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Episode Discussion: TFGH

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I don't recall her ever asking Jason to leave the mob, but my memory sucks lately.  Am I forgetting something?  But that actually makes your argument MORE valid, IMO, since she NEVER had an issue with the mob before, so being outraged now is just dumb





I wish I didn't because it always led to the most idiotic arguments between them, and they certainly didn't need the help. But Sam would whine at Jason about the business being too dangerous, and she also hated him being at Sonny and Carly's forever beck and call. We all see how she kept pushing him towards turning his life around and becoming a better man for it... why Ron decided to make Sam have issues with the mob suddenly and solely because of her father, Julian, is just...it's laziassness, that's what it is. Straight up laziassness.


Yes, Sam can be a hypocrite but if my baby almost got blown up I would be mad too. I think its different when it involves her kid. Like when she was mad that Jason beat McBain up when her baby "died".




That I get, but from the beginning, when all Julian did was save his grandson's life, before he even knew he was, Sam has held Julian's mob connections against him, which has just baffled me.


She wasn't exactly kicking Jason out the door when she found out the truth about Danny, regardless of the danger he pretty regularly brought home with him, it just-to me it's another way they try to establish this "good mobster" vs. "bad mobster" bs and of course Sonny is always the "good one" and everyone else is a horrible monster who puts their families in danger and shouldn't be trusted, etc.

Edited by CPP83
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Obama's special remarks will pre-empt the rest of the show, most likely, so I'll post this now. Can a nice West Coaster give us a rundown on what happens during the last 15 minutes?

Hee, I was coming to ask the same thing of a nice West Coaster or a wonderful Canadian.

I watched but couldn't give you much detail. I remember seeing Ava's gray on gray walls, Carly's gray & white walls, the white walls at the Art Studio & Silas' gray ways.

I did like seeing the non gray walls at Sam's & Nic's. I enjoy the SamTrick scenes to.

Edited by BestestAuntEver

Dare we hope Sonny was referring to his latest unborn spawn and not Ava herself?

Of course Ava will be dumber now - she slept with Sonny and it's a well-known medical fact that that gives you brain damage.

Britt is truly too stupid to live at this point. Have they even given a reason why she feels she must absolutely, desperately get Nik back, by any asinine means available? Is it just about winning out over Liz?

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Does Julian have no men to watch his very, very fine ass? Come on BAMF Julian, why don't you have men??


I know they took your Shawn away, Carrrrrlos, but really he can't have an extra back up for his back up? Where's Julian's Max? This is such bs, no mobster in such a position of power would have such nonexistent security, unless Ron is in charge. Stupid Ron.  As if Julian and Sonny's men couldn't have had a bit of standoff before they agreed to talk, knowing they can't kill each other anyway. Jeez...


You're right Sam, having a father in the mob can mean bad things happen to you and your family, but having a husband in the mob means the same thing. But of course it isn't as if Jason ever caused Sam and her family any grief or pain or potential death by guns or bombs or her friendship with Sonny or...oh wait.


Shut up Sam. She's been in bed, literally, with the mob for nearly a decade and yet she wants to get huffy over Julian's affiliation as if it's so shocking being in the business can be risky. And does she have selective memory and has conventionally forgotten she went after Jason a few times to quit the business for her, just as Alexis did with her father? Just-stop making her annoying, Ron, stop it right now.


Oh and you opened the door to Silas' apartment Sam so stop your whining about seeing Silas and the Nina kiss. She could have/should have texted him and went home, by god she irked today, just irked all over. And then they stuck Patrick on top, still unshaven and smug looking, gah.


THIS is truely a thing of beauty. I want to marry it, or at least take it out for a good dinner and show.

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I love the way that Sonny expects the people that he threatens to kill to be OK with it and not do anything to avoid said shooting.




It's all about what's easiest on him as usual.


And speaking of being easy on him, if notLuke wants Sonny out of the way so badly why is he spending so much time trying to kill off Julian's family members than just, you know, taking out Sonny?


Why not plant a bomb in his office at the Metro Court, or his car, or kidnap one of his, I hate to say it, "loved ones" or having a sniper take him out, just to name a few examples. Ron is so busy patting himself on the back for all the dated one liners he doesn't seem to care that the idea notLuke would spend so much time, energy, and effort to keep Julian in line when he could have crushed Sonny months ago defies logic and purpose, especially if you're dealing with mob types.

  • Love 7


I love the way that Sonny expects the people that he threatens to kill to be OK with it and not do anything to avoid said shooting.

So true. According to Sonny, Julian should say, "To hell with not being shot and to my grandson! I am not a coward. Shoot me Sonny!" I guess Ava should just hand over her baby after birth for her shooting as well. 


Why does Sonny think that Julian hasn't shot him yet? He's being protected by his relationship to Alexis and Sam as well. Stop hiding behind them, Sonny! Take your shooting like a man! If only, right?


I actually enjoyed Julian acting as if Sonny was not a real concern. I even liked the look for panic on Sonny's face when Julian mentioned that Sonny shot AJ -- some actually acting there. I also enjoyed Ava -- she actually acted as if she was in the mob as well. Yeah, she was being shady but I don't expect anything less from folks in the mob.

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"hey, I was kinda hoping to keep your sister a virtual prisoner for 8 more months. So, can I, like, have her back? Or I'll threaten to kill you? Again, some more?"




*Snort* What I loved also is that Sonny ended up threatening Julian's kneecaps, because he can't kill him due to needing to be a donor for Danny apparently, but that doesn't do a damn thing about his mouth you miniature donkey's ass.


Julian just gleefully told him that he knows he killed A.J., and even if he has to sing that from the rooftop of GH on crutches it'd be a perfect ace in Julian's pocket to bring everything crashing down on top of Sonny's head and he wouldn't even need the recording really, one look at Carly and Franco would be enough for anyone to put the pieces together.


Sonny is a complete joke and not even a funny one.

  • Love 3
You're right Sam, having a father in the mob can mean bad things happen to you and your family, but having a husband in the mob means the same thing. But of course it isn't as if Jason ever caused Sam and her family any grief or pain or potential death by guns or bombs or her friendship with Sonny or...oh wait.​



I must be running a fever, because I found myself almost entertained during the Franco/ Spencer scenes.  

  • Love 1

Not that it means anything to Ron, but the subject of storing bone marrow was broached by Silas months ago. It's experimental and Julian was all set to do it until sonny threatened to kill him. Then he said he would always be here if Danny needed more marrow, but wouldn't donate it for storage because then sonny could just kil him without worry. It's what started Sam being all 'ooh Julian is the meanest meanie who ever meaned, and I want no part of him!'

Well apparently pigs CAN fly, because for the first time ever there were scenes with Franco where I actually like HIM more than whoever else he was with.  As vile, as repugnant, as utterly odious as I find Franco to be, Spencer is even worse.  It's wrong, in the real world, of course, to hate children the way I do this fictional horror, but MAN this midget creep is just awful.  When that actor grows up, he's going to be suing Ron C. for pain and suffering.  Anytime TIIC feel the need to thin the herd in PC, no arguments from me if they dispense with some of the younger crowd as long as this little twerp is at the head of the line.


MB should really be demanding that he not be in scenes opposite William deVry.  It's just not fair.   How did they not see that having Mini-moobster Orange Glow threaten to shoot Julian's kneecaps looked more like that was as high as Sonny could reach, rather than anything else?   Sonny yelling at Julian reminds me of Henery Hawk giving Foghorn Leghorn a hard time.  "Go 'way, boy, ya botha' me!"


Now if Show would do us all a favor and just complete the conversion of FakeLuke and Spencer from human beings to Bobble Head figurines, things would be on the upswing.


Oh - by the end of next week, won't pretty much everyone in town know that Sonny shot AJ?

  • Love 8


Not that it means anything to Ron, but the subject of storing bone marrow was broached by Silas months ago. It's experimental and Julian was all set to do it until sonny threatened to kill him. Then he said he would always be here if Danny needed more marrow, but wouldn't donate it for storage because then sonny could just kil him without worry. It's what started Sam being all 'ooh Julian is the meanest meanie who ever meaned, and I want no part of him!'


Even if Julian isn't murdered he's going to (hopefully) die before Danny does. What if the cancer returns then? He could always have the procedure done in secret and have the bone marrow stored somewhere. If Sonny were smart (LOL) he would have Julian kidnapped and get some mob doctor to perform the procedure. Then he could kill Julian and still have the marrow if ever needed.

  • Love 1

Then he could kill Julian and still have the marrow if ever needed.


Sorry if this is in poor taste, oh who am I kidding I'm killing off the entire cast so nope not sorry. When I read this I kept picturing Sonny sitting beside a big plate of bones, picking one up and sniffing it(like a cigar) saying it's mine good marrow is all mine!


Is it worng in an episode full of supposedly bad scary mobsters, Britt and Spencer were more horrifying than the bad guys. Having 1/2 the town searching and making Nikolas lose his mind just to "win a man"? Who thought THAT makes for a good story? oh wait Ron.......

  • Love 4

Well apparently pigs CAN fly, because for the first time ever there were scenes with Franco where I actually like HIM more than whoever else he was with.  As vile, as repugnant, as utterly odious as I find Franco to be, Spencer is even worse.  It's wrong, in the real world, of course, to hate children the way I do this fictional horror, but MAN this midget creep is just awful.  When that actor grows up, he's going to be suing Ron C. for pain and suffering.  Anytime TIIC feel the need to thin the herd in PC, no arguments from me if they dispense with some of the younger crowd as long as this little twerp is at the head of the line.


MB should really be demanding that he not be in scenes opposite William deVry.  It's just not fair.   How did they not see that having Mini-moobster Orange Glow threaten to shoot Julian's kneecaps looked more like that was as high as Sonny could reach, rather than anything else?   Sonny yelling at Julian reminds me of Henery Hawk giving Foghorn Leghorn a hard time.  "Go 'way, boy, ya botha' me!"


Now if Show would do us all a favor and just complete the conversion of FakeLuke and Spencer from human beings to Bobble Head figurines, things would be on the upswing.


Oh - by the end of next week, won't pretty much everyone in town know that Sonny shot AJ?


except the keystone cops. Why isn't carlyand Franco in jail for stealing AJ's phone. When they got caught they had destroyed evuidence.Plus put Spin in jail with them,and Maxie can have her daughter.OOOOH sorry lost my head  . forgot this is GH where the mob rules.

I love the way that Sonny expects the people that he threatens to kill to be OK with it and not do anything to avoid said shooting.


And if they do try to avoid, you know, dying, they are the worst people to ever live. 


Cause O. and Brad were telling her to go for it.


That's par for the course for Britt.  Her mother tells her she wants Patrick, she wants Patrick.  Now her mother tells her she needs to go after Nik, she's going after Nik.  I think even her initial interest in Nik was because Nik was attracted to her.  I don't think we've ever seen her, on her own, decide she's interested in a guy.  She's just very suggestible. 

  • Love 3


Even if Julian isn't murdered he's going to (hopefully) die before Danny does. What if the cancer returns then? He could always have the procedure done in secret and have the bone marrow stored somewhere. If Sonny were smart (LOL) he would have Julian kidnapped and get some mob doctor to perform the procedure. Then he could kill Julian and still have the marrow if ever needed.


It wouldn't do Sonny any good to kidnap Julian for his bone marrow. There is no procedure to do this, Silas was going to use Julian's bone marrow on an experimental basis hoping to come up with a viable procedure that would allow bone marrow to be stored like blood. Sonny, of course, ruined that experiment along with everything else.

Edited by linsav

It wouldn't do Sonny any good to kidnap Julian for his bone marrow. There is no procedure to do this, Silas was going to use Julian's bone marrow on an experimental basis hoping to come up with a viable procedure that would allow bone marrow to be stored like blood. Sonny, of course, ruined that experiment along with everything else.

Somebody should kidnap Sonny ,and do a lobotomy on him.Anything would be an improvement. Now that Julian knows Danny is his grandson he would give bone marrow.Julian is a mobster but sonny is a scummy killer .He has shot so many characters in cold blood someone needs to take him out FOREVER.

  • Love 2

She better not be coming back.  She really really better not be.


I wouldn't mind Courtney coming back if the scene went like this:


COURTNEY (takes a hesitant step onto the docks, wonderingly):  "I'm... I'm back.  And I'm alive.  (Joyous) I'M ALIVE!"


[Not-Dead A.J. walks up, shoots her dead, kicks her body into the harbor]


A.J.:  "Peace out, bitch."

  • Love 7

On OLTL an extremely important bag of blood was toted around for weeks (months?), unrefrigerated and certainly not monitored as to its viable-ness. I do not remember the outcome of the story.


I can't believe I'd forgotten the bag of blood and the fur coats.  Ron does love a good WTF medical story.   Maybe Michael will kill off his old imaginary friend and Alice will get her heart. 

  • Love 1

Last 15 minutes:

Spencer blackmailed Franco to not go to the police or he will tell Carly about the attempted email hacking.

Sam telling Patrick that she's going to go to the clinic where Nina was to find more answers, then the camera panning on a picture of Jasus.

Britt lying to Nik's face again right before she left a message for Spencer to call her back.

Nina standing up and showing Silas all about her miraculous progress.

Ava telling Julian she is working for his boss now too.

Edited because they freaking autocorrected Jasus!

Edited by twoods
  • Love 5

It wouldn't do Sonny any good to kidnap Julian for his bone marrow. There is no procedure to do this, Silas was going to use Julian's bone marrow on an experimental basis hoping to come up with a viable procedure that would allow bone marrow to be stored like blood. Sonny, of course, ruined that experiment along with everything else.


This is not what I remember.  I remember Julian refusing to go through with the experimental procedure because he wanted to hold his bone marrow over Sonny's head a la Ava's fetus  as a kind of life insurance policy, which I remember being the original--and in my opinion justified--source of the friction between Sam and Julian.  Julian refused to even try to bank his marrow for his grandson.

Edited by Rancide
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I remember that too, but didn't we later get a scene of Julian telling someone that he actually had secretly banked the marrow?  


Or was that just the show in my head - - the same show where Julian is secretly WSB?


I don't have any memory of that, which doesn't mean it didn't happen.  I admit to being a frequent ffer, especially when it comes to the mob.  What I do remember was Sam getting a lot of flak for not being more receptive to her "father" after the big reveal, which I didn't think was fair because what I am sure of is that even if Julian did somehow secretly bank his bone marrow, no one has yet told Sam about it, so as far as Sam knows, Julian's still the guy who's using her son's health as a personal bargaining chip in a war with Sonny. 

  • Love 2

Last 15 minutes:

Spencer blackmailed Franco to not go to the police or he will tell Carly about the attempted email hacking.



You have GOT to be kidding me. Tell me an 8 y/o boy is NOT holding the whole town hostage over his stupid "broken heart"!

I think Spencer is the REAL kingpin of GC(ETA: oops sorry wrong show I meant PC)! RME/SMH

Edited by Cattitude
  • Love 3
Julian refused to even try to bank his marrow for his grandson




I'll reply to this in the history thread.



Nina standing up and showing Silas all about her miraculous progress.




I saw and...it's on the move, god help us all...


Now she'll be able to flail and twerk and jerk and spasm at will and leap tall buildings in a single bound. Can't wait.

Edited by CPP83
  • Love 9

You have GOT to be kidding me. Tell me an 8 y/o boy is NOT holding the whole town hostage over his stupid "broken heart"!

I think Spencer is the REAL kinpin of GC! RME/SMH


he is Sonnys nephew. HIs sons are not in the mob but poor Spencer has the Cassidine and Corintious genes.He will probly end up being the don.If the show lasts that long.

I really enjoyed yesterday's partial episode.  I thought that the acting by Julian and Ava really kicked ass compared to the Sonny (and Carly) crapfest that we've had to endure for far too long.  Luke, and a non-depressed Patrick and non-depressed Sam also represented some real solid soap acting by veterans.  It was a pleasure to watch.  Nina and Silas also 'clicked' for me as an attractive middle-age married soap opera couple (ME's nose has been a major distraction for shallow me).  Even RH seemed to enjoy his scenes with the obnoxious 8-yr-old.  Stuff like lighting, sets, script, editing and directing flowed seamlessly.


The Corinthos family been a blight on Port Charles and this soap opera.  Even though I hate the violence that is glorified by focusing on the mob, at least Julian can hold a gun without his hand shaking and can spit out his lines without my having to resort to 'closed-caption' to understand what he is saying.

Edited by sunnyface
  • Love 5

Thanks for the last 15 minutes, twoods.


Julian's still the guy who's using her son's health as a personal bargaining chip in a war with Sonny.

As I commented in the history thread, anytime anyone has something to hold over Sonny is fine with me. Also, shouldn't Sam want Julian to stay alive because, you know, he's her father?


Hopefully Shawn can accidentally take out Spencer while aiming at someone else. Ugh, Spencer is such a twerp. Sorry, Ron, but you don't have a little Starr/KA in that kid.

  • Love 4

I just finished watching yesterday's show.  I mostly enjoyed it. 


The Good:


Yay for Samtrick, even though their conversation was kind of boring. 


God help me, but I enjoyed Franco and Spencer.  I'm still SO angry about the whole Franco mess because every time I bring myself to watch one of his scenes (mostly the ones without Carly) I find RoHo utterly charming.  I could totally 'ship him if he were playing anyone else.  And I don't mind the kid playing Spencer or the writing for him as much as some others.  He's on a tad more than I need for any kid that age to be on, but whatever. 


Brad and Britt continue to be awesome.  I like Britt.  The woman playing her is not a very good actress, but in a rare moment of good judgment the show seems to be doing a good job of working around her limitations.  The perpetually confused and sad face she wears works well with her role as a hopeless, ineffectual schemer.  It works MUCH better than when they had the actress trying to be a vixen seducing Patrick.  It's a good match for Brad, who also does ineffectual and dorky scheming very well.  The two of them are like the grown up version of Revenge of the Nerds.


The awesome:


Julian and Ava.  God, I love these two together so much.  They make GREAT frienenemy/siblings.  I could watch them bicker all day.


The WTF:


Silas and Nina.  Who plays strip poker with a woman who is in love with him but who he doesn't want a relationship with?  Mixed signals much?  Also, I like ME just fine, but I really don't need him removing his clothes, please and thanks. 


Did not watch:


Sonny.  Always Sonny.


  • Love 4


I wish I didn't because it always led to the most idiotic arguments between them, and they certainly didn't need the help. But Sam would whine at Jason about the business being too dangerous, and she also hated him being at Sonny and Carly's forever beck and call.


I am going to take this over to the history thread.


Just watched the last 15 minutes, gee do we think SamTrick are going to have a "close encounter" with Jason??  Ron is so very subtle.

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