature to be a parent, he can barely, wait no he can't take care of himself yet, Sonny is just a shitty person all around, he wouldn't be able to care for a cactus, and Ava, well...she raised Kiki and if that isn't the biggest knock against one's parenting ability, aside from dating the serial killer that got your son raped, I don't know what else might be.

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 3

Couple that with poor Jordan, who couldn't resist giving into her passion for the hypocritical douchebag who's been giving her shit nonstop since she came to town.  How dreeeamy.


ETA...and did Ron tweet that disgusting piece of dialogue?  Of course he did!


Ron Carlivati @carlivatiron  ·  2h
"I'd rather you fatten..." I'm sorry, I can't finish this one, it's too risqué. #GH #BadEichner
Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 3

How come no one is mentioning the "I'd rather you fatten something else" line that the guard used on Sam? I mean, ew.


She is no Magnum, PI, so it was either romance him or knee him in the balls, and the guard had to say something like that to justify the knee. Not like GH can afford a fight trainer for a scene not involving Sonny.

How come no one is mentioning the "I'd rather you fatten something else" line that the guard used on Sam? I mean, ew.


I had that same reaction, and used "indecent proposal" to encompass that line and his entire gross attitude toward Sam. Apparently GH can't go a week without a woman having to stop a disgusting advance. Ron really is a misogynist, huh.

  • Love 3

He could also mention that she escaped in a helicoptor and that he only didn't shoot it down because her baby might be his...I mean, might be his OR Morgan's.


It's so weird to me how divorced Morgan is from the Ava being pregnant angle of the story.  He's sitting around all super worried about Alice.  Dude, maybe you should worry that you might be a dad in a few months.


That angle of the story makes sense to me actually. He did mention it today, so he thinks about it, but for the most part he's repressing it and in denial. He wanted her to get an abortion, and then she refused, and then Sonny sequestered her in his house, so it was easy for him to be all out-of-sight-out-of-mind about it, especially when he didn't want to think about it anyway. I think he's trying not to think about it and possibly really, really hoping that it's Sonny's. (Although he will probably change his mind about that just in time for Julian or Fluke or whoever to kill Ava and frame Sonny for it.) I think that's partly why they had Michael say Morgan was in denial about Alice not getting a heart today - to reinforce that he's in denial about Ava's pregnancy as well.


Or it's probably just Ron only being able to do just one story beat at a time, lol. But whether on purpose or accidentally, like I said, Morgan being detached from the pregnancy makes sense to me.

  • Love 1

So today, Ron pulled a Guza. I kept flashing back to Jason seeing Sam/Ric having sex which absolved Jason of blame when he slept with Liz.

I get it Ron. Patrick now thinks Jason is "dead", so it's okay if he moves on with Sam. When Jason comes back alive & well, it will be Robin's fault. If she hadn't lied to keep Patrick, Sam & her family safe, then Patrick would've kept his penis away from Sam. He would find someone else for his penis.

I'm thinking Robin's scenes with Victor will shed light on things tomorrow.

I loved BC/Morgan's disdain for Sonny.

Micheal's blow-up & hatred of Sonny needs to commence soon.

I wish Shawn wasn't a joke or a brute because today I actually saw chemistry with SBl & VA. It's amazing what happens when you aren't strong holding someone.

I like having Ned around more than I realized I would.

  • Love 3
It will be Robin's fault. If she hadn't lied to keep Patrick, Sam & her family safe, then Patrick would've kept his penis away from Sam. He would find someone else for his penis




Thank the good lord I put my drink down or else I might have actually died laughing. And he most certainly would find someone else for his penis, because Patrick is nothing if not a giver.



If Sonny using his vast network of goons, finds Micky D's family and gets them to donate his heart, I will dog paddle out to the barge.




Hey now, if he tried to go and talk to them himself then Alice will have long died before Sonny could actually get out a coherent sentence.



Michael, Sonny is not a good father. In fact he is the worst father to ever father




But it can't be helped, he can either find a woman to give his penis to or else he can care about the kids he makes with it, but he cannot do both, Sonny is a terrible multitasker. Case in point when he tries to think while firing a gun, it's just a recipe for disaster, it's either or with him, either or. Either he says he cares about his kids or he's boinking their girlfriends, it's just the circle of life.

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 7

If Sonny using his vast network of goons, finds Micky D's family and gets them to donate his heart, I will dog paddle out to the barge.

Especially when this will cause Morgan to get on the Sonny is a good dad barge.


This gave me quite the Ben Hur-like image: seeing Sonny's puny barge in the distance, all of us on The Barge man the oars at ramming speed and crush his tiny ship, leaving nothing but flotsam (black shoe polish) and jetsam (shiny suits) drifting in the water. 

  • Love 3

How come no one is mentioning the "I'd rather you fatten something else" line that the guard used on Sam? I mean, ew.

I'm waiting for Ron to quote himself on Twitter. His narcissism is so apparent. The guy had his own portrait hung up in the gallery. I'm willing to bet he painted those monstrosities hanging on the walls now. That's his level of taste and talent. I seriously have to stop watching GH as I have lunch. Not an episode goes by that I don't taste bile when Ron thinks he's being clever and provocative. Dude you are just gross.

Holy shit he did Tweet. I would really like to bitch slap him!

Edited by Sasha

How come no one is mentioning the "I'd rather you fatten something else" line that the guard used on Sam? I mean, ew.


Is that what he said?  Ha.  I thought he said "find".   OK, so it was gross.  Sam was being coy with him, she did all but bat her eyes.  How shocking is it that the guy would ask for a little something something?  She should have said after she got the Nina file, then follow him into the janitor closet and knock him out.  Kneeing him before getting the info and then asking for his password?  LOL.  OK.

I get why Mikey is defending Sonny, after all he is the one who ORIGINALLY fucked over Morgan by stealing his wife.  So of course he doesn't get why Morgan is upset that now HIS FATHER banged his girlfriend.  Morgan has the shittiest family.


Patrick, 2 days in a row that I want to smack you.  When he went to open up the chamber without knowing who or what was in it....wow.  Just, douche-tastic.


I have no words for the fuckery that occurred between Sam and the guard.  I almost lost my lunch with the "fatten" line.  Gross.

  • Love 6
What made Sonny think that he had the right to show up



Not ONE person wants Sonny in Port Charles - let alone in their lives, except maybe Spenser.  MB sucks as an actor and serves no use as a character.  Instead of another 'whose the daddy' baby storyline; How about a 'who killed Sonny Corinthos?.


Poor Morgan.  He has been hanging around his dad too long.  Would someone please explain to him that there are ways to convey an emotion without using his hands?


That summer intern must still be writing the lines for Julian and Jordan.

Edited by sunnyface
  • Love 2

There is no excuse for Robin's lack of focus because she's telling Patrick that she wants to be with him bumt she can't be with him, and yet when she finally sees him in the flesh, her reaction is "Why are you here?" Contrast that reaction with how she was when she was still believed dead and she saw Patrick and Emma and her mother and Mac at the Nurses Ball. She was desperate to see them and she watched that video over and over again because she did miss them. Yesterday, she was annoyed. That's how it seemed to me. At this point, the marriage is over. She certainly put that nail in the coffin, and so if she's committed to Jason at this point, then that's fine, but Patrick has no reason at this point to stick around. Robin didn't show even an ounce of joy at seeing Patrick.

Because it's a false argument, and Robin has much more power than she realizes. If Victor could find another doctor, he would have already. He needs Robin. So no, I don't believe that Victor would kill Robin or her family because if that happens, then Robin has no incentive to help Victor anymore. HOWEVER, if it's true that Victor has threatened Robin, and she is afraid, that still doesn't explain her lack of empathy for Patrick or the loss of his child. It's not Patrick's fault his child died either, and wanting to have the person you love most with you at such a difficult time is not unreasonable. I had more of an issue with Robin's lack of emotion with Patrick. I certainly had no problem with what Patrick was saying to her.

Robin DOES care more about Jason than her family right now because she CHOSE him over her family. She just got back to her daughter after being "dead" for two years and then she leaves again to save Jason. When Patrick calls to tell her that Emma was in a car accident, Robin tells him that she can't leave that she's getting close to a breakthrough with Jason. When Gabriel dies, and Emma is upset that she lost her little brother, Robin still won't come home. So yeah, I can see why Patrick thinks that Robin cares more about Jason than her family. At first, I'm guessing that Patrick believed she couldn't get away, but now he finds out that she's only an hour away? At least TRY to make contact.

How do you know she can't leave? Patrick and Sam got in with no problem. Just a few references and an ID card. She could have at least TRIED to call Patrick. That's the bigger sticking point for me. Maybe she can't leave, but she can't try to get a message to Patrick? The problem with this current storyline with Patrick and Robin is that I don't see any of the desperation to get to her family like she had when she was believed dead. Robin looks very content with her work and not so much with seeing Patrick. That's what I saw yesterday, and that's what Patrick saw too.

True, but she's also not the prisoner that we all suspected either. She's walking around a medical facility, no guards at all, and that anyone can get into (see Patrick and Sam), and she's only an hour away. As for the Victor argument, I would have gone to Nikolas. Like I said earlier, Robin does have some wiggle room to negotiate because Victor DOES need her. Her skills are what's going to revive his family, and let me ask this: If Victor is going to allow Jason to live after he is "awakened," won't that expose Victor anyway? I mean, unless he plans on killing Robin, Patrick, and Jason - the three people who knows what he was doing - wouldn't the sudden arrival of Helena and Stavros make the rest of PC ask tons of questions? I mean the more you poke holes in the logic of this storyline, the more the storyline begins to sink.

I don't think that the Robin has NO negotiating room. She does. She simply hasn't used it, and considering that she was kept captive for two years already, I would expect her to be much more feisty than she is with Victor. I think you can negotiate with Victor because she's the only person who can do what he needs to be done. Yesterday came across as her enjoying the work she was doing rather than being forced to do the work. I didn't see desperation or fear in Robin yesterday, not to get out, not to see her family, nothing. She seemed annoyed that Patrick was interrupting her work.

IA, Robin basically wants marriage and motherhood via phone calls and Skype. Indefinitely. She's cool with it so Patrick, Emma should be as well. And that is Robin Scorpio to the bone. I hope he's serious about divorce and I hope he goes for full custody of Emma.

Skype that.

  • Love 2


Every single thing about those scenes was "ew" for me.

That's what I think about the Shawn/Jordan slamming up against the wall scene. It's the same scene  with  Ava/Sonny at the mortuary. I also didn't like the clothes ripping Julian/Alexis foreplay either!! Can't the writers be more creative in the "romance" department, or is it all about 50 shades of copycat grey rated pg??? I'm certainly no prude, but it's just not making me feel the love for these characters. I want romance in my soaps, and less rough stuff slobbers and heavy breathing. IMHO only.

Edited by godfreydaniels
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