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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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1 hour ago, teenj12 said:

Can that new nurse be the next dead body on this show? She was outrageously nosy, rude, and gossipy today. I think even more so than her first appearance.

Original recipe Amy was a gossip, but we also had gotten to know her -- she was good hearted; she was naive; she was perpetually young; and as far as we saw, she was capable of doing her job. 

So far all we know about Amy 2.0 is that she is a rude, nosy gossip. And that she looks scarily like Maxie. 

Here's hoping Claudette tries to kill Maxie and kills nuAmy instead.

  • Love 5

Liz was back into her deadwhite pasty Kabuki makeup today.

Freako has some nerve, chiding Jake's parents about switching his mental health care appointments to another psychiatrist. The SERIAL KILLER has no room to talk, and he is just a bystander in Jake's life. Liz never should have allowed Jake near Freako, and Monica should can his career ASAP.The art class teacher will surely have more training and expertise than that flake.

JaSam's romantic scenes are so dull, and the couple seem to growl at each other.

49 minutes ago, LeftPhalange said:

Anyways, Alexis' freakout was very ridiculous. If she were just mad that Julian rejoined the mob and lied about it that might be one thing, but she actually seems to be upset that her murdering mobster husband murdered another murdering mobster, and I just can't. She's been down this road too many times to be acting like this.

It was so campy to have her sitting there on the stairs looking like the roadshow of What Ever Happened To Baby Jane. I mean, Julian was beyond gross today with all his happily-ever-after BS, but Alexis's "except now you're a murderer," made me want to shake her for a year. He was always a murderer. So is she, for that matter. Julian is disgusting, but she deserves him.

Speaking of murder, someone needs to throw new Nurse Amy off a parapet. Original Amy was a minor character, but she was sweet and pleasant and her gossipiness made her function as a kind of exposition fairy when it was needed. New Amy is just an asshole. It feels disrespectful to Shell Kepler to have a new gossipy Amy be such an unpleasant person.

2 minutes ago, peachmangosteen said:

I'm sorry but BH's gap/missing tooth is seriously so distracting for me. Every time she opens her mouth wide enough to see it it's all I can think about lol. I loved her top and shoes. And Liz was ok today except for that fact that she's basically a terrible mother and also that she should kill Franco yet she continues to spend time with him. Liz, girl, get a life!

Aw, I love Liz's little tooth gap. I also like Robin's snaggly teeth. I think teeth that are a little imperfect are cuter than the veneered blinding whiteness that everyone else has. But yes, to everything else. Liz's clothes are the cutest (the wardrobe people obvs love her and hate Hayden) and she's a terrible mother. Seriously, when you are on the fence about having a serial killer/kidnapper be your son's therapist, then you are doing it wrong.


Sonny was enjoyable. Sometimes MB's inability to remember even the simplest of lines is such a joy.


The Sam and Jason scenes were boring, but the conversation was confusing and a pretty lame response to the criticism of how dumb this storyline has been.  "I guess the conditioning was trying to make me forget again." "Wait, what? I thought the surgery cured that." "Something something motorcycle accident." "But ..." "Helena." "But ..." "Reasons." "Good enough for me, let's make out!"

  • Love 8
3 minutes ago, fishcakes said:

Aw, I love Liz's little tooth gap. I also like Robin's snaggly teeth. I think teeth that are a little imperfect are cuter than the veneered blinding whiteness that everyone else has.

I do prefer slightly imperfect teeth to the obviously fake perfect ones. Hell, I have more than slightly imperfect teeth! But for some reason with BH it just always catches my eye. Same with LW and her snaggle tooth.

I want to thoroughly echo the hate for Amy. She is awful and needs to not be a thing immediately.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 4
1 hour ago, movingtargetgal said:

At this point my only interest in Jason's memory being restored is whether or not he remembers his life as Jason Quatermaine.  

He doesn't.  He said today remembers his life as Jason Morgan.


2 hours ago, Darklazr said:

Once again Sam gets to say she made lots of mistakes, but the fucking show will NOT allow her to list each mistake one at a time!  

Well....they only have a certain amount of airtime, why would she stand there and list every mistake?  It's a soap, she's made a lot of them. Jason obviously remembers them all it's pointless to list them.


I am annoyed by the fact that Jason remembers that he thought Danny wasn't his when he died.  So what did he think before he got his memories back?  That Sam cheated on him?  She obviously didn't tell him about Franco because of her dodging the Hawaii question a few weeks ago. Not bringing up Franco AT ALL today was kind of jarring. 

Edited by mybabyaidan
  • Love 9

Looks like an UO but I thought NLG and WDv knocked it out of the park.  Yes, Alexis was chewing the scenery a little, but how else should one behave when the truth of their husband's guilt is right in front of their face.  I also thought Julian was just the right amount of creepy when he was explaining that it was all for thier love and they can essentially live happily ever after now that two people are dead.  

Jason/Sam:  Ugh.  Could they be more boring?  Why couldn't the show have shown us the memories in flashback as he's saying them or remembering them.  It's all so boring and impersonal and did I mention, boring.

Who lets a nine year old go to a doctor's appointment on their own?  I love Liz but what the heck.  Also, Franco, if you don't immediately call her and tell her that Jake is with you, you're a bigger douchebag than I thought you were and I think you're douchebaggery is bigger than the world.  

  • Love 8
8 minutes ago, Perkie said:

Who lets a nine year old go to a doctor's appointment on their own?  I love Liz but what the heck.  Also, Franco, if you don't immediately call her and tell her that Jake is with you, you're a bigger douchebag than I thought you were and I think you're douchebaggery is bigger than the world.  

And in every other universe, the first place someone would look for a missing child would be the place he had just been told he could never go again. In fact they might even do it before calling the famously inept police. (who didn't bother to ask too much about where he'd last been seen or what had happened right before he disappeared). Someone else on this board says "the stupid -- it burns" and today I agree. 

Edited by rur
  • Love 6

Alexis has no room to talk. She conspired with Luke to kill, forget who. She killed the boy who hit her daughter. she is an officer of the court, she filed coerced papers to take Michael from AJ.,and give him to a mob boss no less. She has been a mob mouth piece .The thing I dislike her most for stealing Michael thinking AJ wasn't good enough to raise his son, then turn around and keep Sonny from his own flesh and blood.  STFU Alexis, and get off your high horse. fall off is fine with me.

  • Love 9
3 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

The Sam/Jason stuff was legit some of the most boring scenes I have ever watched in my entire life. BM wants out. Bad. He is almost at JT levels of bored. And he's still 100% playing Jake Doe even though supposedly Jason has all his memories back. This story blows.

Oh good, it's not just me then.  BM has been horrible in this role since day one.  He hasn't connected with the material or the actors, and considering this was a HUGE moment in the Jakeson story, I expected . . . I don't know . . . emotion from him.  At least Kemo was crying.  

34 minutes ago, testardo said:

Alexis has no room to talk. 

She really doesn't, and although it was heartbreaking to watch Alexis' life crumble today (great job in the acting), she does this all.the.time.  She picks the wrong guys and then expects them to change.  Alexis won't accept the guy for who he is, and as a result, she always loses.  Carly, as despicable as some find her (although I love her) has a happy marriage for the most part because she's as amoral as Sonny.  She's fine with his actions, and she is usually just happy that Sonny got through the day without killing someone, but if she has to burn evidence or lie on the witness stand?  No problem.  Alexis always want the guy to change for her.  You can't change them, Alexis!

  • Love 8

I thought Alexis did a good job. Showing her coming to grips with what she has done for her love for Julian. He did a good job of being scary and creepy. Of course my boyfriend is at the door to help her get away from him. :)

So, Julian did have the drug addict killed? Is that right? 

I was also underwhelmed by Jason and Sam. 

  • Love 1

Julian's a douche, but he has a point: what kind of sicko keeps the weapon that murdered their mother?

Carly and Finn are just, IDK. Forgettable. I'm biased: I like him way better with Tracy. And I can't stand Carly. But I've been trying to give it a chance, and there's just something that should be there, that isn't. And I've said that before, but it's the best explanation I can come up with as to why I don't find their scenes interesting. Eh.

I'm trying to think of something truly interesting that happened today, and I'm coming up empty.

  • Love 1

At least Kemo was crying.

Was Jason ever really a crier with Sam? I'm trying to remember specific instances where he had tears with her. I wanna say it was rare, like when Jake "died." 

Regardless, I see what people are saying about the scene being underwhelming, I just don't think it's specifically Billy's fault. The writers, from Ron to Jelly, ruined this story from the get-go. Not only emotional-wise, but in a "What happened?" way. Did Jason lose his memories from the car accident or was it Helena? What was the conditioning? So he could just kill for her? Why did Helena want Sam dead? Because of Alexis? How did Robin enter Jason's brain to fight the conditioning but not anyone else? How was Robin the only person Jason ever "recognized" by face (when he saw her picture at her home) but he never recognized Sam or Liz? Why did Faison ever give a crap about Jason?

I could go on.

  • Love 11
4 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

Maybe I'm just in a good mood for some reason but I thought today's show was pretty decent.

I did too, but I apparently liked stuff that NO ONE else liked. I liked that Julian had zero fucks to give. He rightly told her that she knew what she was getting into when she came back to him. She can't keep pretending to be surprised. She's been with Sonny, Jerry, now Julian. Vomit that Sonny's come to rescue her.

I didn't mind Amy. I mean yeah, she was unprofessional and rude and gossipy, but it was kind of refreshing in a way.

Weirdly, I liked Liz today. I'm not really sure why. I think BH is just good with kids or something. I couldn't see any other reason.

Finally, I liked the Jasam stuff. There, I said it. I guess I don't have very high standards. I thought Billy's whispered "I love you" was sexy as hell.

So no one thinks that I've gone insane, Sonny and Carly were as disgusting and vile as ever. I seriously cannot believe that this is what we're going to be seeing every single day until MB fucking quits (which will be never, damn it), or the show gets cancelled. This is why I hope for cancellation.

Previews: LUCY!!!! It's about god damn time.

Edited by tvgoddess
  • Love 7
6 minutes ago, tvgoddess said:

I liked that Julian had zero fucks to give. He rightly told her that she knew what she was getting into when she came back to him. She can't keep pretending to be surprised. She's been with Sonny, Jerry, now Julian. Vomit that Sonny's come to rescue her.

I've always liked that about Julian. My favorite scene of his is shrugging when he gets busted on being Julian Jerome and not Derek Wells. 

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, dubbel zout said:

They were already in the hospital. I don't think letting him go down the hall to the doctor's office is negligent parenting. Like Jake himself said, he's been there before.

I have an 8 yr old and I know that I would have walked her to the office and acknowledged that she was with the Doctor before going back to my conversation wth the local serial killer.  But I fully admit to being a helicopter parent so I'm weird that way! 

Hated new Amy.  Shell's Amy was a gossip but she wasn't an out and out bitch.  This one has been a bitch from the first day we've seen her.  There are enough people in this town that are bitchy, I really don't need another one.  

  • Love 5

Can someone cart Anna and Alexis off to be roommates at shadybrook? I nominate Sonny their BFF b/c he'd be my hero if someone gives them both some Haldol.
 I did LOL when Sonny said he could tell Alexis knew the truth about Julian by the look in her eyes....translation... the RACOON look OF her eyes.

I go back and forth on Julian but it was cold blooded to say those guys deaths would mean nothing if Julexis marriage imploded. wow just wow.

Is everyone going to just forget that witness was never real? Now everyone is acting like Julian is the devil for having a real witness OD. Dude was a plant the whole time.

How old is DNAJ about 8-9. Who lets an 8-9 y/o see a psychiatrist alone? Liz spending like 30 mins allowing Franco to badger and undermine her rights as a parent was hard to watch and I don't usually mind Franco. She has no problem being a stone cold bitch to other women but she acts like she OWES Franco...girl pleaze.

I'll be glad when Finn kills that loud mouth Amy and Franco gets blamed(ya'll know that is coming right?)

Finn continues to be a weird odd sore thumb...why is he here again?

I like Sam and Jason and think BM has some cute subtle quirks but that trip down memory lane was a little flat. The romance part was cute though.

Edited by Cattitude
  • Love 2

I think the worst part about this Julian-Alexis deterioration is that for a few months there, I was actually warming up to him being apart of the Davis Clan. I've never particularly cared for Julian, but he's been a little more likable to me around the Davis girls (and of course, Leo and Lucas). 

Edited by teenj12
  • Love 1
12 hours ago, HeatLifer said:


Was Jason ever really a crier with Sam? I'm trying to remember specific instances where he had tears with her. I wanna say it was rare, like when Jake "died." 


I don't think Jasus cried but he got teary-eyed every time they had a fight 


Regardless, I see what people are saying about the scene being underwhelming, I just don't think it's specifically Billy's fault. The writers, from Ron to Jelly, ruined this story from the get-go. Not only emotional-wise, but in a "What happened?" way. Did Jason lose his memories from the car accident or was it Helena? What was the conditioning? So he could just kill for her? Why did Helena want Sam dead? Because of Alexis? How did Robin enter Jason's brain to fight the conditioning but not anyone else? How was Robin the only person Jason ever "recognized" by face (when he saw her picture at her home) but he never recognized Sam or Liz? Why did Faison ever give a crap about Jason?

I mean, YES to all of those questions. And I don't think these asshats are going to answer any of them. This is right up there with "Jake's alive!111! *commercial break* Helena!" in terms of shitty storytelling

I don't think the Jason/Sam scenes were bad; they were just....bizarrely normal - like a couple having a conversation about their day instead of the culmination of a story that has gone on FOR OVER A FUCKING YEAR. 

FFS! It's like some sort of negative genius - their ability to smother any moment that might have the least bit of drama. It's a soap! How do FV and the coma twins still have jobs?

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 8

NuAmy has no charm and isn't needed. I think NLG did a great job showing her rage but it really was OTT with What Happened to Baby Jane? thrown in for good measure. I did have one question. Do you think it was written that NLG/Alexis would have to search Julian's jacket 20 times before finding the bloody handkerchief or she couldn't find it and they just let the cameras keep rolling? She was crying over and over and it seemed to go longer as she was searching the jacket. It just seemed funny to me. 

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Oracle42 said:

I don't think the Jason/Sam scenes were bad; they were just....bizarrely normal - like a couple having a conversation about their day instead of the culmination of a story that has gone on FOR OVER A FUCKING YEAR. 

FFS! It's like some sort of negative genius - their ability to smother any moment that might have the least bit of drama. It's a soap! HOw do FV and the coma twins still have jobs?

That's the perfect way to describe it. Their conversation was too normal. Him telling her that "I remember" was too normal. I still think he should have remembered himself at his non-wedding to Liz and just went OFF on her and punched Patrick in the face, but nooooo.

  • Love 7
9 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

This interpretation makes Anna's insanity more palatable tbh.

I thought of you when I saw them, of course!

Maybe I'm just in a good mood for some reason but I thought today's show was pretty decent.

The Sam/Jason stuff was legit some of the most boring scenes I have ever watched in my entire life. BM wants out. Bad. He is almost at JT levels of bored. And he's still 100% playing Jake Doe even though supposedly Jason has all his memories back. This story blows.

The second-hand embarrassment in the Alexis/Julian scenes was overwhelming. I was legit cringing.

I'm sorry but BH's gap/missing tooth is seriously so distracting for me. Every time she opens her mouth wide enough to see it it's all I can think about lol. I loved her top and shoes. And Liz was ok today except for that fact that she's basically a terrible mother and also that she should kill Franco yet she continues to spend time with him. Liz, girl, get a life!

Sonny was enjoyable. Sometimes MB's inability to remember even the simplest of lines is such a joy.

I continue to enjoy Finn. I even liked the Carly/Finn scenes. I hate myself.

We all have flaws..

Elizabeth has a life, but Franco apparently does not and she is now stuck with his worthless ass since RoHo is still on this show and FV clearly refuses to get rid of the character.

  • Love 6

Franco hiding Jake from the mother who thought he was dead for years gives me hope they won't make them romantic after all. Leave me to my dreams, people.

alexis couldn't figure out what Julian was gonna do as soon as he lit the fireplace? She probably thought he was starting some role play.

cattitude, Finn is here because the producer really likes him some Easton, sigh. Although I do like him with Monica and Tracy.

does Tracy have Leo in the previews?

Edited by ulkis
  • Love 3
2 hours ago, yowsah1 said:

All I can think of when I see how incredibly dull, lifeless and boring those two are together is, "They trashed Liz for nearly an entire year for this?!?!"

Preach.  BH and BM sizzled from day one and the show had to trash Elizabeth for another round of mumbling, stumbling and wannabe PI's?  

I wonder if BM plans on re-signing with this show?!

2 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

That's the perfect way to describe it. Their conversation was too normal. Him telling her that "I remember" was too normal. I still think he should have remembered himself at his non-wedding to Liz and just went OFF on her and punched Patrick in the face, but nooooo.

Only if Elizabeth could reiterate all of the times Jake Doe did NOT want to know his past life and tell him to STFU and have a stadium full of seats.

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, ulkis said:

Franco hiding Jake from the mother who thought he was dead for years gives me hope they won't make them romantic after all. Leave me to my dreams, people.

alexis couldn't figure out what Julian was gonna do as soon as he lit the fireplace? She probably thought he was starting some role play.

cattitude, Finn is here because the producer really likes him some Easton, sigh. Although I do like him with Monica and Tracy.

does Tracy have Leo in the previews?

Elizabeth does not need Franco in her life at all.  However, FV is clearly throwing shit (Franco) at Elizabeth, because the character has bombed and the man refuses to let RoHo go.

  • Love 2
11 hours ago, HeatLifer said:

That's the perfect way to describe it. Their conversation was too normal. Him telling her that "I remember" was too normal. I still think he should have remembered himself at his non-wedding to Liz and just went OFF on her and punched Patrick in the face, but nooooo.

It was ridiculous.

BTDubs, I have all my memories back, my permanent amnesia was magically cured!- Soooo, brunch? 

Instead of playing to BM's strengths and the writers limited abilities by giving Jason back some of his memories, we're going to watch this team of hacks pretend there's no difference between SBu/BM versions of Jason

Edited by Oracle42
  • Love 5
32 minutes ago, NutmegsDad said:

Franco brings in a dog for Jake and Monica has a conniption about animals in the hospital.

Finn mentioned brining his bearded dragon into the hospital and Monica is all hunky-dory and wants to all the kids to visit it.


Right, Show. Riiiiiiiiiight.

Freako shouldn't even be allowed in the hospital unless he's in a bed dying after being stabbed repeatedly. 

  • Love 9
15 hours ago, Darklazr said:

Once again Sam gets to say she made lots of mistakes, but the fucking show will NOT allow her to list each mistake one at a time!  

To what end? The worst things she's done were a decade ago and Jasus knew about them when he married her. The potential for drama was in him encountering their past while he didn't remember it. 

  • Love 6
11 hours ago, dubbel zout said:

I've always liked that about Julian. My favorite scene of his is shrugging when he gets busted on being Julian Jerome and not Derek Wells. 

Not going to lie.   I loved that scene too.   That and when he just shot that one guy at the pier without a care in the world.   It was then that I thought "Finally,  a real villain I can get behind.  I'm sure he gets his own towels.  Carries his own ladies upstairs. "  Then he started that no carb bs and the sweater crap.   They neutered Jules, and for what?   A stupid fan army?  Look what ships of love do?   They ruin everything.   I like Will DeVry playing evil again.  I also love that he towers over Mo.   It pleases me.  

And I do miss the epic bromance between Carlos and Julian.   Alexis knows nothing.  They were bros.  And it was beautiful.   Dammit.  

Edited by Chairperson Meow
  • Love 10
7 hours ago, P3pp3rb1rd said:


If it is a South African honey badger, all bets are off!!

If Monica ever gets a fox, eagle, wolf, or bobcat in the Q mansion.... well then that long awaited payoff Sonny has deserved shall come to fruition.  The dragon (well, bearded dragon) is a very powerful ally.   Watch your back, Badger.  

1 hour ago, NutmegsDad said:

Finn mentioned brining his bearded dragon into the hospital and Monica is all hunky-dory and wants to all the kids to visit it.

Well, at least we're getting to see Monica.

And, BTW, what was the deal with needing 2 space heaters for the lizard? It's already been established that the lizard is not being allowed free range of the hotel room. I know a lizard owner should provide a heat lamp for his or her pet, but that's something that gets attached to its cage/tank/contained living space. Do the writers do any fact-checking? Sheesh! It's the little things like this that take me out of a story and make me start backstroking back to the barge. 

Edited by rur
  • Love 1
4 hours ago, sunnyface said:

BH has chemistry with everyone from an 8-yr-old to a serial killer to day-player cop to new nosy nurse. 

You're not wrong. Even in yesterday's horrible scenes with Franco I was still like, "You know what, BH and RoHo do have great chem." Still, writers, that doesn't mean Liz should fuck with Franco. It's just gross on so many different levels. If they actually hook them up romantically now after he's kidnapped her child again I don't even know. Liz is already pathetic enough.

  • Love 4
16 hours ago, peachmangosteen said:

The Sam/Jason stuff was legit some of the most boring scenes I have ever watched in my entire life. BM wants out. Bad. He is almost at JT levels of bored. And he's still 100% playing Jake Doe even though supposedly Jason has all his memories back. This story blows.

I continue to enjoy Finn. I even liked the Carly/Finn scenes. I hate myself.

Oh, man, the S/J stuff was great--if you're an insomniac and desperately need a solid eight hours that right there would put you right out.  

Jason: Blah, blah, blah...memories.  Corset.  Hit head.  All good.

Sam: OMG, OMG, Jason!  Our life.  Our love.  Hit head bad.  Hospital now.

Jason: No, no, no.

Sam: Yes, yes, yes.

Jason: OK.


God help me but Dr. John McBain Silas Easton is so enjoyable to watch.  Finally ME's dry delivery has met the right character.

  • Love 9

Carly being smug is bad enough, but when they pair it with her whining about how worried she is about Sonny and how he needs to let the cops handle things - mobisbadcakes. She's just downright pathetic. Which of course is how they write all the women on this show, but I wish she'd at least get back to being love to hate for me. And I don't care about this storyline with Finn. Talk about boring and putting me to sleep. I don't understand why they didn't just write Silas like this, but I guess it was Ron back then. But still. I wish he would go away and take his stupid lizard with him.

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