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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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What was annoying about that scene is that, IIRC, they had the right idea, giving Michael some dialogue about being part of and valuing both families and they really should have just left it at that instead of Michael launching into a spirited boot licking.


Yup, they always take it a step too far. It's like, we KNOW. Trust us, writers, we. know.

The more they dig in on this Michael/Sonny shit the more I stick to YouTube edits for anything. That's what made me stop watching in September, and the show was pretty unbearable overall.


It's weird. Whenever I peek into some Sonny fanfirst thread they don't even seem to like him (Michael) even when he's sucking up to Sonny. So I have to think this "bond them! bond them hard!" stuff is indeed coming from MB or FV or both. (And I say this even though I am wary about blaming MB for stuff, because I feel like that's a slippery slope that'll end with me tweeting him, "AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT STEFAN GOT KILLED OFF TOO.")

Edited by ulkis
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Ugh, shut up Lulu. I really want her to find out that Nik tried to have Hayden murdered and see what her reaction is then.

Her father is Luke Spencer and her father in law is Sonny Corinthos.  I'm guessing she won't blink twice about it.  Plus she'll be all, "she deserved it because she's Rachel Berlin"  


Is it weird to anyone else that every character who finds out that Hayden is Rachel immediately says, "Raymond Berlin's daughter?".  Unless they've personally been affected by the guy, would they even know who he was?  ONce, just once, I would like someone's reaction to be, "who?" like normal people would.  I mean, I've heard of Bernie Madoff, but if someone was introduced to me as Jane Maddof, I wouldn't immediately say, "Bernie Madoff's daughter?"  

Edited by Perkie
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Her father is Luke Spencer and her father in law is Sonny Corinthos.  I'm guessing she won't blink twice about it.  Plus she'll be all, "she deserved it because she's Rachel Berlin"  


Is it weird to anyone else that every character who finds out that Hayden is Rachel immediately says, "Raymond Berlin's daughter?".  Unless they've personally been affected by the guy, would they even know who he was?  ONce, just once, I would like someone's reaction to be, "who?" like normal people would.

The only person it seemed that would even care would be Scotty lol.

On Two Broke Girls, the character Caroline's father, also headed some sort of Ponzi scheme. While I don't watch the show much (though the chem between the two leads is very good), it seems that all that really happened is that Caroline now has to work as a waitress and start her own business. She can't change what happened and is moving on with her life. 

Does the show think they are making me believe Finn is shooting up drugs (as in heroin)?  I don't know if it is an experiment or experimental drug as he has some condition that is not otherwise treatable but not for a second do I think he is doing drugs to get high.  They need to just spit it out already - it's stupid to drag it on at this point.


I don't think Jason can look any other way - for all we know, he was tap dancing on the inside when Tracy thanked him, impossible to know what he is ever feeling about anything - 


The Sonny and Carly bed scenes?  Ick and boy, you could see just how much crap they have put on her to make her look orange - you could see the part of her arm that didn't have that crud on it and wow- have they gone nuts with that stuff.  Not just her - 

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Is it weird to anyone else that every character who finds out that Hayden is Rachel immediately says, "Raymond Berlin's daughter?".  Unless they've personally been affected by the guy, would they even know who he was?  ONce, just once, I would like someone's reaction to be, "who?" like normal people would.  I mean, I've heard of Bernie Madoff, but if someone was introduced to me as Jane Maddof, I wouldn't immediately say, "Bernie Madoff's daughter?"  


Didn't we hear some nonsense that Rebecca Budig was suspecting of being an active participant?  I think that might be why people would know her name.  But of course, if she was that infamous, people would also have recognized her the minute they saw her.

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Everyone but Tracy sucked today. EVERYONE.


Yea really. Well, Kevin didn't suck. Kevin never sucks imo. The day they ruin Kevin will be the day I, I don't know, get really angry.


Nikolas passed on his case of the mumps to Monica.

STOP! I am rolling this is too much!


Please stop catering to that one person in the audience who is freaking out just because Michael hangs with the Quartermaines once in a while.


Why are they bending over backwards to cater to the people who think Sonny is God's gift? I really don't get it. They have fucked over the fanbase of virtually every other character.


Why do they feel the need to show Finn injecting himself in basically every ep he's in? Like we get it! 


As you all probably know I despise LW's acting when Carly is happy. It honestly sends me down such a dark path. So this episode was really hard to deal with. Please pray for me.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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As you all probably know I despise LW's acting when Carly is happy. It honestly sends me down such a dark path. So this episode was really hard to deal with. Please pray for me.

The fake laugh is the worst.  I would rather listen to Sonny praying about what a good man he is or hear Franco go on about his damaged DNA than hear that "HA HA HA" ridiculousness.

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I'm just watching clips from yesterday, and I was pleasantly surprised by seeing something that could pass for legitimate chemistry between Kiki and Dillon; and I was actually intrigued and would like to see more scenes between them.  It's weird because I've been on the negative side of indifferent when it comes to both characters.

Edited by drtslim
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So for real, I keep watching bits and pieces on YT of shit I can be bothered with and I know I'm weeks behind but Griffin and Anna still have all the wrong/right sexual chemistry while also being very sweet and heartwarming. It's wrong and would be so sinful, but it would also be great drama. Oooohhh I dunno.


If they were smart they'd pin sweeps on that shit: Obrecht goes crazy and decides to kill Anna's surrogate son/future bedmate! Robin and Emma are in town for the Nurses Ball and have to help Anna take her down!


Also: I am not there yet but if Kevin and Laura start anonymously 'Internet dating' like it's 2000 and this is ChristianMingle I'm gonna kill myself

  • Love 5

So for real, I keep watching bits and pieces on YT of shit I can be bothered with and I know I'm weeks behind but Griffin and Anna still have all the wrong/right sexual chemistry while also being very sweet and heartwarming. It's wrong and would be so sinful, but it would also be great drama. Oooohhh I dunno.


Sure you say that now but look what you said in 2009* and look how that turned out**


I never did think about the art connection with Franco and Liz. That could be very interesting as well; unfortunately it would entail linking Jason and Liz again in story, and GH/ABC will never do that.



*I was looking in the Franco thread for something before and saw that post - I was looking for a way to segueway into that so thx so much


**but for real I do agree Anna/Griffith could be decent.


ETA: Oh, it's Griffin. Whatever!

Edited by ulkis
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In 2009? Really? Back in the era with serial killer Franco as an unequivocal villain, and Guza/Frons GH where Jason/Liz was the forbidden zone and not an endless hellscape which has destroyed her character? That's a whole different thing and you know it!


Also it's segue. The vehicle is 'segway.' Pick a lane and stick with it!

Edited by jsbt
  • Love 1

Also it's segue. The vehicle is 'segway.' Pick a lane and stick with it!


you learn something new every day. 


In 2009? Really? Back in the era with serial killer Franco as an unequivocal villain, and Guza/Frons GH where Jason/Liz was the forbidden zone and not an endless hellscape which has destroyed her character? That's a whole different thing and you know it!


IT'S TOTALLY THE SAME. Just like Anna is totally the same as Faison because she didn't killed Carlos! or something.


I miss that forbidden zone, sigh.

Edited by ulkis
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"Danny....Danny...our son." Really, show!? Couldn't have Jason mention his son first and not need a reminder of his existence? Not that I'm surprised bc the show doesn't remember Michael was the love of Jason's damn life. I've hated Michael since BIRTH and it just offends me. Do better, show.


Show doesn't remember Lulu would be pissed on Tracy's behalf and not wah wah about Hayden taking ELQ away from Nik. blergh all around.

  • Love 9


I'm wondering if Jason and Sam going to Florida to deal with finances is just a throwaway thing or if this will lead to something bigger.

Sams not going. It's probably just another out for Billy to take some time off.

I guess miles do indeed vary because I really liked the way Billy played Jason's reaction to Tracy...he seemed uncomfortable with it, but also choked back some emotion. It was subtle and well done, IMO.

That last JaSam scene cracked me up though....dirty dirty innuendos galore.

  • Love 9

I just watched today's episode. Michael needs help. Just a lot of help. Take a break from banging Sam and help Michael, Jason. The dude is looking to Sonny and Carly as his role models for love and probably all life. He's probably going to end up banging Ava too and then sending the tape to Sabrina, who probably has him listed in her phone as "Stalker". Was one stint in jail not enough, Michael? Stalking is illegal. It's not romanti. In fact, all of the things your "parents" do are not romantic. They are illegal and creepy. Also, if you have to speak to your parents like you're a parent explaining you'll still love them after the new baby is born, then your parents are not role models. Oh and lol, please Sonny, please get into a battle of wits with Dr Michael Easton so that he can call you "an adult- sort of" too.

  • Love 4

What in the world was with that little key toss that Jason did in the beginning of the episode?! I have so many questions: Was it in the script? If so, did he rehearse it? Do you think it took him more than one take? And if it was scripted, why did they put it in - to kill a couple of seconds? If not scripted, is Billy trying to put out some kind of subliminal message to save him from the storyline? ["Watch me spin these keys because I'm slowly losing my mind with these writers!"] I just, sometimes you really need to focus on the inane to get through this crapfest.


Aw, you lost your appetite, Sonny and Carly? Good. Now you know how I felt having to watch you two spout delusional drivel and then cuddled up in bed. Heinous. Grotesque. And how the hell would Carly know what people use to iron?


Ugh, Lulu. Your brother is GROSS. Stop trying to paint him as some victim.


Sam looks really good in red. And that's pretty much all I've got for today. Kevin/Laura wasn't bad, although all the tech talk sounded a little weird and forced.


Previews: Is it weird if I think that Ava looks absolutely ridiculous in that hat, but that Maura looks kind of adorable?

  • Love 6

What in the world was with that little key toss that Jason did in the beginning of the episode?! I have so many questions: Was it in the script? If so, did he rehearse it? Do you think it took him more than one take? And if it was scripted, why did they put it in - to kill a couple of seconds? If not scripted, is Billy trying to put out some kind of subliminal message to save him from the storyline? ["Watch me spin these keys because I'm slowly losing my mind with these writers!"] I just, sometimes you really need to focus on the inane to get through this crapfest.

Hahahaha. I imagined SBu watching in horror.

  • Love 3

Does FinnSilasMcbain not own any socks?   Is removal of socks a requirement before shooting up?  No matter how desperate he is for a hit, the socks must come off first.

I dunno. Usually the people on Intervention aren't wearing pants, so I didn't notice the pants. We're lucky the writers never watched that show because if so, Finn could be walking on sunshine.

This line from Sonny legitimately made me laugh for the right reasons. "Michael's coming. He'll want to talk about Sabrina. It's fine I guess." He was like, "if we must suffer through it." That's the least he deserves.

This week's lessons:  Sonny is a hero.  Jason is a hero.  Weird doctor is a junkie.  Ex spy/police commissioner/wonder woman is an attempted murderer.  A young CEO craves the approval of one of the most violent thugs in this nation. #freedrmattanddrstephen

  • Love 3


I'm wondering if Jason and Sam going to Florida to deal with finances is just a throwaway thing or if this will lead to something bigger.

Wish I could endorse these two as a couple, but just not a sam fan. I like BM with other people, but I have never jumped on the Sam wagon.She's always playing with her hair and yadayadaa just annoys me. She's probably a good enough actress, just don't like her character. Hayden is getting on my nerves as well, I don't like the way she lordes her verbiage on everyone.  Jane elliot is great. Leslie Charleston but she looks like she has either had too much surgery on her face, or is on steroids because her face is way too round.  She was however a dynamo in her earlier  years on the show.

  • Love 5

What was annoying about that scene is that, IIRC, they had the right idea, giving Michael some dialogue about being part of and valuing both families and they really should have just left it at that instead of Michael launching into a spirited boot licking.

And the writers do the same thing, it seems, with Lulu and Valerie.  How many times does Lulu have to apologize to the woman who HAD the affair with her husband?  The writers WON'T.LET.IT.GO.  The same seems true of Michael and Sonny/Carly.  It's like he can't have a freakin Quartermaine moment without the writers thinking "Oh wait, let's insert his love for Sonny and Carly so that no one thinks he loves one family more than the other."  (insert major eye roll)  I will never understand the writers and why they can't seem to understand how to write soap characters.

  • Love 6

The same seems true of Michael and Sonny/Carly.  It's like he can't have a freakin Quartermaine moment without the writers thinking "Oh wait, let's insert his love for Sonny and Carly so that no one thinks he loves one family more than the other."  (insert major eye roll)


And conversely, Michael isn't allowed to talk about AJ or reminisce about him or wish he was still around because, if he did, it would shine a big bright light on this unforgiveable thing that Sonny did.  I mean, Michael referring to it as "everything that happened" yesterday?  Gross.

  • Love 12

This week's lessons:  Sonny is a hero.  Jason is a hero.  

Same as it ever was.  Also under same: Jason is becoming as annoying and obnoxious for me as he used to be.  I had liked that Billy was playing him different, but every since Jason has suddenly decided "Oh, Jason like Sam, Jason bang Sam now" he's become insufferable.  

  • Love 5

And conversely, Michael isn't allowed to talk about AJ or reminisce about him or wish he was still around because, if he did, it would shine a big bright light on this unforgiveable thing that Sonny did.  I mean, Michael referring to it as "everything that happened" yesterday?  Gross.

Oh yeah, AJ has been removed from all dialogue if you notice.  It's the thing that happened that no one can ever speak of, and it drives me crazy.  It would be SUCH a better story if Michael was still holding that grudge, even if he was on speaking terms with Sonny, that there still remains this underlying tension between them.  Unfortunately, something must have happened (perhaps viewers dislike) that Michael was no longer part of the Corinthos clan and so the writers, first under RC and now with this new regime, have just whitewashed AJ's murder.  So now the writers want everyone to now forget, hence the constant ambiguities of the thing "that happened."  Yeah, we KNOW what happened!  I am still thrilled that Michael was overjoyed to get ELQ back (although I wish it had been him and Tracy to do it and not Jakeson) and still loves his Q family.  I was happy to hear him tell Sonny that he is a man who loves and exists in TWO families.  Now I just need Michael to have a storyline that doesn't involve babysitting every freakin member of his family.


Same as it ever was.  Also under same: Jason is becoming as annoying and obnoxious for me as he used to be.  I had liked that Billy was playing him different, but every since Jason has suddenly decided "Oh, Jason like Sam, Jason bang Sam now" he's become insufferable.  

I never liked BM's version of Jakeson, and I still don't, but I can't change it.  I do wish that there had been more of a reaction from BM when Tracy gave that heartfelt mention of her "daddy smiling down on him."  It was a poignant moment, and BM basically played it like "Yeah . . . whatever.  See ya later."  


I was actually surprised at how much I liked Kevin and Laura yesterday. 

Can I just say how THRILLED I am to see JL playing Kevin Collins on my GH screen again.  PLEASE tell me that he is sticking around for a storyline because I would much rather see more of him than Lucy Coe.  Kevin Collins is sexy as hell, and I do love how him and Laura look together, and I wouldn't mind them getting romantic.  God, when was the last time either one of them had a romantic storyline?

Edited by Bishop
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I was actually surprised at how much I liked Kevin and Laura yesterday. I don't want or need their scenes to be romantic, but I thought it was going to be boring and/or awkward, and it wasn't. woo!


This is me.


Also, I'm not sure if it was here or on Twitter, but someone mentioned how fun Lucy and Scotty's reactions to seeing Kevin and Laura interacting will likely be and I totally agree.

Edited by TeeVee329
  • Love 8

Same as it ever was.  Also under same: Jason is becoming as annoying and obnoxious for me as he used to be.  I had liked that Billy was playing him different, but every since Jason has suddenly decided "Oh, Jason like Sam, Jason bang Sam now" he's become insufferable.  


I mean, to be fair to BM - and he drives me nuts - that's all he's getting to play. As nutty as he drives me - and as soon as he started growling out his words in his first scene with Sam I was all "gaaaaaaah" -  at least he acts like he likes sex.

  • Love 3
Kevin Collins is sexy as hell, and I do love how him and Laura look together, and I wouldn't mind them getting romantic.  God, when was the last time either one of them had a romantic storyline?


If that was a chem test I thought they passed with flying colors.  Genie looked quite pretty and Jon's turned into a silver fox.  I'm in.  And I say this as someone who likes Lucy and Kevin.


And not to be indelicate ... oh never mind, why not ... Laura needs to get laid.  She has all those years she was a wig on a stick to make up for.

Edited by amaranta
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I mean, to be fair to BM - and he drives me nuts - that's all he's getting to play. As nutty as he drives me - and as soon as he started growling out his words in his first scene with Sam I was all "gaaaaaaah" -  at least he acts like he likes sex.

Well it helps when you're dating your co-star.


If that was a chem test I thought they passed with flying colors.  Genie looked quite pretty and Jon's turned into a silver fox.  I'm in.  And I say this as someone who likes Lucy and Kevin.

I don't care for Lucy and Kevin anymore, and Lucy broke his heart.  She needs to see what she gave up for a while.  I hope that the writers aren't going to put Lucy and Kevin back together in a quick minute.  Lucy: "Please forgive me."  Kevin:  "Yeah, okay."  Ugh.

Edited by Bishop
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